Thursday, January 5, 2012

Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana is the destroyer of ignorance.

Consciousness is the ultimate truth. Consciousness is without attributes and strictly impersonal. It is pure knowledge itself. Since the consciousness is the ultimate truth, so in comparison to consciousness, every other thing, including the material world, its distinctness, the individuality of the living creatures and even whatever, seen, known, believed and experienced in the world as a person , are all untrue.

 Consciousness is the effulgent cause of everything that exists and can possibly exist. Since it is beyond human comprehension, it is without any attributes, for assigning attributes to it would be distorting the true nature of consciousness. The dualistic consciousness is the mind, which is in the form of universe. The mind or universe rises from non-dualistic consciousness and subsides as non-dualistic consciousness, which is ultimate truth.  The dualistic consciousness is mere mirage created out of non- dualistic consciousness. The non dualistic consciousness or the soul is the source of dualistic consciousness ( mind or universe or waking)  Thus, dualistic consciousness (mind or universe or waking) is unreal because it is impermanent in its nature and non-dualistic consciousness (soul) is the absolute supreme truth.

The mind, which is in the form of universe, is not just conscious, but it is consciousness, and this consciousness(soul) is ultimate truth or Brahman. In nondualistic consciousness (soul ) the forgetfulness of its true nature arises, as if a drop of water from a vast ocean thought itself separate, and that the only path to merge back into that its non-dual true nature  through deeper self-search.

If one seeks ultimate truth via wisdom, he seeks truth and accepts it no matter what it is. He accepts the truth that, the self is not physical, but the self is  the  soul or consciousness. And  he also becomes fully aware  of the fact that, his body is not body  ,ego is not ego  and his experience of the world is not  world but they are mere mirage created out of  consciousness. thus  there is no separation. And septation  is mere mirage created out of consciousness. When  mind (universe or waking)  is permanently absorbed into soul or consciousness  and become one and the same with it then the duality ceases to exist as reality.  This is how one forever escapes from experiencing the duality as reality.

Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana  is the destroyer of ignorance. Formless soul or Consciousness is all pervading and the cause of all the three states.  

The means of attaining to Self-Realization for the acquisition of final liberation, serious seeker should constantly reflect into the nature of the mind/’I’.

The indifference with which one treats the excreta of a animal – such an indifference to the three states from the realm of Consciousness in view of their impermanent nature, is called pure dispassion.  

Consciousness the formless substance and witness of the three states itself is alone permanent, the three states [seen] are opposed to it that is transient – such a settled conviction is truly known as discrimination.

Turning away the focus of attention completely from the three states to the formless substance and witness of the three states with lots of patient endurance will help the seeking mind to establish in the Consciousness the true self.

Through self knowledge one can be free from the bonds of this world that is birth, life and deaths. To acquire self-knowledge seeker must have a burning desire.

Only that person who has intense urge and courage to accept the truth and reject the untruth and ready to drop all the pre-conceived ideas derived from the accumulated knowledge, and ready to learn to view and judge the worldview on the base of Consciousness as self, without arguing on the base of scriptural authorities, ready to accept only un -contradictable truth, is qualified indulge in pursuit of truth. Seeker of truth should constantly reflect with a view to attaining Knowledge, desiring his own good.  

Self- Knowledge is not brought about by any other means other than inquiry, analysis and reasoning on the true base, just as an object is nowhere perceived (seen) without the help of light.

This universe comes forth from Brahman and will return to Brahman. Verily, all is Brahman

As indicated in Isa Upanishad:- the human goal is to acquire Self-Knowledge therefore why one has to indulge in rituals and glorifying the conceptual gods, goddesses and gurus to go in to deeper darkness. Instead   spend that time moving forward towards Self-knowledge, which is one’s prime goal.   

Gaudapada says that:- The merciful Veda teaches karma and Upasana to people of lower and middling intellect, while Jnana is taught to those of higher intellect.

This clearly indicates that religion, which is based on individual conduct, prescribes karma and Upaasana to people of lower and middling intellect, therefore religion is for the lower intellect. 

And wisdom is for those are capable of inquiring into their own existence to know and realize the ultimate truth, which is Brahman. Therefore, if one is seeking truth he has to know his true self is not physical but it is the Atman, which is in the form of consciousness.  

Self-knowledge cannot be attained by study of the Vedas and intellectual understanding or by bookish knowledge.  Therefore there is no use of studying the Vedas and other scriptures in order to acquire the non-dual wisdom.  That is why Buddha rejected the scriptures, and even Sri, Sankara indicated that, the ultimate truth lies beyond religion, concept of god and scriptures. 

There is only one Reality to be known, the same for all seekers, but the ways to it, are hidden by the religion.  Self-discovery is the only way, towards non-dual Absolute without any religious doctrines, which will help the seekers to unfold the mystery of the illusion in which we all are searching the truth of our true existence.

The beliefs of god, religion, yoga are based on the false self, is nothing to do with the mental [inner] journey.   The religious, rituals, worships, prayers god and guru glorification may be useful in the worldly life, for those  who believes in the birth, life, death and the world as reality, but they are not useful tools in realizing the ultimate truth. On the base of consciousness [soul] as self, everything other than the consciousness is mere mirage.  Thus, man and his experience of the world and his belief of god and religion are part and parcel of the mirage created out of consciousness.  

Ramana Maharshi: - It is not necessary to study the Vedas (in page 111/112- practical guide to know yourself)

Raman Maharshi:-  fortunate are the one who do not lose themselves in the labyrinths of philosophy. Bhagwan says: Take Vedanta, for instance: it speaks of 15 pranas the names and functions of it   which the student is asked to commit memory. Will it not be sufficient if he thought only one prana does the whole work of maintaining the body? Again the antakaran is said to think, to desire, to will, to reason etc. Why all these details? Has anyone seen antakarana, or all these pranas? Do they really exist? They are conceptual divisions invented by teachers of philosophy by their excessive analysis. Where do all these concepts end? Why should confusion created and then explained away? Fortunate is the man who does not lose himself in the labyrinths of philosophy, but goes straight to the source from which they all arise. (GURU RAMANA .By S.S Cohen -vii Danger of philosophy-Page -58-59)

Therefore, there is no use of taking strain to understand assimilate the conceptual divisions invented by teachers of philosophy by their excessive analysis. There are more and more doubts and confusions, if one tries to understand and assimilate the ultimate truth through scriptures. 

 Why to follow the path of doubts and confusion by losing oneself in the labyrinths of philosophy, when one can realize the ultimate truth without them.  By mentally tracing the source of the mind from where it rises and subsides one becomes aware of the fallacy of the mind, which rises as waking or dream and subsides as deep sleep.  The mind raises form consciousness and subsides as consciousness.  Therefore, there is a need for perfect understanding assimilation of non-dual truth.  

There is no need to renounce the worldly life to get Self-Realization. Any householder can attain it if he has the inner urge. 

There is need to study the scriptures. One has to self-search the truth and realize it without the scriptures. And then when he reads the scriptures he becomes aware the scriptures are also saying the same thing but everything is misinterpreted.   

That is why Sri, Sankara says in VivekaChudamani   :- 

58. Loud speech consisting of a shower of words, the skill in expounding the Scriptures, and likewise erudition - these merely bring on a little personal enjoyment to the scholar, but are no good for Liberation.

59. The study of the Scriptures is useless so long as the highest Truth is unknown, and it is equally useless when the highest Truth has already been known.

60. The Scriptures consisting of many words are a dense forest which merely causes the mind to ramble. Hence men of wisdom should earnestly set about knowing the true nature of the Self.

61. For one who has been bitten by the serpent of Ignorance, the only remedy is the knowledge of Brahman. Of what avail are the Vedas and (other) Scriptures, Mantras (sacred formulae) and medicines to such a one?

62. A disease does not leave off if one simply utter the name of the medicine, without taking it; (similarly) without direct realisation one cannot be liberated by the mere utterance of the word Brahman.

There is nothing more rational, more intelligible and more un-dogmatic insights of Sri, Sankara, is to drop all the theistic non-duality or orthodox  Advaita which is meant for those who are incapable and not receptive to realize the ultimate truth or Brahman. 

If one merely theorizes, tries to understand through his intellect and there contended he cannot become a Gnani but he becomes a scholar or pundit.   Seeker of truth must make what he has understood and assimilated has to be  realized, to get firm conviction of the non- dualistic truth or ultimate truth or Brahman,   than only it is possible for him to transcend all the limitations of the experience of form, time and space.    

The existence beyond limitations of form, time and space is known as Moksha or Nirvana. Spiritual freedom or self-realization is the goal of every seeker of truth. 

When Chandogya Upanishads:-

This universe comes forth from Brahman and will return to Brahman. Verily, all is Brahman. A person is what his deep desire is. It is our deepest desire in this life that shapes the life to come. So let us direct our deepest desires to realize the Self. 

If one is seeking truth then it is necessary to bifurcate and drop the traditional Advaitic path which is not the means to self-knowledge and move ahead without the traditional baggage to get direct realization on his own as suggest by the great sages. 

Thus seeker of truth has to know what this universe? What is this ultimate truth or Brahman?  in order to realize the non-dualistic or Advaitic truth?   

No one can escape the waking experience which is the very basis of the physical existence. What was the waking experience before it appeared? Was their existence before the appearance of the waking experience?  When the waking perishes, does the soul or consciousness survive alone?  Is there a self or soul?  The seeker has to find answers for all these doubts in order to realize ‘what is truth’ and ‘what is untruth’.  

As one goes deeper in self-search one becomes aware of the fact that, the self is neither the waking entity not self is the dream entity but the  self is formless substance and witness of the three states. And the formless substance and witness of the three states are one in essence. And that essence is consciousness.  If the formless substance and witness are one in essence, than there is second thing can exist, other than consciousness?  Thus consciousness alone is real and all else is mere illusion created out of consciousness, which is the innermost self.

If Bhakti is limited to the belief or form of Krishna or Christ, then it leads to hallucination.

If one is seeking truth than the  the seeker of truth  has to becomes iconoclast and hold nothing sacred, and question the veracity of religious dogma and clear cobwebs of all doubts and confusions. without getting rid of all doubts and confusion  it is very difficult to understand, assimilate and realize the non-dual truth. Therefore it is necessary propound a new idea on existence in order to drop all accumulated knowledge based on the false self, and understand , assimilate and realize the ultimate truth in a new way in lesser time and effort.     

Only broad-minded parents, who rejected all customs and traditions  and encouraged their children to question preachers of religion and think for themselves to know the ultimate truth of their  true existence, will find it easier to understand and assimilate non-dual truth. It is in their childhood that parents start brainwashing their children and make them incapable of breaking free from the mental chains in which they are bound from infancy.

People who no noting about the truth impose their inherited out-dated belief system on their children is real cruelty in this modern world.  As far as belief system is concerned, everybody is lying. They all talk of God, heaven and hell, angels and all kinds of false-hood, without knowing anything at all.  "No one should lie -- to a child, at least -- it is unforgivable. Children have been exploited for centuries just because they are willing to trust.

 People lie to children very easily and they will trust them. If one is a father, a mother, they will think he/she is bound to be true. That's how the whole of humanity lives in corruption, in a very slippery mud of lies told to children for centuries. 

By doing, a simple thing -- not lie to children and to confess to them our ignorance -- then we will be truthful and we will put them on the path of truth. Children are innocent. One should not impose the religious truth and free from all religious code of conduct, which frees them from becoming religious fanatics, who indulge in violence, war and terrorism in the name of protecting their religion and god.   

One has to have courage of Buddha who rejected religion, concept of god and scriptures as false.  Follow Buddha not Buddhism to know the ultimate truth. Follow Sri, Sankara not Hinduism to know Brahman. Follow Christ, not Christianity to know thy truth, and that truth sets one free. 

  Brahman is considered the all-pervading consciousness, which is the basis of all the animate and inanimate entities and material. (brahmano hi pratisthaham, Bhagavad Gita 14.27)  

If one considers Krishna as  formless soul and soul as  Brahman [ultimate truth] then only there is unity in diversity. If Bhakti is limited to the belief or form  of Krishna or Christ, then it leads to hallucination. If formless witness is ever present then that itself is Krishna or Christ or Buddha or Allah.  Therefore, realizing the formless witness (Brahman or Krishna or Christ) as self is Self-Realization.    

The beliefs of god, religion, yoga are based on the false self; therefore they are nothing to do with the mental [inner] journey.   The religious, rituals, worships, devotion  prayers god and guru glorification may be useful in the worldly life, for those  who believes in the birth, life, death and the world as reality, but they are not useful tools in realizing the ultimate truth. Because the body is not the self, therefore, the experience of birth, life, death and world are mere illusion created out of Atman, which is Brahman.   

Only in waking we are aware of the deep sleep experience. In waking we are unaware of the nature of the true self [Brahman]. Consciously becoming aware of the true self [Brahman] in the midst of the waking experience and realize all the three states are myth, is self-realization or truth realization.  Yogic Samadhi and deep sleep are identical; they have no value in realm of truth. 

On the base of consciousness [soul] as self, everything other than the consciousness is mere mirage.  Thus, body, senses, ego, and the world and his belief of god and religion are part and parcel of the mirage created out of consciousness. 

 Gaudapada says :- The merciful Veda teaches karma and Upaasana to people of lower and middling intellect, while Jnana[wisdom] is taught to those of higher intellect.

This clearly indicates that religion, which is based on individual conduct, prescribes karma and Upaasana to people of lower and middling intellect, therefore religion is for the lower intellect. 

Wisdom is for those are capable of inquiring into their own existence to know and realize the ultimate truth, which is Brahman. Therefore, if one is seeking truth he has to know his true self is not physical but it is the Atman, which is in the form of consciousness.  

Self-knowledge cannot be attained by study of the Vedas and intellectual understanding or by bookish knowledge.  Therefore there is no use of studying the Vedas and other scriptures like Bhagavad-Gita, Bible or holy Koran, in order to acquire Self-know edge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana because the religion is based on the ego( waking entity) whereas the Self-Knowledge is based on the formless soul or consciousness, the innermost self. Soul ,   the innermost self  belongs to no religion because it is  ever formless and eternal.  

  That is why Buddha rejected the scriptures, and even Sri, Sankara indicated that, the ultimate truth lies beyond religion, concept of god and scriptures.

Living with Krishna means, living in duality.  Living in Duality means, living in ignorance. Living in ignorance means, living in illusion.  Living in illusion means, experiencing the duality as reality. The duality is mere illusion   the standpoint of the soul, which is the true self.  Thus living itself is mere illusion. If living illusion then the birth, life, death and world are also is mere illusion. 

When everything is created out of Krishna [soul], then nothing exist, other than Krishna (soul) which is in the form of consciousness. Krishna (consciousness or Brahman) alone is, all else [body, ego, senses, world] are mere illusion.  

It becomes difficult for the orthodox cult to accept anything else as truth other than their accepted belief, which they hold as truth. Although all religious followers are participants alike in the spiritual endeavour of the world, overzealous   followers of each religion are not prepared to accord equal status to other faiths and assert the superiority of their own. Thus universal brother hood is total impossibility because it is difficult to accept anything other than their inherited belief system.        
Most of the pundits are egoic and they try to snub others who question them.  They think they are unquestionable authority.  They quote the citation from the scriptures as proof without verifying the validity.  All punditry is a great obstacle in realizing the Advaitic truth expounded by the Sri, Sankara and Sri, Goudapada. 

One finds lots of differences between  traditional Advaita preaching and practice. There is need to bifurcate religion, concept of god and scriptures from Advaitic philosophy to assimilate the essence of Advaita.   

Sri, Sankara says in Brahma Sutras:- that Brahman is the cause of the world, whereas in Mandukya he denies it. This is because he says that at the lower stage of understanding, the former teaching must be given, for people will get frightened as they cannot understand how the world can be without a cause, but to those in a higher stage, the truth of non-causality can be revealed. 

Sri, Sankara himself has warned us not to use ambiguous words, and to practice semantic analysis in his book "Definition of one's own Self. [" Page 199, v.24 of "Sankara's Selected Works]

Sri, Sankara founded his Advaita Vedanta either on reason independent of sruti or on sruti confirmed by reason."   Sri, Sankara's commentary on the Mandukya Upanishad, II, 1:  This [the unreality of duality] is borne out by the Srutis ... But it is possible also to show the unreality of the object world even from pure reasoning, and this second chapter is undertaken for that purpose.

 Sri, Sankara himself had often said that his philosophy was based on Sruti, or revealed scripture.  This may be because Sri, Sankara addressed the ordinary man, who finds security in the idea of causality and thus in the idea of God—and Revelation is indispensable to prove the latter.  He believed that those of superior intelligence, have no need of this idea of divine causality, and can therefore dispense with Sruti and arrive at the truth of Non-Dualism by pure reason. 

Non-duality does not need the support of any Scripture or Revelation like the Veda. For it is based, not upon the varying theological fancies, which are as numerous as the sands of the sea, but upon reason, the common heritage of all mankind, irrespective of colour or creed or clime.

When Upanishad itself declares:-   sarvam khalvidam brahma - all this (universe) is verily Brahman. By following back all of the relative appearances in the world, we eventually return to that from which it is all manifest – the non-dual reality [ Chandogya Upanishad].  

Then it is no use going roundabout way, trace the Brahman which is the formless substance and witness of the universe, which is in the form of mind.  By tracing the source of the mind or universe one will be able to realize the Brahman. 

Thus, self-knowledge is meant only for those who have intense urge, and courage to accept the truth with humility and reject the untruth. Since people start comparing with their scriptural knowledge, it becomes impossible to assimilate and realize the non-dual truth.   Therefore, there is no need to convince anyone other than our own-selves to get the firm conviction.