Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The illusions of dream disappear when waking takes place then they are seen to be unreal.

One cannot prove positively that consciousness(soul) has vanished in sleep. One can only show it negatively. For one cannot know the limits of consciousness(soul): one cannot posit where it starts, stops, vanishes etc. This is what intellectuals do not understand. The word consciousness includes non-dual states like sleep, whereas intellectuals use it only for states of duality(waking/dream). Intellectuals do not grasp that consciousness can remain without objects, as in sleep, and yet be conscious still; this is "content -less or experience -less consciousness." 

Dream shows that a second object can be present (duality) and yet one know later it was not really so. Similarly in waking one’s sense of duality is a delusion. 

They object that there is nothing in deep sleep. The term nothing indicates the existence of a thing to start with, therefore non-existence implies existence. Nothing must have a meaning, i.e. an experience and if one had not seen there was a waking world he could not negate it in sleep. Waking and sleep go together; one is not possible without the other.

One gets deep sleep even in the waking experience. It comes during interval between two experiences, when one goes and the other appears. Hence non-existence of consciousness in deep sleep is wrong. It is like the waves disappearing but their substance or essence, water, remains.

Because one is not aware of any other things in deep sleep, he has to admit that every idea both internal and external has merged into the soul during sleep as undifferentiated consciousness. 

Dream also is a waking experience to the dreamer.  When one gets up he has another waking experience. Strictly speaking, he has a succession of "waking experiences."

The illusions of dream disappear when waking takes place then they are seen to be unreal. Similarly the illusions of waking also disappear when the non dual wisdom dawns and it is seen as equally unreal. The objects, persons, and talks of both experiences are all illusion. The next step is to know the nature of all these experiences are only the mental. All names and forms are imaginary, but Atman(soul) the true self always there, whether one sees them or not. 

One imagines the waking world and then imagines the dream world and then proceeds to find the former as the cause of the latter. This is mere delusion. Dream experience also appeared spontaneously, same way as waking experience.

Those few who never dream cannot apply the spiritualistic analogous to it, nor the Gnani-test of feeling himself the All in dream! However this does not matter, for they can still apply the latter test to waking only but they are unfortunate in missing the former illustration; this will not prevent realization through. 

The three states come and go, impermanent and therefore have no value from the standpoint of the formless witness, all yogic visions and astral travel  likewise come and go, and are valueless.

They are but illusion, as the light seen by yogis and mystics, and the astral world experience quite genuine but of no value on the standpoint of truth.

Only in the ignorance of the true self, the birth, life and death, the pain and pleasure are experienced as reality.

Most of the authors  of non-duality books are imagining  on non-duality on the base of the ancient eastern teachings.  They are only playing with words.  Many group discussion forums on the non- duality is conservative and formed to market the books of the authors. Self-Knowledge  or  Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana is not marketable commodity.   
Until and unless there is humility to verify the validity of their accepted truth themselves, they will remain in the clutch of ego, misguiding the fellow seekers in the name guidance.
People think the religious, yogic and scriptural authority is proof.  But they are based on the physical self and physical self is false self, therefore they cannot be accepted as truth.  

 Not by intellectual   speculation but only by an awakening to the reality of his true existence he gets soul-centric vision. Soul, the innermost self’s nature is like state of deep sleep.
Deeper self-search reveals:
One may think if there is, only one self why one is in pain another is in pleasure, everyone should have the same experience. The individual experience is a happening within the waking experience.  The formless  soul ,which is present in the form of  consciousness is the innermost self  the innermost, witnesses the waking or dream as a whole. The individuality has no meaning because the waking itself is mere mirage on the standpoint of the formless  soul , the innermost  self.  
The whole waking experience is a parallel dream.  Whatever happening within the Waking experience is as unreal as dream. Until and unless the formless witness of the three states is traced mentally, the experience of duality will remain as reality.
Once seeker becomes aware of the fact that,  the formless substance and witness of the three states is soul or spirit and realizes the experience of duality(waking)  is a mere mirage created out of the  consciousness(soul), then the reality of the duality (mind) gradually start subsiding.
That is the Seeker becomes fully aware of fact that, consciousness is the formless witness of the three state.  the formless substance of the three states itself is the witness of the three states. Therefore, the witness and the witnessed are one in essence.
 Whatever experience experienced within the Waking or dream is only illusion created out of consciousness. Only in the ignorance   the experience  of  birth, life , death and  the world  are experienced as reality. When the waking itself is unreal what value they have in the realm of truth.
Since, the individual is ignorant of the formless substance and witness of the three states, which is the soul; he is bound to believe in the birth, life and death as reality. Once he realizes the self is not physical then  he will realize whatever he knows, seen, believed accumulated and experienced as a person is part of the illusion because the here states are unreal on the standpoint of the soul, which is the true self.
The separation is felt within the Waking experience between one another and the world. There is no division is possible in the non-dual true nature of the soul( self spirit). When this is realized, there is no second thing other then spirit(soul or  consciousness or self).
Even in dream experience, there are millions of people and the dream world or cosmos, but they existed within the dream. The dream remains as reality until the Waking takes place. Same thing is applicable to Waking experience also.  When the formless witness wakes up in its formless non-dual true nature, then the Waking experience is bound to be unreal.
The confusion and doubts exist until the whole thing is viewed on the standpoint of physical self/ego and holding Waking experience as reality.
Whatever objects, forms, and life is created and bifurcated by naming them with in these states of duality are created out of one and only material that is Spirit( consciousness or Soul or Self). Realizing the fact that, there is no second thing other then the spirit or soul in  the midst of waking (duality) will unfold the mystery of the mind or universe).
v  When man is within the waking or dream who or what    sees in waking dream experiences as whole?
v  When ‘self is’ is not the physical then what witnesses three states?
v  The whole cosmos, objects and persons are contained within the waking or dream experience then what is it that is aware of the waking and dream?
v  What is it that is aware of the deep sleep where there is no duality?
When one verifies the fact through deeper self-search he becomes aware of the fact that, that the all the three states are illusory in their nature. They remain as reality until one thinks one is born in this world and living in this world and dies in this world.  Even in the dream the dream entity is bases itself as self.     If one does not base on its birth then there is no duality only reality.
 When one becomes aware of the fact that, the self is not physical, but it is the formless soul ( consciousness), he learns to judge truth on the base of the  formless soul, and realizes the fact that, the experience of duality is mere mirage.  Thus the duality has no value because it is created out of the consciousness. In reality there is only non- duality.
The experience of duality is non-existent in reality. If everything is viewed and judged on the base of physical self   then the ignorance prevails.
If one experiences that he was Alexander conquering another country in a dream, it is only soul or spirit is appearing as the dream experience of Alexander and another country. Therefore, Alexander and the country are created out of one and only material that is soul or spirit. Therefore, whatever one experienced in waking or dream is created out of single stuff (soul or spirit or consciousness).
Whatever experience within the Waking or dream is illusion created out of the soul or consciousness or spirit. Therefore, it is very much necessary to realize the fact that, physical self and the world are reality within the waking or dream. Once the formless witness of the three states is traced and realized as the innermost  self, then the ignorance vanishes and the birth, life ,death and world  becomes part and parcel of the mirage. Non-dual wisdom dawns  when one learns to view and judge  the worldview on the base of the soul as self.

On the standpoint of the physical self the three states appears to exist as reality.

On the standpoint of the soul or consciousness, the innermost self,  the three states are non-existent.  On the standpoint of the physical self the three states appears to exist as reality.
It is erroneous to view and judge the truth on the standpoint of creator or god without verifying the fact ‘Self’ is not physical but it is the formless soul.  It is impossible to assimilate truth on the base of  ego(waking entity),which is false self within the false experience(waking).
 people are having the strong conviction of their birth, life, death and the world and  they are ignorant about the fact that, the experience of  the birth, life, death  and the world are reality within the Waking experience.

 All the individual   experiences happenings within the waking experience are only illusion because the Waking experience itself is illusion.  Therefore, there is need to trace the formless substance and witness of the illusion to grasp and realize the non-dualistic or Advaitic   truth.
There is no second thing other then soul(consciousness) because all the three states are created, witnessed and subsides as consciousness( Soul  or Spirit). Constant reflecting on the witness if the three states the seeker  will be able to assimilate and grasp the knowledge of the soul, the innermost self.
Whatever position, power, pleasure and wealth one may possess within the Waking experience is only an illusion. Same way whatever pain and suffering and misery one has in waking experience also illusion.
When the waking or dream subsides as deep sleep, then the duality vanishes. Therefore, the formless substance of the waking experience and deep sleeps is one in essence.  By discovering and realizing that formless substance and witness –the duality will not remain as reality.
Absent of duality  is absent of experience.  Absent of experience is  absent of illusion. The illusion is present when the there is experience. When there is experience then there is   ignorance. When there is ignorance then there is duality. When there is duality then the birth, life, death and the world  becomes reality.
All the individual experiences are possible only within the waking experience. One has to become aware of the fact that, the three states are not the experience of the  waking entity or ego   but of the  formless soul, which is present in the form of consciousness.  Consciousness is the formless substance and witness of the three states.

 When  one becomes aware of the fact that the self is neither the waking entity nor the self is dream entity but the self is formless soul or consciousness and when this  conviction becomes firm then he will be able to mentally  rectify his reasoning base from form to formless. 

When one establishes on the formless base then gradually the sense of reality of   experience of duality starts receding. The person and world co- exist within the waking or dream experience. 

Absent of mind is present of the formless soul because without the soul consciousness  the mind  or universe is non-existent. The mind, which rises and subsides as waking and dream, cannot be real. It is totally illusory. Therefore, the formless source where the mind rises and subsides itself is the self. 

When the source is formless then the diversity, which rises and subsides is also created out of formless stuff. Therefore, realizing the fact that, the experience  of  birth, life, death  and the world are within the mind. Mind  are mere illusion created out of single stuff. The stuff is the soul or consciousness.  Realizing the fact that, formless soul or consciousness  is the innermost self and all else other then the soul or consciousness mere mirage  is truth realization.   
Religion is not based on the spirit or soul, but it is based on the physical self. Therefore, religion is based on the birth, life, death and the world  not the truth.    Spirituality is  based on the formless soul or consciousness . 

Religion and its conceptual gods and scriptures are not necessary  in pursuit of truth because all of them are based on the physical self or ego.  All the physical based philosophies and theories, paths and yogic practices or logical and intellectual conclusion will not  help to unfold the truth,which is beyond form,time and space.

The waking world is unreal on the standpoint of the soul/true self.

One need not doubt that mystic or yogi sees god in his vision. That he saw visions may he an undeniable fact. But the question is “Was what he saw as vision is the Truth?" In dream one sees himself as a king but dream becomes unreal when waking takes place. When waking becomes unreal when wisdom dawns, then what value the vision has which is based on the waking entity, when the waking entity and the waking world is unreal on the standpoint of the soul or consciousness , the innermost  self.
To speak of seeking God is as meaningless and it is only a hollow word based on speculation or imagination.  Yogis talk of universal consciousness. How do they know it in this iron post, or in that stone? Mere guess and they are speculating on the base of their gurus teaching. Speculating is mere assuming and assumption is not truth.    Those who speak of developing God-Consciousness are meaningless, because they merely find their own idea of hallucination of God. They do not know what God is. 

It is impossible to prove the existence of God by any reasoning: one can only believe or assume. Religionists see visions of gods and goddesses and adepts according to their own impressions remaining unconsciously in the mind from the inherited conditioning. This entire concept based confusion and doubts are present only until the ignorance is there. Once one discovers the fact that, the self is not physical but it is the soul/spirit then there is no scope for duality, which he experienced as reality.

No one has seen God or world in deep sleep. One does not know gods capacities, what god can do? and, what god cannot do in deep sleep? Therefore, any statement one might make about God can be made only in the waking experience [illusion]. Seeker of truth should not accept anything as truth until and unless he verifies and satisfies himself through deeper inquiry, analysis and reasoning. Belief of   the god is the part of the illusion; therefore, God is only a settled fact for believers.  However, for a Gnani gods existence is only part of the illusion. Gnani knows nothing other than consciousness(soul) can exists in the realm of truth.   

 Holy Korans Insight: - ANAL HAQ –( I AM THE TRUTH) spiritually it means -- Self(soul) is the truth. 

GITA: Ahum Brahmsmi (I AM BRAHMAN) – spiritually it means –Self (soul) is ultimate truth. 

Sri,Sankara :- Atman is Brahman – Soul is ultimate truth.  Therefore, all the foundation of the religion is based on truth (non-duality) but their practice is based on untruth (duality).    

When the experience itself is illusion, whatever, they experienced on the base of false self, within the false experience is bound to be falsehood.  How do the mystics or yogis know they have experienced the whole, when they themselves exist within the whole? There is the proof they have seen it? When they say, "I know from experience" they merely mean, "I think so." In realm of truth the man and his experience of the world are mere illusion created out of the soul/consciousness. Moreover, the physical entity is not the witness. The one, which sees the illusion (physical entity and world together) as a whole, is formless. Thus, there is no physical apparatus to experience the bliss or any sort of experience. 

If mystics experiences bliss, they cannot be waking or dreamless, for who is having the bliss? Moreover, if they retain the waking or dream they cannot know the Ultimate truth, the whole. Whatever they experienced as reality only in illusion and illusion is myth. Whatever, prevails without the illusion/myth is ultimate reality.  

How the mystic knows, that God who tells about himself in meditation is truthful! He may be telling a lie or he is in hallucination! His claim has to be verified because in reality, there is no scope for duality. Since his own existence as a person is part of the illusion. Therefore, without verifying validity of his own existence, what value is there for the claim made on the base of illusory entity within the illusion?

Supposing a mystic has a vision or experience is true, but he must prove that it is really, what it purports to be, and that he is not deluded. For that, one must analyze it on the standpoint of the soul/true self to unfold the truth.  All the vision and experiences is an object to the soul. Appearances and quotations have nothing to do in pursuit of truth.

Truth seekers should not start his quest with idea of God.

Quotation and authority  from others on non-duality  should come only after  verified and convinced by use of reason based on facts, and then only may he  can quote quotations in order to show that others have reached the same conclusion and it is universally applicable without any contradiction. But when people quote very extensively it is because of their inferiority complex.
One must  indulge in deeper self-search to "grasp the truth and not merely repeat the words of great thinkers.
How do I know what they says is the truth? This question must come to seeker whenever one reads or here from  quoted of the   great philosophers or thinkers.
Some thinkers say that truth is known only by intuition. This is wrong because it is known by  soul-centric Reason.
It is impossible to know what one has seen by the intuition which he praise as the highest faculty, is truth.
All the doubts get cleared, that is   the doubts on every question by soul-centric  reason . the non-dual destination cannot   be  reached if  one has not begun by having doubts and asking questions and demanding proofs.  Only by soul-centric  reason based on soul as self, all the doubts and confusion gets cleared.
To overcome doubt by the sword of non-dual wisdom, it does not mean that one should give up his doubt, but that he should keep on thinking about his doubts until they are solved through deeper reasoning; that he should not stop until ultimate end  is reached.
Ultimate truth is the enemy, of yogis, mystics and religious gurus because it pries into the truth, the source and the validity of the knowledge they claim to have. Therefore, it is the most difficult part of the pursuit of truth.
The ‘ego’ is supreme in every human being, and lies at the bottom of all their ignorance, mistakes and misunderstanding. Everyone thinks "He knows".  But he knows only what he believes from his inheritance and his accumulated knowledge, which he accepted as truth. But he is unaware whether what he accepted as truth is truth or not.
People think they   know the ultimate truth because it is their experience." None stops to doubt or to understand, or to inquire as to what is a fact, or what is the definition of experience. Only the dullards takes the simplest path, that of the uninquiring mind, because the other way, the search for truth, is hard and difficult and laborious.
 The path to the unrevealed is steady and slow, and it is difficult tread the path for those who base themselves on the waking entity or ego  . But for whom ultimate truth is the supreme goal, for those who become aware of the fact that, the soul is the true self    for them   the cycle of birth, life and death world becomes mere mirage.
People have got sheepish mentality, and accept statements as merely because they are uttered by god men or their guru. They are not receptive to Self-Knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana .
In the confusing multiplicity of doctrines, each has its own theory, one does not have time to think and inquire if it be true. Yet doubt is the fist step to knowledge for the thoughtful. Seeker of truth should never be satisfied with mere skepticism, have the hope that his doubt will be solved, and move forward.  Reason based on the soul as self tells one what is real and what is unreal, what should be followed and what let alone.
Seeker should pursue this quest until his questions will be answered, until his obstacles in assimilating the truth will vanishes and his doubts will be solved.
Truth seekers should not start his quest with idea of God. They do not know whether there is God or not. There is no proof. If anyone mentions God then they must prove his existence.  They simply assume the existence of God on their inherited belief.

The meaning of life

Deeper self-search revels the fact that, the self is  neither the waking entity nor dream entity but the self is  formless soul  or consciousness, which witnesses the coming and going of the three state.   Therefore, there is no use of finding meaning of   life because the  birth,life and death takes place within the waking experience itself is mere illusion on the standpoint of the soul or consciousness, the innermost  self.

People are trying to find out the meaning of living, by giving an intellectual significance to it, but when they go deeper in to the source of their experience ,  they will become aware of the fact  the life seems to have some  meaning only on the base of  the  ego or waking entity . When one becomes aware of the fact that, the physical existence(waking)  is mere illusion on the standpoint of the soul, which is the true self, then the life is meaningless.  Thus birth, life, death and the world are mere mirage created out of the soul, which is in the form of consciousness. The whole experience of the dream is created out of the soul; likewise the whole waking experience is created out of the spirit.    

Al this has to be examined through deeper self-search. One has to realize the fact that, the birth, life, death and world are part and parcel of the illusion. Therefore, finding the meaning of illusion thinking it as reality will leads only towards hallucination. Therefore, instead of searching meaning of life,  one has to find the source of the mind,  to unfold the mystery of the duality.   

People think living is complete, total affection, compassion, tenderness and love. But all these are reality on the physical self within the illusion.  One has also to realize the birth, life, death and the world are mere illusion on the standpoint of the soul  or consciousness, the innermost self.

The birth, life and death are division created in consciousness. Any division within the consciousness is bound to be illusion. One shall not be able to understand this because he bases himself on physical self. To grasp and assimilate the non-dual truth one has to trace the formless substance and witness of the three states.

Intellectual speculation will not transport one towards the non-dualistic  destination.  As long as one has the conviction that he is an individual separate from the world, he will not be able to grasp the truth. The truth is not based on physical self, therefore speculating on the base of physical self will lead on toward hallucination.