Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Instead of trying to give lust, anger, hatred, jealousy, desire greed and ego in order to eliminate the acquired habits to get realization, the seeker has to search for the true Self.

Instead of trying to  give lust, anger, hatred, jealousy, desire greed and ego in order to eliminate the acquired habits to get realization, the seeker has to search for the true Self. 
Through deeper self search  one becomes aware of the fact that, the ‘I’ is not the self but ‘I’  is the mind. Mind is in the form of universe and  the universe,which  appears as  Waking or dream  experience. And the substance and witness of the Waking or dream  experience is soul,which is in the from of consciousness. When he becomes aware his individual experience of  birth,life and death are mere illusion, created out of consciousness  then he will give up the inherited habitual judging the worldview on the standpoint of the waking entity and the waking world. and he will be able to identity the consciousness as true self .
When the seeker inquires and reasons the unreality will fall by itself.   Seeker has to seek the true self and ignore the illusory three states  in order to overcome the sense of duality which is in the form of ‘I’.
When the focus of attention is shifted on the true Self that is on consciousness  the senses of ‘I’  ceases. Absent of ‘I’  is absent of mind. Absent of mind is absent of  Waking or dream experience. Absent of Waking experience is presence of consciousness without the illusion.
Action is Mind. Inaction is soul the true self. Mental effort through inquiry,analysis  and reasoning is needed in Waking experience to go beyond the Waking experience to realize the true Self is not waking entity but the formless witness of the three states ,which is consciousness.
There is no scope for physical based effort in the search for the true Self. It is the self itself in illusion is trying to overcome the illusory experience of duality which present as Waking experience. The moment the Self elevates itself as witness, and then the Waking experience becomes mere mirage.
The world, god, and the person are not different from the consciousness because   the formless  substance and witness of the Waking experience. Since the three states are mere mirage created out of consciousness , the three states are not reality from the ultimate standpoint.
One must become aware that the all the three states are consciousness,  because consciousness is the formless substance witness of the three states.  and consciousness  is ultimate reality because consciousness pervades all the three states as its formless substance.
He must be fully aware what is to be known? And what is not to be known?  What is to be learnt and what is not be learnt? What is to be accepted as truth and what is not to be accepted as truth?  What has to be rejected and dropped as unreal?
Consciousness  alone is real  and the  mind,which is in the form of universe is unreal. When This conviction arises than it will awaken the seeker to wisdom. Universe or mind  is like ice and the consciousness  is like the water. The wisdom melts the ice which is universe or mind  and becomes one with the water that is consciousness.
In the end of the inquiry,analysis  and reasoning on the true base the  wisdom dawns and one becomes aware of the fact that, there is no such thing as ‘I’ or Mind or Universe exists in reality, but it is extremely difficult to acquire wisdom  without deeper self search.
Religion and yoga are no means to attain the wisdom since they are based on the ego and they consider the waking entity as self and  Waking experience as reality.  Only when the seeker realizes the true fact that, self is not the form but the self is formless.  Therefore he becomes aware of the fact that, the three states are neither witnessed by the waking entity nor by the dream entity but the formless soul,which is in the form of consciousness.  Thus, the true self is neither the waking entity nor the dream entity but the formless knower of the three states.

What the seeker supposed to do?- 1

Q:        What the seeker supposed to do?
K.S.K.: the seeker has to give up the seeking egocentric spiritual search. The seeker has to know the preliminary inquiry of “Who am ‘I’” and realize the true fact that, the physical body is not the self. If physical body is not the self the ego or ‘I’ is not the Self. Thus give up ego based inquiry. Focus the attention of the mind which is present as sense of ‘I’. Then start inquiry and reason to know:
v  What is ‘I’ or mind?
The inquiry and reason reveals that ‘I’ or mind is the whole Waking experience ,which appears and disappears.  Therefore seeker has to come to firm conclusion and then conviction that ‘I’ is the whole Waking experience. This is the first step.
The next step is three states analyzes. Inquire and reason revels that the three states appear and disappear in succession not to the ego or physical entity but to the invisible entity.  Make sure the world and the person and ego and whatever is known and seen and experienced as a person is within the Waking experience. The dream is parallel Waking experience and Waking experience is parallel dream.  The deep sleep is not the state but only absent of experience. Thus the knower of the Waking experience or dream is formless and non-dual which can prevail with or without the experience of duality that is Waking or dream.
From this the seeker becomes convinced that the egocentric spiritual practice will not help the seeker to go beyond the experience of duality.
The ego is the tool within the Waking experience. Therefore, the Waking experience is dependent on the ego. Therefore seeker has to consider the ego as the whole Waking experience not mere physical entity.
By saying ego is devious and cunning and it is evolving entity, through periods of time that are unimaginable, it has learned to survive through any and every condition… It will outwit one any time, any day, any place, anywhere is not the answer to getting rid of the ego. There is no difference between the ego and a person therefore getting rid of the ego as a person is impossibility.   
Even when one thinks as a person that one is being altruistic, or spiritual, or compassionate, that what one is really doing is advancing his own self-interest, or secretly praising himself, Sometimes he likes himself, and sometimes he is critical of himself, all these are happening within the Waking experience. The true Self is only witness of the Waking experience or ‘I’.   
Therefore whatever conduct as a person good or bad, negative or positive are happenings within the Waking experience. And Waking experience is myth on the standpoint of the true Self which is Atman. 
 If one says that:
Ø  There is no real ego but only a succession of thoughts which constitute the “I” process. There is no separate entity forming the personal consciousness but only a series of impressions, ideas, and images revolving around a common center which is completely empty”. What one calls one’s identity is this constant, incessant, uninterrupted process of one thought following another.”
This conclusion is arrived by judging and viewing the worldview on the standpoint of physical base that is ego and is half truth. All the impression and ideas and images and the ego are present only when there is Waking experience. The egocentric seeking will not transport the seeker beyond the experience of duality.  Thus seeker has to make sure of the fact that ‘I’ is Waking experience and view and judge the three states on the standpoint of the formless witness of the three states, which appear and disappear in succession.  
If one says that:
Ø  Man is always expecting, anticipating and he  is looking to an image all the time, an activity. After a while one to recognize that activity or that expectation is probably the chief motivation of the his  functioning as a person  all these are happening within the Waking experience or mind.
Limiting the mind to physical entity and viewing and judging the worldview on the standpoint of the ego or as a person will not lead the seeker towards reality of his true  existence.
If one says that:-
Ø “He distract himself all the time with anticipating and imagining things And takes most of the mental activity that goes on in his life during the day and chucks ninety percent out and be so much better for it and Notices a tremendous psychical dissipation that’s going on. It’s like one has left the electricity on, and he does not need it.” One is just wasting it.
He is thinking all these within the illusory Waking experience as a person. Whatever one thinks and imagines as a person is bound to be illusory.
The reality of the world asserted by some; it is vehemently challenged by others. Mass theories are there, only to get one in tangle.
v The problem is which theory is correct?

v Or even for practice which path is most efficacious religious or yogic or spiritual?
The deeper one delve in theories, religion and yoga the more one flounder in doubts. Not un-often, the dissatisfaction at the whole thing is the result. When the seeker shall seek all day ere he finds them and when he has them, they are not worth the search.
Seeker  should not  bind to any theory; so theoretical doubt will ever assail to the seekers who is in the path of reasoning .  No theory is required to tell one that he exists. The search into the existing Self will keeps away the searches and researches outside the Self. Even as a start, this freedom from theory, religion and yoga and god glorification and scriptural declaration is a great thing.

Apart from the ego there are other questions; what proof one can adduce for the existence of god, or validity of religion?  In modern age religion should satisfy and convince; it cannot afford to assert and demand belief. The confrontation with materialistic fancies or scientific method is no mean problem.

Science can offer spectacular proof of its theories. Technology can give practical means of comfortable living. One cannot ignore the mental satisfaction and material comfort offered by science and technology. The value and impact of scientific method demand recognition. But science is based on the ego as true self and world as reality. Science cannot go beyond the Waking experience because it accepts the unreality as reality.

Whatever mystical experience or glimpse of the God is mere hallucination.

The ego gains more strength when one tries to know one’s own self as a person.  But one cannot undo oneself until and unless he realizes the true fact that ‘I’ is not the Self but the ‘I’ is the mind. The mind is the whole Waking experience.  The ego is part of the Waking experience. Therefore trying only getting rid of the ego without inquiring and reasoning into the nature of the  mind   it is impossible to unfold the mystery of one’s own existence. Therefore one has to discover and realize the fact that,  the whole Waking experience is a mere illusion in order to know the reality of one’s true  existence.  Deeper self-search reveals the fact that, the self is neither the waking entity nor the self is dream entity but the self is the formless soul. the soul is present in the form of consciousness.

Consciousness is the substance and witness of the duality.  The duality is present in the form of mind. Mind is present in the form of universe. The universe appears as waking or dream and diapers as deep sleep. The one which is aware of the coming and going of the three states is neither the waking entity nor the dream entity but the formless soul, which is present in the form of consciousness.  When the soul becomes aware of its formless non-dual true nature in the midst of duality it is called self –awareness. It is foolish to limit the consciousness only to duality because the consciousness pervades all the three states
It is erroneous to seek truth seek truth as a person which is the ego. Seek truth as the invisible knower of the ego that will lead the seeker towards reality. The invisible knower is ultimate state of the mind which is called Atman or spirit; there is no higher power other then Atman.

Jesus said:- "Know what is in front of your face, and what is hidden from you will be disclosed to you. (THE GOSPEL OF THOMAS- Saying 5) 

It means one has to know the world which confronts him confronts to realize his body and world are made of the same essence and that essence is Spirit (father). 

Sri, Sankara says: one must first know what is before him. If he cannot know that, what else can he know or understand? If he gives up the external world in his inquiry, he cannot get the whole truth.

[63. Without causing the objective universe to vanish and without knowing the truth of the Self, how is one to achieve Liberation by the mere utterance of the word Brahman? — It would result merely in an effort of speech.(Viveka Chudamani )

Jesus said:- Those who seek should not stop seeking until they find. When they find, they will be disturbed. When they are disturbed, they will marvel, and will reign over all." (Gospel of Thomas 2)

"The Kingdom of God is inside you and all around you, Not in a mansion of wood and stone.  Split a piece of wood and God is there, Lift a stone and you will find God." (Gospel of Thomas)

 No mystical experience will help. The seeker should not remain in hallucination of getting some mystical experience. Seeker has to inquire and reason and analyze, reflect constantly on the knower of the appearance and disappearance of the three states in order to unfold the mystery of his own existence.
It is imposable to unfold the mystery on the physical based inquiry. When one becomes Aware of the fact that,  physical entity  is not the Self,  than it become very clear of the fact that , ‘I’ is not the Self. Therefore, searching or inquiring on the base of ‘I’ is totally erroneous.  
Whatever mystical experience or glimpse of the God is mere hallucination. Since experience is possible only when there is ego. The ego disappears along with the Waking experience. Thus one has to remain as a person to experience mystical experience or indulge in breathing exercise therefore ego still dominates.  The over- self and the one experiences the mystical experience are still remain separate thus still there is duality. Duality means Waking experience. Waking experience means illusion.  The truth will be reveled when the invisible witness of illusory Waking experience is mentally  traced. 

Meher Baba said: - give no importance to creed, dogma, caste or the performance of religious ceremonies and rites.
The only Real Existence is that of the One and only God Who is the Self in every (finite) self.

The only Real Love is the Love for this Infinity (God), which arouses an intense longing to see, know and become one with its Truth (God).

The only Real Sacrifice is that in which, in pursuance of this Love, all things—body, mind, position, welfare and even life itself—are sacrificed.

The only Real Renunciation is that which abandons, even in the midst of worldly duties, all selfish thoughts and desires.

The only Real Knowledge is the Knowledge that God is the inner dweller in good people and in so-called bad, in saint and in so-called sinner. This Knowledge requires you to help all equally as circumstances demand without expectation of reward, and when compelled to take part in a dispute, to act without the slightest trace of enmity or hatred; to try to make.

The real love is the love for the innermost self. Thus ‘Love Thyself'. 

The self cannot be experienced, because the experience is possible only in the realm of duality.   There is neither experience nor experincer in reality.  In self-awareness the body, ego and the world are not considered different from consciousness.

How can man know about himself without the ego?

v  How can man know about himself without the ego?  

K.S.K.: His physical existence is dependent on ego.  Whether it is negative or positive expression they are fully dependent on ego. The ego is present when there is mind that is Waking or dream experience. Therefore limiting the ego only to negative aspect of expression is erroneous.  

 If a person is  good or bad, negative or positive, rash or timid he cannot be without the ego. Therefore even if one says he is empty inside his ego is only expressing it. Ego is part of the experience of duality it is impossible to get rid of the ego alone. The whole experience of the duality has to be got rid of. The negativity and positivity, emotions, pain and pleasure, birth, death and life based on the ego. Therefore it impossible control ego with ego. It is no use of struggling to sublime the ego. The man and his experience of the world is based on the ego

 The ego cannot be apart from the whole waking experience. It cannot be separated from Waking experience. The ego is part and parcel of the Waking experience.  It rises with the waking state and subsides with Waking state. 

Whatever happening within the Waking experience  whether one gets praise and or one feels depressed it is happening within the Waking experience.  Ups and downs of feeling are happening within the Waking experience. Therefore one has to get rid of the experience of duality,which is preset  in the form of mind.  It is an impossible venture to indulge in pursuit of getting rid of ego.It is foolish venture to learn about the ego. Egocentric spiritual pursuit will not lead the seeking mind towards reality of one’s true existence.  It is not ego which keeps one always under its power, but is the illusory experience of duality which makes the seeking mind experience the illusion as reality. The  egocentric spiritual teachings useless tools in pursuit of truth. Therefore truth seeker has analyzed the three states to unfold the truth of his true existence

A seeker is not truly and really on the quest until he is uncertain, until bases his quest on the ego. So basically seeker has to understand the ego it is impossible to unfold the mystery of the reality of his true existence with egocentric teachings.

Thus it is necessary to become soul-centric in order to understand and assimilate the self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana. 

A Gnani do not consider himself as wise and others are less wise. No one is wise or less wise in in pursuit of truth. The inner revolution starts within and ends within. Gnani is neither a scriptural scholar nor he is a philosopher.  Gnani neither a teacher nor he has any teaching.  He silently works and helps the fellow seekers inspiring them guiding them towards inner reality in his own way. The scholar will remain as scholars and philosophers will remain as philosophers and intellectual remains as intellectuals arguing on their point of view. Gnani never propagates any philosophy because philosophy is nothing to do with pursuit of truth but he points out, the obstacles, which is blocking everyone’s realization.