Saturday, September 24, 2011

To find detachment, wisdom, and freedom then one has to shun the three states as illusion by accepting the formless consciousness as self

To find detachment, wisdom, and freedom then one has to shun the three states as illusion by accepting the formless  consciousness as self, which is the formless substance and witness of the three states. 

One has to seek the truth of the true existence, which is not physical, and realize the fact that, the three states are unreal on the standpoint of the true self, which is consciousness. Whatever, prevails without the three states is consciousness, which ultimate truth.

The true self is neither   the body, nor the ego, nor the universe.  If one wishes to be free, he has to know the Self to be the consciousness, which is the formless substance and witness of the three states. It is the one which is aware of the appearance of the mind as waking or dream[duality] and disappearance of the mind as deep sleep[non- duality].

By setting the three states aside the consciousness [the self] remains in awareness of its formless non-dual nature. It will at once be free from illusion, forever still, forever free.

The true self, which is consciousness, has no caste because it is formless. No duties bind it because it is free from physical shackles.

It is formless and free, beyond the reach of the physical shackles. It is the formless witness of all three states.

Right or wrong, pleasure or sorrow, these are of the illusion [mind] only.  They are not of the self, which is consciousness but they are illusory form and shapes of things created out of consciousness.

The one which acts or enjoys is not the true self but it is false self within the false experience.  Consciousness, which is the true self, pervades everywhere and in everything in all the three states as its formless substance and witness.

Consciousness is everywhere, and it is forever free.  Consciousness forever and truly free, the lone witness of the illusion [three states].

But if consciousness sees itself as separate entity, then it is bound. It is bound by the illusion of the three states.  It is lost itself in illusion by the intoxication of the sense of ‘I’.  It has accepted itself as the doer within the illusion.

In reality the consciousness is not the doer. By realizing the consciousness as the true self, it becomes free from experiencing the illusion as reality.  Consciousness is one and it is pure nondual awareness.

Through firm conviction that the consciousness is the true self,   the seeker has to burn down the ignorance, which is the cause of experiencing the illusion as reality.

When the self frees itself from illusion, then there is no duality, therefore, there is no second thing to enjoy or suffer. There is only nonduality, which is free from birth, life, death and the universe.

Consciousness is unbound.  It is awareness itself.  Just as a coil of rope is mistaken for a snake, so the consciousness is mistaken for the universe. If consciousness thinks it is free, it is free.  If it thinks it is bound, it is bound, because it is the true self.   It is what it thinks.

The Self looks like the universe. The universe is in the form of mind. The universe is mental. The mind is just an illusion. The mind appears as waking or dream [duality] and disappears as deep sleep [non-duality].   The consciousness pervades in everything and   everywhere in all the three states.

Consciousness is one, still, free, perfect.  It is the witness of the three states and it is always apart from the three states.  It is aware only of the appearance of the waking or dream and disappearance as deep sleep.

Seeker has to without clinging to the three states experiences   meditate on the consciousness, which is the true Self. Consciousness is   One without two, exalted awareness.  Seeker has to give up the illusion of the separate self.  Seeker has to give up the feeling, within or without, that self is this or that.

Because consciousness thinks it is the body with the name, for a long time it has been bound.
 By knowing itself as pure awareness it is free from physical shackles.  With self - knowledge as its sword cuts through its chains of burden and bondage of duality.

Consciousness is already free, without action or flaw, when it realizes it is the formless substance and witness of the illusion.  Consciousness is bound only by the habit considering itself it is physical.  The nature of the consciousness nature is pure awareness. Consciousness pervades in everything, and everything are pervades in it.

Consciousness is always the same, unfathomable awareness, limitless and free, serene and unperturbed.
Seeker has to desire awareness of the true self, which is consciousness.  Whatever takes form is false. Only the formless endures.

When one understands and assimilates and realizes the knowledge of the consciousness [true self] he is free from the illusory birth, life death and the world. Consciousness is infinite; Consciousness is within the three states and without the three states, like a mirror, and the image in a mirror.

As the water is everywhere, in the ice block and pervades it, so consciousness is everywhere, pervades all the three states and pervades through them forever, with or without the three states.

While ultimate truth lies behind the sum total of the objective universe, some human minds boggle at any attempt to explain it with only the tools provided by reason.

While ultimate truth lies behind the sum total of the objective universe, some human minds boggle at any attempt to explain it with only the tools provided by reason. Ultimate truth is beyond the senses, beyond the mind, beyond intelligence, beyond imagination. Indeed, the highest idea is that ultimate truth transcends and includes time, causation and space, and thus can never be known in the same material sense as one traditionally 'understands' a given concept or object.

The universe does not simply possess consciousness, it is consciousness, and this consciousness is ultimate truth. The knowledge of ultimate truth springs from inquiry into the nature of the mind or universe. The knowledge of ultimate truth cannot be obtained in any other way.

Consciousness is without attributes and strictly impersonal. It is pure knowing itself. One has to hold consciousness to be the Ultimate Truth, so in comparison to consciousness, every other thing, including the universe, its distinctness, and the individuality of the living creatures are mere mirage created out of it. Consciousness is the effulgent cause of everything that exists and can possibly exist. Since it is beyond human comprehension, it is without any attributes, for assigning attributes to it would be distorting the true nature of consciousness.

 Since all the attributes are product of consciousness the people who believe in the existence of attributed consciousness holds no water from the ultimate standpoint because all the attributes are mere mirage created out of consciousness, thus the sometime and space,  and birth, life and death and  idea of creator and creation  are part of the mirage. The consciousness which is free from form, time and space  is ultimate  Truth.

When one tries to know the attributeless consciousness mentally from his attributed base, then he realizes all the attributes are created out of attributeless material and that material is consciousness, which real and eternal.

Self is the reflection of the consciousness in the realm of the mirage. Just like reflection of moon, in a pool of water. The universe also appears as such due to ignorance. Consciousness is eternal and unchangeable. It is due to ignorance the universe, which is mere mirage, is experienced as reality. Once the curtain of ignorance is lifted, and then there is no second thing exists other than consciousness. Thus, due to Self- Knowledge, an individual loses the sense of duality and achieves liberation from experiencing the duality as reality.

It is true that there are people whose intellectual abilities are such that we cannot say they are unintelligent and yet who regard themselves as believers of faith.

 There is no evidence is there for the creation and creator theory is a religious fable because nobody as seen creator creating the creation. Mere belief cannot be taken as truth.  Therefore, it is necessary investigate   the source for all existing things [universe] in order to the mystery behind physical existence.  

It is impossible to believe in the theories without verification.  One has to get himself satisfied and establish by discovering what the ultimate truth is. All religious and scriptural claims are not the yardstick to know what is truth and what is not truth. 

 Even granting that there was such a thing as religious propagated god, heaven and hell they are highly implausible assertions with absolutely no supporting evidence. That many millions of people have believed these absurd claims provides no evidence that they are true.

By condemning the religion and its propagated ideas are not the means of Self-Realization but realizing the fact that, the “self’” is not individual but it pervades in everything and everywhere in all the three states.  Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the three states to realize the fact that, the “self” is neither the waking entity not the dream entity but it is the formless substance and witness of the three states, which comes and goes in succession.

 Thus the religion and its idea of god, which is based on the waking entity is false hood because the waking entity itself is false self within the false experience.  Therefore, whatever seen, known, believed and experienced as reality within the waking experience is falsehood.     Thus any doctrine which prescribes other than Self- Realization or Self-Knowledge will lead one towards hallucination. 
There is no point in examining the curious details of the religious fables because they are  simply a statement of faith (as it was intended to be) and there is absolutely no reason to suppose that it is true (in fact, since it is absurd it is very likely to be false).  One is asked to blindly believe but no reason is given, or evidence presented, for why one should believe. 

In the case of religious belief the ulterior motive is usually social control or the financial benefit of some part of an organized religion. Believing with no evidence to support belief is not a virtue but rather a sign of ignorance. The belief is based on the false self.  The believer himself is   the false entity within the false experience.  There is no scope for duality in reality. 

 It is true that there are people whose intellectual abilities are such that we cannot say they are unintelligent and yet who regard themselves as believers of faith. This is because, although there may be no reason to believe the religion, there are conditions under which a person will accept and cling to it. This may be the occurrence of some emotional "crisis" but mainly results from childhood conditioning, in which parents with religious beliefs inculcate these beliefs in their innocent and unsuspecting children, before the minds of those children have developed to the point where they can intelligently decide about the truth of what they are being told.

If a person values their upbringing by their parents then they will be inclined to maintain the faith which they inherited from parental grooming, unless they are sufficiently intelligent to be able to distinguish between real and the unreal it becomes impossible to give up the religious conditioning that was given to them before they had developed the mental ability whereby to accept or reject those beliefs.

For proof of God's creation of the universe one has to go back to a time when there was no world.

A Gnani is not cut off from practical life within the practical world because ultimate truth is neither realism nor idealism; it is beyond both these. A Gnani  is one who has mastered of viewing the 'worldview'  form the standpoint of the ego   and also from the standpoint of  the soul.  Thus he is fully aware of 'what is reality' and 'what is illusion'. The ignorants    judgment is based on the ego ,which is false self within the false experience.

For proof of God's creation of the universe one has to go back to a time when there was no world. Since this is impossible, there is no proof of creation. Hence Buddha kept silent. Hence four schools of Buddhism sprang up later which varied from realism to emptiness claiming to interpret his silence.

That the mind is within the brain skull is a fallacy. No one has measured the mind because man and his experience of the world are within the mind.    Therefore the mind is not confined to the brain skull.  

One can see both mustered or a mountain range within the waking experience through his physical eyes  but the which sees  the waking and dream as a whole is neither the waking entity not the dream entity but the formless witness of the three states.   Thus one has to mentally grasp the existence of the formless witness apart from the three states is very much necessary  to understand, assimilate and realize the non-dualistic truth or ultimate truth or Brahman.

Yoga is easier than spiritualistic doubt, which involves intellectual difficulty and thinking. When people say that it is said by so and so in scripture or authority that is because they are intellectually lazy, they do not want to think, they want something easier. Man who thinks and reasons who alone can understand, assimilate and realize it. One has to goes to the very root of the matter. Only soul centric reasoning   deals with Truth. 

Adyatmic discussion -63

Seeking ENLIGHTENMENT is like digging your own grave..................!!!
· · · Friday at 11:08am

    • Santthosh Kumaar Dig within to realize there no cemetery , no body to bury , no grave to dig by realizing our body and our experience of the world too are mere mirage created out of formless consciousness,which is our inner most self. when one takes the 'I' as self then the practical life within the practical world is reality. What you say is true only on the standpoint of the ego or waking entity. thus there is need to realize the waking entity or ego is not the self to know 'what is truth and what is untruth.
      Friday at 11:17am · · 1 person

    • Tarun Patwal Seeking is the Ultimate shelter for ego to hide behind............which when falls thorugh GRACE.......Truth shines in ALL glory
      Friday at 11:28am ·

    • Tarun Patwal The one who is seeking is causing all the trouble.....
      Friday at 11:36am ·

    • Santthosh Kumaar The self has a urge to seek only in ignorance and when it realizes its true nature is without the body, ego and the world, then it enters into awareness of its own formless non-dual true nature and finds freedom from experincing the illusion as reality.
      Friday at 11:44am · · 1 person

    • Tarun Patwal ‎& the urge to seek keeps the illusion on..........
      Friday at 11:45am ·

    • Santthosh Kumaar We are seeking within the illusion. The seeker and seeking and the urge are part of the illusion. Thus it is necessary to know, how our body and our experience of the world are illusion. And on what standpoint they are illusion, to realize our true existence is without form,time and space.
      Friday at 11:55am · · 1 person

    • Tarun Patwal Seeing through its own falsity & falsity of seeking , ego may give in and peace may prevail for good..........
      Friday at 12:12pm ·

    • Santthosh Kumaar How can one get rid of the ego with ego, when ego ,body and the world appear together and disappear together. There is a need to understand the ego,body and world are one in essence. If the ego is there than the body and the world are there. If body is there than the ego and the world are there. If world is there than the body and ego are there. If one of these ceases to exist other two also don not exist. Each one is dependent on one another. Therefore, to realize the falsity of ego, body and the world , it is necessary to trace the source from where they rise together and subsides together
      Friday at 1:09pm · · 2 people

    • Ashwani Kumar Dhir When body gets inoperative the ego gets terminated thus world has no meaning for the dead body. Hence world & ego are conditional as long as body is there. A.K.Dhir.
      Friday at 1:34pm · · 1 person

    • Santthosh Kumaar The birth,life and death takes place within the waking experience,which is mere illusion from ultimate standpoint. If the death takes place in the dream , the dream becomes unreal when waking takes place. Similarly the waking becomes unreal when non-dual wisdom dawns. Deeper self-search revels the fact that the self is neither the waking entity nor the dream entity but the formless witness of the three states. The formless witness itself is the substance of the three states. Thus the formless substance and witness are one in essence. And that essence is consciousness ,which is inner most self. Thus our body,ego and the world are mere mirage created out of formless consciousness ,which is the ultimate truth or Brahman. There is no second thing exist other than consciousness in illusory diversity.
      Friday at 1:51pm · · 1 person

    • Trevor Light Bown So Awareness is consciousness awakening to it self. The universe and all that is matter duality is also consciousness. Yet the brain in form as a thinking person imagines this matter world according to conditioned beliefs and accumulated knowledge.

      So when you say the world is mirage or illusion, what you mean is according to the person who is seeing it through the brain/ thoughts/ accumilated knowledge. This universe is a matter of fact for this dimension of consciousness you are now at. There are multy levels of consciousness that are invisible to our eyes. But a seeker will never look God in the eyes because your view is that witness observing consciousness when the attic/ mind / ego is clear / clean / empty / silent / still. .......Nothingness/ void non-dual/ whole/ one without a second.

      Friday at 3:37pm ·

    • Tarun Patwal Birth takes place of the concept "I am" and same is stripped away at Death.........
      Friday at 3:58pm ·

    • Santthosh Kumaar When the self is formless consciousness and body,ego and the world are made of consciousness than the question of brain does not arise. The brain of the dream entity is reality within the dream. similarly the brain of the waking entity is reality within the waking experience. The dream becomes unreal when the waking takes place. Similarly the waking becomes unreal when wisdom dawns. Wisdom dawns when the waking entity becomes aware of the fact that, it itself is not the self. Deeper self-search revels the fact that, all the three states ceases to exist as reality when seekers understanding matures. Peoples idea that, the mind is within the brain skull is a fallacy. Because man and the world are within the mind. mind is in the form of universe. and universe appears as waking or dream. the witness of the three states is formless and apart.
      Scientific invention :-

      Why You Are Not Your Brain, and Other Lessons from the Biology of Consciousness
      by :Alva Noë. Hill and Wang, 2009
      Alva No, a University of California, Berkeley, philosopher and cognitive scientist, argues that after decades of concerted effort on the part of neuroscientists, psychologists and philosophers "only one proposition about how the brain makes us conscious ... has emerged unchallenged: we don't have a clue." The reason we have been unable to explain the neural basis of consciousness, he says, is that it does not take place in the brain. Consciousness is not something that happens inside us but something we achieve it is more like dancing than it is like the digestive process. To understand consciousness the fact that we think and feel and that a world shows up for us we need to look at a larger system of which the brain is only one element. Consciousness requires the joint operation of brain, body and world.

      "You are not your brain. The brain, rather, is part of what you are."

      Friday at 4:49pm · · 1 person

    • Santthosh Kumaar The 'I' and I AM is the seed of the ignorance and also inborn samskara and conditioning. The ignorance vanishes only through wisdom.
      Friday at 4:56pm · · 1 person

    • Trevor Light Bown Consciousness maybe created the brain in order to condense and work the form. From the moment of birth the brain grows and begins to create an interpreter of consciousness. Self awareness happens as a toddler and the brain becomes conditioned to the person he will become by the age of seven.

      The person can then be lost for a lifetime in his own thought-belief conditioning of fighting to survive and preserve his false "I" or "me" identity of name job and circumstance. Unless there is a questioning of everything then one can follow like sheep all the religions, fashions, entertainments like sheep.

      First one must question everything. One must first be lucid in the dream state. All the charachters in your dream are self created, because you realize the body is asleep elsewhere. Then the same lucidity must be brought to the everyday state, as Awareness. anything else is book knowledge accumilated in the brain as memory, and memory is second hand images of thought. A dead thing

      Friday at 6:24pm ·

    • Santthosh Kumaar As the seeker indulges in deeper self-search he becomes aware of the fact that:-The three states are an object to the formless subject. thus man and the universe are within the object. object is mere illusion from the formless subject. Thus we have to mentally drop the object in order to know the subject, by realizing the object and subject are one in essence. All the objects that one sees within the universe are limited to form, space, time. The universe is limited to waking or dream. Waking and dream is limited to the mind. Only the consciousness, which is cause of the mind or universe, is unlimited and uncaused.
      Consciousness is limitless. The universe is mere limited mirage created out of consciousness. Thus universe and all its contents identified with form and name are mere mirage are bound by form time and space. Thus form, time and space are myth because they are mere mirage. Thus holding the form time and space as reality and holding them as yardstick to prove the existence is erroneous. Thus the reasoning has to be based on the formless consciousness, which is permanent, not on the form, time and space, which are impermanent.
      Only the consciousness, which is the true self, can be called infinite. The mind or universe, which appears as waking or dream, Cannot be called infinite. The ocean can be called limitless, but not the waves. Some waves are quite large, some are small, but all are limited in time and space. The waves appear limited as long as one looks at the waves and ocean as separate or "dual" entities. If he considers the wave as part and parcel of ocean or considers both as water only, then the wave is limitless like the ocean. Similarly, if one holds the form as self then he bound by time and space. If he considers the formless consciousness as self, the form, time and space is dissolved in the consciousness and becomes limitless.
      From a non-dualistic viewpoint if ocean is limitless, so is the wave, because both the ocean and the wave are a single, non-dual entity. Thus from a dualistic view point, the wave "appears" incomplete, and limited, but is really infinite as the ocean itself. Thus, if there is only a single substance, then the question of one being infinite or complete and the other limited or finite does not arise at all. If one becomes aware of the fact that the self is not the mind or universe but self is formless substance and witness of the mind, then, the mind becomes one with the limitless and infinite consciousness.
      Universe is Mind. Nature of the mind is duality; Duality is apparent, not real. The negation of duality means negation of the reality of duality, but not the negation of the experience of duality. The experience of duality that one sees in real life is apparent or relative, called unreal. Self-Realization means becoming aware of the unreal nature of the duality, which we experience it as waking experience.
      Most people are scared even to think life is mere illusion, it is because their attachment to the worldly life and family attachment and accumulated wealth. There is nothing to fear, their physical identity or the world will not disappear but their unreal nature will be exposed, same way one becomes aware of the unreal nature of the dream in the midst of duality, the unreal nature of the waking experience is realized in the midst of the waking experience. Thus one gets freedom from experiencing the duality as reality after realizing the fact that the self is neither waking entity nor the dream entity but the self is that witness the waking and dream experience as a whole without the physical apparatus.
      From a dualistic viewpoint, a small wave is afraid of being swallowed by the large wave and prays to the ocean for protection from large waves. This is what prayers and worship are. From a non-dualistic point of view, there is no such fear. The three states are mere mirage created out of consciousness, only. On the ultimate standpoint duality [mind or waking] as apparent, is not real.
      The Unity appears diversified in waking or dream. Self-realization brings unity in diversity. The self-realization is not the knowledge gained from the external world but the realizing the inner reality how this how the universe which appears as waking or dream [duality] and dissolves as deep sleep [non-duality].
      Birth, life and death and the world are experienced as reality within the waking or dream. Everyone is in ignorance in waking or dream. Until ignorance is there the duality will prevail as reality. The ignorance will prevail as long as one fully understands that duality is apparent and not real.
      If one has the conviction he is an individual separate from the world and world existed prior to him and he is born in it later on, he will remain in ignorance experiencing the duality as reality. Thus it is necessary to realize the fact that, the three states are not different from consciousness. Everything is consciousness only. The limitless, infinite or non-dual consciousness also means that no entity other than consciousness exists in the three states. Consciousness is both the man and the universe. In other words, consciousness is the formless substance and witness of the mind, which appears as waking or dream. There is no other cause or existence, except consciousness. The consciousness is cause of everything that exists and it itself is un-caused. thus whatever seen known,experienced believed as a person of the world within the waking experience is reality within the waking experience but waking experience itself is illusion.

      Friday at 6:41pm · · 2 people

A Gnani will see the world and get to know it is only an illusory appearance.

Where people cannot and do not think, they follow others. A Gnani will see the world and get to know it is only an illusory appearance. He is not blind; he sees three states or objects as it is, but he knows it is only falsehood. Just as you see a mirage, the Gnani sees the mirage of this universe too; but he is not deceived by it. So long as one is ignorant, he will have the idea that God has created this world because the causal notion will be there. Nobody wants suffering, and while the notion that suffering can be got rid of by appealing to God these wishes will sway the mind to believe in God. For them religion will arise, but for the man who wants truth, religion offers no consolation.

One has to inquiry into the mind or the world and its nature i.e. matter, there can be no such thing as non-dual wisdom or Gnana without understanding what is mind or universe. Seeker of truth will not be able to find answers in the path of religion and yoga are based on blind belief or imagination because they think the mind is within the body.  

The yogi or religionists may Just by say “I know” and not explain how one knows the ultimate truth. Because he has read it in the book or scriptures or his guru may have told him “yogic Samadhi is liberation.

The self-deluded believers tell others the same, because he has not investigated if it is right. People give lectures and write books on yoga and eastern philosophy. 

Some may say for many years they are enjoying mystic exaltation, trances, meditations and peace but they have not verified what they experienced is really truth. . Then this state is not permanent because when this state passes away again they enter into duality. This state which is impermanent is not Gnana or self—awareness.  This proves he had attained a yogic condition, but not Gnana. 

Yogic Samadhi vanished because it was not the highest insight. The Gnani, however never loses his Gnana. Dislodging a Gnani from his insight is impossibility. Once he has thoroughly seen the truth he simply can't fall away from it. 

Many enjoying a similar sort of mystic exaltation and peace, but whether it passes away soon or endures the whole of life, it is not Gnana, because it did not come through striving to investigate the nature of the mind or world, it came only through meditation on the self; that is the yogic reward for such meditation but it is only one half. 

The Gnani not only gets inner peace but also truth because he also has grasped the truth about matter, which is as much consciousness as his- innermost self. 

It is not possible to stop thought for more than a half-second whilst in the waking experience. If one succeeds in controlling thought and then banishes it, one passes into yogic Nirvikalpa Samadhi, which is identical with deep sleep. The only difference between ordinary deep sleep and Samadhi therefore is that the ordinary man falls asleep involuntarily whereas the yogi has the satisfaction of knowing that he has passed into sleep by his own effort of will in banishing thoughts. Thoughtless states not wisdom because thoughts arise to the false self within the false experience.  There is no use of struggling to stop the thoughts which belongs to the falsehood? One has to trace the source of the falsehood which is nit the form of mind or universe to unfold the reality of the true existence.

Thoughtlessness is not wisdom and thoughtlessness is not Gnanic or Brahmic truth.  

A Gnani is not in quest anymore because he is established in the consciousness which is the innermost self

The more spiritually advanced a person is becomes more aware of  the non-dual reality. his cobwebs of doubts are getting cleared subconsciously.  The inner work is on and the subconscious is burning all the dross.   When one fully Abiding in the consciousness where there is no form, time and Space. 

Just as the snow that melts in the heat of the sun cannot escape, so those who have realized the fact that, the self is not physical but self is consciousness will surely realize the fact that, the three states are mere mirage and the formless substance and witness of the three states, which is consciousness, is real and eternal. Thus consciousness is ultimate truth.  
A Gnani is not in quest anymore because he is established in the consciousness which is the innermost self .  People are caught up in the day-to-day quagmire of the worldly life because they have strong conviction that the birth, life death and the universe as reality. Therefore, they will not be able to accept the consciousness as true self. Thus, they experience the illusion as reality because they have accepted the false self [ego] as real  self and false experience(three states) as reality.   

Only intense urge leads the seeker towards non-dual destination. Only his intense urge and seriousness and sincere mental effort of thinking ignites a spiritual fire and burn all his mental barriers reduced to nothingness. 

An examination of the ephemeral nature of the mind, which appears as waking or dream and disappears as deep sleep leads to dispassion. Hence inquiry, analysis and reasoning are the first and foremost step to be taken. When inquiry, analysis and reasoning continue automatically, it results in contempt for wealth, fame, power, ease, pleasure, etc. The ‘mind’ becomes clearer for inspection. The source of ‘mind’ is the consciousness – the final goal.

When inquiry, analysis and reasoning on the true base takes possession of the individual, other attachments grow weaker, i.e., dispassion develops. Attachment for the ideal simultaneously grows and finally holds the field. Thus concentration) grows simultaneously and imperceptibly – with or without visions and direct aids.

Without any religious background or training it becomes easier to grasp the non-dual truth.   The only way towards non-dual destination is, to ignore all the paths and practices. There is no need to follow anyone.  One has to trace the formless substance and witness of the three states mentally   and rip the veil of ignorance to know the fact that, all the three states are mere mirage created out of consciousness.  When one becomes aware of the fact that the consciousness is the true self, then the body, ego, universe is part of the mirage. 

The ideas such as bondage and liberation are of the mirage, which is present as mind. One has to simply abandon all craving and through wisdom and dispassion bring about the cessation of the mind. Even if the desire to be liberated" arises, the mind [illusion] will prevail as reality.

 The ego is like a monkey within the jungle of illusion. Totally fascinated by the realm of the senses, it swings from one desire to the next, one conflict to the next, but its existence is limited to the mind, which is illusion. 

Let this illusion go. Let the mind go. Let duality go. Let conflicts go. Let experience go. Let the fiction of birth, life death and universe go. Just by remaining soul centric the ignorance vanishes. When the ignorance vanishes then the whole mind [illusion], which contains    duality, conflicts, experience, factious birth, life, death and universe becomes unreal.  All the mental barriers will be reduced to nothingness, which is consciousness.

The ultimate truth or Brahman is non-dual

The ultimate truth is non-dual.   The mind, which contains the universe, is not ultimately true or real.  The ultimate reality belongs only to infinite, eternal, unchanging, pure consciousness.  The pure consciousness is objectless awareness, which is ultimate reality. 
The individual experiences experienced as a person of the world is happening within the waking are ultimately unreal.  The entire expanse of things of things are mere mirage” analogous to a dream. 

The waking experience is reality, is reality only on the base of false self. But the false self exists only within the false experience.  The truth cannot be got on the false base because the truth is beyond the false experience.  The false self is the product of ignorance. Due to ignorance the illusion is experienced as reality. 

Due to ignorance without being aware of the fact that, the true self is consciousness when one considers the self as physical then the mirage effect superimposes on the consciousness.  Thus the consciousness is hidden within the mirage.  Until this mirage is identified as mirage the ultimate truth will not be revealed. 

The ultimate truth is consciousness, and three states are product of ignorance. 

The freedom is brought about by the removal of ignorance one’s perception.  The wisdom arises when destruction of the ignorance by learning to view and judge and conclude the truth on the base of the soul, which is the true self.  The soul is in the form of consciousness.  Once the one becomes aware of the fact that, the consciousness is the true self then the superimposed mirage will not prevail as reality.  

By deep persistent inquiry, analysis and reasoning on the true base one becomes aware of the inner core, which is consciousness, as it really is. Once one becomes aware of consciousness as it is mentally, then he will see the universe ,which is in the form of mind for what it is , because the mind or universe are mere mirage created out of consciousness.  The mind (universe) and the soul (consciousness) are one in essence. Thus there is unity in diversity.

 Thus, the birth, life and death, which are mere happenings within the universe is illusion because the universe, which is in the form of mind, itself is mere illusion.  The illusion appears as waking or dream and disappears as deep sleep.    Thus the formless substance and witness of the illusion is consciousness. And consciousness is ultimate reality.
Wisdom makes it possible to free the true self, from illusion in the midst of illusion. In such case the physical death is merely the consummation of a process within the illusion.

The non-dual truth realized through wisdom where the mind (body, ego and universe) completely become one with the source from where it rises and subsides.  Thus, other than consciousness everything else is falsehood.    The individuality is reality within the mind (universe). When the mind (universe) merges into consciousness, then no second thing exist, other than consciousness. Thus, consciousness is ultimate truth.  

To say consciousness is part of the individuality is wrong because the body and the universe are created out of consciousness.   The consciousness has no parts because it is formless. Consciously the mind (universe) becoming identical with the consciousness is freedom or release.     

All organized religions have unequivocally claimed man for the life in the truth; thus it is sheer folly to fight in the name of religion and god.

People are making unlimited sacrifices and enduring unlimited suffering in the name of protecting their religion and god. They are therefore ignorant about the truth and incapable of understanding the ultimate truth, which is universal god. All organized religions have unequivocally claimed man for the life in the truth; thus it is sheer folly to fight in the name of religion and god. 

It is time that humanity had a fresh vision of truth that the mind, which is in the form of universe, is myth and consciousness is the only thing that is real and that matters.  On the base of consciousness as self, the physical life is a vain and empty pursuit of illusory values.
Parental grooming is the main cause of religious influence upon the mass mind-set and it cannot be wiped out without knowing the truth of one’s own existence. Thus, teaching children to view and judge everything on religious point of view by their parents, which warps the minds and destroys the capacity to think beyond the belief system of their grooming.

People who are yearning for spiritual truth will not find it what they are seeking for. Religious truth is individual truth and it is not universal truth because the religion is based on individuality.  

As one goes in deeper investigation find nothing satisfying in any religion.  The more he learns of any religious doctrine they become aware of the fact that, the religion is not the means for self-realization because the true ‘Self” is not the form but the true self is formless.  The religion is based on the false self (waking entity or ego) and false experience (waking or universe). Religion takes the false self as real self and false experience as reality. Thus whatever is based on the false self and false experience is bound to be falsehood.     

The obsession with "our sins" having been "washed away by water of river  would be regarded as evidence of a serious mental illness in an individual within any sane society, but when this is an obsession of millions of people it becomes "religious faith", held by many others to be something that should never be criticized.

It was desperately important for the believers of their belief system for some reason that others shared their beliefs because they assume that their religious doctrine is literally true, and then justify their beliefs because "God says so in their doctrine ".

It is no use of arguing with someone who has faith in his belief system because for him there can be no possible refutation of what he believes, so rational argument is entirely useless. He clings to his belief so strongly that he makes no distinction between the truth and his belief. One has to know the fact that god cannot exist without his existence. The truth does not depend on gods’ existence but it entirely depends on man’s existence.   Thus it is foolish to venture in knowing the truth of gods existence without verifying the facts about his own existence. 

Deeper self-search  revel the fact that, the self is   neither the body, nor the ego.  If the self is not the body nor the ego  then  it proves the fact that, whatever is seen, known, believed and experienced on the base of the  self as body or ego is bound to be false hood.  Thus arguing on the standpoint of the body or ego, which is not the “self”, is erroneous.  Thus the whole argument has to be based on the true self, which is not the body or ego.   Thus it is necessary to realize the fact that, the “self” is not the form but the “self” is formless in order to realize the Advaitic truth.