Saturday, April 3, 2010

One has to overcome all the inherited conditioning to unfold the mystery of the physical existence/mind.

Everyone likes Religion because it belongs to the world of emotions and sentiments. Religion changes as it appeals to different emotions. At one pole the nude saint is admired; at the other the gorgeously-dressed god men is revered.
Seeker of truth should not be carried away by any yogi or swami standing or by the attitude of authority which he adopts in addressing to the mass. It has no value in the realm of truth. He pretends  as if he knows everything and this attitude he adopted because his guru told him so, both of them not knowing really what truth is but they are only  well versed in scriptural knowledge not the  non-dual truth. Scriptural knowledge is not ultimate truth.
Yogi or swami is certainly brilliant intellectually in religious authority, but remember the religious truth is individual truth not universal.  . They apply reason admirably to their profession or business, but drop it and use feeling or emotion only when trying to philosophize.
Religion is “individual truth”; spiritual truth   is “universal truth.” This means religionist takes his feeling of truth whereas a Gnani takes his reasoned judgment, which will be the same under test everywhere in the universe.
No one has ever seen God; thy only heard or read about him. Some may claim they seen in the vision. But vision is mere individual experience similar to dream. If one takes the visions as real then the dream also be taken as reality.  No one knows god’s capacities, what He can create, and what he cannot create. Therefore, any statement one might make about God would only be a lie, because god can exist only when man exists, and believes in belief of god. If there is no belief then there is no god. Thus god is the religious software in belief system.  If the software is removed then it is only physical existence.  The truth will unfold only when one is able to think beyond physical existence.
The truth of religion can only be proved by physical strength or by imagination, or power of the weapon or political power, never by reason.  Belief in religious prohibitions arises out of fear of God's punishment.  Seeker of truth has to regard the theosophy in the same way as he regards the idea of God- of religion.
Religionists place God as the unknown reality. Every religionist has a different idea of God. Every man has a different idea of real, Hence there is need to know the ultimate truth.  The fallacy of religionist’s appeal to scripture lies in the varying and conflicting interpretations of the same scripture which different persons feel entitled to give or hold.
Therefore, one has to overcome all the inherited conditioning to unfold the mystery of the physical existence/mind.  

Theories are only theories speculated and imagined on the base of false self

If and only if one wants to be unaffected by mental suffering completely then one has to acquire self –knowledge in a systematic way by proper and perfect understanding. One has to free himself from theory of karma and reincarnation by proper understanding. Theories are only theories speculated and imagined on the base of the  false self. One need not believe it. BUT it is essential that one understands the present birth, life and death itself is illusion. After this understanding one will progress in path of truth and ultimately reach his non-dual destination. After reaching this goal he will know whether the present birth, life and death are true or not.  The inherited conditioning from parental grooming makes on think he is an individual separate from the world, and world existed prior to him. This conviction is deep-rooted and causes the ignorance of the true existence.

 In reality the physical existence is mere mirage. Therefore, there is new approach is needed in assimilating the self-knowledge. Instead of arguing on the base of the false self, with the logic and accumulated knowledge, one has to verify the validity of his own belief and accumulated knowledge by himself by deeper thinking, inquiring, analyzing and reasoning.  

Reasoning on the true base is a perfect science. There are two types of people. People who are not intelligent enough to doubt or raise questions about their inherited beliefs, such people normally follow the belief system which they have inherited. When some people from other faith convinces them that their beliefs are wrong they will discard them and have a new set of beliefs, meaning they get converted to one belief system to another. Whoever follows whichever belief system will never be completely secured and happy with their belief system. They would like to protect their belief and claim that they hold the right set of belief. However, internally they are never completely sure.

The second set of people is intelligent to raise questions and demand explanations for all the beliefs that are they have inherited from their grooming. They do not want to accept anything without proof.  They are always searching for un- contradictable truth. They are the real truth seekers.

The existence of the paradise or heaven exists according to the belief of religious believers.

The existence of the paradise or heaven exists according to the belief of religious believers. However where people have got a little thinking capacity, they begin to disbelieve through the contradictions of various contending orthodox claims and descriptions because they ceases to exit without physical self/ego.  Whatever is based on the physical self/ego is bound to be falsehood because the physical self/ego exists within the falsehood. 
There is no need to condemn any religion or religious beliefs. But it is for the seeker of truth to find out how the religion becomes an obstacle in pursuit of truth.  People hold any belief, any imagination they like in that realm. In religion the question of truth does not arise, only the question of what appears to one or what he believes in.

The religion is easy to follow because on has to only believe in the imagination propagated by it with blind faith. But the path of truth is verification of what one believes in.    One may  feel the path of truth is  very difficult  in the beginning but  gradually as one becomes aware of the fact that, the self is not physical and learns to view and judge the worldview on the standpoint of the soul /true self, then  it becomes easier to thread the path.
It is difficult for the religionists and intellectuals to tread the path of truth, because they base them selves on the physical self/ego. But for  the one, whom self-knowledge is  the supreme goal, who are ready to  renouncing  the ignorance, in order to realize the ultimate truth,  and reflect on  the soul/self  with devotion, becomes  free from experiencing  the illusory cycle of birth and death and  become conscious of consciousness which is the true self and the eternal identity.
Theology is mere study, writing, research, or speaking on the nature of gods, especially in relation to human experience.  Therefore, theology is based on the physical self/ego. Whatever is based on the physical self/ ego is mere imagination or a theory based intellectual speculation without any finality. 
Theological studies are usually done in religious institutions where the promotion of religious beliefs is part of the mission. Thus, theology is based on the false self /ego; therefore it cannot yield any truth.
The seeker of truth has to move from unreality to reality, from ignorance to wisdom, untruth to truth, from mortality to immortality and diversity to unity.  

One may believe in a position, but he is required to prove the truth of his belief.

Authoritarianism merely assumes as true what another says, but what has yet to be proved.  Lots of pundit will teach “Who am ‘I’”? but none have deeply  analysed it scientifically, none can prove it. Rational proof is needed in pursuit of truth, so that one can arrive at knowing truth i.e. Wisdom; theirs is mere dogma, parrotism, repetition of what they read in scripture.
Scholastic or mystic argument leads nowhere. If one says “God is formless “another will reply, "No, God has a form! If one says "this scriptures has higher then all other scriptures” another will say, "No, that is lower and there are many scriptures higher then that." It is impossible to get anywhere with such talk because both sides are merely assuming and imagining.
Pursuit of truth does not begin with ultimate truth just by holding some scriptures declaration as truth, truth has to be proved, not assumed. People who take scriptures for granted are mere scholars who have mastered scriptures without verifying the validity and parroting their scriptural knowledge not the truth. People think scriptural mastery is wisdom but it is mere play of words. The scriptural knowledge is not the means to nondual wisdom. Buddha rejected scriptures and got enlightenment. 
Raman Mahrshi said:-
Q: D: Is it not necessary to study the Vedas or at least Prastnatraya[Bagvad gita.Dasoponishad and Brahma Sutra all with commentaries] to ensure firm reazation?
A: Bhagvan: - No. Do you need all that to see yourself? All that is intellectual wealth, useful in explain doubts and difficulties if others rise them if you yourself encounter them in course of thinking. But to attain realization, all that is not necessary. You want fresh water to drink, but you do not require all the water of the river Ganges to quench your quest. [in page 111/112- practical guide to know your self]

They alone in this world are endowed with the highest wisdom who are firm in their conviction of the sameness and birthlessness of Ataman. The ordinary man does not understand their way. [Chapter IV — Alatasanti Prakarana 95-P-188 in Upanishads by Nikilanada]

One may believe in a position, but he is required to prove the truth of his belief. A belief is assuming or imagining to be true, but the truth is wisdom.
The time one spends in rituals and glorifying gods and gurus is wasted; instead spend that same time moving forward towards Self-knowledge, which is true goal. In religion and yoga are not the means to Self-knowledge they lead deeper ignorance hallucination.
Inquiry, analysis and reasoning will help the seeker towards Self-knowledge, because they will lead to perfect understanding of the truth. When this happens the sense of "I' and "mine' will subside. This is the way to freedom from experiencing the duality as reality, gradual, or progressive, liberation.

Belief depends upon unstable bases whereas certainty depends on proof.

When one finds disappointment in religion, yoga or mysticism and he is in confusion and uncertainty, whether he is right or wrong.  There is no certainty that he is proceeding on right lines?" Thus doubts arise and the inquiring spirit comes and impels to search elsewhere for truth where it will not be possible even to have doubt.
 Only in non- duality, where there are no two to argue about views or to have difference of opinion can such doubtlessness be possible.  Belief depends upon unstable bases whereas certainty depends on proof.
Seeker has to get rid of his doubts by sound reasoning. Seeker of truth should not simply go on believing everything, which has come from his grooming and whatever he is been heard, read and told without verifying their validity.  Seeker has to get rid of the doubts by the deeper inquiry, analysis and reasoning."
Yoga, Theology, mythology, religion, poetry all belong to the same class--appeal to belief, fancy, imagination, not truth. When one cannot fully know the truth about the physical existence then, how can he hope ever to know God, who is dependent on human existence?  Then why bring in the belief system, without investigating the truth of the physical existence.
The spiritual healing is not the power of the god which is mere belief.  The healer and the healing takes place in illusion. There is neither the individualized god, nor the healer not healing in the realm of realityOne man gets cured and speaks and spreads the fame of the healer. Why he got cured he does not know; whilst many others may fail to receive a cure and their cases are not talked about.  The individual experiences within the experience of duality are nothing to with the witness. The witness of the experience of duality [waking/dream] is always apart and unaffected.  The experience of duality, which comes and goes, is impermanent whereas the formless witness is permanent.
Whatever experienced in the presence of a god men or yogi is due to prior suggestion inherited from the grooming. The god men of one religion are not considered as revered by people belonging to other religion.  People accept only the god men or holy men of their own religion.    The words of god men will fail to impress the mass if the god men belonging to other religion. The religion ceases to exist without the idea of god/guru. Some worship their guru as god some individualized god and some worship and pray to the formless god.  The idea of god is based on the physicality and physicality is not reality. In reality there is only non- duality, and there is no scope for any second thing.   There is no second thing to say there is god or no god.   Therefore, the true self which is the spirit is ultimate truth.
The teachings of Pseudo-gurus who claim mystic teaching is immoral are ignorant on the base of the true self.  The orthodox people always craving for religion and indulge themselves in godly business, because they think their religion has come as their inheritance from their ancestors and passed on from one generation to the next.  And they feel it is their duty to protect their inherited customs, traditions and beliefs.  The fear propagated by priest craft that, if one does not to follow its rites and dogmas will bring punishment and misfortunes and they will not be qualified for enjoyment in the next world or next life creates fear and makes them incapable of accepting anything other then their accepted truth.
People’s inability to give up the beliefs of its truth, even when their reason demonstrates its fallacies and absurdities are merely forms of mild obsessions, i.e. a thought constantly repeating itself automatically in their subconscious; hence it is mental disease created out of hallucination.
The concept of god, karma, heaven and hell are ideas created by religion, to help for those who are incapable of grasping. The concept of god and goddesses and karma are part of the ignorance. By worshiping god and goddesses one accepts the false self as true self, thus he is unfit for self-knowledge. Therefore concept of god is not the means to acquire the self knowledge. That is why Buddha rejected concept of God.
Devotion is meant for those who are unable to think deeply and more interested in worldly life to manipulate the worldly life with the belief of individualized god.  Thus the belief is part of the illusion. Therefore, the devotional path is limited to duality/mind. 
Unless one give up the ideas of sin, karma, heaven and hell, non-dual truth is impossible to grasp.  The truth of the theory of karma, sin, heaven and hell must be proved here and now, not in the next world. If this cannot be done, then it is not possible to hold such idea, as existence of heaven and hell as true. Mere speculation on basis of scriptural authority is not the proof.

Waking experience remains as reality until one accepts the birth, life and death as reality.

Waking experience remains as reality until one accepts the birth, life and death as reality. The birth, life and death are reality within the waking experience.  The waking disappears when the deep sleep appears and the dream remains as reality until waking takes place. The one which is aware of all the three states in succession is not the waking entity but it is the soul, which is in the form of the spirit.    The waking becomes unreal when one becomes aware of the fact that the self is not physical but the self is the spirit/soul.
The waking is parallel dream and dream is parallel waking. The substance and witness of the waking and dream is formless and nondual. 
Nondual Truth can be known, realized directly by anyone without the help scriptures, theories and teachings.   There is no need to believe or accept blindly; seeker can find out for himself by inquiring, analyzing and reasoning.
Self –Knowledge means knowledge of the true nature of Self /Soul, which is eternal is Eternal
There is no need to believe in Karma theory because it is based on the physical self and physical self is false self. Seeker of truth should not believe in anything without concrete proof.
 There is no need discuss, debate or do any research on whatever  is based on the physical self/ego  because the physical self /ego is the false self within the false experience.

The peace and happiness depends on the environment and circumstances within the experience of duality. If everything goes well, you will be happy. If things do not happen the way one wants it   or if undesirable events happen in life then there is suffering. Pursuit of truth shows a way out of this oscillation. It helps one to find the truth that the pain and pleasure are part of the duality and duality is not reality.  Therefore there is a need to know the fact that the true self is not physical self, which is being affected by the events in the world. The formless substance and witness of the physical existence is the true self, and it is unaffected by the illusory experience of pain and pleasure.