It is difficult accept the birth, life and death as illusion, just because anyone is saying or by reading some books, because the subconscious is not receptive. By repeatedly highlighting on the subject, that is everything is an illusion and the soul is the true self, then the subconscious gradually starts accepting it. Once it accepts it then stops reasoning on the base of ego, and starts reasoning on the base of the spirit/true self/soul.
Once the reasoning base is changed then it has a yardstick to judge what is truth and what is not truth and it will be able to reject the untruth. It is the subconscious/soul, which has to accept and reject what is truth and what is not truth, not the body.
On the physical base the subconscious which decides what is good and what is bad. If the reasoning base of subconscious rectified from form [ego/physical] to formless [spirit/soul] then it will be able to reject all the accumulated knowledge based on the form, and finally nothing prevails other then the true self /spirit, which is ultimate truth.
Once this self-knowledge is gained then one becomes aware in the midst of duality no second thing exists other then the spirit/self, all diversity is created out of spirit. Therefore, the illusion/diversity [matter/mind] and the true self/spirit are one in essence. Therefore there is no diversity in the realm of truth.
Since, everyone bases themselves on their individual experience and trying to find solution for their individual problem through spirituality, and searching the truth for their individual peace. But the individual experiences are happening within the waking/dream. Man is not the doer. Until man thinks himself as a doer, he will not be able to understand and assimilate the self-knowledge. The truth is hidden in the three states, because the self/soul pervades all the three states. Deeper analysis is required to dismantle physical structure. Therefore, constant reflecting on the subject is very much necessary in pursuit of truth.
We are communicating and understanding and trying to assimilate within the illusion to overcome the illusion. The purpose of spiritual path is to realize the fact that, misery and suffering experienced in the life is mere illusion. Since everyone thinks illusion as reality the suffering and pleasure become reality. Only when one becomes aware of our true identity is not physical but the formless spirit, then the illusion becomes an object and he will be able to witness on the base of the subject, which is the spirit/soul.
A well directed inquiry, analysis and reasoning will lead any serious seekers to realize the fact that, the subject is formless [soul/self/spirit] and object is form [body and the world].