Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Ultimate Understanding

The Ultimate Understanding is to understand there is no second thing exists other then the soul" and the whole diversity is created out of the soul which is in the form of spirit or consciousness.
Whatever is known, seen, believed and experienced is mere mirage created out the soul/self. Thus everything within mirage is the soul/self.
The acceptance to accept the diversity as mirage happens or not is the Will of soul, which is the true self. And it is not the destiny of the individual concerned, because individuality is mere illusion. Thus one who believes in past, present and future and rebirth and reincarnation is not fit to receive the self-knowledge because he accepts the individuality as reality. Without making sure of the fact that the individuality is mere mirage through deeper inquiry, analysis and reasoning it is impossible to come out of individuality. The reason based on individuality produces intellectuality. Intellectuality is not the means to self-knowledge. There is no end to argument based on intellectuality because it is based on the false self/ego.
It is impossible to “kill the ego" alone because the body, world and ego appear together and disappear together. All preaching, practices and writings are base on the false self /ego which leads to lots of doubts and confusion. The ego bases itself intellectuality and intellectuality is I based on individuality. Thus individuality cannot transport one to the nondual destination. Thus, ornamental words may satisfy the ego but it has no value in pursuit of truth. The ego alone cannot be converted back to the stuff from which has been created.
The individual experiences are not realization because the individuality is part of the mirage. The individual experiences are happenings with in the mirage, thus the personal experiences are of no value in pursuit of truth. The one who knows the formless substance and witness of the mirage knows “What is truth? is and “What is untruth”. Thus he has mental yardstick or wisdom of judging what is real and what is unreal.
"Events happen; deeds are done by an individual, but all that has taken place within the mirage. There is no individual doer because the whole experience of diversity is dependent on the soul/spirit." Until one learns view and judges the three states on the base of the soul, he will not realize the he and his experience of the world is mere mirage. Without realizing the mind as a mirage he will not be able to accept the individuality as mirage. Until once judgment is based on the individuality the truth will not be revealed, and it is impossible to move towards universality.

The main confusion arises only when one thinks he is person born in this world and the world existed prior to him; until this conviction is there it is impossible to assimilate nondual truth. Thus it is necessary to realize the fact through deeper inquiry and reasoning the body is not the self and self is not born. Therefore, it is erroneous to treat the body as self and judge and conclude the truth on the physical base/ego.
Many seekers want to know and realize the truth but they are stuck with their inherited idea of karma, rebirth, sin and reincarnation and heaven and hell. All this ideas are based on the physical self. When the self is unborn the karma, rebirth, reincarnation theory itself has no value.
With what one is able to perceives the world as person? Why the person and his experience of the world cease to exist without the waking experience? Where the waking experience disappears when the dream appears? Where the ego, body and the world exist?
Self-realization is simply the realization of the fact that, the true self is apart from the three states. True self is nothing to with the physical entity and the world which present only in waking or dream. The ego is nothing to do with truth. Whatever is based on the ego is falsehood because the ego is present only within the false experience.
The formless substance and witness of the three states is the soul is the true self. On the standpoint of the soul as self, the all the accumulated intellectuality is falsehood. Thus, arguing on the base of intellectuality, which is based on the false self /ego, is not of any value.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

The freedom from duality arises, when wisdom arises.

The freedom from duality arises, when wisdom arises. From wisdom will come rapture When the mind is enraptured, one is in tranquil, When one is in tranquil, he will know what is non-dual bliss because nature of the soul/self is blissful, the mind will concentrate easily Being concentrated, one will be able to see things as they really are in so seeing, he will become aware that life is a mirage being so aware, he will become free from burden and bondage .

We are discussing about the ultimate truth within the falsehood

The falsehood is cause by ignorance. We are discussing about the ultimate truth within the falsehood to know how to overcome the falsehood. Until and unless we overcome the physicality, we will not be able assimilate the non-dual truth. Thus being judgmental on the base of physicality will keeps us in the grip of duality. Until we think duality as reality the ultimate truth becomes distant dream.

If one thinks on the base of physicality it will lead him towards physicality/intellectuality. If one thinks on the base of the spirit/self it will lead him towards the spirit. Thus physical based understanding has no scope in the realm of the spirit, which is the true self.
The nondual truth is based on the formless source, from where the whole falsehood rises and subsides. Thus, one has to view and judge on the base of the source, not on the physical self, which is limited to the waking experience alone. The formless source [soul/spirit] is aware of the three states, which comes and goes in succession.

The absolute truth cannot be contained in words and concepts. Thus, merely believing in words and concepts is not the truth.

Nothing has to be accepted as truth without verifying through deeper inquiry, analysis and reasoning, since your present views and judgment is based on the physical self/ego. Thus the reasoning based on the ego will yield only physical truth. Only reasoning based on the formless base/spirit base will reveal the universal truth.

One has to indulge in deeper inquiry, analysis and reasoning on the base of the soul, which is the true self, in order to realize the fact that, the “Self “is not subject to birth, life and death. If self is not the birth entity then whatever is based on the birth entity has no value. Thus, it is erroneous to view and judge on the birth entity. Thus, it is necessary to investigate:-

With what this birth entity [body] with name functions itself as a person and perceives the world?

With what one knows himself and the world?

If body is not the self, then what is self without the body?

The body cannot function itself as a person and perceive the world without the self, the body and the world are insentient without the self/spirit, which is gives sentient to the body and the world. Without the self/spirit the body and the world are non-existent. Thus, the sprit is the subject and the body and the world are mere object. When the subject is formless then it is erroneous to judge on the base of object as subject. What is the benefit of exerting mental effort the wrong way?
Since, we are conditioned to view and judge on the base of object [body] as subject, this conditioning has to be dismantled. Therefore, repeatedly highlighting on the subject, that is everything is an illusion and the soul is the true self, the subconscious gradually becomes receptive and starts dismantling the physical base and the spirit/self/soul alone will prevail as ultimate truth.

It is difficult accept the birth, life and death as illusion

It is difficult accept the birth, life and death as illusion, just because anyone is saying or by reading some books, because the subconscious is not receptive. By repeatedly highlighting on the subject, that is everything is an illusion and the soul is the true self, then the subconscious gradually starts accepting it. Once it accepts it then stops reasoning on the base of ego, and starts reasoning on the base of the spirit/true self/soul.

Once the reasoning base is changed then it has a yardstick to judge what is truth and what is not truth and it will be able to reject the untruth. It is the subconscious/soul, which has to accept and reject what is truth and what is not truth, not the body.

On the physical base the subconscious which decides what is good and what is bad. If the reasoning base of subconscious rectified from form [ego/physical] to formless [spirit/soul] then it will be able to reject all the accumulated knowledge based on the form, and finally nothing prevails other then the true self /spirit, which is ultimate truth.

Once this self-knowledge is gained then one becomes aware in the midst of duality no second thing exists other then the spirit/self, all diversity is created out of spirit. Therefore, the illusion/diversity [matter/mind] and the true self/spirit are one in essence. Therefore there is no diversity in the realm of truth.

Since, everyone bases themselves on their individual experience and trying to find solution for their individual problem through spirituality, and searching the truth for their individual peace. But the individual experiences are happening within the waking/dream. Man is not the doer. Until man thinks himself as a doer, he will not be able to understand and assimilate the self-knowledge. The truth is hidden in the three states, because the self/soul pervades all the three states. Deeper analysis is required to dismantle physical structure. Therefore, constant reflecting on the subject is very much necessary in pursuit of truth.

We are communicating and understanding and trying to assimilate within the illusion to overcome the illusion. The purpose of spiritual path is to realize the fact that, misery and suffering experienced in the life is mere illusion. Since everyone thinks illusion as reality the suffering and pleasure become reality. Only when one becomes aware of our true identity is not physical but the formless spirit, then the illusion becomes an object and he will be able to witness on the base of the subject, which is the spirit/soul.

A well directed inquiry, analysis and reasoning will lead any serious seekers to realize the fact that, the subject is formless [soul/self/spirit] and object is form [body and the world].

The ‘I’, body, ego and the world appear together and disappear together

The ‘I’, body, ego and the world appear together and disappear together. The reason disappears when ‘I’ disappears. Since everyone thinks ‘I’ as self all these doubts and confusion arises. Whenever there is ‘I’ there is division, conflict, which is disorder.
When ‘I’ disappears then there is universal order, which alone is real, which is identified as the true “Self” or Witness of the three states. One cannot say ‘I’ alone is illusion because ‘I’ is not the body but mind, which appears as waking and dream [duality/diversity] and disappears as deep sleep [non-duality/spirit]. Thus one has to learn to view and judge the three states on the standpoint of the formless witness, in order to know “what is truth” to know “what is untruth/illusion”.
When ‘I’ is there all diversities is experienced. Absent of ‘I’ there is no experience of diversity. Thus there is a need to understand the fact that ‘I’/mind is not limited to the physical entity alone, but to the whole experience of diversity. All the confusion will be cleared when one stops his verification on the base false self [‘ego] and learns to reason on the base on the formless self [soul].

Pleasure and happiness is part of the happenings

Why limit the worldly happenings to suffering alone even pleasure and happiness is part of the happenings. All situations good or bad, suffering and happiness, negative or positive, good or evil are the happenings within the illusion/duality.
The suffering experienced in the dream becomes unreal when waking takes place. Same way the suffering experienced in waking becomes unreal when the wisdom dawns. Since the intoxication of illusion /duality is stronger then any drug and liquor it takes time dilute the intoxication with the power of wisdom. The one who thinks the life with in the waking is reality is in the grip of the illusion and experiences the duality as reality, and lives moment to moment , and disappears along with moment with all his illusory baggage.
Since everyone bases his understanding on the waking entity they will permanently think on the base of the ego and they will never cross the threshold of the duality.
All the birth, life and death are happening within the waking experience. The birth, life and death within the dream becomes unreal when the waking takes place similarly when one becomes aware of the fact that the true self is the soul, whatever seen, known, believed and experienced as a person of the world is mere mirage. The waking also is created out of the same clay from which the dream is created. The substance and witness of the three states is the self/soul, which is in the form of consciousness or spirit. The self/spirit can stay with or without the waking or dream.
When one mentally focuses his attention on the formless witness of the three states then conviction becomes firmer grows the burden and bondage of the duality will start fading and one becomes free from experiencing duality as reality. It is called awaken sleep. That is awareness of seeing all the objects as sprit in the midst of duality. Because everything [mirage] is created out of spirit, sustained by spirit finally dissolves as spirit.
The purpose of the self- knowledge is to overcome the ignorance, because the ignorance is the cause of experiencing duality as reality. By experiencing the duality as reality the birth, life and death and pain and pleasure experienced as reality.
On the stand point of the soul/self there is no me or you, or others and the world. No seeker, no seeking and no guru. There is no pain or pleasure, no path or purpose, and nothing that has to be achieved.

All appearance is soul/spirit. All that has appeared as the birth, life and death and the world is mere mirage created out of the soul/spirit/consciousness. There is no separate intelligence weaving a destiny and no choice functioning at any level. Nothing is happening, nothing has ever happened and nothing is going to happen.

The seeker of truth has to discover that which is the abiding, uncaused, unchanging, impersonal source from which the mirage /duality arises and subsides. The true self is always unaffected and apart.

All the words and thoughts are meaningful only in illusion

All the words and thoughts are meaningful only in illusion. The words, thoughts, concepts are used communication purpose within the illusion. They become meaningless when one realizes the ‘Self’ is not the ‘I’. Whatever is seen, known, believed and experienced as real on the base of ‘I’ is falsehood. Thus all the words, thoughts and experience become meaningless, when they merge with the stuff from which they have arisen.
There is no form, time and space to live in the moment. The form, time and space are mere illusion created of single stuff and illusion is witnessed by the formless witness which is the soul/spirit. One will not find any dustbin throw because ‘I’, you, others and the world ceases to exist in the realm of reality.

The individuality is reality within the illusion.

The individuality is reality within the illusion. The illusion appears as waking or dream or mind. The individuality exists only in waking and dream. In deep sleep there is neither individuality nor duality. The dream becomes falsehood when waking takes place. Same way, the waking also becomes falsehood when one realizes the Ataman/spirit, is the true self. Therefore, one has to wake up in reality/truth to know the individuality is mere illusion.
The illusion is an object to the Self/Ataman. The illusion is mere appearance and has no permanence, whereas the witness, which is the Ataman, is formless eternal. Only when one drops all his preconceived ideas, and learns to view and judge the truth on the base of the Soul/Self. The truth starts revealing itself.
J. Krishnamurti said it best "Where there is division there must be conflict, which is disorder. This is not my law but universe law".
The division is within the waking or dream, thus the conflict is within the waking/duality. In deep sleep there is no division, therefore, there is no conflict. The one which is aware of the three states is formless soul. The nature of the Soul/Self is like deep sleep.
Thus, there is a need to know the formless witness of the three states in order to realize the individuality is falsehood. It takes a long time to grasp the witness since it is mental journey and takes time to change the base of reasoning from form to formless.

The pursuit of truth is a personal journey. We have to remove all the obstacles by verifying deeply and remove all the hindrance in the way to understand assimilate the non-dual truth. Nothing has to be accepted because I am saying or some one is claiming. Everything depends on the level of understanding.
The look of an object will depend upon the medium through which the observer views it. In fact, one’s mental and intellectual conditions will determine the things observed and experienced.
An atheist viewing the idea of god differently will see it differently from the religionist viewing the same idea of god. Each one of us interprets the objects that he views in terms of his existing knowledge.
A man of truth is fully convinced and has the firm conviction that the truth lies beyond intellect. Only when one delves and becomes aware of the non-dual tranquility of the soul/true self and able to transcend consciously from his physical identification to formless identity [soul/spirit] is free from experiencing duality as reality.
The truth seeker has to check every religion and philosophy and find for himself, how they become an obstacle in pursuit of truth. I am not the propagator of Hinduism or any other religion. The religion has nothing to do with me. It is not only in Hinduism but also you find many spiritual insights in bible in Koran. Religion is based on the physical entity, whereas, spirituality is based on the soul/spirit. Therefore the religion has to be bifurcated from spirituality, because the religion is based on the body as self, whereas the spirituality is based on the soul as self.

Unity in diversity possible when one becomes aware of the fact that the whole diversity is created out of single stuff.

Unity in diversity possible when one becomes aware of the fact that the whole diversity is created out of single stuff. The diversity has no place in reality. 

Those who think they are born in a world and world exited prior to them feel the separateness. But when they realize the Self is not the body but the soul/spirit the separateness will fall away.

The birth, life and death are happenings within the illusion, which appears and disappears as waking and dream. The formless substance and witness of the illusion is the soul/true self, is real and eternal. 

Judging the truth on the base of birth entity causes the innocence of the reality. The world is within the mind and mind is not within the body. Until one thinks the mind is within the body he will be in the grip of duality. The love and compassion is tools within the duality, but they are not the means to self-knowledge. This is my conviction derived from deeper inquiry and reasoning.

Body including the world is Mind.

Body including the world is Mind. When the mind is there the body and the world are there. Since you think mind is within the body all these doubts and confusion arises. The body and the world appear together and disappear together. There is only mind/’I’ or no mind/’I’-less. Therefore, there is need to know the fact that, the mind is not limited to physical entity but to the whole experience of diversity [waking/dream].

The body and the world are not apart from the mind.

The body and the world are not apart from the mind. If mind is there then the body and the world are there. Absent of mind, is absent of body and world. Therefore limiting the mind to the physical entity alone creates the sense of separation.

For the soul, which is the true self, there is neither birth nor death.

Until one thinks he is and individual separate from the world he will remain in the grip of duality, and he will not be able to assimilate self-knowledge. The one who bases himself on the birth entity will think he is born in this world and world existed prior to him.

For the soul, which is the true self, there is neither birth nor death. Nor having once been, does it ever cease to be. It is unborn and eternal, ever existing, undying and primeval. It is does not die when the body and the world dies. The true “Self” is hidden within the three states as their formless substance and witness. 

Mind and soul are one in essence. The mind rises from the soul/self/spirit and subsides as soul/self/spirit. There is neither body nor the world in the realm of the soul/self/spirit. The body and the world is part of the waking experience. Same way as the dream body and the world are part of the dream. The body and the world of the dream or waking appear together and disappear together. The one which is aware of the appearance and disappearance of the three states is not body but the soul. Thus, on the standpoint of the soul/self, the three states are unreal, because the experience of diversity is mere mirage created out of the soul/self. Therefore, there is neither the body nor the world exists when one becomes aware of the fact that, the true self is the soul.

If mind is there then the body and the world are there

The body and the world are not apart from the mind. If mind is there then the body and the world are there. Absent of mind, is absent of body and world. Therefore limiting the mind to the physical entity alone creates the sense of separation.

There is neither birth nor death

Until one thinks he is and individual separate from the world he will remain in the grip of duality, and he will not be able to assimilate self-knowledge. The one who bases himself on the birth entity will think he is born in this world and world existed prior to him.
For the soul, which is the true self, there is neither birth nor death. Nor having once been, does it ever cease to be. It is unborn and eternal, ever existing, undying and primeval. It is does not die when the body and the world dies. The true “Self” is hidden within the three states as their formless substance and witness.
Mind and soul are one in essence. The mind rises from the soul/self/spirit and subsides as soul/self/spirit. There is neither body nor the world in the realm of the soul/self/spirit. The body and the world is part of the waking experience. Same way as the dream body and the world are part of the dream. The body and the world of the dream or waking appear together and disappear together. The one which is aware of the appearance and disappearance of the three states is not body but the soul. Thus, on the standpoint of the soul/self, the three states are unreal, because the experience of diversity is mere mirage created out of the soul/self. Therefore, there is neither the body nor the world exists when one becomes aware of the fact that, the true self is the soul.

Friday, January 29, 2010

The soul means the self without physicality

The soul means the self without physicality. The soul is the source from where the mind rises and subsides. When the mind rises the as waking or dream [duality] and subsides as the deep sleep [non-duality].
For the soul, which is the true self, there is neither birth nor death. Nor having once been, does it ever cease to be. It is unborn and eternal, ever existing, undying and primeval. It is does not die when the body and the world dies.

Since, most of the seekers are not ready to accept anything other then their accepted truth, it becomes difficult to understand assimilate the non dual truth. Anyone can realize the non dual truth if he is ready to verify the validity of his own belief and has courage to accept the truth and reject the untruth.

The thinker and the thought are part of the false hood.

The thinker and the thought are part of the false hood. The thinker and thought of the dream becomes false when the waking takes place. Similarly the thinker and the thought of the waking becomes falsehood when the wisdom dawns. The one that witnesses the thinker and the thought together is the soul /spirit. The soul is the true self. The soul is the eternal identity. The soul/spirit pervades in everything and everywhere in the three states. The thinker and the thought are mere mirage on the standpoint of the soul/self. Therefore, there is no scope for duality in the realm of the soul/spirit, which is the ultimate truth. The man and his experience of the world are reality on the base of false physical self/’I’/ego. 

No one can be free from the thought without realizing the fact that, the thinker and thought is part of the mirage. The formless substance and witness of the mirage, which is the soul/self is real and eternal. Thus, the reality /truth is beyond experience duality. Therefore, trying to discover, understand, assimilate and realize the truth on the base false physical entity within the false experience, is trying to drain the ocean drop by drop.

whatever is seen, known, believed and experienced on the base of ‘I’ has to be falsehood

The birth, life and death and pain and pleasure are reality on the base of ‘I’, which is the false self, within the false experience. When ‘I’ is not the true self, then whatever is seen, known, believed and experienced on the base of ‘I’ has to be falsehood. The individuality and individual experience is nothing to with the true self, which is the soul/spirit.
On the standpoint of the soul as self, the individual experiences of pain and pleasure is mere mirage. To realize this truth one has to inquire, analyze and reason deeply on the base of true self. It takes time to establish to base everything on the soul, because we have inherited the conditioning which is based on the ‘I’ [physical] whereas the ultimate truth is based on the soul, which is in the form of spirit.
Deeper Inquiry and reasoning on revels the fact that the ‘I’ is not the self. If ‘I’ is not the self, then why base our understanding and judgment on the base of ‘I’, which is not the self. Thus, it is necessary to know the true self, rather then judging on the false base of ‘I’.
The scriptures indicate that the truth cannot be attained by studying the scriptures or herein the sacred books, nor through intelligence, nor through learning much, then why follow the scriptures and intellectual discussion.
Nothing has to be accepted as truth without verifying the validity of any claim in pursuit of truth. Only un-contradictable truth has to be accepted as ultimate truth.

Sex is a reality within the illusion/falsehood

Sex is a reality within the illusion/falsehood. When the body is not the experience of the body itself, it is not correct to be judgmental on the ’I’ / physical base. Until one becomes aware of the formless entity, which is witnessing the body and world together, he will not be able to know and realize man and his experience of the world are mere illusion. Therefore, it is necessary to become aware of the formless entity to know the birth, life and death is mere illusion. If the birth, life and death are illusion, then the sex also is part of that illusion. Thus it is necessary to learn to view and judge on the base of formless witness, which is the soul/spirit/self, to understand and assimilate the higher truth.

The thinker and thought are part of the illusion/mirage

The thinker and thought are part of the illusion/mirage. The thought will not arise without the form. The form will not arise without the mind. The minds cease to exist without the soul, which is in the form of spirit. Therefore, there is a need to know the “Self” is not limited to the physical entity, but it pervades in everything and everywhere in the experience of diversity [waking/dream]. The self remain in its formless non dual true nature which is identified as deep sleep in ignorance or duality. There is neither thinker, nor the thought in reality. The one who bases himself on the thinker and thought or creation and creator will not be able cross the threshold duality. All the three states are created, sustained by the soul/spirit and finally dissolves itself remains in its formless non dual nature. There is no second thing other then the soul /spirit. Thus everything else other then the soul/spirit is illusion. Thus the soul/self/spirit alone is real all else is mere mirage.
Thus, the individual experiences, which are happening within the waking, are also as good as dream. The one which is aware of the appearance and disappearance of the three states is the soul /sprit. Thus, the thought arises to the individual. And Individuality is falsehood within the false experience. Thus it is necessary to know the self is not ‘I’ but the formless soul in order to grasp the non dual truth.

The ego is not the self

The ego is not the self. When one limits the ‘I’ to physical entity, it is called ego. The ego, body and world appear together and disappear together. Therefore, limiting the ‘I’ to the physical entity is creates the ignorance of the truth/reality. To understand “What is truth” and “What is untruth” one has to know the fact that; whether the mind/’I’ is within the body, or body and world are within the ‘I’/mind to get Self-realization.

‘I’ is not the self. ‘I’ is mere illusion.

‘I’ is not the self. ‘I’ is mere illusion. I Am is the ego. Ego is the false entity within the false experience. There is a need to know “What is ‘I’? before proceeding in pursuit of truth. The deeper inquiry, analysis and reasoning reveal the fact that, ‘I’ is not limited to the physical entity but to the whole experience of diversity. Therefore limiting the ‘I’ to the physical entity and viewing and judging the truth on base of false physical entity within the false experience is erroneous.
The birth, life and death, which take place within the world, are also illusion.
The world is mere illusion/myth. Therefore, the birth, life and death, which take place within the world, is also illusion. The belief of god, the religion and its scriptures are reality within the illusion. Therefore, trying to get enlightenment on the base of physical entity, which is limited to the world, will lead one to hallucinated enlightenment, based on the imagination.
The god and guru are part of the illusory world; therefore the devotee and disciple also are also part of the illusion. Accepting the birth, life and death as reality, is accepting the illusion as reality. Accepting illusion as reality is the cause of the ignorance. Ignorance makes one feel the duality as reality. The duality makes one feel he is an individual separate from the world. This separation makes one feel the birth, life and death as reality. The person who bases on the birth, life and death is trying to find the meaning of life. There is no meaning or purpose of the life, because the life is mere happening within the illusion. Thus the karma based on the physical entity is based on the birth, life and death, which is part and parcel of the illusion.
All appearance has not appeared to the physical entity, but to the soul. Man and the world are mere appearance. That is, the illusion is mere appearance. Thus man cannot be considered as witness, since man and his experience of the world are within the illusion. Thus the witness of the illusion is within the illusion but it is apart fro the illusion. It is with is with in the illusion as its formless substance and it is apart from the illusion as its formless witness. The formless substance and witness is the soul/spirit. The soul/spirit is the true self. Realizing the soul as self is Self -Realization. Therefore, the soul alone is real and all else is mere illusion. By Learning to view and judge the truth on the base of soul as self will lead one to realize the fact that the man and the world are mere illusion.
Therefore, it is necessary to learn to view and judge the truth on the base of soul, to understand and assimilate the self-knowledge. It is the though the soul one knows himself as a person and perceives the world. It is the soul, which is the author/knower of the three states, not the person who is limited to waking/dream.
A well directed search will lead one to his non-dual destination. Trying to seek truth on the false entity/ego, one feels he is going round and round. And feels stupid of himself! and feel stupid of all analysis based on the ego !

Thursday, January 21, 2010

The True Self is the soul

The True Self is the soul. Soul is ultimate reality. The three states are unreal but they have no existence without the soul.

The waking and dream of diversity is not apart from the soul, which is in the form of spirit or consciousness but ultimately become one with the soul. The ultimate truth is that Ataman alone is real, and the three states are unreal or an illusion.

Considering physical self/ego/’I’ as the self causes spiritual ignorance. One should learn to distinguish knowledge from ignorance to realize the True Self which is the soul. Self-knowledge is the awareness of the ‘soul’, which pervades in everything and everywhere in all the three states.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The individuality is mere illusion

Self - Knowledge is the most complicated path and even to achieve the correct knowledge is hectic affair. Correct judgement is the first step and even in this first step, lot of complications exist and people are mislead even in this first step.
The whole complication lies only in one point i.e., one must rectify his seeking base from form [physical/’I’] to formless [spiritual/soul] to understand and assimilate self-knowledge.
One has to recognize the fact that the soul is the true self which is beyond illusion of diversity. Soul/true self is possessor of the world in which both good and bad exist. Soul/true self is not touched by the world of duality and therefore experience of diversity does not touch it. Soul/spirit can expose the unreal nature of the experience of diversity but it is not touched by it.
The waking/dream is like a shirt, wore by the formless soul. The waking/dream are like the different colours of shirts and without the colour there is noting but formless soul/spirit. The shirt and it colour is mere mirage created out the soul itself. Therefore, with all its diversity, there is no second thing exists other then the soul/spirit.
The soul/self is within the experience of diversity but it is beyond the experience of diversity. It is within the experience of diversity as its formless substance and it is beyond the experience of diversity as its formless witness. As an individual, one feels he is separate from the world. But this separation is within the illusion.
The individuality is mere illusion. The individual exits within the mirage. Therefore, the individuality is reality within the illusion. Therefore analysing through deeper inquiry and reasoning on the base of the soul as self is necessary to understand and assimilate the self-knowledge

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

One without knowledge does not obtain liberation even in a hundred births, no matter which religious faith he follows.

The self is lying immersed in the sleep of ignorance of its formless non-dual true nature and experiences the illusion as reality.  When it wakes up from the sleep of illusion, then the body and the universe will never again will prevail as reality because they are just illusion created out of the inner most self, which is in the form of consciousness.    A Gnani still remain absolutely unattached to the illusory reality in the midst of the illusory reality. 

The ignorance is the cause of experiencing all sorrow and calamities as reality. Thus eradicating the ignorance completely is necessary. And this is possible only through self-knowledge.   Thus, there is no other road to freedom other than Gnana.  There is no other entrance other than
 except Gnana.  The ignorance will vanish only when the nondual wisdom dawns. 

 Sri Sankara, in BhajaGovindam says: - [Jnana Viheena Sarva Mathena Bajathi na Muktim janma Shatena] - One without knowledge does not obtain liberation even in a hundred births, no matter which religious faith he follows. 

 Detachment to attachment is impossible without wisdom. Only when one realizes the fact that, the self is not form but self is formless, than only it is possible to detach the ‘self’ from the false attachment.  

Man and his individual experience of the birth life and death are reality within the falsehood. Until one has a firm conviction he is an individual separate from the universe and universe existed prior to him, and he is born in it afterwards he will never be able to acquire non-dual wisdom. Because of this reason he will not be able think beyond form, time and space.    Until this conviction is there all his views, judgments and conclusions are based on the false self within the false experience. Thus there is a need for overcoming this conviction by realizing the fact that the self is not form but self is formless. 

Without overcoming this conviction one is in the grip of form, time and space.  Until self is in the grip of form, time and space, the duality will prevail as reality.  If duality prevails as reality the ignorance prevails.  If ignorance prevails the wisdom will not dawn.  Without wisdom detachment to attachment is impossibility. 

Path of Bhakti or Karma are based on the false self within the false experience. Thus they are not tools to acquire non-dual wisdom.  Liberation from experiencing duality as reality is absolutely impossible without non-dual wisdom. 

When one realizes the self is not ‘I’  or ‘I am’ but the self is the formless substance and witness of the ‘I’ or ‘I AM’ , he is freed from the attachment to result and then what ever he does it detached work. Similarly, when he recognizes that consciousness is everywhere and in everything in all the three states than that very recognition leads to a total dissolution of the ignorance and leads to self-awareness. 

What is required is only non-dual wisdom. All else follow. Without Self- Knowledge, when one tries to detach himself from the practical world, he finds it impossible, because he feels he is the doer.  The doer ship and doing belongs to individuality. Individuality is falsehood from the ultimate standpoint because the self is not an individual entity; it pervades the whole of the illusion, which is in the form of the universe, which appears as waking or dream.  

Self is nothing more than a mental idea within the falsehood, how can one surrender to his own mental idea, as surrender itself means dropping of the inborn conditioning or samskara of ‘I’ or ‘I AM’ by realizing ‘I’ or I AM’ is not the self but the formless substance and witness of the ‘I’ or ‘I AM’ is the true self.

Nothing works unless one knows the true self is not the form but formless consciousness. Once one knows the formless true self as it is, everything naturally falls in place. When one knows the formless true self, then he is free and automatically detached mentally from illusion, because there remains no second thing other than consciousness to get attached.
Self is the “Soul”. The soul is in the form of consciousness. The consciousness pervades in everything and everywhere in all the three states. Consciousness is essentially the Self Luminous in everything that exists in waking or dream because the consciousness is the formless substance and witness of the three states.
The consciousness is the cause of everything that exists and it itself is uncaused. The self is the soul.  The Soul is in the form of consciousness.  Thus consciousness is ultimate truth or Brahman, knowing which one is free from experiencing the duality as reality.
There is no individual, individualized god and universe exists in the realm of truth because the whole experience of diversity [waking or dream] is created out of single stuff, which is consciousness. Consciousness is universal and ultimate truth. The ultimate truth is God. For those who believe in practical life within the practical world as reality, and have belief in individualized God feel the path of Gnana is atheistic.
The inner most self is the soul. The soul is in the form of consciousness.  The consciousness is ultimate truth and ultimate truth is God.
 The individual ego falsely imagines that it exists independently, and that other beings have similar independent existence. The ignorance, which accounts for this, is the root of all evil. The soul through ignorance is misunderstood, and instead of being known as it is, it is identified with the three states. The ignorance is cause of the limitations.  The limitation is cause of the duality. The duality is cause of experiencing the illusion as reality.  Until one becomes aware of the formless true self mentally, it is difficult to cross over to the limitless existence.
Within the illusion the false self thinks of itself as doer, agent and enjoyer within the false experience of waking or dream. And it is this illusory self, alike deceiving and deceived by the intoxication of illusion. Through self- knowledge, the self becomes free from experiencing the illusory bondage of birth, life and death and the world.  The consciousness is everything. The universe is consciousness because it created out of consciousness.  It is not through becoming something which now it is not, but by realizing what it is: the consciousness is the true self and ultimate truth or Brahman.

Truth must be verifiable; unless it is verifiable it is of no value.

Pursuit of truth is not pursuit of argument.  Until one makes his accepted truth as his yardstick without verification, he will never will be able to cross the threshold of duality because his understanding is  based on the ego, is not matured enough to grasp the non- dualistic truth, which is prior to his physical existence or mindwhich is in the form of universe.

The guru is not needed in pursuit of truth because the truth has to be ascertained by seeker himself. Advaitic or Non-dual Wisdom will not rise from intellectual spoon feeding but it arises only from deeper self-search to the sincere and serious seeker who has an intense urge to know the ultimate truth or Brahman.    

Persons who are stuck with branded masters and guru and takes their guru’s word as final without verifying the validity of their Guru’s teaching.  They are stuck with their egocentric intellectuality, which is the greatest hindrance in realizing the ultimate truth.  Nothing has to be accepted truth without verification. 

The people who is stuck with path of love and thinks love is the means and go out dancing and have fun. Love is essential in practical life within the practical world but practical life within the practical world itself is an illusion. There is no need to renounce practical life within the practical world one can love the whole humanity and have fun and dance like anyone else.  But whoever has inner urge his without disturbing his practical life can continue in his inner journey.    Path of love is path of individuality.  The individuality is nothing to do with the ‘Self’, which is not an individual because it is formless and non-dual. 

Until one thinks ‘I’ or ‘I AM’ as self, their understanding is egocentric. The egocentric understanding is not realization of ultimate truth or Brahman.  They think by observing silence within the duality they pretend to show they are in Brahmic bliss. They fail to realize the fact that, truth is not an individual experience but it is the basis of all that exist in the form of duality.

 The truth is hidden within the duality but it is without the duality. Until one considers self is an individual he will remain in the realm of intellectuality. Intellectuality belongs to individuality and individuality is falsehood from ultimate standpoint.   Thus it is no use arguing with such mind set who are not ready and receptive to grasp and realize non dual truth because they are stuck with their accepted truth as ultimate truth without verifying the facts and remain like stagnant water in dirty pond. The guidance comes from any form when the seeker is ready and receptive to take the mental [inner] journey.  The people who are stuck with ‘I’ or ‘I AM’ as self  are eaten only the half cooked food are satisfied  with half-knowledge  and they will not be able to grasp  digest the fullness or oneness of the self or Brahman because their conviction about it is deep rooted .  Thus they remain in ignorance thinking they know everything without fully knowing what is what.  

 Some think using the language without the words they will attain the state of oneness by telling others not use words with words.   The oneness does not arise by observing silence or without using language without words or trying to be in the thoughtlessness. The deep sleep is the   state of thoughtlessness, silence, wordlessness, silence but it is not considered as state of oneness because any one can take a sleeping pill and will be able to get the state of oneness. Thus trying to imitate the state of oneness in duality by observing silence, thoughtlessness, wordlessness or by yogic Samadhi or surrendering to the physical guru the wisdom will not dawn. Without wisdom the ignorance will not vanish. Thus getting rid of the ignorance through wisdom is the only way to realize the ultimate truth or Brahman.  
If one has understood what ‘truth ‘really is “than there is no necessity to know ‘Who am I? or ‘I am that’.   ‘WHO AM I?’ or ‘I AM THAT’ reveal only half-truth because they are limited to individuality and reveals only the unreal nature of the ego.   Ego is individuality whereas the self is not an individual because self is formless consciousness.  Thus the journey is incomplete.  Seeker has to go much deeper know the full truth about the ‘self ‘which is beyond form, time and space. 

The bookish knowledge is not wisdom. The knowledge accumulated from intellectual spoon feeding from the intellectual wise men is not wisdom.  The persons who are propagating only half-truth as absolute truth are playing with feelings of the seeker with ornamental words.   The people who are stuck with half-truth think they have already realized and think that they are realized truth and they try to snub others and expect to follow their own terms without realizing they have not yet completed the journey.

 People talk of the love, and humanity in Atmic or non-dualistic discussion, which is not the subject matter of pursuit of truth.

 The individual life, love and humanity are nothing to do with pursuit of truth because self is neither the waking entity nor the dream entity because it is formless.  

If one has understood 'I’ or ‘I AM ‘is not the self and what really is ‘I’ or ‘I AM’, there is no necessity for pursuit of truth.  When in deeper self-search one becomes aware neither the body nor the ‘I’ is self than one has to base the self on whatever prevails without the body and without the ‘I’. Passing the opinion   and judgment even after knowing the self is not ‘I’, itself is erroneous.  Thus holding the ‘I’ as self and passing judgment and opinion based on the ‘I’ or ‘I AM’ is only a hallucinated judgment based on the false self. This because they have taken the false self as real self and false experience as real experience.    

There is no doubt many masters have given valuable contribution to seeking world but none of them take one to the ultimate end .  Thus seeker has to verify on his own remove the entire obstacle, which is blocking his realization on his own.  There is no need to criticize any teacher or Guru and waste time instead seeker has to utilize the same time  to acquire self-knowledge through deeper self-search.  

Truth means certainty. If there is any uncertainty it is not truth. It does not deal with imaginations. People do not have the scientific attitude because they take things as presented to them. They have rather the emotional and sentimental attitude. The correct attitude is to verify all the facts, to see a problem in them, something to investigate and inquire into them.

Truth must be verifiable; unless it is verifiable it is of no value.  Those who lack the capacity to doubt are not fit for pursuit of truth.

Analogical, inductive and deductive reasoning are good only within the physical existence; none are absolutely and universally infallible because they are based on the physical self.

The religion is based on the blind belief. But in pursuit of truth the Doubt is the main ingredient.

 Most people have the desire to know the truth but the capacity to understand and assimilate it is limited. The result is that people resolve the conflict by jumping to the first and simplest and easiest conclusion as the correct one, and smugly but unjustifiably thinking “I know”: Thus they commit the fallacy of primitivity.

The seeker needs proof   to accept anything as truth.  Every guru intellectuals, pundit or yogi statements have to be verified before accepting them as ultimate truth or Brahman. Their claims have to be verified before accepting them as truth.

Ultimate truth or Brahman cannot be known by intuition but it can be grasped from the reason based on the true self. Therefore, there is a need to know first the self is not physical but the formless consciousness. Then start reasoning on the base of the formless consciousness, all the clouds and confusion starts clearing on its own and finally one  will have no confusion left to say the illusion as whole is spirit.

One knows everything within the waking experience is consciousness because the waking experience itself is mere mirage created out of consciousness. The physical apparatus is absent in deep sleep, so one cannot know anything by intuition, because there is no duality in deep sleep. This proves that the duality is present only in waking or dream. And also   it proves that if there be such a faculty as intuition it must be limited to the physical self.

In Panchadashi:-  Atman The is the witness-consciousness that experiences the action, the actor, and the world of separate things. It is like a light that illuminates everything in a theatre, revealing the master of ceremonies, the guests, and the dancers with complete impartiality. Even when they all depart, the light shines to reveal their absence.

 People speak the supra-mental consciousness, who or what is there, to discover it because the mind is not there? It is an absurd statement.

The psychological writings of mystics and the pseudo-scientific explanations are not inferences from the facts of their mystic experiences but mere imaginations.

The mystic who says he has cosmic consciousness implies that he has astral traveled  and seen that this consciousness was also there in the astral world; even if we take his experiences as reality there is no truth in it because it is also mirage within the mirage. Until the duality persists as reality the non-dual reality will not be revealed. 

Those who object that the means and ends of waking are different from those of dreams, and therefore they are not on the same level, ignore that you have time, space and causal relation in both experiences. These three things make the waking experience real to everyone: and are its chief characteristics; similarly they give the same sense of reality to dream. They say waking is real and dream is illusory, but for the one who has learnt to view the worldview on the base of Ataman, which is in the form of consciousness as self, both are illusory. 

Where is the need of a creator when one’s own dream experience offers proof that, the true self bring into being a whole waking experience, which contains  world and persons, and if it  can create a dream world, why not also a waking world? Only seeker should not forget that 'Self ' does not refer to the ego which is itself a produced thing but he must know the true self is the formless Atman or consciousness.

The Advanced stages of pursuit of truth, resulting from the constant practice of inquiry, analysis and reasoning on the true base leads to “awareness of the true self”.  One has to mentally separate the self from the three states, know the three states to be the consciousness, because the substance and witness of the three states   is the consciousness.

The three states do not exist; that is not its point; what is felt as real in each states is one and the same thing that is the consciousness, the true Self.

Consciousness is the true Self. Consciousness is within this universe but it is not of this universe. It is in this universe, but not of this universe means it is the formless substance and witness of the universe, which is in the form of the mind [I]. The mind [I] appears as waking or dream and disappears as deep sleep. The self who is in the form of consciousness is the formless knower of the mind, which comes and goes.   Consciousness is above; it is transcendental to all the miseries, which are inevitable in this illusory universe.  Therefore, there is a need to realize the fact that, the mind, which is in the form of universe is mere mirage created out consciousness.   Thus, the birth, life, death and world are mere mirage on the stand point of the consciousness, which is the true self. Only on the base of physical self the universe is reality.  Thus the Self is within the universe but it is without the universe.

Only a Gnani alone can actually create the awareness of the truth. He can enliven and illuminate others to get out of this ignorance by being transcendental to the illusory birth, life, death and the universe. Gnani tries to guide the seekers get rid of the inherited ignorance and, rise above the egocentric concepts, be in this universe, but not of this universe, be in tune with the consciousness, which is his  true identity and the ultimate truth.

This material existence is mere mirage. It is like a wax in the candle it will burn away.  All attempts for freedom is possible only when one is ready to overcome the ignorance. To overcome the ignorance is possible only when one realizes the birth, life, death and the world are mere illusion created out of consciousness.  The consciousness is ultimate truth. And the one who knows this truth knows the knower [consciousness] is free from the known [mind].  

Through Self-knowledge, all of one’s egocentric successes and all of his credible accomplishments within the duality are ultimately evaporated and consciousness alone will prevail as non-dual existence.