Thursday, March 11, 2010

The good and evil is part of the falsehood

The good and evil is part of the falsehood; pure and impure is part of the falsehood.  No one can purify another because the duality is itself is impure and duality is created, sustained and finally dissolves as purity, which is the soul/spirit.

When one starts exploring the mystery of the self, he is still mired in habituated patterns. Limited in perception to a world projected by these patterns, he does not and cannot see things as they are because his understanding is based on the false self/ego, whereas the truth is based on the formless soul.   He needs a guide, who can show how to proceed in pursuit of truth.

The soul   is the subject, and mind is an object. When the understanding is based on the object as subject the realizing the truth is impossibility.  Object is unreal created out of the formless subject, which is real. 

Mind means ignorance. Overcoming the ignorance through wisdom is the aim of the truth seeker.    The Gnani is the one who is fully aware of “What is truth?” and “What is untruth?” in the midst of experience of diversity/illusion.

Gnani is fully aware of the fact that the birth, life and death are mere illusion and views all the pain and pleasure of the life as mere illusion.

The waking rise and man and his experience of the world comes into existence and dissolves into nothing in deep sleep.  To the Gnani there is no world, no body, and no ego because the mind is mere mirage for Gnani. 

There cannot be two witnesses,

There cannot be two witnesses, man is not the witness but the witness is that, which witnesses the man and the world together.  Man and world together is mind. The witness of the mind  is the soul . The mind appears and disappears as waking and dream. 

If the man and the world is a witnessed object, how can man be the witness?  The witnessed cannot be the witness.

The nature of the self is the hardest to understand, yet it is the centre of the pursuit of truth. In fact, "fully perceiving the nature of the self" is one way to define enlightenment.

All the elements, the body, ego, the senses, the world emptiness or despair are mere mirage created out of the self, which is the spirit. 

All persons and the universe exist within the world, which appear and disappear as waking or dream.  Until one views and judges the Self as physical entity he is bound to believe in birth, life and death as reality.  Until he believes in birth, life and death he will remain in the grip of duality and experiencing it as reality. Until one experiences the duality as reality and bases himself on the ego he is bound to have all the doubts and confusion.  Until one has all the doubts and confusion he will remain in physicality or intellectuality.  Therefore, there is a need to know what is mind and what is the substance of mind in order assimilate Self-Knowledge.

There cannot be two witnesses,

There cannot be two witnesses, man is not the witness but the witness is that, which witnesses the man and the world together.  Man and world together is mind. The witness of the mind which appears and disappears as waking and dream is the soul/spirit. 

If the man and the world is a witnessed object, how can man be the witness?  The witnessed cannot be the witness.
The nature of the self is the hardest to understand, yet it is the centre of the pursuit of truth. In fact, "fully perceiving the nature of the self" is one way to define enlightenment.
All the elements, the body, ego, the senses, the world emptiness or despair are mere mirage created out of the self, which is the spirit.
All persons and the universe exist within the world, which appear and disappear as waking or dream.  Until one views and judges the Self as physical entity he is bound to believe in birth, life and death as reality.  Until he believes in birth, life and death he will remain in the grip of duality and experiencing it as reality. Until one experiences the duality as reality and bases himself on the ego he is bound to have all the doubts and confusion.  Until one has all the doubts and confusion he will remain in physicality or intellectuality.  Therefore, there is a need to know what is mind and what is the substance of mind in order assimilate Self-Knowledge.

the observer is that, which observers the physical entity and the world together without the physical eyes.

There cannot be two observers, physical entity is not the observer but the observer is that, which observers the physical entity and the world together without the physical eyes. Physical entity and world together is mind. The observer of the mind, which appears and disappears as waking and dream, is the soul/spirit is formless apart and eternal.

The pleasure and pain are individual experiences happening within the waking experience. Therefore their reality is limited to the waking experience because the waking experience itself is illusion. Until one become aware of the fact that: how the waking experience is illusion, he is bound to experience the duality as reality. The individuality and individual experiences happening with in the waking experience, is nothing to do with the formless Soul, which is witness of the three states. 

 The pleasure and pain of the dream becomes unreal when the waking takes place. Same way for a Gnani the waking experience becomes mere an object of experience because he is soul-centric. Most of the god men are pretending to be Gnani but they are egocentric. When one becomes soul-centric for him body and world are also consciousness.   Because people think the body is born, lives and dies they feel the pleasure and pain as reality. But it is not body alone that dies, the world also dies together, because they appeared together and they disappear together as deep sleep or death.   The one which is aware of the appearance disappearance of the three states is birth- less and deathless, which our dear friend James called it as no one.

The no one is the soul, which Buddhist called as nothingness or emptiness and Sri, Sankara called it as Brahman, Meher Baba called it as I AM GOD STATE, and Christens called it Christ consciousness. .  When one consciously becomes aware of the no one is the true self, then there is no physical apparatus and world to experience, because a Gnani is aware his body and the world are also consciousness.   To get this conviction one has understand the fact that, the birth, life, death and world are mere mirage created out of consciousness. Whatever prevails without the mirage is ultimate truth, which is consciousness.

 If the self is formless   then diversity is mere illusion. One has  to know this fact intellectually first, then gradually as conviction becomes firm then  he becomes soul-centric and he sees the sameness in everything and the mind reaches the stillness and he  becomes aware of the fact that,  the soul itself is the ultimate truth.   

We all including the world exist in waking or dream. We experience different experiences as individuals. When we consider we are individual separate from the world, we will think whatever is happening within the waking experience as reality, because we are judging the truth on the waking entity, which is erroneous. The waking entity is limited to the waking experience alone. We have to learn to judge truth on the base of the formless knower of the three states.    Therefore, the individuality and individual experience is nothing to do with the self, which is formless.  Until one includes the world in his realization to grasp the ultimate truth is impossibility. 

We have to realize Individual experience of birth, life and death is nothing to do with the true self which is the soul, because the soul is our eternal identity. On the base of soul as self there is neither witness nor witnessed, there is only oneness. 

The formless witness, which witnesses the three states without the physical eyes

In the state of deep sleep, when ego disappears and the body and the world also disappear, which indicates the ego, body and world appear together and disappear together. The dream is parallel waking experience and waking is parallel dream.  The witness of the three states is apart and eternal.  Ignorance of this formless witness/knower of the three states makes one to judge the three states on the waking entity.   

The waking entity is not the self.  The self is the one which is aware of the three states.  The waking entity is noting to do with the self, because the waking experience itself is falsehood on the standpoint of the formless witness.  Judging the truth on the base of the waking entity will lead one to imagination and intellectuality. Intellectuality is based on the false self/ego and yield only half truth. 

There is a need to proper and perfect understanding of the Self.  The self has to be mentally grasped. For sharp mind it takes a very little time to grasp, for others it takes a long time to assimilate and realize it.  When one becomes aware of the fact that, the witness of the dream witnessed the whole dream without the physical eyes, they become aware of the existence of the formless witness, which witnesses the three states without the physical eyes.  

To realise truth, seeker has to first know the fact that, ‘I’ /mind is not the self.

To realise truth, seeker has to first know the fact that, ‘I’ /mind is not the self.  ‘I’ /mind is mere mirage created out of the soul, which is in the form of spirit. The soul/spirit is the formless substance and witness of the ‘I’/mind. The soul is the true self. The truth will start unfold itself, when one learns to view and judge the truth, on the base the soul, which is the true self. 

The man and his world are mere appearances. These appearances appear as waking/dream.   The whole appearance of waking or dream is mind. Because when the mind is there then only the waking or dream is there. Absent of mind absent of appearance.  Absent of appearance absent of duality/diversity.  Absent of diversity there is only unity.  Thus, the truth pursuit is a journey from diversity to unity. 

The diversity is created out of single stuff that is the formless spirit. Thus all the forms and shapes within the waking or dream is created out of single stuff. In deep sleep there is no diversity. The one which is aware of the appearance and disappearance of the diversity is formless.  

Seeker has to reflect upon the nature of the self, which is Consciousness as distinct from the physical consciousness. Thus the Self, the Inner Reality, is seen behind appearance.
Seeker of truth has to understand “What mind is” leads one to know and realize   of the Ultimate reality. Wisdom clears all doubts and confusion and removes the obstacles in the mental journey, and leads one towards inner reality.