Wednesday, October 26, 2011

People, who did not recognize the authority of the scriptures, will be able to prove the truth of non-dualistic by means of reason alone.

Ultimate truth or Brahman can be established and conformed mentally by soul-centric reason independent of scriptures.  It is possible also to show the unreality of the objective universe even from well directed pure reasoning.

The scripture are for the ordinary man who are immersed in practical life within the practical world, who finds security in the idea of causality and thus in the idea of God. 

Those of superior intelligence, have no need of this idea of divine causality, and can therefore dispense with Vedas and arrive at the truth of Non-Dualism by pure reason.

People, who did not recognize the authority of the scriptures, will be able to prove the truth of non-dualistic by means of reason alone.   Ultimate truth does not need the support of any Scripture or Revelation like the Veda.  It is based, not upon the varying theological fancies, which are as numerous as the sands of the sea, but upon reason, the common heritage of all mankind, irrespective of colour or creed or clime.

In pursuit of truth neither lecturers, nor theses, not even books are of any avail in attaining the ultimate truth or Brahman. It is only one pointed soul- centric personal discussions by such as have an irrepressible passion for truth that can be of value.

 Seeker must have humility and patience in his temperament in pursuit of truth. In this world there are as many philosophies of truth as there are thinkers. Most of these philosophies are egocentric and to be no more than opinion not ultimate truth.

 In the world philosophy seeks the common ground of Truth. In world many thinkers have discussed ad infinitum such subjects without defining truth and nowhere have they come nearer to any agreement.

Most people are not in a mood to seek Truth because they have already accepted something else as truth. They seem to think that what they know is all the Truth that they need. They do not care for any verification regarding their accepted Truth. To such a mentality truth is a distant dream.

 Truth is never in a hurry to reveal itself. People do not seem to think that self-knowledge is not mere intellectual abstraction, but the most vital of all human achievements.

Ultimate truth is universal truth. Universal truth must be independent of religion that in personal god is only reality within the unreal world. The ultimate truth or Brahman is the only reality and has nothing to do with religion.

The main hurdle is in way of reasoning based on the ego which is the false self. To get over this hurdle one has to reason on the base of the formless soul, which is the true self. Then only seeker can come to final conclusions independently without the scriptures.

Ego is limited to individuality.

Ego is limited to individuality. Egos are always changing. As a boy one had different ideas to what he has now. The ego then was not the same as the ego now.

Psychologists glibly use the word personality but they do not see it is a term to be used with the greatest difficulty, because which of all the changing personalities of a man can be ascertained to be his real one? The truth is that a number of other things or thoughts have combined with the consciousness, the formless witness, and must be separated from it.

Realists or Dualist say they shall go to Heaven or they shall attain Brahman but they fail realize, ‘what is ‘I’?’  ‘I’ is the mind. Mind is in the form of universe and universe appears as waking or dream. Buddha was partly right in teaching that it was an illusion.

Once seeker understands the ego is false entity within the false experience, he will have understood 80% of non-duality. One must learn that the ego is different from consciousness, which is the innermost self. And innermost self is beyond form, time and space because it is formless timeless and space less.   

Homogeneity is the natural condition of the self. Through ignorance we create dissociation within it. The first dissociation is the ‘I’.

There is no such thing as the ego. Ego is only the physical self within the false experience.  Ego exists only within the waking or dream. Waking or dream both are false experience on the standpoint of the formless witness of the three states.  Therefore the understanding of the ego is not the self and its nonexistence in the realm of truth is of vital importance. 

The earliest ancient sages used the word ‘I’ to the witness of the three states not to the ego as moderns use it and think the ‘I’ without the body is self. The seeker has to understand the fact that the fact that ‘i’ is not the self but the witness of the ‘I’ is the true self, which is eternal. 

People think that the ‘soul’ or ‘spirit’ is something different from the mind. They believe that the mind is really two. This is the confusion among religionists and intellectuals. If ‘Soul’ has any meaning, if ‘spirit’ has any meaning, so long as one thinks of them, they are merely ideas. No, Mind is the highest: it is consciousness, non-dual wisdom.

The individual is a bundle of memories, desires within the waking or dream. The memories and desires are part of the duality. Therefore the individual self is entirely part and parcel of the mirage. Peoples ideas of that they will go to some world after death, some astral plane or religious heavens will disappear as nonsense with the disappearance of belief in the reality of the ‘I’.  

Dualist sages could not distinguish between ‘I’ and ‘formless witness

It is impossible to be free from consciousness, for it is impossible for any thought to arise without it. One must analyze himself and see that whenever there is it waking experience, there must be that formless witness which is aware of it. When one sees this, he knows the consciousness the innermost self. Analyzing formless witness (soul or consciousness) and witnessed (mind or universe) is so fundamental and so difficult.

People wrongly think that the ego is the Witness, even though the ego vanishes along with waking or dream.

When one inquire deeply enough the ego disappears one  find there are no separate individuals at all, there is no variety of beings, all are really the undivided consciousness, which is the innermost self.

The birth, life, death and the world are mere appearance. Their reality is limited to the illusory waking experience alone.   That to which birth, life and death cannot be applied is the formless witness. It is the only thing known that does not vanish, because it is “the unborn.” But as everything that is seen and everything that is known within the waking or dream, is also consciousness, the innermost self. Thus the formless witness and the witnessed (mind or universe) are one in essence.

Therefore all things are really unborn, uncreated because they are mere created out of unborn material.

Seeker has to Look within, think deeply, and he finds that the consciousness, the knower is really the innermost self, and that what one regard as his self is ultimately the unborn witness.

That which blocks the way of acceptance of non-dualistic truth even the most thinkers is the ego. If thinkers realize the fact that ,  their  body, ego and their experience of the  world are created out of  single stuff than  it is possible for them to   grasp the non-dualistic truth  in lesser time and effort .

The main reason why egocentricity prevents such understanding is that it causes a person to be strongly attached in the belief that consciousness is the support of the individual.

People who talk of ultimate truth based on the bookish knowledge are not Gnanis.

Pursuit of truth begins with inquiring into the mind, which is in the form of universe. The ultimate truth has to be proved, not assumed. People who talk of ultimate truth based on the bookish knowledge  are not Gnanis.

Understanding based upon the egocentricity distorted by ignorance is not ultimate truth or Brahman.  For realization of ultimate truth, objectified consciousness which is full of emotional fervor is not suitable. By emotionality belongs to individuality. And individuality makes one in immerse in sentimentality and attachment that is full of craving. Even though one has urge to know the truth he will not be able to focus his attention on his pursuit of truth. 

Many pundits and so-called gurus will preach that all is yourself, but none of them can show that this is so, none have analyzed it scientifically, none can prove it because they are not verified the validity  of their accumulated knowledge.

 Rational proof is necessary, so that one arrive at knowing truth i.e. Gnana or non-dual wisdom.  Many have inherited mere dogma, parrotism from their teacher or gurus and   what they read in scripture.  Authoritarianism merely assumes as true what another says, but what has yet to be proved.

Wisdom is the direct means to the attainment of self -realization, it is necessary to keep in mind the means-end relation. The tool that one chooses must be suitable and appropriate to the end, which he wants to attain. It is not the case that through any tool any end can be attained. On the contrary, what tools has to be chosen and how far it is relevant and appropriate to the end we have in view, must be considered from the point of view of the nature of the end which is to be attained.

 The tool must be warranted by the end. In other words, the choice of the tool as well as its suitability and appropriateness is determined by the end. This point must be borne in mind in understanding and assimilation of non-dual or Advaitic  truth.

Mistaking one thing for another or superimposing the attributes of one thing on another is due to ignorance. Not knowing the real nature of the Self which is non-dual, which is existence, knowledge and infinitude, which is free from attributes, which is free from activity, which is neither an agent nor an enjoyer, the ignorance is superimposed on it. 

The ignorance is cause of experiencing the illusion as reality.  Ignorance is the root cause of our bondage. So in order to put an end to our bondage and attain liberation from experiencing the illusion as reality, ignorance which is the root cause has to be destroyed; and ignorance can be destroyed only by attaining the self-knowledge, discriminating it from the illusion. Wisdom is the means by which Self -Realization is desired to be attained. Self-realization is the highest end of man since it destroys the root of the ignorance, the cause of the entire universe.  

Through deeper self-search one has to eradicate the foundational ignorance, Self -Knowledge alone is the means to the attainment of liberation from illusion. Only Self -knowledge destroys the ignorance.


The ‘I’ disappears as deep sleep, so what is the use of being attached to it? It is impermanent and illusory.

There is really no ‘I’ which in the form of mind. And mind is in the form of universe. And universe   appears as waking or dream. The ‘I’ or mind or universe or waking or dream dies disappears as deep sleep.  Thus one that appears as ‘I’ or mind or universe or waking or dream is consciousness and it disappears as deep sleep is also consciousness.  In deep sleep it is in its formless nondual true nature.  The one, which witnesses the coming and going of the three states, is also consciousness.   Thus the witness and witnessed are one in essence.    

Thus the    universe is reality on the base of individuality and universe is unreal on the base of the consciousness, which is the innermost self. The seeker gradually will grasp and realize the unreal nature of the universe or mind. Individuality is illusory because the self is not an individual because self is formless and it pervades in everything and everywhere in all the three states. .

Dualists’ sages have written big volumes about the soul. Yet they are quite ignorant of the fact that the ‘I’ about which they write itself comes and goes and has no permanent existence, is only an idea after all.

Evolution theory deals only with matter

Evolution theory deals only with matter. One material form changes into another. Spiritual evolution deals with the Spirit or Soul. But nobody has seen the Spirit or Soul. 

It is an imagination based on the ego(waking entity), which is the false self within the false experience. One cannot distinguish the Soul from the body. 

Man + world = mind. the mind is present in the form of matter.  thus the whole universe is matter. the matter is created out of spirit. on the nondualistic perspective, the universe is merely an illusion. it means the matter is mere illusion. 

It is impossible to show where consciousness starts in the universe because it pervades in everything and everywhere in the universe. Since the universe (matter)  is created out of consciousness the universe (matter) is a consciousness that means everything that exists as the matter is consciousness thus matter is consciousness.  Thus the matter is consciousness. Therefore, no second thing exist other than consciousness because matter also is consciousness.  Thus consciousness is the ultimate truth or Brahman.  Thus from the ultimate standpoint, there is no evolution because no second thing exists other than formless consciousness. Thus the spiritual evolution is mere theory based on the false self (waking entity or ego) within the false experience(waking).

Thus evolution theory based on the false self (ego) and false experience (universe or waking)   is part of the illusion.

Intellectuality can never get at ultimate truth that way because it leads to endless thoughts. It is because intellectuals ignore the existence of the formless witness. Till they become aware of the existence of the formless witness of the three states it is difficult to find the ultimate reality.  There is no need to give up intellectual investigations into objects; they are useful empirically, but only that one should not delude himself that all theoretical paths are the correct path to final reality.

The dream body and the dream world were within the dream. Same way the waking body and the waking world are within the waking experience.

Deeper iself-search  the fact that, the self is not the waking entity. If waking entity  is not the self then what is self  that witnesses these three states without the waking entity? 

The dream is witnessed as a whole without the physical apparatus.  Same way the waking experience also is witnessed  as whole by the same witness, which witnessed the dream as a whole.

The dream body and the dream world were within the dream. Same way the waking body and the waking world are within the waking experience. The formless witness, which is aware of the three states, is within the three states, but it is without the three states. 

The self  is within the three states, as their formless substance. It is without three states as their formless witness.  The witness is apart from the three states, because it is formless, therefore it is not an entity or identity within the waking and dream.  

The formless witness has to be grasped mentally to realize the fact that, the formless witness alone is real and eternal, and all the three states, which come and go, are mere mirage created out of the formless witness, which is in the form of consciousness. 

Deeper self-search  is very much necessary to understand and assimilate the Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana. 

Even though the self is something other than this waking entity (ego), the majority people still identify themselves with it.  The main reason people identify their-self with the waking entity (ego) is their ignorance of the Real Self.

Whosoever identifies his- self with this bundle of bones and flesh are caught up in the grip of duality. Now the question arises: If self is not this waking entity, then what is that self? The real self is not the waking entity but the formless soul, which witnesses the waking entity and waking world together.

The scriptures declare that self is the soul, the innermost self. The soul is present in the form of consciousness or Spirit —the three states are mere a mirage created out of the consciousness.  That's all.

The three states are is temporary, while the soul, the innermost Self is immortal Therefore, this  waking entity and waking experience is  false (impermanent), and the  Soul , the innermost Self is True (permanent).

The ultimate goal of human existence is to become re-established in reality of his true existence through Self-realization.  Self-knowledge of Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana makes one realize the form, time and space are one in essence. That essence is the soul or consciousness.  Realizing the essence, which the soul or consciousness leads one to nondual self- Awareness.  In self-awareness there is only oneness in the midst of duality.

Only Self -knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana destroys the ignorance.

Sage Sri Sankara, indicated  in Bhaja Govindam says: - [Jnana Viheena Sarva Mathena Bajathi na Muktim janma Shatena] - one without knowledge does not obtain liberation even in a hundred births, no matter which religious faith he follows.

Then it is no use going roundabout way, trace the Brahman which is the formless substance and witness of the universe, which is in the form of mind.  By tracing the source of the mind or universe one will be able to realize the Brahman.

Thus, self-knowledge is meant only for those who have intense urge, and courage to accept the truth with humility and reject the untruth. Since people start comparing with their scriptural knowledge, it becomes impossible to assimilate and realize the non-dual truth.   Therefore, there is no need to convince anyone other than our own-selves to get the firm conviction. 

So they clearly indicate rituals and theories are not meant for those who are searching for the higher knowledge or wisdom.   The path of wisdom is the only means.  

Self -knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana is the direct means to the attainment of self -realization, it is necessary to keep in mind the means-end relation. The tool that one chooses must be suitable and appropriate to the end, which he wants to attain. It is not the case that through any tool any end can be attained. On the contrary, what tools has to be chosen and how far it is relevant and appropriate to the end we have in view, must be considered from the point of view of the nature of the end which is to be attained.

The tool must be warranted by the end. In other words, the choice of the tool as well as its suitability and appropriateness is determined by the end. This point must be borne in mind in understanding and assimilation of non-dual truth 

Mistaking one thing for another or superimposing the attributes of one thing on another is due to ignorance. Not knowing the real nature of the Self which is non-dual, which is existence, knowledge and infinitude, which is free from attributes, which is free from activity, which is neither an agent nor an enjoyer, the ignorance is superimposed on it. 

The ignorance is cause of experiencing the illusion as reality.  Ignorance is the root cause of our bondage. So in order to put an end to our bondage and attain liberation from experiencing the illusion as reality, ignorance which is the root cause has to be destroyed; and ignorance can be destroyed only by attaining the self-knowledge, discriminating it from the illusion. Wisdom is the means by which Self -Realization is desired to be attained. Self-realization is the highest end of man since it destroys the root of the ignorance, the cause of the entire universe.  

Through deeper self-search one has to eradicate the foundational ignorance, Self -Knowledge alone is the means to the attainment of liberation from illusion. Only Self -knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana   destroys the ignorance.

Ashtavakra says:- "This is your bondage, that you practice Samadhi.

Ashtavakra says:-  "This is your bondage, that you practice Samadhi.

Yoga is practiced on the base of physical body. When the yogi sits down to meditate, he is thinking first of his posture, i.e. his body; next he tries to get rid of his thoughts," i.e. he is already thinking of those thoughts. Thus his mind is filled with body and the thoughts (ego) , never of the formless witness.

When one puts aside the imagination and has the thinker-- what does he get with thinking—he can get only a thought. Meditation is only an effort of the ego within the illusion; it is imagination based on the false self; the consciousness remaining the same with or without ideas.

When formless witness witnesses the waking experience and its attention is fixed to the waking experience, which is an object to it, than it is in ignorance of its formless non-dual true nature and it is in forgetfulness of its own formless non-dual true nature. Same thing is applied to the dream. But when formless witness is free from waking and dream it is in its formless non-dual true nature, which identified as deep sleep in the waking experience, which is the state of ignorance.   Until waking entity traces the formless witness mentally and realizes it itself is not the self but the formless witness, which is in the form of consciousness is the true self, the wisdom will not dawn.   

When one is absorbed in thinking of anything, he forgets the subject, which consciousness the innermost self, that which witnesses all the coming and going of the three states in succession. 

One may think for hundred hours continuously but it is all thoughts, hence not consciousness. But when one becomes aware the thinker of the thoughts are one is essence, one do get consciousness, the knower, the formless witness of the three states. Consciousness the innermost self is the eternal.

One has to get rid of his doubts, But that did not mean, simply go and believe everything he is told. The doubt is to be got rid of "by the sword of wisdom.  

There is a controversy as to the meaning of Maya.

One Advaitic School says it is a Shakti of Brahman whereby both illusion and creation are brought about. But doubt arises-

v  How does one know that it is the truth?

v  If one bases it on the sayings of ancient sages   even, granting that they honestly believed in their experiences, there is still the query how do they know that these experiences were the truth?

For even mentally challenged believe in what they see and feel and yet their experiences are often quite untrue.

v  What is it that ascertains the truth of these experiences within us?

If one says it is mystic experience, then everyone’s experience differs from others.  Such disagreement does not settle the matter.

Objective knowledge arises from experience of object by a subject; that all knowledge of objects will only lead to more thinking but never give one ultimate truth or Brahman. Intellectuals think by thinking more and get more and still more objective experience and then when we have enough we may get reality.

The truth can never change. The nature of truth is, it can never be changed under any circumstances. It may be misrepresented. It must apply to the whole of existence, to the whole of the universe. It is in the object (three states) alone that one has all changes, as deeper analysis points out.

 The subject (formless witness) remains unchanged. The subject (formless witness), as such remains immortal. It can never die for it never changes. The body and world are an object, and goes, but the subject or knower of the body and the universe, can never go. Seeker has to take this principle as his guiding thread and non-dual truth becomes easy to grasp. The formless witness can never be subject to the changes of the object; it is unchanged. The mistake usually made is that subject becomes object, or that object is subject.

If one wants to have absence of contradictions, absence of duality, there must be one entity, one being. If one has experience which is an object (mind), there is contradiction between subject and object, for "mind” is an object.

The duality is reality on the standpoint of the false self (ego or body as Self).  The duality is mere mirage on the base of the true self, which is formless consciousness. This understanding comes only to the serious seeker, who has real urge to know the ultimate truth, which is beyond the all the teachings and teachers. There is neither teaching, nor teacher, nor student in the realm of truth.  

Different paths will not converge to the same Ultimate Reality because they are based on the false self. They are not the different stages in the same path. People fight about the differences and greatness of their chosen paths but only through wisdom one can realize the Ultimate Reality.

One has to have perfect understanding and march a head, surely and steadily, towards that Ultimate Reality, which is consciousness or Brahman or Christ or Buddha. One becomes limited to the concepts, names and forms within the waking or dream. Waking or dream originates from the soul.

The soul is the true self.  The soul is in the form of consciousness. Realizing the consciousness as the true self is truth realization. Consciousness is formless, limitless, permanent and unchanging, and by its nature non-dual and universal. The consciousness is the formless knower of the mirage (universe) which comes and goes.

Realize Brahman or ultimate truth here and now, in this very life, not in next life and in ii next world by realizing the fact that this life itself is illusion.  

There is no such thing as cause and effect.

Formless the witness does not produce the universe. There is no such thing as cause and effect. There is no production of the universe; there is no such thing as manifestation. “Ignorant think I am manifesting myself. But there is no appearance of reality. Everything is the same, it is one. Hence there can be no causality. This is the most difficult to grasp because of the egocentric outlook.

The experiences are constantly changing, waking becomes deep sleep and deep sleep becomes a dream and constant change is taking place in consciousness.  One thinks, he imagines that there is change going on, that there is a causal connection, but in reality, it is not so.  So many ramifications are involved in the seemingly simple thing called "cause" that eventually they extend over countless other things throughout the world until finally everything contained in the universe  is included; such is the interdependence of the universe. But this means the ultimate unity of the universe; thus no duality remains, therefore, no cause and effect.  

The cause and effect theory is based on the individuality. Without individuality, the cause and effect have no meaning. To explain the cause and effect one must be in the world and show something there. It is in the objective world. If God were the cause of anything he should be present in the world also.

The individual is within the world and the world appears as waking or dream and disappears as deep sleep. The formless witness of the three states is real.

They mean the body by “I", but it is the formless witness which is the real “self ". Theists dualist did not, or could not analyze further than ‘I’   on this point because they thought the ‘I’ without the body as the Self.

 He who knows the formless witness of the three states as the Self knows it is distinct from cause and effect. If one knows the meaning of causality, no karma will affect him. If one thinks that Self is untouched by cause and effect, then they don't affect him because he is not the self.

The Self is quite unconnected with causes and effects because it is the mother of all causes but it itself is uncaused. The waking entity has to be left behind; the soul is something unconnected with the waking entity and the waking world. Then the thought of cause and effect is left with the whole waking experience.

Cause and effect theory is a super-imposition imposed by theist sages in the past. Those who praise God for answering their prayers or who attribute to some yogi a benefit obtained through his blessings have been people ignorant that causation does not exist as they think it, but it is merely a  religious fable. Religious scholars deluded by the ego never want to accept other than what they know as truth.

All that Science has discovered only gives one an idea of something that is ever passing away; hence if scientists understand this and ask "Is there a Remnant, a Real?” they will come to non-dualistic truth through such soul-centric inquiry.

Everything in this universe will vanish as its formless substance.  Hence one ought not to get attached to the body and the world of the waking experience. Not only the individuals will change die, but all the contents of the universe within the waking experience will vanish as formless non-dual consciousness.  Thus one that becomes waking, dream and deep sleep is nothing but consciousness. Thus consciousness alone is real and three states are merely an illusion created out of consciousness.

The seeker has to start with matter (mind or universe) and spirit (soul or consciousness). He has to analyze three states and taking away from it all that is impermanent then he gets at formless witness or consciousness, which is the innermost self. Without consciousness, the three states cease to exist. The consciousness can exist with or without the three states. It remains without the waking or dream in deep sleep. 

The three states are an object to the formless subject which is consciousness. When seeker is able to make the distinction between formless witness (soul or innermost self) and witnessed (three states) he will understand that every living creature, even animals possess consciousness (formless witness). In this sense only, he will come to understand that consciousness is present everywhere, provided consciousness is taken to mean the consciousness(formless witness).