Sunday, May 29, 2011

Duality exists until mind exists.

The ‘I’ or ‘I Am’ are mere words.  The reality is beyond thoughts and words. The words have meaning in duality. Duality exists until mind exists. Mind exists where there is division of form, time and space. If there is no division of form, time and space, than there is no mind. Words are used as a tool to name individual objects and feelings within the duality. The words become meaningless when one becomes aware of the formless substance of the mind, which is consciousness. Consciousness is our inner most self. From the standpoint of our inner most self, the mind is mere mirage. If mind is mere mirage then the form, time and space are mere mirage. If form, time and space are mere mirage than the thoughts and words which rises within the scope of form, time and space are also part and parcel of that mirage. Thus body, ego, words, thoughts, and whatever the contents of the universe are within the mirage created out of single stuff that is consciousness. Thus it is necessary to know 'What is mind?' and 'What is the substance of the mind?' and 'What is the source of the mind?', in order to realize the words are meaningless in the realm of truth.

But deeper self-search revels the fact that 'I' is not the self because it appears and disappears. the formless substance and witness of the 'I' ,which is formless consciousness is the true self. If the self is form[I] than the evolution theory holds water. If the self is formless [soul] than all the theories based on the form is of no value. Until one thinks 'I' or I AM' as self all these theories cannot transport anyone beyond form, time and space. the theory of evolution is based on individuality ,whereas the self, pervades in everything and everywhere in the universe. Individuality is reality within the falsehood. Thus all the theory based on individuality is bound to be falsehood. Thus our judgment and reason and conclusion has to be based on formless self not on the form(I) as self. 

Freedom is becoming free from experiencing the illusion or duality as reality by realizing the fact that, the self is not the form but self is formless.  It is possible to   realize this without realizing the fact that, the individual self or ego is reality within the false experience.  Thus all the knowledge accumulated by judging on the base of false self, is false knowledge.       
The ‘I’ or ‘I AM’ is physical prison.

If ‘I’ is not the physical body, what is it?

Since the sense of ‘I’ is present only when the mind is present and it disappears along with mind. The seeker will come to conclusion after thoroughly verifying this fact through inquiry, analysis and reasoning and then come to firm conviction that ‘I’ is mind.

If ‘I’ is mind and mind is universe and universe appears as waking or dream are one and the same thing. 

It is wrong to identify the self as he or she because it refers to physicality. The self is genderless because it is formless. Identifying “Self” as he or she, leads to all sorts’ of doubts and confusion.  When the self is identified as he or she it becomes physical self /ego.

When the ego is not the self, it is erroneous to judge the truth on the base of ego/physical self and come to some conclusion of finality on the physical base is erroneous because the truth is prior appearance of the physical existence. Thus, the truth has to be judged on the ultimate point of view, not on the base of what appeared later on.

Man has been conditioned to think and be and behave and believe and live as an individual separate from the world. Therefore, the self has been identified with physical body with the name within the waking experience.

The ‘mind’ is the Waking or dream experience. The Waking or dream is not the experience of the physical body but of the Soul/Self. The man and his world are within the mind; therefore mind is not within the brain. This has to be understood to assimilate the self-knowledge. Without understanding this fact the assimilation is impossibility.  

The nature of the Self is formless non-dual.  The nature of the mind is duality or diversity. The self is the formless substance of the mind  or duality or universe. Therefore, the whole experience of the diversity created out of single stuff.  Therefore, there is no division in ultimate standpoint is the self ,which in the form of consciousness. Viewing the worldview on the base of the physical self is the cause of division and separation.  

  When the seekers become aware of the fact that the true self is not physical but the soul, he becomes aware of the fact that the mind is mere illusion.   The one who is ignorant of the true self experiences the duality as reality.

A person perceives the world within the mind.  Absent of mind is absent of waking or dream. Thus waking or dream is mind.

One thinks he is an individual separate from the world within the mind. He is unaware of the fact that the mind is not within his brain, but he and his experience of the world are within the mind.  Thus, he thinks he is born in this world and world existed prior to him. Thus this conviction makes him believe the birth, life and death as reality.  Until this conviction is thee he will   views and judges the world-view on the physical base, which is the cause of ignorance of the fact that, the true self is the soul.

This ignorance of the true self is the main hurdle in pursuit of truth. Therefore, it is very much necessary to rectify the seeking base from physical [form] to spirit [formless] before proceeding further in pursuit of truth.

If the seeking base is not rectified it will lead one towards hallucination. When the mind itself is myth then the man and his experience of the world is bound to be myth. Therefore perfect understanding of the mind will help one to unfold the mystery of the mind.  It is impossible to unfold the truth on the base of false self within the false experience, because the truth is prior to the appearance of the falsehood.  And falsehood creates ignorance.

Seeker has to burn down the ignorance by rectifying the base of reasoning by realizing the fact that self is not physical but it is the formless consciousness.

THE ‘I’ OR ‘I AM’ IS CAUSE OF THE IGNORANCE. Thus one has to get rid of the ignorance by overcoming the intoxication of ‘I’ or I AM which intoxication stuff in pursuit of truth is.

That is why Sri, Sankara says in Viveka Chudamani   :- 

61. For one who has been bitten by the serpent of Ignorance, the only remedy is the knowledge of Brahman. Of what avail are the Vedas and (other) Scriptures, Mantras (sacred formulae) and medicines to such a one?

62. A disease does not leave off if one simply utter the name of the medicine, without taking it; (similarly) without direct realisation one cannot be liberated by the mere utterance of the word Brahman.

63. Without causing the objective universe to vanish and without knowing the truth of the Self, how is one to achieve Liberation by the mere utterance of the word Brahman ? — It would result merely in an effort of speech.

64. Without killing one’s enemies, and possessing oneself of the splendour of the entire surrounding region, one cannot claim to be an emperor by merely saying, ‘I am an emperor’.
65. As a treasure hidden underground requires (for its extraction) competent instruction, excavation, the removal of stones and other such things lying above it and (finally) grasping, but never comes out by being (merely) called out by name, so the transparent Truth of the self, which is hidden by Maya and its effects, is to be attained through the instructions of a knower of Brahman, followed by reflection, meditation and so forth, but not through perverted arguments.

People who are yearning for spiritual truth will not find it through intellectual speculation and assumption. Intellectual truth is individual truth. Love implies duality and love is individual feelings within the falsehood. Love is necessary and valuable in the stated of ignorance but it is not the means to acquire wisdom.  Love is religious tool to lead life in practical world.  And Religious truth is individual truth and it is not universal truth because the religion is based on individuality. 

Saturday, May 28, 2011

There is a profound difference between egocentric and soul-centric discussions.

There is a profound difference between egocentric and soul-centric discussions. The soul-centric discussions take place between matured and advanced fellow seekers which is free from all differences of points of views, judgments and argumentative debates unimportant subject matter.

The ego-centric discussion based on intellectuality it includes all different point of views, judgment and argumentative debates and un-important subject matter.  

It is for every seeker who is in the path of truth to prove himself to know “What is truth, “and “What is untruth?” to assimilate the self -knowledge. 

When one is unable to quench his spiritual thirst from his guru or teaching he has to look elsewhere to clear the cobwebs of his understanding and to move forward in his spiritual quest.

It is difficult for tradition-bound people to accept anything as truth other than what they inherited from then parental grooming. Only intense urge to know the truth and courage to accept the truth after verification with better understanding one will be able to drop all his accumulated dross, which is the main obstacle in self-realization.

Both modern science and religion offer hypotheses and theories but there is one vital difference--science begins with facts which it collects; religion begins with fancies. Science evolves its hypotheses from such facts, religion from fancies.

Science declares that oxygen combines with hydrogen to give water. And it also declares oxygen is protons or electrons. But in pursuit of truth the whole physical existence [universe or mind] is considered as illusion and science and their inventions, which are based on the physical existence is limited to physical existence. The truth is within but it is beyond the physical existence.  The science demands physical proof.  But the physical proof is part of the illusion. Hence science cannot go beyond physicality because the truth cannot be traced with laboratory conditions.  Deeper Inquiry, analysis and reasoning  is required if one  wants to push its quest deeply enough.

Common people and primitive minds fall into faulty thinking through their inherited conditioning , such faulty thinking and reasoning  makes them accept the experience of birth, life and death as reality ; taking what one sees through  the senses  as real, taking what is apparent obvious and superficial as true because it is less troublesome.

Many People adopt the attitude that what   they know is truth. And what others say id false. This attitude makes them not to verify anything other then what they know.   One needs to be rational, not merely logical. Logic is has its value only in physical plane.

As one advances towards spiritual plane he sees the logic underlying experience and becomes more rational. His reasoning is two-fold--implicit and explicit.

There is a need of facts of physical proof in scientific invention, whereas in pursuit of truth the proof has to be grasped mentally and realized.  Therefore, the truth is realized only by few who take this mental pursuit.  “Whatever facts revealed, which is un-contradictable has to be accepted as truth.
The truth based on the formless soul/consciousness is worthwhile; without it, one has something else, not truth.  Most people refuse to venture into pursuit of truth; because they do not want to go into the root of things.

The seeker of truth has to study, inquire and reason in the beginning of the pursuit of truth, because it is absolutely necessary in pursuit of truth.

One has to know the true self is not physical but the formless spirit.  The spirit or soul or the self is in the form of consciousness. Consciousness gives one the awareness of the three states. 

The ignorance of the true self is the cause of experiencing the duality as reality.  The ignorance vanishes through realization of the true Self, which is the soul/consciousness.

The true the Self   does not lie in our body, in our brain, or our ego, but it is the essence of the dual and non-dual experiences, which appears as waking dream and disappears as deep sleep.

Thought and thinker are reality within the universe. The thinker and the thought exist within the universe. The man and his experience of the universe is reality within the waking experience.  The waking experience is mere illusion on the ultimate standpoint.    Therefore, the individual experiences are part of the illusion. Thus thought and the thinker are part of the illusion. 

Positive and negative thoughts and the thinker are made of same material.  Whether one thinks rightly or wrongly he is thinking as person. The thoughts will not rise without the form.  Without the form there are neither thoughts nor the thinker.  Thus positive or negative thinking or right or wrong thinking are part of the physical existence and nothing to do with ultimate truth.    Experience is prior to thought. Only in waking or dream one gets thought. Therefore one has to mentally trace the source of the waking or dream experience in order to realize the waking experience is as unreal as dream. 

Only in religion and yogic path one has to follow and practice. Everyone thinks he has to follow some guru or god men.  But all these methods are full of frustrations and give no real satisfaction. Reality has no method. Illusion has many methods, many problems and many concepts. To overcome illusion, or concepts, one should know the source of the mind and from where does this mind arise? “When the mind is there the universe is there. Absent of mind absent of universe.  Absent of universe is absent of duality. Absent of duality is absent of thoughts.  Thus until one becomes aware of what is mind and what is the substance of the mind it is impossible to assimilate non-dual truth.

 To know the non-dual Reality, deeper thinking is required. The thinking faculty ceases and becomes still when it reaches the source of the mind. One has to realize the waking entity is false self within the false experience from the ultimate standpoint.

 Where there is no experience then there is no duality where there no duality then there is no second thing exist other than the self-awareness.  Therefore seeker has to indulge in deeper self-search and trace and overcome the obstacles. For the sincere and serious seekers the inner grace will guide until the ignorance vanishes and he becomes aware of the fact that the diversity [universe or Illusion] is mere mirage created out of consciousness [Atman].    

Self is not ‘I’ or I AM

Self is not ‘I’ or I AM. Until 'I' or 'I AM' is considered as self, the separation is bound to be there. Until separation is there duality bound to be there. Until duality is there the ignorance bound to be there. Until ignorance is there the illusion bound to be there. Until illusion is there unreality prevails as reality.  Until unreality prevails as reality the experience of birth, life, death and the world prevails as reality. Until the experience of birth, life, death as reality, self is in the grip of duality, separation, ignorance, illusion. If one is seriously seeking truth than it is high time to drop holding 'I' or 'I' AM' as self, because the self is beyond 'I' or 'I AM'. 

That is why Buddha said: - Believe nothing just because a so-called wise person said it. Believe nothing just because a belief is generally held. Believe nothing just because it is said in ancient books. Believe nothing just because it is said to be of divine origin. Believe nothing just because someone else believes it. Believe only what you yourself test and judge to be true. 

The words have meaning in duality. Duality exists until mind exists. Mind exists where there is division of form, time and space. If there is no division of form, time and space, than there is no mind. Words are used as a tool to name individual objects and feelings within the duality. The words become meaningless when one becomes aware of the formless substance of the mind, which is consciousness. Consciousness is our inner most self. From the standpoint of our inner most self, the mind is mere mirage. If mind is mere mirage then the form, time and space are mere mirage. If form, time and space are mere mirage than the thoughts and words which rises within the scope of form, time and space are also part and parcel of that mirage. Thus body, ego, words, thoughts, and whatever the contents of the universe are within the mirage created out of single stuff that is consciousness. Thus it is necessary to know 'What is mind?' and 'What is the substance of the mind?' and 'What is the source of the mind?', in order to realize the words are meaningless in the realm of truth.

But deeper self-search reveals the fact that 'I' is not the self because it appears and disappears. the formless substance and witness of the 'I' ,which is formless consciousness is the true self. If the self is form [I] than the evolution theory holds water. If the self is formless [soul] than all the theories based on the form is of no value. Until one thinks 'I' or I AM' as self all these theories cannot transport anyone beyond form, time and space. the theory of evolution is based on individuality ,whereas the self, pervades in everything and everywhere in the universe. Individuality is reality within the falsehood. Thus all the theory based on individuality is bound to be falsehood. Thus our judgment and reason and conclusion has to be based on formless self not on the form[I] as self to realize Illusion is where one is bound to:

Form, time and space

Birth, life and death

Pain and Pleasure,

Burden and bondage

Waking, dream and deep sleep

Universe/Mind /Duality

Illusion is created out of consciousness. Because of ignorance the illusion is experienced as reality. Illusory reality deludes because I is based on egocentricity. In egocentricity one does knows not the ultimate truth and permanently remains in ignorance.

Thus it is high time to drop all accumulated dross and move forward with deeper verification and accept only un-contradictable truth, because un-contradictable truth is non-dual truth.
In self-awareness Change and changeless are one in essence than only there is self-awareness.  The knower and known and the knowledge are also consciousness. When the self which is consciousness becomes aware of its own formless true nature in the midst of diversity or duality it is called self –awareness. 

 Man and the world is product of ignorance. Thus it is not the man who is in ignorance but it is the formless consciousness [true self] , which is in ignorance of its true nature.  When self becomes aware of its true nature than its ignorance vanishes and it alone prevails in its own awareness.   Thus body, senses, intellect, ego, universe are mere mirage created out of consciousness.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Wisdom is the direct means to the attainment of self -realization

Wisdom is the direct means to the attainment of self -realization, it is necessary to keep in mind the means-end relation. The tool that one chooses must be suitable and appropriate to the end, which he wants to attain. It is not the case that through any tool any end can be attained. On the contrary, what tools has to be chosen and how far it is relevant and appropriate to the end we have in view, must be considered from the point of view of the nature of the end which is to be attained.

 The tool must be warranted by the end. In other words, the choice of the tool as well as its suitability and appropriateness is determined by the end. This point must be borne in mind in understanding and assimilation of non-dual truth.

Mistaking one thing for another or superimposing the attributes of one thing on another is due to ignorance. Not knowing the real nature of the Self which is non-dual, which is existence, knowledge and infinitude, which is free from attributes, which is free from activity, which is neither an agent nor an enjoyer, the ignorance is superimposed on it.

The ignorance is cause of experiencing the illusion as reality.  Ignorance is the root cause of our bondage. So in order to put an end to our bondage and attain liberation from experiencing the illusion as reality, ignorance which is the root cause has to be destroyed; and ignorance can be destroyed only by attaining the self-knowledge, discriminating it from the illusion. Wisdom is the means by which Self -Realization is desired to be attained. Self-realization is the highest end of man since it destroys the root of the ignorance, the cause of the entire universe.  

Through deeper self-search one has to eradicate the foundational ignorance, Self -Knowledge alone is the means to the attainment of liberation from illusion. Only Self -knowledge destroys the ignorance.

There is no meaning or purpose of the life, because the life is mere happening within the illusion.

To understand 'What is what' depends upon the medium through the observer views it. In fact ,our mental and intellectual conditions will determine the three states observed and experienced. A Gnani views the three states will see it differently from a ignorant viewing the same three states. Each one interprets the three states that he sees in term of his existing knowledge.A  Gnani sees only consciousness in all the three states. If one is seeking truth of his true existence then there is need to understand, otherwise there is no need to understand anything. The waking experience is the state of ignorance. The one who has the inner urge to know the truth searches for it, others are immersed in their practical life within the practical world . Thus who has inner urge for him there is a need to reach his destination.

People who are caught up in intellectuality think there is no need to do anything on their own intellectual standpoint, but one has to understand, even inaction is also action. All action and inaction are happening in the state of ignorance. Intellectuality is not wisdom. 

The 'I' is present only when the mind is present. The mind is present only in waking or dream. The mind is absent when the waking or dream is absent. the mind is in the form of universe, the universe appears as waking and dream and disappears as deep sleep. Limiting the mind to the physical entity is cause of the the ignorance. Until one thinks the mind is within the body he will never be able to cross the trashold duality. ‘I’ is not the self. ‘I’ is mere illusion. I Am is the ego.

Ego is the false entity within the false experience. There is a need to know “What is ‘I’? before proceeding in pursuit of truth. The deeper inquiry, analysis and reasoning reveal the fact that, ‘I’ is not limited to the physical entity but to the whole experience of diversity[universe]. Therefore limiting the ‘I’ to the physical entity and viewing and judging the truth on base of false physical entity within the false experience is erroneous. 

The world is mere illusion/myth. Therefore, the birth, life and death, which take place within the world, is also illusion. The belief of god, the religion and its scriptures are reality within the illusion. Therefore, trying to get enlightenment on the base of physical entity, which is limited to the world, will lead one to hallucinated enlightenment, based on the imagination.
The god and guru are part of the illusory world; therefore the devotee and disciple also are also part of the illusion. Accepting the birth, life and death as reality, is accepting the illusion as reality. Accepting illusion as reality is the cause of the ignorance. Ignorance makes one feel the duality as reality. The duality makes one feel he is an individual separate from the world. This separation makes one feel the birth, life and death as reality. The person who bases on the birth, life and death is trying to find the meaning of life. There is no meaning or purpose of the life, because the life is mere happening within the illusion. Thus the karma based on the physical entity is based on the birth, life and death, which is part and parcel of the illusion.

All appearance has not appeared to the physical entity, but to the consciousness. Man and the world are mere appearance. That is, the illusion is mere appearance. Thus man cannot be considered as witness, since man and his experience of the world are within the illusion. Thus the witness of the illusion is within the illusion but it is apart from the illusion. It is with is within the illusion as its formless substance and it is apart from the illusion as its formless witness. The formless substance and witness is the consciousness. The consciousness is the true self. Realizing the consciousness as self is Self -Realization. Therefore, the consciousness alone is real and all else is mere illusion. By Learning to view and judge the truth on the base of consciousness as self will lead one to realize the fact that the man and the world are mere illusion. 

Therefore, it is necessary to learn to view and judge the truth on the base of consciousness, to understand and assimilate the Self-Knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana . It is the though the consciousness one knows himself as a person and perceives the world. It is the consciousness, which is the author or knower of the three states, not the person who is limited to waking or dream. 

A well-directed search will lead one to his non-dual destination. Trying to seek truth on the false entity or ego, one feels he is going round and round. Until one drops all the accumulated dross and stops interprets with his existing accumulated knowledge by holding it as yardstick, it becomes very difficult to understand assimilate and realize the non dual truth.

Monday, May 16, 2011

The universe exists because you exist. Without your existence universe ceases to exist.

The universe exists because you exist.  Without your existence universe ceases to exist.  Thus your existence is important for the existence of the universe.  You exist, because the universe exists. Thus existence of the universe is necessary for your existence because you exist within the universe.  Thus you and the universe co-exist together.  Thus it is necessary to know, how the universe which contains everything exists, not the things bifurcated by form and names within the universe.  

Whatever Plants, animals, people, planets, stars, and ocean mountains everything, which is seen, known and believed and experienced as person are within the universe.  The universe appears when the mind [I] appears and universe disappears when the mind [I] disappears. Thus, it is necessary to realize the mind is in the form of universe, which appears as waking or dream and disappears as deep sleep. 

Mind is universe, because when the mind [I] is there then only the universe is there.  The ego, body, universe appear together and disappear to gather.  Limiting the mind [I] to the physical entity is cause of the ignorance.  The body, ego, universe ceases to exist without the mind.  If one of these is absent then the mind is also absent.  Thus mind is the  whole universe, which appears as waking or dream[duality]  and disappears as deep sleep[non-duality]    Thus one which is aware of the appearance and disappearance of dual and non-dual experiences is not the form[body or ego] but formless[consciousness].  

The consciousness [soul] is the true self. The true self is the source of the three states. These three states deceive; the people fail to look beyond them to its source, which is real, supreme and imperishable. The three states are mere mirage/illusion. It is difficult to overcome the illusion without the wisdom. But one can cross over this illusion, by realizing and becoming aware of the fact that, the self is not physical but it is consciousness.

People are deluded by illusion, because they have immersed in the illusion experiencing it as reality. They are ignorant because they think the self is physical and birth, life, death and world as reality. Having lost all discrimination, they follow the way of their physical nature. When ignorance vanishes through wisdom then only it is possible to negate the illusion, the mortal becomes immortal. When all the physical shackles that strangle the self are loosened, the mortal becomes immortal, here in this very life.

The ultimate understanding is: Nothing has actually been created. All that appears is mere mirage. Everything is consciousness and nothing can be a part of it. No second thing exist other than consciousness, neither the man nor the world, which contains all the objects exits in non-dual reality.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Non-duality does not need the support of any Scriptures or Revelation like the Veda.

Pursuit of argument is not pursuit of truth. Agreeing and disagreeing with each other’s views will not yield non-dual wisdom. Healthy discussion on the subject , humility ,patience and friendly interaction will only help seeker in his inner journey.  Just by criticizing any masters or teachers of the past, the wisdom will not dawn. Many masters and their teachings of the past have contributed to seeking world in their own way.  Some may find some teachers views or teaching are inadequate and useless in quenching their spiritual thirst. It is for the seeker to highlight: on what standpoint they are inadequate and useless and how they are blocking his realization.  Mutual respect to each other is necessary in spiritual interaction.

The path of religion, path of yoga and the path of wisdom were intended for different classes of people. The wisdom is for the advanced seekers of truth. It deals with the nature of the ultimate Truth and Reality. It is meant for superior aspirants who have inner urge to know the truth and it is not for those who are immersed in earthly desires.

To understand, assimilate the non-dual truth needs a totally different kind of approach. There is no need to convince others but one has to get firm conviction of the truth for himself. If one is receptive and sharp he will be able to grasp it. 

Mediocre minds waste their time on arguing about unimportant matters. Accumulation of scriptural knowledge is dangerous in pursuit of truth. Seeker has to establish in the truth of Non-duality by sheer reasoning alone. Seeker has to begin by defining "What is real?" "What is unreal?" etc, because that is the right way to discuss, understand and assimilate self-knowledge.  Thus seeker has to remove all the blockades which are blocking his realization. 

 Katha Upanishad:
  This Atman cannot be attained by the study of the Vedas, or by intelligenceor by much hearing of sacred books. It is attained by him alone whom It chooses. To such a one Atman reveals Its own form. [Katha Upanishad Ch-II -23-P-20]

Mundaka Upanishad  :-
This Atman cannot be attained through study of the Vedas, nor through intelligence, nor through much learning. He who chooses Atman—by him alone is Atman attained. It is Atman that reveals to the seeker Its true nature. [ 3 –page-70 Mundaka Upanishad  Upanishads by Nikilanada]

Sri, Ramana Maharishi said: scriptural knowledge is conceptual divisions invented by teachers of philosophy by their excessive analysis. Where do all these concepts end? Why should confusion created and then explained away? Fortunate is the man who does not lose himself in the labyrinths of philosophy, but goes straight to the source from which they all arise.

Ramana Maharishi indicated the direct path to the truth, is the source from which the false arises. Thus the source is the soul or consciousness or Atman, which is the true self. Atman itself is Brahman.  Thus it is necessary to view the world-view on the base of the source, which the true self, and formless substance and witness of the experience of diversity. Thus deeper inquiry, analysis and reasoning on the true base, one can acquire the self –knowledge in lesser time and effort.  The unity in diversity is possible only through self-knowledge not by mastering the scriptural knowledge.

One has to bifurcate the physicalized Advaita [orthodoxy]   which is meant for the mass mind set, who are incapable inquire to verifying their inherited beliefs.  But for the seekers truth, to get the pure essence of non-duality which is based on the formless soul. The path of inquiry, analysis and reasoning on the true base, leads one towards the non-dual destination.  Therefore, there is need to rectify the seeking base from ego base to soul base to understand, assimilate and realize the non-dual truth. 

Ramana Maharishi says: this self –inquiry is not the critical study of the scriptures. When the source is reached the ego gets merged into it. The result of self-inquiry is the cure for all the sorrows. It is the highest of all the results. There is nothing greater then it.  It only indicates there is no necessity to study the scriptures to acquire self-knowledge. [Page-66-practicle guide to know yourself c/e by A.R.N].

Ramana Maharishi  says:-
Q by D:- Is not necessary to study the Vedas or at least the Prasthanatraya [the Bhagavad Gita,Dasopanishad and Brahma Sutras, all with commentaries]to ensure firm realization?

Ramana Maharishi:-No. Do you need all that to see yourself? All that is intellectual wealth, useful in explain doubts and difficulties if others rise them or if you yourself encounter them in the course of thinking. But to attain realization, all that is not necessary. You want fresh water to drink, but you do not require all the water of the river Ganges to quench your thirst. [Page 111/112 of Practical guide to know yourself c/e by A.R.N].

Non-duality does not need the support of any Scripture or Revelation like the Veda. For it is based, not upon the varying theological fancies, which are as numerous as the sands of the sea, but upon reason, the common heritage of all mankind, irrespective of colour or creed or clime.

Seeker of truth has to know that something is inadequate in Buddhist or Advaitic teachings to reach the non-dual destination because of the add-ons and adulteration. Thus it becomes difficult to reach destination directed by the Buddha, Sri, Sankara and Sri,Goudapada.

  It is for the seeker to go on his own and remove the obstacle.  The greatest hindrance is mixing religion, god, scriptures, and yogic theories. Moreover, attachment to scriptures, personal god and religious code of conduct keeps one permanently in the grip of duality.

For the same reason Sri, Raman Maharshi said:-  fortunate are the one who do not lose themselves in the labyrinths of philosophy. Bhagwan says: Take Vedanta, for instance: it speaks of 15 pranas the names and functions of it   which the student is asked to commit memory. Will it not be sufficient if he thought, only one prana does the whole work of maintaining the body? Again the antakaran is said to think, to desire, to will, to reason etc. Why all these details? Has anyone seen antakarana, or all these pranas? Do they really exist? They are conceptual divisions invented by teachers of philosophy by their excessive analysis. Where do all these concepts end? Why should confusion created and then explained away? Fortunate is the man who does not lose himself in the labyrinths of philosophy, but goes straight to the source from which they all arise. (GURU RAMANA .By S.S Cohen -vii Danger of philosophy-Page -58-59)

One is seeking truth for himself, thus it is very personal journey of verification. Truth has to be ascertained and proved for his own realization.   Path of wisdom path is independent path nothing to do with the religion and scriptures.  Thus seeker has to indulge in deeper self-search to understand assimilate and realize non-dual truth by avoiding the path of argument and perversion, which leads nowhere.   Share each other’s view with respecting each other and inspiring   everyone.  Thus let us use the precious time to know our true identity which is beyond form, time and space. 

Saturday, May 14, 2011

He who knows this ultimate truth will be able to cross the threshold of duality.

The consciousness is the maker and the preserver of the mind, which is in the form of universe, and it appears as waking and dream and disappears as deep sleep. The Self-Knowledge is the foundation of all physical based knowledge.  

By knowing the fact that, the consciousness as the true self, all three states becomes known. 
Two kinds of knowledge must be known. They are the spiritual Knowledge and the physical knowledge.   Of these two, the physical knowledge is of the worldly life.    And the spiritual [self] Knowledge is that by which the ultimate truth is attained.  

By means of the Self- Knowledge, the Gnani behold everywhere consciousness, which otherwise cannot be seen or seized, which has no root or attributes, no eyes or ears, no hands or feet; which is eternal and omnipresent, all—pervading and extremely subtle; which is imperishable and the source of the mind, which appears as waking and dream and disappears as deep sleep. 

As the spider sends forth and draws in its thread, as plants grow on the earth, as hair grows on the head and the body of a living man—so does mind, which is   in the form of  universe arise from the Imperishable consciousness.  

Ignorant , dwelling in darkness, but the intellectuals  in their own conceit and puffed up with vain scholarship, wander about, being afflicted by many ills, like blind men led by the blind.  

People, immersed in ignorance in various ways, flatter themselves, saying: We have accomplished life's purpose. Because these performers of karma do not know the Truth owing to their attachment, they fall from heaven, misery— stricken, when the fruit of their work is exhausted.  

Ignorant, regarding religious rituals and humanitarian works as the highest, do not know ultimate truth. Thinking of their good work, with a motive to get reward for it in the next life or next world    they remain ignorant of higher truth. 

Let a seeker, after having examined the mind and its substance that are gained by inquiry, analysis and reasoning, acquire freedom from experiencing the illusion as reality: nothing that is eternal can be produced by what is not eternal. In order that he may understand assimilate and realize that Eternal consciousness.  

The  seeker who has intense urge to know the truth , whose has the humility to listen  and whose is receptive, who does not use his accumulated knowledge as yardstick,  will be able to understand ,assimilate and realize the Self- Knowledge, through which one knows the consciousness, which is formless and nondual in its nature.  

Consciousness is the self—luminous and formless soul, uncreated and existing both within and without. Consciousness is devoid of life, devoid of mind, pure and higher than the supreme Imperishable.  

From consciousness are born the three states.   From consciousness come mind, which contains the oceans and the mountains, rivers of every kind of plants and flavours. 

The mind alone is the universe.  And consciousness is the substance and witness of the mind. The consciousness, hidden within the three states — He who knows this ultimate truth will be able to cross the threshold of duality. 

When self is not the form but self is formless than why indulge in attributes based theories which belongs to the form.   Smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, love for our friends family and kids are necessary in practical life within the practical world.   But experience of practical life within the practical world is mere illusion from the ultimate standpoint.  Thus whatever, seen, known, believed and experienced in practical life within the practical world is bound to be illusion. Due to ignorance the illusion is experienced as reality.  Only through wisdom the ignorance the illusion will not prevail as reality.  Thus human goal is to get rid of the ignorance through wisdom. By indulging in physical oriented theories and ideas will give temporary happiness.    

People have the notion that more and more they gratify their senses for attaining worldly pleasures, the happier they will be is not true at all, because they think the physical self is real self, therefore they are unaware of the fact that the self not physical but formless consciousness. The consciousness can stay with or without the mind/’I’.  

It is the illusory sense-pleasure that is responsible for the forgetfulness of the Self, which is in the form of consciousness, which result in one’s sorrows and sufferings.

Suffering is the reminder to search for the remedy to overcome the suffering caused by the ignorance of the true self. Pleasure is the cause of ignorance .but if the real self is realized, and then, illusion will not prevails as reality.   

Mortals become attached to worldly pleasures because they are  in ignorance of the reality of their true existence. 

It is the illusion that allures one to enjoy the mundane objects in a futile effort of satisfying the unceasing demands of his senses within the waking or dream. A person within the illusion becomes intoxicated of lust, greed, anger, attachment, false ego, enviousness, stubborn mindedness, and their numerous variations within the illusion.

 Consequently, the individual self gets caught in the illusory cycle of birth, old age, disease, and death within the illusion. This is illusion, by which the consciousness is forgotten; emotional attachment and love of duality is born. 

The ignorance of the true self is cause of duality. The duality is cause of illusion. The illusion is the cause of experiencing unreality as reality. 

 Because of this pluralistic phenomena of illusory -vision, the material happiness appears to be followed by sorrow. If there is laughter, there is a cry; if there is a birth, there is a death; if there is a rich, there is a poor; so on and so forth.

Everything in the waking or dream experience is in the state of constant flux; there can be found no everlasting happiness. The ego is in the control of evil passions, evil intent, and duality.

Everyone wishes for happiness, pleasures, joy, peace, etc. and none asks for suffering, misery, etc. But in the wake of pleasure, there comes suffering. The pleasure and pain co-exists within the illusion.  People do not understand this.  

In a moment, all pleasures of the physical world within the illusion give sense of reality   because of which the consciousness was forgotten.

The freedom from experiencing the duality as reality comes from identifying the self with consciousness. Instead, due to our ignorance of the consciousness, which is the true Self, one seeks everlasting happiness in never lasting sense objects.

 If one wants freedom from illusory reality then one has to realize the fact that, the consciousness is the true self. Without identifying the consciousness, which is the formless substance and witness of the mind, it is very difficult to acquire non-dual wisdom.  

The belief that material wealth is the source of real security in one's life is reality within the falsehood.  In reality, this entire physical world is false and temporary. It is not possible for an impermanent thing can provide another impermanent thing with a permanent security. 

Due to physical consciousness, one feels secure if he has money. On the contrary, he feels insecure if he does not have money. False ones love falsehood within the falsehood. People struggle to acquire material wealth in order to get security in material life, but they fail to realize the fact that they and their experience of universe is mere mirage.  When physical consciousness disappears then the mirage vanishes and consciousness alone prevails as non-dual existence. 

People collect or struggle to collect wealth throughout their lives, but they are unaware of the fact that they and their experience of the universe exist within the falsehood. 

 Deluded by doubts and confusion, they think day and night; and try to search the truth, which fits their physical outfit.  

It is not rejecting the life in total, but realizing the fact that, the burden and bondage of the duality is not on the physical self, which is the cause of anxiety in day today life but it is on the soul which is the true self. Know the truth, and that truth sets you free from experiencing the duality [pain and pleasure] as reality. 

Until we are unaware of the fact that the self is not physical we simply take the authorship of the experience o duality and experience the illusory pain and pleasure as reality. When we become aware of the fact that, we are not the author of our own experience then only the burden is shifted to the true author which is the soul. The biblical insight says:- Cast the burden on Christ[truth] within and you go free.  

It is the same way rejecting the burden of bondage of the dream after waking, consciously reject the reality of the waking in the midst of waking and live life in celebration of peace and tranquillity of the non-duality in the midst of duality.  Only when you are soul oriented then only the witnessing happens and life [pain and pleasure] becomes a passing show.