Saturday, August 21, 2010

Illusion is that which appears as waking or dream and disappears as deep sleep.

The meaning of "Immortality is not physically living, but knowing the immortal self, which is the consciousness [soul], is our true identity." If one has to live perpetually he would eventually lament his lot amidst the troubles, terrorism, calamities of life, and pray for death to come: one will never find enduring satisfaction in any form of existence unless one knows the truth of life and of the nature of life.

When one observes deeply the plants, he finds it rejects oxygen he accepts and takes only the carbon which he rejects. Thus part of him passes into the plant. One eats plants and the latter passes into him. Thus one and the same substance circulates in different bodies or forms. It is impossible to say what his-self is and what is not, when everything is self, which is the consciousness.

One cannot say that nothing exists; merely because he says all is illusion. But the fact is non-existence cannot be understood without knowing the meaning of existence. It is impossible to say anything of non-existence and use meaning as well as sound.

One can only say a thing does not exist there or here. While one is actually seeing the world, it would be madness to deny its existence. Illusion does not mean that. One see change, i.e. ideas come and go; experience shows that one thing changes into another, only ignorant people say that anything can become non-existent; so the whole world must remain existent in some way or other and cannot totally disappear.

The insoluble gap which exists for science between the physical sensation and mental awareness of it disappears for the Gnani because on inquiry he finds that they never saw a physical sensation, it was really a mental sensation.

Nobody has any experience nor is there any illustration in this universe that the mortal ever becomes immortal. In pursuit of truth one has to adhere to common experience only. How can one understand the meaning of death unless he takes something in this universe! One has never seen the invisible consciousness[ soul]. All he can say is that he has seen mortality of everything in this world because everything is mortal and remains so. Take anything: it is subject to change and destruction. It cannot be shown that any object has changed its nature, once one really knows the nature of things. Nothing has really been changed.

The world scene is constantly changing. The stars, moon and everything changes. Because of ignorance one is not aware of the fact that, he and his experience of the world can exist only in waking/dream. The waking/dream come and goes, therefore they are impermanent in their nature. Thus contents of the waking/dream have to be impermanent in their nature.

What is the meaning of this change? People ignorantly attribute mysterious power to illusion, but it is simply change in its true meaning. Illusion is that which appears as waking or dream  and  disappears as  deep sleep.

People accept the fading of a flower without inquiry: only when he asks what has become of its vanished color he is asking the meaning of illusion. Where is the color which has faded from the flowers? Similarly with waking/dream experiences? Where is it is deep sleep or after death? This is the question of illusion.

If one says God has taken the dead, then he must show them as with Him. Who has seen that? Therefore it is a lie to say so: one must be truthful is a first condition in pursuit of truth, and not tell lies or imaginings which are the same as lies. Only when non dual wisdom dawns then one becomes aware what illusion is, where waking/dream go and what becomes of them.

At the first stage of human life, everyone is a realist

At the first stage of human life, everyone is a realist. One feels pain, and enjoys the pleasures of life and accepts its reality. The second stage is to inquire into the nature of one’s experience. Such inquiry leads to the discovery of its unreality. But people do not worry about truth? They do not want inquire. They want to find satisfaction in the physical world.

All the 24/7, if possible, seeker should be making inquiry. Every object one sees, seek to know the truth about it, not mere appearance to make sure the objective awareness is possible only in waking/dream. The waking/dream appear and disappear thus they are impermanent in their nature.

Millions of creature and animals and human beings suffer and die annually. Why! Where is the benevolent God in all this? What is its meaning? Only in pursuit of truth alone one gets replies satisfactorily.

The physical entity, world, Himalayan Mountains disappear along with waking and dream. Thus all form in the waking/dream dissolves as conciousness, which is the source of the waking/dream from where it has erupted.

Discrimination between Self [soul/consciousness] and Not-self [waking/dream] is the first step in pursuit of truth. Begin by analysing the physical body: the same applies to the universe.

The birth, life and death are part of the illusion. Thus until and unless and until one makes sure, on what standpoint the birth, life and death are illusion. Without analysing it one experiences duality as reality.

Until man thinks as a man, the duality will prevail as reality, and he is bound to believe the birth, life and death as reality. And he views and judges and concludes everything on the base of his birth entity, which is part of the illusion. Therefore there is a need to know the fact that, whether the physical body is the true self or the soul [consciousness] is the true self. If one proves the body is the true self, and then one can take the birth, life and death are reality. If physical body is not the self, then the birth, life and death are mere illusion. Thus one has to know, the one knower of the illusion [birth, life and death] to unfold the mystery of the existence. Searching for the knower mentally will lead one to realize the fact that the consciousness is the true self. And the consciousness is the formless substance and witness of the three states [illusion].

It is not only the physical body alone exists but the whole universe also exists together

It is not only the physical body alone exists but  the whole universe  also exists together. Science and religion bases their theory based on the birth, life and death; there is an unknown aspect. Thus they view and judge and conclude on base of waking entity. Thus the whole truth is not revealed. Even when all physical measurements are exhausted by the modern science there still remains the mysteries of mind and life-activity.

Science does not really know that the man can exist without the world or vice versa. Therefore the truth is one can never know the origin of the universe without knowing origin of the mind/’I’. Only suppose and guess work is not the truth. For practical purposes science is very useful for making the life easier, but in pursuit of truth for science is unjustifiable, because pursuit of truth is completely a mental journey beyond physicality.

The contradiction of universe as illusion is in thoughts and occurs when it is resolved into consciousness. Existence is meaningless without non-existence; hence one can neither say universe exists or not exists.

Our forefathers they are no more entities now. The ruined townships of the ancient world, if one carefully analyse, the world and persons of the past are now mere memories. Similarly one thinks he has the same physical body as yesterday but that is only his illusion, his imagination. Yesterday's body has disappeared already. If one sees anything it is bound to pass away.

How is it seen?

By the conciousness.

Therefore, consciousness alone produces ideas of world. Seeker has to realize the fact that, all things pass away, that just as dream world passes away, waking world also passes.

Sense knowledge is limited to the waking and dream

Sense knowledge is limited to the waking and dream. The true knowledge is that which powers the whole waking/dream.

The physical based knowledge cannot be the yardstick, since waking and dream are mere experience in which man and world exit. Thus nothing has to be accepted only after thorough investigations if the real truth about anything is desired. By "real" one means the truth in all its fullness, the truth of all the three states.

The ordinary man accepts his sense of knowledge without inquiry; without verification, therefore he has no right to regard his knowledge as true, because the sense derived from the senses is limited to duality, which is mere an experience. The experiencer [witness] is the consciousness.

One begins analysing the three states, which comes and goes in succession. One becomes fully aware the formless substance and witness which is the consciousness is unchanging and real.

Nothing lasts in the experience of duality. Thus the contents on the experience of duality [waking/dream] are unreal in nature because they do not last. The real is the formless witness [soul] of the three states which can never pass away. Truth is that which will remain until the end of time. It cannot change.

People who speak of the mind going out of the body and coming back; all this is dualistic theories based on the false self, without studying the nature of mind. Common sense says the mind is vast big it has no beginning or end. And mind is present only in waking/dream. Thus one can conclude the mind appears as waking or dream [form] and disappears as deep sleep [formless]. Thus man and his experience of the world together is mind.

Mind [‘I’] depends on consciousness for its existence. The mind [‘I’] comes and goes the consciousness remains eternally. The consciousness in illusion is called mind. The mind without illusion is called pure consciousness.

Until one limits the mind only to the physical entity and thinks ‘I’ is self, he will never be able to cross the field of duality.

The individual experiences within the experience of duality [waking/dream] are nothing to do with the pursuit of truth. Therefore viewing and judging on the base of birth, life and death is erroneous, because the birth entity is not the self. The true self is that, which witnesses the three states. It has to be grasped mentally, since it is not an entity or identity, but it is the formless substance of the three states.

The ignorance is deep rooted because all the three states are viewed and judged on the base of waking entity, which is present only in waking experience[illusion]. Thus the seeker has to trace the formless witness of the three states which comes and goes, in order to unfold the mystery of the mind [‘I’].

Seeker has to realize the fact that the three states are unreal and the formless substance witness of the three states, which is the soul, is the true self. And seeker has to constantly reflect on it for several days until he gets a firm conviction, before he proceeds further to higher understanding. This is the foundation which must be solid before the proceeding deeper in to pursuit of truth.

The analysis of ‘negating, through analysis of the dual [waking/dream] and non-dual [deep sleep] experiences of consciousness/soul.

Consciousness is unattainable to those who are not properly inquired

Consciousness is unattainable to those who are not properly inquired, analysed and reasoned on the base of the consciousness as self. One becomes aware of the changeable nature of' the experience of duality (diversity) in which man and the world exist. 

The experience of duality (waking) becomes non dual (deep sleep)and again becomes duality (dream) this process will go on until it remains as non-dual eternally (death). One has to know one which is aware of these dual and non-dual experiences. The dual (waking or dream) and non-dual (deep sleep) experiences are unreal, and one(witness)which is aware of these experiences which comes and goes is real. The witness is formless consciousness. And consciousness is apart from this experience, since all these experiences are an object to consciousness. Consciousness is within this experience as its formless substance and it is apart because it is not an entity or identity within these experiences. 

Seeker of truth should not waste time condemning the Vedas and other scriptures

Seeker of truth should not waste time condemning the Vedas and other scriptures and religion. They have their own value for those who are not seeking truth. Only he must make sure of the fact that they are not the means to Self-Knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana. Buddha rejected Vedas, religion, god glorification which he found an obstacle in pursuit of truth. Therefore, seeker of truth must keep it as his individual information and discuss about them only with like-minded fellow seekers.

What is reality? If it is a word it must have a meaning. Every meaning is merely a thought. Then if it is a fugitive thought it cannot be true reality. The thought arise only in duality. Duality exists only in waking/dream. Mind is mere mirage on the standpoint of consciousness as self. The consciousness is real and all else is mirage.

People do not understand what is real, because they take the experience of duality in which they and their experience of the world exists as reality. The man and his world is reality only within the experience of duality [mind/waking/dream]. The three states are unreal on the standpoint of the consciousness as self.

Seeker of truth must indulge with clear and definite ideas of duality and non-duality; otherwise he merely flounders.

The practical world is real, as realists believe, but the higher reality is that the man and practical world are reality within the waking/dream. The waking and dream are unreal and impermanent on the standpoint of the soul which is the formless substance and witness of the three states.

Intellectuals have not defined truth, they says that ultimate truth cannot be known. Without defining, they just fire away words. Hence they are in confused and contradictory outlook.

Universe is reality alone is based on the feeling of its reality: but one has a similar feeling in dream. Hence it is useless to go by feeling. One must first find a definition that will hold. But people won't define; they want to go by feeling alone.

Almost all spiritual books fail to define final essential truth, and through this failure, their efforts invariably end in missing the right path, just as a mariner without compass. This failure is due to the belief that final truth is unattainable.

When Gnani says that the Truth can be defined, people think he is insane and refuse to investigate, because they do not to accept anything then there accepted truth.

Inquiry, analysis and reasoning on the base of soul as self is most essential process of securing exactness and precision, i.e. correction in one’s thinking without which truth cannot be got.

One cannot properly understand a man's words unless he knows not only what he means but also what he does not mean. Similarly one cannot understand consciousness unless he first knows what it is not. If everything is black, and there were no other colors to distinguish it how could he know it existed? Similarly if everything is consciousness how can he know it unless he discovers its contraries and contradictories through deeper analysis? Intuition cannot ever do what only analysis of meaning can do. Every word and every thought must be examined.

The failure to determine the nature of truth and the consequent confusion of thought and word is responsible for the all religious differences and conflicts. If all sectarians had taken the trouble to define truth, they could not have adopted the attitude, "What they know or feel is truth."

People use the word God and everyone is charmed. But each will have his own idea of God. People are not aware of the fact that soul is true self. The consciousness is the true self is ultimate truth. The ultimate truth is god. The true nature of consciousness is the undivided and non-dual. Thus consciousness is the true god and it is formless and non-dual,

Consciousness is the true self is motionless, ancient, still, eternal, without attributes

Consciousness is the true self is motionless, ancient, still, eternal, without attributes, without confusions, without sheaths, without parts, without impurity, completely free from any illusion of duality, full, peerless, and the One.

One has to identity of the Self with the consciousness to acquire self-knowledge. That consciousness is not the body alone. Consciousness is the formless substance and witness of the mind, which is in the form of universe. Everything seen, known experienced is created out of consciousness. One has to reflect on the consciousness as self constantly until it establishes itself in its non-dual true nature.

In describing the consciousness, negation is primarily used because the consciousness can never be an object, can never be what is perceived or conceived. By negation in the process of –inquiry, analysis and reasoning on the true base, the ignorance of identifying one’s true existence with an individual body and universe is destroyed.

This “destruction” of ignorance is really not the destruction of anything real, as the false identification as an individual just consists of assumptions, ideas. What remains after this so-called destruction is not anything new. It is not something achieved. It is not a transformation. It is what has been your innermost identity all the time.

As all differences are an illusory appearance on consciousness, which is not different from the Self. Due to conditioning  or samskara of the Self like the defect of nescience /ignorance And conditioning or samskara  of consciousness like Illusion, delusion, One should realize, by a practice of negation, That all appearances are not a whit different from the substratum And one should cognize the origin-less, endless, Undivided identity of the Self which is consciousness.

Consciousness is all that exists. Nothing else exist other than consciousness. Consciousness is the self. Mind is the whole experience of diversity [waking or dream]. The mind is the mirage created out of consciousness. Becoming aware of the fact that, the consciousness is self is liberation. Consciousness is ultimate truth, which is attained by the way of knowledge.

Just as the scientist approaches objects, so must approach words and study their nature and meaning.

Just as the scientist approaches objects, so must approach words and study their nature and meaning. "Everything is name and form in experience of diversity. What does it mean by name? If there is no name and form then there is no division in consciousness. The enquiry into this single term constitutes a profound spiritualistic activity which the scriptural scholars always perform wrongly because they take the word superficially. 

People who talk of "spiritual life" use words without meaning. Human life is mere thinking, while 'spiritual' is as much thought as 'material' life. The yogi has the same life as others. Then again the spirit is a word, a thought nothing more. Therefore, one must be precise, exact and definite if he wants to know non dual truth. He must work his thinking faculty to see what he really understands by this term which he uses.

Seeker should not halt even for a minute to understand what he means by the words he uses. Everyone uses "real" without knowing what he is saying. To know what the word "pain one must contrast it with "pleasure. Without such contrast it is meaningless. Similarly there is no such thing as absolute. For one do not know what meaning it has. What is the characteristic of "reality?" common people takes what appears to them senses only as real.

People do not know the distinction between truth and reality. It is characteristic of the human mind; it is youth or primitivity, to use words without accurate meaning. The contrast of duality is non-duality. Non duality has to be grasped mentally thinking of contrast of duality.

Intellectuals often carried away by words when they write or speak. This sort of firing away mere words, sounds will not of any use in pursuit of truth. Every word must have a real defined meaning; seeker must think “what does this term denote and examine every term carefully on what context the world is used.

The knowledge of the Whole is required in pursuit of truth. Positivists confine themselves only to the experience of duality; therefore positivity is mere “view," or "opinion", certainly not belongs to field of non-dual truth.

Similarly the 'realists' talk of perceiving external reality only, but they have not inquired into the exact meaning of "perceive." They use the word without profound analysis of what they are talking about! Therefore realism is superficial and of little value from standpoint of non-dual Truth.

Philosophy in the world is slowly drifting to common sense, because it is slowly realizing the fact that it must get at the meaning of words, it must analyze them.

Materialistic people tell the seekers of truth be satisfied with practical life. Yet each man's idea of 'practical' differs according to his standpoint. So even there one is left in the air.

Prior predilections have no place in pursuit of truth

Prior predilections have no place in pursuit of truth, only in practical life. Seeker must drop them if non dual truth is to be found.

The pursuit of truth is a process of hard thinking, not of mere learning like scholarism. It is a mental journey and there is no physical effort. Seeker of truth has to be cautious in acceptance of doctrines, the doubt of conclusions that have been quickly arrived at, is not only a scientist's qualification but also of the seekers of truth.

History speaks that even scientific and verifiable facts have been criticized and ridiculed, how much more is this likely to happen with spiritualistic truth, since people are unable to understand and assimilate , because of their inherited conditioning which is based on the ‘I’ which is false self. This shown that the mass mindsets are ignorant and prejudiced and unable to appreciate truth.

Purifying the mind; this is the aim of yoga; what it really means is to purify the mind from all distracting factors. In this way yoga becomes an initiation into pursuit of truth, to stop the mind from running away after desires, troubles, etc. and thus enables it to concentrate in pursuit of truth to the bitter end.

People are tempted to use poetic or imaginative language when writing because this captures readers. Nevertheless when one wish to convey accurate truth he has to be absolutely precise for such imaginativeness leads to untruthfulness.

The emotion does not lead one to the right goal. The answer which comes from the judgment of reason based on soul as self should be followed, not the emotion itself. Courage is a quality needed by the seeker of truth because he must go to the very end of things.

The higher is the weighing faculty based on the soul as self which sums them up. This faculty is the spiritualistic. The fundamental principle of a complex is that it is unconscious. Hence if a man has a realist complex he may study non dual for many years and never grasp that waking is mere mirage.

If merely hearing or reading the truth were enough the whole universe would be Gnanis by now. It is not possible because they lack mental capacity due to inherited conditioning of weighing the truth on the base of the waking entity, which is limited to illusory waking experience alone.

The seeker must not make up his mind beforehand, or there will be no wisdom for him, because that idea which is constantly working in him without his knowledge.

How does one know what he knows is the truth?

Sage Sri, Sankara :- VC- 61. For one who has been bitten by the serpent of Ignorance, the only remedy is the knowledge of Brahman. Of what avail are the Vedas and (other) Scriptures, Mantras (sacred formulae) and medicines to such a one?

62. A disease does not leave off if one simply utter the name of the medicine, without taking it; (similarly) without direct realisation one cannot be liberated by the mere utterance of the word Brahman.

The seeker of truth read not to contradict and confute, nor to believe and take for granted, nor to find talk and discourse, but to weigh and consider and discover the truth by using his own reason.  The greatest and noblest pleasure which seeker can have is to discover new truths; and drop old prejudices and accumulated knowledge.

To understand and assimilate one needs spiritual language of silence; one must speak from the standpoint of the consciousness which the language of the soul – which is humility, intense urge of inner growth, listening and without arguing on some theoretical or some authority or some famous men‘s point of view.  

Dull intellects may need many years; sharp intellects may grasp non dual truth in lesser time.

The sense of ‘I’ prevents one from knowing the non-dual truth. When a man gives his opinion, he can at once see whether he is speaking from the plane of finite ego or of truth.

People are carried away by their emotion, and take what they like as Atman  Let a man, however foolish and ignorant he be, get this one idea, "I will not keep quiet until I know Truth." Then he will progress in his pursuit of truth.

No Gnani will ever say, "I know" or "I see". Only the fool or insane does so: it is one of the greatest weaknesses of the human mind that it says so, outside of the practical realm where it is quite alright.

It is by constant repetition of reading F.S messages and constant cultivation of weighing evidence on the base of soul as self has to be developed. Dogged perseverance is essential to understand the non-dual truth.

So long as one has differences or distinctions whether religious racial or otherwise, he has not reached his non dual destination. The presence of waking experience means the presence of ego.

The whole mind must get sharpened, not merely a part or fragment. This is very rare and why compartmentalism is so often found. Self-examination is the point. How does one know what he knows is the truth?

"It is this Supreme Oneness which alone is real, since there is nothing else but the Self. Verily, there remains no other independent entity in the state of realization of the highest Truth."

People think that, more they think, the more they will get; but it is really an error. It remains only a thought and gives them back only thoughts.  Anything seen, observed, cannot be the Self or the Witness. 

Consciousness (soul) is the substance and witness of the duality.  The duality is present in the form of mind. Mind is present in the form of universe. The universe appears as waking or dream and diapers as deep sleep. The one which is aware of the coming and going of the three states is neither the waking entity nor the dream entity but the formless soul, which is present in the form of consciousness.  When the soul becomes aware of its formless non-dual true nature in the midst of duality it is called self –awareness. It is foolish to limit the consciousness only to duality because the consciousness pervades all the three states 

People believe that teacher or mystic or priest has got so many followers and therefore there must be some truth in their teaching, is a common fallacy accepted by the mass due to their inherited conditioning. It proves only an ignorant can find a number of greater ignorant to follow him.

When the ultimate truth is rightly known and one attains eternal life thereby. Through soul, the innermost self he gains strength and through its knowledge immortality.

 Not by intellectual   speculation but only by an awakening to the reality of his true existence he gets soulcentric vision. Soul, the innermost self’s nature is like state of deep sleep.

Religion, yoga and intellectualism are not the means to acquire self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana.  Without getting rid of the ignorance and trying to get self-awareness through religion and yoga is like a sleeping man trying to know what he is about, without waking up. As sleep is to waking, so is ordinary life to the state of realization.

 It is necessary to repeating the same truth again and again till it becomes reality. One needs to constant reflect on the subject until he gets conviction of what is what. Words are needed until one gets firm conviction of ‘what is what’. People need reading and hearing the words to think deeply and reach the ultimate end.  

All prejudices must go.

Qualification for seeker after truth are:- 

1. Sound common sense which can distinguish between foolishness and wisdom. 

2. Balanced mind

3. Sharp reasoning.

By reflecting on the subject  repetedly  the understanding becomes clearer and easier. When the mind has purged itself of ignorance, i.e. become clearer through persistent reading of F.P & IP  blogs, and the truth will start revealing on its own when the mind gets matured enough and becomes receptive. 

Hearing means indirect cognition of witness from a teacher/guide. Direct knowledge means: By reason and inquiry and analysis one comes to have direct knowledge.

The awareness must itself be identical with Atman --i.e. that which is capable of knowing. The ego has also to be eliminated though when one is arguing and thinking the formless witness identifies itself with ego and its functions through it. "Whatever we know is the truth"-- this is the preconception which everybody has. The first thing in pursuit of truth is to make sure that what one knows is true.

In theology everyone is entitled to his own view, i.e. what he likes; but in pursuit of truth this is not permissible. That which dupes most of people is taking satisfaction for truth. Seeker has to be aware of that which satisfies his feelings. "Felt" experience is no guide to the highest, because one’s feeling may differ from others.

Truth must be independent of one’s self; it is not to be what pleases him: all prejudices must go.

Those who talk of "I feel so and so" provide psychological and not spiritualistic reasons. Devotees seek to know God, because they seek some benefit; seeker of truth seeks to know him in truth. Steadiness of mind depends upon what one is interested in. one’s mind can be steady only on what his mind is attached to.

Things and problems concerning truth appear simple at first, and hence ordinary people speak presumptuously and glibly about it. But when one inquire he find how little he know and that they are extraordinarily complex and he is obliged to go deeper and deeper into them.

One readily takes it for granted that both he and others knows what objects are or what the universe is because he has such immense conceit. Such an easy attitude arises because he does not know the complexity of these apparently simple matters, which in turn arises because of lack of inquiry and reasoning on the true base.

A person with emotion who changes from one path or school of thought to another, he looks for novelties that appear charming to him.

The ignorant thinks “Whatever agrees with his view point is truth, whatever disagrees is false.

The ignorant thinks “Whatever agrees with his view point  is truth, whatever disagrees is false. The sense “I” blocks him to get at truth. The sense of ‘I’ is standing in the way. Therefore, understanding “What is ‘I’ or mind?” is most important factor in pursuit of truth. 

Those who get disappointed with life take to yoga, but that does not qualify them for self-knowledge which requires a passion for non-dual truth, not merely disgust with world. Still latter is useful preliminary stage to get the mind free for inquiry, untroubled by attainments and desires which hamper clear calm unprejudiced investigation.

The’ I’ /mind must be understood, and then it becomes easier to assimilate self-knowledge. Without inquiry and reasoning on the true base one can’t get truth.

The object of yoga is to enable you to get free from attachment, to enable the mind to get concentrated: to get free from attachment means attachment to a second thing, and hence it is a discipline, training for spiritual journey.

The three types of people mentioned may also be divided as follows:

 Low: those governed by emotion alone.

 Middling: those governed by emotion and intellect mixed more or less equally.

 High: those whose emotions are governed by reason.

All interpretation of the world is according to the taste and capacity to understand and grasping power of the person. Hence to remove all bias and fallacies from the mind, to render it impartial, is most difficult part of the work for beginners in pursuit of truth.

Just as there are people who like a particular type of sweet, so there are others who like a particular kind of yoga or religion or philosophy. This is the basis on which they take up their attitude to life instead of un-preferentially seeking its truth.

When people do not understand or able to grasp non dual truth, they naturally dislike it. It is hard to grasp of course, but only psychological complexes cause people to use this difficulty as an unconscious excuse for dislike.

Unless one is prepared to devote sufficient time to pursuit of truth, it cannot be grasped. It is too subtle to yield to anything short of acute long-sustained thinking which is ever probing until it gets down to the last root of the matter. To get such amount of time it may be necessary to sacrifice watching T.V and giving up reading unwanted subjects and indulging in discussion other than non-dual truth.

Ignorance covers reality. So long as the 'I' remains delusion persists. No possibility of self-knowledge. Whilst the mind is restless and unsettled, it cannot grasp the non-dual truth.

Self-Knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana can be acquired by anyone

Self-Knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana  can be acquired  by anyone --be he criminal or a person from any walk of life -if he will only pursue it to the end, for he will rise by stages until he reaches the level of understanding non-causality, when the highest stage will open before him. Only his own dullness of intelligence can prevent him from attaining non dual wisdom.

The most advanced man is he who exercises his rational thinking when desires or attractions present themselves whereas the least advanced is unable or unwilling to distinguish between primitive desires which arise from his unconscious and the paths laid down for him by his reason.

One must give some time to reflection upon this inquiry, and if he cannot find the time, if his mind is too distracted by activities or worries then he must go to yoga or meditation and get peace alone.

For the seeker must direct the whole of his attention, his whole mind, to the subject of inquiry and reasoning on the true base. Discrimination means reasoning or inquiry.

Seeker of truth should not be disheartened, try over and over again. When he sees that authoritarianism does not give him truth, he goes further. He must have the determination to get at it. Experience tells him that every time he attempt, he progresses.

Non dual Truth may be as bitter as poison, but he must like it as nectar. Those who cannot do this are unfit for self-knowledge.

The right kind of seeker of truth will accept and search for truth whether it brings bitterness or sweetness, whatever it tastes like, for its own sake. He must be prepared to find God as impersonal, and to lose his own individuality for the sake of non-dual truth.

Unless the ego is understood properly one cannot know the truth

People get worried by many things; their   mind gets distracted, their family may trouble them. For such a people the practice of yoga will confer peace and thus provide useful preparation of mind, prior to taking up the course of thinking and reasoning which alone lead to truth. Yoga is helpful in preparation to pursuit of truth.

Only when the mind is made sharp as a razor then only it can grasp the non-dual truth. Inquiry and reasoning on the true base takes away all those things which are not truth, and, if the mind is sharp enough, eventually reveals truth. 

The ordinary people want this God or that, wants this belief or that, and thus renders themselves unfit for inquiry,analysis  and reasoning because they are prejudiced at the start. Therefore, they must get rid of these "wants" first. When they have done so, they are called level-headed. 

Yoga as a mind-levelling and conflict-removing tool should not be carried to excess; otherwise it will create new illusions and fancies and hallucinations. 

Seeker of truth has to develop an attitude of impartial cautious critical examination to be fit for pursuit of truth. 

The seeker must be level-headed before it can profitably understand the non-dual truth; otherwise its inquiries will turn into conflicts between ideas which please and ideas which are true. Yoga helps to remove of these conflicts of the novices.

Unless the ego is understood properly one cannot know the truth. The first condition required of' the seeker is to free himself from the grip of ego by understanding what is mind and what is the substance of the mind. Without understanding “what is mind”, the ego prevents the unity in experience of diversity. 

Those whose minds are worried or disturbed should not take up truth pursuit; they should first get some peace of mind through yoga or religion. 

There is no use of sense pleasures when their objects may disappear or die. It is better to possess ultimate truth which does not die. This seriousness about life the majority of people have not got. 

Unless seeker keeps out his likes and dislikes on the quest, he cannot know truth. "I like my body, therefore it must be real", "and I like my religion, and therefore it must be true", I like my god it must be true, “I like this world and therefore it must be real. But all his likes and dislikes are part of the mirage. When one says he like yoga it means he has an idea of yoga and therefore it is imagination, and will pass away because it is part of the waking  or dream which appear and disappear, not permanent. 

Those who are changeable by temperament, which flit from path to path, need to be free from conflict and uncertainty, they must try all the paths and practices, and realize the fact that they are inadequate and useless to quench their spiritual thirst, and then only they must take up pursuit of truth. 

The Seeker of truth has realized the fact that fear, spite, anger, blind credulity, is listed as obstacles to attaining Truth. The "I" is that which blocks a seekers way to realizing truth. It is first to come, but last to go. Those who accept as truth that which agrees with their feeling is thereby revealing that the ‘I’ is strongly there, so they are cheated and miss truth. The idea that the ego is separate is false and leads to delusion. Therefore seeker has to understand the fact that ‘I’/mind is not limited to the physical entity but to the whole waking/dream. 

Seeker should not be carried away by this and that, but think, look at the facts. Seeker has to pursue only non-dual truth for its own sake. F.S does want to induce the seekers by promising that if one gets truth, he will achieve bliss. Love of pleasure and worldly gain may outweigh love of truth if a seeker is a pretender, deceiving himself or others. His mind does not want to exert itself to get truth. 

The seeker after truth must be absolutely and imperiously truthful himself. That is why it is very difficult for diplomats and politicians to take up pursuit of truth, and truth must be supported by courage and steadfast endurance. 

The  Seekers  must be free mentally  for this higher quest. Suppose a friend has done one injury, he must not be constantly thinking about it or feel hostile to him every day. Better be forgiving and forget it, so that he may be undistracted to self-knowledge. Similarly if one is over-ambitious and discontented with his lot, his mind will be disturbed again, so be contented with what he has. 

Humility, having no prejudices, free from egoism, preconceptions or if one has them, one ought to forget them for the time being when he inquiries into truth. 

The intense concentration required to grasp the non-dual truth

The intense concentration required to grasp the non-dual truth.  graping faculty has to be   fine and "sharp as the razor's edge. He must be able to keep all other thoughts away in order to perceive the Non-dual truth. One has to be able to rise above emotions if he wants to find truth. It is emotion which leads to religion and mysticism.

The proper qualifications must be possessed by the seeker; otherwise he will not meet with success. He must be bent on truth, knowledge, the removal of ignorance rather than peace only, for instance, and if he dogmatizes then truth is unattainable, he is also unqualified, and if he is merely curious he is unfit.

The qualifications required of the seeker are discrimination between real and unreal: this is the faculty of reason based on the soul as self, which discriminates truth from falsehood. Reason is not intellect, which is based on the ‘I’ the physical self. Inquiry means enquiry into the reason of everything.

Calmness of mind, freedom from worries and yogic peace, are qualities of greatest help in quest of truth. But yogic calmness alone does not directly yield knowledge: it is not the end; the seeker must make use of his brains also.

The personal qualifications of an aspirant must be supplemented by this perfect guidance, (b) study of F.P Blogs (c) leisure to carry on these studies and to think about consciousness [soul] as self.

Intellectuals must give up their conceit and vanity and seek Truth. Seeker of truth has to pursue spiritualistic based on the soul as self and inquiry to the logical end, whether it yields satisfaction or not. At one stage of the quest of truth seeker should not give it up half-way. There can be no understanding of truth unless he is determined wholeheartedly to get at it.

Seeker of truth only wants one theory. That is, what is the meaning of the all the three states, which appear and disappear in succession, the truth regarding life and existence? He wants to know the truth eternal, because everything else is perishable including man and his universe. Therefore one has to think calmly and consider what it is that he wants from life.

Yoga is intended to remove conflicts which exist, out of the mind and to keep out conflicts, doubts and passions. It means keeping the mind always calm and alert. Yoga is a psychological training which helps the beginners in path of inquiry.

Benefit of yoga is to give freedom of mind from worries, anxiety and troubles so that in short, to give the mind peace, so that it may pursue the higher quest undisturbed and able understands and assimilate the non-dual truth.