Monday, June 28, 2010

Those who grasp that body and world are created out of consciousness belong to the highest grade of intellects.

Yoga is only valuable tool to bring seeker to indifference to sensation and sense perception and thus prepare him for belief in and pursuit of perfection as an attainable goal.  

The intellectuals cannot get over their tallest hurdle, not because they cannot see that the body is also part of the waking experience because they are so strongly attached to the body that they modify or fit their theories to please this attachment. In short, they refuse to give up the body. And they view, judge and concludes everything on the base of body [‘I’] as self.  

People, who think body and world are real, are fit for yoga and mysticism, which is for the middling class of intelligence. Those who grasp that body and world are created out of consciousness  belong to the highest grade of intellects.