Thursday, July 29, 2010

First, one has to know what self is.

In the materialistic world, people are pleasure hunters, they think happiness and peace comes from money. So everyone is in the path of money making whether in right way or wrong way,  money has become there ultimate goal. They wish only for permanent happiness and think money can buy happiness and peace. Riches, success and achievements may bring name, fame and pride, but they do not always bring permanent happiness.

If lack of money and success creates misery and suffering, their possession does not give happiness either. The question then is how one can be peaceful and happy, irrespective of whether he is a success or failure in his life

First, one has to know what self is. If one knows self is not physical but self is consciousness, he knows the physical existence is mere mirage created out of consciousness.

God/ Christ /Brahman/Buddha's nature/Atman/Soul/Self are one and the same thing called with the different name for the ultimate truth. The ultimate truth is consciousness. One has to recognize it, without the form and name and become one with it.

To the one without peace, how can there be happiness unless a person is tuned his focus of attention to soul/self, he cannot have peace and without peace, he cannot be happy. A person without the self-knowledge, experiences the birth, life, death or universe as reality.

So if one wants non-dual peace, he has to acquire Self-knowledge. For this, he need not have to abandon the pursuit of riches, success and achievements but he must have intense urge to know the ultimate truth. Knowledge of consciousness means Self-Knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana. The consciousness pervades in everything and everywhere in all the three states, therefore one has to realize sameness towards all the three states, because everything is created out of the consciousness.

A waking or dream centric person remains alienated from wisdom that is consciousness. If one is free from reasoning on the base of waking entity, he looks at all the three states as consciousness and so is united to the wisdom that is consciousness. He will be free from experiencing duality/illusion as reality, and will attain the non-dual peace, which is the nature of the consciousness.

The ego exists within the waking or dream.

The ego exists within the waking or dream. The ego functions as physical entity, within the waking or dream. The soul is the innermost self. the soul is present in the form of consciousness. Soul or consciousness   is the  formless substance  and witness of the three states.

 One should not judge the three states on the standpoint of  ego or waking entity, which is limited to waking alone. The witness of the three states is one. But waking entity and dream entity are different. In deep sleep the soul alone prevails and it is aware of the fact that,  there is no duality in deep sleep. But due to ignorance it is called deep sleep in waking. The one which is aware of all the three states is formless soul or consciousness   is real and eternal.

That which is called deep sleep, where there is no waking or dream experience, because the soul, which is in the form of consciousness has withdrawn itself from waking or dream. This is complete absorption of the consciousness into itself. But this absorption is of an unconscious nature because it is without the wisdom.

The soul, while it appears to be a little conscious in dream, and more conscious in waking, is not conscious at all in deep sleep,  is judged on the base of ego or waking entity. The consciousness exists prior to the appearance of the waking [the body, ego and universe], therefore, the consciousness which is the formless knower (witness) and it is apart from the three states.

All sorts of doubts and confusions are based when the judgment is based on the ego as self. Some hold the view that consciousness is possible only when there are objects. Consciousness can exist with or without the object. In waking or dream it is with object. In deep sleep experience it is without the object.

In the waking or dream consciousness is in the form illusion. In deep sleep conciousness is  in its formless nondual true nature.

Why You Are Not Your Brain

When the self is not physical(form), but the self is formless soul ,which is present in the form of   consciousness, then the question of brain cells does not arise. Only when one takes the physical apparatus as self, then this brain and mediation is reality. The body and the world are with in the mind. The mind is illusion, on the standpoint of its formless substance,which is consciousness. The truth is hidden within the illusion and it is without the illusion. When self is formless, then the body (brain) and the world are mere illusion. That is why the truth realization is possible only through perfect understanding and assimilation. The reasoning base has to be rectified from form to formless in order to unfold the mystery of the mind or illusion. When self is not physical it is erroneous to judge the truth on the base of physical self or waking or dream because it leads to intellectual speculations. Meditation and yoga are good for physical life but there are not the means to acquire Self-Knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana.

Why You Are Not Your Brain, and Other Lessons from the Biology of Consciousness

by :Alva Noƫ. Hill and Wang, 2009:-

Alva No, a University of California, Berkeley, philosopher and cognitive scientist, argues that after decades of concerted effort on the part of neuroscientists, psychologists and philosophers "only one proposition about how the brain makes us conscious ... has emerged unchallenged: we don't have a clue." The reason we have been unable to explain the neural basis of consciousness, he says, is that it does not take place in the brain. Consciousness is not something that happens inside us but something we achieve it is more like dancing than it is like the digestive process. To understand consciousness the fact that we think and feel and that a world shows up for us we need to look at a larger system of which the brain is only one element. Consciousness requires the joint operation of brain, body and world. "You are not your brain. The brain, rather, is part of what you are."

It is impossible to prove the existence of God by any reasoning: one can only believe or assume

It is impossible to prove the existence of God by any reasoning: one can only believe or assume. Religionists see visions of gods and goddesses and adepts according to their own impressions remaining unconsciously in the mind from the inherited conditioning. This entire concept based confusion and doubts are present only until the ignorance is there. Once one discovers the fact that, the self is not physical but it is the formless  soul or consciousness or spirit then there is no scope for duality, which he experienced as reality.

No one has seen God or world in deep sleep. One does not know gods capacities, what god can do? and, what god cannot do in deep sleep? Therefore, any statement one might make about God can be made only in the waking experience [illusion]. Seeker of truth should not accept anything as truth until and unless he verifies and satisfies himself through deeper inquiry, analysis and reasoning. Belief of the god is the part of the illusion; therefore, God is only a settled fact for believers. However, for a Gnani gods existence is only part of the illusion. 

Gnani knows nothing other than consciousness (soul) can exists in the realm of truth.

  Holy Korans Insight: - ANAL HAQ –( I AM THE TRUTH) spiritually it means -- Self[soul] is the truth.

 GITA:- Ahum Brahmsmi (I AM BRAHMAN) – spiritually it means –Self (soul) is ultimate truth or Brahman.

 Sri,Sankara :- Atman is Brahman – Soul is ultimate truth.

 Therefore, all the foundation of the religion is based on truth [non-duality] but their practice is based on untruth (duality or universe or mind).

When the experience itself is illusion, whatever, they experienced on the base of false self (waking entity or ego), within the false experience (waking) is bound to be falsehood.

 How do the mystics or yogis know they have experienced the whole, when they themselves exist within the whole? There is the proof they have seen it? When they say, "I know from experience" they merely mean, "I think so." I

n realm of truth the man and his experience of the world are mere illusion created out of the soul/consciousness. Moreover, the physical entity is not the witness. The one, which sees the illusion (man and world together] as a whole, is formless. Thus, there is no physical apparatus to experience the bliss or any sort of experience. If mystics experiences bliss, they cannot be waking or dreamless, for who is having the bliss? Moreover, if they retain the waking or dream they cannot know the Ultimate truth, the whole. Whatever they experienced as reality only in illusion and illusion is myth. Whatever, prevails without the illusion/myth is ultimate reality.

How the mystic knows, that God who tells about himself in meditation is truthful! He may be telling a lie or he is in hallucination! His claim has to be verified because in reality, there is no scope for duality. Since his own existence as a person is part of the illusion. Therefore, without verifying validity of his own existence, what value is there for the claim made on the base of illusory entity within the illusion?

Supposing a mystic has a vision or experience is true, but he must prove that it is really, what it purports to be, and that he is not deluded. For that, one must analyze it on the standpoint of the soul/true self to unfold the truth. All the vision and experiences is an object to the soul. Appearances and quotations have nothing to do in pursuit of truth.

Religionists and Authoritarianism merely assumes as true what another says, but what has yet to be proved. One may believe in a position, but one is required to prove the truth of one's belief. A belief is mere feeling, truth is knowledge. Blind beliefs cannot be accepted as god. If the belief is accepted as god, then god is dependent on man for his existence. Because man has to exist first to believe there is god, then only god can exist. Therefore, it is necessary to trace the source of man’s existence to realize the truth of Gods existence. Without knowing man’s existence it is impossible to blindly accept the god’s existence.

Biblical insight says: - “Spirit is my Father, I and my Father are one”.—if the spirit is the ‘father’ then the ‘son’ is bound to be spirit. Therefore, both are one in essence. Here “spirit”-- means the soul or consciousness , which is innermost  the self. “I” means—“the mind” – “the soul” and “the mind” are one in essence—means both are spirit, therefore, there is no second thing exists other than the spirit or consciousness.

The God cannot exist in the soul, because soul itself is in the form of spirit  or consciousness, and consciousness is the ultimate truth and all else (three states) is mere  illusion created out of spirit or consciousness. Other then the soul or consciousness or spirit, nothing else can be called as God.

The love, grace, god compassion are physical based and they imply duality. The duality is mere illusion on the ultimate point of view. When the ultimate is spirit (father) how the duality (mind or universe or waking)  can be real. Therefore, many souls theory is false theory; there is only one formless soul, which illuminates the whole illusion, in which form, time and space is reality. But in realm of truth the form, time and space is falsehood.

Real meaning of Christ is truth. The truth is spirit. Thus, the spirit has to be taken as God not the form. When one is capable of viewing the world view on the base of spirit, there is nothing exist other then the spirit or consciousness. Since people view the worldview on the physical base [son] they become ignorant of the Christ, which is spirit and ultimate truth. Therefore, there is need to understand the fact that, Christ is not physical but Christ is consciousness (spirit).

Soul/Christ can remain with or without the duality. But the duality (mind) ceases to exist without the Christ. When one discovers the soul is Christ, the mind becomes still and automatically one knows the soul is god/Christ/spirit.

Do not take my name in vein ---By taking the gods (spirit) name in vein (as body)one will not be able to recognize the truth/Christ.

If thy eye is single the whole body is full of light-- means – if one is able to view the worldview on the spirit base, not with the physical eyes [two eyes] then the whole mind (diversity) is full of spirit (consciousness). [Here light means—the spirit/consciousness—which lights the mind/illusion/insentient].

Cross signifies --- crossing the ‘I’ or mind. If one crosses the ‘I’ (illusion), it is kingdom of heaven. Kingdom of heaven means- it is non-dual existence—Brahman –Buddha’s nature—Christ.

Supernatural are reality within the illusion. In the realm of Christ /truth, there is no second thing exists other than Christ/ spirit.

The spiritual side of Holy Bible  is lost or destroyed or mutilated by the priest craft or the rulers. And the physical side is preserved to help the mass who were immersed in the worldly life, by the church, which was in the grip of the rulers in the past and the same thing passed on from one generation to the next.

There are many spiritual insights of the bible leads one towards non-duality. But people are stuck up with the physical side of bible and they think love, compassion, grace, blessings, forgiveness is the means of realizing the Christ the ultimate truth. But love, compassion, grace, blessings, forgiveness are good only for living in worldly life in harmony with the others, but they are not the means to follow the path of Christ/truth.

Man, grace, blessings, love, compassion, grace, individual gods and the world, are reality with illusion. The substance and witness (soul) of the illusion (mind) is spirit (consciousness). Therefore, the mind and soul are one in essence. The essence is consciousness /Christ/Spirit/Brahman.

Man is not aware of the fact that, he is an experience within another experience. The mind is an experience, which contains man and the universe. Since one limits the mind to the physical entity, he is ignorant that his body is an experience, within the waking or dream experience. Until and unless one struggles to unfold the truth as an individual, separate from the world, he remains in the ocean of doubts and confusion.

The mind is an object, not a subject. Whatever is with in the mind, that is, the man and his world, bound to be an object. The formless substance of the mind has to be traced. The mind is in the form of waking or dream experience. If there is no mind, then there is no experience. Therefore, it is evident that, the formless knower(subject) of the object (mind), can remain with or without, the object (mind). For illustration, in deep sleep there is no mind, thus there is no experience. Therefore the knower of the three states is apart and it is aware of the three states, which comes and goes in succession.

When man is not his own experience, he and his experience of the world is within another experience how can he take authorship of the experience as his?, the knower of the waking experience in which he perceives the world, as a person is formless and apart. He cannot take authorship as doer, because his doer ship is reality within the illusion. Thus he has to trace the formless knower of three states which is within the three states but it is without the three states. Therefore, whatever prevails without the three states is real and eternal.

The whole waking experience along with the world, in which I and you and others exists, is mere illusion, witnessed by the soul/self. Thus the mind is an illusion created out of the soul, which is the true self. When the formless substance and witness of the mind is traced then mind is mere myth. Thus all the theories and beliefs based on the false self [waking or dream], becomes unreal, when the Christ/ ultimate truth/Brahman is traced and realized.