Friday, October 15, 2010

No one has ever seen the coming and going of the universe, which is in the form of the mind

 No one has ever seen the coming and going of the universe, which is in the form of the mind, because he exists within the universe. All individual experiences happen within the universe, which is mind.    The mind or universe appears as waking or dream and disappear as deep sleep. The formless substance of the universe or mind is always present in all the three states. Cities and people   may multiply in one’s dream, but the mind itself does not therefore increase or gain. Yet the cities and people are none other than the Mind-Stuff itself.  Thus universe or mind is mere illusion on the standpoint of the formless substance, which is consciousness.  

When one regards three states as an object, then he must know that there is a formless subject which sees or knows them. In this sense only do we think of the formless witness. Hence object is a necessity in order to point to the existence of the formless witness. When one does not regard objects as object he loses the knowledge that there is a formless subject.

People cannot think of the Mind without some object, thought etc. contained in it; they cannot believe in consciousness apart from the contents of consciousness. People regard objects only as material. One has to regard the thoughts and experience also as part of the object, because they are part of the three states, which are an object to the formless subject.  The ignorant have no idea of a subject and hence never seek for it.

Only by discrimination between real and unreal mentally the truth will be revealed. It means separating subject from object mentally.

Being means a thing is. How does one know his body and the universe exist? How does he know about his thoughts? It is the witness that gives him the idea of being but he is unaware of the fact that the he exists within the universe and his thoughts and his individual experiences are happening within the universe, which is an object to the formless subject.  

Scientists think only of the universe and they think man is the subject and everything else is an object; the thought that such a thing as the formless witness also exists never strikes them.

One has to give up whatever object, idea or thought he has, and then only he realizes the ultimate truth. When one gives up the mind or universe ['I'] he gets non-dual truth. One has to detach mentally from the mind or universe by realizing the formless witness is the true self, which is in the form of consciousness.  

The knower of the appearance and disappearance, which is consciousness, alone, will prevail as ultimate reality

Without knowing 'what is mind', one cannot accept the theory of the multiplicity of minds, because everything is within the universe and the universe is in the form of mind.  Thinking the mind is within the physical apparatus, is cause of the ignorance. Therefore, there is a need to understand “What is mind?” and “What is the substance of the mind” in order to understand, assimilate and realize the non-dual truth.

 The   multiples mind is unproven hypothesis. No one has ever seen the mind. So to say each mind is different, is unproved. No one can say where it starts and stops or measured its thickness. All claims are mere is supposition, not proof.

 The universe and the body are mere object to the subject.  One sees the objects within the universe, which is an object not the subject.    Universe and body, which is in the form of mind (I) is an object. Mind or universe is mere mirage, passing away every moment, hence unreal.

Deeper investigation reveals the fact that something that is never passing away; hence if one understands this one becomes aware of the Real.  Therefore, there is a need for deeper inquiry, analysis and reasoning they will come to non-dualistic Truth. The universe, which is in the form of mind, will disappear as consciousness, which is the true self. 

Hence, one should not to get attached to the body and the universe, which are mere mirage created out of consciousness. Not only the individuals will change and die, but the universe in which they exist also disappears and the knower of the appearance and disappearance, which is consciousness, alone, will prevail as ultimate reality.  

The mind itself is matter. Thus analyzing the mind is necessary. By taking away the objects which are ever changing or passing, one gets at consciousness.

When one is able to make the distinction between formless witness and three states he will understand that all the three states possess the one witness. In this sense only, he will come to understand that consciousness is present everywhere. People talk of God is present everywhere provided God is taken to mean the consciousness.

Within the waking or dream there are two factors of mental faculties --the knowing capacity and that which is known. The knowing capacity is the subject and the known is an object.    The known which are object all passing away and are therefore unreal.

 Without the knowing capacity (subject) i.e. the knower in existence there could have been no such thing as knowing these things. What is meant by word know? Knowing implies two factors, the knower or the knowing capacity, or that which becomes aware; and the known. Without these two factors the word “know” has no meaning.

The known [object] always passes away. When one is distinguishing between knower and known, he uses the word Mind. When these disappear we use the word consciousness just to show that there is something which has not disappeared, as thoughts and objects are seen to disappear. Nobody can see consciousness (subject) appearing or disappearing. One can say only that it must have been there.  The consciousness can prevail with or without the object (illusion).

It is not body alone that constitutes man, but body plus universe, which is in the form of mind or waking or dream.  The mind [waking or dream] is mere mirage created out of consciousness. One becomes aware of this fact through deeper inquiry, analysis and reasoning.

The universe is within the mind. Thus the mind means universe. Every thought, feeling, and emotion is only "mind” and will pass away. Mind is only the "known or an object.  Thus, whatever is within the mind which is in the form of universe are unreal, because the mind or universe are mere mirage created out of consciousness. Thus the birth, life and death which happen within the universe are mere illusion.

Only when examining the contents of mind one becomes aware universe (mind) passing phenomena and not the witness which is consciousness.

The self, is in the form of consciousness is seeing or knowing the changes, not that it is changing. The word change is not applicable to self, which is consciousness. The consciousness is immortal. Consciousness is witnessing seeing the mortal or universe; in this sense the self (witness) immortal. There cannot be two selves. It is impossible. Change can have a meaning only when there is more than one. Self, which is in the form of consciousness being unchanging, must be only One.

One has to know the fact that, changes occur because of the existence of something unchanging. The changing and the unchanging are always present within the three states, but one is unaware of the consciousness, is unchanging reality.  

People value experience because they are unaware of the fact that, the experience is mere illusion. The universe and the body are mere an experience.  Same way as the dream is an experience; the waking also is an experience. The witness of the experience is always apart.

 The universe and its changes, one could not possibly think of the Unchangeable or realize it. The consciousness is not limited to the object. Because the object is an illusion created out of the subject (consciousness).  The object (universe or mind) is impermanent and subject (consciousness) is permanent.

 People do not distinguish between the subject (soul or consciousness) and the object (three states). If they knew that the three states are mere object, is only an illusion they might perceive truth, not otherwise.

The three states are mere mirage created out of consciousness. The three states are reality on the base of false self. On the base of the witness they are falsehood.

Waking experience is only a mirage, no matter how exalted it is. The witness never touches the witnessed, but remains always within the object. Whatever seen, known or observed, cannot be the consciousness /the Witness.

The universe or mind is the matter. The mind is known not the knower. The known is an object and that which knows is the subject. One has to analyze mind known (universe or mind) and knower (consciousness) to conclude that the universe is only mental. Thereby deeper analysis he discovers that both mind and soul/self are one in essence.

Consciousness is only another name for self. The consciousness does not change; its contents change, and the self is aware of the changes.

One has to distinguish between the knower and the known. That is the formless witness (knower)   and the three states(known).