Sunday, August 7, 2011

Conciousness is the eternal truth or Brahman

Non-duality means literally not two. They could have said one, but the scriptures never use the word ‘one.’ They say non-duality not two. And this is very significant, because if one says one, the two is implied, it becomes a positive statement. If one says there is only one, he is asserting something positive.

The moment one says one, the two is implied; because one can exist only by the side of two. The truth is one. Secondly, about the total one cannot assert anything positive, he cannot say what it is. At the most he can say what it is not, he can negate. One cannot say directly, because once he say something directly, it becomes defining, it becomes a limitation. When one simply says it is not two there is no boundary – the implication is infinite.

Just as salt is generated in seawater is fully pervades by the seawater, so the universe produced in consciousness is permeated by consciousness through and through. 

One  cannot point to the Brahman with a finger, because his finger will become a limitation. Then Brahman will be where his  finger is pointing and nowhere else. 

Gnani is free from all attachment of the duality even though he is in the midst of duality because he is fully aware of the fact that the experience of duality is created out of non-dual material. He directs the serious seekers towards the ultimate end.    The ultimate truth which cannot be expressed by words but one has to grasp it mentally

Self-Realization is not an experience. People who think Self can be experienced are still infancy because they are not personally self-searched. Their understanding and assimilation are dependent on intellectual spoon feeding form whatever they have read, heard and assumed.  Since their egocentric outlook, they refuse to accept or verify anything other than their accepted truth.   Discussing with such people is waste of time.  Discussions on the subject are more important then mixing up every teaching or quotation of some great thinkers or scriptural authority.   
It is beyond all experience. Experiences imply duality. Duality is mere illusion from ultimate standpoint. The consciousness beyond experience and it cannot be experienced because it is cause of all experiences and it itself is uncaused because it is non-dual in its nature.  
The grace cannot be experienced. It is emotionally hallucinated people propagate to experience the grace by plying with people feelings of people hallucinating them with ornamental words promising them with the experience of the self.  Such hallucinated experience is not wisdom. 
Birth, life and death, Virtue and vice, pleasure and pain are of the waking or dream not of the formless witness of the waking or dream. The formless witness [self] pervades in everything everywhere, in all the three states as their formless substance.   The true self is neither the doer not enjoyer because it is not an individual.  Doing and enjoying is an individual experience within the illusion.    
People think that their chosen path is right path. And it is foolish to tell them they are not in right path because until they themselves become aware that their chosen path is inadequate and useless in quenching their spiritual thirst they will not accept anything other then what they think is right.  Pursuit of truth is personal journey and it cannot be imposed on others. The people who have inner urge will find the right path, at right time with right people and move ahead in their mental [inner] journey.       
Consciousness is the true Self and it does not belong to any religion or race and creed.  It is not perceived by the senses. It is unattached, formless and witness of all the body and universe.       
Consciousness is the Eternal Truth, the real Self and the only Universal Reality or Omnipresent Reality which is the Truth of all life and existence whether visible or invisible.
Consciousness has no beginning and no end it is the eternal ageless Consciousness is the One besides which there is nothing else existent.
In Consciousness is the essence of the illusory universe in which the birth, life and death takes place. There is no experience or conception by which one can limit it.
The formless is form, the timeless is time, and the spaceless is space.  The form, time and space are mere mirage created out of consciousness.   Thus form, time and space are created out of single stuff, which is consciousness. 
The cause and effect is the theory based on the false self. When the birth, life and death and the world are mere illusion on the ultimate standpoint, how the physical based theories such as creator and creation, cause and effect, karma can be real.
 Illusion is the nature of consciousness. It is in ignorance the illusion becomes reality and when the consciousness remains in its formless non-dual true nature then  the duality is mere illusion. The universe is in the form of mind.  The mind is mere mirage created out of consciousness.  Without the mirage it is pure awareness. The mind appears as waking or dream. The dream is parallel waking and waking is parallel dream. Mind   and spirit are one in essence.
One has to burn down the ignorance with the fire of conviction that “I AM is not  the self but the self is I AM-less existence. Until one hold the ‘I’ or ‘I AM’ as self he is duped by his own egocentric outlook and will remain hallucinating that he knows the truth and what he knows as ultimate truth.  Until and unless one comes out of hangout from   I and I AM base  it is impossible to cross the threshold of duality. 
People hold their teacher, guru, god men or scriptural scholar as authenticated authority on truth and treat only the words of religious robed god men or gurus as a final say, they miss their inner track.    If one is seeking truth then it is necessary for him to investigate all the facts on his own to realize the fact that,    the path of religion and path of yoga are not the means to realize the ultimate reality, because theses paths are egocentric paths. Thus all the egocentric paths lead to hallucination not towards the ultimate realization.  Thus it is wrong declaration to say that, every path leads one to the same destination because egocentric paths leads one  to hallucination and only soul-centric path leads one  towards the ultimate realization. 
Self –Realization is Self - awareness that is, realizing the self is not form but self is formless consciousness and being aware of the innermost  self in the midst of duality, which is mere illusion.
Therefore one has to become aware of the true self, is neither the waking entity nor the dream entity but the formless substance and witness of the three states.

Atma Gnana or Brahma Gnana is imperishable and inexhaustible wealth

It is very difficult to find out the state of a Gnani by his external actions. Gnana is purely a mental state. It is an internal condition. A Gnani only can understand another Gnani. Atma Gnana or Brahma Gnana is imperishable and inexhaustible wealth.  The material wealth is nothing; when compared to the priceless self-knowledge. 

The root of all misery is ignorance; ignorance is cause of experiencing the illusion as reality. Until one becomes aware of the fact that, the experience of birth, life, death and the world are mere illusion created out of consciousness, which is the inner most self, there is no freedom from experiencing the unreality as reality.

Wisdom is the direct means to the attainment of self -realization, it is necessary to keep in mind the means-end relation. The tool that one chooses must be suitable and appropriate to the end, which he wants to attain. It is not the case that through any tool any end can be attained. On the contrary, what tools has to be chosen and how far it is relevant and appropriate to the end we have in view, must be considered from the point of view of the nature of the end which is to be attained.

 The tool must be warranted by the end. In other words, the choice of the tool as well as its suitability and appropriateness is determined by the end. This point must be borne in mind in understanding and assimilation of non-dual truth 

Mistaking one thing for another or superimposing the attributes of one thing on another is due to ignorance. Not knowing the real nature of the Self which is non-dual, which is existence, knowledge and infinitude, which is free from attributes, which is free from activity, which is neither an agent nor an enjoyer, the ignorance is superimposed on it. 

The ignorance is cause of experiencing the illusion as reality.  Ignorance is the root cause of our bondage. So in order to put an end to our bondage and attain liberation from experiencing the illusion as reality, ignorance which is the root cause has to be destroyed; and ignorance can be destroyed only by attaining the self-knowledge, discriminating it from the illusion. Wisdom is the means by which Self -Realization is desired to be attained. Self-realization is the highest end of man since it destroys the root of the ignorance, the cause of the entire universe.  

Through deeper self-search one has to eradicate the foundational ignorance, Self -Knowledge alone is the means to the attainment of liberation from illusion. Only Self -knowledge destroys the ignorance. 

He who has realized the ultimate truth or Brahman transcends the duality or mind where he sees no second thing other than consciousness.   Yogi who sees the universe as reality may try to deny it because he thinks thoughtlessness is Brahman.  The yogi sees the universe as a second thing and he wants to banish the universe in Samadhi, because he does not know that in non-duality there is no need to deny the universe. But he has to realize the fact that, universe is not something different from the self, which consciousness. Those who cannot grasp and realize this position, misunderstand it, and wrongly hold it be yogic Samadhi where there is only blankness.  

The presence of the universe is no obstacle to Gnani‘s realization; he does not need yogic Samadhi.  But yogi has imagined Brahman as blankness or thoughtlessness thus he is still in the grip of duality.  Thus Yogis Brahman is but a thought.  Brahman is not a thought but Brahman is prior to any mind or universe.  Thus one has to know what is prior to waking experience.  

The yogi who wrongly thinks there is Brahman to be got ,may attempt to do so, and may think he sees it, but all the time he under the delusion of duality because he bases his- self  on physical body, thinking Brahman to be something different from the soul, which is the true self.

When one becomes aware of the fact all the experiences of the three states and all the thoughts and words are Mind and mind in turn is consciousness then he has transcended thinking faculty. 
If one is seeking truth but practicing yoga or Kundalini or any other practice for long years and finding them inadequate and useless quenching his  inner thirst has to drop them by realizing they are only useful in preparatory stages to make them more receptive to grasp the ultimate truth and they cannot transport them to ultimate end.  

Seeker has to follow up his deeper self-search and get rid of the inborn samskara or conditioning, which is present as ‘I’ or ‘I AM’. There is no need of buying reading material or hearing the sermons and running to one place to another or one guru to another or surrendering to any guru or glorifying any guru in order to acquire self-knowledge.    
In success or failure or gain or loss, in society or in solitude there is no difference to the Gnani because for him everything is mirage created out of consciousness.  

Where is performance of ritualistic or meritorious work, where is worldly wealth, where is sense of enjoyment or discrimination has no significance for the Gnani who has transcended such dual notions such as ‘this is to be done and this no to be done. 

The one who risen to Gnana is liberated from experiencing the birth, life, death and the world as reality, while living in the midst of world before his physical death.  

There is no delusion, there is no universe there is no need of renunciation or meditation there is no desire for liberation  for the Gnani who is resting in consciousness by realizing everything is consciousness and no second thing exists other than consciousness.  

What is the state of the ego or physical self when it has realized that the self is not the body? Such souls have attained their pristine condition. “Self” is not visible to the physical eyes. “Self” is not to be found in the world as a thing, entity or an object. Self is above these, has neither beginning nor ending.

 A visible object has a beginning and an ending. Since the soul, which is in the form of consciousness is invisible to the physical eye; soul or consciousness is without beginning and ending. Soul is always constant. Just as space is homogeneous everywhere, so is the consciousness is the same everywhere. 

There is no need to renounce anything within the illusion because as it has appeared it disappears when the wisdom dawns in the midst of waking experience or on its own as in deep sleep or in death. . The nature of the self is not something to be acquired by effort; and it characteristics is to be free from misery; and happiness inseparable from it.