Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Consciousness , though ever pure to a Gnani, always appears to be impure to an ignorant one

People perform all their actions in and through conciousness, but on account of ignorance they are not aware of that, just as through ignorance persons do not know that snow and clouds are nothing but water.

Just as there ever exist the relation of cause and effect between water and a snow, so does the same relation exist between consciousness  and the mind[ waking/dream]; this has been established here on the strength of inquiry, analysis and reasoning.

Just as (the consciousness of) water forces itself upon our mind while thinking of a snow, so also does the idea of consciousness  flash on one  while contemplating on the mind[waking/dream].

Consciousness , though ever pure to a Gnani, always appears to be impure to an ignorant one, just as a rope always appears in two different ways to a knowing person and an ignorant one.

Just as a snow is all water, so also is the waking/dream all consciousness/Soul. The division, therefore, into the Self and non-Self is made by the ignorant to no purpose. Just a nacre to be a piece of silver, so is the consciousness  determined to be the body by an ignorant person.