Monday, December 6, 2010

Adyathmic Discussions-299



I understand that by saying "living in the present" you imply "living in the present moment", it being so i feel that you are incorrect. The present becomes unreal only when it is experienced by the ego. If the ego is eliminated a jnani can experience the formless witness the supreme consciousness unfold in all its glory in the moment. Vedantins would argue that the present moment exists only within consciousness , in the absence of consciousness there is no moment. However it also holds that in the absence of the moment there will be no consciousness. I understand the moment to be one of the many dimensions of consciousness, one in which consciousness finds expression. I would say for the formless witness there is no "Living in the present" but instead "The present moment is 'that'".


Thank you ,

I respect your views but:-
As per my conviction derived from deeper inquiry, analysis and reasoning:-

The moment is time. The time creates division in consciousness, which is the true self. The past, present and future exists within the myth and so also this and that. Without the past and future there is no present. The sense of time is within the myth. Any type of experience is myth. The Gnani is one who knows the myth is also consciousness. Thus he is fully aware of the fact that, all divisions within the consciousness are mere mirage.

A Gnani is fully aware of the fact that, the waking experience is mere mirage created out of the consciousness Therefore, The time ,which is in the form of the past ,present and future are reality within the myth[waking or universe]. From the ultimate standpoint the waking experience itself is myth.

The truth is hidden within the waking experience but it is without the waking experience. The witness is the one which witnesses the form, time and space, not the physical witness from which one is trying to judge and assimilate truth. Thus until and unless one learns to view and judge the truth on the base of Atman as self, it is very difficult to know what is witness and what is witnessed. If body is not the self then it is erroneous to judge and conclude the truth on the base of body as self or witness, because the understanding and assimilation is limited to intellectuality, which is limited to physicality.

There is a need to analyze the three states and discriminate the time and timeless experiences, to grasp the formless witness, which is apart from form, time and space.

The ego cannot be eliminated with the ego. The ego cannot be eliminated without understanding “what is mind” and “what is the subsistence of the mind”.

All the form, names, words which create division within the consciousness are unreal in their nature. Whatever the stuff from which the form, name, words are erupted that stuff is real and eternal. That stuff is consciousness, which does not come under any laws and theories of the ego, but people are marketing it playing with ornamental words.

If one thinks Advitic truth is the ultimate truth, then he has to drop all theories based on the physical body [I] as self, because Advitic truth is based on the soul, which is the true self

If one thinks Advaitic truth is the ultimate truth, then he has to drop all theories based on the physical body (ego or waking entity) as self, because Advaitic truth is based on the formless soul, which is present in the form of consciousness. the soul or consciousness is the innermost self. 

By accepting karma theory one is  accepting the false self, as real self, and world as reality, therefore, there is no need for self-inquiry “Who am ‘I’ “, because one has  accepted the present physical identity and world as reality.  Self-inquiry makes one realize the fact that,  self is neither the waking entity nor the self is dream entity but the self is formless soul or consciousness,which witnesses the coming and going of the three state. After knowing the fact that, the  self is not the waking entity,  then it is erroneous to think again as the waking entity  ,which is the false self within the false experience.  Thus  holding the body(waking entity)  based theories as reality is erroneous.  Thus, karma theory becomes a biggest obstacle in the path of inquiry and truth, because it does not allow the seeker to cross the threshold of duality.

  The waking entity  and the waking  world, which exist only in waking is impermanent and illusory in nature, because it  appear  as mind and disappears as no- mind. The soul which is the formless substance and witness of the duality is permanent. Therefore, whatever is seen known and believed and experienced as real within the waking also is as real as dream.

Sage Sri,  Sankara  in Aparokshanubhuti:-

   88. When the whole universe, movable and immovable, is known to be Atman, and thus the existence of everything else is negated, where is then any room to say that the body is Atman?

   89. O enlightened one, pass your time always contemplating on Atman while you are experiencing all the results of Prarabdha; for it ill becomes you to feel distressed.

   90. The theory one hears of from the scripture, that Prarabdha does not lose its hold upon one even after the origination of the knowledge of Atman, is now being refuted.

   91. After the origination of the knowledge of Reality, Prarabdha verily ceases to exist, inasmuch as the body and the like become non-existent; just as a dream does not exist on waking.

   92. That Karma which is done in a previous life is known as Prarabdha (which produces the present life). But such Karma cannot take the place of Prarabdha (for a man of knowledge), as he has no other birth (being free from ego).

   93. Just as the body in a dream is superimposed (and therefore illusory), so is also this body. How could there be any birth of the superimposed (body), and in the absence of birth (of the body) where is the room for that (i.e., Prarabdha) at all ?

   94. The Vedanta texts declare ignorance to be verily the material (cause) of the phenomenal world just as earth is of a jar. That (ignorance) being destroyed, where can the universe subsist ?

   95. Just as a person out of confusion perceives only the snake leaving aside the rope, so does an ignorant person see only the phenomenal world without knowing the reality?

   96. The real nature of the rope being known, the appearance of the snake no longer persists; so the substratum being known, the phenomenal world disappears completely.

   97. The body also being within the phenomenal world (and therefore unreal), how could Prarabdha exist ? It is, therefore, for the understanding of the ignorant alone that the Shruti speaks of Prarabdha.

   98. “And all the actions of a man perish when he realizes that (Atman) which is both the higher and the lower”. Here the clear use of the plural by the Shruti is to negate Prarabdha as well.

   99. If the ignorant still arbitrarily maintain this, they will not only involve themselves into two absurdities but will also run the risk of forgoing the Vedantic conclusion. So one should accept those Shrutis alone from which proceeds true knowledge.

The above indicates that, the karma is reality only on the base of false self, where one thinks body and the universes as reality. When one becomes aware of the fact that, the true self is formless soul, then the karma becomes part and parcel of illusion.   My point is that, if one accepts the karma theory as reality, he will never be able to come out of the ignorance. And ignorance makes him believe the cycle of birth, life and death as reality.  Thus the freedom which one is seeking will remain distant dream. For the one who accepts the birth life and death as reality, Self-knowledge is impossible.

Thus it is necessary for the seeker of truth to know the fact that, the body which is born, lives and dies is not the self. Since he is taking the body to be the self, he is experiencing the duality as reality.

 As Sage  Sri, Sankara said:  When the whole universe, movable and immovable, is known to be Atman, which is in the form of consciousness, and thus the existence of everything else is negated, where is then any room to say that the body is Atman or self.

 If body is not the Atman or soul, the innermost self, then the karma theory has no meaning on the standpoint of the truth. Thus no second thing exists other than Atman or consciousness, therefore why to view the worldview on the standpoint of the body as self  (ego or waking entity) when the body (ego or waking entity) is the false self, and the soul or Atman or consciousness is the innermost  self.

 Essence of Ashtvakara is: Realizing Atman or soul as self, the liberation is possible in this very life right here and right now, not in the next life  or next world.

Religion, theories scriptures and concept of god are   created as tool for conditioning the mass mind set, to control their individualized mind, to self-judge, what is good and what is evil, with the fear of conceptual god, who will in turn punish them, or reward them with good or bad life, in life after life which is only illusion.  And this fear helps to maintain peace and harmony in the society to some extent. But man and world exist within the mind and mind is myth on the standpoint of the soul as self, thus all the theories based on the false hood, have no relevance in the realm of the non-dual truth.  

Brahma Sutras, i.e. "Vedanta Sutras" by Badarayana, are intended for those of middling intellects, not for those who have the best brains: it is a semi-theological, semi-philosophical work; it starts with the assumption that Brahman exists.

The opening sentence is "All this is Brahman.” But nobody knows or has seen Brahman. If one say "All this is mountain” and show the mountain, the words are understandable. Suppose he has never seen mountain, then what is the use of such a sentence? It becomes meaningless when the object indicated is seen by none. Hence the Brahma Sutra opening is equivalent to "All this is X". Both have no meaning so long as they are not understood, if we take them as the data to start from. Thus the bookish knowledge   is intended for theological minds, because it begins with dogma although its reasoning is close. For it starts with something imagined.

Since people negate the self along with mind when they are to  -  Neti, Neti-  they does not know that this is applied only to the witnessed(universe or mind) , pundits  ignorantly believes that it is also applied to the formless witness (soul or  consciousness) . But one should never negates the formless witness, only the witnessed (universe or mind).  Thus, all bookish knowledge based on egocentric non-dualism is mere playing with ornamental words not truth.  

Adyathmic - Discussions -288 -[Karma]

Q:-  Karma Theory

Karma is the universal principle of cause and effect. Our actions, both good and bad, come back to us in the future,helping us to learn from life's lessons and become better people.

Karma is basically energy. I throw energy out through thoughts,words and deeds - mano vaakkaya karamaas, and it comes back to me in time,through other people. Karma is our best teacher , for we must always face the consequences of our actions and thus improve and refine our behavior, or suffer if we do not. The bondage of this karma or karmabandham is the root for repeated births and deaths and experiencing the pleasures and pains - sukhadukhaalu. Beyond this bondage is salvation.

Bhagavadgita suggests that the moment the fire of knowledge -jnaagnihi manifests itself the whole stock of sanchita karmas in the form of latencies disappear and one is above experiencing prarabhdha and aagami.

Understanding the way the karma works, we seek to live a good and virtuous life through right thought, right speech and right action and this is called dharma. We must also be very careful about our thoughts, because thought creates, and thoughts make karmas - good,bad and mixed.

I request you to listen to my humble understanding of Law of Karma.

Reply by SK

Essence of scriptures is: - Dehum- Nahum-Kohum –Sohum – which indicates the body is not the self – the self is that. Which clearly indicates the self is without the body. Therefore, the self is the formless knower of the body. Without the body, the self is free from birth life and death.  Therefore, karma theory, which is based on the idea of birth, life, death and rebirth, is a mere religious fable based on the body,which is not the self.      

Karma is universal principle only on the base of false self (ego or waking entity), within the illusion. The cause and effect is reality, only on the base of false self.  The fact is Atman or the soul or consciousness  is the true self, and Atman or soul is uncaused.   Buddhism says, there is nothing - nonentity. Advaita says there is some reality, even though things are not what they appear to be.

If one knows the truth, he will know there is neither cause nor effect. Advaith is to know, what is it, that is Real, and base the reasoning on that real.

When reasoning is done on true base, one has the yardstick to know what is truth, and what is untruth, and he will be able to reject the unreal or untruth mentally.  Therefore, one has to make sure the  self is neither the  waking entity nor self is dream entity  but the  self is formless soul or  consciousness, which is the formless substance and witness of the three states.

 If one accepts the self as body, then the karma becomes universal principal. If one accepts the soul or consciousness as self, then the physical body, ego or waking entity,  waking world and whatever one has seen known and believed and experienced as a person becomes unreal on the standpoint of the soul as self.

 By accepting karma theory, one is accepting the unreal as real, and permanently remains in the clutches of duality thinking the cycle of birth, life and death as reality.  Therefore, to overcome the illusory cycle of birth, life and death, one has to know the fact that, the body or ego or waking entity is not the self, but the formless soul is the true self. Thus the self is within the mind (universe) but it is without the mind(universe).   Thus the self is within the ‘I’ but it is without the ‘I’.

Everyone’s inner work leads towards new understanding and realization

Everyone’s inner work leads towards new understanding and realization.   When doubts crops up and when one do not get a reasonable reasoning for his  doubts from the other source, then only he indulges in his  own personal research, and try to investigate, and then only  he  becomes  aware of  'what is  truth' and 'what is untruth'. As  he goes deeper into the subject so many things will reveal.

  What was the religion our ancestors were following prior to the introduction of Advaita by Sage Sri, Sankara and Dwaita by other sages? If Sage  Sri, Sankara is the founder of Advaita math in 8th century what was the religion of our ancestors prior Sri, Sankara.  It has to be Santana Dharma/Vedic religion.  

If one reads the Satyarth Prakash of Maharshi Dayanand Sarswati(1824-1883) a real authenticated authority on Vedas, then   he will become aware of the fact Dwaita and Advaita and Vishita Advaita were add-ons to the Sanatan Dharama or Vedic religion.   And if he  bifurcate all the add-ons from Santana Dharama  and then he  becomes aware of the fact Advaita was modified by Sri,Sankara  on the base of Vedas to uplift the Vedic Dharma which was in the ruins in the clutches of Buddhism to suit the mind set of that time.  Thus by bifurcating the add-ons from the Santana Dharma or Vedic religion,   he will become aware of the fact that, there was no trace of Advaita prior to 8th Century and Dwaita in later century in Sanatana Dharma or Vedic religion Because present  Hinduism is not Sanatana Dharma or Vedic religion.

 One will also find all the rituals, worship and customs followed by the present generation also not Vedic based, it is modified add-ons to suit the mind set of that time. When this truth was revealed by the Maharshi Dayananda he was poisoned and killed by the pundiths.

 I am not advocating  Mahrshi  Dayananda or the Santana Dharma,  I just saying  if one is seeking truth of his true existence,  then  he has to  look beyond religion, concept of god and scriptures and yoga.

One will also trace the dates of oldest Upanishads and also some idea of Braminism and Buddhism and Hinduism as per the historian’s research essay on their origins and interaction BRAMINISM AND BUDDHISM by Lal Mani Joshi of dept of religious studies Punjab University Patiala.  There are many books of the religious historians on this subject; if one is ready to go in deeper research without preconceived ideas he will be able to know, what truth is, and what is untruth. And he will be able to accept the truth and drop all accumulated dross of untruth.

I am not interested in arguing my claims are tenable and trying to impose my idea on others.  And also I am not trying to prove whether Buddha is right or Sri, Sankara is wrong. But my only purpose of my personal research is to know, how to realize the nondual truth, which is propounded by the Buddha and Sri,Sankara and Sri, Goudpada? Since present practices are based on conduct and action, and they are based on the false physical self [ego]. What are the fatter and obstacle in realize the non-dual truth? How to overcome the obstacle on the path of non-dual truth?  

In Ashtavakara(commentaries on Ashtavakara  Gita by Osho) it clearly mentioned that Vedas are not the means to acquire the self-knowledge. Thus it indicates that Advaita is nothing to do with the Vedas.

Dual and non-dual are not religious theories, but the state of the true self. Thus religious  dualism and non-dualism and qualified non-dualism  is nothing to do with ultimate truth.

 When the self(soul or consciousness)  is in illusion then it is called duality ( mind or universe). When the self(consciousness)  is in its formless non-dual true nature then it is Atman or consciousness or spirit.   Since man(waking entity) is false entity within the false experience (waking) he views and judges the worldview on the base of false self, and created all this theories on the base of false self. Therefore, whatever is seen, known, experienced and believed on the false base ( ego or form base), has to be false hood, on the base of the true self ( formless or soul base).

 People limit the mind to the physical entity, and thinks the mind is within the physical body. Whereas the physical body, ego, the universe altogether is mind.  Mind is an experience, it is not an experincer.   Same way as the dream is the mere experience; the waking also is an experience. The whole experience [waking/dream] is an object to the formless subject [witness].   One has to realize the object and subject are one is essence. And that essence is Atman or consciousness or spirit.

Therefore, one has to bifurcate the physicalized Advaita [religious add-ons]   which is meant for the mass mind set, who are incapable inquire to verifying their inherited beliefs.  But for the seekers truth, to get the pure essence of spiritual Advaita of Sri Sankara and Sri, Goudpada which is based on the formless soul. The path of inquiry, analysis and reasoning on the true base, leads towards the non dual destination.  Therefore, there is need to rectify the seeking base from ego base to soul base.

Bhagvan says: this self –inquiry is not the critical study of the scriptures. When the source is reached the ego gets merged into it. The result of self-inquiry is the cure for all the sorrows. It is the highest of all the results. There is nothing greater then it.  It only indicates there is no necessity to study the scriptures to acquire self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana. (Page-66-practicle guide to know yourself c/e by A.R.N).

Bhagvan says:-

Q by D: Is not necessary to study the Vedas or at least the Prasthanatraya [the Bhagavad Gita,Dasopanishad and Brahma Sutras, all with commentaries]to ensure firm realization?

Bhagwan: No. Do you need all that to see yourself? All that is intellectual wealth, useful in explain doubts and difficulties if others rise them or if you yourself encounter them in the course of thinking. But to attain realzatrtion, all that is not necessary. You want fresh water to drink, but you do not require all the water of the river Ganges to quench your thirst. (Page 111/112 of Practical guide to know yourself c/e by A.R.N).

Therefore all the personal research is for making sure which is the surest and easiest path to acquire self-knowledge, when we are confused with uncertainty which path easier for to acquire non-dual truth or self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana. 

The formless soul,which is the true self has no religion

Isa Upanishads indicates that:- By worshiping gods and goddesses and going to the world of gods after death is of no use. The time one spends in ritualistic practices is wasted; one can spend same time moving forward towards Self-knowledge, which is the main goal.

If self-knowledge is main goal then why indulge in religious prescription of god glorification,study of scriptures. It means the truth lies beyond religion,god glorification and scriptures.

One cannot reach the non-dual destination by glorifying god and goddesses and by doing that, one goes deeper and deeper into ignorance because the religion is based on the physical self/ego. It surely indicates the fact that, the seeker of truth has to drop the worshiping god and goddess in order to get self-knowledge.

Deeper Inquiry, analysis and reason revels the fact that, the ‘Self is not the body but the formless soul/spirit.

The  formless soul,which is the true self  has no religion. The religion is based on the body as self. Thus, religion is based on false physical self/ego. Thus whatever is known, seen, believed and experienced and accumulated on the false base is false hood. The formless substance and witness of the falsehood is real and eternal. Thus man and his idea of god and his religious beliefs and his experience of world are reality on the standpoint of the physical self/ego, and they are mere mirage on the standpoint of the soul, which is ultimate truth.

If one is freed from religious truth, he has better chance unfold the mystery of his true existence and realize the true existence is not physical but the spirit. Religion is the source of all imaginable faiths and disturbances; it is parent of fanaticism of civil discord, and it is the enemy of the mankind because it does allow one to know the truth of the true existence.

One cannot examine illusive subject like god, soul, faith, love, anger and other non-material subjects under a microscope. But one can definitely evaluate their validity through deeper inquiry, analysis and reasoning on the base of the formless soul, which is the source from where the duality/mind rises and subsides. it is necessary for the seeker of truth to verify the fact that, the self is not physical but the formless spirit before proceeding in pursuit of truth.

Truth realization is a very deep topic. One might ask what truth -realization is? Truth realization is realization of the knowledge of the true self to get unity in diversity. Identifying the fact that the Soul/self is the unified Whole.

Self- knowledge is not theoretical knowledge based on the physical self [ego] but the knowledge of the ultimate truth on which the physical existence [illusion] is dependent. Self-knowledge is the True Knowledge.

Everyone is viewing the three states on the base of object as subject [ body/’I’] due to ignorance

Until and unless the seeker of truth finds the fact that, the religion, scriptures, god/guru glorification or chosen paths are inadequate and useless, in quenching his spiritual thirst, and finds them all as method of dead words, and then only he will be able to grasp and realize the non dual truth.

Truth pursuit is for those who has intense urge to know the truth of their true existence, and receptive mind, which has the courage to accept only uncontradictable truth, and reject the untruth. People who are emotionally and sentimentally involved with religion, god and scriptures and gurus and yoga should avoid indulging in pursuit of truth.

Religion, scriptural studies, theories, concept of god and yoga are valuable for those who do believe their present physical identity (ego) as real, and world as reality. And it helps to manipulate the worldly life.

Since pursuit of truth is a very personal journey, and there is nothing is needed other then verifying “What is mind?” and “What is substance of the mind?” Religion, concept of god, scriptural knowledge becomes big obstacle in realizing the non dual truth, because they are based on the body (waking entity) as self, whereas the non dual truth is based on the soul/Atman as self.

Since everyone is viewing the worldview on the base of object as subject (body or waking entity’) due to ignorance, they have to become aware of the fact that ,the true subject, is Atman by rectifying the reasoning base, from form, to formless, mentally in order to acquire the nondual truth.

Inquiry and reasoning on the true base revels the fact that, neither physical body, nor the ‘I’, the true self. The formless witness of the ‘I’ is the true self. The formless witness is Atman(consciousness). The three mental states of waking, dream and deep sleep are unreal, because they have no permanence. Man and his experience of the world is reality within the waking  or dream. But the point is, the waking is also as unreal as dream. They come and go. Thus one has to realize the fact that there must be a knower (witness) of these three states which appear and disappear in succession.

One has to trace the source of the three states, from where they appear and disappear. The source is the witness and the true self. This has to be grasped mentally by constantly reflecting on the source until one gets the firm conviction that, the source itself is the true self, and the source is formless Atman or consciousness. Once this conviction becomes firm, then the true base is formed mentally, and one will be able to view and judge the three states  on the base of the formless subject.

On the base of formless subject(Atman), the three states become an object to the formless subject(Atman), and one will be to view and judge the three states on the base of Atman and realize the fact that waking or dream which consist of man and the world are unreal, on the standpoint of the formless witness. This is the first step the seeker has to take. Once the true base is  formed mentally then  the truth will start unfolding on its own.

It takes a long time to form the base mentally, but for those who are free from religion; scriptural knowledge and the concept of god and yoga can grasp it with lesser time and effort.

The reality exists prior to the appearance of the mind and prevails after disappearance of the mind.

The mind is created out of the soul,which is in the form of consciousness. Mind is mere mirage. Man and the world exist within the mind. Mind appears as waking and dream and disappears as deep sleep.

Everyone is basing themselves on the waking entity or ego and trying to discover the truth of their true existence, which leads them to intellectual speculation or imagination. When “Self” is not the physical then it is erroneous to base the judgment on the physicality.

The reality exists prior to the appearance of the mind and prevails after disappearance of the mind.

Mind does not exist within the body but the body and world exits within the mind. If one limits the mind to the physical entity, then it becomes ego, and the sense of individuality and separateness is created.

People think the mind is within their body and try to judge the non-dual truth on the base of the body but remain in the world of imagination and speculation.

The individuality makes one feel he is born in this world and world existed prior to him. Thus, he thinks he an individual separate from the world and believes the birth, life and death as reality.

Until one thinks the birth, life and death as reality the self-knowledge is impossibility. Thus it is necessary to realize the fact that, birth, life and death are reality on the base of false self within the false experience.

Thus arguing whether there is soul or no soul, on the base of the false self is erroneous, because the soul exists prior to the mind, and also it is formless substance and witness of the mind,which is in the form of universe. 

Everyone is holding some teaching or teacher or their accepted truth as a yardstick. All that accumulated knowledge is of no use in pursuit of truth. 

The ‘I’ is inborn samskara or conditioning, because of this inborn samskara or conditioning one has accepted the ‘I’ as ‘self, he is ignorant of the fact that, he has accepted illusion as reality.  The ‘I’ itself is an illusion.  And whatever is connected to the ‘I’ is bound to be an illusion.  The self is not an individual because it is birthless because it is formless.  The self is not limited to waking experience alone because it pervades all the three states.  Thus identifying the self without the form alone is erroneous.   The self is without the form, without the time and without the space.

 Thought is nothing to do with the innermost self, which is ever formless because without the form, time and space the thought will not be formed.  The thought rises only to the waking entity or dream entity. Without the waking entity or dream entity the thoughts will not rise. Deeper self-search reveals the fact that the self is neither the waking entity nor the self is the dream entity but the self is the formless soul or consciousness, which witnesses the coming and going of the three states.
 The three states are nothing to do with the self because they are mere illusion.

When one analyzes he finds the fact that the ‘I’ is mind and mind is present in the form of the universe and the universe appears as waking or dream and disappears as deep sleep.

Ego is physical mind and it is in the form of individual experience, feelings thoughts and sensations together. 

As flowing rivers disappear in the sea, losing their names and forms, so one is freed from name and form, attains the Atman, which is greater than the Great.

Atman(soul or consciousness, the innermost self   cannot be attained by one who is without strength or earnestness or without the receptiveness and courage to accept the truth and reject the untruth. But if a serious seeker strives by means of inquiry, analysis and reasoning on the true base, he will be able to realize it. 

By realizing Atman, the one become satisfied with that Knowledge. He establishes in the true self, and he is free from experiencing the duality as reality and he is in non dual tranquility. Such seeker ever devoted to the Self, behold everywhere the Atman. 

Having well ascertained the Self, the goal of the Self- knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana  and having perfect understanding, the seekers, never relaxing their efforts, enjoy here supreme Immortality and at the time of the great end attain complete freedom in Atman. 

When one realizes the fact that, the causes of all the causes is uncaused; and views and judges the three states  on the base of the uncaused, then everything of the experience of duality, becomes one with the highest imperishable  Atman, which is the Self of all.

As flowing rivers disappear in the sea, losing their names and forms, so one is freed from name and form, attains the Atman, which is greater than the Great.

He who knows the Atman as self verily becomes Atman. He overcomes the experience of duality; becomes one with the Atman, immortal self.

Ego cannot be dropped until and unless one realizes what is mind.

Ego cannot be dropped until and unless one realizes 'What is mind?' and 'What is substance of the mind?' and 'What is the source of the mind?'. Ego, body and the world appear together and disappear together. When the mind is there then the ego, body and the world are there. It is not the person, who is the false entity, within the false experience has to drop the falsehood. Only non-dual wisdom frees one from experiencing the duality as reality. 

It is impossible to drop the ego with the ego. The ego is the physical entity which perceives the world within the waking or dream. The true self pervades in everything and everywhere in the world, which exists in the waking or dream as their formless substance and witness.

  The soul, the innermost self  is not an entity or identity within the waking or dream. Thus basing our understanding on the false self will lead us towards falsehood or hallucination. Until we mentally grasp the formless witness of the three states and base our understanding on the true self, it is impossible to assimilate the Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana. 

Only when the formless witness is grasped then only it is possible to realize the fact that the true self is the soul and drop the mirage (three states) mentally. Whatever prevails without the three states is the substance and witness of the three states. The soul, the innermost self  remain with or without the waking/dream. When it is without the waking or dream we call it deep sleep or death. Deep sleep is not the self but the formless knower of the deep sleep is the true self.

Through, physical efforts like yoga, virtues and mediation it is not possible to assimilate the truth. It is mental effort through deeper understanding through inquiry, analysis and reasoning on the base of true self ,one becomes aware the whole universe(diversity or duality) including all it contents are mere illusion created out of spirit or consciousness or soul. Thus there is no second thing exists other then the spirit or consciousness or soul. Thus, the man and his experience of the world (waking)are mere mirage. The dream becomes unreal when waking takes place and waking becomes unreal when the wisdom dawns.

The wisdom does not dawn by practices based on the ego. One has to realize the fact that the ego is not the self, thus whatever is seen, known, believed, accumulated understanding and experienced on the base of ego is bound to be false. Thus, it is necessary to learn to view and judge and conclude the understanding on the formless witness(soul) in order to understand and assimilate the Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana.  .

Seeker on his own has to verify the validity of every claim through deeper inquiry, analysis and reasoning and accept only un-contradictable truth.

Three states are produced by ignorance, and dissolves in the wake of self-Knowledge.

It is better not to indulge in scriptures. There is no need of scriptures in pursuit of truth. The mind means duality. When the mind is there duality is there. Duality appears and disappears as waking or dream. When there is no mind then it is non duality. Therefore, deeper understanding is necessary in pursuit of truth. The nature of the true self is formless and non-dual. Since, mind means duality thus it is not the nature of the true self, which is the soul, hence mind is impure. So to get rid of this impure (duality) one has to realize the duality is created, sustained and finally dissolves as soul or spirit. Thus, the conditioning (samskars  or  conditioning) based on the ego has to be dropped to realize the ever pure self or Atman. Thus there is a need to rectify the seeking base from form to formless in order to understand and assimilate the Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana.

Dual and non dual is state of the self not some philosophy or theory. When the self is in illusion it is present in the form of  mind or ’I’ or  duality, and when the self is in its formless non-dual nature it is Atman or soul ,which is present in the form of  consciousness.

Realization of truth, not just understanding, truly blows up the ignorance which is vital for acquiring the non dual wisdom.

The point is that most of us get stuck in the intellectual understanding, in reciting theoretical mantras and do not move on to experiential realization. Because it is convenient to imagine as one need not inquire and reason, on the true base, which is very difficult and boring. This is a self deception, this is why people who does not want o inquire and reason on the true base get nowhere.

The Seeker has to rely on totality of experience by coordinating the three states, waking dream and deep sleep. All other spiritual paths based on the individual apart from the world. But they do not consider of the fact that man and world exist within the waking. Man and his experience of the world is reality within the waking experience. But the waking experience is myth. The witness of the three states is apart and unaffected and nothing to with the myth which appears and disappears as waking and dream. Therefore, the Atman alone is real and all else is illusion.

Even in waking experience one is not aware of the formless witness of the three states. One has to become aware of the fact that man and world are within the waking or  dream. Man perceives the world within the waking or dream. The individual and the world exist within the waking or dream. The soul or  Atman is the formless substance and witness of the three states.

Atman the formless substance and witness of the three states itself is alone permanent, the three states (seen) are opposed to it that is transient – such a settled conviction is truly known as discrimination.

Turning away the focus of attention completely from the three states to the formless substance and witness of the three states with lots of patient endurance will help the seeking mind to establish in the Atman or soul, the innermost  self.

What is ‘I’? How these three states are created? Who is its creator? Of what material is these three states are made? This is the way of that inquiry, analysis and reasoning on the true base.

Three states are produced by ignorance, and dissolves in the wake of self-Knowledge. Atman is the substance and witness and the true self.

Where there is mind there is form(duality) . Where there is no mind there is no form(non-duality).