Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Yoga and religion omits this important preliminary inquiry into the world and hence never reaches truth.

One should inquire into the nature of the universe first, then into the individual and finally, into the highest, the soul or Atman. Seeker should not go on wasting his time in imagining things. He should search for truth which means he must examine what is before him

Yoga and religion omits this important preliminary inquiry into the world and hence never reaches truth. This does not mean the world should disappear in Samadhi but that its true nature should be determined. If the yogis really got emancipation in Samadhi, then ordinary men would also get it in deep sleep!

Therefore we must always be engaged in an inquiry into the nature of this universe or mind, the individual personal self (ego) and Atman (soul). When the notions of reality of the world and ego are destroyed, what remains is pure consciousness. The destruction of the world and ego does not mean that they should become imperceptible to the senses, but there should arise a determination of their unreal nature: for if that were not the case people may find emancipation without efforts on their part as during dreamless sleep, and fainting (when percepts altogether disappear).

"If a person cannot undertake the study into the nature of the self, either through a dull intellect or through want of accessories for such inquiry, he must be constantly engaged in the meditation on true self, which is in the form of consciousness." The term accessories here mean "Reason which is based on the formless self.

"The Yogi who moves unseeing through this world is not better than a lump of clay in human form; it is not imperceptions of the world that is needed but the intellectual realization that its substratum is idea.

No second thing exists other then consciousness in the experience of diversity/duality

Limiting the mind (I) to the physical entity(ego or waking entity) is the cause of all confusion. Therefore, there is need to know what is mind ,and what is the substance of the mind, to overcome all the confusion. Deeper inquiry and reasoning on the true base revels the fact that, the man and the world exists within the mind, and mind itself is the world. By limiting the mind to the physical entity (ego or waking entity) and viewing and judging the world-view, makes one think that he is apart from the world, which is the cause of experiencing the duality as reality. There is neither projector nor projection when one becomes aware of the true self is consciousness, because, consciousness pervades dual and non dual experiences as their formless clay. Thus no second thing exists other then consciousness in the experience of diversity/duality. The mind (universe) is non existent on the standpoint of consciousness which is the true self. The mind/world is myth on the standpoint of consciousness as self.

In nondual reality there is neither soul nor mind , everything is one.

Mind  and soul  are classified only in duality. In non-dual reality there is neither soul  nor mind , everything is one. Therefore soul  and mind  are one in essence, that is consciousness. universe  is mind because when the mind is present the universe is  present, and when the mind is absent then the universe  absent.

Samadhi is natural state of the true soul,which is in the form of consciousness. In natural state the universe or mind is  nonexistent.  And in duality/mind  the universe is  present. Thus the duality and non duality is state of the self, not some theory. The whole objective awareness is created out of one formless substance, and that formless substance itself is the witness of the dual and non-dual experiences which appear and disappear as
three states.

 Until one becomes aware of the formless substance and witness of the duality, he experiences the duality as reality. Thus it is very much necessary to realize the fact that there is no second thing exits, other then Atman (consciousness or spirit), in the experience of diversity/duality, to bring unity in diversity. 

The consciousness can remain with or without the mind or universe

True self  is without the attributes and it  is the knower of the attributes ,which is in the form of universe or  mind. The mind or universe is mere mirage on the standpoint of the attribute-less self  ,which is in the form of consciousness. Thus, mind or universe  is myth on the standpoint of the true self . The consciousness can remain with or without the mind or universe , whereas the mind or universe  is dependent on consciousness  for its existence.

To know the non-dual Reality, deeper thinking is required. The thinking faculty ceases and becomes still when it reaches the source of the mind. One has to realize the waking entity is false self within the false experience from the ultimate standpoint.

 Where there is no experience then there is no duality where there no duality then there is no second thing exist other than the self-awareness.  Therefore seeker has indulge in deeper self-search and trace and overcome the obstacles. For the sincere and serious seekers the inner grace will guide until the ignorance vanishes and he becomes aware of the fact that the diversity [universe or Illusion] is mere mirage created out of consciousness [Atman].    

Waking experience in which a person perceives the world doesn't exists as real in reality because, everything is consciousness, and apart from consciousness there is nothing in the waking experience.
Whatever is thought of within the waking experience makes Him something other than what He is. When the waking experience ends, what happens? It is consciousness alone prevails without the three states.

Awakening is nothing but a complete, perfect understanding and assimilation of what is what. A clear cut understanding of a ‘what is what’ is awakening. Reality is not to be achieved; it is there as it is. After this perfect understanding assimilation and realization, nothing is required.

And we expect "awakening" to be some great, mysterious happening! "Reality is not to be achieved; it is there” as it is,  as unchangeable existence within the changeable illusion.

Yogic Samadhi is not a means to acquire nondual wisdom.


The formless Soul or Atman  is the  innermost  self. The soul or Atman is present in the form of consciousness.   The soul or innermost self is not bound by form,time and space.  If one thinks self is bound, and practices yogic Samadhi; this indeed is bondage. If one analyze and realizes the fact that,  self is neither the  waking entity no the self is dream entity but the self is formless soul,which witnesses the coming and going of the three states.  Both waking entity  and waking world are part of the duality (illusion/mind). Thus practicing Samadhi on base of waking entity or ego is the greatest obstacle in acquiring the Self-Knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana.

True Self is unattached from  three states and action less and self-effulgent. Seeker practicing Samadhi on the base of false self  or ego within the false experience (duality or waking or universe), is indeed his bondage (through ignorance) that he practices Samadhi (suppression of thoughts).

Due to ignorance the seeker expects to get Self awareness or Brahmic -Awareness  through yoga. Seeker has to practice Samadhi only for discipline, and he has to know that he must go beyond  form,time and space to acquire Self-Knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana.

Yogic Samadhi is not a means to acquire Self-Knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana.  Samadhi in itself is useless, because the mind is withdrawn and there is no memory of it until after it is over and one returns to waking experience, which itself is state of ignorance. This is true of yogi who attains mind control: it is only sleep.

In Pursuit of truth requires the mind to be active and receptive in order to examine the world and discriminate. Hence spiritual Sahaja Samadhi or natural state means knowing that experience of diversity is not different from the  consciousness, the innermost  self, as the dream ocean is not different from Mind, knowing which they automatically come under control. This is different from Yogic Nirvikalpa samadhi, which is only deep sleep.

The Yogis want meditation, sitting still in a yogic posture, etc. only because it gives them pleasure: the satisfaction is for their own selves only; hence it is something sought by the ego and cannot get ultimate truth/Brahman in consequence.

There is nothing to drive out. Even the yogi's ecstasies may be retained, provided he do not let himself be deceived about them and accept them like everything else, as part of consciousness.

The world must be seen before one can know its true nature in wisdom. The yogi, who shuts it out, thereby deprives himself of the opportunity to achieve non-dual wisdom.

The yogi lulls the senses into blissful slumber, renders truth impossible. He has to be awakened! both states are harmful and take one away from the path of inquiry into truth.

The yogi thinks that by getting to Nirvikalpa Samadhi he reaches the highest; the religious man thinks that by getting God he reaches the highest, But they are unaware of the fact that they are not the highest because their idea of Samadhi and god is based on the false self (ego or waking entity ) within the false experience(waking).

Before one can arrive at knowledge that the external world is really an idea, he must study, investigate, face and then know the external world, hence, insufficiency of yoga as source of truth.

Yogis think that keeping out thoughts will give experience of  Self-Awareness or Brahmic -Awareness. How can he keep out a portion of  soul or consciousness of his mind? It is utterly impossible. To say that such thoughtless experience is not possible, moreover even if it were possible, what is it that the yogis will keep out? They will only be keeping out formless soul or consciousness! The mind is none other than  formless soul or consciousness in its substance, as everything is  consciousness (Atman/Brahman). The yogi has got the idea of duality and therefore cannot realize truth.

Yogi's experience of bliss is not Self-Awareness or Brahmic-Awareness, for Bliss is something one has to experience, therefore it will have to go as it came; hence it is only duality/illusion. Yogis seek bliss through ignorance.

Religion, god glorification, and yoga are nothing to do in pursuit of truth or spirituality. When there is an urge for final truth, when doubts come to a man, it indicates that he has begun thinking. Neither Yogic Samadhi-bliss nor worldly pleasure should be allowed to draw the mind away from evenness; for neither can give the ultimate truth  OR  Brahman. When the mind is distracted by either, either internal or external bliss, it should by effort be drawn back to steadiness, evenness. This state alone yields Self- Knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana. This my personal research derived from deeper inquiry and reasoning.

Man and his experience of the world cannot exist without waking experience.


Man and his  experience of the world cannot  exist without waking experience. Whatever we are discussing, we are discussing within the waking experience. One has to know: whether physical body and the world are within the mind or the mind is within the physical body? The mind, physical body, ego and the world are present only, when the waking or dream is present. Mind is absent, when the waking or dream experience is absent. Thus one has to conclude the mind as the whole waking or dream experience. Thus the mind appears and disappears as waking or dream experience. All your arguments are truth only on the base of the ego, which is the false self, within the false experience (waking). The individual experiences within the waking are as real as dream.

 Suppose the same subject, if we are discussing in the dream and you asked me the same questions in the dream, then whatever you said in dream becomes unreal, when the waking takes place. Whatever one  saying now, he is  saying within the waking experience. The waking is unreal on the base of the formless witness, which is Atman. Atman is in the form consciousness. 

How does one see various objects, scenes and persons during dreams? If the dream is experienced without the physical body, then what is it that experiences the dream? Therefore, there must be an invisible (formless) experincer (witness or knower) of the dream world. This invisible [formless] experincer (witness or knower)is the same experincer that is experiencing this Waking experience. Therefore the Waking experience and dream both are experienced by one and only invisible (formless)experiencer of which the seeker is not aware of. Since he considers the physical body (ego or waking entity) is the self(witness or knower) and views and judges the worldview on the standpoint of false self , within the false experience. The formless experincer (witness or knower) can exist with or without the waking or dream. But waking or dream cease to exist, without the formless witness.

The gross Waking experience is merged into the mental experience in the sense that, when it is analyzed, it is found to exist inseparably in and as the mind alone. All "spiritual" planes are really mental: those who regard them as different or higher are deceiving themselves. The dream becomes unreal when the waking takes place; similarly the waking becomes unreal when the wisdom dawns. Therefore everything has to be grasped mentally, not argued on the intellectual point of view, which is limited to the false physical entity within the false experience.

The unreal is created out of real, and when one views and judges on the standpoint unreal (ego) then there is duality. When one is able to view and judge on the standpoint of real (Atman or soul) then there is only non -duality. Therefore, when the wisdom dawns then there is neither duality, nor non duality, only reality. This is my views and conviction.

All theses confusion will go on, until man thinks, he is an individual and apart from the world, and the world existed prior to him and he is born in it afterwards. Therefore, it is necessary to know the fact the true self is not ego, but the true self is the soul, and stop viewing and judging the worldview on the standpoint of the physical self (waking entity or ego), and one has to view and judge on the true self (soul or Atman) to realize the fact that, the world along with man is illusion. The formless substance from which the illusion is created is Atman. Thus Atman is Brahman or ultimate reality. Thus no second thing exists on the standpoint of Atman or consciousness  as self.

Emptiness is not Self-Awareness or Brahmic-Awareness

Absent of duality is emptiness. Emptiness  is not Self-Awareness or Brahmic-Awareness. Duality or  mind rises from emptiness and dissolves as emptiness(soul or consciousness).  Thus, emptiness  is nothing but soul or  consciousness, the innermost self. The nature of the soul  is emptiness or non-duality. Self-awareness or Brahmic-Awareness is awareness of the non-dual nature of the soul(consciousness)  in the midst of duality(waking) .

One has  to grow from the inside out. None can teach him, none can make him  spiritual. There is no other guru but his  own soul.”
Self-Knowledge or Atma Gnana or Brahma Gnana cannot be attained by one who is without strength or earnestness or without the receptiveness and courage to accept the truth and reject the untruth. If a serious seeker strives sincerely by means of inquiry, analysis and soul-centric reasoning, he will be able to realize it.
It is only seekers sincerity and earnestness in his spiritual pursuit, the knowledge started revealing on its own.  Anyone who has humility and patience and is sincere and ready to drop their accumulated dross and receptive to accept the truth will enter non-dual Self-Awareness when his conviction becomes firm. 
Sage Sri, Sankara was criticized for his views on Maya (illusion) without understanding him. He said that (1) Brahman (the Self) is real (2) the universe is unreal, and (3) Brahman is the universe. He did not stop at the second because the third explains the other two. It signifies that the universe is real if perceived as the ‘Self’ and unreal if perceived as apart from the Self. Hence Maya or illusion and reality are one and the same. 

The realists criticize the concept of illusion without understanding it. He said that

(1) Consciousness [the Self] is real

 (2) The universe or mind is unreal, and

(3) Consciousness is the mind or universe, because universe or mind is mere illusion created out of consciousness.  

 One need not stop at the second because the third explains the other two. It signifies that the universe is real if perceived as the Self [consciousness] and unreal if perceived as apart from the Self (consciousness). Hence illusion and reality are one and the same because both are one in essence. Realizing the essence, which is consciousness as the innermost Self, is Self-Realization or Truth- Realization of GOD- Realization. Thus  Sage,  Sri, Sankara‘s declaration is rational truth, scientific truth and also ultimate truth. 

In Self-Awareness the witness and witnessed are one in essence. That essence is consciousness. There is no second thing exists other than consciousness.

Soul or consciousness is our innermost self is the witness that experiences the action, the actor, and the world of separate things. It is like a light that illuminates everything in a theatre, revealing the master of ceremonies, the guests, and the dancers with complete impartiality. Even when they all depart, the light shines to reveal their absence.

What is not consciousness (formless) in the experience of diversity (waking)?  The waking and the dream cease to exist without consciousness.  The seeker, seeking and his destination   all are one in essence.

The doubts and confusion in Self-Inquiry:

Self -inquiry prescribed by Sri,RamanA Maharishi is a good tool  in  the beginning of the pursuit of truth. But seeker will find it inadequate to in latter stages. However, it creates lots of doubts and confusion.  The seeker has to find the answers on his own through deeper reasoning, then all his doubts and confusions will be cleared, and he will be able to move ahead in the path of inquiry, and he will be able to reach his non-dual destination.

The doubts and confusion in Self-Inquiry:-

The seeker has to overcome the doubts and confusion in in later stages in self inquiry, the seeker finds some doubts and confusion, which cannot be overcome if inquiry practiced on the present format prescribed in self inquiry book. As per my personal research the self-inquiry in the present format will not yield any fruits.

 If mind is same as Atman, how can it vanish--when the mind appears and disappears as Waking or dream?

How can one be certain when one leave the external world--when the person is within the world?

 Why leave the external world when everything is Brahman---when everything is Brahman why crate division between the world and its perceiver?

How can the world alone cease to exist if one do not look at it—how can the person remain without the world and where he will exist without the world?

Who has the subtle mind projecting through brain and senses? How can one see his subtle mind?--when the brain also piece of the gross matter? ---then how can the brain come into existence after the world
is created if the later depends on the brain.

Heart is idea created by mind, how the mind can emerge from it---when the heart disappear along with the mind and reappears along with the mind, how the mind emerge from it.

In deep sleep, swoon and trance, the mind turns inwards and enjoys its natural state--if so why should one inquire if one gets Atman in sleep. With drug one can get sleep and peace or bliss.

If sleep gives Brahman then why trouble with inquiry--better get it
through pills.
There are many seekers practicing inquiry for many years and waiting for something mystical to happen, why nothing happens and why their inquiry does not yield fruits.

Since Maharishi Ramana is not present physically to guide us, seeker to overcome these obstacle in the path of inquiry on his own.  

Till ignorance is there, he will remain experiencing illusion as reality

To overcome the ignorance one has to inquire, analyze and reason on the true base. Until one believes in karma theory, he will remain in ignorance. Until ignorance is there, he will remain experiencing illusion as reality. Until illusion is there, he will remain ignorant of the fact that, the cycle birth, life and death are mere mirage. Therefore, it is not possible for one to accept the fact that, world is illusion, unless and until he becomes aware of the fact that the waking entity (ego) is not the self, but the soul, which is in the form of consciousness  is the true self. Therefore, for those who believe the body as self, and refuse to accept the soul or Atman  as true self, find the law of karma as universal law and very sacred, because they have accepted their birth, life and death as reality without verifying the validity of their accepted truth.

Thus instead of indulging in the scriptural path, it is better to path of reason , which helps the seeker to enter the inner realm. And as his inquiry matures, he will be able to realize the fact that, the karma was reality only on the false base, within the false experience, the formless witness of the false experience (waking or dream) is consciousness  and consciousness is the true self. And he will be able to understand the real meaning of the illusion.

Soul or consciousness is second to none. Therefore, there is a need to realize the existence of the formless witness of the three states in order to realize the witness (soul) and witnessed (three states) are one in essence. That essence is formless soul or consciousness, the innermost self.   The innermost self is ‘I’ –LESS birthless, deathless because it is formless.

The witness can never be something known. The waking entity (ego), being known cannot be the witness. Whatever is seen or known is taken to be real due to ignorance.  Without ignorance there neither the witness nor witnessed because both are one in essence.

Whatever appears and disappears is not real.   The formless witness of the appearance is real and eternal.  That which is conscious of the subject and object is the formless soul, the innermost self. It is of which each one is absolutely certain and yet it cannot be proved because it is self-evident.  

‘I’ is not the self but the witness of the ‘I’ is the soul, the innermost self.  This ‘I’ is present in the form of Mind.  Mind is in the form of universe. The universe appears as waking or dream and disappears as deep sleep.  The mind is also part of the soul, the innermost self.  

 In reality the mind (I or universe or waking) and soul are one in essence. That essence is consciousness.  Thus all the three states are mere mirage created out of consciousness. Thus there is no second thing exists other than consciousness.  

The unreal (universe or waking) is created out of real [conciousness], sustained by real, finally it dissolves as real.

Whatever appears and disappears is myth  (universe or duality or mind).  But to what this  myth  appears is within the myth , as its formless substance, and it is apart from myth  as its formless witness. It is apart because it is not an entity or identity within the myth. That formless substance and witness of myth  is consciousness . And consciousness  is the true self. 

 When the formless substance and the formless witness of myth  is Atman(spirit or consciousness), there is no second thing exists in myth (diversity) other then consciousness , hence it is non-dual. 

  Thus, whatever appears as real is unreal on the standpoint of the consciousness  as self.  The unreal (world) is created out of real (consciousness), sustained by real, finally it dissolves as real. 

   Therefore, the real and unreal are one in essence.  The true self itself is the  guru, because the myth [world]  is created out of  the real (consciousness). to realize this ultimate  truth or Brahman,  the scriptures are not needed. 

All these experiences as father, son, guru, and pupil were one and the same consciousness appearing differently. All these distinctions disappear in the ultimate truth.

In dream the mountain which is apparently insentient and material, is nevertheless still your mind alone. Whether living or dead, conscious or unconscious thought or matter; all things are appearances of one and the same consciousness. All these distinctions are seen by Gnani as only the consciousness.

The words are used only communication purpose. The look of an object will depend upon the medium through which the observer views it. In fact, our mental and intellectual conditions will determine the phenomenal world observed and experienced.  The ignorant viewing the world confronting him sees it different from a Gnani viewing the same world. Each one of us interprets the world one sees in terms of his existing knowledge. A Gnani sees world and its contents as the illusory play as consciousness whereas ignorant sees the world and its contents as reality.

Without realization of the ultimate truth or Brahman man remains as ignorant of the ultimate truth or Brahman. Without realization of ultimate truth, the seeker remains as seeker.    On physical plan there is seeker, seeking and destination but from ultimate standpoint there is neither seer, seeking and or destination.   

The words may give different meaning at different level of understanding. As one moves deeper and deeper one realizes the thought, thinker, words and the world are one in essence. Thus in the realm of truth the thought and words become meaningless.  

When one who has realized that which lies beyond form, time and space does not give impotence to thoughts and words which has value only in falsehood.   

World is both real and unreal. It is real because it is a manifestation of consciousness, but is unreal, in the sense, that it is not absolute and eternal like consciousness itself.

Peoples approach is more practical, and they stuck with the reality of the world, they take it as real. That is why all the confusion.