Monday, November 28, 2011

People think visiting gurus, saints and sages and yogis and indulging in god and guru glorification and yogic practice and meditation they get enlightenment.***

People think visiting gurus, saints and sages and yogis and indulging in god and guru glorification and yogic practice and meditation they get enlightenment. But all these are only for the people who are unable to investigate through  deeper self-search  about the reality of their true  existence.

The universe and the idea of god are dependent on the man for their existence. Therefore it is necessary to investigate one’s own existence to verify the existence of God.

Man ceases to exist without the mind. Therefore it proves that man, god, and universe cease to exist without the mind. And it also it proves that all these things together is mind.  Thus the experience of duality which present  as the universe. The universe appears as  waking or dream . Waking or dream  appears and disappears as deep sleep . It   means it becomes dual [matter] and non-dual [spirit] . Therefore it is for the seeker to discover and realize what is mind in order to unfold the mystery of his own existence.

People are thinking by killing the ego one can get enlightenment therefore they involve in all types of acrobats prescribed by the religious scriptures, gurus and yogis.  But is it is impossible to overcome the ego. Ego, man and the world, the idea of god and whatever known and seen are within the mind. And the mind is a universe and universe in turn is  Waking experience. Therefore one has to overcome the mind  in order to realize the innermost self  which I is formless Atman or consciousness.

It is very much necessary to know what mind is in order to know man and his experience of the universe and his idea of god and religion and whatever seen and known are part of the illusory experience which is present as Waking experience. The witness and the substance of the illusory Waking state is formless and non-dual that is Ataman or consciousness . 

The new gospel is that “God is not a believing experience”, “God is a feeling experience”—“God did not create man, Man created God can be accepted but only after they are able to answer who created man and the universe

Until unless they get the answer of this question simply believing God does not exist is a foolish venture based on personal belief therefore there is no difference between religionists and atheist because both are believers of beliefReligionists believe that there is GOD and Atheists believes that there is no god. Thus truth cannot be viewed and judged on personal belief. Religionist have to prove their claim that god exists without their scriptures. And atheists have to prove how they are able to tell god does not exist.  Neither the religionists nor atheist can prove their claim of god and no god belief.  

No conceptual God can exist, apart from consciousness:

People are not aware of the fact that, there is no individual God can exist, apart from consciousness, which is in the form of consciousness. Thus the consciousness is the consciousness.  Consciousness is the true self.   If there is no consciousness, then there is no body, no ego, no universe, no religion and no conceptual god.  

People think that there must be a creator of this universe. If one thinks physical entity or ego  as self, then there is a creator, but if one thinks the consciousness or consciousness  as the Self, then there is nothing exists other than the consciousness, which is the true self. 

If one objectifies and sees a universe, then he is bound to see many things beside himself and postulate a God, the creator. Body, God and world rise and set together from, and into, the Self/consciousness. If God is apart from the Self/consciousness, then He would be selfless, that is, outside existence, that is, non-existent. 

Ish Upanishads :-

Vidya and Avidya both are hindrances to Self-knowledge, but Vidya is even worse than Avidya. The word Vidya is used here in a special sense; here it means worshipping gods and goddesses. By worshipping gods and goddesses you will go after death to the world of gods and goddesses. But will that help you? The time you spend there is wasted, because if you were not there you could have spent that time moving forward towards Self-knowledge, which is your goal. In the world of gods and goddesses you cannot do that, and thus you go deeper and deeper into darkness.

Avidya is Karma and therefore a hindrance. You perform Avidya - i.e., you perform Agnihotra and other sacrifices. This is a roundabout way of purifying the mind, and it is also groping in the dark. But it may not have as heavy a toll on your time and energy as the other. 

Ishopanishad "They are steeped in ignorance and sunk into the greatest depth of misery who worships the matter, instead of the All-Pervading God and those who worship things born of matter like trees, animals, man, etc. are sunk deeper in misery." 

Getting rid of the ignorance is necessary  in order to know and realize  what is truth and what is untruth. 

Katha Upanishad says:-

(Upanishads Nikhilananda)

Fools dwelling in darkness, but thinking themselves wise and erudite, go round and round, by various tortuous paths, like the blind led by the blind. (Ch II-5 P-14)

It indicates that the one who is ignorant (darkness) of the true self (Atman) searches truth by accumulating knowledge of every path and practice and uncertain about the truth, and thinks every path leads towards reality. The ignorance of the true self leads one towards unreality or hallucination.

Yogic bliss is not non-dual or Brahmic bliss.***


People claim to experience the bliss as an individual whereas the self is not an individual because self is formless than what value is there for such a claim.   How can one experience the non-dualistic  bliss as a person perceiving the world? Yogic bliss is not non-dual or Brahmic  bliss.  

Man perceives the world within the waking or dream.  The dream becomes unreal   when waking takes place. Similarly, the waking becomes unreal when the waking entity becomes aware that the self is neither the waking entity nor the dream entity but self is the formless witness of the three states, which comes and goes in succession.  

When the waking entity and the waking world are an illusion on the standpoint of the soul, which is the innermost self than whatever experienced as bliss by the waking entity is bound to be falsehood.  The non-dual bliss cannot be experienced because the experience implies duality. 

 Only when the waking entity realizes the body, ego and the world are one in essence then it automatically leads to self-awareness in the midst of duality.  

When the witness (consciousness or soul) and witnessed (mind or the universe or waking) are one in essence then where is the scope for anything to exist other than consciousness.   

 A Gnani is one who sees the three states in equanimity because he is fully aware of the fact that all the three states are mere mirage created out of formless consciousness, which is the innermost self.   He sees everything as consciousness even though he is in the midst of diversity.  

People are making unlimited sacrifices and enduring unlimited suffering in the name of protecting their religion and god. They are therefore ignorant about the truth and incapable of understanding the ultimate truth, which is a universal God. All organized religions unequivocally claimed man for the life in the truth; thus it is sheer folly to fight in the name of religion and God.  

It is time that humanity had a fresh vision of truth that the mind, which is in the form of the universe, is a myth. And the soul or the consciousness is  the only thing that is real and that matters.  On the base of consciousness as self, the physical life is a vain and empty pursuit of illusory values. 

Parental grooming is the main cause of religious influence upon the mass mindset and it cannot be wiped out without knowing the truth of one’s own existence. Thus, teaching children to view and judge everything on a religious point of view by their parents, which warps the minds and destroys the capacity to think beyond the belief system of their grooming.

People who are yearning for spiritual truth will not find it what they are seeking for. Religious truth is individual truth and it is not a universal truth because the religion is based on individuality. 

As one goes in deeper investigation find nothing satisfying in any religion.  The more he learns of any religious doctrine they become aware of the fact that, the religion is not the means for self-realization because the true ‘Self” is not the form, but the true self is formless.  The religion is based on the false self (ego) and false experience (universe). Religion takes the false self as real self and false experience as reality. Thus, whatever is based on the false self and false experience is bound to be falsehood.     

The obsession with "our sins" having been "washed away by the water of the river  would be regarded as evidence of a serious mental illness in an individual within any sane society, but when this is an obsession of millions of people it becomes "religious faith", held by many others to be something that should never be criticized.

It was desperately important for the believers of their belief system for some reason that others shared their beliefs because they assume that their religious doctrine is literally true, and then justify their beliefs because "God says so in their doctrine ". 

It is no use in arguing with someone who has faith in his belief system because for him there can be no possible refutation of what he believes, so rational argument is entirely useless. He clings to his belief so strongly that he makes no distinction between the truth and his belief. One has to know the fact that god cannot exist without his existence. The truth does not depend on gods’ existence, but it entirely depends on man’s existence.   Thus, it is foolish to venture in knowing the truth of god's existence without verifying the facts about his own existence.

Deeper self-search reveals the fact that, the self is   neither the body, nor the ego.  If the self is not the body nor the ego  then  it proves the fact that, whatever is seen, known, believed and experienced at the base of the  self as the body or ego is bound to be falsehood.  Thus, arguing on the standpoint of the body or ego, which is not the “self”, is erroneous.  Thus, the whole argument has to be based on the true self, which is not the body or ego.   Thus, it is necessary to realize the fact that, the “self” is not the form,  but the “self” is formless in order to realize the Advaitic truth.  


People say they should always watch their thoughts when it arises and remain Empty.


People say they should always watch their thoughts when it arises and remain Empty. The thinker is the ego. Without the ego there is no thinker. Until the ego is there the thinker is bound to be there.  Until thinker is there the thought is bound to rise.   Thus watching the thoughts will not yield any fruits.

When one is aware of the fact that, the thinker and his thoughts are part of the illusion and the self is neither thinker nor the thought, but one which is aware of the thinker and the thought together without the physical apparatus. 

When the self is neither the ego nor the body how can one experience anything which is exist prior to the experience of form, time and space.   

The mind becomes still only when one becomes aware of the fact that, the form, time and space are one in essence.  When one realizes the form, time and space are one in essence than the self is in its own awareness of   its formless nondual nature. When the self (Atma nor consciousness) is in its own awareness the mind becomes till without the thinker and without the thoughts in the midst of diversity.    

Knowledge of the true Self is Self-Knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana.


Ignorance of the innermost self makes one remain in the realm of physicality. Formless Consciousness or Atman is the innermost self. Consciousness is the formless substance and witness of the duality (form, time and space or universe).  In ignorance one is bound to experience the duality (universe or waking) as reality.   

The dream becomes unreal when waking takes place. Similarly, the waking becomes unreal, when the non-dual wisdom dawns in the midst of duality.  Non-dual wisdom dawns when the waking entity realizes it is not the self but the self is the formless substance and witness of the three states.  

The formless substance and witness of the three states are one in essence and that essence is the consciousness. Thus, there is no second thing exists other than consciousness, which is the innermost self.  Thus, the consciousness is the ultimate truth or Brahman.  Realizing the consciousness or Atman as the innermost self is self-realization. Thus,  Knowledge of the true self is Self-Knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana. 

 This is why wisdom is silent. It is impossible to bring the ultimate wisdom into words because the words are an expression of thoughts and when the waking entity realizes the fact that, the thoughts and words are one in essence than the thinking faculty becomes still. That stillness is self-awareness or Prajna or Gnana. It is the meaning of biblical spiritual insight: - Be still and know that ‘SELF’ is GOD (Ultimate truth or Brahman).    

When one realizes the body and the world are one in essence and that essence is consciousness than the self is in its own awareness of its formless non-dual true nature in the midst of duality (waking).

In the state of Gnana the body is not considered as the body, ego is not considered as ego, the world is not considered as world,   the thoughts are not considered as thoughts and words are not considered as words,  but they are mere mirage created out of consciousness.  The words are the expression of thoughts when the thoughts and words are one in essence then there is no scope for any  second thing to exist other than consciousness.  Thus, the ultimate truth or Brahman has to be grasped mentally until the words and thoughts will merge in their essence and thinking faculty becomes consciously still in the midst of diversity [waking].  

Consciousness is objectless awareness. The light of that awareness falls on waking or dream ~ but ‘self is neither the waking entity nor the dream entity. As long as self is identified as the waking entity the ignorance will prevail. As long as ignorance prevails the illusion is experienced as reality.  As long as the illusion is experienced as reality the words are necessary for communication and also to understand and assimilate and realize the ultimate truth or Brahman.   

 Ego is the identification of consciousness within the waking or dream. As soon as the waking entity drops all identification,  then the ‘Self only pure knowing. ‘Self’ is pure awareness.  ‘Self ‘is   purely Brahman or Christ or Buddha.

By deeper self-search the ‘Ego’ begins to return to its source. That it is journeying from ignorance towards wisdom.  The moment of liberation is coming closer.

People speak of getting rid of conditioning or samskara but they themselves are unaware of the fact that, the universe in which they exist is product of the inborn samskara or conditioning.


People speak of getting rid of conditioning or samskara but they themselves are unaware of the fact that, the universe in which they exist is product of the inborn samskara or conditioning.  The ignorance is cause of the inborn samskara or conditioning which present as ‘I’ or ‘I AM’. 

The real Moksha or freedom is   to realize the fact that ‘I’ consciousness is mere physical awareness. Physical awareness is not self-awareness. The self –awareness is   when the formless soul or consciousness remains aware of its own non-dual   true nature.

Dualist sages could not distinguish between ‘I’ and ‘formless witness.’ The 'I' was the witness. Their highest was the Jiva. One is so much attached to the 'I' that he do not want to think that 'I' does not exist. Again one is unable to detach the ‘I’ from the Real witness. 

Most of the modern Gurus are also stuck with ‘I’ awareness as self-awareness. The ‘I’ awareness is present only when the mind is present. Mind is present only when the universe is present. Universe is present only when the waking or dream is present.   The ‘I’ awareness is absent when the mind is absent. Mind is absent than the universe or waking or dream is absent. Thus ‘I’ awareness is mere illusion.   The self-awareness is ‘I- LESS AWARENESS. 

It is impossible to get rid any conditioning without getting rid   the inborn samskara or conditioning.   ‘I’ or ‘I AM’ is the inborn samskara or conditioning. ‘I’ or ‘I AM’ is mother of all conditioning. Because of this inborn conditioning one thinks he is an individual separate from the world and world existed prior to him and he is born in it afterwards. Until this inborn conditioning is present one is in the grip of duality and he experiences the birth, life, death and the world as reality.  This inborn conditioning makes one experience the illusory duality as reality. 

People try to overcome their inherited religious conditioning but it by getting rid of the religious conditioning one will not be able to overcome the physical shackle.  One has to get rid of the inborn samskara or conditioning itself by realizing the fact that ‘I’ or ‘I AM’   is not the self. 

Only by getting rid of the ignorance one can get rid of the inborn samskara or   conditioning.

v  What is the use of arguing on base of the birth entity, which is not the self?

v  What is the use of knowing what happens after death when the self is birthless? 

v  What is the use of thinking of the heaven and hell when the self is not an individual and it is never born and never dies?

But he is unaware of the fact that, he and his experience of the world are within the waking experience.  The waking experience appears and disappears, same way as the dream. When there is dream than there is no waking. When there is waking than there is no dream.  When there is neither the dream nor the waking it is identified as deep sleep in waking experience.   One is aware of the dream or deep sleep only in waking.  The one which is aware of the coming and going of the three states is neither the waking entity nor the dream entity but the formless witness of the three states.  

All the scriptures indicate that Atman is Brahman, and Brahman is ultimate truth. Therefore the soul, which is in the form of consciousness, is ultimate truth.  Thus to realize the ultimate truth is the prime goal.   A well-directed inquiry, analysis and reasoning will lead one to his non-dual destination. 

The words betray the hollowness. The real cannot be described; it must be discovered and realized. Whatever the words try to convey is only helpful to grasp the truth. The non-dual truth has to be grasped and realized.  Man knows only the world, and his individual experiences within the world.   He is not aware of the fact that, he and his experience of the world are part of the illusion. He views and judges the truth on the base of his birth entity, which is false entity, thus he is stuck in the muck of illusion or duality. The non-dualistic or Advaitic  truth lies beyond the physical based understanding.  Thus, it is necessary to verify the fact through deeper inquiry, analysis and reasoning about his own inherited beliefs and accumulated knowledge, in order to realize, how they become obstacle in realizing the truth.

The physical conditioning of the soul will be dropped only when it realizes the fact that, the physical self or ego is not the self. Thus struggling to get rid of the ego and ego based conditioning or samskara is a foolish venture. 

Constant mental pounding is necessary through constant reflecting on the truth that, the soul is the true self and on the base of the soul all else is mere mirage/illusion.  When one grasps these truth and becomes firm in his conviction the physical conviction drops and the non-dual wisdom dawns.  Thus, one becomes aware of the nondual truth in the midst of the experience of duality or illusion.