Monday, August 13, 2012

Everyone thinks he has to follow some guru or god men, but all these methods are full of frustrations and give no real satisfaction

People believe in old myths propagated by their religion. Every religion has propagated its own myth. Every religious belief contradicts other beliefs. It is the mere blind belief accepted as truth without verification and evidence.  This causes division. Modern science has exposed many Religious dogmas as myth. All these dogmas were introduced in the primitive era   before people had the benefit of modern science. Science attempts to objectively discover how life works, and religion makes one blindly believe and cast his  burden on the blind belief without verification,  to live in peace and harmony in worldly life.

 Seekers main aim is to investigate both dual and nondual experiences to find and define the underlying truth in everything, thereby realizing what the ultimate truth is.  Because of so many beliefs propagated by a belief system, people think seekers of truth are   atheists because they do not accept the belief blindly. Seekers of truth believe the religionist and atheists both are believers because religionist believe in the belief of god and atheists believe in belief in no God.   

Thought and thinker are reality within the universe. The thinker and the thought exist within the universe. The man and his experience of the universe is a reality within the waking experience.  The waking experience is mere illusion on the ultimate standpoint.    Therefore, the individual experiences are part of the illusion. Thus thought and the thinker are part of the illusion.

Positive and negative thoughts and the thinker are made of the same material.  Whether one thinks rightly or wrongly he is thinking as a person. The thoughts will not rise without the form.  Without the form there are neither thoughts nor the thinker.  Thus, positive or negative thinking or right or wrong thinking are part of the physical existence and nothing to do with ultimate truth.    Experience is prior to thought. Only in waking or dream one gets thought. Therefore one has to mentally trace the source of the waking or dream experience in order to realize the waking experience is as unreal as a dream.

Only in religion and yogic path one has to follow and practice. Everyone thinks he has to follow some guru or god men, but all these methods are full of frustrations and give no real satisfaction. 
We have to grow from the inside out. None can teach us, none can make us spiritual. There is no other guru but our own soul.”
Self-knowledge or Atma Gnana or Brahma Gnana cannot be attained by one who is without strength or earnestness or without the receptiveness and courage to accept the truth and reject the untruth. If a serious seeker strives sincerely by means of inquiry, analysis and soul-centric reasoning, he will be able to realize it. 

A permanent view of the world as unreal can come only after soul centric reasoning; such knowledge cannot change. Were the seeker who is sufficiently sharpness he could grasp the unreal nature of the world through  soul-centric reasoning alone.  To know the whole truth, one must know the whole universe, otherwise he gets only half-truth. 

Renouncing the worldly life and accepting sanyasa or monk-hood means the incapacity to think deeper, an impotency to inquire and reason. 

People speak of getting rid of conditioning or samskara but they themselves are unaware of the fact that, the universe in which they exist is product of the inborn samskara or conditioning.  The ignorance is the cause of the inborn samskara or conditioning which present as ‘I’ or ‘I AM’. 

The real Moksha or freedom is   to realize the fact that ‘I’ consciousness is mere physical awareness. Physical awareness is not self-awareness. The self –awareness is  when the formless soul or consciousness remains aware of its own non-dual   true nature. 

Reality has no method. Illusion has many methods, many problems and many concepts. To overcome illusion, or concepts, one should know the source of the mind and from where does this mind arise? “When the mind is there the universe is there. Absent of mind absent of the universe.  Absent of the universe is absent of duality. Absent of duality is absent of thoughts.  Thus until one becomes aware of what is mind and what is the substance of the mind it is impossible to assimilate the non-dual truth.

 To know the non-dual Reality, deeper thinking is required. The thinking faculty ceases and becomes still when it reaches the source of the mind. One has to realize the waking entity is false self within the false experience from the ultimate standpoint.

 Where there is no experience then there is no duality where there no duality then there is no second thing exist other than the self-awareness.  Therefore seeker has to go deeply in inner  path and trace and overcome the obstacles. For the sincere and serious seekers the inner grace will guide until the ignorance vanishes and he becomes aware of the fact that the diversity (universe or Illusion) is a mere mirage created out of consciousness (soul).    

When one is unable to quench his spiritual thirst from his guru or teaching he has to look elsewhere to clear the cobwebs of his understanding and to move forward in his spiritual quest.

When one is unable to quench his spiritual thirst from his guru or teaching he has to look elsewhere to clear the cobwebs of his understanding and to move forward in his spiritual quest.

It is difficult for tradition-bound people to accept anything as truth other than what they inherited from then parental grooming. Only intense urge to know the truth and courage to accept the truth after verification with better understanding one will be able to drop all his accumulated dross, which is the main obstacle in self-realization. 

As long as there is the sense of "I' and "mine' within us, there can be no Self-knowledge. When one says "me' and "mine' you automatically identify himself with his body or ego. This shows that he is ignorant of the innermost Self, which is soul or consciousness and which is also self of all.

An ignorant person uses the words "I' and "mine'. He says: "I am so and so. “I AM GOD”,' and so on.

An ignorant person has many desires in his mind, and because of these desires he remains in the realm of duality. He has to have a body; otherwise he cannot satisfy his desires. But the more he tries to satisfy them, the more they grip his ego. This goes on endlessly. But it is given to a human being to think, reason, and discriminates. Thus he soon comes to realize that the path he has been following cannot give him satisfaction. He understands that he has to choose another path the path of wisdom or path of truth. As long as he does not take the path of Gnana or wisdom, he gropes in the ignorance and experiences the illusory waking experience (universe) as reality.

Common people and primitive minds fall into faulty thinking through their inherited samskara  or  conditioning, such faulty thinking and reasoning  makes them accept the experience of birth, life and death as a reality ; taking what one sees through  the senses  as real, taking what is apparent obvious and superficial as true because it is less troublesome.

Many People adopt the attitude that what   they know is truth. And what others say id false. This attitude makes them not to verify anything other than what they know.   One needs to be rational, not merely logical. Logic has   its value only in the physical plane.

Sri , Sanakara said:-
Neither by the practice of yoga nor philosophy, nor by good works nor by learning, does liberation come, but only through the realization that Atman and Brahman are one in no other way.(1) VivekaChudamani v 56, pg 25

 [VC]65. As a treasure hidden underground requires (for its extraction) competent instruction, excavation, the removal of stones and other such things lying above it and (finally) grasping, but never comes out by being (merely) called out by name, so the transparent Truth of the self, which is hidden by Maya and its effects, is to be attained through the instructions of a knower of Brahman, followed by reflection, meditation and so forth, but not through arguments.

One cannot expect mental spoon feeding for everything.  The seeker has to do his own homework.  One will not understand it through argument, which leads nowhere but to perversity.  

The essence of non-dualistic wisdom is that there is but one SELF

The essence of non-dualistic wisdom is that there is but one SELF. The formless  soul, which is present in the form of consciousness is the innermost self. Consciousness pervades in everything and everywhere in all the three states.  On the standpoint of the formless soul , the three states are non-existent as reality. 

Birth, life and death and the world are reality within the waking experience, but the waking experience is falsehood.

Whatever appears as a form is false. Whatever has a name is false.  Whatever appears and disappears is falsehood. The people who live in the appeared universe are bound to be false because the universe appears as waking or dream and disappears as deep sleep. All the three states are falsehood.  Whatever is permanent is reality whatever impermanent falsehood is.  Thus the three states which appear and disappear are falsehood.

All the contents of the universe are false.  Thus whatever is born, lives and dies within the universe is falsehood. The individual experiences are reality within the falsehood.

The gold, silver, diamonds have their value within the falsehood.  All the attachments burden and bondage experienced as a reality within the falsehood.  Religion and its idea of god are based on the false entity within the falsehood.  The love and hate is reality within the falsehood.  The universe and all its contents are illusory reality.

Form, time, space and causality are part of the appearance. And all appearances are illusions.  But behind all appearance is the one Reality.

 Knowledge of the true self is the denial of the illusory appearances. The seeker has to free his-self from this miserable dream that he is the person perceiving the world; he must know the truth, "self is the soul. The soul is present in the form of consciousness. ". 

Wisdom can only remove one’s own ignorance; it does not bring a new thing, for realizing the truth here and now. 

Self-realization is the highest and is the only tool to freedom. Non duality is the truest wisdom. In non-dual wisdom there is no second. One has to realize the fact that, the self is not the form but self is formless.  Thus the reasoning has to be based on the formless not on the form.  The form based reasoning is useful only in worldly life but not in pursuit of truth.

The test of truth is to be able to realize the fact that, all the three states are mere mirage created out of consciousness. Constant reflection is necessary during the early stages of this path.  One has to learn to view and judge the three states on the base of the formless (soul) as self, and drop the old habit of viewing and judging it on the base of the form (waking entity)which is the false self.  

The soul is in the form of consciousness. The consciousness pervades in everything and everywhere in the universe, which is in the form of mind. The mind appears as waking and dream and disappears as deep sleep. Consciousness is in the rock which is crumbling, in the grass which is growing and then decaying, in the yogi who is meditating, the religionist who is immersed in devotion; there is consciousness because the whole universe is created out of consciousness.

The religious people will   think their devotion will pay; yogi feels his yogic Samadhi will yield fruits. They do not realize they ought to go beyond physicality to realize the higher truth to overcome the illusory duality, which they are experiencing it as reality. The unity in diversity is not possible until one has the perfect understanding of the self, which is formless.

The perfect understanding cannot arise until the one is receptive receive Self-knowledge or Bramha Gnana or Atma Gnana. One will not become receptive to self-knowledge until he drops all inherited beliefs. 

"Soul”, which is present in the form of consciousness, is the only reality and there is nothing other than this soul or consciousness, which is the innermost self.

Gurus and yogis think that   because they have followers they think they are god and when they are glorified by their followers they are satisfied, but all these satisfactions can satisfy their ego because they are unaware of the fact that they and their experience of the world are the product of ignorance.  Thus all these satisfactions are individual happenings within the falsehood.  

They are reality only on the standpoint of ego. The ego, body and the experience of the world exists as reality only when there is ignorance.  When wisdom dawns than the unreality of the ego, body and the world, (whole waking experience)  will be exposed.    

Education, social success, individual action and conduct are not qualification for Self-realization because they are part of the illusory waking experience.  Whatever social success and education qualification the dream entity has within the dream becomes unreal when waking takes place. Similarly whatever   social success and education qualification the waking entity has within the waking becomes unreal when waking entity realizes the fact that it itself is not the self, but the self is formless soul or consciousness, witnesses the three states without the physical apparatus.

The practical life within the practical world, which is present as waking experience, is mere illusion. If waking experience is mere illusion than the individual experience of birth, life, death and the world are mere illusion.   If the experience birth, life death and the world are mere illusion, it means the form; time and space are mere illusion.  If form, time and space are mere illusion, it means the past, present and future is mere illusion. Thus it is necessary for the seeker to realize the fact that,   form, time and space are one in essence, in order to realize the three states are one in essence. That essence is consciousness. Thus all the diversity is created out of   formless consciousness. Thus no second thing exists other than consciousness, the innermost self. Seeker of truth has to constantly reflect on the subject in order to get a firm conviction of the truth.  The seeker has to reflect on the same truth again and again until it becomes reality. One needs to constant reflect on the subject until he gets a firm conviction of what is what.

The self is neither the waking entity nor the dream entity because it formless    consciousness, the innermost self.  Consciousness pervades everywhere and in everything in all the three states whereas the waking entity is limited to waking experience and dream entity is limited to dream experience.

Waking is the states of ignorance. And it is the state of forgetfulness where the self, forgets its formless true nature — which is nondual Conscious Existence — results in experiencing the illusory  waking experience   as reality.

Inasmuch as man is already overwhelmed by countless false concepts, and he keeps adding new to the already existing ones! The object of pursuit of truth is for the removal of these false worldly concepts.

The more one abandons our false concepts, the more he will become awake and aware; consequently, then he will find truth within. There is a need for completely shedding all wrong concepts.

"Soul”, which is present in the form of consciousness, is the only reality and there is nothing other than this soul or consciousness, which is the innermost self. On the stand point the formless soul or consciousness, innermost self, there is no second thing exists other than consciousness.  Because the whole universe in, which we all exist is created out of consciousness.  There is no second thing exist other than consciousness. Hence it is nondual (non-duality)    

The universe and all its contents are illusory reality

Man and his senses and his experience of the world are reality within the waking experience.  The dream man and his senses and the dream world are reality within the dream. The dream becomes unreal when waking takes place. Similarly the waking also becomes unreal when waking entity realizes the fact that, the self is neither the waking entity nor the self is dream entity but the self is the formless witness of the three states.    Thus the theory of Prana Shakti or energy is based on the false self or waking entity is mere imagery. When the whole body, ego and the world are one in essence and that essence is consciousness (soul). The formless soul or consciousness is the innermost self.

If the innermost self is formless than the  question of inward and outward does not arise, because in self –awareness the body, ego and the world are nothing but consciousness because they are a mere mirage created out of consciousness. Thus all this yogic theory holds no water on the standpoint of the formless soul or consciousness, the innermost self.  

Birth, life and death and the world are reality within the waking experience, but the waking experience is falsehood.

Whatever appears as a form is false. Whatever has a name is false.  Whatever appears and disappears is falsehood. The people who live in the appeared universe are bound to be false because the universe appears as waking or dream and disappears as deep sleep. All the three states are falsehood.  Whatever is permanent is reality whatever impermanent falsehood is.  Thus the three states which appear and disappear are falsehood.

All the contents of the universe are false.  Thus whatever is born, lives and dies within the universe is falsehood. The individual experiences are reality within the falsehood.

The gold, silver, diamonds have their value within the falsehood.  All the attachments burden and bondage experienced as a reality within the falsehood.  Religion and its idea of god are based on the false entity within the falsehood.  The love and hate are reality within the falsehood.

 The universe and all its contents are illusory reality created out of consciousness.