Monday, February 7, 2011

The words are mere tools of communication within the illusion.

The words are mere tools of communication within the illusion. Whatever one calls it, it is just to indicate something beyond, which cannot be approached or named, because the words, thoughts and experience is made out of the beyond. The beyond is within the the mind and it is without the mind. There is no use of finding the meaning of words. One has to indulge in knowing the truth, which words fail to covey, but it can be grasped through deeper inquiry ,analysis and reasoning. When the ultimate truth is realized, all the words and thoughts and experience become one with the stuff, from where they have erupted. Thus, thoughts experiences and the world are created out of single stuff, which can be called soul/spirit or whatever.................

The soul or consciousness, the innermost self is the subject, not an object

The soul  or consciousness, the innermost self is the subject, not an object. The  three states the three states are an object to the formless subject(soul). All moments, change, difference, conflicts  and experiences are happening within in the object. The subject is apart and unaffected, because it is  formless and it is not an entity or identity within the object. Until one considers the ego or waking entity  as self or the subject, it leads to intellectuality or egocentricity. And one thinks the form is formless; formless is form within the object.

When the wisdom dawns one becomes fully aware there is nothing ever existed, noting exists, and nothing is going to exist other than the formless soul or consciousness. Therefore, the experience of diversity( mind or waking or universe) is mere mirage, which appears and disappears as mind. Within the mind, the man perceives the world. Nothingness is the nature of the soul or consciousness, the innermost self.

Nothingness (Soul or consciousness) is the formless substance and witness of the mirage (three states). Realizing the fact that, the soul is the self, and then the mirage [ignorance] vanishes to its unadulterated non-dual nature. The one who is writing and the one who is reading  this blog is part of the mirage. The beyond is within the mirage and it is without the mirage.

The man becomes enlightened when he is Self-Realized.

The man becomes enlightened when he is Self-Realized. We cannot find a better word in English other than the Self. Only a man in quest searches for the ultimate  truth or Brahman. When he searches the truth in all the books, all the teachings, all religion, all the scriptures and yoga and glorifying the gurus and god and fails to find it, than  finally he realizes the fact that, there is nothing left to investigate other than his Self. Thus, he starts his Self-search  and realizes the fact that, the” Self” is not physical but it is the formless  soul or Spirit. Thus, he becomes aware of the fact that, the Self he was identifying with his physical body with the name is not the self, but the formless knower of the body with the name and of the world, is the true Self. 

When this realization happens then the physical existence (body + world) becomes mere mirage. When the self is identified with the physical body with the name then it is called ego or physical self or waking entity. Therefore, one has to realize the fact that, the ego is the false self within the false experience(waking). Whatever, seen, known, believed experienced on the base of ego or physical self or waking entity  is bound to be falsehood.

The love, action  and conceptual god is part of the falsehood. The ignorance of the true self ( soul or spirit or consciousness)  is the cause of experiencing the birth, life and death as reality. Getting rid of the ignorance and realizing the fact that, misery and pleasure are mere mirage on the standpoint of the soul or consciousness the innermost self. Truth realization or Self-Realization.

The average man does not indulge in truth pursuit and it is difficult for him because he is stuck to his inherited belief system and his worldly life and circumstances. Only those people who are serious, sincere, who has urge to know the truth and receptive will indulge in truth pursuit. Truth is not individual property, it is universal, and anyone can realize it, on his own without any teacher or teaching, if his inquiry and reasoning is well directed.

The truth pursuit is a personal journey; it is nothing to do with the other people who have accepted the physical self and physical existence as reality. Truth cannot be bought in the market, it has to be discovered, assimilated and realized, by discovering what is falsehood, because, the truth is hidden within the falsehood as its formless substance and witness. Therefore, the average man who views the world with the physical eyes will not be able to realize the fact that, he and his experience of the world are mere mirage on the standpoint of the formless  soul or consciousness the innermost self. Thus he believes god, world and his physical body as reality and also experiences the birth, life , death  and the world as reality. The individual experiences within the waking experience is falsehood, therefore they are nothing to do with the ultimate truth. The religious truth and worldly truth are individual truth limited to the waking experience, not universal.

Until and unless one learns to view the three states on the base of the formless soul, the innermost self , he will remain experiencing untruth as reality. Truth is not reserved for anyone, it is available to the whole humankind if they are ready to come out from their physical reservation and burn the accumulated knowledge based on the physical self or waking entity or ego.

Atman or Soul is the ultimate truth or Brahman .

Atman or Soul is the ultimate truth or Brahman.  The soul is in the form of consciousness. The Soul is self-evident. It is not established by extraneous proofs. It is not possible to deny the soul, because It is the very essence of the one who denies It. The soul is the basis of all kinds of knowledge, presuppositions and proofs. Soul is the true self. Self is within, Self is without; Self is before, Self is behind; Self is on the right, Self is on the left; Self is above and Self is below.

Soul, the innermost self is not an object, as it is invisible, beyond the reach of the eyes. Soul, the innermost self is whole, infinite, changeless, self-existent, self-delight, self-knowledge. It is essence. It is the essence of the knower of the physical existence. It is the formless witness of the three states.
Soul, the innermost self  is supreme and it is impersonal, without attributes, formless, , immutable, eternal and. It is above all needs and desires. It is always the Witnessing Subject. It can never become an object as It is beyond the reach of the physicality because it is prior to physicality. Soul, the innermost self  is non-dual, one without a second. It has no other beside It. It is destitute of difference, either external or internal. Soul, the innermost self cannot be described, because description implies distinction. Soul, the innermost cannot be distinguished from any other than itself.

The belief system is based on physicality. One has to dismantle physical structure mentally by realizing the fact that, the self is not physical but it is formless soul or spirit, to overcome all conflicts and move towards the universal truth. Until one thinks body is one thing and world is another he will remain in ignorance. Only when he becomes aware of the fact that, the body and the world both are created out of single stuff, then there is unity in diversity in his understanding.

The reality is beyond words.

Soul or Atman is only which is permanent, unchanging in the ever changing three states is reality. Everyone hears of Soul or Atman or Consciousness but they can only imagine it. 

One requires words only to distinguish between is there and not there, but he can't posit either of Reality, because his saying so is only an idea within the experience of duality, not reality. The reality is beyond words. Words are of use, however, as a thorn to pull out the thorn of other words that hinder knowledge.

Intellectually knowing the truth is only an imagination, whereas realizing the non-dual truth is knowing it as such.

People think that, by keeping out their thoughts will give experience of Atman or consciousness, which is the true self. How can one keep out a portion of consciousness his waking experience? It is utterly impossible. Such thoughtless experience is mere hallucination.   It is impossible to   experience any of the three states without consciousness, because the consciousness pervades in all the three states, as their formless substance and witness. Thus all the three states are mere mirage created out of consciousness, thus everything is consciousness.  Therefore, no second thing exist other than consciousness in the experience of diversity.   Knowing the diversity is created out of single stuff, which is consciousness, brings unity in diversity.

The thoughts arise only in waking or dream, and are non-extent in deep sleep. Thus the experience is prior to thought.

The yogi has got the idea of duality and therefore cannot realize truth. His experience of bliss is not Atamic Bliss is something one has to experience, therefore it will have to go as it came; hence it is only part of the illusion or duality. Yogis seek bliss through ignorance. 

Intuition always implies knowing something, hence a second, hence it is rejected as duality. Even if it is intuition of the infinite, of bliss, God, etc., it is still a pointer to duality. Therefore the means to universal truth, i.e. Non-duality is not intuition, not mysticism but reason.

Yogis think meditation or actions which are other than Atman it is fundamental mistake. The very idea they concentrate on is itself Atman and hence needs no special effort. Yogi practice yoga as an individual within the false experience, thus he takes his body and the world as reality, thus yoga will not yield non dual truth.

It is impossible to treat one’s mind as different from Atman. The self- awareness i.e. consciousness must be there prior to the waking experience in which the yogi and the world exist: therefore it is a fallacy to believe that any yogic exercise can get self- awareness or self- knowledge. 

The consciousness is within the three states as its formless substance and witness therefore it not correct to say consciousness is only within the physical body. One must know that consciousness is in everything and everywhere in all the three states. One has to realize the fact that, his body including all that he sees as universe is also is consciousness. 

Ultimate truth is the summit of Non dual wisdom. It is the viewpoint of anything as reality, non-dual, whereas the religion deals with the relation between two things. 

If God exists, as he does for religionists, and exists separately from them, then there is duality, which always implies contradiction.

The Self is indeed Brahman, but through ignorance people identify it with intellect, mind, senses, passions, and the elements of earth, water, air, space, and fire. This is why the Self is said to consist of this and that, and appears to be everything. - Brihadaranyaka Upanishad

Wisdom can only remove one’s own ignorance; it does not bring a new thing, for realize the truth here and now. 

Self-Realization is the highest and is the only tool to freedom. Non duality is the true wisdom. In non-dual wisdom there is no second. One has to realize the fact that the self is not the form but self is formless.

The test of truth is to be able to realize the fact that, all the three states are mere mirage created out of consciousness. Constant reflection is necessary during the early stages of this path.  One has to learn to view and judge the worldview on the base of the formless [soul] as self, and drop the old habit of viewing and judging it on the base of form [‘ego’], which is the false self.  

The soul is in the form of consciousness. The consciousness pervades in everything and everywhere in the universe, which is in the form of mind. The mind appears as waking and dream and disappears as deep sleep. Consciousness is in the rock which is crumbling, in the grass which is growing and then decaying, in the yogi who is meditating, the religionist who is immersed in devotion; there is consciousness because the whole universe is created out of consciousness.

The religionist thinks his devotion will pay, yogi feels his yogic Samadhi will yield fruits. They do not realize they ought to go beyond and thus know a higher truth to overcome the duality. The unity in diversity is not possible until one has the perfect understanding of the self.

The perfect understanding cannot arise until one is receptive receive self-knowledge. One will not become receptive to self-knowledge until he drops the religion, concept of god, scriptures, yoga and all inherited beliefs. 

Truth -realization may be achieved at first, by perfect understanding, but later this must be stabilized into permanency. And as the Gnani knows the three states are unreal and the formless substance and witness of the three states, which is the Ataman, which is in the form of consciousness is the true self. And consciousness is real and eternal.

Gnani knows there is no difference between the mind and its substance. Gnani knows the universal truth cannot be individualized.

If God exists, as he does for religionists, and exists separately from them, then there is duality, which always implies contradiction. But on the base of soul as self God is an idea, a thought, an object within the experience of duality, therefore it is the part of the illusion caused by the false identification with ‘ego ’, which is the false self.

The idea of god ceases to exist without the experience of duality. Without duality there is no man, no world, and no god. The duality is reality only in ignorance. The religion and its idea of god is greatest hindrance in pursuit of truth, because it blocks once thinking process and will not allow it to think of the beyond.

When there are two, there is always contradiction, one theory contradicts another .One theory seems correct at one point of view, and the other at another point of view, both theories contradict; one cannot get un -contradictable results. Therefore dualistic views based on the ‘I’ as self is always contradictable and non dualistic views based on the soul as self is un- contradictable. 

One cannot find non-contradiction in this world/duality. On the standpoint of soul as self the God does not exist, because his existence implies that one is different from Him. Any kind of difference means contradiction. Nothing other than the soul/ Atman exists in reality. Non-duality means the negation of ignorance. 

Truth is not only that which is beyond contradiction, but also that in which is no possibility of contradiction. Such a state can only be realized as non-duality, where there is no second thing. The illustration for that is deep sleep but sleep is not the ultimate reality. It is merely an analogy. If one thinks there is another entity whether man or God there is no truth." This is understanding and realization of those who have inquired and reasoned on the true base.

Soul/Atman/Consciousness is only which is permanent, unchanging in the ever changing three states is reality. Everyone hears of Soul/ Atman or Consciousness and they can only imagine it. Constant reflection is necessary during the early stages of this path and it must continue mental effort through inquiry, analysis and reasoning on the true base, until one learns to view and judge the worldview on the base of the soul as self, and drop the old habit of viewing and judging on the base of ‘ego, which is the false self’. 

When people have a certain pleasure, they think this is nice and true satisfaction. The religionist thinks his devotion will pay, yogi feels his yogic Samadhi will yield fruits. They do not realize they ought to go beyond and thus know a higher truth to overcome the duality.  The unity in diversity is not possible until one has the perfect understanding of the self.