Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Only through discussion beginners and intermediates gradually become aware what is what.

Only through discussion beginners and intermediates gradually become aware what is what. Only after they have been through the inquiry, analysis and reasoning they ready for journey towards non-duality. When one say all these are imagination, he wants to attain to a state when he can negate the whole illusion--one thorn pulling out the other thorn and both thrown away--that is the whole of secret , and hence seeker has to think deeply before commenting on the base of accumulated waking or dream centric knowledge which always misleads.

No one has seen anyone imposing the illusions of the world on them. Therefore one must conclude that they are self-imposed.

Soul is infinite but in dream it imposes the limitation on itself in the form of a animal which it sees there but which is only itself. Similarly in waking it impose other limitations in the form of other objects and persons, everything is really the soul or consciousness. Therefore, one has to constantly reflect by thinking the self is not limited by the physical body, but self is unlimited." Soul/self should not be confine to the physical body alone but to the three states.

People use the term "The Oneness " or "The Unity," but they do not know what they mean in spiritual sense. “The One” is only an idea. Realization of the fact that, there is no second thing exist other then the soul is unity in diversity.

One has to associate the idea of soul [consciousness] with all his activities, such as- eating, working, pleasure. He has to do this as a 24/7 exercise, practice. This is path of wisdom. One must not think "I am the soul” and then regard the world as non-soul. He must think constantly : " Soul is formless substance and the witness, of all three states, and the three states are mere mirage on the standpoint of the soul, which is the true self. With this true idea remove all false ideas, then throw both ideas away and lay hold of that which is beyond all ideas. One has to discard all ideas when he reaches the perfect understanding and realize ultimate truth, which cannot be described by thoughts or words. Ultimate truth can be known only as the subject. It cannot be known as such for then it becomes an object

Science does not know the true relation between consciousness and brain, if any.

The Unconsciousness can only be a consciousness without objects; otherwise it has no meaning. Therefore it is really and somehow consciousness. Through study of the mind one gradually becomes aware “The Unconscious" which is at the back of it all, is the soul.

One has yet to learn that we cannot look into the mind of another nor into that of animals. Hence those scientists who describe how ants think, for instance, are merely drawing inferences, not ascertaining proved facts.

That which one know best in the waking experience, that which is nearest to his , that of which he can never be free, its existence is supremely certain, is his consciousness.

One may doubt anything else but he directly perceives his-self. Hence one has to begin the study of the truth with the study of consciousness, not, as is mistakenly done by theologians, metaphysicians, with the supposed Absolute.

All gold ornaments are made of this same single material, so to explain the nature of the unknown soul, one has to start with something known and familiar, viz. consciousness, which he has in the three states, and proceed step by step from that onwards.

One knows his -self [soul], it is directly perceived, and thinking implies a thinking capacity, i.e. a thinker. This self [soul] is his consciousness. After showing that this consciousness, this self [soul], is ultimate reality, and everything else is of the same nature which should enable one henceforth to understand all else also is consciousness. Everyone has and knows this consciousness; therefore it is a universal datum. It is something which everybody can grasp.

Mind and its substance, Mind and as whole, are two different things has to be investigated. Mind does not depend on mere size of the physical brain. The elephant has the largest animal brain, yet it is no more intelligent than man, who has a much smaller brain.

If, as some think, the interaction of material brain atoms produces mind as a by-product, the reply for this is that one cannot know this unless someone had seen it happen. However, nobody has yet seen it. This theory is based on mere speculation.

One knows only mind is limited to his physical activity, but the truth is the whole physical existence, which is full of action or inaction is mind. If one limits the mind to his physical entity, he will never be able to move towards ultimate understanding. Mind appears as waking and dream. Man and his world are within the waking or dream. Thus, the mind is the whole physical existence. Thus, one has to consider the mind as whole physical existence. By considering the mind as physical existence, the waking and dream also are considered as mind.

What is mind? and What it does and by what it is capable of doing? No one knows it in itself. Philosophers and intellectuals who regard mind as only a power or as an activity do not really say what it is when appearing to define it, even though they use a million words. Their study is correct up to a certain level, but they have not gone very deep verifying the facts.

One may think of the mind as he likes, but he gets only a thought, i.e. he gets words, more words. He do not get mind itself. Philosophers go on spinning yarns about the mind, but have never seen it. Their words are only imaginations. How can one see the mind when philosophers and their experience of the world exist within the mind? When the mind disappears they and their experience of the world also disappear. Therefore, deeper inquiry, analysis and reasoning is required to analyze mind. Then only it is possible to move forward in pursuit of truth.

Punditry is not philosophy. Much of what they say may be true but true only as thoughts, but they have to inquire what a thought is; and then they have to go beyond it. What about the witness, which witnesses all this three states, which comes and goes. No philosopher has even been able to define the meaning of 'mind' and 'consciousness'.

One does not know the dimensions of the mind. All the form time, space is within mind only, not outside of it. One as an individual can imagine anything within the mind.

The terms "super-consciousness" "overmind" etc. belong to irrational mysticism. No one can measure awareness which is consciousness and say where it stops, therefore mind is called limitless; hence to talk of something beyond it is sheer imagination. One has to appeal only to the facts not imagination.

People who talk of brain-consciousness are talking emptily. One does not know what it is, nor what “brainless consciousness” is. One is aware of only consciousness. Science does not know the true relation between consciousness and brain, if any.

One knows only 'mental states. Only three final mental states that is, waking, dream and deep sleep--which come and go.

Self -Knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana transforms the unreality into reality.

Self -Knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana transforms the unreality into reality. Soul knows no birth. Soul knows no death. If one knows the truth then he will realize the soul will continue to exist beyond death too. Consciously becoming aware of the soul in the midst of illusion is Self-knowledge

Illusion is intoxicating. Within the illusion man and his experience of the world are reality. One has to go beyond illusion, which is present in the form of the mind. That’s what pursuit of truth is all about.

The attachments, aversions are within the waking or dream. It appears to be real, as long as it continues but appears to be unreal when one is awake i.e., when true wisdom dawns.

When the ultimate reality is not understood, all the accumulated knowledge is useless, and study of the scriptures is useless when the ultimate reality has been understood. One should never permit carelessness in one’s adherence to the self.

It is owing to people’s worldly desires, their desires for religious life, scriptural studies, and their desires concerning their materialistic life that they do not achieve realization.

Non dualistic or Advaitic  truth  can be understood and assimilated by anyone who is sharp enough to grasp it, not only by a scholar. What the truth is like must be known with one’s own reason; no one can do it for anyone?

The indivisible changeless, effulgent consciousness is lying hidden under these delusive veils

When one is thirsty, he cannot sit idle he runs about for water. Until the thirst for truth has not come, he is immersed in the worldly pleasures. The desire for knowledge has not grown strong in people; therefore they are satisfied with the worldly or religious life. One who is in quest for truth begins to inquire deeply until he reaches his destination.

Seeker has to discriminate between the three states and realize the fact that, body, world, people are all in waking and waking experience is absolutely unreal like a dream.

Seeker has to always think that this body is only an illusory apparatus created out of consciousness within the illusory experience [mind]. The mind is contained within the consciousness which is the true self.

The indivisible changeless, effulgent consciousness is lying hidden under these delusive veils; therefore its real nature is unknown to waking or dream. The direction of the waking or dream which always runs after the senses has to be turned within. One has to overcome the ignorance in order overcome the illusion.

The body and universe is but gross -- it dissolves as the consciousness. Because of the accumulated mental impressions it remains until the Self - knowledge arises. Therefore, the seeker has to indulge in spiritualistic discrimination plunge this mind in the consciousness, which is ultimate reality. When the mind becomes aware of its formless substance, all limiting adjuncts vanish and one is established in ultimate reality.

It is difficult for people to direct their uncontrolled waking or dream towards ultimate truth because of their inherited conditioning.

To navigate along the way, language can be very useful, if it is used to point beyond its symbols and descriptions. Its function is to sacrifice itself, to burn up so completely that no trace of smoke or ash remains, so as to interfere with what its meaning shows. It is the ‘higher reason’ that uses language in this way. The function of the higher reason is precisely to burn up all obscuring residues that language leaves behind.

The reasoning base has to be rectified from form to formless in order to discover, understand, assimilate and realize the nondual truth. The rectified reason functions, through discerning inquiry, to dissolve the mind in pure consciousness, from where the mind rises and subsides. And as the rectified reason functions, it makes use of mind reflectively, in order to bring mind back to consciousness, which is the source from where the mind rises and subsides. There is no question of the rectified reason being an instrument of any mind. It is always the other way about.

The thoughts and feelings did not exist prior to the appearance of waking or dream. Only after the appearance of the waking or dream the man became aware of the universe and his individuality. Only in waking experience one is aware of the birth, life, death and the world. Thus waking or dream appears as a whole and disappears as a whole. Deeper inquiry revel the fact that, the self is not physical, therefore the waking, dream and deep sleep are not the experience of the physical body but of the formless soul, which is in the form of consciousness.

The process of ‘rectified reason’ is purely empirical. Each question is tried out to see what result it leads to. And then, further questions rise empirically. They rise from actual experience of the result, not just from imagining or theorizing in advance what it might be. Thus, the process must go on relentlessly, until the actual experience of a truth where questions do not further rise – where all possibility of questioning is utterly dissolved. All this requires that each questioning attack is turned back upon one’s own mistakes of assumption and belief. Otherwise, the reasoning is merely theoretical based on the waking or dream.

The inquiry is to get un-contradictable truth. That is possible only through reasoning based on the soul as self.

Since change and time do not apply to consciousness, that consciousness is a changeless and a timeless principle of all experience. Consciousness illuminates the whole waking experience. Consciousness illuminates the whole Dream. In deep sleep, consciousness shines alone. In all these states, it remains the same. It is always utterly unchanged in its own existence, which illuminates itself.

Ultimate truth is accessible to anyone who has intense urge to know the ultimate truth and who is ready to drop all his accumulated dross in order to acquire self-knowledge. Seeker has to hole the deep sleep experience as a ‘key to the ultimate reality. If a seeker is ready to consider deep sleep as true self, then this alone is enough, without the need for a yogic cultivation of Nirvikalpa Samadhi. On the standpoint of the deep sleep, the waking and dream are mere appearances.

In the realm of duality one seeks truth. In the realm of Non-duality all contradictions are dissolved. Consciousness never parts with in any of the three states. In deep sleep, the conscious is in its true nature. In waking or dream, it witnesses the experience as the whole. It is nothing to with the individual experience happening within the waking or dream because the three states are mere an object to the consciousness, which is the subject.

Consciousness’ means ultimate truth, and ‘Mind’ stands for the universe or illusion.

Consciousness is the substance and witness of the duality.  The duality is present in the form of mind. Mind is present in the form of universe. The universe appears as waking or dream and diapers as deep sleep. The one which is aware of the coming and going of the three states is neither the waking entity nor the dream entity but the formless soul, which is present in the form of consciousness.The formless  soul is the innermost self. When the soul becomes aware of its formless non-dual true nature in the midst of duality it is called self –awareness. It is foolish to limit the consciousness only to the waking entity  because the consciousness pervades all the three states

The purpose of pursuit of truth is the destruction of primal ignorance, which leads to the attainment of the ultimate truth or Brahman. Man and his experience of the world  exits within the waking or dream. Waking contains  waking entity and waking universe. Similarly the dream contains  dream entity and dream universe. And deep in sleep has neither the waking entity nor waking universe nor dream entity nor dream universe.

One experiences innumerable objects in this world through the physical apparatus within the waking or dream. One is not aware of the fact that he and his experience of the world exist within the waking or dream. Thus, the one which witnesses the three states is neither the waking entity nor the dream entity.

When One thinks he is an individual separate from the world within the waking or dream, he is ignorant of the fact that he is world appeared along with him. He has the strong conviction that the world existed prior to him and he is born in it afterwards. He thinks that all the objects are different from one another. He is ignorant of the fact that, this separation is only limited to the mind which appears as waking or dream.

One has to become aware of the consciousness, which is the formless substance and witness of the three states, which is different from the objects experienced, is only one. The consciousness of waking is not different from that of dream or deep sleep. Since consciousness by itself has no distinguishing features, it cannot vary from person to person. The same is the case with the dream state.

The objects experienced in dream are transient and disappear when waking takes place, but the objects experienced in the waking experience seems permanent. But only when one becomes aware of the fact that, the self is not physical but self is consciousness. Consciousness is formless in its nature.

The consciousness in waking and dream is the same. When waking takes place a person remembers that he had a good sleep.

This is the exercise that examines waking, dream and sleep – as dual [waking or dream] and non-dual (deep sleep) experiences which everyone commonly experience. These experiences are here examined naturally and simply, as everyday experiences that show a self, which is conscious of these coming and going of dual and non-dual experiences from which they are known.

In the waking experience, the waking entity is identified as an individual separate from the waking world and in the dream experience; the dream entity is identified as an individual separate from the dream world. The self is neither the waking self nor it is the dream self, because it is always apart, formless and it is only conscious of all the three states which comes and goes in succession.

In the dream experience, all bodies and all objects seen are mere mirage. The one which witnesses the dream as a whole without the physical apparatus is not the form but formless consciousness. This shows that the one which is aware of the three states is within the three states but it is apart from these three states. It is within the three states as their formless substance and it is without the three states as their formless witness.

The three states are reality on the base of waking entity and they become unreal on the standpoint of the soul, which is in the form of consciousness. Therefore there is a need to know and realize the fact that the self is not physical but it is consciousness in order to realize the three states are mere mirage.

Thoughts and feelings are present only in waking or dream. The waking or dream is present only when the mind is present. Absent of mind is absent of waking or dream. Absent of waking or dream (duality) is deep sleep. In the experience of deep sleep, there is neither the waking nor the dream experience. The one which witnesses the three states which come and go in succession is neither the waking entity not the dream but is without the physical apparatus ,which is consciousness and which conscious of all the three states ,which comes and goes in succession.

The ignorance exists only in waking or dream. Deep sleep is an experience of blank emptiness, where there is no second thing to know anything. When waking disappears deep sleep appears, when deep sleep disappears and the dream appears this cycle goes on and on.

If our experience of deep sleep is thus taken seriously, it raises a profound question. How deep sleep is experienced, when there is neither waking entity nor the dream entity to experience it. Then what is it that is aware of the three states which comes and goes in succession. Then the self has to be without the physical apparatus with thinking or feeling.

The one which is aware of the three states, which comes and goes is always apart. All changing actions of perception, thoughts and feelings are within the waking or dream. The waking is parallel dream and dream is parallel waking experience. Consciousness, which is true Self, is apart from the three states, it is even aware even when they disappear because it pervades all the three states as their formless substance.

One seeks truth in the Realm of duality. Non-duality is seekers destination when all contradictions are dissolved the truth will start revealing on its own. Consciousness is always present in all the three states. In deep sleep, it is conscious of itself, when it is not conscious of itself it witnesses the waking or dream. Until one thinks on the base of birth entity he will not be able to understand and assimilate Self- knowledge because he has accepted the birth entity as self. On the base of birth entity the universe is reality. When universe is accepted as reality one has accepted the illusion as reality. Once one accepts the universe as reality then he has accepted the birth, life and death as reality.

The only factor found present in deep sleep is consciousness in its formless non-dual true nature. Consciousness is objectless and can never be objectified because it is the subject. Consciousness alone is the subject. These three states are object to the subject. In waking or dream is the state of ignorance. Due to ignorance the object is identified as subject thus the illusion is experienced as reality.

Analysis based on the  soul or consciousness as subject reveals the fact that,  the three states are mere mirage created out of consciousness. The true state of the consciousness is like deep sleep. Thus mentally holding the deep sleep as real self, and learn to view and judge the waking and dream on the stand point of the real self, one becomes aware of the fact that, the waking or dream are mere mirage, which comes and goes and the real self is mere witness of the mirage. Only due to ignorance one calls the real self as deep sleep. When consciousness becomes aware of itself then there is neither waking nor dream nor deep sleep. There is only oneness. That is unity in diversity. Therefore, it is necessary to become conscious of consciousness in the midst waking experience to realize the mind is mere mirage created out of consciousness, then only the ignorance dissolves and reality appears.

Ignorance or illusion is what conceals consciousness and projects the universe.

The mind cannot be described as both real and unreal, because these two contradictory qualities cannot exist in the same substance. It must therefore be said that the mind is neither real nor unreal because it is mere mirage.

Mind is myth because it is mere mirage. ‘Universe appears to exist as real because of our ignorance of consciousness. Thus the mind, which is in the form of universe, is reality on the base of the physical self, which perceives the world as a person, within the mind.

Man and universe exist as real because of ignorance of consciousness, which is the true self. This ignorance not only covers consciousness, but it projects the universe as a reality. The universe has no reality apart from consciousness. When the knowledge of consciousness arises, the universe is seen as a mere appearance of consciousness.

Another illustration may be taken to explain this. Ornaments of different sizes and shapes are made out of one metal. Their appearance and the use for which they are meant vary, but the fact that they are all really only metal, in spite of the different appearances and uses, cannot be denied. The appearance may change, a bangle may be converted into rings, but the metal always remains as metal. Similarly, on the dawn of the knowledge of the true Self which is consciousness, though the different forms of shapes of beings, creatures, animals and things , etc., continue to be seen by the Gnani, he sees them all only as appearances of the Consciousness. Thus the perception of difference and the consequences of such perception, such as looking upon some as favorable and others as the opposite, and the consequent efforts to retain or get what is favorable and to get rid of or avoid what is not favorable, come to an end.

This is the state of freedom even in the midst of waking experience, which is freedom from experiencing duality as reality. Similarly, bondage has no real existence at all. Even when we are ignorant of consciousness and think of ourselves as limited by the body, we are really none but the infinite consciousness. Freedom is thus only the removal of the wrong identification with the body, and the world. The attainment of the state of freedom from ignorance is the goal of seeker of truth.

Ignorance or illusion is what conceals consciousness and projects the universe. It is because of this that everyone identifies himself with physical self or waking or dream and is ignorant of the truth that “self” is none other than consciousness. Illusion may be looked upon from few different standpoints.

For the ordinary worldly individual who looks upon the world as real, illusion which is the cause of the appearance of the universe is real.

For the enlightened person the self is consciousness. It is possible to discriminate between truth and untruth, if the reasoning base is rectified from waking or dream [form] to soul [formless], for the easy understanding, assimilation and realization.

Consciousness’ means ultimate truth, and ‘Mind’ stands for the universe or illusion. The purpose of pursuit of truth is the destruction of primal ignorance, which leads to the attainment of the ultimate truth. Man and universe exits within the waking or dream. Waking has waking entity and waking universe. Similarly the dream has dream entity and dream universe. And deep in sleep has neither the waking entity nor waking universe nor dream entity nor dream universe.

The freedom arises even in the midst of waking experience, which is freedom from experiencing duality as reality.

Similarly, bondage has no real existence at all. Even when we are ignorant of consciousness and think of ourselves as limited by the body, we are really none but the infinite consciousness. Freedom is thus only the removal of the wrong identification with the body, and the world. The attainment of the state of freedom from ignorance is the goal of seeker of truth. Ignorance or illusion is what conceals consciousness and projects the universe. It is because of this that everyone identifies himself with physical self or waking or dream and is ignorant of the truth that “self” is none other than consciousness. Illusion may be looked upon from few different standpoints.

For the ordinary worldly individual who looks upon the world as real, illusion which is the cause of the appearance of the universe is real.

For the enlightened person the self is consciousness. It is possible to discriminate between truth and untruth, if the reasoning base is rectified from waking or dream [form] to soul [formless], for the easy understanding, assimilation and realization.

The mind, which is in the form of universe, keeps on changing all the time and so it cannot be considered as real.

The breath, the body, the name, all the forms and shapes the universe, “It’s all the same like branches of a tree just as one goes deeper and deeper one becomes aware of the fact that the self is consciousness and diversity is mere mirage. The one who realizes the consciousness is the true self, he shall be free from experiencing the mirage as reality.

One has lost himself in the game of form, time and space. When one is able to lift the veil of form, time and space mentally the truth will shine as non-dual existence.

Self-Knowledge is nothing but just dissolution of the mind into consciousness. One has to go beyond, emotions, sensations and thoughts and feelings by perfect understand it can be achieved.

One should not get stuck with accumulated knowledge but to flow towards non-dual reality, which is ultimate truth. Non-dual Silence which is not loneliness…

Inquiry, analysis and reasoning is the path, process as well as the goal. So the inner journey reaches towards the non-dual destination to become one with the “WHOLE”

Consciousness, which is the Self, is the only reality. 'Reality' is defined as that which does not undergo any change at any time. Consciousness, which is absolutely changeless and eternal, is alone real.

The mind, which is in the form of universe, keeps on changing all the time and so it cannot be considered as real. People cannot dismiss it as unreal, because they are unaware of the fact that, their existence is dependent on something unknown to them.

The mirage is being mistaken for real. The mirage so seen produces the effect of reality. Thus universe seen is in the form of mirage therefore its reality is limited to the mirage alone. On verification through deeper inquiry, analysis and reasoning it is found that the universe or mind never existed and that the consciousness alone was there all the time.

What is Illusion?

What is Illusion?
  Illusion is where one is bound to:
v  Form, time and space
v  Birth, life and death
v  Pain and Pleasure,
v  Burden and bondage
v  Waking, dream and deep sleep
v  Universe/Mind /Duality 
Illusion is created out of consciousness. Because of ignorance the illusion is experienced as reality.   Illusory reality deludes because I is based on egocentricity.  In egocentricity one does knows not the ultimate truth and permanently remains in ignorance. 

Thoughts arise to the person within the waking or dream. Thinker is the form. Without the form the thinking is impossibility. Thus thinker and the thoughts are part of the known. The witness of the knower and the known including the world is the  formless soul.
Thoughts and thinker are present only when the world is present. The world is present only when the waking experience is present. Waking experience is mere illusion from ultimate standpoint. If the waking experience is mere illusion then the thought, thinker and the world are mere illusion. 

Thought, thinker and the world are nothing to do with the formless witness. The witness is that witnesses the thoughts, the thinker and the world together. The thoughts, thinker and the world are one in essence. And also the three states are one in essence. That essence is consciousness. The consciousness (soul) is the innermost self. The consciousness is the ultimate reality or Brahman or God.