Saturday, January 15, 2011

Arguing on the base of false self[ego] and speculating about the Adavitic truth is useless pursuit.

Self-realization is to recognize that, self is consciousness and universe is illusion. The universe is in the form of mind.  Thinking the mind is within the physical body and limiting the Self  to the physical entity is cause of the ignorance.  due to this  ignorance one will not be able to think beyond physicality or duality.  

formless soul or Consciousness is the innermost  self. The consciousness is the source from where the mind or universe rises and subsides.  The mind, which is in the form of Universe, can never affect the consciousness, because the consciousness is the formless substance and witness of the universe, which appears as waking or dream experience and disappears as deep sleep.  The consciousness exits in its true nature prior to the appearance of the mind.

Only on the base of the ego or waking entity , which is the false self within the false experience(waking)  , the universe seems to be reality but when one becomes aware of the fact that, the self is neither the waking entity nor the dream entity but the self is the formless witness of the three states as a whole, then he realizes the fact that, the three states are mere mirage created out of consciousness. And there is no second thing exist other then consciousness. Hence it is non-dual.  Thus, the diversity  is myth.  Thus arguing on the base of false self[ego] and speculating about the Adavaitic or non-dualistc  truth is useless pursuit. 

True Self is not the form but the true self is formless consciousness.  True Self is   ever free - not that it will be free after some time in future. The immortality is the nature of the true self. Hence practicality is – the birth, life death and universe are cause of the ignorance.  But the true self has no ups and down because it is formless.  The birth, life, death and universe are experienced as reality on the false self [ego] but on the base of the formless true self, they are mere illusion. All problems belong to false self [ego] within the false experience [universe]. The consciousness is the formless substance and witness of the universe, which appears as mind.  The consciousness is the deep ocean unperturbed by all the waves [mind or universe] that rise in it sustained by it and goes back into it.

 That which is the ground of all proof is the consciousness, which is the witness. All the other means of knowledge such as words, doubts are only meant to remove the obstruction to the consciousness which is always present within the three states as their formless substance. When these obstructions are removed through wisdom, one becomes awakened to the non-dual reality and he begins to see the meanings of scriptural effortlessly. The rise of wisdom is the same as the attainment of self-knowledge. 

If one takes the universe as real then it becomes difficult in grasping the Advaitic reality

If one takes the universe as real then it becomes difficult in grasping the Advaitic  reality because one takes the false entity as self, which is within the illusory universe. Apparent universe, which is in the form of mind, can only   cause ignorance.

Taking the universe as a 'separate' reality and thinking he is and individual separate from the world and world existed prior to him and he is born in it, until this conviction is there it is impossible to grasp the reality, which is beyond the mind or universe.   But when one knows there is nothing apart from consciousness, which is the true self then  for him there is no 'individual   reality because he is sees  his body and universe as mere mirage created out of consciousness. Thus, for his consciousness alone is real and the form, name and experiences are unreal.  

The universe exists for the Gnani as long as he is alive. The Gnani has the vision of plurality as long as he lives but he is fully aware of the fact that his body along with the universe is mere mirage created out of the consciousness.   Thus he is fully aware what is real and what is unreal and he acts as a commoner and deals with worldly life consciously aware of its unreal nature.

The cause and effect is based on the false self. In reality there is no cause because the self, which is consciousness, is uncaused.  Consciousness will not continue to exist for there is no cause. The cause is the continuance of experiencing the duality [universe] as reality due to ignorance. Duality [universe] becomes unreal with the Self-Knowledge. Gnani is free from experiencing the duality as reality. If there is ignorance then the duality is experienced as reality.  If there is wisdom then duality (universe) is mere mirage created out of consciousness. Realization the truth is necessary to realize the birth, life and death are mere illusion created out of consciousness and live in Self-awareness, which frees one from experiencing the pain and pleasure as reality.

The Gnani will know that the duality existing in universe is myth.  All confusion will be set at rest if one learns reason on the base of the true self, which is formless consciousness.

 There is no delusion and there is no sorrow can be there for that witness of oneness, because the mind, which is in the form of universe, is mere mirage for the witness. And the witness and witnessed are one in the essence in the realm of truth. Thus no second thing exist other than the consciousness. The consciousness alone is real and all else is illusion created out of consciousness. Therefore, the consciousness is ultimate truth or Brahman or Christ or Buddha.  

 It is ignorance to take the visible difference to be true, real. It is necessary to realize the visible difference to be unreal.  Just as it is ignorance to think/know that the sun's setting and rising is real and it is knowledge that the visible setting and rising of the sun is only an appearance. A Gnani is perfectly tuned with Self-Knowledge and he is fully conscious of the fact that,   his body and the universe is mere illusion and the one which sees his body, ego and his experience of the universe together, without the physical apparatus is real and eternal.  Thus, he is fully conscious of the fact that,   the formless eternal seer or witness is his true identity or self and he bases himself on the formless self.   Thus he knows what is real and what is unreal in the midst of duality, hence he is called Gnani.  

The Adavitic truth is beyond the mind, which is in the form of universe.

The Advaitic truth is beyond the mind, which is in the form of universe.   The universe contains man and his individual experiences appear as waking or dream(duality) and disappears as deep sleep(non-duality). 

Every man has an initial urge to know the truth about his own self but because he is inborn samskara or conditioning and also conditioned by parental grooming and religious restrictions he follows the inherited path, which keeps him in the prison of ignorance permanently. Ignorance which makes him to experience the birth, life,death and world  as reality.    

The one who has intense urge will discard his inborn and  inherited samskaras  conditioning of looking for truth within the religious fold and tries to venture  to find  his avenues beyond religion, yoga and theories. 

The deeper investigation reveals the fact that, all the three states, which comes and goes, are illusory in their nature and the formless witness of the three states is real and eternal.  The three states are mere mirage created out of the consciousness ( formless witness).  Thus, the witness and witnessed are one in essence.  Therefore, the consciousness alone is real and all else is illusion. There is no duality in reality hence it is non-dual.    The one who realized this truth is a Gnani. 

A Gnani is one who knows he, his body, his ego  and his experience of the universe are mere mirage created out of consciousness. Therefore, he is fully aware of the fact that, everything is consciousness and the forms, names and words create division within the consciousness.  From the ultimate point of view, the forms, names and words lose their meaning and whatever exits without the forms, name and words is real and eternal. 

Noting is real but consciousness. Noting matters but search for the truth. Consciousness pervades everywhere and in everything in the universe, which is in the form of the mind. Mind appears as waking or dream and disappears as deep sleep.  That is consciousness appears as mind and disappears back as consciousness.  Consciousness is beyond the mind and is everything. Consciousness alone is. 

The mind, which is in the form of universe is mere mirage created out of consciousness.  Thus the individual experience of birth, life and death, which happens within the universe, is unreal because the universe itself is mere mirage.  The consciousness, which is aware of the coming and going of the universe, is real and eternal. Thus the consciousness alone is ultimate truth, which is identified as Brahman /Christ Consciousness/Buddha’s nature by the religious scriptures. 

The ultimate truth cannot be explained, it cannot be argued, it cannot be theorized, nor it can be discussed and understood through intellectuality nor it can be experienced. It can only be realized.