Friday, June 25, 2010

Those who know the Self is neither body, nor mind but the self is consciousness, the principle of existence, find the ultimate truth

The truth is hidden within the mind. Those who know the Self is neither body, nor mind but the self, which  is consciousness, the principle of existence, find the ultimate truth, which is beyond form, time and space.

If one attaches himself with some teacher, teaching, theories and try to convince on it by the arguments refuting the other teaching or theories, he will not be able to understand the fact that, the truth is beyond all the teachings and theories and argument. There is no need for any argument in pursuit of truth. One has to learn to view and judge the truth on the base of the soul as self, and by using his reason he will be able to know “what is truth ?” and “what is untruth?” and mentally reject the untruth.

As soon as waking takes place from deep sleep, one confronts ready-made universe, including e its perceiver. To examine it closely, he becomes aware of the fact that, man and his experience of the universe appeared together, which had disappeared together. Thus the man and the universe co-exit.

Thus, the one which knows the appearance and disappearance of the waking or dream or deep sleep is neither waking entity nor the dream entity, because the waking entity exists within the waking and dream entity exists within the dream. And in deep sleep there is neither waking entity, nor dream entity. Then what is it that is conscious of the appearance and disappearance of the three states in succession, without the physical apparatus.

It is conscious of the appearance and disappearance of the three states without a break, beyond the shadow of a doubt. This, on closer analysis, is found to be that changeless, subjective Consciousness itself.

The knowledge of one object implies the ignorance of all objects other than that particular object. The ignorance of all objects in deep sleep means really the positive knowledge of the self, which is consciousness. Consequently, the ignorance of the ordinary man in deep sleep is really the knowledge of his own self, which is Consciousness.

Our deep sleep experience is ignorance of the true self, which is consciousness. The so called ignorance of the world in deep sleep is nothing but the knowledge of the self, which is consciousness. Thus the experience in deep sleep, if properly understood, is only one; and that is our true self, which is consciousness. There is only one there; and hence the ignorance of the many is no experience at all.

One is aware of the deep sleep experience only in waking, which is the state of ignorance. Only when one gets rid of the ignorance in waking he becomes aware of the fact that, the self is not physical but it is consciousness, which is conscious of the appearance and disappearance of all the three states in succession. By Holding on to consciousness as self, the three states are mere mirage created out of the consciousness. When the truth is realized, then there is no mirage, it is only consciousness which exists as nondual existence.

Gnani is the one who has clear understanding, assimilation and realization that, the consciousness is the true self.

Nondual wisdom involves understanding that consciousness is always attribute-less, the abidance in that attribute-less consciousness requires constant reflecting on the nature of the mind.

One has to firmly get established in the knowledge that one has already assimilated. If he has already realized it, then he is a Gnani.
Gnani is the one who has clear understanding, assimilation and realization that, the consciousness is the true self. And consciousness is the formless substance and witness of the three states by constant inquiry, analysis and reasoning.
Ego functions whether it is Gnani or ignorant but a Ganani understands the demarcation while ignorant thinks he is the doer. One has to ascertain the fact that, the self is not physical but self is formless consciousness.

Knowing consciousness as self, mind becomes known.

Knowing consciousness as self, mind becomes known.  Knowing consciousness as self nothing else remains to be known. Knowing consciousness as self one attains to immortality that is the beginningless ultimate reality.
A Gnani is fully aware, and sees the consciousness in all beings and in everything, existing equally and deathless in the living and the dying.

Consciousness is present within all the three states but without the three states. Consciousness is present in all the moving and unmoving, incomprehensible, far and near, impartible, sustaining everything in the waking and dream experiences.
Until one recognizes the source of the mind, one is bound to believe his birth entity as real self and his experience of universe as reality. This body one is so proud of is not the self.  The body and universe exist within the mind. Therefore there is a need to know the source of the mind. The body and the world are within the waking experience.  And the waking experience also will permanently vanish same way as dream, which is called death.  
One has to know that the body and the world are within the mind. And mind is made of consciousness. Thinking the body is   made of five elements one becomes ignorant of the consciousness. By becoming ignorant of consciousness one is conditioned to believe the birth, life and death as reality. By believing the birth, life and death as reality one has strong conviction that the universe in which he is born is real, thus he experiences the illusion as reality. And all his reasoning and judgement is based on physical self, which is the false self within the false experience. 
Mind merges into the source, from where it is originated. Therefore there is a need to mentally trace the source in order to discover the ultimate truth. 
The true self is consciousness and consciousness is  devoid of attributes yet it  existing as if divided in beings, sustaining beings, devouring as well as generating beings within the illusion.  
The consciousness is the light of all lights, beyond all darkness, the goal of knowledge, dwelling and pervading everything and everywhere   in all the three states as their formless substance and witness. Consciousness is the One to be known as ultimate truth.
These three states are temporary - they will pass away. One should not be so proud, looking at his beautiful body and the beauty of the universe, which are within the waking experience. When the time ceases the waking ceases,    like the snake shedding its skin, the consciousness sheds the three states.
 The mind is like perishable.  Like   frail and perishable; the paper is limited. When the drop of water falls upon it, the paper crumbles and dissolves instantaneously same way the reality of the mind which appears as waking or dream and disappears as deep sleep dissolves when their unreal nature is exposed through wisdom.
Even though the self is something other than this material body, the majority of people still identify themselves with it. Why? The main reason people identify the physical body as self, is because of the ignorance of the Real Self, which is consciousness.
Whosoever identifies his-self with this bundle of bones and flesh is ignorant.  Now the question arises: If self is not this body, then what is self? If body with the name is not self then what is one’s true Identity which is without the body and name?
Self is the consciousness and consciousness is ultimate truth.  One has to recognize the consciousness as the true self in order to know the three states are unreal.  
The three states are temporary, while the true self ,which is  consciousness , is the  formless substance and witness of the three states  real  and  Immortal Therefore, this mind is  false and impermanent, and the  Soul or consciousness ,which is  the real Self is True and permanent.
Consciousness is not human, and it is not a demigod. Consciousness is not celibate, or a worshipper. Consciousness is not a Yogi, and it is not a hermit. Consciousness is not a mother or anyone's son because it is formless and one without the second.
Consciousness dwells in all the three states.  No one can find its limits. Consciousness is not a house-holder, and it is not a renouncer. Consciousness is not a president of the country, and it is not a beggar. Consciousness is neither the guru nor disciple.  Consciousness has no body, no drop of blood. Consciousness is neither a Hindu, nor Christen, nor a Muslim.
Consciousness is not called a man of austere self-discipline, or an orthodox. Consciousness does not live, and it is not seen to die. When the ignorance [Birth, life, death and world] vanishes through wisdom consciousness alone will prevail as nondual existence.
Mind is formed of the same essence as the soul, which is in the form of consciousness. Consciousness is stable it like the ink on the news paper which cannot be erased.
The ultimate goal, aim or purpose of human existence is to become linked or re-established in his true identification, the unconditioned consciousness. This is Self-Realization — the realization of man's True Self, the Soul, which is in the form of consciousness. Once one attains this pure awareness within, then he recognizes that "consciousness is the real self, and self is consciousness ". 
Consciousness is Soul, and the mind is in soul or consciousness. This is realized through reflecting constantly on the consciousness which is the formless substance and witness of the three states. .
Seeker has to recognize mentally that "consciousness is self”. He who knows this secret through deeper inquiry, analyses and reasoning become free from experiencing the illusion as reality.
Consciousness is within the mind, and the mind is within the consciousness but it is without the mind. This is realized through reflecting on this subject.

The consciousness is the formless essence of the mind.  Therefore, the mind and soul are one is essence.

The consciousness is beyond all the happenings, which are happening within the waking or dream

The consciousness is beyond all  the  happenings, which are happening  within the waking or dream, because it is not an entity or identity within the waking or dream, but consciousness pervades in everything and everywhere in all the three states as their formless substance.

Prior to the appearance of the waking consciousness was the same. Prior to the dream consciousness was the same. In deep sleep consciousness was the same. It remains unchanging throughout because it is mere formless witness of the three states.

Emptiness means empty of duality or illusion or mind. Consciousness is always there, and the "consciousness” cannot be empty because it is permanent. On the base of the consciousness as self the ignorance vanishes and wisdom takes its place.

Consciousness is the center of the physical existence or mind,

There are diverse spiritual practices in the form of prayers, meditation, yoga, tantra, glorifying the guru or god, meditation and inquiry. etc.

What the goal of spiritual practice might be is described differently in various religions and traditions. In some religions, the goal of spiritual practice is to go to heaven and be with angels, divine beings, and God. In some spiritual traditions, the goal of spiritual practice is said to be union with God. Still, in other schools of thought, the goal of spiritual is freedom from bondage from all concepts including the notions of heaven and God. There are many variations on these themes in the world religions.

The nature of life and existence is generally determined by one’s inherited cultural and traditional conditioning and upbringing or conditioning through circumstances.

From an Eastern meditative perspective, anything that allows the mind to be quiet and content and peaceful in awareness is spiritual practice. The schools of yoga in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism emphasize the path of nonviolence in their spiritual practice. The goal of spiritual practice in these traditions is Moksha or Nirvana. Moksha or Nirvana imply release from all bondage and liberation from the cycle of birth, life and death.

The Advaita perspective within Hinduism emphasizes Self-knowledge as the only means to overcome the idea that one is separate from God or the Universe.  According to this philosophy, when the Self is realized, the false cognition that the world is different from the Self simply vanishes.

There is only consciousness, which is the true self; however when the consciousness is conceptualizes with different concepts and ideas, so it becomes difficult to understand and assimilate the nondual truth. Therefore there is no attainment of goal outside of consciousness which is the formless substance and witness of the three states.   Consciousness is the center of the physical existence or mind, and it pervades in everything and everywhere in all the three states.  Deeper inquiry, analysis and reasoning revels the fact that, consciousness is the true self.  

Holding on to the awareness that the consciousness is the real Self is the goal. The consciousness is already there. The veil of ignorance has to be lifted to overcome the illusion. Therefore Self-Knowledge is the only tool to know and realize the fact that, the veil is mere mirage.

One can find answers to all questions if one first realizes the fact that, the self is not physical body but the self is that, which witnesses the physical body and the universe together, without the physical apparatus.
The ultimate answer to all the questions comes only after one realizes the self is not physical but self is consciousness.  One will be able to understand and assimilate the nondual truth only after he becomes aware of the fact that, the consciousness is the true self. Therefore, there is a necessary to realize the fact that, “consciousness” is the true self, in order to realize, the body and the universe are mere mirage created out of consciousness. Therefore the whole experience of diversity is nothing but consciousness. Thus consciousness is second to none.   Therefore, to understand and assimilate and realize the consciousness is ultimate truth nothing else will help other then the knowledge of the true self.