Monday, May 3, 2010

The spirit is real and all else is mere illusion.

 The objective of spiritual advancement is to  free from physical awareness. the physical -awareness is present in the form of mind. mind is present in the form of universe. universe appears as waking or dream and disappears as deep sleep.
Whatever have appeared (birth, life, death and world) has appeared on its own and it disappears on its own.  Whether a person takes it as reality or illusion it all depends on his mental and intellectual conditions will determine the phenomenal world observed and experienced. The look of an object will depend upon the medium through which the observer views it. A Gnani viewing the universe (practical life within the practical world) different from the ignorant is viewing the same universe (practical life within the practical world). Each one of them interprets the universe he sees in term of his existing knowledge.   The Gnani sees his body, his ego and his experience of the world as mere mirage created out of consciousness whereas the ignorant sees his body as body, his ego as ego and his experience of the world as world. 

Thus experiencing the pain and pleasure within the illusion with the illusory self, within the illusory experience, has to be illusion. The illusion is created, and sustained, and finally dissolves as consciousness, which is the innermost Self.  Since, there is no second thing other than the consciousness (soul); the consciousness itself is ultimate truth or Brahman.   The one who has realized this truth for him this illusion is passing show because he is fully aware of the fact that his body, his ego and his experience of the world to be consciousness. Practical peoples approach is more practical, and they are stuck with the reality of the practical life within the practical world, they take it as real whereas for Gnani has the firm conviction that:-

Formless soul or Consciousness is the witness that experiences the action, the actor, and the world of separate things. It is like a light that illuminates everything in a theatre, revealing the master of ceremonies, the guests, and the dancers with complete impartiality. Even when they all depart, the light shines to reveal their absence.

What is not consciousness (formless) in the experience of diversity (universe or waking)?  The waking and the dream cease to exist without consciousness.  The seeker, seeking and his destination   all are one in essence.

 If the seeker  has great things to his credit, which he has claimed as his, his ego fastens itself upon these achievements and constitutes a formidable hindrance to realization of the non-dual truth. 

It is, therefore, most necessary for the seeker  to keep free from the idea authorship of  doer ship, because self is not physical but it is formless.   This does not mean to keep clear of all activity through fear of developing this form of the ego. He may have to take to the life of action to wear out the ego that he has developed. So he is caught up in the dilemma that if he keeps inactive he does nothing towards breaking through the prison of his ego-life, and if he takes to a life of action, he is faced with the possibility of his ego being transferred to these new acts.

Treading the spiritual path is not like riding a saddled horse. It requires the utmost attention, since the path affords no halting places or room for expansion of the physical -life. He who enters the path can neither remain where he is nor afford to lose his balance, but is like one who attempts to walk on the edge of a sword.

The seeker  must realize the fact that, he and his experience of he world are part and parcel of the illusion and the formless substance and witness of the illusion is the spirit, which is the true self. The spirit is real and all else is mere illusion. 

By so  by learning to reason on the  base of the soul as self  he will be able to overcome all the obstacle ,doubts and confusion in pursuit of truth.

Seeker has to safeguards himself from a possible fall, and lead himself to the goal.

The beginning of spiritual advancement is conditioned by the quest for that goal for which seeker strives for. It may take a long time before he arrives at the mountain top of truth-realization; and the path is beset by pitfalls and precipices. Those who attempt to reach this mountain top have to climb, and even one who has succeeded in scaling great heights may by a slight mistake fall from them. Therefore, the seeker  is never safe unless he has the help and guidance to overcome  all the obstacles. Seeker has to  safeguards himself  from a possible fall, and lead himself  to the goal.

The seeker carries with him the conditioning, which he has inherited and  accumulated in the past, and in the intensity of his spiritual longing he remains ineffective for the time being. But when there is a slackening of spiritual effort, the conditioning  gather fresh strength, and arraying themselves in a new formation constitutes formidable obstacles to spiritual advancement.

When the seeker is receptive then the F.P  guidance is most effective when seeker is able to rectify his reasoning base from form to formless.  the essential condition of spiritual advancement is the reasoning based on the soul as self.

In pursuit of truth discussion of unimportant subject matter is a great hindrance. Personal attacks have to be avoided to maintain sanctity .
The path of truth is path of verification. Nothing has to be accepted as truth without verification. Agreeing to disagree causes unnecessary friction, everyone has a point of view and everyone must respect others views wisdom just to maintain harmony irregardless of whether the point made was acceptable or not.
There are millions in search of truth but one in million will be able to grasp it.  I am just posting what revels from the inner core. I just share with like-minded fellow seekers.   I am just highlighting the obstacle in the pursuit of truth.  Self-Knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana is not based on any teaching or teacher. Pursuit of truth is pursuit of verification not pursuit of argument.   Intellectual discussion is great hindrance in pursuit of truth.

Sharing is giving info for the sake of goodness. As with all things, achieving a balance of peaceful communications is established with respect, humility, understanding and patience. Balancing an achievement is harder.

The only Real Knowledge is the Self- Knowledge.

Practical guidance  is needed for  the seekers of truth  as they  gradually finds their way back to Oneness, after having perfect understanding.

While the F.P and IP  blogs  provide detailed information  of the Path, the seekers will discover it as a  do-it-yourself manual. There is always  a constant, firm reminder in every blog that, the self is not physical but it is the formless soul or the three states are unreal/illusion, but the formless substance and witness of three states, which  is the Soul/Self is real and eternal, which is the constant  suggestion for the subconscious to drop the form base and accept the formless base. Only when the base is rectified from form to formless   then only unity in diversity is possible.

Urge,  patience and humility  and sharpness to grasp the truth  can lead towards non-dual goal. Seeker has to understand the fact that,  possibility of achieving progress without perfect  guidance it  takes one to roundabout way and it is  real  waste of time and effort.

To one who indulges in inquiry, analysis and reasoning on the base of the Soul, the innermost Self,  the inner processes will guide them towards their destination. The F.P  blogs  provide invaluable insight. After discovering the fact that, the birth, life and death are mere illusion, on the ultimate standpoint. When the  the self is the Soul/Spirit then, one becomes aware of the fact that, what is real and what is not real and able to discriminate between the real and unreal and able to reject the untruth mentally. 

The only Real Existence is that of the One and only the  Soul/Spirit, which  is the true Self , that  pervades all the three states as their formless substance and witness.

All agendas are within the illusion, which appears in the form of mind or universe or waking experience. The self is within the illusion as its formless substance and it is without the illusion as its formless witness. The formless witness is the one which witnesses the body and universe together.  Thus the ordinary awareness is physical awareness [waking] is not self-awareness.  In self-awareness the body is not the body but it is the consciousness, the ego is not ego but it is the consciousness, the world is not the world but it is the consciousness even though they exist but their unreal nature is exposed. Just as the dream becomes unreal when waking takes place, the waking also becomes unreal when non-dual wisdom dawns.

The only Real Knowledge is the Self- Knowledge. The Soul, the innermost Spirit is  the true self is the inner dweller of the three states.

Spiritual advancement begins when there is a radical change in the outlook. The man and the world are reality within the illusion. The three stats are illusion on the ultimate standpoint. Until and unless one becomes aware the self is physical he is bound to believe the birth, life, death and the world as reality.    Man lives mostly for the body and the world,  thus his  ultimate motive is in the desires connected with the body and the world. Therefore, people are physical oriented thus it becomes impossible to assimilate the self knowledge ,which is beyond physicality.  

When a man discovers a value in which the soul is predominant, then  rectifying  the reasoning base  becomes instrumental for the realization of the ultimate truth. Physical self  or ego  is a  hindrance in assimilation the non-dual truth.  Realizing the fact that, the soul is the true self  becomes  instrumental in realizing the non-dual truth. A man then becomes free  without feelings of self-identification.