Saturday, December 10, 2011

When one becomes aware of the fact that, the self is not the form but self is formless than idea of Moksha “is an Illusion, because it is mere an idea or imaginary "thing" introduced in the past by people who were tired of war/greed.

Ultimate Truth is no theory, no speculative system of philosophy, no intellectual insight. Ultimate Truth is exact correspondence with reality. For human, the ultimate truth is the unshakable knowledge of his real nature, his true Self.

When one becomes aware of the fact that, the self is not the form but self is formless than idea of Moksha “is an Illusion, because it is mere an idea or imaginary "thing" introduced in the past by people who were tired of war/greed. It was also an attractive mirage for the the people who failed many times. So the rulers and priest craft of the past used it as a tool to lure mass towards religion. Religion and its code of conduct are out dated and some religions are forcing and trying to impose its old law and code of conducts on people, in the name of protecting their religion and god by indulging in war and violence.

Some organized religion teaches very passive life which is not possible in present era. All Religions books are full of interest. Many religion have noble poetry in them; and some intellectual fables; and some violent history; and some good morals; and a wealth of obscenity; and upwards of a thousand lies.

People are groomed in such an imaginary society where there is no room for the investigation interrogation, and scientific analysis. They just believe what they have inherited from parental grooming societal and religious imposed conducts they never try to explore the truth. A blind faith is prevailing all around.

It is high time the people who find their belief system is inadequate and useless to quench their spiritual thirst to think about their belief system, think about the truth of their true existence. Many people read books or hear from someone and accept it accept them as truth. And some people accept only the truth derived from logical thinking or intellectual understanding. Some accept only the truth which comes from self-experience. But the non-dual truth comes only from reasoning based on the true self, which is formless consciousness.

People believe that they are spiritual, and talk about the ultimate truth. But the problem is they don’t even know the truth about their true existence, which is basic. Many People don’t read scriptures; they don’t?' know what scriptures contain. They just believe that they contain everything.

In pursuit of truth one should not accept anything blindly without verifying their validity. There is nothing metaphoric, scriptures are straight forward. They contain good as well as bad stuffs.

People think that they are spiritual because they believe in God ,religion and scriptures. Religion, and its idea of God and its scriptures are based on the false physical self ,therefore they are not spiritual. whatever is based on the spirit or soul ,which is the innermost self, is spirituality. Spirituality is pursuit of the ultimate truth. Can such blind belief lead one to non-dual truth? Truth cannot be found through imagination and gullibility. Truth can only be found through reality. Not only believers, non believers are also in the same boat. Without study, without inquiry, analysis and reasoning they just reject everything.

Only the reason based on the true self leads to the ultimate truth. The religious path is not the path of the truth. Yogic path is not the path of truth. Devotional path is not the path of actuality. Rational path is scientific path and real spirituality, which leads to the ultimate end. . ---FORMLESS PATH

Is the whole Waking experience is Soul or Consciousness?

Just as there are many paths to a city, multiple religions of the world today has many paths symbolize multiple paths but none lead towards the reality of one’s true existence. Each religion has its own idea of god, haven, hell, sin, karma, birth, death and rebirth. But there is no religion in the world which is without the idea of god. 

When man and his universe and his idea of god cease to exist without the mind, it is high time for everyone one of us to verify:-
  • What one is?
  • Whether one is man or mind?

The man cannot operate himself as a person and perceive the world without the mind. If man is not a man but the mind then his whole experience of the world also becomes the mind. Therefore mind is not limited only the physical entity but to the whole universe ,which appears as Waking or dream in which the man perceives the world as an individual. Therefore it is necessary to analyze the three states in order to unfold the mystery of the mind through inquiry and reasoning.

  • Is the whole Waking experience is Soul or Consciousness?

The mind is in the form of universe and soul is in the form of Consciousness are one in essence. And that essence is consciousness. The consciousness is the formless substance and witness of the three states. .Without the Consciousness, the three states cease to exist.

The whole Waking experience is like chariot. The charioteer is formless. The main purpose of the spiritual journey lies in seeking the formless charioteer which is Consciousness. The soul or Consciousness is within the Waking experience as the formless substance and without the Waking experience as its invisible witness.

To seek the truth is to know the truth, to know the truth is realizing the truth, to realizing the truth is to abide in the truth. Consciousness the innermost self an unborn, an unbecoming, an uncreated, an uncompounded therefore there is no escape from the duality if one thinks he is born, created and made.

But the one who realizes the fact that whatever he believed on the base of ‘I’ as self that is about his birth, life and death are mere illusion on the standpoint of the Consciousness which is the innermost self and substance and witness of the three states, is liberated from experiencing the illusory experience cycle of birth, life death and the world.

The nature of the deathless substance which is called Consciousness or spirit is the unconditioned ultimate reality. Thus ultimate truth is only soul or Consciousness rest is illusion created out of consciousness.

The religion and yoga are not the means to Self- Realization. FORMLESS PATH  is not teaching but it is mere signposts to help the serious seekers to remove all the fetters, and helps to clears all doubts and confusions, which is blocking his realization. Realize the ultimate truth or Brahman in lesser time and effort.

The present human experience provides us with bountiful opportunities in our present life to turn towards reality of our true existence,which beyond form,time and space. Seeker of the truth has to make maximum use of the opportunity to overcome the experience of illusory duality which everyone is experiencing it as reality and to strive towards liberation from illusory experience of cycle of birth, life death and the world.

Truth is the process whereby humanity attains its highest fulfillment and spirituality is a means to this end.

Duality and non-duality are the spiritual essence of human experience. Religion and theological will spell social fragmentation, cultural seppuku and impotent ideology. Freedom demands that one has to gain the knowledge of his true self in order to unfold the mystery of his existence.

Universe, which appears as Waking experience is the manifestation of the Consciousness the innermost self. This is the key of spiritual dimension of the truth seeker; one discovers a new fellowship which provides universally relevant unitive foundation to all the seekers of truth. --- FORMLESS PATH