Monday, July 18, 2011

Self-Knowledge or Atma Gnana or Brahma Gnana cannot be attained by one who is without strength or earnestness or without the receptiveness

Self-Knowledge or  Atma Gnana or Brahma Gnana  cannot be attained by one who is without strength or earnestness or without the receptiveness and courage to accept the truth and reject the untruth. But if a serious seeker strives by means of inquiry, analysis and reasoning on the true base, he will be able to realize it.
By realizing Atman, the one become satisfied with that Knowledge. He establishes in the true self, and he is free from experiencing the duality as reality and he is in non dual tranquility. Such seeker ever devoted to the Self, behold everywhere the Atman.
Having well ascertained the Self, the goal of the Self- Knowledge or  Atma Gnana or Brahma Gnana  and having perfect understudying, the seekers, never relaxing their efforts, enjoy here supreme Immortality and at the time of the great end attain complete freedom in Atman.
When one realizes the fact that the causes of all the causes is uncaused; and views and judges the worldview on the base of the uncaused, then  everything of the experience of  duality, becomes one with the highest imperishable Atman, which is the Self of all.
As flowing rivers disappear in the sea, losing their names and forms, so one is freed from name and form, attains the Atman, which is greater than the Great.
He who knows the Atman as self verily becomes Atman. He overcomes the experience of duality; becomes one with the immortal Atman the innermost self. 

 Sri Sankara, in Bhaja Govindam says: - [Jnana Viheena Sarva Mathena Bajathi na Muktim janma Shatena] - one without knowledge does not obtain liberation even in a hundred births, no matter which religious faith he follows. 

The mind is in the form of Universe. Universe appears as waking or dream. Waking as it presents itself is unreal, same way as the dream. Thus waking or dream is simply illusion created out of consciousness.  To the man within the universe it is not an illusion because he has the conviction that he is an individual separate form the universe and he is born in this universe and universe existed prior to him.  Until this conviction is there he is bound to believe the birth, life, death and universe as reality.  Only in deeper self-search he becomes aware of the fact that, the mind is not within the body but body and the universe are within the mind.   And he also becomes aware of the fact that mind itself is the whole universe ,which appears as waking or dream and disappears as deep sleep. 

To think once own body and his experience of the world is an illusion is difficult matter, unless one realizes the self is not physical but it is formless soul it is difficult to have glimpse of truth.

When one realizes the fact that, the self is not physical but the formless soul, naturally the body and universe becomes illusion.

The mind  or universe emanating from soul or consciousness means the mind is being effect from consciousness is not different from it. Deeper analysis shows it. Analysis needs deeper thinking and reasoning. Mind is whole universe thus it has a form. But where is the form in consciousness (soul) because consciousness is like an ocean and mind is like wave.  The universe is same consciousness, as the ocean produces the wave, so the consciousness produces the mind (universe).

The moment one knows the mind  or universe  is consciousness, and then there is no ignorance. If one knows consciousness as self then everything is consciousness, the consciousness is second to none.  The mind is consciousness but due to ignorance one mistakes it for something else. One thinks the self is within the body; but the self is without the body and the world. 

Mind ceases to exist without the matter. Without the matter mind ceases to exist as mind but it exists as matter- less awareness or consciousness. Without the mind neither the world nor its perceiver can exist.

Without the matter there is no duality. Without duality there is no experience. Without experience it is non-dual reality. Therefore, whatever prevails without the mind is ultimate reality.

By the knowing of formless soul or conciousness the three states becomes known

 By the knowing of formless  soul  or consciousness, the innermost self  the three states becomes known.  Thus the formless knower of the three states is soul  or consciousness. Until one becomes aware of the fact that,  the soul is the true self, he is bound to believe that the waking entity is the knower and views and judges the world view on the standpoint of waking entity  as self, thus remains ignorant of the fact that, the soul or consciousness,which is the innermost  self.  
Only through Self-Knowledge  or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana one realizes the existence of  Imperishable soul or consciousness.  By means of the Self -Knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana   one  beholds in everything and  everywhere  soul ,which is present in the form of consciousness, which otherwise cannot be seen or seized, which has no root or attributes, no eyes or ears, no hands or feet; which is eternal and omnipresent, all—pervading and extremely subtle; which is imperishable and the source of  three states.
Ignorant, dwelling in ignorance, but wise in their own conceit and puffed up with vain scholarship, wander about, being afflicted by many ills, like blind led by the blind.  People, immersed in ignorance in various ways, flatter themselves, saying: We have accomplished life's mission. Because these performers of karma do not know the ultimate truth or Brahman  owing to their attachment, they will never be able to cross the ocean of duality or cycle of birth, life and death.
People regarding religious rituals, god glorification and sacrifices and humanitarian works as the highest, do not know any higher good. By expecting reward for their good deeds they remain in the clutches of duality and fully ignorant about the formless soul or consciousness, the innermost self. 
Gnani who is in non-dual  Self-Awareness, who lives as a householder/commoner  and never poses himself as man of knowledge, but helps and guides the serious seeker as a friend by inspiring them  until they reach their non dual destination. 
Gnani knows all and understands all and fully aware of the fact that, the experiences of the three states belongs to Atman alone. He assumes as the experiences of the three states (duality and non-duality). Formless soul or consciousness dwells in the three states as its formless clay. By the knowledge of that formless clay which shines as the blissful and immortal soul, the Gnani beholds  formless soul or consciousness the innermost  self fully in all things.

Awakening is nothing but a complete, perfect understanding and assimilation of what is what

If one thinks: "I know Atman or soul, the innermost self   well," then surely he knows but little of its form; he knows only its form as conditioned by man or by the concept of Gods. Therefore Atman  or soul, the innermost self  has to be grasped through soul-centric reasoning.
Atman or soul  is not known by those who know it; it is known by those who do not know it.  That is when one says he knows Atman; he is saying it as a person. The Atman or soul ,which is present in the form of consciousness  cannot be applied only to the individuality but to the whole experience (three states). But in reality the person and world created out of consciousness(soul or Atman), thus nothing exits other then consciousness. Thus if one says he knows Atman or soul  as a person, he is making a wrong statement. One must know Atman or soul  as the formless clay of the three states (whole).
Atman  or soul or consciousness is known when it is realized in every state of mind; for by such Knowledge one attains Immortality. By Atman or soul or consciousness  one obtains strength; by Knowledge, Immortality
If a man knows Atman or soul or consciousness  here, he then attains the non dual goal of his mission. If he does not know it here, he remains ignorance experiencing the cycle of birth, life , death and the world  as reality. Having realized the Self in every being, the wise relinquish the world and become immortal. 
To know the non-dual Reality, deeper thinking is required. The thinking faculty ceases and becomes still when it reaches the source of the mind. One has to realize  the fact that, from ultimate standpoint the waking entity is false self within the false experience.
 Where there is no experience then there is no duality where there no duality then there is no second thing exist other than the non-dual Self-Awareness.  Therefore seeker has to go deeper is self search   and trace and overcome the obstacles. For the sincere and serious seekers the inner Guru will guide until the ignorance vanishes and he becomes aware of the fact that,  the diversity ( mind or universe or Illusion) is mere mirage created out of consciousness (Atman or soul or consciousness).    

Waking experience in which a person perceives the world doesn't exists as real in reality because, everything is consciousness, and apart from consciousness there is nothing in the waking experience.

Whatever is thought of within the waking experience makes Him something other than what He is. When the waking experience ends, what happens? It is consciousness alone prevails without the three states.

Awakening is nothing but a complete, perfect understanding and assimilation of what is what. A clear cut understanding of a ‘what is what’ is awakening. Reality is not to be achieved; it is there as it is. After this perfect understanding assimilation and realization, nothing is required.

And we expect "awakening" to be some great, mysterious happening! "Reality is not to be achieved; it is there” as it is,  as unchangeable existence within the changeable illusion. 

Kabir views humanity as being caught up in illusion, searching for Ultimate Reality in all the wrong places, always seeking It outside of ourselves in various rituals, temples, forests and mountaintops, not realizing That for which we seek is already hidden within us. 

The ultimate truth or Brahman dwells within the three states like fragrance in the flower; Musk lies within the Musk-deer yet seeks it afar." Until one trace the truth within the three states the illusion of birth, life, death and the world is experienced as reality.

Atman is undistorted Consciousness.

 Atman or soul or consciousnesses, the innermost   Self is hidden and pervades in everything and everywhere in the three states as their formless substance and witness; but it is seen by Gnanis through their one—pointed and subtle intellects.
The serious seeker should merge his speech in his mind and his mind in his intellect by understanding the fact that all his experiences are created out of Atman or soul or consciousness.
Seeker has to arise! awake and learn to know the fact that the experience of  duality (waking or dream) is created out of formless  Atman or soul or consciousness, without understanding this fact , there is no unity in diversity. The path of truth is Like the sharp edge of a razor, so it is hard to tread and difficult to cross without perfect understanding and without the guidance of Gnani
Having realized Atman or soul or consciousness, which is soundless, intangible, formless, undecaying and likewise tasteless, eternal and odourless; having realized That which is without beginning and end, beyond the Great and unchanging—one is freed from experiencing the duality as reality.
It is through Atman or soul or consciousness  that one perceives all objects in sleep or in the waking state. Having realized the vast, all—pervading Atman, one enters into non dual tranquility.
He who knows the soul as true self, the formless  experiencer of  the three states, as Atman or soul or consciousness, free from experiencing the  past ,present and the future as reality.
Atman or soul  is undistorted Consciousness. He who meditates on Atman or soul or consciousness  is free from experiencing the pain and pleasure as reality, liberated from the bonds of ignorance; he becomes free from experiencing the diversity as reality.
The soul, when identifies with the body and dwelling in it by experiencing the duality as reality. If it is torn away from the body and its experience, is freed from it, what then remains?  Whatever prevails is non dual Atman or soul or consciousness.
The Atman or soul or consciousness , which remains awake while the sense—organs are asleep, shaping one lovely form after another that indeed is the Pure, that is Atman or soul or consciousness and that alone is called the Immortal. All three states are contained in Atman or soul or consciousness and none can pass beyond.

One has to attain Self- Knowledgeor Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana right now in this very life not in next world or next life.

Many people are not even aware what is Atman; though knowing of it, many do not comprehend. Only few expound the knowledge of Atman, is in the form of consciousness and consciousness is the innermost self.   And very rarely people  assimilate and realize the consciousness is the true self.  It is all because of their inborn samskara or conditioning  ,which is present as 'I'   and also  the inherited religious and social background and grooming.
 There is a need to dismantle the inherited physical structure mentally to overcome the duality. The whole physical structure is built on the foundation of the ‘I’. Since they think the ‘I’ as Atman, the innermost self, it becomes difficult to grasp and assimilate and realize the non dual truth.
The ‘I’, appears and disappears as mind [waking ir dream] is impermanent, hence it is not the self. The formless knower of the ‘I’ [waking or dream] is the true self. Since people think whatever is propagated by the guru/yogi as ultimate truth and blindly accept it as truth, without verifying the validity of their preaching. This blind acceptance becomes a big hindrance in pursuit of truth. If one is seeking truth, one has to verify the validity of any claim through inquiry, analysis and reasoning on the true base, and accept only un -contradictable truth.
Self-knowledge  or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana when taught by an unqualified person is not easily comprehended, because it is diversely regarded by disputants. But when it is taught by him who has become one with Atman,which is in the form of conciseness, there can remain no more doubt about It. Atman is  subtler than the subtlest and not to be known through argument.
Self- Knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana  cannot be attained by reasoning based on the ‘I’ (physical based). Atman becomes easy of comprehension, when taught by another. One has to attain Self- Knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana right now in this very life not in next world or next life.
Gnani, by means of concentration on the true Self, realizes that ancient, effulgent hidden and which dwells and pervades in everything and everywhere in all the three states as its formless substance and witness.
The knowing the true Self is not born; It does not die. It has not sprung from anything; nothing has sprung from It. Birthless, eternal, everlasting and ancient, it is not killed when the body is killed or when the world disappears.  If the murderer thinks he kills and if the killed man thinks he is killed, neither of these apprehends aright. The Self kills not, nor is it killed.
Atman(consciousness)  exists in smaller than the small, greater than the great, and is hidden in the three states as its formless substance and witness. A man who is free from viewing and judging the worldview on the base of ‘I’ beholds the Self through tranquility and becomes free from experiencing the duality as reality.
Gnani, having realized Atman as dwelling within impermanent states is bodiless, pervades the three states as its formless substance and witness and permanent and eternal.
Self-knowledge cannot be acquired by the study of the scriptures, or by intelligence, or by much hearing of sacred books. It is attained by him alone whom It chooses. To such a one Atman reveals its own form.
He who has not rectified his reasoning  base from the ‘I’(form) base to soul('I-LESS  or formless) base , who does not have the intense urge to know the non dual truth and who is not tranquil and subdued and whose mind is not receptive , cannot acquire Self-Knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana . It is realized only through deeper self-search