Sunday, April 18, 2010

Realizing the soul as self is “Self-Realization”.

1        What experiences the dream when the Waking experience is totally absent?
2        When ‘Self’ is not the physical, what is it that witnesses the three states in succession?
When ‘Mind’ subsides then the waking or dream experience also subsidies and whatever prevails without the waking or dream is identified as deep sleep. Therefore, the waking or dream is mere mental experience and they subside and become one with the source from where they have erupted from.
Until and unless one becomes aware of the fact that, the waking or dream rises and subsides from this formless source, which is the soul, he is bound to prevail in illusion experiencing it as reality.  And he will continue to view and judge the worldview on the base of waking entity or  physical self (ego).
When one  realizes the formless  substance and witness is the soul,which is present in the form of consciousness and  and the soul is the true self  then  he will realize  the fact that,  the duality or diversity is mere mirage.  And there is no second thing other then soul, which is in the form of consciousness. That is second less existence.
One has to come to firm conviction that the soul or consciousness  itself is the formless substance and witness of the three states, in order to realize the fact that, experience of diversity is mere illusion.  There is no division in the soul  or consciousness in its true nature.
On the standpoint of the soul as self, the physical body, world, and concept of God and religious affiliations are nonexistent.  Take the illustration of Deep Sleep. The nature of the soul, the innermost self is like deep sleep.  Thus, remembering the nature of soul, the innermost self like deep sleep experience, where there is no scope for duality. Therefore, the nature of the soul/self is non-dual without the beginning and end. Thus, the whole experience of duality is rises, sustained and subsides in soul. The formless substance and witness of the three states is the soul. Realizing the soul as self is “Self-Realization”.  

Reasoning on the true base gives nonduaistc or Advaitc l truth.

Form, time and space are reality within the duality. The duality is unreal in the realm of truth. Whatever prevails without the duality is ultimate truth. Therefore there is a need to know how the duality is unreality in order to know and realize the ultimate truth or brahman.   
When one finds diverse contradictions and opinions of beliefs systems, he should reflect that there is some foolishness somewhere. This doubt is the beginning of inquiry into truth.
 The religionists says “To believe that one possess truth is not conducive to tolerance". The fallacy is that one presumes to know the truth, as is case of fanatic orthodoxies in all the belief systems.  Ignorance and its removal of it by Self -Knowledge or Bramha Gnana or Atma Gnana  is the main goal in pursuit of truth.
Those that want ultimate truth or Brahman  will not practice control of mind. That is Yoga for the lower web who are not in search of ultimate truth. The seeker of truth will inquire and practice discrimination.
The truth has to be attained not by intuition but by reason, which is superior to it. Not even a combination of intellect and intuition will find truth.
Proof is the first thing in pursuit of truth, if god  appears one must be sure what has appeared is god, because all the appearance is mere illusion, on the standpoint of the soul  or conciousness or spirit, which is the true self.   Religion and Yoga are useful from utilitarian view points, but from point of view of seeking truth they are useless.
In religion there is the element of imagination and speculation.  One thinks that religion in  which  he is born in is better then other religion, which gives him satisfaction, which pleases his taste, and also it is sacred because it is ancient and he has inherited from his forefathers. Such is the limited view of ordinary man. In pursuit of truth seekers have to discards all these type of thinking.
People talk of the peace and satisfaction. What has given one peace and satisfaction is not truth because that peace and satisfaction experienced on the base of physical self(waking entity or ego)  is part of the illusion.  The illusion is impermanent therefore whatever experienced as peace and satisfaction bound to be temporary not permanent.
 Blindly accepting the scriptures without verifying their validity of claims is not allowed in pursuit of truth.   One have to look into the facts, for the proof of what has the worship of God done for the people! In the past and present people are being killed in the name of religion and god.  Simply to say God saves them is mere speculation: Such an argument is of no value.
Both real and unreal, seen and unseen, trance and activity within the illusion, is created out of the soul or conciousness or spirit, whereas religionists wrongly divorce one from the other. It is absurd to think that anything can be left out of the soul or consciousness.
How can anything be rejected? How can the world be renounced? Only those who delude themselves think so. Everything is soul or conciousness or spirit, and remains so.  No name, no form can be given to the soul. Anyone who says he "sees" something within as soul is no Gnani.
When one thinks he is a reflection, a ray of the soul, he thereby separates himself from the soul and imagines an individual soul.  Seeker of truth has to give up all these imaginations and speculation and he will find his self to be what it is. To know truth without any doubts, one has to be identical with it, for how can one know what he has got in his mind? Hence duality must disappear.
Reasoning on the true base gives nondualistc or Advaitic truth. Yoga can only lead to temporary happiness. Even the yogic bliss is imagination based on the physical self(ego or waking entity).
The body and universe that one sees is the soul or consciousness because they are created out of the soul or consciousness or  spirit. Unless the world is there in one’s realization, ultimate truth cannot be realized.
Ignorance cannot go through merely knowing the soul as self, for it is known in sleep and Samadhi. It can go only by knowing the ultimate truth or Brahman.

Memories are part of the illusion.

Memories are part of the illusion. All the memories are reality within the waking experience. The waking experience is unreal on the standpoint of the soul, which is the true self.  Memories are based on the individual and individuality is falsehood.  Basing the judgment on the memories will keeps one in the grip of duality. Duality is cause of ignorance and ignorance is the cause of experience the illusion as reality.  Memories of the past are part of the illusion. Without the physical self(ego)  the memories are non-existent.
Memories of form, time and space are reality within the illusion. They become unreal on the standpoint of the soul, which is the true self. All the memories of the waking experience disappear in deep sleep.  Memories of The dream experience and deep sleep experience are present in the waking experience.  When all the three states are unreal on the base of the soul, which is the true self, then what is it that is aware of the coming and going of the three states in succession?    

The one which is aware of the three states is not physical but it is the formless soul OR consciousness  or spirit.  Therefore it is necessary to grasp the existence of the formless witness in order to realize the true self is formless, which is the cause of the memories of the three states.  There is neither the three states nor the witness exists in reality. Therefore, there is a need to bifurcate the witness from the illusion by realizing the witness and the illusion are one in essence.  Therefore, there is no second thing exists other then the soul or consciousness or spirit, because the whole experience of diversity is created out single stuff, that is the soul or consciousness or spirit. When the soul becomes self-conscious then the duality will vanishes as non-duality.

Abiding in nondual truth is realization or freedom.

The soul is the innermost self. the soul is in the form of consciousness. conciousness is the  formless substance,  witness   of the three states.Soul   in which the Waking experience and dream experience rises and subsides as a whole. The soul is as an ocean and Waking experience and dream are like Waves. When the wave is ignorant, of the ocean, it limits itself to the wave, but when it becomes aware of the ocean, it identifies itself as ocean not as the waves.
The yogi and religionists do not attain wisdom with their physical based repeated practices, because they base themselves based  on the physical self, and they do not inquire, analyze and reason. 

 The nondual wisdom can be attained only when one indulges in deeper self-search.  The reasoning base has to be rectified from form base to formless base, in order to assimilate the knowledge of the true self.
By constant reflecting on formless substance and witness of the three states through inquiry, analysis and reasoning one will be able to grasp the nondual truth. Abiding in nondual truth is realization or freedom. Freedom means freedom from the experiencing the illusion as reality.
One gets nondual self-awareness when he realizes the fact that, the self is not physical but it is the formless soul or consciousness or spirit.
Deepaer self-search  reveals that:-
One gets wisdom, when he becomes aware of the fact that, the Waking is also as unreal the dream. The dream disappears when Waking takes place, similarly, when waking becomes unreal when one becomes aware of the formless substance and witness is the soul, and the soul is the true self then he wakes up as the soul,ehich is present in the form of consciousness.
One has to begin by using the dream as illustration. When one uses dream as analogy, it reveals that there is no difference between waking experience and dream. Both are false experiences on the standpoint of the formless witness of the three states. The soul or consciousness or spirit prevails without the three states is ultimate reality.
The analysis of the three states not to be based on the physical self(ego), but it has to be based on the soul, the innermost seef. The doubts and confusion will prevail if one bases his judgment on the physical self(waking entity or ego). Because the judgment based on the physical self,which is the false self within the false experience leads to speculation and imagination. Speculation and imagination  based on the waking entity or ego is not nondual wisdom.

Only in the ignorance of the true self, the birth, life and death, the pain and pleasure are experienced as reality.

Most of the authors are speculating on non-duality on the base of the ancient eastern teachings.  They are only playing with words.  Many group discussion forums on the non- duality is conservative and formed to market the books of the authors. 

Until and unless there is humility to verify the validity of their accepted truth themselves, they will remain in the clutch of ego, misguiding the fellow seekers in the name guidance.
People think the religious, yogic and scriptural authority is proof.  But they are based on the physical self and physical self is false self, therefore they cannot be accepted as truth.  

Deeper self-search reveals:

One may think if there is, only one self why one is in pain another is in pleasure, everyone should have the same experience. The individual experience is a happening within the waking experience.  The soul, which is the true self, witnesses the waking pr dream as a whole. The individuality has no meaning because the waking itself is mere mirage on the standpoint of the soul as self.  

The whole waking experience is a parallel dream.  Whatever happening within the Waking experience is as unreal as dream. Until and unless the formless witness of the three states is traced mentally, the experience of duality will remain as reality.

Once seeker becomes aware of the fact that,  the formless substance and witness of the three states is soul, which is present in the form of consciousness and realizes the  three states  is a mere mirage created out of the soul or conciousness.  As the conviction becomes firm than the reality of the duality gradually start subsiding.

When seeker  and realizes the fact that, the self is neither the waking entity nor the self is dream entitty but the self is formless soul  then he realize the three states are mere mirage created out of the soul,which is presnet in the form of consciousness.

the formless substance of the three states itself is the witness of the three states. Therefore, the witness and the witnessed are one in essence.

Whatever experience experienced within the Waking or dream is only illusion. Only in the ignorance of the true self, the birth, life and death, the pain and pleasure are experienced as reality. When the waking itself is unreal what value they have in the realm of truth.

Since, the individual is ignorant of the formless substance and witness of the three states, which is the soul; he is bound to believe in the birth, life and death as reality. Once he realizes the self is not physical then  he will realize whatever he knows, seen, believed accumulated and experienced as a person is part of the illusion because the here states are unreal on the standpoint of the soul, which is the true self.

The separation is felt within the Waking experience between one another and the world. There is no division is possible in the nondual true nature of the self/spirit. When this is realized, there is no second thing other than spirit/self.

Even in dream experience, there are millions of people and the dream world or cosmos, but they existed within the dream. The dream remains as reality until the Waking takes place. Same thing is applicable to Waking experience also.  When the formless witness wakes up in its formless non-dual true nature, then the Waking experience is bound to be unreal.

The confusion and doubts exist until the whole thing is viewed on the standpoint of physical self/ego and holding Waking experience as reality.

Whatever objects, forms, and life is created and bifurcated by naming them with in these states of duality are created out of one and only material that is Spirit/Soul/Self. When one realizes the fact that, there is no second thing other than the spirit/soul in this illusory experience of the duality will unfold the mystery of the true existence.

When man is within the waking or dream who or what    sees in waking dream experiences as whole?

When the ‘self’  is’ is not the physical then what witnesses three states?
v The whole cosmos, objects and persons are contained within the waking or dream experience then what is it that is aware of the waking and dream?

What is it that is aware of the deep sleep where there is no duality?

When one verifies the fact through inquiry, analysis and reasoning he becomes aware of the fact that, that the all the three states are illusory in their nature. They remain as reality until one thinks one is born in this world and living in this world and dies in this world.  Even in the dream the dream entity is bases itself as birth.  If one does not base on its birth then there is no duality only reality.

When one becomes aware of the fact that, the self is not physical, but it is the formless spirit, he learns to judge truth on the base of the spirit, and realizes the fact that, the experience of duality is mere mirage.  Thus the duality has no value because it is created out of the spirit. In reality there is only non- duality.

The experience of duality is non-existent in reality. If everything is viewed and judged on the base of physical self   then the ignorance prevails.

If one experiences that one is Alexander conquering another country in a dream, it is only soul/spirit is appearing as the dream experience of Alexander and another country. Therefore, Alexander and the country are created out of one and only material that is soul or consciousness or spirit. Therefore, whatever one experienced in waking or dream is created out of soul consciousness or spirit.

Whatever experience within the waking or dream is illusion created out of the soul or consciousness or spirit.  Therefore, it is very much necessary to realize the fact that, physical self and the world are reality within the waking or dream.

When one becomes aware of the existence of the witness of the three states, which is the formless soul   or consciousness   then the ignorance vanishes. When ignorance vanishes, than one realizes the experience of the birth, life death and the world becomes part and parcel of the mirage. By basing and viewing and judging the worldview on the base of the formless soul as self, the nondual wisdom dawns.

How god can exist without physical existence?

People think why God playing cruel games with them.  It is perhaps a question that comes to mind when one fails to find a satisfactory explanation of the inexplicable. But the question itself is not a satisfactory approach to understanding.  Pundits give explanations, but explanations are not always satisfactory answers.
How god  can exist without physical existence? A believer has to be there for his belief to exist.  Therefore, man has to exist prior to existence of god, to say god exits or to say god created the world. Without the man’s existence neither the world nor his belief of god can exist. Therefore, man’s existence is necessary for anything else to exist.  Therefore, god is man’s creation not god’s creation.   Therefore, the creation and creator theory is based on the man’s existence.  Thus, it is necessary to verify the facts about man’s existence, instead of basing the truth on the man made theories about god and his creation.
“What is birth?” “What is life?”, and “What is death?” -- One has to look at birth, life and death in the opposite way.  If there is no birth, life and death, then what is it that prevails without the birth, life and death? When the self is not physical but the formless spirit/soul, then how the birth, life and death, which are based on the physical self can be reality.
All three states disappear, and the formless witness alone remains eternally. When one dies, he is making the ultimate undeniable assertion that he has been alive. But he is unaware of the fact that his birth, life and death are part and parcel of the waking experience, and waking experience is unreal on the standpoint of the formless witness of the three states.
 The conviction of birth, life and death as reality is based on the physical self, is the cause of the ignorance of the reality of the true existence.  Therefore, it is necessary to realize the fact that, the self is not physical, and whatever is based on the physical self, is mere illusion. Thus, whatever knowledge is accumulated on the physical self is bound to be falsehood.  Thus, all religious theories and scriptures, which are based on the physical self, are mere speculation based on the physical self.  
Most people think “Is it death or is it life?” What do we experience? Birth, exit from the womb where life originated and was sustained for about nine months and into the world outside – is a form of death that leads to life although in different environments. Similarly, death – exit from the world – could be a door to some other form of life or life at yet another plane, all this type of thinking are mere speculation based on the physical self. And physical self is exists within the false experience. On the standpoint of the true self, which is the soul, the physical existence itself is falsehood. Therefore, the present birth, life and death experiences are part and parcel of the falsehood.  Thus, life after death is mere speculation based on the physical self.   Therefore, the birth, life and death part of the unreal.   The formless witness of the unreal is real and eternal.
 One has to cast off the unreal in order to establish in reality. One has to mentally get detached to physical existence, when he becomes aware of the fact that, it is unreal.

The value one attaches to objects of speculation like birth, life and death or life after death is reality within the physical plane; they are illusory or insubstantial. Therefore, the birth, life and death are reality on physical point of view. The birth, life and death are mere mirage on the spiritual plane.