Man goes
on spinning yarn of his imagination on religious base and imagines that the
universe has brought into existence by all-wise god with some definite purpose
and a set programme.
Each atom of this universe be speak of order, discipline
organization and balance-testifying to some great mind that has shaped it. And
man was not born result of some accident. He was created as superior to all other creatures, to act as the vice-gerent of god upon the earth, blessed with
intelligent and rational thinking. He has been given the power to choose
between good and evil deeds. This freedom makes answerable to god and his
fellow creatures both for his deeds. His conscience guides his steps to discriminate
between what is good and what is bad. He may commit sins and mistakes but is
also repentance and ability to correct himself.
All man's imagination seems to
be true until man is unaware of the true fact that `I' is not the self but `I' is
the whole Waking experience. The invisible substance and witness of the `I' or
Waking experience which is formless consciousness is the true self. Therefore it is
necessary for seeker to verify about his own existence through inquiry and
reasoning in order to realize the fact that `I' is not the self but formless consciousness is the true self and learn to view and
judge the worldview on the standpoint of consciousness as self to unfold the mystery
of the mind, which is present as Waking experience.
When one is able to view and judge the
worldview on the standpoint consciousness as self then he will realize there is neither the
creation nor the creator but only non-dual consciousness alone will prevail as
ultimate reality of the existence. Therefore it is erroneous to conclude the truth on the
base of religion and god. All religious and yogic practices are based on the
`I' as self which is false identity and consider the Waking experience as reality
which is mere illusion. Hence it is very much necessary to verify one's own
identity before indulging in truth pursuit.
The religious and
yogic discipline which is practiced on the false identity of `I' as self, in
order to get freedom from cycle birth and death will neither bear neither
desired neither fruits nor endures. The spiritual path which not known to fail
is the one which is self imposed, determined and readily applied by inner urge
of the seeking mind. Seeking mind is free to mould its mindset as best as it
The freedom from religious and yogic mindset helps the seeker to create a
new spiritual order in its pursuit of truth.
The seeker has to be vigilant about the tricks of the memory, steadfastness is
necessary in spiritual pursuit. Seekers of truth realize the fact that looking
into the past with the trials and errors, acts of commission and omission
,regrets and fear ,passion love and hatred ,personal tragedies are happening
within the illusory Waking experience.
Whatever happening within the Waking experience is mere illusion and transitory
including the seemingly indissoluble human ties, more so wealth and fame, and
thus not worth moment to regret. Nothing is changeless and lasting in the Waking
experience but the invisible substance and witness which is the formless consciousness.
People take super
natural power and miracles as the sure sign of perfection, but few understands
the supernatural powers or miracles are the part and parcel of the illusory
experience. Whatever is seen known, believed and experienced as real within the illusory Waking experience
is bound to be illusion. The way to liberation from the experience of duality,
of which supernatural powers are totally incapable. Only through knowledge of the true self it is possible to overcome
the experience of duality.
The religious seekers
think genuine devotion, irrespective of labels and nomenclature, no doubt
surcharged with it, but the devotion which is imagined on the false self and
devotion to imaginary belief of god within the illusory Waking experience. Thus devotion cannot transport the
seeker beyond the illusory state. The truth is within the Waking experience as
its invisible substance and it is apart from the Waking experience as its invisible witness. Since it is not an entity or identity
within the Waking experience it is apart from it.
So, much lies in the power of Atman, the burden must be left entirely to the
Ataman, which is the invisible substance and witness of the Waking experience
and it is the true self. Without it there is nothing exist. Whatever exist everything is consciousness because there is no second
thing in the Waking experience of diversity.
The Waking experience is like a web and the focus of attention of Ataman on the
web creates the illusory reality. When the attention of Ataman the true self on
itself the whole illusory web dissolves and becomes one with Ataman.
For the serious seeking mind which rejects the reality of the
Waking experience and turn its attention on the Atman or consciousness, which is the true self and
is the invisible substance and witness of the Waking experience, for such
aspirant mind deeper self-search evokes the spiritual response of great magnitude.
Religion and yoga are fruitless pursuit based on the non-extent imaginary goal
because they take false self as real and false experience as reality. FP Blogs brings immense benefit for the serious seekers.
The spiritual
surrender is not a mental stillness or oral act, but result of wisdom, which
comes when the self becomes fully aware of its formless non-dual true nature the surrender happens automatically.
The grace which comes from fully earned hard internal fight or mental effort
through inquiry and reasoning and analysis, by long period of suffering, and
aversion to religious belief and intense yearning for release. Suffering turns
the mid inwards and eventfully draws out of the cry from the depths of the self
for the liberating light of truth.
The seeker has to become capable of viewing and judging all phenomena and
events of the Waking experience as mere illusion. The Waking experience is an
object to the Ataman which is the true self.