Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Truth realization is a very deep topic.

Truth realization is a very deep topic. One might ask what truth -realization is? Truth realization is realization of the knowledge of the true self to get unity in diversity. Identifying the fact that the Soul/self is the unified Whole.

Self- knowledge is not theoretical knowledge based on the physical self [ego] but the knowledge of the ultimate truth on which the physical existence [illusion] is dependent. Self-knowledge is the True Knowledge.

 What is Self -Knowledge?

Self - Knowledge is Knowledge of the true self. Self-knowledge is required to overcome the duality. Self-knowledge comes when one learns to deeper inquire, analyze and reason on the base of the soul as self, the self- Knowledge reveals to the Seeker after Truth.

Gnanis have this self - Knowledge. People think there are many sources to acquire the self-knowledge, but fail to acquire it from many sources. Those who are lucky will follow the path of inquiry and reasoning. It is impossible to acquire Self-knowledge from any other source, other then the path of inquiry and reasoning on the base of the soul as self.

Only those serious seekers of truth do not leave a stone unturned in their quest of ultimate truth, will realize the fact that, only through inquiry, analysis and reasoning on the base of the soul as self, it is possible to acquire nondual wisdom.

There is no other Reality other then realizing the fact that, the soul is the true self. Everything in the experience of diversity is created out of the soul and sustained by the soul and finally everything dissolves as soul.

Seeker has to remember self-knowledge is the Gateway to get unity in diversity. Self-knowledge is the key to know the illusion and reality are one in essence.

It is erroneous to think that the spiritual heart is in the right or left side of the physical body.

All over the world people have been killed and are being killed in the name of religion and god. Because they are not aware of the fact, their belief of god and their religion is reality within the illusion. Until one is convinced, the waking experience is illusion, they are bound to believe in the concept of god and his inherited religion as reality.

All over the world Religionists, without any distinction of their religious denomination, have the idea that the god is within the heart. However, unaware what is it? Whenever they think of god, they think of the heart. There is in no scientific proof but emotionally God is felt in the heart region.

Therefore, many meditation have been created by the yogis that supports and strengthens the idea of the god is within the heart. However, in deeper inquiry and reasoning revels the fact that the soul [true self] is the center of the three states. Without the self [Ataman] there is no mind [Waking /dream/deep sleep] therefore Atman is the spiritual heart.

It is erroneous to think that the spiritual heart is in the right or left side of the physical body. When the `self ' is not the physical body, it is erroneous to seek truth on the base of the ’I’ [physical body] as `self.

Man has to realize the fact that he and his world are within the mind [waking /dream/ `I']. Unless and until man searches the truth on the base of ‘I’, which is the false self, he will not succeed in discovering the nondual /ultimate truth. Therefore, when man finds that `self ' is not the physical body in preliminary inquiry, of “WHO AM `I'”, then he has to shift his base of inquiry from form[‘I’] base to soul[formless ] base to unfold the truth of the true existence .
Thus, seeker has to proceed in inquiring, “What is `I'?" Deeper inquiry and reasoning into the nature of the mind [`I '] he will discover that neither the `I' nor the physical body is the true self. However, `I' is mind, and mind is the whole waking or dream experience.

Limiting the mind/’I’ only to the physical entity is causes the ignorance. When Seeker considers ‘I’ as mind, and mind as the whole Waking /dream experience, then he will be in the position to understand the and grasp the reality of his true existence.

Thus, seeker has to take his first step by realizing the fact that `I' as mind, and mind is whole Waking/dream experience. Then only it becomes easy for him to grasp and assimilate the non dual truth. Seeker has to rectify his seeking base from form [‘I’] base to soul [formless] base to realize "`I' is mere illusion." Seeker has to reflect on it all the time, until the conviction becomes firmer and receptive to it spontaneously. Then only it becomes simpler and easier to grasp and assimilate the non-dual truth.

Seeker has to penetrate deeper and deeper by thinking through constant inquiry and reasoning. Furthermore Realize the fact waking experience [duality or mind] is the experience of the Atman [Formless witness], not of the physical body.

As the seeker realizes the fact that the Waking /dream arises from formless source and subsides in formless source. Until and unless the Seeker becomes aware of the fact that, man and his world exits within the waking /dream , the formless witness of the three states is apart from it, then only his attention shifts to the formless witness [Ataman].

Man is unaware of the fact that he and his world are part of the mirage. Until he becomes aware of the substance of the mirage, he will remain unaware of the reality, because he is immersed himself in experiencing the duality as reality. Therefore, he is deviated from Self-awareness of the soul, the more confusion and suffering is created. It is very difficult to grasp and sustain this fact in the beginning. Gradually the Seeker will be able to grasp and get firm conviction of the fact that, the soul is the true self and learns view and judge the three states on the base of the soul as self and realize the fact that all the three states are unreal, on the base of the soul as self.

In ultimate analysis, the seeker becomes fully aware of the fact that Ataman is the true self and waking experience [`I'] is only a mirage. Only through non-dual wisdom, the seeker has to overcome the illusion, which he is experiencing it as reality.

Therefore, worshiping gods and observing religious code of conducts are not the means to self-knowledge, because they make one believe that, he is born in this world, and the world as reality, which makes him to accept the Waking experience as reality. However, man and the world are within the waking experience. In addition, waking experience is mere mirage on the base of Ataman, the true self.

People who stuck to their religious belief and think scriptural authorities as ultimate truth will not be able to assimilate self knowledge.

Deeper thinking is the only tool to reach non-dual destination. The thoughts arise only when one is a person. Thoughts cannot rise without the form. Without the duality the thoughts will not form. The duality will not form without the ignorance of the soul, which is the true self.
Until man thinks himself as the doer he will remain in ignorance. Until he is ignorant he will not be able to believe the birth, life and death is illusion. Until he realizes the three state are unreal he will not be able to accept the birth, life and death as illusion. Until he thinks illusion/duality as reality he will not be able to assimilate self-knowledge. 

People who stuck to their religious belief and think scriptural authorities as ultimate truth will not be able to assimilate self knowledge. Soul, which is the true self, is nothing to do with religion and its code of conducts. Observing and following religious code of conducts is accepting the false self as true self. 

Accepting so-called spiritual laws is accepting the illusion as reality. The laws are reality within the duality. The one who thinks of existence spiritual laws is accepted himself as a person perceiving the world that is accepting himself as the doer. When the man is not the doer, how the actions done on the base of false identity can yield fruits. 

Seeker has to think, when he is a false entity within the false experience, the religion he follows, the belief he is believes, the truth he has accepted, the knowledge he has accumulated, whatever he has seen known, experienced as a person bound to be falsehood.

Everyone has and knows this consciousness; therefore it is a universal fact.

Think and think
In pursuit of truth seeker has to begin with the study of consciousness, not, as is mistakenly done by theologians, metaphysicians, with the supposed Absolute. Just as to explain the nature of water, one has to take the illustration of the snow and cloud first and then find and realize the fact that, the snow and clouds are made of this same single material, so to explain the nature of the unknown Atman, he has to start with something known and familiar, viz. consciousness, which one has in the three states, and proceed step by step from that onwards.
One knows his Atman/true self, it is directly perceived, and experiencing implies an experiencing capacity, i.e. an experiencer.
This Atman/soul/self is in the form of consciousness. After finding that this consciousness/Atman is true self, then one becomes fully aware of the fact that everything else is of the same nature which should enable him henceforth to understand all else.
Everyone has and knows this consciousness; therefore it is a universal fact. It is something which everybody can grasp, not merely some occultist or god men; therefore there is no mystery-mongering in studying about consciousness/truth.

The religious truth is individual truth. The individual truth is based on the birth entity whereas the self is birth less.

There are certain principles which are common to all orthodox Hindu thought, that are taken for granted.  Orthodox assumes that the doctrine of karma is valid because they accept the experience of birth, life, death and the world as reality.

Kabir views humanity as being caught up in illusion, searching for Ultimate Reality in all the wrong places, always seeking It outside of ourselves in various rituals, temples, forests and mountaintops, not realizing That for which we seek is already hidden within us. 

 Without the self-knowledge it is impossible to cross the illusory ocean of the pain and pleasure.  There no vessel to ferry man across the ocean of illusory form, time and space except Gnana.  

What is Gnana? Gnana means the full and firm realization of truth – a realization beyond all doubts, change and contradiction. 

Neither the control of breath, or regulating the breath, nor the performance of selfless service, nor by devotion to gods and gurus, not the performance of penance, nor pilgrimaging, nor by yoga nor by scriptural mastery, the ignorance will not vanish. But only   through non-dual wisdom the ignorance can be eradicated.  The three states are state of ignorance. All the three states are falsehood. The formless substance and and eternal.  witness of the three states is real

 Sri Sankara, in Bhaja Govindam says: - [Jnana Viheena Sarva Mathena Bajathi na Muktim janma Shatena] - one without knowledge does not obtain liberation even in a hundred births, no matter which religious faith he follows. 

The mind is in the form of Universe. Universe appears as waking or dream. Waking as it presents itself is unreal, same way as the dream. Thus waking or dream is simply illusion created out of consciousness.  To the man within the universe it is not an illusion because he has the conviction that he is an individual separate form the universe and he is born in this universe and universe existed prior to him.  Until this conviction is there he is bound to believe the birth, life, death and universe as reality.  Only in deeper self-search he becomes aware of the fact that, the mind is not within the body but body and the universe are within the mind.   And he also becomes aware of the fact that mind itself is the whole universe ,which appears as waking or dream and disappears as deep sleep. 

To think once own body and his experience of the world is an illusion is difficult matter, unless one realizes the self is not physical but it is formless soul it is difficult to have glimpse of truth.

When one realizes the fact that, the self is not physical but the formless soul, naturally the body and universe becomes illusion.

The mind [universe] is emanating from soul [consciousness] means the mind is being effect from consciousness is not different from it. Deeper analysis shows it. Analysis needs deeper thinking and reasoning. Mind is whole universe thus it has a form. But where is the form in consciousness [soul] because consciousness is like an ocean and mind is like wave.  The universe is same consciousness, as the ocean produces the wave, so the consciousness produces the mind [universe].

The moment one knows the mind [universe] is consciousness, and then there is no ignorance. If one knows consciousness as self then everything is consciousness, the consciousness is second to none.  The mind is consciousness but due to ignorance one mistakes it for something else. One thinks the self is within the body; but the self is without the body and the world.
Mind ceases to exist without the matter. Without the matter mind ceases to exist as mind but it exists as matter- less awareness or consciousness. Without the mind neither the world nor its perceiver can exist.
Without the matter there is no duality. Without duality there is no experience. Without experience it is non-dual reality. Therefore, whatever prevails without the mind is ultimate reality.
The true nature of the soul [consciousness] is camouflaged by the illusion/duality.  To know the truth one has to discover and realize the formless substance of the mind or illusion. One has to learn to view and judge the worldview on the standpoint the formless soul as self.   Self-Knowledge is the prime goal of the truth seeker. This goal is hidden within the mind as its invisible substance and witness. Therefore, it is necessary inquiry, analyse and reason in to the nature of mind/ duality/illusion in order to unfold the mystery of mind or duality or illusion.
The validity of the judgments which one continually pass on events taking place around him is not denied but all these experiences are happening within the universe [waking or dream] is mere illusion. It is true that the phenomenal world is the outcome of ignorance, but it has a certain relative reality but the relative reality is mere illusion from ultimate standpoint.  Thus the relative reality is based on the false self within the false experience because there is no second thing exist other than consciousness thus there is only non-dual reality.   

The universe is real for him who has not attained to the knowledge of the self. Just as the entire complex of phenomenal existence in the dream is considered to be true until waking arises.  Similarly, the entire complex of phenomenal existence of the waking experience is considered as true so long as the nondual wisdom has not arisen.

 The worship and worshiper and the deity are part of the ignorance. In the state of ignorance blind beliefs and exercises are popular. They are meaningless and valueless on the ultimate standpoint. The truth is no individualized god. If one believes  there is creator than worshiping the creation is ignorance. Thus there is a need to know what truth, in order to know what God really is. 

The worshipper of God as personal really does worship God bur worships ignorance. And he who speaks of personal God as creator of the world speaks is unaware of the truth.
The organized religions are based on the belief, because blind belief is foundation of the organized region.  The religious theories are lower knowledge meant for those   who are incapable of going in to deeper self-search.
The religious truth is individual truth. The individual truth is based on the birth entity whereas the self is birth less.

Faith, Love, Grace, is all are reality within the duality, in the realm of the soul/Atman, there is no second thing other then the soul,

Faith, Love, Grace, is all are reality within the duality, in the realm of the soul/Atman, there is no second thing other then the soul, and thus in non dual reality there is no Faith, Love, Grace, which are variable and untrue. Ultimate truth is obtainable only on the Realization of the true Self.

All experiences are sorrowful because it is part of the duality. Even pleasurable experiences are time bound. Any Experience is Duality because absent of duality is absent of experience. Experience take one’s attention away from the soul Self, which is undiluted non dual bliss.

Ignorance is the root cause of our bondage.

Wisdom is the direct means to the attainment of self -realization, it is necessary to keep in mind the means-end relation. The tool that one chooses must be suitable and appropriate to the end, which he wants to attain. It is not the case that through any tool any end can be attained. On the contrary, what tools has to be chosen and how far it is relevant and appropriate to the end we have in view, must be considered from the point of view of the nature of the end which is to be attained.

 The tool must be warranted by the end. In other words, the choice of the tool as well as its suitability and appropriateness is determined by the end. This point must be borne in mind in understanding and assimilation of non-dual truth.

Mistaking one thing for another or superimposing the attributes of one thing on another is due to ignorance. Not knowing the real nature of the Self which is non-dual, which is existence, knowledge and infinitude, which is free from attributes, which is free from activity, which is neither an agent nor an enjoyer, the ignorance is superimposed on it. 

The ignorance is cause of experiencing the illusion as reality.  Ignorance is the root cause of our bondage. So in order to put an end to our bondage and attain liberation from experiencing the illusion as reality, ignorance which is the root cause has to be destroyed; and ignorance can be destroyed only by attaining the self-knowledge, discriminating it from the illusion. Wisdom is the means by which Self -Realization is desired to be attained. Self-realization is the highest end of man since it destroys the root of the ignorance, the cause of the entire universe.  

Through deeper self-search one has to eradicate the foundational ignorance, Self -Knowledge alone is the means to the attainment of liberation from illusion. Only Self -knowledge destroys the ignorance.

Real rebirth is dying from the experience duality into the Spirit.

Real rebirth is dying from the experience duality into the Spirit. This is the significance of the crucifixion of Jesus. Whenever identification with the body exists, the duality persist, whether in waking/dream/astral, till the duality disappears it will prevail as reality. Only when the mind /’I’, merges into the Source – the soul/ Spirit/ self ,then only the duality ceases to be reality.
The ball which is projected upwards remains in constant motion, till it returns to its source, the earth, and rests. Pain continues to give trouble, till the pre-pain state is regained.
Thirst for truth is inherent in the very nature of life, which is non dual existence. Due to ignorance by false identification with the physical body, one feels he is an individual separate from the world, and views and judges the worldview on the base of body[‘I’] as self; but he is unaware of the fact that ,he and his experience of the world are within the waking experience.
Only when he becomes aware of the fact that, the body [‘I’] is not the self he will indulge in deeper inquiry and realizes the fact that, the soul/Ataman is the true self, eventually come to firm conviction that the soul /Ataman is the true self, and the waking /dream are erupted from the soul, thus yields to the true self/soul, which alone eternally exists.

Theosophy speaks of 50 to 10,000-year intervals between death and rebirth, but it is only basing its theory on the waking entity which is part of the illusion.

Theosophy speaks of 50 to 10,000-year intervals between death and rebirth, but it is only basing its theory on the waking entity which is part of the illusion.

Most individuals take more time and very few understand and realize the fact that, it is not the soul that comes and goes, it is the three states which comes and goes. The soul, which is the true self, is the formless substance and witness of these coming and going of the consciousness from one state of consciousness to another. But it must be distinctly understood that the all the three states are in the form of consciousness. And on whatever state of consciousness, it creates the sense of reality: in the waking world a waking body, in the dream world a dream body, and remains without the waking and dream consciousness in deep sleep. And in deep sleep, when it remains world less and therefore bodiless Thus it is necessary to hold the three states, as state of consciousness, rather then holding the waking experience as reality and dream as unreality and deep sleep as neutral state. The three states are unreal states of consciousness on the stand point of soul/self, which is the pure states of consciousness, without any attributes.

For Gnani, who views and judges the three states on the standpoint of the soul remains unaffected by coming and going of the consciousness from one state of consciousness to another: The chain of
Illusions have snapped forever for him. It is now clear that there is neither real birth, nor real life, nor real death for the one who learns to view and judge the three states of consciousness on the standpoint of the soul, which is the true self.

It is the soul which creates and maintains the illusion of reality in this process, till it is destroyed by Self-Realization.

The fear of death is limited to waking/dream.

The fear of death is limited to waking/dream. There is no fear in dreamless sleep, or when one is under anesthesia. Death haunts one only when one is fully “awake” and perceive the world, including his body within the waking/dream. If there is no waking dream, and one remain as witness of the three states, no fear can touch him.

Man and the universe are within the waking/dream.

To the Gnani, birth, life and death, is a mere mirage, because he is fully aware of the fact that all the three states are mere illusion. All the three states they appear and disappear in succession. The witness of the three states is neither the body nor the ‘I’. Thus the witness is apart from the body and ‘I’.

When one is “awake,” he incessantly thinks, and when he goes to sleep and dream, he does not think any the lesser. But when he pass from dreamful to dreamless sleep, his thoughts cease and he enjoy undisturbed peace, till he wakes again and resume his thinking and with it his restless, peace-less state. But all these are happening within the three states and he is aware of the experiences only in the waking experience.

Birth, life and death are part of the waking experience. The waking experience is mind, because when the mind exists, then only the duality prevails. Absent of mind absent of duality. Therefore waking/dream/mind/duality is one and the same thing.

People think life is miserable because they are not aware of the fact that ‘I’ is not the true self and all the three states are unreal on the standpoint of the soul, which is the true self.

Waking /dream consist of nothing but experience. In deep sleep the waking and dream disappears and the experience -Free State prevails. But soon experience appears again in the dream /astral/vision and continues till a full “waking” takes place in a new body, after another dreamless lull. This daily cycle of waking and sleeping is a miniature of the cycle of birth, life and death.

Man and the universe are within the waking/dream. The substance the three states is the soul, which is the true self. Soul is the source from which waking/dream arise. To transcend birth and death one has, therefore, to transcend the waking/dream and abide in the soul which is eternal.
* * * *

All religious and scriptural claims are not the yardstick to know what is truth and what is not truth.

 There is no evidence is there for the creation and creator theory other than the religious fable because nobody as seen creator creating the creation. Mere belief cannot be taken as truth.  Therefore, it is necessary investigate   the source for all existing things [universe] in order to the mystery behind physical existence.  

It is impossible to believe in the theories without verification.  One has to get himself satisfied and establish by discovering what the ultimate truth is. All religious and scriptural claims are not the yardstick to know what is truth and what is not truth. 

 Even granting that there was such a thing as religious propagated god, heaven and hell they are highly implausible assertions with absolutely no supporting evidence. That many millions of people have believed these absurd claims provides no evidence that they are true.

By condemning the religion and its propagated ideas are not the means of Self-Realization but realizing the fact that, the “self’” is not individual but it pervades in everything and everywhere in all the three states.  Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the three states to realize the fact that, the “self” is neither the waking entity not the dream entity but it is the formless substance and witness of the three states, which comes and goes in succession.
 Thus the religion and its idea of god, which is based on the waking entity is false hood because the waking entity itself is false self within the false experience.  Therefore, whatever seen, known, believed and experienced as reality within the waking experience is falsehood.     Thus any doctrine which prescribes other than Self- Realization or Self-Knowledge will lead one towards hallucination.  
There is no point in examining the curious details of the religious fables because they are  simply a statement of faith (as it was intended to be) and there is absolutely no reason to suppose that it is true (in fact, since it is absurd it is very likely to be false).  One is asked to blindly believe but no reason is given, or evidence presented, for why one should believe. 

In the case of religious belief the ulterior motive is usually social control or the financial benefit of some part of an organized religion. Believing with no evidence to support belief is not a virtue but rather a sign of ignorance. The belief is based on the false self.  The believer himself is   the false entity within the false experience.  There is no scope for duality in reality. 

 It is true that there are people whose intellectual abilities are such that we cannot say they are unintelligent and yet who regard themselves as believers of faith. This is because, although there may be no reason to believe the religion, there are conditions under which a person will accept and cling to it. This may be the occurrence of some emotional "crisis" but mainly results from childhood conditioning, in which parents with religious beliefs inculcate these beliefs in their innocent and unsuspecting children, before the minds of those children have developed to the point where they can intelligently decide about the truth of what they are being told.

If a person values their upbringing by their parents then they will be inclined to maintain the faith which they inherited from parental grooming, unless they are sufficiently intelligent to be able to distinguish between real and the unreal it becomes impossible to give up the religious conditioning that was given to them before they had developed the mental ability whereby to accept or reject those beliefs.