Sunday, June 6, 2010

The personal experience based on the physical self is not wisdom.

Dear Santtosh,

I would like to go further into this by saying that there are two types of consciousness.
In the first case it is consciousness with content i.e. thoughts , memories etc.
The second is consciousness devoid of its content which is pure consciousness.
Meditation does help to empty the content of consciousness as reiterated by K, others and from my personal experience.

SK:- “Meditation does help to empty the content of consciousness as reiterated by K, others and from my personal experience.”

As per my conviction:-

The personal experience based on the physical self   is not wisdom. When the physical body is not the experience of the physical body itself, and the physical body is dependent on something else for its existence. Then how the meditation performed on the base of the physical body as self can get wisdom, by being ignorant of the formless knower of the physical body.  If one knows the knower of the physical body and world, then he will realize the knower’s nature it-self is meditative, because the knower is formless.   

Ignorance makes us think the objective awareness [mind] is reality. When ignorance vanishes the objective awareness [mind] vanishes, then there is awareness of the subject, which is consciousness [soul].  When the ignorance vanishes unconsciously, it is called deep sleep or meditation based on the physical self/ego or yogic Samadhi.   When ignorance vanishes consciously it is called wisdom.
Meditation is not the means to non-dual wisdom, because one considers the self [author] as physical.  Thoughts, memories, world, body ego    exist only in ignorance. And ignorance [duality] prevails until one considers the self as physical. If ignorance [duality] vanishes then one is automatically in the realm of meditation [non-duality], which is the nature of the consciousness.

Meditation does help to reduce the stress of the worldly life. It is only helpful in   preparatory stages in pursuit of truth, but it is not the means to acquire non dual wisdom.

Wisdom dawns only from a well directed inquiry, analysis and reasoning. When wisdom dawns the ignorance disappears, and one becomes aware of the fact that, the objective awareness [mind] also is consciousness, because it is created out of consciousness. The wisdom dawns in the midst of ignorance. Without ignorance one cannot acquire the wisdom. Without wisdom one cannot get rid of the ignorance. 

The ice cannot exist without water. Same way the mind, which is mere objective awareness cease to exit, without the consciousness

Q:- P:- "I would like to go further into this by saying that there are two types of consciousness."
Now we are back to the old trick that there is a positive consciousness and a negative consciousness. But is there not only one consciousness? Only the present state of consciousness in the world?

SK:- The ice cannot exist without water.  Same way the mind, which is mere objective awareness cease to exit, without the consciousness [soul/self].  The positive or negative consciousness is reality within the duality. The diversity is reality on the base of false self. When the body and the world [mind] are made of consciousness, there is no scope for any second thing to exist other then consciousness. Hence it is called non dual.

Only when the ignorance vanishes one becomes aware of the one and only consciousness, which pervades in everything and everywhere in all the three states. When everything is made of a single stuff, it is erroneous to judge and conclude the truth on the base of the object, without being aware of the subject. On the base of the object there is oneness, and on the base of the object as subject [physical self] there is diversity.

Therefore, there is a need to understand the fact that, object is not the subject. The subject is formless [soul] and object is the form [mind].  The man and his experience of the world exist within the mind.   Thus whatever, one knows, sees, experiences, and believes as person of the world are reality within the mind. The mind is unreal on the base of its substance from which it is created. 

When one identifies the body and the world are apart from the consciousness, he remains ignorant of the true fact that, everything is the product of the consciousness.  The illusion [three states] cannot be considered as real.

 If one takes the illusion as reality, then the dream which is mere illusion has to be taken as reality. What was the material of the dream? What witnessed the dream as a whole  without the physical apparatus?  What is it that witnessed the dream without the physical apparatus?  The same witness, which witnessed the dream, witnessed the waking experience as whole without the physical apparatus. 
Thus, the idea of negative and positive consciousness is based on the false self, within the false experience.  Thus the falsehood is the product of the ignorance. By getting rid of the ignorance makes one realize there is no second thing exist other then consciousness [soul].  

Thus, one has to learn to view everything on the base of the subject [soul]   as self, to clear all clouds of confusion.  


Wisdom dawns only ignorance vanishes


Santtosh, you are suggesting to use the above for wisdom to dawn; which are all mind related and mind is based only on memory, thought, experience whatever. This is totally contradictory to K's(JK) teachings.

SK:- I am not going to comment on K or any ones teachings. I have all the respect for K. As seekers of truth we have to move ahead on our own from where, the great masters have left. And we have to be grateful to every master who contributed on his own way to the spiritual world, which are stepping stones to know the ultimate end. 
What I am saying is: - As one goes deeper in self search he finds many contradictions, for that he has to find a perfect reasoning on his own, because intellectual spoon feeding will not quench the thirst of the thirsty seeker.

As per my conviction derived from deeper inquiry, analysis and reasoning:  The memory, thoughts and the world are reality within the waking experience.  You are P and all your memories of your individual experiences, and also you perceive the world as an individual within the waking experience.  The waking experience appeared as whole, spontaneously, same way as the dream, which appeared as a whole,   spontaneously. You as P is not the author of the waking or dream experience, because you and your world exist within the waking experience.  You have not done anything on your own to get the waking and dream experience. They appear on their own and they disappear on their own.

The memory and thoughts are part of the individuality. The individuality is reality within the mind, which appears as waking or dream [duality] and disappears as deep sleep [non-duality].  Individuality, individual experiences and the world are present only when the mind [I] is present and they are absent when the mind [I] is absent. Therefore, there is a need to understand the fact that, the mind is not within the body, but the body and the universe are within the mind.  Until this truth is assimilated duality will prevail as reality.

Only when one investigates through deeper self search, then only   he will become aware of the fact that, the mind is the whole physical existence that is man including the universe, only then he will be able to cross the threshold of duality.   

Only when we find answers for all our queries, then the doubts and confusion will vanish and the thinking process becomes still. When the thinking process becomes still through wisdom, then there is only the soul which is in the form of consciousness.

This is what the biblical insight means: Be still and know that I am GOD. – Spiritually it means-- the mind becomes still by understanding the   SELF, [“I am” here is referred to the self, which is the soul] which is consciousness.

The stillness comes only when one understands “what is mind?”, and “what is the substance of the mind.” That understanding comes only through wisdom.

If this blogs makes anyone think, then, he will start getting answers from his inner core. It takes time for the inner core to respond, because of the barricades created of existing accumulated knowledge.   Only through deeper   inquiry, analysis and reasoning the barricade will fall away and the truth alone will prevail as non dual existence.

Spirituality is man’s relation to soul or spirit, nothing else.

Spirituality is man’s relation to soul or spirit, nothing else. It is not about religion, it is not dogma. The soul is one divine force pervading all the three states and a direct relation to that soul is what it is all about, beyond any duality. 

Things that are impossible for man are possible with soul. There is no doubt about it. Moreover, even though one never sees the soul, he knows it always is with him. 

Once the quest starts, one begins to understand that there are things beyond the physical life, and he begins to exploring spiritual realms. 

People think themselves, over time; by reading countless books on all religions and philosophies of the world, they will acquire self-knowledge.  However, it is not so ‘A wise person should glean knowledge from inquiry and reasoning on the base of the soul as self and assimilate it. Just like honey bee collects nectar from all flowers, big or small’. Seeker of truth must think that he is that bee. 

There is no such thing as permanent happiness in the experience of duality [waking or dream]. Joy and sorrow are part of the illusion and are so intertwined.