Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Non dual Truth is possible only in duality when there is both a knower and a known

Non-Duality means not the non-existence of a second thing, but its nonexistence as other than the soul or consciousness the innermost self. One must know it is of the same substance as the objects.
Non dual Truth is possible only in duality when there is both a knower and a known. Hence truth is one’s idea of a thing. Reality is the fact, the thing itself. Truth is used for communication about the reality. Ultimate truth, beyond all doubt and contradiction, can only be not one’s idea but the Reality itself. Hence ultimate truth and ultimate reality are one and the same. 
It is impossible to know that God is everywhere. What is God?  God cannot exist without duality. In non-dual reality there is no man, no world, and no belief of god. God has no meaning in realm of truth. It is a mere imagination. Soul/ Atman is the seer/witness. One cannot prove the existence of any God which is everywhere apart from Atman.  Thus for seeker of truth Atman itself is God.
Knowledge of soul or consciousness, the innermost self ,  only is true knowledge not the absence of duality. Knowledge cannot destroy the world.
  Non dual wisdom  requires constant looking into one's own mind, examining one's own experience, testing if they lead to truth, widening one's sympathies, identifying with whole world, and all this must be done for a long time, for it grows slowly.
When one gets convinced, certain, of the truth that the world is nothing but consciousness, that there is no second thing, no egos, that very moment one become soul  or consciousness.
Seeker has to practice thinking that he is neither the doer nor the enjoyer, and thus he will gradually realize a state where whatever is seen as waking  or dream is only formless soul  or consciousness.
The “lightning-flash" glimpses are not enough. They must be stabilized. The yogi may get such glimpses but only in the Gnani they  are they stable.

Non-Duality means not the non-existence second thing

Non-Duality means   not the   non-existence of a second thing, but its nonexistence as other than  the consciousness,which is the innermost self. Mind must know it is of the same substance as the objects.
Non dual Truth is possible only in duality when there is both a knower and a known. Hence truth is one’s idea of a thing. Reality is the fact, the thing itself. Truth is used for communication about the reality. Ultimate truth, beyond all doubt and contradiction, can only be not one’s idea but the Reality itself. Hence ultimate truth and ultimate reality are one and the same. 
It is impossible to know that God is everywhere. What is God?  God cannot exist without duality. In non dual reality there is no man, no world, and no belief of god. God has no meaning in realm of truth. It is a mere imagination. Soul or consciousness  is the seer or witness. One cannot prove the existence of any God which is everywhere apart from soul or  consciousness .  Thus for seeker of truth,  the soul or consciousness  itself is God.
Knowledge of soul or consciousness the innermost self,    is  the true knowledge not the absence of duality.Self- Knowledge cannot destroy the world but it exposes the unreal nature of the world.
  Non dual wisdom  requires constant looking into one's own mind, examining one's own experience, testing if they lead to truth, widening one's sympathies, identifying with whole world, and all this must be done for a long time, for it grows slowly.
When one gets convinced, certain, of the truth that the world is nothing but soul or consciousness, that there is no second thing, no egos, that very moment one become soul or consciousness .
Seeker has to practice thinking that he is neither the doer nor the enjoyer, and thus he will gradually realize a state where whatever is seen as waking or dream is only Atman.
The “lightning-flash" glimpses are not enough. They must be stabilized. The yogi may get such glimpses but only in Gnani they are stable.

Wherever there is impermanence and transiency, there is necessarily duality

Wherever there is impermanence and transiency, there is necessarily duality. But that which knows these things is passing away, that is the Formless witness or soul, the innermost self. 

The lightning-flash or glimpse of the soul actually eliminates the ego, but it lasts for the minutest fraction of a second only; it is a kind of deep sleep in the midst of waking experience.  It is impossible to eliminate ego, since one have to involve in worldly business. One has to eliminate the attachment to ego, by realizing the fact that ‘I’, is not the self, but formless witness or soul is the true self.

 Deeper thinking on the base of the soul leads ultimately to the understanding that there is something behind three states, the Witness itself. That is, there are two factors in thinking, object and the awareness or consciousness which is the thinker of the object. Deeper thinking on the base of the soul leads us to discover this latter factor and in this sense leads us to non-dual truth. Even Reason itself has to go in non-dual reality. 

Seeker has to mentally reduce multiplicity to unity by reducing everything to mind. And by reducing the mind (waking or dream) to soul or spirit or consciousness  he will get non dual wisdom. 

When one wants to know what gold is, he has to mentally to negate the names and forms of necklace, ring or bracelet. This negation is an abstract affair, for the necklace, ring and bracelet still remain, they do not physically disappear. In the same way if one wants to know consciousness he has mentally to negate all names and forms of objects within the waking or dream but the objects of waking or dream do not actually disappear, but its unreality is exposed and one becomes aware everything is created out of consciousness, therefore everything is consciousness.  The name and forms create division within the consciousness, which is the soul.

Every thought as thought is known only by distinguishing it from its opposite. Happiness implies suffering. One must rise above the pairs of opposites, i.e. he must rise above the dualities inherent in thinking into non duality. This is the real meaning of non duality.

  If there are two entities there will be differences between them. If there are two persons, or even individual and God, there will be difference of opinion. Hence truth can only exist in non-duality. Hence the pursuit of truth is to remove wrong ideas about truth from the consciousness and to remove duality from the outlook. 

All such terms as change, non-existence, eternal, etc. imply each other. Hence they are only ideas, mental constructions. Any word used will only be an idea that covers the soul or consciousness  and does not reveal it. They will only keep people in the realm of discussion although it is quite necessary for practical truths which can never grasp reality; for it yields only thoughts, i.e. duality and is necessarily devoid of reality. All discussions of the nature of the Highest are mere imagination.

"Duality ceases to exist"--means duality as two separate realities ceases to exist. Duality still exists but the knower knows that they have not got separate existence in Reality, i.e. the duality has not got existence separate from the only ultimate reality . Unless one gets the non dual at truth by inquiry, one has to take it for granted that there is duality.

The Gnani views and judge the worldview from of both side, that is as an individual on the standpoint of ‘I’, for worldly activities

The Gnani views and judges  the worldview from of both side, that is as an individual on the standpoint of ‘I’, for worldly activities, and he views and judges the worldview on the base of the soul, which is the true self, for his spiritual endeavor. Thus, he is fully aware of the fact that, his physical side of existence (duality or waking or dream) is falsehood, and his spiritual side of existence (non duality) is reality.

He does not stop seeing others with physical body with name. But with all that he knows the Atman man from which physical body with the name is inseparable. This is difficult to grasp, it is done by repeated practice for long time; as Non dual Wisdom; had it been easy one need only to read book and millions would now have been Gnanis.   It becomes difficult because one has to discard all his inherited conditioning which is the cause of viewing and judging the worldview on the base of ‘I’. If the mind is trained in a young age it becomes easier.

 Since everyone has been inherited a belief system and they are sentimentally and emotionally involved with their belief it becomes very difficult for them to accept anything other then there accepted truth.  

For one second or one minute one may attain glimpse of formless witness mentally, but only he who has disciplined and practiced can make it a permanent part of his nature. 

One may know knowledge of the Atman intellectually but they may still have their weaknesses, they still need to become fully convinced to the utmost to get firm conviction: therefore realization of its truth comes gradually.

It is not enough to grasp the intellectual truth of non-dual Atman; one must next fix his focus of attention mentally and constantly in it. He will get in glimpses at first, but he must not rest there; he should stabilize them through constant reminder that the three states are not separate from the Formless Witness [consciousness or  true self,] in order to become a Gnani. Knowing the Atman to be non-dual is first stage, realizing it as such is second stage.

The higher tranquility comes at the stage after deeper reflecting on the nature of the soul has been practiced and mastered. Then this is given up for self-recollectedness to be done for long time, then only the non dual wisdom dawns. 

Gnani does not set up any position of his own because he knows non-duality to be truth and hence cannot differ from others whom he regards as part of the soul which is the source of all the three states, but shows the inconsistencies of all other positions. He sees the three states in the soul which is the formless source.

When one dissolves all the three states into experience, and then the experience into the consciousness, knowing they are ultimately in the soul  or consciousness,  the innermost self, that is Atman.

 When one actually see the universe before him he unaware of the fact that he and his universe exist within the waking experience.  And the three states are witnessed by the formless witness(consciousness).

The source of the three is the soul or consciousness, the innermost self . consciousness  is the formless substance and witness of the three states.  Therefore the three states (object)and the soul, the innermost self (subject )are one in essence.

After the dream disappears one becomes aware of the fact that,  the dream entity and the dream world were within the dream itself. Similarly the waking entity and waking world are within the waking experience . The question is who or what witnessed the dream or waking, when the dream and waking entity were with in the dream or waking.

There has to be a witness which is aware of the appearance and disappearance of the dream, waking and deep sleep apart from the dream and waking entity. Therefore, one has to become aware of the formless witness of the three states which is aware of  their appearance and disappearance.  This has to be grasped mentally since 'self'  is not an object or entity within the waking and dream. 

All the contents of the dream and waking such as cities, friends, cars, families’ animals and whatever they contain is created out of the soul or consciousness or spirit which is the innermost self.

Seeker has to first to pass through the stage of discovering Atman and then only he can attain the stage of discovering Atman(soul) .  The Atman and Brahman is one and the same thing.

The nature of the non dual truth is to be free from contradictions. As one approaches nearer and nearer to understanding of the non dual truth he finds less and less contradictions. The only thing which is so free is non-duality.

Gnani knows the mind [waking/dream] as consciousness [Atman].

 There cannot be any discussion, any difference of view in a state where there is nobody else to argue with or to oppose. That is non-duality. No question arises in non-duality.  

Seeker must get at the truth without imagination. All the pats and practices of the world are based on imaginations and hence they contradict each other. People imagine in a thousand different ways, but they are not universal truth.  Each one hugs what he imagines to be true. Even the Void being a mental idea is also an imagination. One does not get non dual truth because one is attached to particular peculiar idea based on the ‘I’, which is the false self. Attachment to ‘I’ is the root of all evil.

 To say that something exists, there must be a second to say so or knows it, or a witness. This is objection made to making verbal statements about non duality.

When one says his   teenage memories are gone, his youth is passed “how could he know this unless there is something to say so. You must have been aware of a thing's or thought's nonexistence; otherwise he could not say that it has come. On the same principle pleasure must co-exist with pain and one could form no understanding of one without the other.

One must have white to know the meaning of black. One cannot think except by differentiation. When one says "he has achieved bliss." It merely means that he  have got something different from what he has  already got, hence there is  no second thing exists, if  a knower existed and then there is no non-duality, as when one awakes from sleep.

If soul or consciousness, the innermost  self wakes up in its formless non dual true nature, then where is duality. When one wakes consciously knowing the fact that, the whole waking experience is mere mirage created out of Atman, therefore his body and the universe are one in essence. Hence there is no second thing exists other than his soul, in the experience of diversity (waking or dream), if this conviction is ingrained firmly in subconscious the non-dual wisdom automatically dawns.    

When one to make a statement about non duality he imply the existence of one who says so. Only non-dual silence is there non duality.

Non dual Truth will eventually conquer, as mind evolves, because all its substitutes will break down through their defects, but it will take a long time. 

The practice of discriminating between false (mind)and reality (soul) must be kept up for many years until it becomes habitual. This must even be pursued until the sense of the ideality of the world persists even amid experience of the individual life. 

When the Gnani sees his physical body and the world like others, but he knows them to be part of the waking experience and waking experience has erupted out of Atman or consciousness or   spirit.  Thus the whole waking experience in which contains him and the world is Atman or consciousness or spirit.

 But others think that they are individual separate from the world, and they are born in this world and world existed prior to them. Until they have this conviction they will not be able to grasp and realize the non dual truth. They cannot reject the concept of birth; thus they cannot come out of their individuality. Without overcoming the individuality non dual truth is impossible to grasp and realize.

Gnani knows the mind (waking or dream) as consciousness (soul or Atman). He has trained his mind to couple both (mind-soul) together instantaneously. There is thus no conflict in his mind. 

Where there is no experience, no thought, no other being, no thinking, no second thing; that is non duality

The Atamic Awareness or self- awareness  play hide and seek  . However, this hide and seek of self awareness gradually becomes stable and a steady.  Zen Satori is not the same, because based on intuition, and hence not proved by reason and therefore open to each man's misinterpretations. This illumination comes only after constant and frequent reflection, deeper thinking; hence the futility of Yoga to achieve it. Even the first single flash of understanding is true Atamic Awareness (Non dual Wisdom), but it has passed away, and one must seek its repetition constantly by such reflection until the Atamic Awareness stays fixed and does not depart.

Even after the first illumination, one will never be mistaken again for he will understand the true nature of the mind; although the permanent conviction may have to be established when he imagine Atman, there is both imagination and him--a duality. Thus he only gets a thought in return--no more.

 One must keep a line the insight no matter what he is doing. This demands constant concentration throughout the day--not merely sitting to meditate for half hour. This flash is an absence of thought, like conscious sleep, where duality disappears. The first flash is the beginning of realization and gradually ripens into full realization. The process is to associate the insight gained by the first flash with everything that he does—routine physical actions,--with Atman until it becomes settled realization. One has to repeat what he saw in the first flash by associating it at every moment henceforth--"This is Atman that is Atman, everything is Atman that is the body including the world." 

Non duality ascertained by reason or after deeper-self search  is alone Truth; and not the non duality which one get through deep sleep, Anastasia, yogic samadhi etc. The non-duality must be perceived in the waking experience; by a sharpness of reason, of thinking--that moment in the waking experience in which one knows that the three states, waking dream and deep sleep are only states, which comes and goes, it is knowledge.

 By non-duality means, even when there is duality, to know that there is only one thing, Atman, in waking experience, after deeper inquiry, analysis and reasoning on the true base. 

In non-dual wisdom there is no second thing to be in touch with. One finds unity in diversity in the midst of experience of diversity.  If one realizes soul is the true self he will know that there is no other to be in contact with. --If he knows soul is the true self, he knows it is Atman/spirit. All other systems deal with duality. 

One must eliminate the three state mentally until he is establishes himself in the soul or consciousness, the innermost self. Seeking yoga is the practice of imaginary self, not seeking the true Atman or soul, the innermost self. 

Liberation is not something to be got after death; it means liberation from ignorance whilst alive and freedom from experiencing duality as reality.   

Truth is where no human mind can ever think of contradicting not merely his mind alone; where there is no experience, no thought, no other being, no thinking, no second thing; that is non duality, by realizing everything has erupted out of single substance which is the formless soul, the innermost self. There is nothing to be said about it; not even that one exists there, not even that happiness and peace are there, because one becomes consciously aware of the non dual nature of the mind in the midst of duality,   that everything is erupted out of soul therefore everything is soul,which is in the form of conciousness.  

Why is Atman or Brahman (soul or consciousness) beyond experience?

Why is Atman or Brahman(soul consciousness) beyond experience? Because whenever there is experience, it implies duality. One experiences his body and the world only in waking or dream; there must be a witness of the three states  apart from it. The dream body and dream world are mere experience within the dream. The dream as a whole  is an  illusory experience.  The waking entity and waking world are within the waking experience. Form ultimate standpoint the waking also is an illusory experience as a whole.  The one which witness the three states as whole is neither the waking entity nor the dream entity but the formless soul or consciousness, the innermost self.  On the standpoint of the formless soul, the innermost self , the three states are mere illusion.

The final stage of the pursuit of truth  is  realization because it involves making real to oneself the ideas already studied, i.e. to realize them as such.

Ignorance manifests itself as imaginations, ideas. by soul centric  reasoning the truth starts revealing on its own .  when  non-dual wisdom dawns the duality never remains as reality . The consciousness is always there. When the cloud of doubts and confusion clears  than the sun is seen.

only Self-Knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana  reveal the non-dual truth. Self-Knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana  clears  all the clouds  created out of ignorance. Self-Knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana  removes all the hindrances   which obstructs the realization of ultimate truth or Brahman. Atman or consciousness is second to none. 

The deeper self -search   leads to self-awareness.  deeper self-search reveals the fact that, man including the world is Mind. the mind is present in the form of 'I'. Thus limiting the 'I' or mind the the waking entity is erroneous.   Thus holding 'I' as self is erroneous. Deeper self-search reveals the fact that,   the self is neither the waking entity nor the self is dream entity but the self is formless soul, which is present in the form of consciousness. The consciousness is the      formless substance and witness of  the three states.
The individual does not exist in non-dual reality. Thus ultimate truth does not base itself on individual based theories and opinions.  Hence one should not assert that what he knows is truth and others false: such a statement is the expression of egoism.  One should not blindly accept anything as truth without verifying the validity of any claim.

 One stage seeker becomes aware of certain facts, at another stage he becomes aware of more and more facts and gets all his clouds of doubts and confusion cleared and moves ahead without any obstacles in the formless path.

 The opposition of practical and spiritualistic viewpoints is irreconcilable only at the beginning, when one has to effect a tentative separation of Formless witness (subject) from three states (object) mentally. But later on in his study both are reconciled when the three states (object) on deeper self -search  turns out to be nothing other than the Formless Witness (subject).

Again so long as the three states(object) is considered only as such, causality must be held as true of it, but when it is eventually merged into the Formless Witness, then causality is seen to be inapplicable to it, because then it is seen to be  the Formless Witness(subject).

At this last stage which is the Gnani's, there is no such thing as two viewpoints to be held simultaneously because they are opposed to each other; both are united in him because he has united all things, as Atman ( soul or consciousness), the innermost self.  The continued and unremitting practice of regarding the three states as an object must go on, until it merges in the subject(FW). Then only the concept becomes realization. 

Some religious definition of non-dual as meaning neither of the two alternatives, such as "existence" nor "non-existence," is correct only so far as one’s  intellectual conceptions go but not as an actuality or reality.

Non dual Truth is completely unified knowledge. Any written description or verbal reference to non-dual reality can only be one’s imagination about it: hence the non-dual sages  kept silent when asked to tell of the Atman. Silence is the only correct way of indicating the Atman.

The highest is to feel that the three states as soul/self, this is Non dual Wisdom. To say the three states is in soul/ self is not the highest. One enjoys natural [sahaja] Samadhi when he attains non dual truth, not the yogic sleep Samadhi.

The real secret of Non dual Wisdom    is that it is a continuous practice of inquiry, analysis and reasoning mentally, whereby one tries to eliminate all those ideas of the three states which constitute the field of awareness, from the awareness itself. That is why it is called Non dual Wisdom.

That element of awareness which is contained in all the three states is what one should seek. It is the unlimited element, not that which is limited to a particular state or experience. Therefore seeker must avoid use the term consciousness as far as possible, because that implies being conscious of something, of a second. Even then, awareness is not quite the precise term, but there is no fit word available. Atman is indefinable, inseparable and indescribable. 

By constantly inquiring, analyzing and reasoning  and reflecting on the true base into the nature of Atman, one will also automatically get the control of all ideas, imaginations, emotions, etc. without practicing yoga. 

Atman(soul or consciousness)  is beyond thought and speech, thus study F.P BLOGS or listen to the guide and taking guidance is necessary to reach the non-dual destination. F.P BLOGS  help to remove and burn all the accumulated dross and obstacles in realizing the fact that, the soul or consciousness,  is the  innermost  self. Consciousness is ultimate truth or Brahman.

Discard all dualistic ideas and realize Atman, which cannot be described by thoughts or words.

Beginners and intermediates must listening, reading, writing and discussing with like minded fellow seekers. Only after they have been through the inquiry, analysis and reasoning on the true base on their own they become receptive to Self-Knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana.

Seeker has to realize the fact that,  the imagination is cannot transport him to him to non-dual destination. He has to attain to a state when he can negate all ideas and imagination, which are part of the duality (waking or universe). Therefore  it is necessary for him to realize the existence of the  Formless Witness of the three states. When this new idea of formless witness is formed in sub conscious, it will help to replace the old idea of the physical witness, same way as   --One thorn pulling out the other thorn and both thrown away--that is the way of F.S, and hence seeker of truth has to “think deeply and discriminate between the base of ego and base of the soul to get un- contradictable truth “as a tip against getting mislead by others.  

One has to differentiate between understanding the spiritual truth and a realizing the spiritual truth. The former makes to know with certainty; the latter is ultimate realizing and final with firm conviction. 

 Seeker has to make him-self capable of grasping the non-dual truth; when it is expounded to him, he may grasp it in an instant. It takes a long time to make the mind receptive; the understanding of truth may be swift as a lightning flash. However this glimpse must thereafter be practiced continuously throughout the day until it is permanently stabilized. The glimpse was the truth, and if it was genuine, this truth can never be forgotten.

Seeker of truth has to associate the idea of Atman or consciousness with all his activities--eating, working, and pleasure by realizing the formless  soul or consciousness  is the innermost self. he has to reflect on the innermost self constantly to acquire Self-Knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana.  One must not think "self is consciousness (Atman)" and then regard his body and the world also as consciousness.

Seeker must  have the firm conviction that, “Soul, the innermost  self is only the witness, the seer, of all the three states." by becoming soul-centric  remove all the egocentric  knowledge leads to non-dual Self-Awareness. by reading all the F.P BLOGS and postings  helps the seeker of truth to remove all the obstacles ,which is blocking his realization of ultimate truth or Brahman. seeker of truth has to  discard all dualistic ideas and realize the  Atman(soul or consciousness),  the innermost self ,which cannot be described by thoughts or words. 

That alone is called Truth which is a fact that can never be changed under any circumstances.

That alone is called Truth which is a fact that can never be changed under any circumstances.  

The God seen in vision by anyone is mere  illusion. He may be seen outside anyone’s body, may appear as a totally distinct figure, yet still be only illusion. Man is not the creation of God; God is the creation of Man. Without man's existence God ceases to exist. There is no God but God because God is not entity or identity or thing within the illusion. The illusion is created ,sustained and finally dissolves as formless spirit (soul or consciousness). The spirit(soul or consciousness) pervades in everything and everywhere in the illusion (mind or universe or waking) . Thus everything is spirit or soul or God,which is the innermost self.  Thus believing in conceptual God propagated by belief system blocks one from realizing the ultimate truth or Brahman or real God. Thus it is necessary to    know the  truth of your own self  and that truth sets the self free from experiencing the illusion as reality.    
Seeing nothing, having a blank in the mind, as in Yogic Samadhi is on a level with deep sleep for value. The objective world is in the mind and must be understood, and must be perceived to be understood. 

Yogic Samadhi is not Self-Awareness. It comes only after Samadhi, using the latter as a preparation. Hence yogic claim for realization through yoga is merely a bait to seekers to adopt his preliminary state, but it is not literally true. Yoga cannot give non dual wisdom.

One who is not receptive to Self-Knowledge tire soon and cannot keep up the concentrated inquiry into truth, the three states etc. without which he cannot grasp non duality and their real meaning.

 Yoga helps one to keep out unnecessary ideas; hence it helps to keep up a train of concentrated thought. This is its value as preparation for pursuit of truth. Those who grasp quickly the non-duality, when explained to them are sharp enough to acquire Self-knowledge or Brmah Gnana or Atma Gnana.

By shutting one’s eyes in Samadhi he does not know the nature of the universe. Hence the nature of the universe can’t be known as Atman through yoga alone. One is in a non-dual condition in sleep or Samadhi, One without a second, true, but he did not know it at the time. One says only in the waking experience later on. Hence there must be inquiry so that he finds non-duality whilst he is awake, so that he can see non duality at the time not later on. Hence too the need of inquiring into the nature of the universe and knowing it as consciousness(soul) whilst one is awake, and not during sleep or Samadhi.

When can one say there is no error in his knowledge? When he sees all the three states in Atman or consciousness; then there will be no doubt. Hence one must see the waking or dream, if he is to see them in the Atman(consciousness) . But deep sleep and Yogic Samadhi does not show them to him. Hence their knowledge is not perfect, not free from error and doubt.  

When the yogi enters Samadhi, he will at once enter deep sleep.  This will make plain to him after he wakes, that the inner self he sought and found the Atman(consciousness), because he is not aware of the fact that all the three states are the Atman(consciousness), and Atman(consciousness) is not limited to his body alone because it pervades in everything everywhere in all the three states.   Only when one reaches this   understanding then only all his accumulated dross will be burnt, then he becomes aware the soul is the true self, which is one without a second.

 However the yogi must later wake up, emerge from Samadhi and there is duality again, the objective world confronts him.  Thus, he cannot go beyond duality, unless he gets the conviction that the waking or dream is experience of duality as a whole. The individual experiences within the waking or dream is  nothing to do in pursuit of truth.

Seeker has to work on the next stage which is to find consciously in the waking experience the same non-duality that he unconsciously knew in deep sleep. This is done by learning to view and judge worldview on the standpoint of the soul, which is the innermost self, and then only the world becomes illusion. Only at this final stage the seeker becomes aware of the fact that, the mind(universe)  and the soul(self or consciousness)  are one in essence.

Yogic samadhi  has no truth, hence it cannot tell yogi about the universe. The yogi who emerging from Samadhi and says he found Non duality there, says it to a second man, hence there is duality again. If he were a real Gnani, there would be nobody for him to tell that he had experienced Non duality. 

There are two different Samadhi, spiritualistic Sahaja Samadhi which is the highest and it derived after acquiring the non-dual wisdom. Sahaja Samadhi is Self-awareness.   In Sahaja Samadhi one is in full wakefulness, and one is fully aware the waking is mere mirage created out of Atman(consciousness). The world is seen in this Sahaja Samadhi. Whereas Yogic Samadhi is just like deep sleep, where one is unaware of anything, not even the world.

  All yogic experiences, visions, astral experience however wonderful will pass away; they go as they come. They have the value of dreams. They are not truth which is unpassing and beyond change. 

Seeker of truth does not seek God in the quest; his only object is non-dual Truth. If he finds that Truth happens to be God, all right, he must accept it; but he cannot pre-judge the issue.

The mystic who talks of finding himself in other forms thereby acknowledges that there is otherness, that other exists whereas the Gnani knows only the One.

 So long as one is speaking he is in the world of duality: so long as he ceases to speak, he is in non-duality. Non duality is the nature of the soul which is non-dual silence; no physical system exists in that non dual silence. But the study and speaking of non-duality and the soul   is helpful so long as we have not reached wisdom.

Non duality means "not-two", the absence of mind or universe or waking. He, who thinks there is a God separate from him, cannot get truth.  The nature of truth is same for all people and as un-contradictable. The truth is characterized by Universality, i.e. non-duality.

It is the attachment to the form of separate objects which keeps one from apprehending their unity, not the seeing of them. One has to think of both form and essence, by practice he must get to the stage where he can think of both simultaneously. This is done by knowing that the form is made of soul or consciousness, the innermost self only. This requires sharp intelligence and constant repetition of practices of seeing both form and essence at the same time.

False and true knowledge exists only when one talk on the base of ‘I’: when one knows the truth, however, such classifications cannot arise because everything is then known to be the formless soul  or consciousness, the innermost self and no questions of where and how or why can arise.

The seeker must make an effort to know the Atman(soul or consciousness) . Atman(soul or consciousness) is there always. One has got it, there is nothing new to be acquired, only have the sharpness to grasp and understand it, when told about it. But there is a difference between understanding and realization.

Effort is required for this understanding only, whereas once understood no special effort is needed to remember understanding: until then he only have an idea of Atman(soul or consciousness), he only partially understand it. But once he thoroughly grasp what it is and that all these things are Atman, he will then constantly find it present everywhere without further effort, because he will perceive Atman (soul or or consciousness) by understanding, even in the midst of waking experience.

When there is only one thing (Atman) known, there is nothing to change, nothing to appear or disappear; when one speaks of remembering or forgetting Atman(soul or consciousness)  that implies he believes in the existence of something else, i.e. a second thing, which is to be remembered. That would show you have not known that all is one. But knowing it, there is no second, consequently no intermittent perception of Atman, but a permanent effortless understanding that it alone is.

When one gets a glimpse of truth mentally try to repeat it a number of times in order to establish it. The self must raise itself by the Self." 

Unreality or illusory nature of the mind is recognized only when one has the clear understanding that there is only soul,which is in the form consciousness and, soul or consciousness is the True Self.

First, objective awareness is only attributiveness and not substantiveness. If it had been substantiveness also then senses could have grasped the substantiveness along with its attribute of objectiveness and no error could have been committed.

 Errors arise during perception because objective knowledge is not subjective knowledge.  The dominant attribute of the objectiveness, alone was perceived and not the subjective knowledge. Therefore, the theories are based on objective knowledge, whereas the self-knowledge is based on subjective knowledge. The substantial knowledge of the three states is formless  soul, the innermost  self - knowledge as soul is the substantive of the three states.

The physical eyes are not the witness, because the physical body and the world are within the waking experience. Waking is a seen.  The seer is the formless  soul, the innermost self. Thus the subject is formless [soul] the object is form (waking or dream).

Whatever seen is unreal but is taken as real. The dream witnessed was a seen. Thus the waking also is seen on the standpoint of the soul, thus waking also is unreal, and the formless  soul, the innermost self the witness is real.

 All the worldly transactions; and suffering associated with waking experience hence it is unreal.

True Self not what one thinks as True Self, but True Self is the very substantive of both the subject, and the object, which is the formless  soul.

 When one realizes that true self not ‘I’, then he becomes aware of fact that,  the   true self' is the soul, the substantive of all the three states. With the Knowledge of the true self, the reality associated with the world is falsified.

  Absolutely real is only the soul the innermost  Self, which is present in the form of consciousness. Soul or consciousness is ever present or eternal and never changing and infinite-existence-consciousness.

The false experience of duality (waking) that is seen is falsified or recognized as false after the realization of soul as self. Falsity of the waking is established only with the realization of the soul is the true self

Unreality or illusory nature  of the mind is recognized only when one has the clear understanding that there is only soul,which is in the form consciousness  and, soul or consciousness,  the innermost  Self is real and eternal.

Knowledge of Atman(soul) does not negate the world but negates the reality assigned to the world just as appearance of silver is not negated in the knowledge of nacre but only reality that this is silver is negated with the knowledge that there is no silver here in the object nacre, now or ever.