Tuesday, October 25, 2011


  • That which is unreal, that is duality, cannot contradict truth, nonduality. It cannot be counted as an adversary of nonduality. The illusion cannot, 'oppose' the substratum, reality. It can at best lead to the mistaking of the substratum. Perfect understanding is the only way to overcome the ignorance.

    Nonduality is the ultimate undeniable Truth. Realization presupposes a state where there is ignorance about that Truth. That such is not the reality is evidenced by the possibility of transcending the ignorance. When this is achieved it would be clear, that all the three states are mere mirage created out of consciousness. The one which is aware of these three states, which comes and goes is neither waking entity nor dream entity. It is the consciousness, which is within the three states and also it is without the three states.

    The waking or dream is state of ignorance. When one becomes fully convinced of the fact that, the consciousness is the true self, the ignorance vanishes and reality revels itself. So, it is only in this realm of the ignorance the universe exists as reality. When this realm of ignorance itself is known to be false, the body, ego, thoughts, feeling, perception are also false. The Only Truth is nonduality, which is the true nature of the consciousness, which is ultimate truth.

    Spiritual maturity is required for nondual wisdom to arise. Seeker will be able to understand, assimilate as he moves on deeper inquiry, analysis and reasoning. Through perfect understanding, and assimilation the nondual wisdom arises.

    The yardstick is getting rid of ignorance by knowing and realizing the consciousness as self. The truth is known only as a proof to the person concerned. For others it is only doubt. Ignorance, Knowledge, is known directly for the person concerned. If ignorance has vanished, then there is nondual wisdom.

    When the seeking mind realizes the ultimate reality, it has abided into the consciousness, which is its true nature.

    By realizing the three states are mere mirage created out of consciousness; one is free from the illusory, birth, life, death and the world. In the realm of ultimate reality has no seed of ignorance thus there is no duality. For when a unreal superimposed on a real has merged in the real on the discrimination of the real and the unreal , it does not appear again to those discriminating people, just as before, from the impressions of past persisting in the intellect.

    Wisdom destroys ignorance from its very root. However, there will be the 'impressions' of the past perception of duality even after realization after truth.
    This is required for the physical apparatus to continue in the world within the illusion. Impressions require a locus and thus the physical apparatus is continuing. The body is required to support the world and the body cannot exist without the world, because the body and the world appeared together and disappear together as illusion.

    When the reason based on consciousness is developed and one is able to view and judge the worldview on the base of consciousness as self, then he has the yardstick to discriminate between the real and unreal. The reason based on consciousness as self once gained will not go away despite the physical conditioning persisting.
    Deliberate suppression indicates identity with the physical entity. If one suppresses his conditioned attributes than that suppressed conditioned attributes would definitely come out in one way or the other.

    Even though the truth is realized had, even though the ignorance has been dispelled, the three states will continue to appear to him and he will be interacting/reacting thru the ego, which will be driven / supported by the physical conditioning.

    Nonduality is not a theory; it is the Absolute Truth. One has to view the worldview on the standpoint point of consciousness as self, then there no conflict.

    Deeper inquiry, analysis and reasoning are the one that leads to the non-dual truth. Consciousness exists always and without undergoing any change. The three states are none other than the consciousness, because their formless substance and witness is consciousness. One has to understand the difference between the states of ignorance and state of reality.

    There is the distinction between states of ignorance and state of reality. The formless witness, which is consciousness, as differentiated from the state of ignorance.

    For the realization of the true of the Self does not tolerate any distinction. The consciousness is second to none. It is the formless substance and witness of ignorance, which appears as mind, when the ignorance vanishes through wisdom it alone, as non-dual existence. There is no scriptural Authority nor scriptural teaching, no pupil, nor training. There is neither YOU nor I nor the Others nor this universe.

    The scriptures and teachings belong to the realm of ignorance. They do not have a distinct existence in the ultimate truth. All scriptures, including those directed at teaching the means for liberation belong to the realm of ignorance.

    Any formulation being illusory because it is object of cognition external to consciousness - have been generated by the very mirage , which gives rise to the illusion of universe of wonderful variety in all animated and unanimated objects.
    The mind is an illusion. The word 'nonduality ' itself is only relative. The word is used only to distinguish this from concepts like 'duality '. A realized one will not see any object [three states] as absolutely real. He might use one or the other or a combination of several to help others who might seek his help. All thoughts and words lose their identity in the ultimate truth that is no thoughts or words by itself.
    Non-duality is the ultimate truth and it is not a theory. Ultimate truth is ever the Truth, Reality, never to be negated, never negatable.

    The formless ‘witness’, is consciousness never, fades, since it is indestructible. The consciousness is, one without a second. Consciousness, which is Infinite, is ultimate truth. Consciousness is the formless substance and witness of the illusion, which is in the form of mind. Consciousness is the true self. Consciousness never goes out of existence.

    Non-duality is not a theory; it is the ultimate truth that transcends all theories. It is only to guide the seekers towards the ultimate Truth, the words are used. Seekers goal should be to realize the ultimate truth.
     ·  ·  · September 27 at 1:37am near Dharwad

  • The knowingness arises because of consciousness. Consciousness is without words. Mind rises unknowingly and unsolicited from consciousness. The knowingness is possible only in the realm of the mind. The mind appears as universe in which man experiences the birth, life and death. One has to hold on to the formless substance and witness[consciousness] of the mind and learn to reason on the base of the consciousness as self , then only one will be able to unfold the mystery of the mind ,which contains the Universe; ego, body and of everything else.

    In the process of this revelation, one becomes aware of the fact that the self, which is consciousness, is not confined to individualistic personality but to the whole universe, which is in the form of the mind. The whole universe is nothing but mind. The mind is mere mirage created out of consciousness. Therefore the man and the universe are mere mirage on the ultimate standpoint.
     ·  ·  · September 27 at 1:26am near Dharwad

  • Consciousness is the innermost self. Consciousness is ultimate truth. Consciousness is hidden within the mind; the mind rises waking or dream and subsides as deep sleep.

    Individuality is mere illusion on the standpoint of consciousness as self. All individual experiences are happenings within the mind, are mere illusion. Therefore birth, life, death and universe are mere illusion because they are mind itself. The illusion [mind] appears as waking and dream and disappears as deep sleep [soul].

    The consciousness is the formless source of the illusion from where the mind rises and subsides. The consciousness is also the formless substance and witness of the illusion. Therefore there is a need to find the source of the mind to realize the formless source, which consciousness is the true self. On the standpoint of the source the three states are mere mirage created out of the consciousness. Thus, there is no second thing exists other than the source, which is consciousness.

    The source of all problems is the mind. If mind is there all the problems are there. Therefore, there is a need to understand “What is mind?” What is the substance of the mind?, in order to discover the un-contradictable truth.

    The nature of truth is to be free from contradictions. One approaches nearer and nearer truth as he finds less and less contradictions. The only thing which is so free is non-duality'. 'This may be achieved at first, in lightning flashes, in fleeting momentary glimpses, but later this must be established into permanency. One should stabilize them through constant reflecting on the nature of the true self, and through the constant reminder that the mind [universe] is not separate from consciousness, which is the true self.

    It is not enough to grasp the intellectual truth of non-duality'...'As the man of realisation knows the three states are mere mirage created out of the soul, which is in the form of consciousness and he knows no difference between mind and soul. He knows the truth of universal self-identification. Any kind of difference means contradiction. And in duality there is always contradiction. But in nonduality there is no second thing exist other than the consciousness. If one thinks there is another entity, whether man or God, there is no truth. The consciousness is ultimate truth.
    In Consciousness [true self] in which the mind [waking or dream] rises and subsides like waves in the ocean.

    There is no benefit of exerting mental effort on the base of ego. Thoughts arise, one identifies with his thoughts and this, then, defines his experience. But he is ignorant of the fact that the thinker and the thoughts are within the mind, which appears as waking or dream and disappears as deep sleep.

    So many thoughts arise and one is lost in them obsessed with them without him even knowing it. So many worries and troubles constantly arising and repeating, and though he may not be aware of all of them, he is none-the-less identified with them. The thoughts will not rise without ego. The ego is present only when the body and the world are present. The body and the world are present only when the mind is present. The mind is present only when the waking or dream is present.

    When the consciousness is identified with the physical body then the birth, life, death and the universe are reality. When consciousness remains in its formless true nature then the birth, life, death and the universe is mere mirage created out of consciousness. Therefore, it is necessary to realize the fact that, the self is not physical but formless to understand, assimilate and realize the nondual truth.
     ·  ·  · September 27 at 1:23am near Dharwad

  • The whole universe, which contains all the forms and things are created out of the self, which is consciousness and the self itself has no form therefore the self or consciousness is everything together.

    There is no division is possible in consciousness from the ultimate point of view. The division is mere illusion created out of ignorance. These things do not become clear until one has realized the fact that, the self is not physical but self is formless.
    The consciousness assumes different forms and shapes and things within the illusion and causes the sense of reality within the illusion.

    The ignorance of the consciousness, which is the true self, is the cause of experiencing the duality as reality. Only when the ignorance vanishes then these things becoming clear and one realizes the fact that, his ego, body and his experience of the universe are also created out of single stuff, which is consciousness. Therefore, there is no second thing exists other than consciousness. Thus consciousness is the ultimate reality.

    Self-knowledge is the end of the physical knowledge and goal of wisdom. Self- Knowledge has no human author because it has to be grasped mentally assimilated and realized. Self-knowledge is not set of dogma or theories. There is no scope for blind accepting anything as truth in pursuit of truth. In order to understand and assimilate and realize the ultimate truth one has to employ his reasoning faculty base on the soul [consciousness], which is true self.

    What is accepted without proper inquiry, analysis and reasoning will not lead the person to final goal. On the contrary such acceptance will result only in assumption, in somethingm which detrimental to one’s spiritual progress.
    One has to inquire in the nature of the mind, which is in the form of ‘I’. The mind represents the whole physical existence [man + universe]. One has to reflect on the subject over and over again until the conviction becomes firm.

    In the area of scientific knowledge one can bank on the discoveries of the inventor. But it is not so in pursuit of truth. If anyone says, some saint has discovered the ultimate truth in the past, we cannot say that there is nothing for us to do. Everyone has to discover a fresh for himself. That is why the nondual truth can never become accessible to everyone unless one discovers on his own. Each one has to testify from his own reasoning to the nondual truth.

    Inquiry, analysis reasoning is beginning of the seekers life. It should be followed by constant reflecting what he has grasped and assimilated. When it starts revolving within the subconscious what he studied – inquiring with the help of sharpened reason the inner dialogue starts. The ultimate truth has to be grasped through one pointed sharpened reason then only it is possible to realize it.

    Most of the nondual teachings are based on theoretical understanding based on the scriptures. But the nondual truth has to be grasped only through individual homework. Armchair theorizing is not the means to Self-Knowledge.

    The consciousness is the root element of the mind or universe. From the consciousness the mind or universe comes into existence. In the consciousness the mind or universe resides and into the consciousness mind or universe is dissolved. The consciousness is the cause of all that exists as universe [mind]. Consciousness itself is uncaused.

    Whatever existed in the past becomes non-existent in the present. Whatever existing in the present becomes past in the future. Therefore, the past never becomes present and present never becomes future. Therefore, the past, present and future are time bound. The past, present and future are based on the form. Without the form there is no time and no space. The form and space exist within the time. If the time ceases then the form and space also ceases.

    Only the consciousness, which is the formless substance and witness of the past, present and future is permanent and eternal.
     ·  ·  · September 27 at 1:21am near Dharwad
  • One has to know first the self is formless, because everyone speaks of the self on the base of form [ego] as self. The ego is not the self. The ego is the false self. When one considers the physical body as self the ego is formed.

    The soul, which is in the form of consciousness, is the real self. The real self has no form, but all things, forms and shapes are created out of the self, which is consciousness. Therefore, the self has no individuality because it pervades in everything and everywhere in all the three states. When one limits the self or consciousness as individual then there is ignorance. When one identifies the self or consciousness as the whole universe, which is in the form of mind then the ignorance vanishes.
     ·  ·  · September 27 at 1:18am near Dharwad