Sunday, September 11, 2011

The ‘I’ or ‘I Am’ are mere words. The reality is beyond thoughts and words.

The ‘I’ or ‘I Am’ are mere words.  The reality is beyond thoughts and words. The words have meaning in duality. Duality exists until mind exists. Mind exists where there is division of form, time and space. If there is no division of form, time and space, than there is no mind. Words are used as a tool to name individual objects and feelings within the duality. The words become meaningless when one becomes aware of the formless substance of the mind, which is consciousness. Consciousness is our inner most self. From the standpoint of our inner most self, the mind is mere mirage. If mind is mere mirage then the form, time and space are mere mirage. If form, time and space are mere mirage than the thoughts and words which rises within the scope of form, time and space are also part and parcel of that mirage. Thus body, ego, words, thoughts, and whatever the contents of the universe are within the mirage created out of single stuff that is consciousness. Thus it is necessary to know 'What is mind?' and 'What is the substance of the mind?' and 'What is the source of the mind?', in order to realize the words are meaningless in the realm of truth.

Deeper self-search revels the fact that, the ‘I’ is not the self.  ‘I’ is in the form of mind. Mind is in the form of universe. And universe appears as waking or dream and disappears as deep sleep.  The formless substance and witness of the three states which is formless consciousness is the true self.

 If the self is form [I or waking or dream] than the evolution theory holds water. If the self is formless [soul] than all the theories based on the form is of no value. Until one thinks 'I' or I AM' as self all these theories cannot transport anyone beyond form, time and space. The theory of evolution is based on individuality, whereas the self, pervades in everything and everywhere in the universe. Individuality is reality within the falsehood. Thus all the theory based on individuality is bound to be falsehood. Thus our judgment and reason and conclusion has to be based on formless self not on the form[I] as self to realize Illusion is where one is bound to form,time and space or birth,life,death and the world.

Freedom is becoming free from experiencing the illusion or duality as reality by realizing the fact that, the self is not the form but self is formless.  It is possible to   realize this without realizing the fact that, the individual self or ego is reality within the false experience.  Thus all the knowledge accumulated by judging on the base of false self, is false knowledge.      

All these confusion will go on, until man thinks, he is an individual and apart from the world, and the world existed prior to him and he is born in it afterwards. Therefore, it is necessary to know the fact the true self is not ego, but the true self is the soul, and stop viewing and judging the world-view on the standpoint of the physical self [ego], and one has to view and judge on the true self [soul/Atman] to realize the fact that, the world along with man is illusion. The formless substance from which the illusion is created is Atman. Thus Atman is Brahman/ultimate reality. Thus no second thing exists on the standpoint of Atman or consciousness as self. thus there is no experience nor the experiencer in non-dual reality but only self-awareness.

By becoming more and more intellectual one becomes more and more intoxicated to individuality. The intellectuality is limited to duality.  In realm of truth the intellectuality is replaced by non-dual wisdom.  There is nothing exist other than formless non dual existence. Therefore, there is   no individual to become sane or insane. There is no second thing exists, other than consciousness.  Everything is one, that is, unity in diversity. The curiosity, urge cannot be imposed on others.  it has to sprout within. One need not become holy Shepard because the holy Shepard is within in to guide every seeker. Until one is aiming to be a master, Guru or teacher, he will never reach his destination. One has to share his knowledge with the fellow seeker not to make them his followers but only direct them if they are interested to travel beyond form, time and space.  It is foolish to impose our idea on others because everyone is not in same level of understanding.  Every one's inner work is on. When they are ripe enough they will understand, assimilate and realize on their own.  If they are ready and sharp enough they will grasp it instantly and they will reach their destination with lesser time and effort. Thus preaching, teaching is not wisdom, but by very careful reasoning, seeker has to determine the nature of reality. Thinking in right direction alone helps seeker determining the nature of reality.

The sugar cannot know itself its sweetness. The true self without ignorance is without the experience of duality or illusion. Thus one has to base on the sugar not on its sweetness. Without the sugar there is no sweetness. Similarly without the consciousness, the three states cease to exist as reality.

A child is born means the mind is born. Mind is born means the universe is born. universe is born means duality is born. The duality is born means ignorance is born. Ignorance is born means the illusion is born.

As soon as word "mind" is uttered people think “the mind of an individual", whereas the mind is in the form of universe and universe  appears  as a whole waking or dream[duality]  experience and disappears as deep sleep[non-duality] . The body, ego, world are within the mind or universe or waking.  Thus individual and individual experiences are happenings within the mind or universe or waking experience. 

 The witness means "that to which anything appears.” This is an important and vital difference. The mind appears to the witness, which is the formless soul. The soul is also the substance of the mind.  

Mirage or illusion means which appears to be reality but by close examination one becomes the unreal nature of the mind, and becomes aware of the substance from which it is created of.

There is always confusion and there is no clarity about truth when one considers the ego [I] as self. Therefore, the self cannot be the 'I' or 'I AM, because on the base of soul, which is the true self there is no confusion and always clarity. 

When the mind appears all confusion and doubts arise and when mind disappears all will the doubts and confusion will vanish.  Then what is that is aware of the appearance disappearance of the mind. The physical existence [man + universe] is limited to mind, and it is mind.  Therefore, mind is limited to the physical existence.   

One cannot make the mind clear; without understanding the formless substance from which the mind is made.  The nature of the mind is diversity. Thus understanding the mind is necessary to understand and assimilate the ultimate truth or Brahman. 

Mind is mere illusion. What is mind will remain unclear if one never verifies the facts about the mind.  Without verifying the fact about the mind one keeps experiencing the duality as reality. When the illusion is taken as reality all the judgements will be based on the physical self, thus all conclusions will be based on the intellectual speculations; therefore one will not be able to understand and assimilate the ultimate truth.  

Only when one investigates the mind through deeper self-search self or soul  will be able to transcend the mind and come out of it, clarity will happen to him. He can be clear, about the facts of the mind. There is no such a thing as a mind or universe or waking  in the realm of truth; never has been and never will be. Mind means the illusion, in which the whole universe with all its contents exists. When there is no mind there is no illusion. Consciously becoming aware of the illusory nature of the mind in midst of illusion is wisdom. 

Try to understand the structure of the mind; the mind contains the whole universe. All individual experiences of thoughts, feeling, perception, mental formation are happenings within the mind, which appears and disappears as waking or dream.   A continuous process of thought, a continuous procession of thoughts -- associated, non-associated, relevant, and irrelevant -- many multi-dimensional impressions gathered from everywhere are belongs to the individual who perceives the world within the mind.  The birth, life, death and the world exit within the mind or universe  or waking and   their reality is limited to mind or universe or waking . The nature of the mind is impermanence because it is bound by form, time and space.

A child is born means the mind is born.  Mind is born means the universe  is born.  Universe  is born means duality is born. The duality is born means ignorance is born. Ignorance is born means the illusion is born. In illusion man thinks he is and individual separate from the world and world existed prior to him and he is born in it. Until this conviction is form it becomes difficult to accept the birth, life, death and the world as illusion. Therefore, it is necessary to know and realize the fact that, the self is not physical but the self is formless.  Therefore, the base of reasoning faculty has to be rectified from form to formless to realize the physical existence [man + world] is mere illusion. 

A child is clear because the ego is not formed. The moment ego appears, the unclarity, the confusion, enters. A child is clear, clarity but he will have to gather knowledge, information, culture, religion, and conditioning necessary, useful to the practical  life within the practical world. He will have to gather many things from everywhere, from many sources -- opposite, contradictory sources. From many sources he will gather. Then the he becomes store house of hotchpotch knowledge. And because of so many diverse knowledge, doubts and confusion is bound to be there. And whatsoever he gather, nothing is certain, because knowledge based on the ego is always a growing affair. Therefore, there is need to acquire Self-Knowledge to get rid of accumulated dross.  

Only through deeper self -search  one becomes aware of the fact that ,the self is not physical but it is formless. When the self is formless, then there is no doubt is left that the three states are mere illusion. Whatever prevails without the three states is the formless substance and witness of the three states, which is consciousness. Thus whether one accepts this truth or not he and his world exists as reality because of   consciousness. 

It is not the death of the person but it is the death of the mind or universe or the whole waking experience.

Where self  is bound by experience of  birth, life, death and universe, and it  see everything on the base of the waking entity [ego] and  experiences the practical life within the practical world as reality  the self is in ignorance. the ignorance will prevail until the wisdom dawns. 

The waking experience did not exist when dream was on. The dream did not exist when waking takes place and the waking and dream ceases to exist in deep sleep.  The one, which is aware or witnessed the coming and going of the three states is neither the waking entity nor the dream entity but the formless consciousness.  Therefore, it is erroneous to judge and conclude the ultimate truth only on the base of the waking entity, which is  the false self within the false experience.   The real self is formless and apart from the three states. The real self is nothing to do with the practical life within the practical world.   

The illusory reality of the waking or dream and attachment and his experience of birth, life death is also created out of consciousness; consciousness itself deludes through the illusion.
 A person within the waking does pious acts, but he does not know the consciousness is the ultimate truth and wastes his life away with his inborn samskara’s or conditioning and inherited beliefs, theories and accumulated knowledge. 

The mind is in the form of universe and universe appears as waking or dream.  Thus the mind, universe, waking or dream duality is one and the same thing.  

The man perceives the world within the waking or dream. The waking or dream, body and the universe are within the mind. If mind is there universe is there.  Thus mind itself is universe. Limiting the mind to the physical entity is cause of the experiencing the illusion as reality.

  Clinging to waking or dream is clinging to illusion. Clinging to illusion is clinging to ignorance. Clinging to ignorance is clinging is clinging to the illusory experience of birth life, death and universe as reality.  By accepting the experience of birth, life, death and universe as reality are accepting the unreality as reality. Therefore, there is a need to know the one which is aware of mind [the experience of birth, life, death and universe] is not the body which is born lives and dies within the universe, but the soul, which is in the form of consciousness.    

One tries to grasp illusion, but it eludes his grasp. “When one abandoned and discards illusion with by accepting the truth that, the consciousness is the true self, then the ignorance disappears and the reality starts revealing itself.   Ignorance gives birth to the mind, which is illusion. The mind rises and subsides from the Soul.  

Illusion is intoxicating material.  It grips everyone and everything within the duality. Because it pervades and grips everywhere and everything in duality and the  self  becomes unaware of the reality  of itself within the illusion. No one has known thy bare reality. Only who are discovered the true self and attuned mentally to the soul, which is in the form of consciousness, realize the duality is mere mirage created out of Consciousness.

The one, who becomes aware of the fact that the consciousness is ultimate reality, is eternally becomes free from experiencing the illusion as reality through wisdom in the midst of  waking experience or by its inborn ignorance when the death takes place.  Thus, It is not the death of the person but it is the death of the mind or universe or the whole waking experience.  

 The experience of birth, life, death and world, which takes place within the waking experience is mere an object to the formless subject, which is consciousness. The consciousness is the inner most self and it is ever free from the three states. Thus self –knowledge or self-realization is necessary to realize our true identity is not the waking entity but the formless witness of all the three states. thus within the illusion we are unaware of our formless,deathless true identity.

The waking or dream, body and the universe are part and parcel of the illusion. When the waking or dream is present the body and the universe is present. If waking or dream is not there the body and the universe cease to exist. 

Seeker of truth read not to contradict and confute, nor to believe and take for granted, nor to find talk and discourse, but to weigh and consider and discover the truth by using his on reason.  The greatest and noblest pleasure which seeker can have is to discover new truths; and drop old prejudices and accumulated knowledge.

To understand and assimilate one needs spiritual language of silence; one must speak from the standpoint of the consciousness and in the language of the soul – which is humility, intense urge of inner growth, listening and without arguing on some theoretical or some authority or some famous men‘s point of view. one has to subconsciously erase what is not truth by realizing what is truth. 

Illusion has affected the three states, and physical discipline erases not its effect; and men, involved in Strife, are intoxicated with its intoxication are immersed in manipulating the high and low of their physical life.  Only through Self-knowledge one will be able to overcome the intoxication of illusion.

"The Inner Lord"

                                                              "The Inner Lord"

 All this is consciousness. All that is consciousness. From consciousness, universe comes. When universe is taken from consciousness, consciousness still remains.

Soul, which is in the form of Consciousness, is enshrined in the mind, which is in the form of universe.  Consciousness is the inner most self and ultimate Reality.

Realize the true self through getting rid of ignorance than only one becomes aware of the fact that everything belongs to consciousness.

Those who are ignorant of the true Self are blind to the Self, enveloped in darkness,
Utterly devoid of love for consciousness.

The soul is the true self. The soul is one.  Because of intoxication of illusion people are thinking souls are many. The self becomes many and many become one. What becomes one and what becomes many is nothing but consciousness. 

Soul is Ever still, Though motionless, it outruns all pursuit.  Without the Self, never could universe exist.

The Self seems to move, but is ever still.
Self seems far away, but is ever near.
It is within the universe, and he transcends universe.

 Those who have become aware self as consciousness and see consciousness in everything and everywhere in all the three states know the
three states are mere mirage created out of Those who see all the three state as consciousness realizes the unity in diversity

 The consciousness pervades everywhere and in everything in all the three states. Consciousness is indivisible, untouched by the magical experience.

The ignorant ones who think the world as reality experiences the experience the birth life and death as reality.  For Gnani   consciousness alone is real and all else mere illusion.  For ignorant the waking entity alone is real but for Gnani the formless witness of the three states is real.