Saturday, November 26, 2011

If one, agrees, the body is not the self, then how can the experience of birth, life, death, rebirth, and reincarnation can be true, because the self is formless.

Waking entity is not an experiencer of the waking experience. And the waking entity   and the waking world are  an experience within the waking experience.  Same way as the dream entity and the dream world are experience within the dream. The dream is witnessed as a whole. Similarly the waking also is witnessed as a whole. The witness is neither the waking entity nor the dream entity but the witness is formless soul or consciousness, which is the innermost self.  On the standpoint of   the innermost self any experience is mere illusion.  

The witness   is formless consciousness, which is real. The body cannot function as person and perceive the world without the waking experience. By taking the waking entity as self and judging the truth is erroneous because the waking entity is not the self and  waking entity and waking world are within the waking experience.  The waking experience is parallel dream and dream is parallel waking experience.   In deep sleep, waking entity and waking world were missing. Man and his world are present  only in waking experience. 

What is that sleeps and gets up when the body is not the self.  If the one, which wakes up and dreams and sleeps, is not the body, then how can one say, it is waking entity’s experience, and waking entity exists only in waking.  The waking is mere an experience, similar to the dream. The waking is unreal on the base of the soul or consciousness, which is the innermost self.  Therefore, claiming the authorship as waking entity and judging the truth on the base of the waking entity, will keep one in ignorance of the reality. 

Only if one proves the body or ego is the self, then only the birth, life and death, rebirth and reincarnation are reality.  If body or ego is the true self then Advaith has no meaning. There is no need to inquire, ‘Who am ‘I’?’, ‘What am ‘I’?” or indulge in pursuit of truth.  If one, agrees, the body is not the self, then how can the experience of  birth, life, death, rebirth, and reincarnation can be true, because the self is formless.  Only if one proves the formless has a birth, and then only it is possible to accept the birth, death and reincarnation as part of the reality.  Thus, our body-based understanding has to be rectified mentally to grasp the non-dual truth.   

For a Gnani, nobody is ever born, nobody is ever lived, and no one is ever died and no body ever re-incarnated, because he sees only consciousness  in everything  and everywhere  in the midst of diversity or duality or waking  and he is fully  conscious  that,  no second thing exists other then consciousness.   The diversity has no meaning for a Gnani, because he has realized unity in diversity.

Without the knower, there is no such thing as known. The knower is formless and known is the form.

The 'I' is not the self but 'I' is the mind. The mind is in the form of universe. Universe appears as waking or dream. Prior to the appearance of the mind, what was the mind? It did not exist as waking or dream. What was it? What prevail without waking or dream? What is it that is aware of all the three states, which appears and disappears in succession?  Only when this formless knower of the three states is mentally grasped and realized the realization of the reality will start. In addition, one will have the mental yardstick to judge what is real and what is unreal.  

Without the knower, there is no such thing as known. The knower is formless and known is the form. Therefore, until one takes the form as the knower, he remains ignorant of the true self.  Without realizing the fact that, the body or mind is not the self, it is impossible to assimilate the self-knowledge.

The witness of the three states can remain with or without the waking or dream. When it remains with the waking or dream, it is called deep sleep in ignorance. Consciously becoming aware of the true self is the soul and learns to view and judge the worldview on the base of the soul, will lead to the freedom from duality in the midst of duality. 

The individual experiences within the waking or dream are noting to do with the witness. The individuality is part of the illusion. The soul or consciousness is pervades everywhere and in everything in all the three states. 

The birth, life and death are part of the individual experiences with in the waking or dream.  Individual experiences are reality within the waking or dream. The waking or dream appears and disappears hence they are not permanent. The witness of the three states is permanent and eternal. Thus, it is necessary to view, analyze and judge, and conclude the truth on the base of the formless witness, which is the soul or consciousness, in order to realize the ultimate truth. The ultimate reality is no second thing exists other than the consciousness hence it is non-dual. 

When there is no other teacher but our own soul than there is no need for the physical guru.

Swami Vivekananda said: - “You have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul.”

When there is no other teacher but our own soul than there is no need for the  physical guru.

Sri Ramana Maharishi said: The sadguru is within.

Questioner: I am always at your feet. Will Bhagavan give us some upadesa (teaching) to follow? Otherwise how can I get help living 600 miles away?

Sri Ramana Maharshi: The sadguru (the true guru) is within.

Questioner: Sadguru is necessary to guide me to understand it.

Sri Ramana Maharshi: The sadguru is within.

Questioner: I want a visible Guru.

Sri Ramana Maharshi: That visible Guru says that he is within.

If one is seeking truth then one has to study deeply

Sri, Raman Maharishi said the guru is within. so   he referred to the self or Atman as guru  not the  physical apparatus.  This seeker has to focus his attention on the self or Atman, which is in the form of consciousness.    Thus glorifying gurus’ form is erroneous, because the body and the universe are myth on the ultimate standpoint. Thus indulging glorifying and worshiping of myth becomes greatest obstacle in pursuit of truth.  Thus seeker has to identify the true self as guru and proceed in his spiritual endeavor.   The inner grace of the inner guru (soul, the innermost self) will guide until his ignorance disappears and he realizes his body and the universe are mere mirage created out of the consciousness, which is the true self.    

Religious or yogic gurus propagate that: once a seeker identifies a Guru, he must totally surrender to the Guru and then from there onwards, the spiritual journey is fully the Guru's responsibility, not his... Hence the importance to choosing the right Guru is necessary, but in pursuit of truth the guru is not necessary, because the truth is not theoretical.  Truth has to be ascertained by the seeker on his own through a well-directed inquiry, analysis and reasoning based on the true self, which will lead the seeker to his destination.    

People who worship the guru as God in human form and there is a danger that they might establish a regular religious sect in his name.  This is an unhappy development of the religious movement. 

As one goes deeper in research one finds the fact that - Celibacy and living in a monastery was always strange to Vedic religion. In fact almost all the great sages of Puranas and Vedas were householders. Observing celibacy and the monastery system in Vedic religion is influence of Buddhism and Jainism. The Hinduism is mixture of Vedic, Jain and Buddhist and many other ideologies.  The pure essence of Sanatan Dharma is lost by adopting ideology of many other ideologies.   

Orthodoxy recommends celibacy to sanyasis  Many  saints  followed this trend. People think that to be a Hindu sage has to observe celibacy but this concept was not there in Vedic religion.  Thus the Hindu religion has become hotchpotch of many ideologies.  

People believes that if a Swamiji, indulges in sex activity he is doing a sin. And they also believe that a Swamiji and gurus should never marry and observe celibacy. If they fail to do so they are not fit to continue as Sanyasis. 

Sex is human instinct like hunger. The Swamiji’s are forced to observe celibacy, which is against human nature. Only few will succeed in this venture and others carry on secretly indulge in their sexual venture until it comes to limelight.   

Many Swamijis in the past got married after resigning from swamis’ order. Many times this became public debate but these people were soon forgotten. There are many self declared Swamijis with religious robes and indulge in accumulation of wealth and indulging in sex and all sorts of immoral and criminal activities happenings in their Ashrams and retreats. 

Many Swamijis indulge in sex with their disciples. Once this is brought to the knowledge of people, people start reacting negatively.  Public memory is very short. People talk about all scandals for some time and later they forget about it. 

There is a need to do deeper research on Vedic religion and bifurcate the present Hindu religion, which is mixed-up with Buddhism, Jainism and also idea adopted from other ideologies to know the pure essence of Vedas. It is also necessary to verify validity of dual and non-dual ideologies, which are based on Vedas to know they are mere add-ons. The original Sanatan Dharma was without all these ideologies.    

Swamis or gurus who claim themselves to be God and people worship and glorify them as God in human form.  They are trying to establish a regular religious sect of their own by  taking advantage of the mass mind set, which accept to believe any one who are propagating about their religion and god as avatars.  This is an unhappy development of the Hindutva  . 

There can be no correct exposition in the Upanishads unless the guru has had experience of the truth. Otherwise it is merely adding words to words.  The sage will not do immoral things that are impossible. 

It is difficult for people to understand such texts as, “God, Guru and the Self are one." No on rises   voice against the practice of deifying the Guru they think it is against their religion and tradition.

 If god, guru and self are one -- it means the self is Atman and Atman is god and guru not the body.  Thus, one who thinks himself as guru is   considers the  self as body and allows people to worship his body as god , thus he is not God because he  is not aware of the fact that, the self is the formless  Atman or consciousness .

There are few people who are able to think beyond physicality voice against the practice of deifying the Guru.

The traditional Hindu attitude towards the Guru is glorifying him as god. It is necessary to verify the facts on this subject at some length. This not referred to anyone in particular.  The present verification of facts is general and irrespective of any particular person and their beliefs.

Hindu religious literature is full of such aphorisms as:-

There is no higher deity than the Guru'

The Guru is the ultimate Truth and Deity

God and Avatars (incarnations) are secondary to the Guru in importance

There is no higher refuge, no higher target, no higher destination than the Guru

The Guru is God Himself

God and the Guru are one 

He who makes a distinction between the Guru and God is ignorant and stupid and scores of similar others.  Some celebrated philosopher-saints like Jnandev, Eknath and so many others all over India have offered their first salutations to the Guru in their various books.

A good deal of chaos prevails in Hinduism. It has an ever increasing number of Avatar as and Gurus installed as God Himself, with the support and sanction of scriptures and teachings of saints and sages in the past.  The crooks take advantage of the innocence of the masses and pretend to be god or god men.

Denunciation of practice of glorifying the guru as god is impossibility because people are sentimentally and emotionally involved with their inherited religious belief.

Brahmacarya, monastic celibacy, is the complete abstinence from sex, which is only incumbent upon monastics. Householders practice monogamy as a way to uphold Brahmacarya in spirit.

"Non-possession", is the renunciation of property and wealth, before initiation into sanyasa, without entertaining thoughts of the things renounced. This is done so one understands how to detach oneself from things and possessions, including home and family, so one may reach moksa.

 For householders, non-possession is owning without attachment, because the notion of possession is illusory. The reality of life is that change is constant; thus, objects owned by someone today will be property of someone else in future days. The householder is encouraged to discharge his or her duties to related people and objects as a trustee, without excessive attachment.

Since, the guru is bound to follow by some ethics and code of conducts prescribed in scriptures; the immoral acts of gurus are harmful, as it might cause doubt and confusion in the minds of many people, who strive with simple faith and earnestness to practice the discipline for enlightenment and self- development. Thus, gurus have to be accountable to all his acts and actions because they are bound by religion and their religious code of conducts. 

Isa Upanishad says: By worshipping gods and goddesses you will go after death to the world of gods and goddesses. But will that help you? The time you spend there is wasted, because if you were not there you could have spent that time moving forward towards Self-knowledge, which is your goal. In the world of gods and goddesses you cannot do that, and thus you go deeper and deeper into darkness.

Thus the Upanishad indicates that true goal is to acquire self knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana.

The worship or glorifying gurus does not free one from ignorance.***

"I-ness" is physical awareness. Physical awareness is man and world together. I-ness is the cause of the ignorance. The whole universe is built on the “I’.   

All activities take place within the universe. The universe is false from the standpoint of the soul, the innermost self.  Thus all the activities going on within the universe is    false because the universe itself is false. If the cause is false, then the effect must be automatically false as well. FORMLESS PATH 

The Seeker of truth wants only non-dualistic  or Advaitic  truth.  non-dualistic or Advaitic truth is ultimate truth or Brahman. Those who are incapable of reason on the true base have the belief in Religion. Religion is not truth merely because it always shows contradiction.  The seeker should  not be carried away from the confusion of issues judge someone  is such a noble person  with  good  character, therefore  what he says must be true." The person may be sincere, enthusiastic, high charactered, but withal a shallow thinker. 

Most People are still in a primitive stage of mentality. They talk of a soul leaving the body at death, when a civilized man knows that nobody has ever seen this soul. Experience shows that God has been unable to do anything for anyone either as individuals or for the world. In olden days men were primitive in their thought, so that a man having little knowledge was considered a genius. Now-a-days our knowledge is so advanced that the genius of those days would be an ordinary man of today. Therefore if one finds truth, free his -self from the tyranny of environment and tradition, not by condemning them but by examining and testing them by deeper inquiry, analysis and reasoning to find out  whether they be true or not. Accept nothing on the authority of a god man or genius of the past or present but only if it proves true after examination. 

The people with the same  mindsets  is always willing to examine the facts and judge them calmly whereas the religious scholars and intellectuals  will be immune to all facts and hold hard to their delusions. Such people do not want the truth but only what pleases them. This is because the ego in them is so strong.  Their attitude is “What pleases them is truth, what they dislike is false. 

The worship or glorifying gurus does not free one from ignorance. The rewards are none of them, the reward achieved in their lives are of consequence and not the result of worshiping and glorifying the gurus. 

People always need some sort of hope when their minds are not yet enlightened. "Self is closer to man than his own veins." "With the Self- Knowledge, one will begin to know the ultimate truth, so as to finally realize the fact that, self is not physical and becomes conscious that the true self is the Spirit."

Most people lack the patience and perseverance in investigating and collecting all the data before judging: hence they assume gurus are god men are great because other people say so, or that he is wise because he himself says so, or that what he teaches is true because it attracts them. Such an   attitude and easy assumptions becomes an obstacle to fold the truth and it requires some trouble to put into effect. 

Religionists say the scriptures are incapable of making a mistake, but in pursuit of truth scriptures are considered as the only book of words.  It is impossible to see if the scripture-writers thoughts are founded in fact or not. All concept of the heavens/paradise are imagined and physically based (‘I’).  Where obedience to authority leads to the loss of one is thinking power, it is being overdone and harmful. Thinking must be combined with obedience.

All the three states experience has to be resolutely weighed, and accurately, observed in the pursuit of truth, one must inquire:

What are these three states which appear and disappear?

What is ‘I’?

Hence, inquiry, analysis and reasoning on the true base is, a necessary foundation. The Yogi who looks only on the physical self and ignores to include the world away which is the part of the materials needed to find truth. 

Without knowing the nature of the three states, it is impossible to know the truth. What is the use of trying to find its inner self before it understands the three states.

People may quote the scriptures, make sacrifices to the gods, perform actions and pay homage    to the deities,   but there is no liberation from experiencing duality as reality without   recognizing   the    oneness with the soul which   is the true self. 

Scripture declares that there is no hope of immortality by means of wealth, so it is evident that liberation cannot be brought about by physical actions or karma.  Therefore the action is not the means to self-realization. 

Proper analysis leads to the realization of the reality of the three states, and this is the end of the pain of   the fear of the ignorance caused by delusion. The realization of the truth is possible only from inquiry, analysis and reasoning on the true base, not  on bathing in Holy River or donations or by glorifying the god or gurus   or by yogic breathing exercises. Achievement of   the goal depends primarily   on the seriousness of the seeker.

It is impossible to eliminate the ego, because ego is false self within the false experience.

Without Self-Knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana there the ignorance will not vanish. Without getting rid of the ignorance wisdom will not dawn. All other paths do not lead finally to Gnana because they are egocentric.  The path of truth or path of wisdom is the only means to liberation form experiencing the illusion as reality.  Only through Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana the waking entity realizes through knowledge its identity with the universal soul or consciousness, the innermost self. –FORMLESS PATH

When one starts inquiry he does it to please himself, not for truth; hence he asks "Who am I?" It is an elementary stage of discipline because it is  based on ego (physical self or waking entity), but aiming at eliminate the ego.  It is impossible to eliminate the ego, because ego is false self within the false experience. Therefore, one has to get rid of the whole false experience  by getting rid of the ignorance.  There is need to understand “What is mind” in order to assimilate the true self-knowledge.

The formula "What is I?" presupposes the existence of an ‘I’. But this is only an assumption. Before proceeding to act on such a formula one ought first to inquire whether there is such a thing as an ‘I’.

Those who have been baffled by unsuccessful inquiry, reading, intellection, have to find out what are the obstacles on the way what is blocking them from grasping ,understanding and assimilating the non-dual truth.

Yoga is intended to remove the hindrance in pursuit of truth such as sexual desire, worries, anxieties, desire for wealth etc. Also to enable the one  to keep out irrelevant thoughts whilst making inquiry, analysis and reasoning .

All this has to be done before indulging in pursuit of truth. Therefore yoga has only a negative value and is a preparatory stage. Pursuit of truth starts from what is seen, i.e. the three states.  Wisdom comes from both knowing the three states and the formless witness of the three states.

To leave out one of these parts is to prevent attainment of wisdom. "Who am I” is useful no doubt, it has certainly a value in its place, and gives some knowledge of self as, the Witness. But what about the witnessed? The three states are mere object to the witness. It must also be looked at. If the witnessed [three states] is ignored, then "Who am I” cannot give the full truth.

“Who am ‘I’” is   yogic enquiry; not the spiritualistic; the latter deals with the whole of life whereas the former deals with a part only.

"Who am I” inquiry limits only to the physical entity, because there, is no person in truth but only in the illusion of mystics.  ‘It should be "What is  I?"

The question "Who am I” is a religious, not a spiritualistic question. It is a most selfish one. It is on a par with "What shall I be after death?" and "What shall I get in return for my good karma in next life?" It is purely egocentric and it is based on the false self.

Only the people who are serious in knowing the truth can lift their thoughts above ego and ask "What is the mind?"  All  the three states  put together make the soul/self, not merely the ego questioning itself ''What is  I.”

When one is absorbed in thinking of anything, he forgets the subject, which consciousness the innermost self, that which witnesses all the coming and going of the three states in succession.

 One may think for hundred hours continuously but it is all thoughts, hence not consciousness. But when one becomes aware the thinker of the thoughts are one is essence, one do get consciousness, the knower, the formless witness of the three states. Consciousness the innermost self is the eternal.

One has to get rid of his doubts, But that did not mean, simply go and believe everything he is told. The doubt is to be got rid of "by the sword of wisdom. 

WHO AM ‘I’ and ‘I AM THAT’ is only for a lower stage where one gives up externally in order expose the false nature of the ego, which is not full truth. To get ultimate truth one has to inquire into the nature of the mind, which is in the form of universe.  Inquiring into the nature the mind or universe is higher.  Thus ‘WHO AM ‘I’? and ‘I AM THAT   will not reveal  the truth of the whole(form,time and space) thus the journey is incomplete.  

 ‘WHO AM ‘I’ and ‘I AM THAT’ serves only at starting point. What one has learnt from the teaching of the sages be understood through exercise of reason as far as the reason might go.  And what one has assimilated must be realized. There are stages in the seekers goal. 

Self-awareness does not mean one is transforming something into something else. In self –awareness there is no second thing exist other than consciousness in the midst of diversity.  The body and the world have become on in essence. There is no duality in the midst of duality.   There is not even the concept of real and unreal. Of course it does not mean that when one is involved in practical life within the practical world disappears. But in self-awareness one is consciously aware of ‘what truth’ is and ‘what is not truth’ in the midst of duality, because one sees his ego, his body and his experience the world as consciousness.  Thus for a Gnani there is no second thing exists other than consciousness even though he is in the midst of diversity. 

For one who is aware of the fact that, the self is not physical but formless soul or consciousness , for him the question of being Christen, Hindu, Jew or Muslim does not arise.

Dualist sages say God cannot exist without attributes. Then they are making God as an object whereas God is the subject. Attributes can only be seen in objective world. Causality appears in the duality, but when one goes deeper into the matter even there the causality disappears.

Who else but the self could have imagined the objective world? Ramanuja and Madva see God as the imaginer, but where is the proof. Nobody has seen God creating. You have seen no other creator, whether God or angel. The only self is left. Therefore self is the creator because imagining means creating. The Dvaita and Religionists talk nonsense. Has God a meaning to you? Yes. It is an idea. What is an idea? Idea is  an imagination. So God has no proved existence beyond that of idea.

Where people cannot and do not think, they follow others. A Gnani will see the world and get to know it is only appearance. He is not blind; he sees three states or objects as it is, but he knows it is only falsehood. Just as you see a mirage, the Gnani sees the mirage of this universe too; but he is not deceived by it. So long as one is ignorant, he will have the idea that God has created this world because the causal notion will be there. Nobody wants suffering, and while the notion that suffering can be got rid of by appealing to God these wishes will sway the mind to believe in God. For them religion will arise, but for the man who wants truth, religion offers no consolation.

Anybody can write a commentary on the Upanishads other scriptures and other scriptures, all they need to do to pour out with or mental word words. It is quite easy to do this even by those who have never understood the Upanishads and but think they have. Thus the dualists and their disciple have written commentaries on scriptures: But all these have written to satisfy themselves, not to get the ultimate truth or Brahman.

Religion is regarded as sacred and real by the common people, by the wise as false and by the rulers as useful. 

In the realm of truth, the belief system has no place. The birth, life and death itself is mere illusion on the ultimate standpoint.  Therefore, the reincarnation, resurrection and rebirth theories are mere intellectual speculation.  For one who is aware of the fact that, the self is not physical but formless soul or consciousness , for him   the question of being Christen, Hindu, Jew or Muslim does not arise. 

The man who is aware of the truth, for him, the intellectuality is mere speculation or imagination on the base of physical self within the illusion.  

Until one remains stagnant with his accumulate knowledge as truth, he will not be ready to verify anything other than his accepted truth, because he is in the clutches of his physical based/egocentric truth/knowledge.  

Each sect concocts a God to suit its own purposes.  Such concocted Gods have no value in pursuit of truth.  Man himself suggests that there must be a God. It is an auto-suggestion. 

Prayers and sacrifices belong to a premature stage of development. However when no answers come to prayers, struggle for existence presses man, and doubt arises again.  Faith in religion weakens as man pays more attention to facts of life and this world.

Physical & mental discipline   such like Karma, Mantra Yaga, Yajna, Puja Japa blind devotion to deity or guru are not the tool for liberation or freedom from experiencing the duality as reality. It is dualistic cult including tradition Advaitic orthodoxy propagate this discipline has no value if one is seeking truth to get non-dual moksha.  

Mysticism, scriptural knowledge, penance based Scholasticism are great are great hindrance to self-realization. Inherited blind belief   with corresponding actions based on scriptures, worship, ritual faith which imply certain mental and physical discipline, or scripture supporting belief, faith, creed, ritual, theological knowledge personal or opinion leads to hallucinated knowledge.  All these become great hindrance in grasping understanding, assimilating and realizing the Advaitic or nondual truth.    

Scriptural mastery including ancient Sastras, Tarka, Samkhya disciplines to support Karmas & belief Bhakti Argument & interpretation with help of logic, grammar support beliefs, revelations, prayers etc. Also dogmas, theological or other based on authorities.

Yoga, Silence, path of love,   meditation, rituals and devotion are based on the false self and false experience does not yield truth one seeking for, because the truth is beyond false self [ego] and false experience [universe]. Mysticism is based on individual experience. The self is not individual because the self, which s in the form of consciousness, pervades in everything and everywhere in all the three states. Blind beliefs without verification and argument and interpretation on the base of false self are not verified knowledge therefore it is not truth.

v  What is the use of arguing on base of the birth entity, which is not the self?

v  What is the use of knowing what happens after death when the self is birthless? 

v  What is the use of thinking of the heaven and hell when the self is not an individual and it is never born and never dies?

Seeker has to look into the facts, for the proof of what has the worship of God done for him, when he had setbacks in life. If he thinks God saved him: Such a statement without a proof is of no value.

Mesmerism ,Yoga  and Religion are only for those who are immersed in practical life within the practical world, for those who are seeking truth there is reason. When a devotee says that God has sent him food through human instruments, how does he know? It is only his imagination. Unless a man is a fool, he will never be an atheist. How does he know that God does not exist? 

The seeking mind must find answers to the question which arises from within:

v  How is one to know that the scriptures are true?

The scriptures are for ignorant masses, who wholly accept the Waking/dream experience as it presents itself. Wisdom is for those who have begun to realize that things are not what they seem. 

v  When a devotee says that God has sent him food through human instruments, how does he know?

It is only his imagination. 

v  Only an ignorant person can be an atheist. How does he know that God does not exist?

No one can say about gods’ existence with certainty on the base of the false identity [‘I’].  Only a Gnani is can say conceptual god propagated by religion does not exist on the standpoint of the soul, which is the true self. 

v  "Why yogis say that Yoga leads to freedom and inquiry   can't give truth?" How is one to know that Yoga leads to final truth?"

Yoga kills the ability to know intelligently, so that when one believe or are told by Guru that he has seen Atman, there is no means of his understanding whether this is so. This is because Yoga suppresses thinking.

Ultimate truth will interest only very few; the rest blindly follow their inherited Religion, they do not bother to know the truth." Religion pleases mass mind sets, which lack vigor.
Each religion/sect concocts a God to suit its own purposes: seeker of truth should not care for such concocted Gods.

Belief is a self-mesmeric condition out of which it is extremely difficult to escape. Man himself suggests that there must be a God. It is auto-suggestion.  Prayers and sacrifices belong to the mass who are still in premature stage of development of thinking faculty. When no positive results come from prayers man starts doubting about existence of god and religious claims. Struggle for existence presses man, and doubt arises again. Faith in Religion weakens as man pays more attention to facts and this World. 

Reason is the common ground for all in pursuit of truth, whereas the appeal to scriptural relations reaches only groups. One day the World would throw up religion, concept of god and scriptures as Buddha did and, people will start using reason to know what truth is and what is not. 

Those who argue that truth is only in their Religion are vain logicians, depending on imaginations. The scriptures are not the yardstick to say what is truth and what is untruth.  

 If God is everywhere, then he is in corpse, then there is no necessity to burn or bury that God. One cannot get rid of him. To remove all doubts and confusions one need to inquire and reason and realize the fact that, man, world, god and religion are reality, only on the base of the false self within the false experience.
 Deeper self-search reveals the fact that, waking entity [‘ego’] is not the self. Therefore, whatever seen, known, believed and experienced on the base of waking entity [‘ego’] as self bound to be false hood. Deeper self-search reveals the fact that, the soul is the true self. Thus on the standpoint of the soul the waking experience, which contains man and his experience of the world, and his belief of god is mere illusion. Thus mans existence, which is limited to waking experience alone   is mere mirage. Thus the formless substance and witness of the mirage, which is the soul/consciousness is the true self.  Thus on the standpoint of the soul as self, the three states are unreal.