Through Tantra, Yantra and Mantra one will not get freedom from ignorance. These entire concepts are based on speculation imagination based on the ego,which is false elf within the false experience. Deeper self-search revels the fact that, the “Self “is not physical but it is the formless soul,which is present in the form of consciousness.
When self is without the physical apparatus, then how one can get freedom through sex? Only people after sex undertake such tantric venture. Sex is nothing to do with self –realization or spirituality, because the true self is not the form but self is formless. By realizing the fact that, self is not physical, leads one to realize the physical existence is mere mirage, on the standpoint of the soul or consciousness , the innermost self. Therefore sex and sexual activities are part of the mirage. Whatever is happening within the mirage is bound to be falsehood. Sex nothing to do with the ultimate truth or Brahman.
People mostly innocent westerners become scapegoats in the hands of these fake god men and promise male and female ecstasy, including the use of sexual energy for increased intimacy/ spiritual connection, pleasure, harmony, and freedom. The self realization is realizing the self is the not the physical body, but the soul, which is in the form of spirit or consciousness.
The seekers who are searching for the ultimate truth has to be aware of the fact that, the ultimate truth, which they are searching, is beyond Religion, Yoga, Tantra Theories, and glorifying God and Gurus.