Sunday, March 28, 2010

To speak of ultimate truth without knowing what truth is, is meaningless.

People are busy with their worldly life and they find no time or too lazy or incompetent to think. They do not want to be bothered to inquire since they think it is waste of time.

Yogic trance is same as hypnotic trance as there is no duality in the deepest stages of both, because they are both deep sleep, because their experience is based on the physical self. The intermediate stages of dream are paralleled by hypnotic and yogic and mental experiences and visions.  Since all are based on the physical self and physical self is false self therefore whatever experienced on the physical self is bound to be falsehood.

Ignorance cannot go through merely knowing the Self is Ataman, for it is known in sleep and Samadhi. It can go only by knowing, assimilating and realizing ultimate truth.

Yoga does not lead to wisdom.  Yogic Samadhi is mere blankness similar to deep sleep. In Samadhi yogi is unaware of the universe, and hence of ultimate truth.

In yogic Samadhi if yogi sees his body and the world and knew it as Ataman, one could agree that Yoga leads to nondual wisdom, but in Samadhi one is unaware of the body and of the universe, and hence he is unaware of the ultimate truth.

To speak of ultimate truth without knowing what truth is, is meaningless. Yogic Samadhi gives only idea of nature of the soul not wisdom.  Yogi thinks the blankness and thoughtlessness in Samadhi as ultimate truth.  Blankness or thoughtlessness experienced on the base of physical self/ego is not Self-Realization.  

The ultimate truth can be known only by inquiring, analyzing and reasoning on the true base. The yogi sees the world in his Samadhi, but he does not know that the world is Ataman, because he limits the Ataman only to the physical self.  Therefore, as soon as he comes out of his Samadhi, he is again in ignorance, whereas, the Gnani is fully aware of the fact that, his body and the world are Ataman in the midst of duality.

 Gnani understands the nature of the Self. His mind is no longer thirsty. He is the same under all conditions.

First one must give the meaning of Ataman. Ataman has to be grasped mentally.  The evidence of the existence of Atman has to be grasped mentally through deeper inquiry, analysis and reasoning. Noting has to be accepted as truth without verification. Until one defines what is truth he cannot say what he means.

Mere blankness and thoughtlessness in yogic Samadhi is not wisdom. One has to know the fact that the physical self is not the self and stop judging the truth on the false self.  to see you are the universal self.

One is free from ignorance not when he sees nothing at all, as in yogic Samadhi but only when he is fully aware of the fact that, all the three states are mere mirage created out of Ataman/Spirit.

Pursuit of truth is the path of verification.

People think an orthodox man who goes on worshipping God or speaking only of god all the 24 /7 is greatly revered.  The atheists think belief is a case of unbalanced obsession by exaggerating myth as reality. The religionists believe in existence of god and atheist believes in god does not exits.  Thus, both are based on the belief of god and no god, not the ultimate truth. Only the ultimate truth can be called because the whole physical existence is dependent on it.  Thus truth realization is necessary in order to realize the fat that all our individual gods propagated by organized religions is not universal truth.
Pursuit of truth is the path of verification.  Yoga takes for granted that there is an Iswara--God, gives it for concentration purposes, and then one naturally find God in his meditations. But it is only an imagined God. Mystics see what they are looking for or that whose existence they presuppose. Therefore Yoga belongs to physical existence. And physical existence is mere mirage on the standpoint of the soul, which is the true self.

The existence of god is presupposed idea invented, introduced and injected to the mass by organized religion.  Every religion has its own idea of god. Every religion thinks its god is true and others gods are fake.  Therefore, religious truth is individual truth not universal truth.   No religion cans the existence of god other then showing their scriptural authority as proof. When the self is not physical, then the individual cannot be God.  Personal experience which is not universally valid is no proof, neither is ecstatic feeling.  The experience is mere physical and experience cannot be a proof.  The wisdom arises when one becomes realizes the fact that there is no experience but the nondual awareness.

What one knows as truth must be inquired ,analyzed and reasoned on the base of true self, to see if it be true or not. Experience must be taken, checked, analyzed and corrected. It is the characteristic of all human beings to believe they understand, even when they do not. Otherwise one may be merely imagining as he likes.
No assumption, no faith, is needed in pursuit of truth, which demands thinking. People want only to imagine because it is easier. They do not want to think deeply because it is too troublesome.

It is not the worship of a person that is crucial, but the steadiness and depth of his devotion urge to know the truth.

It is not the worship of a person that is crucial, but the steadiness and depth of his devotion urge to know the truth. True Self itself is the Supreme Guru; seeker of truth has to be attentive to grasp the truth. The outer Guru is part of the illusion; when one is able to grasp the truth directly, he will realize the fact that, the Guru is within and the guidance will come as one starts inquiring, analyzing and reasoning.  There is no need to blindly believe and follow anyone. Every claim has to be verified then only accept if it is found to be truth without any contradiction. If anything can be contradicted then it is not the truth. The ultimate truth is un-contradictable.   

People who believe in idea of God are not aware of the fact that, the belief system is hindrance in pursuit of truth. They are unaware of the fact that their god is mere belief installed and groomed by their parents. God exits when one believes in his belief.   How do they know there is God? They believe in existence of God without verifying their belief. Deeper inquiry reveals the fact that, the ‘I’ is not the true self but the soul/spirit is the true self.  Therefore, whatever one knows, seen, believed and experienced on the base of ‘I’ as self is bound to be falsehood.  Thus, their belief of god is based on the ‘I’, which is the false self, within the false experience. In assuming God’s existence they merely guess and imagine without facts.  
One must make an effort to know the ultimate truth. The truth exists eternally.  There is nothing new to be acquired, only one has to have the sharp brain to grasp, understand, assimilate and realize it.

There is a difference between understanding and realization. Effort is required for this understanding only, whereas once understood no special effort is needed to remember his understanding: until then he only has an idea of the true “Self”, he only partially understand it. But once he thoroughly grasps what it is and that all these three states are mirage created out of the true  “Self”  , he will then constantly find its present everywhere without further effort, because he will perceive ultimate truth  by understanding, even in the midst of worldly existence.

When there is only one thing the Self /Spirit  knower, there is nothing to change, nothing to appear or disappear; when one speaks of remembering or forgetting “Self” that implies he  believes in the existence of something else, i.e. a second thing, which is to be remembered. That would show he has not known that all is one. But knowing it, there is no second, consequently no intermittent perception of Self/Soul, but a permanent effortless understanding that it alone is.

When one gets a glimpse of truth try to reflect on it a number of times in order to establish it. "The self must raise itself by the Self." One cannot know the truth until one knows stuff which created the waking/dream. The goal of pursuit of truth is to realize the nature of the true self. 
A man may speak the truth that he saw god in his vision.  But whether what he saw in vision is really God because vision itself is as real as dream.

Even if one agrees the fact that he saw a vision but the one that witnesses the vision is not physical.  The one which witnesses the waking and dream or vision is not physical. Therefore, there is a need to know the formless witness, which witnessed the waking, or dream or vision to unfold the mystery and realize the fact that, the waking experience itself is the mirage. Therefore, whatever one knows of the dream or vision in the waking experience is bound to be falsehood, and the witness of the waking experience is real and eternal.  

Think and think

Think and think

One has to become aware of the fact that the ego, body, world or whatever seen, known, belived and experienced is nothing but mind/’I’. If mind/’I’, is there the ego, body, world or whatever seen, known, belived and experienced is there. Absent of mind/’I’, absent of all these. Thus it is necessary to reduce mentally, the whole waking experience into mind. Then only it is possible to reduce the mind into Ataman/spirit. Therefore, it is necessary to understand: “What is mind? and “What is substance the mind?, in order to unfold the mystery of the duality.

The inherited conditioning of old taught and belief patterns which one does not want give up. Seeker must remain open and receptive and ready to accept for change to progress beyond all that inherited programming.

Seeker should not blindly accept anything without verifying the validity of any claims made in the F.S messages, but verify for himself all the facts by deeper thinking, and making sure what is said in the messages in un-contradictable truth. Then only accept it as truth. Deeper thinking is very essential which eradicates the old thinking pattern and inner revelation will reveal the truth one will be able to burn all the accumulated physical based dross. The wisdom does not dawn by discussing arguing, but when one starts thinking deeply, then only he will find the formless path to his non dual destination.

Seeker need s to do his own home work constantly reflecting on the F.S messages until the subconscious start replacing the old pattern of thinking faculty based on the ‘I’[form] as self to soul [formless]as self. Only serious seekers will be able to reach this state, others find it hard, because they are not ready yet.

The soul is always there waiting for everyone to focus there attention on it, but everyone is immersed themselves their own theory and imagination of truth, thus they are blind without the blindness.

Non dual Truth is pretty simple actually but man made it very complicated with his theories and imaginations”. Man has become prisoner of his own theories and imagined truth. His egocentric approach will not allow him to accept anything other then his accepted truth.

The ego is not the self

The ego is not the self. When one limits the ‘I’ to physical entity, it is called ego. The ego, body and world appear together and disappear together. Therefore, limiting the ‘I’ to the physical entity is creates the ignorance of the truth/reality. To understand “What is truth” and “What is untruth” one has to know the fact that; whether the mind/’I’ is within the body, or body and world are within the ‘I’/mind to get Self-realization.

The ego is not the self

The ego is not the self. When one limits the ‘I’ to physical entity, it is called ego. The ego, body and world appear together and disappear together. Therefore, limiting the ‘I’ to the physical entity is creates the ignorance of the truth/reality. To understand “What is truth” and “What is untruth” one has to know the fact that; whether the mind/’I’ is within the body, or body and world are within the ‘I’/mind to get Self-realization.


The spirit or Ataman is the witness. The witness neither appears nor disappears. The appearance and disappearance are mare mirage within the spirit. If seeker confines the ‘I’ to physical entity alone, inquiry, analysis and reasoning necessary to understand the fact that, mind is a mirage.
The seeker must have something to say about his-self. He should not cling to accumulated knowledge. He has to be ever ready to receive the truth. The truth exists with or without the mind or duality.

If god is within the body then he is responsible for every action which is good or evil

If god is within the body then he is responsible for every action which is good or evil. If god is God is present within in our hearts then His laws are binding on the physical conducts to which he owns the authorship.
Until and unless one is aware of the fact that, true self is the soul/spirit, he is bound to believe in the conceptual idea of god propagated by the organized religion. Until atheists hold in their no god theory and hold the physical existence is real, without verifying the fact about the true existence they will remain in ignorance of the true self, which is formless not the form. The atheistic theories also are also based on the false physical self. Thus, whatever is based on the physical self is bound to be falsehood.
It requires accepting the fact that that the three states cannot exist without soul, which is the true self
Self- realization is not for those who are so deep in denial they are unlikely to understand and assimilate the self-knowledge.

He who knows the Ataman as self verily becomes Ataman

Ataman cannot be attained by one who is without strength or earnestness or without the receptiveness and courage to accept the truth and reject the untruth. But if a serious seeker strives by means of inquiry, analysis and reasoning on the true base, he will be able to realize it.
By realizing Ataman, the one become satisfied with that Knowledge. He establishes in the true self, and he is free from experiencing the duality as reality and he is in non dual tranquility. Such seeker ever devoted to the Self, behold everywhere the Ataman.
Having well ascertained the Self, the goal of the Self- knowledge and having perfect understudying, the seekers, never relaxing their efforts, enjoy here supreme Immortality and at the time of the great end attain complete freedom in Ataman.
When one realizes the fact that the causes of all the causes is uncaused; and views and judges the worldview on the base of the uncaused, then  everything of the experience of  duality, becomes one with the highest imperishable Ataman, which is the Self of all.
As flowing rivers disappear in the sea, losing their names and forms, so one is freed from name and form, attains the Ataman, which is greater than the Great.
He who knows the Ataman as self verily becomes Ataman. He overcomes the experience of duality; becomes one with the immortal self/Ataman.

There is a need to dismantle the inherited physical structure mentally to overcome the duality.

Many people are not even aware what is Ataman; though knowing of it, many do not comprehend. Only few expound the knowledge of Ataman and very rare assimilate and realize it.  It is all because of their inherited religious and social background and grooming.
 There is a need to dismantle the inherited physical structure mentally to overcome the duality. The whole physical structure is built on the foundation of the ‘I’. Since they think the ‘I’ as Ataman/self, it becomes difficult to grasp and assimilate and realize the non dual truth.
The ‘I’, appears and disappears as mind [waking/dream] is impermanent, hence it is not the self. The formless knower of the ‘I’ [waking/dream] is the true self. Since people think whatever is propagated by the guru/yogi as ultimate truth and blindly accept it as truth, without verifying the validity of their preaching. This blind acceptance becomes a big hindrance in pursuit of truth. If one is seeking truth, one has to verify the validity of any claim through inquiry, analysis and reasoning on the true base, and accept only un -contradictable truth.
Self-knowledge when taught by an unqualified person is not easily comprehended, because it is diversely regarded by disputants. But when it is taught by him who has become one with Ataman, there can remain no more doubt about It. Ataman is subtler than the subtlest and not to be known through argument.
Self- Knowledge cannot be attained by reasoning based on the ‘I’ [physical based]. Ataman becomes easy of comprehension, when taught by another. One has to attain self- Knowledge right now in this very life not in next world or next life.
Gnani, by means of concentration on the true Self, realizes that ancient, effulgent hidden and which dwells and pervades in everything and everywhere in all the three states as its formless substance and witness.
The knowing the true Self is not born; It does not die. It has not sprung from anything; nothing has sprung from It. Birthless, eternal, everlasting and ancient, it is not killed when the body is killed or when the world disappears.  If the murderer thinks he kills and if the killed man thinks he is killed, neither of these apprehends aright. The Self kills not, nor is it killed.
Ataman exists in smaller than the small, greater than the great, and is hidden in the three states as its formless substance and witness. A man who is free from viewing and judging the worldview on the base of ‘I’ beholds the Self through tranquility and becomes free from experiencing the duality as reality.
Gnani, having realized Ataman as dwelling within impermanent states is bodiless, pervades the three states as its formless substance and witness and permanent and eternal.
Self-knowledge cannot be acquired by the study of the scriptures, or by intelligence, or by much hearing of sacred books. It is attained by him alone whom It chooses. To such a one Ataman reveals its own form.
He who has not rectified his seeking base from the ‘I’[form] base to soul[formless] base , who does not have the intense urge to know the non dual truth and who is not tranquil and subdued and whose mind is not receptive , cannot acquire Self-Knowledge . It is realized only through inquiry, analysis and reasoning on the true base.

Ataman is undifferentiated, birthless and non-dual

Birthlessness of the self, which is free from Manifestation and causal relationship, is absolute and constant. For duality i.e. the perceiving mind and its objects is merely an objectification of the mind.
Realizing the absence of causality as ultimate truth and not finding any other reason for birth, one attains that state which is free from grief, desire and fear.
On account of attachment to unreal objects the mind pursues such objects. But it comes back to its pure state when it attains non-attachment, realizing their unreality.
The mind freed from attachment to all external objects and undistracted by fresh objects attains the state of immutability. Such a mind is Ataman; it is undifferentiated, birthless and non-dual.
The birthless, dreamless and sleepless Reality reveals itself by itself; for this Ataman by its very nature is self- luminous. The Ataman becomes easily hidden because of attachment to any single object and is revealed with great difficulty.
The ignorant, with their spiritually immature minds, verily cover Ataman by predicating of it such attributes as existence, non-existence, existence and non-existence and total non-existence, deriving these characteristics from the notions of change, immovability, combination of change and immovability and absolute negation which they associate with Ataman.
Attachment to unreality hides the truth from one's view. He who knows the Ataman to it ever untouched by them indeed knows all.
There is nothing else remains to be desired by him who has attained the natural state, -a state of complete non-duality, which is without beginning, middle, or end.

It is not the body, which knows itself as the body

Many people get confused when the word soul is used.  The word soul is an indicator to higher truth.  Different words are used for the same by different people. Buddha called it emptiness/nothingness, Sri, Sankara called is Brahman/ultimate truth, christen called it Christ consciousness/ sprit, intellectuals called consciousness, Ramana called it Self. Thus, what harm is there in using the word soul, which is mere pointer to core of the true existence, which is not physical?   Because one has  the soul, which knows his  body and his experience of the world he is  able to exist as a person and he is  able to believe whatever he  want to believe and reject whatever he do not want believe.  
With what one knows his body and his  name, and his  worldly activities? It is not the body, which knows itself as the body.  Without the knower which is the self, the body is insentient or dead. The one which knows itself as body, and functions itself as person, and perceives the world, is not the body, but the consciousness [self].   Therefore, thinking the body as self and trying to understand and assimilate and judging  truth, will keep one in the grip of duality and makes him physical base pundit, and also  makes him egoist, who thinks whatever his accumulated knowledge is truth, without bothering to verify the facts, and always judgemental and arguing  on his own point of view.   There is no scope of argument in pursuit of truth, because the ultimate truth is based on the formless self, and your arguments are based on the form [ego] as self.   The truth is beyond physicality.
 The ultimate Truth demands some thinking.  Those who require mental spoon feeding, for them it is difficult to grasp.  It is only possible to finger point to the reality and indicate the direction.  It is not possible to make one realize the truth; it is for the seeker to verify on his own -through, deeper inquiry, analysis and reasoning and realize it.  Seekers  who will approach  with receptiveness    as they should be approached  may conceivably pause at any time and say , these pointers are helping them  to think  on their  own   and assimilate the  knowledge and understanding   in proper  and perfect way .
  One who is unaware of the fact that, how the physical body is able to function itself as a person, and perceive the world and with what he is able to know himself and his experience of the world, for him it is impossible to grasp the truth.  For the people who are trying to judge the truth on physicality /intellectuality the truth is distant dream.     
Self is the Spirit the unchanging unlimited, immanent, and beyond the physical experience and it is the formless source of the waking/dream/deep sleep experiences. The one who become aware of the true self is the spirit, has realized his identity with spirit as true self.
Soul, which is Absolute Reality, is the true self.   True Self is in the form of spirit and it   eternal, genderless, omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent, and ultimately indescribable in human language.
Objectless awareness means, the natural state of the mind. That is in midst of the experience of diversity, knowing whatever is seen, known, and believed and experienced has erupted from single substance, which is non dual spirit. Thus, seeing all the objects as spirit, nothing but spirit is objectless awareness in spiritual sense. Objectless awareness is the nature of the self. Only through wisdom; the seeking mind can enter the state of objectless awareness.

One has to think hard to remove the ignorance.

Seeker of truth has to begin to discriminate first with his   words; then with his   ideas; then with his   outlook; then with his life and lastly with his consciousness.

By physical based practices such as yoga and rituals one does not get at ultimate truth. One has to think hard to remove the ignorance.

The birth, life and death are part of the known, and not of the formless knower. The knower is not an object of imagination but the subject which is responsible for the object to exist.

The self knowledge is not for those who lack the intelligence to discriminate between the subjects [formless] and object [form]. Both witness and witnessed are spirit, not witness alone.

Nondual Truth can ever change.  The nature of nondual truth is this: It can never be changed under any circumstances. It may be misrepresented. It must apply to the whole of existence, to all the three states.

 As the deeper analysis points out It is in the waking/dream alone that one has all changes. The witness remains unchanged. The witness, as such remains immortal. It can never die for it never changes.

The waking or dream is witnessed, and goes, but the witness or knower of the three states, can never go. Seeker of the truth has to take this principle as his guiding thread and assimilation becomes easy. The witness can never be subject to the changes of the witnessed; it is unchanged. The mistake usually made is that witness becomes witnessed, or that witnessed is witness.

Absence of contradictions is possible only in absence of duality; where there is no second thing. If there is duality then there is contradiction. The contradiction between witness and witnessed.  The experience" is witnessed. Diversity implies contradiction, and it implies that two things are not the same, hence duality exists there.

The soul and mind are one in essence. Ignorance of the soul the mind becomes reality and becoming aware of the soul the mind becomes illusion. 

 Soul is only imaginary in the realm of duality, and mind is myth in the realm of the soul/self.  All ideas of immortality and eternity are ideas within the duality. The duality is falsehood/ideas on the standpoint of soul, which is the true self.

The duality is apart from soul because it is prior to appearance of duality. The duality is mere an object to the soul/self. The mind is mere mirage created out of the soul /spirit. The people who claim to have a vision of the highest or describe it as supra-mental etc. does not understand the soul as self, because it is free from physicality and it exit prior to any appearance.

Ordinarily knowledge arises from experience of object by a subject; that all knowledge of objects will only lead to more thinking but never give one ultimate truth. Intellectual’s try and get more objective experience because they base themselves on physical proof.  .” the intellectuals can never get at ultimate truth that way because it leads to endless thoughts and because they ignore the soul, which is the true self and is the formless substance and witness of the duality/falsehood. Seekers of truth have to inquire, analyze and reason to find ultimate truth.

Investigations into objects are useful empirically; but only that seekers of truth should not delude themselves that this is the correct path to final reality.

No one as a person   can see the awakening of consciousness, because awakening happens when ignorance is disappears.  Ignorance disappears when the mind becomes one with the soul. Only through nondual wisdom/self-knowledge   one becomes aware of the three states are mere mirage created out of the soul/spirit/self, in the midst of the waking/mirage.   The waking or dream is witnessed by the soul or spirit without the physical eyes.

Claiming himself to be god or agent of god is   not spirituality but hypothesis, because in the realm of truth noting exists other then spirit, which is the true self and ultimate truth.  

Form, Time and Space cesses to exist without the mind.

v  What is the cause of this experience of duality?
v  Is it the Soul the Supreme Reality?
v  Why man and his experience of the world exist only in waking or dream?
v  Why man is unaware of the fact that, the birth, life and death takes place in waking experience.
v  Where shall man at last find rest?
 What makes one bound by the experience of birth, life and death and its opposite?
Form, Time and Space cesses to exist without the mind.  Mind ceases to exit without form, time and space. Form, time and space exits only in waking or dream.  Form, time and space are absent in deep sleep. Mind is present only in waking or dream and mind is absent without the waking or dream.
The individual and his experience of the world are within the waking or dream. The one that witnesses the three states which comes and goes in succession is not the waking entity.
The self is neither the waking entity nor the dream entity but it is the knower of all the three states.
The Self is one. Ever still, the Self is though motionless, he outruns all pursuit. Without the Self, never could the experience of diversity exist.
 The Gnani sees the truth within the three states the ultimate Reality, the self-luminous all pervading, which dwells as the self-conscious power in everything and everywhere in the three states. It is one without a second. Deep within everything and everywhere it dwells in the three states, hidden as their formless substance and witness. It presides over time, space, and all apparent causes.
Like water in snow, butter in cream, water in the river-bed, fire in the tinder, the Self dwells within the three states. Seeker has to Realise it through deeper inquiry, analysis and reasoning.
Like butter in cream is the Self/Self in everything. Knowledge of the Self is gained through meditation. The Self is Supreme Reality. Through true Self-Knowledge is all ignorance destroyed.
Fire, though present in the firestick, is not perceived until one stick is rubbed against another. The Self is like that fire; it is realised through inquiry, analysis and reasoning.
He who is realised by transcending the experience of duality, in deep contemplation, becomes aware it is to be the soul to be the real self. Soul/spirit is the formless substance and witness, all else is mere mirage. And it is the imperishable.
The Gnani know the self to be the soul   as the one reality behind all that seems. For this reason they are devoted to it. Absorbed in it, they attain freedom from the illusory cycle of birth, life, death.
Waking or dream is perishable. The Self, the destroyer of ignorance, is imperishable, immortal. It is the one reality. By constant reflecting on the nature of the Self, by identifying the soul as the self, one ceases to be ignorant.
Seeker has to know the truth, and all fetters will be loosed. Ignorance will vanish. Birth, life, death and rebirth will become part of the mirage. Seeker has to reflect on the soul as self and transcend physical consciousness. Thus he will be one with the universal identity. Seeker of truth must know this.  There is nothing further is there to know.  Seeker has to Inquire, analyze and reason deeply, then he   will realise that mind is mere mirage and formless substance and witness of the mind is real and eternal.