Monday, September 12, 2011

People think ‘I’ is self, and body is illusion, whereas, the body and the ‘I’, both are part of the illusion

Man gets worried by many things; his mind gets distracted, their family may trouble him. For such a people the practice of yoga will confer peace and thus provide useful preparation of mind, prior to taking up the course of thinking and reasoning which alone lead to truth. Yoga is helpful in   preparation to pursuit of truth.

Only when the mind is made sharp as a razor then only it can grasp the non-dual truth. Inquiry and reasoning on the true base takes away all those things which are not truth, and, if the mind is sharp enough, eventually reveals truth. 

 The ordinary people want this God or that, wants this belief or that, and thus renders themselves unfit for inquiry and reasoning because they are prejudiced at the start. Therefore they must get rid of these "wants" first: when they have done so, they are called level-headed. 

Yoga as a mind-levelling and conflict-removing tool should not be carried to excess; otherwise it will create new illusions and fancies and hallucinations. 

Seeker of truth has to develop an attitude of impartial cautious critical examination to be fit for pursuit of truth.  

The seeker must be level-headed before it can profitably understand the non-dual truth; otherwise its inquiries will turn into conflicts between ideas which please and ideas which are true. Yoga helps to remove of these conflicts of the novices.

 Unless the ego is understood properly one cannot know the truth.  The first condition required of' the seeker is to free himself from the grip of ego by understanding what is mind and what is the substance of the mind. Without understanding “what is mind”, the ego prevents the unity in experience of diversity.  

Those whose minds are worried or disturbed should not take up truth pursuit; they should first get some peace of mind through yoga or religion. 

 There is no use of sense pleasures when their objects may disappear or die. It is better to possess ultimate truth which does not die. This seriousness about life the majority of people have not got.
Unless seeker keeps out his likes and dislikes on the quest, he cannot know truth. "I like my body, therefore it must be real", "and I like my religion, and therefore it must be true", I like my god it must be true, “I like this world and therefore it must be real. But all his likes and dislikes are part of the mirage. When one says he like yoga it means he has an idea of yoga and therefore it is imagination, and will pass away because it is part of the waking  or dream which appear and disappear, not permanent. 

Those who are changeable by temperament, which flit from path to path, need to be free from conflict and uncertainty, they must try all the paths and practices, and realize the fact that they are inadequate and useless to quench their spiritual thirst, and then only they must take up pursuit of truth. 

 Seeker of truth has realized the fact that fear, spite, anger, blind credulity, is listed as obstacles to attaining Truth. The "I" is that which blocks a seeker’s way to realizing truth. It is first to come, but last to go. Those who accept as truth that which agrees with their feeling is thereby revealing that the ‘I’ is strongly there, so they are cheated and miss truth. The idea that the ego is separate is false and leads to delusion. Therefore seeker has to understand the fact that ‘I’ or mind is not limited to the physical entity but to the whole waking/dream.  

Until one has the conviction that he is born in this world and world existed prior to him, he will not be able to assimilate Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana. When he realizes the fact that, he and his experience of the world co-exits together and disappears together then he becomes aware of the fact that the physical entity is not the self.  Therefore, it is impossible to judge the truth on the physical entity, and come to some conclusion and conviction and then accepting the imaginary truth based on the false self as ultimate truth is mere theory based on the false self.  

Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana comes through one's own direct realization of truth, not through beliefs and dogmas or by following religious code of conducts. The religion and its concepts have value with in the illusion, and have nothing to do with the truth, which is based on the soul. 

The three states come into being because of ignorance of the permanent self. Thus, they have no existence of their own without a permanent self, which is the soul. There is neither the three states nor the witness; only non-dual reality.

Only when the wisdom dawns the waking become unreal. The man who believes himself as a person born in this world and world existed prior to him will not be able to assimilate Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana.

What's most important to understand about the three states is that they are unreal in their nature. They are mere appearances, because there are impermanent.  Thus the physical self or ego is not the self because it is limited to the waking or dream. The true self is the formless substance and witness of the three states, which is the soul. The soul is apart and permanent.  The soul is the true self because the three states are dependent on the soul for their existence, whereas the soul exists with or without the three states, which appear and disappear in succession. 

The physical is not an integral, autonomous entity. The individual self, or what we might call the ego, is part of the waking or dream. The ego ceases to exist without the waking/dream.

If one can view the three states on the standpoint of the soul as self, he becomes aware of the fact that, the true which is the soul is not subject to the birth, life and death. The true self is only formless substance and witness of the three states. 

To understand and assimilate this truth there is no need for the seeker to lose him self in the labyrinths of philosophy, but goes straight to the source from which they all arise and subside.

Everything here refers to consciousness , because everything (three states) is created out of consciousness.   On the standpoint of soul or consciousness there is nothing exists other then the consciousness.  Thus everything, which is soul or consciousness , is perfectly perfect.  People who view and judge on the standpoint of the physical self or ego will not understand this because they see diversity as reality. People  think ‘I’ is self, and body is illusion, whereas, the body and the ‘I’, both are part of the illusion.   They think whatever exists within the waking experience that is, man and his experience of the world as reality. 

There are so many obstacles if one tries to reach non-dual destination through physical or ego based paths and practices. Therefore, physical or ego based paths and practices are round about way to reach the non-dual destination.

The scholars are sentimentally and emotionally involved with their inherited philosophy which is based on the scriptures they will not be able to grasp the non dual truth. The non-dual truth has to be grasped without the religion, scriptures and god glorification. 

Seeker should not be carried away by this and that, but think, look at the facts.  Seeker has to pursue only non-dual truth for its own sake. A Gnani does induce the seekers by promising that if one gets truth, he will achieve bliss.  Love of pleasure and worldly gain may outweigh love of truth if a seeker is a pretender, deceiving himself or others. His mind does not want to exert itself to get truth. 

The seeker after truth must be absolutely and imperiously truthful himself. That is why it is very difficult for diplomats and politicians to take up pursuit of truth, and truth must be supported by courage and steadfast endurance.  

Seekers Mind must be free for this higher quest. Suppose a friend has done one injury, he must not be constantly thinking about it or feel hostile to him every day. Better be forgiving and forget it, so that he may be undistracted to Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana. Similarly if one is over-ambitious and discontented with his lot, his mind will be disturbed again, so be contented with what he has.  

Humility, having no prejudices, free from egoism, preconceptions or if one has them, one ought to forget them for the time being when he inquiries into truth. 

Thoughts cannot rise without the form. Without the duality the thoughts will not form.

Deeper self-search is the only tool to reach non-dual destination. The thoughts arise only when the self is considered as form.   Thoughts cannot rise without the form. Without the duality the thoughts will not form.  The duality will not form without the ignorance of the soul, which is the true self.

Till man thinks himself as the doer he will remain in ignorance. Till  he is ignorant he will not be able to believe the birth, life and death is illusion.  Until he realizes the three state are unreal he will not be able to accept the birth, life and death as illusion. Until he thinks illusion or duality as reality he will not be able to assimilate self-knowledge.  

People who stuck to their religious belief and think scriptural authorities as ultimate truth will not be able to assimilate self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana.   Soul, which is the true self, is nothing to do with religion and its code of conducts. Observing and following religious code of conducts is accepting the false self as true self. 

Accepting so-called spiritual laws is accepting the illusion as reality. The laws are reality within the duality.  The one who thinks of existence spiritual laws is accepted himself as a person perceiving the world that is accepting himself as the doer. When the man is not the doer, how the actions done on the base of false identity can yield fruits.

Seeker has to think, when he is a false entity within the false experience, the religion he follows, the belief he is believes, the truth he has accepted, the knowledge he has accumulated, whatever he has seen known, experienced as a person bound to be falsehood. 

There is no need to condemn any ones’ views and ideas or writing, but without being judgmental, seeker has to verify whether the author is speaking on the standpoint of ego, or whether he is speaking on the standpoint of the formless soul, the innermost self.  If his views are based on the standpoint of the physical self or ego, then there is many doubts and confusion. If his views are based on the soul as self then there is no confusion and doubts of any sort.   

Nothing has to be accepted without verifying the validity of any claim in pursuit of truth. Only un-contradictable truth has to be accepted as truth.  There is no need to condemn any religion or any saints or sages, but seeker has to think beyond religion, scriptures and individualized gods.   

The religious, yogic and worldly truths are individual truth based on the form or  ego.  The spiritual truth is universal truth, which is based on the soul, the innermost self.  The truth which is based on the formless soul, the innermost self is the ultimate truth or Brahman or Christ or Emptiness.  

The religion is based on the body (form) as self, since it is based on the birth. Spirituality is based on the soul (formless). Thus there is need to bifurcate the religion from spirituality. Religion views and judges on the standpoint of the physical self or ego, whereas the in pursuit of truth everything is viewed, judged and concluded on the base of the soul, which is the true self.  Whatever is based on the physical entity is not spirituality because the soul has no form, so it has no religion.  Therefore, seeker of truth has to rectify the seeking base, from form to formless, to understand and assimilate the Self-Knowledge.    

Thus, viewing judging the ultimate truth on the base of ego or false self or accumulated knowledge will not unfold the mystery of the mind(diversity).  There is no need of religion, god glorification and scriptures in pursuit of truth, since the Soul, the innermost self is doer and author of our dual and non-dual experiences. 

Experience of diversity (form) becomes oneness in deep sleep and Oneness (formless) becomes diversity in waking or dream. Therefore, that which becomes diversity (form), and that which becomes Oneness (formless) is not our physical entity, because the physical entity is present only in waking and dream. The one, which is aware of all the three states, is formless, apart and eternal which is the soul. The formless  soul, which is present in the form of consciousness itself  is ultimate truth or Christ or Brahman or Buddha’ nature.   

To realize this truth one has to realize first “What is truth? and “What is untruth?” between the dual (waking or dream) and non-dual experiences.  Searching the truth on the base of inherited religious conditioning and accumulated bookish or scriptural knowledge is not the means to self or god or truth realization. 

Non dual wisdom can be attained by anyone --be he criminal or a person from any walk of life -if he will only pursue it to the end, for he will rise by stages until he reaches the level of understanding non-causality, when the highest stage will open before him. Only his own dullness of intelligence can prevent him from attaining non dual wisdom.

The most advanced man is he who exercises his rational thinking when desires or attractions present themselves whereas the least advanced is unable or unwilling to distinguish between primitive desires which arise from his unconscious and the paths laid down for him by his reason. 

One must give some time to reflection upon this inquiry, and if he cannot find the time, if his mind is too distracted by activities or worries then he must go to yoga or meditation and get peace alone. 

For the seeker must direct the whole of his attention, his whole mind, to the subject of inquiry and reasoning on the true base.  Discrimination means reasoning or inquiry.

Seeker of truth should not be disheartened, try over and over again. When he sees that authoritarianism does not give him truth, he goes further. He must have the determination to get at it. Experience tells him that every time he attempt, he progresses.  

Non dual Truth may be as bitter as poison, but he must like it as nectar. Those who cannot do this are unfit for self-knowledge.  

The right kind of seeker of truth will accept and search for truth whether it brings bitterness or sweetness, whatever it tastes like, for its own sake. He must be prepared to find God as impersonal, and to lose his own individuality for the sake of non-dual truth. 

The ignorance is the cause of experiencing all sorrow and calamities as reality

The ignorance is the cause of experiencing all sorrow and calamities as reality. Thus eradicating the ignorance completely is necessary. And this is possible only through self-knowledge.   Thus, there is no other road to freedom other than Gnana.  There is no other entrance other than except Gnana.  The ignorance will vanish only when the nondual wisdom dawns. 

 Sri Sankara, in Bhaja Govindam says: - [Jnana Viheena Sarva Mathena Bajathi na Muktim janma Shatena] - one without knowledge does not obtain liberation even in a hundred births, no matter which religious faith he follows. 

Thus it proves that religion is not the means to self-knowledge. 

 Detachment to attachment is impossible without wisdom. Only when one realizes the fact that, the self is not form but self is formless, than only it is possible to detach the ‘self’ from the false attachment. 

The ignorant thinks “Whatever agrees with his view is truth, whatever disagrees is false. The sense “I” blocks him to get at truth. The sense of ‘I’ is standing in the way.  Therefore, understanding “What is ‘I’/mind” is most important factor in pursuit of truth. 

Those who get disappointed with life take to yoga, but that does not qualify them for self-knowledge which requires a passion for non-dual truth, not merely disgust with world. Still latter is useful preliminary stage to get the mind free for inquiry, untroubled by attainments and desires which hamper clear calm unprejudiced investigation.

The’ I’ /mind   must be understood, and then it becomes easier to assimilate self-knowledge. Without inquiry and reasoning on the true base one can’t get truth.

The object of yoga is to enable you to get free from attachment, to enable the mind to get concentrated: to get free from attachment means attachment to a second thing, and hence it is a discipline, training for spiritual journey. 

The three types of people mentioned may also be divided as follows:-

         Low: those governed by emotion alone.

         Middling: those governed by emotion and intellect mixed more or less equally.

         High: those whose emotions are governed by reason.  

All interpretation of the world is according to the taste and capacity to understand and grasping power of the person. Hence to remove all bias and fallacies from the mind, to render it impartial, is most difficult part of the work for beginners in pursuit of truth.
Just as there are people who like a particular type of sweet, so there are others who like a particular kind of yoga or religion or philosophy. This is the basis on which they take up their attitude to life instead of un-preferentially seeking its truth. 

When people do not understand or able to grasp non dual truth, they naturally dislike it. It is hard to grasp of course, but only psychological complexes cause people to use this difficulty as an unconscious excuse for dislike. 

Unless one is prepared to devote sufficient time to pursuit of truth, it cannot be grasped. It is too subtle to yield to anything short of acute long-sustained thinking which is ever probing until it gets down to the last root of the matter. To get such amount of time it may be necessary to sacrifice watching T.V and giving up reading unwanted subjects and indulging in discussion other than non-dual truth.

Ignorance covers reality. So long as the 'I' remains delusion persists and  no possibility of self-knowledge.  Whilst the mind is restless and unsettled, it cannot grasp the non-dual truth.

Seeker must have:-

1.         Sound common sense which can distinguish between foolishness and wisdom.
2.         Balanced mind
3.         Sharp reasoning.

 By repetition one's understanding  becomes clearer. When the mind has purged itself of ignorance, i.e. become clearer through persistent reading of F.P Blogs, and the truth will start revealing on its own when the mind gets matured enough and becomes receptive. 
Hearing means indirect cognition of witness from a teacher/guide. Direct knowledge means: By reason and inquiry and analysis one comes to have direct knowledge. 

 The awareness must itself be identical with Atman --i.e. that which is capable of knowing.  The ego has also to be eliminated though when one is arguing and thinking the formless witness identifies itself with ego and its functions through it.   "Whatever we know is the truth"-- this is the preconception which everybody has. The first thing in pursuit of truth is to make sure that what one knows is true. 

Comparing Vedas with Koran or Bible or any other scriptures will not yield the truth,which is beyond form,time and space.

There are many schools of thought in Hindu religion based on Vedas. These schools of thoughts are add-ons. Therefore, these add-ons have to be bifurcated from original Vedic Religion, to get the pure Vedic essence.  

Sri, Sankara said: The world is unreal and Brahman alone is real.  It means the birth, life and death, which happens within the world, has to be unreal.  If birth, life and death are unreal, then the rebirth and reincarnation and Avataric concept has to be unreal. Thus, it is for the seeker to find out, on what standpoint the world becomes unreal, to know the Brahman, which is ultimate truth. 

Causality taught in the Upanishads is only to enable us to understand the supreme truth of no-origination. The world is not different from the self and the self is not different from Atman and Atman is not different from Brahman. That the non-dual absolute appears as the diverse world is only an illusion. If it really became diverse then the immortal would become mortal.

 The dualist who seek to prove the origination of the unborn, by that very enterprise try to make the immortal, mortal. Ultimate nature can never change - the immortal can never become mortal and vice versa. Gaudapada quotes from the Upanishads: "There's no plurality here"; "The Soul through its powers appears to be many"; "those who are attached to creation or production or origination go to utter darkness"; "the unborn is never reborn, for what can produce it?".

Comparing Vedas with Koran or Bible  or any other scriptures will not yield the  truth,which is  beyond form,time and space. 
Katha Upanishad :- This Atman cannot be attained by the study of the Vedas, or by intelligence, or by much hearing of sacred books. It is attained by him alone whom It chooses. To such a one Atman reveals Its own form. [Katha Upanishad Ch-II -23-P-20]

This Atman cannot be attained through study of the Vedas, nor through intelligence, nor through much learning. He who chooses Atman—by him alone is Atman attained. It is Atman that reveals to the seeker Its true nature. [    3 –page-70 Mundaka Upanishad  Upanishads by Nikilanada]
The above passages further prove that: self-knowledge cannot be attained by study of the Vedas and intellectual understanding or by bookish knowledge.  Therefore, the Vedas and other scriptures are not the means to acquire the non-dual wisdom.  That is why Buddha rejected the scriptures, and even Sri, Sankara indicated that, the truth lies beyond religion, concept of god and scriptures.  

When Upanishads  declare that:- This Atman cannot be attained by the study of the Vedas, or by intelligence, or by much hearing of sacred books then why  to compare Vedas with Bible or Koran or any other religious scriptures to realize the ultimate truth ,which is beyond form,time and space. 

The religion was introduce in the past  for the benefit of the mass mindset  who are incapable to grasp the ultimate  truth.  thus religion is noting to do with pursuit of truth.  because the truth is not belief and religion is based on the belief. 

In theology everyone is entitled to his own view, i.e. what he likes; but in pursuit of truth this is not permissible.  That which dupes most of people is taking satisfaction for truth.  Seeker has to be aware of that which satisfies his   feelings.   "Felt" experience is no guide to the highest, because one’s feeling may differ from others.  

Truth must be independent of one’s self; it is not to be what pleases him: all prejudices must go. Those who talk of "I feel so and so" provide psychological and not spiritualistic reasons.  Devotees seek to know God, because they seek some benefit; seeker of truth seeks to know him in truth.  Steadiness of mind depends upon what one is interested in. one’s mind can be steady only on what his mind is attached to.  

Things and problems concerning truth appear simple at first, and hence ordinary people speak presumptuously and glibly about it. But when one inquire he  find how little he  know and that they are extraordinarily complex and he is  obliged to go deeper and deeper into them.

One   readily takes it for granted that both he and others knows what objects are or what the universe is because he has such immense conceit. Such an easy attitude arises because he does not know the complexity of these apparently simple matters, which in turn arises because of lack of inquiry and reasoning on the true base. 

A person with emotion who changes from one path or school of thought to another, he looks for novelties that appear charming to him.  

There is nothing to reject other then falsehood.

There is nothing to reject other then falsehood. The physical experience is part of the falsehood.  When the physical body is not the experience of the physical body itself, then it is for the seekers to find out what is it that functions as physical body, and perceives the world as a person.  

Deeper self-search reveals the fact that the physical body is not the self, and then the physical based theories has no value in the realm of truth. On the standpoint of  true self,   man and his experience of the world are mere mirage.

Consciousness is the true self is motionless, ancient, still, eternal, without attributes, without confusions, without sheaths, without parts, without impurity, completely free from any illusion of duality, full, peerless, and the One.

One has to identity of the Self with the consciousness to acquire self-knowledge.  That consciousness is not the body alone.  Consciousness is   the formless substance and witness of the mind, which is in the form of universe.  Everything seen, known experienced is created out of consciousness. One has to reflect on the consciousness as self constantly until it establishes itself in its non-dual true nature.

In describing the consciousness, negation is primarily used because the consciousness can never be an object, can never be what is perceived or conceived. By negation in the process of –inquiry, analysis and reasoning on the true base, the ignorance of identifying one’s true existence with an individual body and universe is destroyed.

 This “destruction” of ignorance is really not the destruction of anything real, as the false identification as an individual just consists of assumptions, ideas. What remains after this so-called destruction is not anything new. It is not something achieved. It is not a transformation. It is what has been your innermost identity all the time.

As all differences are an illusory appearance on consciousness, which is not different from the Self. Due to conditionings of the Self like the defect of nescience /ignorance And conditionings of consciousness  like Illusion, delusion, One should realize, by a practice of negation, That all appearances are not a whit different from the substratum And one should cognize the origin-less, endless, Undivided identity of the Self which is consciousness.

Consciousness is all that exists.  Nothing else exist other than consciousness. Consciousness is the self.  Mind is the whole experience of diversity [waking or dream]. The mind is the mirage created out of consciousness.  Becoming aware of the fact that, the consciousness is self is liberation. Consciousness is ultimate truth, which is attained by the way of knowledge.

Sri, Ramana Mahaarshi said: scriptural knowledge is conceptual divisions invented by teachers of philosophy by their excessive analysis. Where do all these concepts end? Why should confusion created and then explained away? Fortunate is the man who does not lose himself in the labyrinths of philosophy, but goes straight to the source from which they all arise.
Ramana Maharishi indicated the direct path to the truth, is the source from which the false arises. Thus the source is the soul/ Atman, which is the true self. Atman itself is Brahman.  Thus it is necessary to view the worldview on the base of the source, which the true self, and formless substance and witness of the experience of diversity. Thus deeper inquiry, analysis and reasoning on the true base, one can acquire the self –knowledge in lesser time and effort.  The unity in diversity is possible only through self-knowledge not by mastering the scriptural knowledge.

One has to bifurcate the physicalized Advitha [religious add-ons]   which is meant for the mass mind set, who are incapable inquire to verifying their inherited beliefs.  But for the seekers truth, to get the pure essence of nonduality which is based on the formless soul. The path of inquiry, analysis and reasoning on the true base, leads one towards the nondual destination.  Therefore, there is need to rectify the seeking base from ego base to soul base to understand, assimilate and realize the nondual truth. 

Ramana Maharshi says: this self –inquiry is not the critical study of the scriptures. When the source is reached the ego gets merged into it. The result of self-inquiry is the cure for all the sorrows. It is the highest of all the results. There is nothing greater then it.  It only indicates there is no necessity to study the scriptures to acquire self-knowledge. [Page-66-practicle guide to know yourself c/e by A.R.N].

Ramana Maharshi  says:-
Q by D:- Is not necessary to study the Vedas or at least the Prasthanatraya [the Bhagavad Gita,Dasopanishad and Brahma Sutras, all with commentaries]to ensure firm realization?

Ramana Maharshi:-No. Do you need all that to see yourself? All that is intellectual wealth, useful in explain doubts and difficulties if others rise them or if you yourself encounter them in the course of thinking. But to attain realization, all that is not necessary. You want fresh water to drink, but you do not require all the water of the river Ganges to quench your thirst. [Page 111/112 of Practical guide to know yourself c/e by A.R.N].

 This surely indicates Sri, Ramana Maharshi’s path is independent path nothing to do  with the religion and Scriptures and Sri, Ramanaa Maharishi's prescribed many ways to realze the ultimate truth other than WHO AM I ?  thus deeper self-search is required to understand and assimilate the teaching of the great sage.

The soul,which is in the form of consciousness is the innermost self. Formless consciousness is cause of the mind or universe  and it itself is uncaused.  On the standpoint of  the  formless consciousness   as self, there is neither birth, life and nor death, neither appearance nor disappearance, neither production nor destruction neither inaction nor action, neither bondage nor liberation. There's none which neither works for freedom nor is there any who is liberated - this is the highest truth/Brahman.

The Gnani knows that there's neither unity nor plurality - the universe  is neither one nor many. Just as a piece of rope is mistaken for a snake; the Atman/self is mistaken as this diverse world. Duality is an appearance and the non-dual consciousness is the real and ultimate  truth or Brahman.

There is no difference between dream and the waking except except that the dream is short and the waking long

The formless consciousness is the true self. When consciousness becomes aware of its formless true nature then there is nothing exits other than itself. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the self with the formless soul, which is the innermost self.

All states are mere illusion created out of consciousness. Thus consciousness is ultimate truth because the consciousness pervades in everything and everywhere in all the three states.   

On the standpoint of the  innermost self or formless consciousness:- 

There is no difference between dream and the waking except except that the dream is short and the waking long. the waking is parallel dream and dream is parallel waking experience.  the mind is in the form of universe. and universe appears as waking or dream. Thus universe,waking or dream or duality is one and the same thing. 

Because the waking experience  is long, one imagines that one thinks the practical life within the practical world within the waking experience as reality. deeper self-search revels the fact that self is neither the waking entity nor the dream entity but self is formless witness of the three states. thus three states are an object to the formless subject,which is consciousness.

The consciousness hidden within   the three states of waking, dream or deep sleep.  these three states are mere illusion on the standpoint of the consciousness ,which is the inner most self. their reality is exposed when the innermost  self becomes aware of its non-dual true nature and wakes up without the illusion. 

"There is nothing to accept,  Nothing to reject,  Nothing to hold on to,  Nothing to let go of,  Nothing to grasp,  Nothing to spurn,  Nothing to embrace,  Nothing to relinquish,  Nothing to dissolve because consciousness pervades in everything and everywhere in all the three states. Therefore everything is consciousness and consciousness is second to none.  

This is the truth.
How is one to know the real self? To think of the self is an object, as something that can be known and experienced is fallacy. All that is known within the waking or dream is fallacy because the three states are an object to the soul (emptiness), which is the subject. The subject (soul) is within the object but it is without the object. It (formless soul or consciousness)  is always no one (formless) because it is not an entity or identity within the waking or dream but consciousness  or soul (emptiness) pervades in everything and everywhere in all the three states.