The seeker, who aspires after liberation, has to shun the experience of duality as illusion and accepts its formless substance, which is Spirit/Soul as ultimate truth.
The truth is neither in Waking nor in dream nor in deep sleep but it is hidden as their formless substance and witness, which is spirit/soul. The Soul/Spirit is ultimate reality.
The three states only mere illusion created, sustained out of the spirit/self. It is erroneous to view and judge the truth on the base of the physical self, because the physical self and the world are part of the illusion. In reality everything in illusion is spirit/soul.
Soul/Self is the ultimate truth. The Waking or dream is mere mirage on the stand point of Soul/Self. Therefore, Soul/Self is the witness of the mirage. Therefore, it is erroneous to view and judge and conclude the truth on the standpoint of the physical body, creator, god, or world because no second thing exist other then the soul/spirit.
By viewing and judging the truth on the standpoint of the physical self, creator, god, or world is the greatest hindrance in assimilating the nondual truth because they are mere ideas within the illusion. The religion, god and world and physical self are nothing to do with the ultimate truth. Thus, seeking the truth on their base, one will not be able to cross the threshold of experience of duality.
How the nondual wisdom can be acquired the liberation from the duality can be attained is the main question of the seeker of truth. It is possible only through deeper inquiry, analyzing, and reasoning. The religious and yogic claims are no wisdom because they lead towards imaginary and hallucinated realization based on the physical self. Therefore, none except the Formless Path can transport the Seeking Mind beyond duality.
In real wisdom is based on non-duality therefore it has to be based on the soul, which is the true self. The wisdom is impossible without Inquiry, analyzing and Reasoning by discriminating between the dual and non-dual experiences which appear and disappear in succession as three states. The three states Analysis will lead the Seeking Mind towards its true existence.
Man is unable to grasp the truth because of the inherited conditioning bases him on the physical self. Thus, he judges everything on the base of physical self, which is limited to waking experience.
Only when he inquires, analyzes and reasons to the nature of the mind then he will be able to discover the fact that the self is not physical but it is the spirit. When he learns to view and judge the truth on the base of the soul, then he will be able to overcome the barricades created out of his physical conditioning.
The religious based physical renunciation is of no use. The seeker has to renounce the ignorance. The seeker has to discover the formless substance and witness of the three states. This is possible only by mentally reflecting on the witness of the three states.
Basing the theory on the birth, life and death and the world is the main hindrance in pursuit of truth that has to be got rid of.
The ‘mind’ is the whole experience of waking or dream because the ‘mind’ is present only when the Waking or dream is present and subsides when the Waking or dream subsides. Absent of mind is absent of waking or dream. When one limits the “Self/Soul” to the physical entity it becomes ego. Ego is cause of the ignorance. Ignorance is cause of the duality. Duality is the cause of the illusion. Illusion is cause of experiencing unreality as reality. Therefore it is necessary to realize the fact that the self is not physical but the spirit in order to assimilate the Self-Knowledge.
The birth, death, and life are reality within the waking or dream. Only in Waking or dream there is idea of the birth, life death is reality. Man and his experience of the world exist only in waking or dream. Only in illusion the experience of duality is reality. Until and unless one becomes aware of the fact that, the true self is not physical but the spirit, he will remain in illusion. And he accepts the religion and its idea of individualized god and his beliefs and all the accumulated knowledge from his grooming and circumstances. This accumulated dross has to be discarded with the sword of Self-Knowledge.
The visions, miracles of god can be experienced only in the illusion. There is neither world, nor person, nor does his belief of god exist in nondual reality. Therefore, all the ideas of god and visions and miracles are within the Waking experience is falsehood because the Waking experience itself is falsehood when one becomes aware of the fact that the self is not physical.
The Waking experience itself is non-existent when the self remains in its formless non-dual true nature. When the witness, which witnesses the three states when it becomes aware of its formless non-dual true nature then the experience of duality melts and becomes one with it.
When ‘Self’ is not the physical, then whatever one believed of the god and world and religion, heaven and hell and theories and accepted as truth as a person is bound to be falsehood.
Only if the ‘Self’ is physical then only whatever one believed of the religion god and the world and accepted as reality has meaning and value. Therefore, whatever experienced in waking experience as reality will remain reality until all the three states are not inquired, analyzed and reasoned in to.
Once the one inquires, analyzes and reasons then the truth starts revealing and he becomes aware of the fact that the waking experience is not the experience of the physical self, but it is a mere mirage witnessed by the Soul/Spirit. Therefore, the soul/spirit is ultimate truth, because the whole diversity is created out of the Soul/Sprit.
The yogi, religionists and Atheists take the physical self as reality. And, they have the conviction that the world is apart from the physical self. They think that they are an individual and separate from the world. Thus, there practice is centered on the physical self/ ego. The physical self and the world exist within the waking experience. All egocentric practice leads towards imagination and speculation hallucination.
Until and unless the conviction of birth, life and death and thoroughly verified through inquiry, analysis and reasoning, one is bound to believe that the world is prior to him and he is born in it and he is an individual separate from the world. This birth, life and death conviction is firmly rooted in every individual; therefore, there is a necessary to mentally dismantle this conviction to remove the physical barricade to dross the threshold of duality. The separation is only in duality. In realm of truth the duality is mere illusion.
Man and his experience of the world are within mind. Mind in turn is the whole experience of Waking or dream. Since the mind is an experience, tracing the formless knower of the mind leads one to unfold the truth of his true existence.
It is impossible to have the idea of god and world and the physical body in deep sleep. Therefore, whatever idea of god, haven, paradise, hell, karma, and sin evil religion one has only in waking or dream. When the Waking experience subsides, as soul/spirit then there is nothing exists other than soul/self.
Therefore, one has to verify and satisfy himself before accepting anything as truth by analyzing through inquiry, analysis and reasoning on the true base in order to get un-contradictable truth.
Whatever one speaks of religion, god and world is based on the physical self and within the waking experience. The waking experience itself is falsehood on the base of the true self, which is the soul. Therefore, whatever, seen, known, believed and experienced as truth in waking experience is bound to be falsehood. Thus all intellectual arguments based on the false self are not truth.
When the witness itself is the substance of the three states, then there is no second thing other than soul/spirit. All the three states are created out of one and only material. However, when it is viewed on the physical point of view the experience of duality creates diversity within soul/spirit. Therefore, all the three states and their witness are one in there essence.
All the confusion and doubts exists on the physical based. When everything is viewed and judged on the standpoint of the soul as self, then all the doubts and confusions ceases. As a person, one never inquires about his own physical existence, which is present only in waking experience. Therefore, it is very much necessary to inquire to know the truth of one’s own existence.
The mind is only an experience. This proves that the man and the world are mere experience. If there is no mind then there is no experience. Until one thinks mind is self he is bound to believe the birth, life and death as reality. Once the birth, life and death are accepted as reality the physical existence becomes his base of reasoning. Trying to know and assimilate the truth on the physical base is impossibility. Seeker of truth has to rectify the reasoning base from form to formless to unfold the mystery of the mind. Only when one learns to view and judge the three states on the standpoint of soul/spirit the truth will starts unfolding on its own.
The Witness is apart from the three states. The mind which appears and disappears is only a myth. The witness is in its formless non-dual true nature in deep sleep. The deep sleep cannot be taken as soul/self, because it has been identified as deep sleep on the base of the physical body.
On the standpoint of soul the three states are unreal. On the standpoint of the physical self, the three states are reality. Therefore, there is no use of seeking truth on the base of physical self. Since the physical self, world concept of god and religion are present only in illusion.
The witness is the true Self, which is Soul/Spirit. Without the Soul/Spirit, the three states cease to exist. Therefore, Soul/Spirit itself is the formless substance and witness of the three states.
On the standpoint of Soul/Spirit, the three states are non-existent. Since Soul/Spirit is formless and non-dual in its nature. In waking and dream the self becomes ignorant of its own non-dual nature and it experiences the duality as reality.
The fact that ‘Self’ is not the physical and analyzing the three states on the base of physical self creates the ignorance and leads the seeker towards imagination or intellectuality. Intellectuality is mere speculation derived on the base of physical self.
The three states are not the experience of the physical self. The physical self is present only in Waking or dream. Dream is parallel Waking, and waking e is parallel dream. Therefore, the dream is not witnessed by the physical self. Because the waking world and the waking entity are absent in dream. There is neither dream nor waking experience in deep sleep. The one that is aware of these three states is not the physical self but it is the spirit. The waking entity is present only in Waking, and dream entity in dream in deep sleep there is no entity. Therefore, the one which is aware of the three states is not physical but it is formless.
The physical body itself is not the experience of the physical body but it is only an experience with in the experience of waking or dream. The dream world is unreal and it disappears when the waking world appears. Even waking becomes unreal when one becomes aware of the fact that the self is not physical but it is the spirit. Therefore viewing judging the worldview and coming to conclusion and accepting it as truth on the physical point of view is erroneous.
The dream or Waking experiences are absent, in deep sleep. The witness can remain with or without the dream or waking experiences.
The deep sleep experience proves that the witness can remain without the experience of duality. Therefore, one can come to firm conclusion to get the conviction that the witness is formless and apart.
One has to hold on to the formless witness, which is the soul, as Self and learn to view and judge the worldview on the base of soul as self to realize the fact that waking experience also unreal similar to the dream.
Only through deeper inquiry, analysis and reasoning one becomes aware of the fact that, the formless substance and witness of the mind is the true self.
Only through inquiry, analysis and reasoning on the true base the truth will start unfolding.
vWho or what sees various objects, scenes and persons during the dreams without the physical apparatus?
vIf the dream world was without the witness, it is impossible to witness it. Then what witnessed the dream as a whole, if ‘the witness of the dream is not the physical?
Therefore, one has to come to firm conclusion and then conviction through inquiry and reasoning.
The one that witnesses the dream as a whole is also witnesses the Waking experience as a whole, it is also aware of the deep sleep experience. But it is apart from the three states because it is not an entity or identity within the waking or dream.
Man experiences the world within the mind which appears as waking or dream and disappears as deep sleep. Therefore the formless witness of the three states is within the three states as their formless substance and it is without the three states as their formless witness.
Only through deeper inquiry, analysis and reasoning on the true base the nondual truth can be grasped and the formless witness can be traced grasped.