Sunday, October 9, 2011

Since we are in ignorance of our true self, we experience the duality as reality

Since we are in ignorance of our true self, we experience the duality as reality. We all exist in duality experiencing the experiencing the birth, life, death and the world as reality whereas deeper self-search revels the fact that the self is not the form (body) but self is formless (consciousness). Thus it is erroneous to judge the truth on the base of form as self, when the self is not the form. Thus our judgment of the truth has to be based on the formless self.  Thus our reasoning base has to be rectified mentally in order to unfold the mystery of our true existence.

People have the notion that more and more they gratify their senses for attaining worldly pleasures, the happier they will be is not true at all, because they think the physical self is real self, therefore they are unaware of the fact that, the self not physical but  self is formless consciousness. The consciousness can stay with or without the mind or ’I’.  

It is the illusory sense-pleasure that is responsible for the forgetfulness of the Self, which is in the form of consciousness, which result in one’s sorrows and sufferings.

Suffering is the reminder to search for the remedy to overcome the suffering caused by the ignorance of the true self. Pleasure is the cause of ignorance .But if the real self is realized, and then, illusion will not prevails as reality.   

Why do mortals then become attached to worldly pleasures in the first place?

It is the illusion that allures one to enjoy the mundane objects in a futile effort of satisfying the unceasing demands of his senses within the waking or dream. A person within the illusion becomes intoxicated of lust, greed, anger, attachment, false ego, enviousness, stubborn mindedness, and their numerous variations within the illusion.

 Consequently, the individual self gets caught in the illusory cycle of birth, old age, disease, and death within the illusion. This is illusion, by which the consciousness is forgotten; emotional attachment and love of duality is born.

The ignorance of the true self is cause of duality. The duality is cause of illusion. The illusion is the cause of experiencing unreality as reality. Because of this pluralistic phenomena of illusory -vision, the material happiness appears to be followed by sorrow. If there is laughter, there is a cry; if there is a birth, there is a death; if there is a rich, there is a poor; so on and so forth.

Everything in the waking or dream experience is in the state of constant flux; there can be found no everlasting happiness. The ego is in the control of evil passions, evil intent, and duality.

Everyone wishes for happiness, pleasures, joy, peace, etc. and none asks for suffering, misery, etc. But in the wake of pleasure, there comes suffering. The pleasure and pain co-exists within the illusion. People do not understand this.  Therefore, there is necessary to realize the fact that mind, which appears as waking or dream is mere illusion.

There is a need to know fact that, the ‘I’ is not limited to the physical entity alone but ‘I’ is the mind, which appears and disappears as waking or dream. If there is no ‘I’ then there is neither waking nor dream.  If there is ‘I’ then there is mind. If there is mind then only there is waking or dream. Therefore mind is not limited to the physical entity alone.   Therefore, there is a need to analyze “What is ‘I?”, before indulging in pursuit of truth, in order overcome all the flaws in understanding and assimilating the non-dual truth.   The ‘I’, appears as mind and mind is impermanent.  The formless substance of the ‘I’ or mind is real and eternal.  

All the three states are an object to the formless subject.

All the three states are an object to the formless subject. The object is the form and the subject is formless consciousness. All the three states are mere mirage created out of consciousness. . There is nothing that is not consciousness in objectified waking or dream. There is only  consciousness  and nothing else.  Consciousness is formless and limitless, and it is the source from where the mind rises and subsides as waking or dream.

One confronts the world within the waking or dream experience. The dream entity and the dream world is reality within the dream. Likewise the waking entity and the waking world are reality within the waking. Therefore, the waking is parallel dream and dream is parallel waking experience.  The duality exists in waking or dream and duality ceases in deep sleep. 

 The form, space and time are reality within the duality.  Until one hold the form as self he is in the grip of time and space.  The form, time and space exist together and disappear to gather.  One has preconceived inherited conditioning that, he is an individual separate from the world and world existed prior to him and he is born in this world afterwards. Until this preconceived conditioning is there he is bound hold the birth, life, death and world as reality.  Until one holds the experience of birth, life, death and world as reality it is difficult to overcome the inherited conditioning, which is the cause of the ignorance.

One cannot overcome the  ignorance until he makes sure of the fact that, the self is neither the waking entity nor the dream entity but self is the formless witness of the three states, which comes and goes in succession.  Until one becomes aware of the fact that the self is not human it is difficult to get rid of the humidified conditioning. Without getting rid of the conditioning it is difficult rectify the reasoning base from form to formless.

Thus all the accumulated knowledge based on the ego is useless in crossing the ocean of duality. Therefore perfect understanding and assimilation is required to assimilate and realize the nondual truth. 

Until one thinks “I AM” as self,  he will remain in the prison of duality, because he will not accept anything other than whatever he has heard and read without going deeper and  keeps himself busy with intellectual speculation.  Their egoic attitude will not allow them to go beyond duality.

 Assuming and speculating with second-hand knowledge without verifying with deeper reasoning is like eating the half-baked cake and sharing the same half-baked cake with others. 

Thus seeker of truth has to reach mentally until they get the un-contradictable truth. Only the nondual truth is un-contradictable. One has to make sure whatever he knows as truth is un-contradictable.  Seekers should never indulge argument with others. Seeker should discuss with the fellows seekers and he should accept only, if it is un-contradictable truth after deeper reasoning.  Through constant deeper reasoning, the inner dialog will start and it will reveal the un-contradictable truth on its own.

Everyone longs to be perpetually happy, without any suffering. Since in everyone the highest love is alone felt for one’s self and since happiness alone is the cause of love, in order to attain that happiness, which is one's real nature and which is experienced daily in the mindless state of deep sleep, it is necessary to know one’s self. To achieve that, one has to realize the fact that, the self is not the form but the self is formless. Until one thinks the form as self, the birth, life, death and the universe will prevail as reality. If the experience of the birth, life, death and universe are accepted as reality than the sense of time and space will prevail as reality.  If form, time and space prevail as reality then the duality will prevail as reality. If duality is accepted as reality than  the illusion is experienced as reality. If illusion is accepted as reality then the ignorance prevails, then one thinks the ‘I’ or I AM as self. If ‘I’ or ‘I AM’ is considered as self, then it becomes very difficult to acquire self-knowledge.      

Consciousness is the true Self and it does not belong to any religion or race and creed.

Self-Realization is not an experience. People who think Self can be experienced are still infancy because they are not personally self-searched. Their understanding and assimilation are dependent on intellectual spoon feeding form whatever they have read, heard and assumed.  Since their egocentric outlook, they refuse to accept or verify anything other than their accepted truth.   Discussing with such people is waste of time.  Discussions on the subject are more important then mixing up every teaching or quotation of some great thinkers or scriptural authority.   
Ultimate truth  is beyond all experience. Experiences imply duality. Duality is mere illusion from ultimate standpoint. The consciousness beyond experience and it cannot be experienced because it is cause of all experiences and it itself is uncaused because it is nondual in its nature.  
The grace cannot be experienced. It is emotionally hallucinated people propagate to experience the grace by plying with people feelings of people hallucinating them with ornamental words promising them with the experience of the self.  Such hallucinated experience is not wisdom. 
Birth, life and death, Virtue and voce, pleasure and pain are of the waking or dream not of the formless witness of the waking or dream. The formless witness [self] pervades in everything everywhere, in all the three states as their formless substance.   The true self is neither the doer not enjoyer because it is not an individual.  Doing and enjoying is an individual experience within the illusion.    
People think that their chosen path is right path. And it is foolish to tell them they are not in right path because until they themselves become aware that their chosen path is inadequate and useless in quenching their spiritual thirst they will not accept anything other then what they think is right.  Pursuit of truth is personal journey and it cannot be imposed on others. The people who have inner urge will find the right path, at right time with right people and move ahead in their mental [inner] journey.       
Consciousness is the true Self and it does not belong to any religion or race and creed.  It is not perceived by the senses. It is unattached, formless and witness of all the body and universe.       
Consciousness is the Eternal Truth, the real Self and the only Universal Reality or Omnipresent Reality which is the Truth of all life and existence whether visible or invisible.
Consciousness has no beginning and no end it is the eternal ageless Consciousness is the One besides which there is nothing else existent.
In Consciousness is the essence of the illusory universe in which the birth, life and death takes place. There is no experience or conception by which one can limit it.
The formless is form, the timeless is time, and the spaceless is space.  The form, time and space are mere mirage created out of consciousness. Thus form, time and space are created out of single stuff, which is consciousness. 
The cause and effect is the theory based on the false self. When the birth, life and death and the world are mere illusion on the ultimate standpoint, how the physical based theories such as creator and creation, cause and effect, karma can be real.
 Illusion is the nature of consciousness. It is in ignorance the illusion becomes reality and when the consciousness remains in its formless nondual true nature the duality is mere illusion. The universe is in the form of mind.  The mind is mere mirage created out of consciousness.  Without the mirage it is pure awareness. The mind appears as waking or dream. The dream is parallel waking and waking is parallel dream. Mind   and spirit are one in essence.
One has to burn down the ignorance with the fire of conviction that “I AM is the self but the self is I AM-less existence. Until one hold the ‘I’ or ‘I AM’ as self he is duped by his own egocentric outlook and will remain hallucinating that he knows the truth and what he knows as ultimate truth.  Until and unless one comes out of hangout from   I and I AM base, it is impossible to cross the threshold of duality. ‘I’ or ‘I AM’ or words used in duality to indicate the self. Deeper self-search reveals the fact that neither the ‘I’ nor the ‘I AM’ is self because the sense of ‘I’ or ‘I AM’ is present only in physical existence whereas the self is beyond ‘I’ or I AM.   In the past some sages must have used it to help the seekers to reach up to the level of ‘I’ or ‘I AM’ by revealing only half wisdom and kept the other halfway to reach the destination as a secret.   People who are stuck with ‘I’ or ‘I AM’ remain in the stagnant water if they do not proceed beyond ‘I’ or ‘I AM’.          
People hold their teacher, guru, god men or scriptural scholar as authenticated authority on truth and treat only the words of religious robed god men or gurus as a final say, they miss their inner track.    If one is seeking truth then it is necessary for him to investigate all the facts on his own to realize the fact that,    the path of religion and path of yoga are not the means to realize the ultimate reality, because theses paths are egocentric paths. Thus all the egocentric paths lead to hallucination not towards the ultimate realization.  Thus it is wrong declaration to say that, every path leads one to the same destination because egocentric paths leads one  to hallucination and only soul-centric path leads one  towards the ultimate realization. 
Self –Realization is Self - awareness that is, realizing the self is not form but self is formless consciousness and being aware of the true self in the midst of duality, which is mere illusion.
Therefore one has to become aware of the true self, is neither the waking entity nor the dream entity but the formless substance and witness of the three states.

Samsara is practical life within the practical world. Liberation is freedom from experiencing the samsara or universe as reality.

Samsara is practical life within the practical world. Liberation is freedom from experiencing the samsara or universe as reality.
The practical life within the practical world appears to be monotonous or troublesome only because we are unaware of the truth and we experience it as reality.
We make samsara or universe as living aspect and freedom as a goal. But what everyone fails to understand is that the seeker, world, his path and his destination are one in essence. That essence is consciousness. Just as the water is the main essence of the snow and clouds the consciousness is the essence of the mind, which is in the form of universe. The mind or universe appears as waking or dream and disappears as deep sleep.  The substance and witness of the three states is consciousness. Thus the three states are created out of single stuff, which is consciousness. Thus all the things, forms and names of the waking or dream are mere mirage created out of consciousness. The nothingness or emptiness of deep sleep is also consciousness. Therefore there is nothing exist other than consciousness.   
Thus truth realization is most essential to live in freedom from experiencing the falsehood as reality in the midst of false practical life within the practical world.
Freedom is the nature of the soul, which is in the form of consciousness. Thus it is the soul, which is seeking freedom from falsehood not the man who perceives the world because the man and his experience of the world [waking] are part of the mirage or falsehood.   
Where everyone err is that instead of realizing the waking entity is not the self they try to experience the truth as a person of the world.  Everyone is seeking what is already there without realizing the seekers is not the body but the seeker is formless consciousness. Until one realizes the seeker and seeking and realization are mere happening within the falsehood, prevails as reality.  Until the duality prevails as reality it is impossible to get realization of   the ultimate truth or Brahman.  The one who realized the ultimate truth or Brahman  is Gnani.
A Gnani encourages the seekers to think in a different way. Everyone whether religious or non-religious, whether they have perception or none, he tries to bring them toward the boundless freedom from experiencing the duality as reality.  He never claims himself to be a Gnani.  He never indulges in pursuit of argument.

He tries to sow the seed of nonduality, which grows subconsciously and at right time it will start maturing and starts yielding fruits. The nondual seed creates the doubts and confusion and one starts thinking on his own to find answers for all his doubts and confusion which creates an urge to know the truth of his true existence.  Thus the inner journey begins.   
Why vast majority of seekers are not liberated even after their chosen paths, gurus’ guidance, scriptural mastery, yogic practice and theoretical philosophy because all these are inadequate and useless in pursuit of truth.

A common error amongst follower of the Godmen is to jump to the conclusion that he possesses miraculous powers because unusual coincidences happen in a few cases, which they universalize.

Everyone likes Religion because it belongs to the world of sentiments, emotions. Religion changes as it appeals to different emotions. One will find at one pole the nude sadhu is admired; at the other the gorgeously-robed swami or guru is revered.

People get carried away by miraculous powers of   the Godmen.  Such powers have no value from ultimate standpoint. What is the use of all the miraculous powers which is not useful in stopping all the calamities like epidemics, starvation, earthquake and tsunamis? Why to collect money from the people if their miracle power produces everything other than the money.  Why to build super specialty hospital when they cannot cure people with their power all these doubts arise to the people who are in search of the truth.    From ultimate standpoint whatever miracles performed and whatever miracles experienced is part of the duality, which is mere illusion therefore whatever is experienced in the false hood is bound to be falsehood.

 Most of the gurus who pretend to be Gnanis and illustrate the ‘I know’ attitude adopted because their guru told them so, both of them not knowing really. They are  certainly brilliant intellectually in their  other spheres, in the worldly plane , but remember the truth that most of these pretending Gnanis  keep the quest of truth in watertight compartments apart from the other sections of their brain.

Most people apply reason admirably to their worldly business, but drop it and use feeling or emotion only when trying to philosophize.

People magnify every minor coincidence or every petty fact where these yogis were concerned, and they see miraculous or esoteric significance therein.  They are duped because they are unaware of the fact that, all experiences takes place in the waking experience and waking experience also a dream.  Therefore, it is necessary to realize the fact that, self is neither the waking entity nor the dream entity but the self is the formless seer of all the three states. All the three states are mere mirage created out of consciousness, which is the true self.  Holding the consciousness as self  and dropping the mirage[three states]  mentally one is the realm of non-duality.

Religious or yogic truth is individual truth. The ultimate truth is not individual because the self is not an individual it is universal.” This means religionist and yogis takes their feeling and experience as truth whereas the Gnani takes his reasoned judgment, which will be the same under test everywhere in the universe.

If one has still attachment to his religion and concepts then he is not ripe enough to take the inner journey.  Only when one finds his inherited belief system is inadequate and useless in quenching his inner thirst ten only he will be able to take the inner journey.  Thus it is no use of forcing anyone to path of truth because the urge to know the truth has to come from within. 

It is not of any use criticizing any guru or his teaching. By criticizing any guru or teaching nothing will be gained but one has highlight how they are inadequate and create obstacle in pursuit of truth.    Seekers main aim is to acquire self-knowledge, not indulge criticism or indulge in argument.  Lot of patience and humility is needed in pursuit of truth. All discussion based on accumulated knowledge is unnecessary and it is waste of time.  Same time can be utilized to unlearn what has been learnt and accumulated and start again as a fresh.   

No one has been liberated with the egocentric spiritual paths and practices. Even anyone claims that they are self- realized   that is only hallucinated realization. It is because no Gnani who is truly compassionate holds ‘I’   or ‘I AM’ self, and who thinks self is limited to individual. Thus the all the practices which hold the individual experiences such as bliss and Samadhi as self-realization are mere hallucinating through their imagination.   Until one finds satisfaction with the meaning of ornamental words they will be in the prison of emotion.  The emotions and sentimentalism is the greatest obstacle in realizing the fact that the self is not form but self is formless, because, the emotion and sentimentalism belongs to the realm of form.   To overcome the emotion and sentimentalism one has to realize the fact that, the self is not form. 

People get involved with some teacher and teaching and emotionally involved and leave their further search in the name surrendering to the guru. Such surrender will not yield any fruit. It is mere religious fable.  Surrendering within the duality to some person is not surrender because the duality is not reality.  When the form and names are falsehood by surrendering to false entity is false surrender.  The guru and god is inner most self. One has to trace the formless self and realize it as his true identity, is real surrender.  

Self is the seer of all the three states and it is ever free. Because it is not an entity or identity within the waking or dream but it is formless substance of all the three states.

If one sees the seer as physical then he is in the clutches of duality thus he is in the bondage of experiencing the duality as reality.   Thus one has to trace the formless witness to realize the fact that, the self is not the form but self is formless. 

Only when one becomes aware of the fact that, universe [which contains   all the names and forms forest, ocean, hills, sky, earth, stars and planets] is nothing but mirage created out of consciousness then there is nothing to realize because whatever one has seen, known, believed and experienced as person of the universe is mere mirage. Thus consciousness alone is real all else is mere mirage created out of consciousness.  Thus realizing the consciousness as self, which is real and eternal is self-realization.     

Consciousness knows no decay and survives even destruction of the three states.

Consciousness knows no decay and survives even destruction of the three states. The mind disappears as consciousness. Consciousness survives event the destruction of the mind, because it is the formless witness of the birth and death of the mind.  It has the knowing ability.  The mind is only known. Whatever is known emanates from consciousness. Consciousness has not seen death but it sees only the death of the mind.

v  Why distinction should imply contradiction? What does distinction mean?

 It implies that two things are not the same, hence duality exists there.

v  What is the soul as different from mind?

Soul is only a mental picture. Even if one say that one are immortal and exist eternally, it is  the mind that must tell one this, that is to the mind that it is only an idea.

Ideas are mere notion. Notion or idea never reaches Atman. The mind never knows it. He who says he has a vision of the highest or describes it as supra-mental etc. does not understand consciousness [soul], because it is free from imaginations or duality.

Physical knowledge arises from experience of object by a subject; that all knowledge of objects will only lead to more thinking but never give one ultimate reality.  Intellectual position is "Let us try and get more and still more objective experience and then when one has enough he may get reality.”

Intellectuals can never get at ultimate truth that way because it leads to endless thoughts and because it ignores the Witness, intellectuals must make the inquiry into Invisible witness to find reality. One need not give up its investigations into objects; they are useful empirically; but only that he should not delude himself that this is the correct path to final reality.

When a yogi sits down to meditate, he is thinking first of sitting, that is his body; next he says "I do not want such and such thoughts," that is he is already thinking of those thoughts. Thus his mind is filled with two thoughts, never of the consciousness or soul. Hence "This is his bondage, that he practices Samadhi which is meditation or trance”.

Yoga can yield only experience of duality because everything that one can do or practice becomes a vanishing 'known.' It yields relative truth based on imagination, which is true from a particular viewpoint, not ultimate truth.

When seeker puts aside the imagination and has the thinker-- what does he get with thinking—he can get only a thought. Meditation is only an effort of the physical self/ego; it is imagination, an idea; the ego remaining the same with or without objects.

When one’s attention is riveted to an object, he forgets the subject,which is  consciousness. This is true whether an external object or an internal idea. When one is absorbed in thinking of anything, he forgets the subject, his-self, that which sees all these subjects.

 One may think for years but it is all thoughts, hence not consciousness. But when one inquires who is the witness of the three states is, then one does get consciousness, the knower, and the witness of the three states.  Consciousness is the eternal. 

Brahmin means not caste but one who has attained Atma Jnana or Brahma Jnana.

Kabir lived in Kashi, a place abounding in scholars. They believed it was enough to read, to accumulate knowledge from books. They were well versed in the Vedas, in the Upanishads and the other scriptures, and  they looked upon Kabir as ignorant, as an  illiterate man. In one sense, you can say Kabir was illiterate. If you consider a scholar as literate, as a well-educated man, then Kabir was definitely illiterate. But of what value is the scholar’s knowledge? A scholar will go on and on about the immortality of the soul, but when death approaches you will find him trembling  and weeping and wailing. All this talk of immortality will crumble into nothingness because he has not known it..    --Osho -The Great Secret, ch. 2

In Vedic era a Brahmin was a person who had attained Self- knowledge or Atma Jnana. This was an extremely difficult path of discipline of body, mind, and intellect, and people irrespective of their birth or class, who dedicated to such an austere life, were recognized as Brahmins. 

A great example of this tradition (that a person becoming a Brahmin, rather than born as one) is the case of Vishwamitra, a warrior (Kshatriya), who became a Brahmin after attaining Atma Jnana or Self-Knowledge.

A smritis, or code of conduct composed by sage Atri defines brahminhood very clearly.

"By birth, every man is a Shudra (an ignorant person). Through various types of disciplines (samskaras), he becomes a dwija (twice born). Through the studies of scriptures, he becomes a vipra (or a scholar). Through realization of supreme spirit (brahmajnana), he becomes a brahmin."

The belief that people born in Brahmin caste, automatically become Brahmins, is a much later concept in the very ancient  India.  Thus, Brahmin means not caste but  one who has attained Atma Jnana or Brahma Jnana.  

People think Gnani is to refer to a Saint or religious head but the true import of this word Gnani is one who has realized the fact that the self is not physical but it is the soul and Soul is the true Self and soul is ultimate truth.

 A simple point is that one is a Gnani whose "ego" is totally absent because he is fully aware the consciousness is the true self and he abides in the Soul/ self, which is ultimate reality.

A scholar is proud that he has accumulated so much knowledge;  Gnani is humble that he knows no more.

A Gnani has no real teaching, and has nothing new to add to us in the conventional sense. This is because he sees everything as the manifestation of the Consciousness [Self] and there is no difference in their perceptions of the world of forms. To them, the individuals are no different from them. They work on their own way and guide the fellow seekers to move ahead without expecting anything in return.

The one who believes in re-incarnation cannot be Gnani. A Gnani his-self with the consciousness therefore the question of birth, life, death and world does not arise. Gnani don't initiate people into any practice of path, and in fact they exhort people to go beyond the mind. They only prescribe discrimination between the Unreal and the Real.
The Saints and Spiritual teachers may not fit the description of a Gnani. To compare a religious guru or god men or scriptural scholar as Gnani is too farfetched.