Wednesday, October 5, 2011

In the state of deep sleep, when ego disappears and the body and the world also disappear, which indicates the ego, body and world appear together and disappear together

In the state of deep sleep, when ego disappears and the body and the world also disappear, which indicates the ego, body and world appear together and disappear together. The dream is parallel waking experience and waking is parallel dream.  The witness of the three states is apart and eternal.  Ignorance of this formless witness or knower of the three states makes one to judge the three states on the waking entity.   

The waking entity is not the self.  The self is the one which is aware of the three states.  The waking entity is noting to do with the self, because the waking experience itself is falsehood on the standpoint of the formless witness.  Judging the truth on the base of the waking entity will lead one to imagination and intellectuality. Intellectuality is based on the false self or waking entity or ego and yield only half truth. 

There is a need to proper and perfect understanding of the Self.  The self has to be mentally grasped. For sharp mind it takes a very little time to grasp, for others it takes a long time to assimilate and realize it.  When one becomes aware of the fact that, the witness of the dream witnessed the whole dream without the physical eyes, they become aware of the existence of the formless witness, which witnesses the three states without the physical eyes. 

Nature of the Atman (soul) is formless and non-dual.  It is associated with the three states as their formless substance and witness. When the ego is identified as self then there is ignorance. 

A Gnani says whatever is seen, known, believed, experienced as real is unreal on the base true self which is the soul.

Religion and yoga needs guru.  In pursuit of truth there is no need of guru. A Gnani is a true guide in pursuit of truth.   A Gnani is a spiritual guide and never accepts himself as guru, teacher or master, nor does he accept anyone as his disciple. Religious and yogic gurus are based on the 'I' or ego as self, and conceptual god as reality. But Gnani bases on the soul as self.

The religious and yogic gurus direct the seeker into ego based paths like devotion, karma, wisdom and yoga. Whereas a Gnani directs the seeker to focus his attention the source from where the mind rises and subsides. 

Religious and yogic gurus declare that god as ultimate reality. God is first and “Self” is secondary in religion and yoga. Religion declares conceptual gods heaven and hell, birth life and death, rebirth, karma, paradise sin, evil, as reality.

A Gnani says whatever is seen, known, believed, experienced as real is unreal on the base true self which is the soul. 

A Gnani never condemns religion or any religious gurus but respect them and he will not impose his idea or try to convert others to his fold.

A Gnani  never accept himself as guru but says to fellow  the seeker to accept the true self as their  guru because he is fully aware of the fact that the self that, the soul alone exists in reality, there is no second thing other then the soul, which is in the form of spirit. The experience of duality is mere mirage on the standpoint of the soul, which is the true self.

Soul or consciousness  is the formless substance and witness of the mind/ duality, thus there is no second thing other then non-dual self, which is spirit or soul. Therefore, there is no teacher, no teaching and no disciple because the physical existence is mere illusion on the standpoint of the formless  soul, the innermost self.

The one which appears as waking or dream and disappears as the deep sleep is the formless soul or consciousness , the innermost self

To realize ultimate truth or brahman , seeker has to first know the fact that, ‘I’ is not the self.  ‘I’  is mind and Mind is the universe.  Universe appears  as waking or dream and disappears as deep sleep. The one which appears as waking or dream and disappears as the deep sleep is the formless   soul or consciousness , the innermost self.    the three states  are mere mirage created out of the soul, which is in the form of consciousness. The consciousness is the formless substance and witness of the three states. The soul  or consciousness is the innermost  self. The truth will start unfold itself, when one learns to view and judge the truth, on the base the soul or consciousness , which is the innermost  self. 

The man and his world are mere appearances because they are within the appearance of waking or dream. These appearances appear as waking or dream.   The whole appearance of waking or dream is mind. Because when the mind is there then only the waking or dream is present. Absent of mind absent of appearance.  Absent of appearance absent of duality or diversity.  Absent of diversity there is only unity.  Thus, the truth pursuit is a journey from diversity to unity. 

The experience of diversity is created out of single stuff that is the formless consciousness. Thus all the forms and shapes within the waking or dream is created out of single stuff. In deep sleep there is no diversity. The one which is aware of the appearance and disappearance of the experience of  diversity is formless.  

Seeker has to reflect upon the nature of the self, which is Consciousness as distinct from the physical existence. Thus the consciousness , the inner most  Reality, is seen behind appearance.

Seeker of truth has to understand and assimilate  “What is  mind? ”  , "What is the substance of the mind?" and "What is the source of the mind?" in order to acquire Self-Knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana. Self-Knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana  clears all doubts and confusion and removes the obstacles in the mental journey, and leads one towards inner reality.

Form, Time and Space ceases to exist without the mind

 What makes one bound by the experience of birth, life and death and its opposite? Form, Time and Space ceases to exist without the mind.  Mind ceases to exit without form, time and space. Form, time and space exits only in waking or dream.  Form, time and space are absent in deep sleep. Mind is present only in waking or dream and mind is absent without the waking or dream. 

The individual and his experience of the world are within the waking or dream. The one that witnesses the three states which comes and goes in succession is not the waking entity but it is the formless soul, the innermost self.
The self is neither the waking entity nor the dream entity but it is the formless soul,which is   the knower of  the coming and going of the three states. 

the soul or consciousness is the innermost self. The soul or consciousness  is one. Ever still, the soul or consciousness is though motionless, it  outruns all pursuit. Without the soul or consciousness the innermost self ,  the three states are non existent. .

 The Gnani sees the truth hidden  within the three states. Gnani is fully aware of the fact that,  the conciousness pervades in everything and everywhere  in all the three states. And consciousness alone is real and all else is mere illusion. Thus consciousness is the ultimate Reality or Brahman.

,Soul or consciousness, the innermost self is  self-luminous all pervading, which dwells as the self-conscious power in everything and everywhere in the three states. It is one without a second. Deep within everything and everywhere it dwells in the three states, hidden as their formless substance and witness. It presides over time, space, and all apparent causes. 

Like water in snow, butter in cream, water in the river-bed, fire in the tinder, the Self dwells within the three states. Seeker has to Realise it through soul-centric  reasoning.
Like butter in cream is the  consciousness in everything. Self -Knowledge  or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana   is gained through  deeper self-search. The Soul or consciousness  is Supreme Reality. Through  Self-Knowledge Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana  ignorance get destroyed.

He who is realized by transcending the experience of duality, in deep contemplation, becomes aware it is to be the soul to be the real self. Soul or consciousness is the formless substance and witness, all else is mere mirage. And it is the imperishable. 

The Gnani know the self to be the soul   as the one reality behind all that seems. For this reason they are devoted to it. Absorbed in it, they attain freedom from the illusory  experience cycle of birth, life, death and the world.

Waking or dream is perishable. The Self-Knowledge  or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana is   the destroyer of ignorance. formless  soul or consciousness, the innermost self is imperishable, immortal. It is the one reality. By constant reflecting on the nature of the Self, by identifying the soul as the self, one ceases to be ignorant. 

Seeker has to know the truth, and all fetters will be loosed. Ignorance will vanish. Birth, life, death and rebirth will become part of the mirage. Seeker has to reflect on the soul as self and transcend physical consciousness. Thus he will be one with the universal identity. Seeker of truth must know this.  There is nothing further is there to know.  Seeker has to Inquire, analyze and reason deeply, then he will realize that mind is mere mirage and formless substance and witness of the mind, which is consciousness is real and eternal.

The good and evil is part of the falsehood; pure and impure is part of the falsehood.

The good and evil is part of the falsehood; pure and impure is part of the falsehood.  No one can purify another because the duality is itself is impure and duality is created, sustained and finally dissolves as purity, which is the soul or spirit or consciousness.

When one starts exploring the mystery of the self, he is still mired in habituated patterns. Limited in perception to a world projected by these patterns, he does not and cannot see things as they are because his understanding is based on the waking entity ,which is the  false self(ego), whereas the truth is based on the formless soul, the innermost self.   He needs a guide, who can show how to proceed in pursuit of truth.

The soul   is the subject, and mind is an object. When the understanding is based on the object as subject the realizing the truth is impossibility.  Object is unreal created out of the formless subject, which is real. 

Mind means ignorance. Overcoming the ignorance through wisdom is the aim of the truth seeker.    The Gnani is the one who is fully aware of “What is truth?” and “What is untruth?” in the midst of experience of diversity or illusion.

Gnani is fully aware of the fact that the birth, life and death are mere illusion and views all the pain and pleasure of the life as mere illusion.

The waking rise and man and his experience of the world comes into existence and dissolves into nothing in deep sleep.  To the Gnani,  there is no world, no body, and no ego because for Gnani ,  the mind is mere mirage created out of consciousness  . Thus everything is consciousness.  

Man is not the witness but the witness is that, which witnesses the man and the world together without the physical apparatus.

There cannot be two witnesses.  Man is not the witness but the witness is that, which witnesses the man and the world together without the physical apparatus.  Man and world together is mind. The witness of the mind which appears and disappears as waking and dream is the formless  soul or spirit or consciousness. 

If the man and the world is a witnessed object, how can man be the witness?  The witnessed cannot be the witness.

The nature of the self is the hardest to understand, yet it is the center of the pursuit of truth. In fact, "fully perceiving the nature of the self" is one way to define enlightenment.

All the elements, the body, ego, the senses, the world emptiness or despair are mere mirage created out of the self, which is the consciousness. 

All persons and  his experience of the world  exist within the universe , which appear and disappear as waking or dream.  Till one views and judges the Self as waking entity he is bound to believe in birth, life and death as reality.  Till he believes in birth, life and death he will remain in the grip of duality and experiencing it as reality. Till  one experiences the duality as reality and bases himself on the ego he is bound to have all the doubts and confusion.  Till  one has all the doubts and confusion he will remain in physicality or intellectuality.  Therefore, there is a need to know what is mind and what is the substance of mind in order assimilate Self-Knowledge Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana .

One is free from ignorance not when he sees nothing at all, as in yogic Samadhi but only when he sees all the three states are mere mirage created out of consciousness,which is the innermost self.

People are busy with their practical life  within the practical  world  and they find no time or too lazy or incompetent to think about their true existence. They do not want to be bothered to inquire since they think it is waste of time because they think it pursuit of truth is foolish venture.

Yogic trance is same as hypnotic trance as there is no duality in the deepest stages of both, because they are both deep sleep, because their experience is based on the physical self. The intermediate stages of dream are paralleled by hypnotic and yogic and mental experiences and visions.  Since all are based on the physical self and physical self is false self therefore whatever experienced on the physical self is bound to be falsehood.

Ignorance will not vanish  merely knowing the innermost  'Self ' is not form but formless  consciousness, for it is known in sleep and Samadhi. It can go only by knowing, assimilating and realizing the fact that consciousness is  ultimate truth  with firm conviction.

Yoga does not lead to wisdom.  Yogic Samadhi is mere blankness similar to deep sleep. In Samadhi yogi is unaware of the universe, and hence of ultimate truth.

In yogic Samadhi if yogi sees his body and the world and knew it as consciousness, one could agree that Yoga leads to non-dual wisdom, but in Samadhi one is unaware of the body and of the universe, and hence he is unaware of the ultimate truth.

To speak of ultimate truth without knowing what truth is, is meaningless. Yogic Samadhi gives only idea of nature of the soul not wisdom.  Yogi thinks the blankness and thoughtlessness in Samadhi as ultimate truth.  Blankness or thoughtlessness experienced on the base of physical self/ego is not Self-Realization.  

The ultimate truth can be known only by inquiring, analyzing and reasoning on the true base. The yogi sees the world in his Samadhi, but he does not know that the world is consciousness, because he limits the consciousness only to the physical self or ego.  Therefore, as soon as he comes out of his Samadhi, he is again in ignorance, whereas, the Gnani is fully aware of the fact that, his body and the world are consciousness  in the midst of duality.

 Gnani is realized  the nature of the  soul ,the innermost Self. His mind is no longer thirsty. He is the same under all conditions.

First one must give the meaning to the Brahman. Brahman means  the ultimate truth , the ultimate truth or Brahman  has to be grasped mentally.  The evidence of the existence of formless witness has to be grasped mentally through deeper inquiry, analysis and reasoning. Noting has to be accepted as truth without verification. Until one defines what is truth he cannot say what he means.

Mere blankness and thoughtlessness in yogic Samadhi is not wisdom. One has to know the fact that, the physical self is not the self and stop judging the truth on the false self, in order to  realize the universal self is not physical.Thus individual self and individuality is nothing to do with the ultimate truth.

One is free from ignorance not when he sees nothing at all, as in yogic Samadhi but only when he sees all the three states are mere mirage created out of consciousness,which is the innermost self.

People think an orthodox man who goes on worshiping God or speaking only of god all the 24 /7 is greatly revered

People think an orthodox man who goes on worshiping God or speaking only of god all the 24 /7 is greatly revered.  The atheists think belief is a case of unbalanced obsession by exaggerating myth as reality. The religionists believe in existence of god and atheist believes in god does not exits.  Thus, both are based on the belief of god and no god, not the ultimate truth. Only the ultimate truth can be called God  because the whole physical existence is dependent on it.  Thus truth realization is necessary in order to realize the fact that,  all our individual gods propagated by organized religions is not universal truth.
Pursuit of truth is the path of verification.  Yoga takes for granted that there is an Iswara--God, gives it for concentration purposes, and then one naturally find God in his meditations. But it is only an imagined God. Mystics see what they are looking for or that whose existence they presuppose. Therefore Yoga belongs to physical existence. And physical existence is mere mirage on the standpoint of the soul, which is the true self.

The existence of god is presupposed idea invented, introduced and injected to the mass by organized religion.  Every religion has its own idea of god. Every religion thinks its god is true and others gods are fake.  Therefore, religious truth is individual truth not universal truth.   No religion cans the existence of god other then showing their scriptural authority as proof. When the self is not physical, then the individual cannot be God.  Personal experience which is not universally valid is no proof, neither is ecstatic feeling.  The experience is mere physical and experience cannot be a proof.  The wisdom arises when one becomes realizes the fact that there is no experience but the non-dual awareness.

What one knows as truth must be inquired ,analyzed and reasoned on the base of true self, to see if it be true or not. Experience must be taken, checked, analyzed and corrected. It is the characteristic of all human beings to believe they understand, even when they do not. Otherwise one may be merely imagining as he likes.
No assumption, no faith, is needed in pursuit of truth, which demands thinking. People want only to imagine because it is easier. They do not want to think deeply because it is too troublesome.

True Self itself is the Supreme Guru

 True Self itself is the Supreme Guru; seeker of truth has to be attentive to grasp the truth. The outer Guru is part of the illusion; when one is able to grasp the truth directly, he will realize the fact that, the Guru is within and the guidance will come as one starts inquiring, analyzing and reasoning.  There is no need to blindly believe and follow anyone. Every claim has to be verified then only accept if it is found to be truth without any contradiction. If anything can be contradicted then it is not the truth. The ultimate truth is un-contradictable.  

People who believe in idea of God are not aware of the fact that, the belief system is hindrance in pursuit of truth. They are unaware of the fact that their god is mere belief installed and groomed by their parents. God exits when one believes in his belief.   How do they know there is God? They believe in existence of God without verifying their belief. Deeper inquiry reveals the fact that, the ‘I’ is not the true self but the soul/spirit is the true self.  Therefore, whatever one knows, seen, believed and experienced on the base of ‘I’ as self is bound to be falsehood.  Thus, their belief of god is based on the ‘I’, which is the false self, within the false experience. In assuming God’s existence they merely guess and imagine without facts.  
One must make an effort to know the ultimate truth. The truth exists eternally.  There is nothing new to be acquired, only one has to have the sharp brain to grasp, understand, assimilate and realize it.

There is a difference between understanding and realization. Effort is required for this understanding only, whereas once understood no special effort is needed to remember his understanding: until then he only has an idea of the true “Self”, he only partially understand it. But once he thoroughly grasps what it is and that all these three states are mirage created out of the true  “Self”  , he will then constantly find its present everywhere without further effort, because he will perceive ultimate truth  by understanding, even in the midst of worldly existence.

When there is only one thing the Self /Spirit  knower, there is nothing to change, nothing to appear or disappear; when one speaks of remembering or forgetting “Self” that implies he  believes in the existence of something else, i.e. a second thing, which is to be remembered. That would show he has not known that all is one. But knowing it, there is no second, consequently no intermittent perception of Self/Soul, but a permanent effortless understanding that it alone is.

When one gets a glimpse of truth try to reflect on it a number of times in order to establish it. "The self must raise itself by the Self." One cannot know the truth until one knows stuff which created the waking/dream. The goal of pursuit of truth is to realize the nature of the true self. 
A man may speak the truth that he saw god in his vision.  But whether what he saw in vision is really God because vision itself is as real as dream.

Even if one agrees the fact that he saw a vision but the one that witnesses the vision is not physical.  The one which witnesses the waking and dream or vision is not physical. Therefore, there is a need to know the formless witness, which witnessed the waking, or dream or vision to unfold the mystery and realize the fact that, the waking experience itself is the mirage. Therefore, whatever one knows of the dream or vision in the waking experience is bound to be falsehood, and the witness of the waking experience is real and eternal.