Saturday, May 29, 2010

It is impossible to prove the existence of God by any reasoning

It is impossible to prove the existence of God by any reasoning: one can only believe or assume. Religionists see visions of gods and goddesses and adepts according to their own impressions remaining unconsciously in the mind from the inherited conditioning. This entire concept based confusion and doubts are present only until the ignorance is there. Once one discovers the fact that, the self is not physical but it is the soul/spirit then there is no scope for duality, which he experienced as reality.

No one has seen God or world in deep sleep. One does not know gods capacities, what god can do? and, what god cannot do in deep sleep? Therefore, any statement one might make about God can be made only in the waking experience [illusion]. Seeker of truth should not accept anything as truth until and unless he verifies and satisfies himself through deeper inquiry, analysis and reasoning. Belief of   the god is the part of the illusion; therefore, God is only a settled fact for believers.  However, for a Gnani gods existence is only part of the illusion. Gnani knows noting other then consciousness [soul] can exists in the realm of truth.  Therefore, Holy Korans Insight: - ANAL HAQ –[ I AM THE TRUTH] spiritually it means -- Self[soul] is the truth. GITA: Ahum Brahmsmi [I AM BRAHMAN] – spiritually it means –Self [soul] is ultimate truth. Sri,Sankara :- Ataman is Brahman – Soul is ultimate truth.  Therefore, all the foundation of the religion is based on truth [non-duality] but their practice is based on untruth [duality].     

When the experience itself is illusion, whatever, they experienced on the base of false self, within the false experience is bound to be falsehood.  How do the mystics or yogis know they have experienced the whole, when they themselves exist within the whole? There is the proof they have seen it? When they say, "I know from experience" they merely mean, "I think so." In realm of truth the man and his experience of the world are mere illusion created out of the soul/consciousness. Moreover, the physical entity is not the witness. The one, which sees the illusion [physical entity and world together] as a whole, is formless. Thus, there is no physical apparatus to experience the bliss or any sort of experience.      If mystics experiences bliss, they cannot be egoless, for who is having the bliss? Moreover, if they retain the ego they cannot know the Ultimate truth, the whole. Whatever they experienced as reality only in illusion and illusion is myth. Whatever, prevails without the illusion/myth is ultimate reality.  

How the mystic knows, that God who tells about himself in meditation is truthful! He may be telling a lie or he is in hallucination! His claim has to be verified because in reality, there is no scope for duality. Since his own existence as a person is part of the illusion. Therefore, without verifying validity of his own existence, what value is there for the claim made on the base of illusory entity within the illusion?

Supposing a mystic has a vision or experience is true, but he must prove that it is really, what it purports to be, and that he is not deluded. For that, one must analyze it on the standpoint of the soul/true self to unfold the truth.  All the vision and experiences is an object to the soul. Appearances and quotations have nothing to do in pursuit of truth.

Religionists and Authoritarianism merely assumes as true what another says, but what has yet to be proved. One may believe in a position, but one is required to prove the truth of one's belief. A belief is mere feeling, truth is knowledge. Blind beliefs cannot be accepted as god.  If the belief is accepted as god, then god is dependent on man for his existence. Because man has to exist first to believe there is god, then only god can exist.  Therefore, it is necessary to trace the source of man’s existence to realize the truth of Gods existence.  Without knowing man’s existence it is impossible to blindly accept the god’s existence. 
Biblical insight says: - “Spirit is my Father, I and my Father are one”.—if the spirit is the ‘father’ then the ‘son’ is bound to be spirit. Therefore,   both are one in essence. Here “spirit”-- means the soul, which is the self.  “I” means—“the mind” – “the soul” and “the mind” are one in essence—means both are spirit, therefore, there is no second thing exists other then the spirit.   
The god cannot exist in the soul, because soul itself is in the form of spirit /consciousness, and consciousness is the ultimate truth and all else [three states] is illusion created out of spirit. Other then the soul/spirit, nothing else can be called as god.
The love, grace, god compassion are physical based and they imply duality. The duality is mere illusion on the ultimate point of view. When the ultimate is spirit [father] how the duality [mind] can be real. Therefore, many souls theory is false theory; there is only one formless soul, which illuminates the whole illusion, in which form, time and space is reality. But in realm of truth the form, time and space is falsehood.
 Real meaning of   Christ is truth.  The truth is spirit.  Thus, the spirit has to be taken as god not the form.  When one is capable of viewing the world view on the base of spirit, there is nothing exist other then the spirit/consciousness. Since people view the worldview on the physical base [son] they become ignorant of the Christ, which is spirit and ultimate truth.  Therefore, there is need to understand the fact that, Christ is not physical but Christ is consciousness [spirit]. 
Soul/Christ can remain with or without the duality. But the duality [mind] ceases to exist without the Christ. When one discovers the soul is Christ, the mind becomes still and automatically one knows the soul is god/Christ/spirit. 
Do not take my name in vein ---By taking the gods [spirit] name in vein [as body] one will not be able to recognize the truth/Christ.
If thy eye is single the whole body is full of light-- means – if one is able to view the worldview on the spirit base, not with the physical eyes [two eyes] then the whole mind [diversity] is full of spirit [consciousness]. [Here light means—the spirit/consciousness—which lights the mind/illusion/insentient].  
Cross signifies --- crossing the ‘I’ or mind. If one crosses the ‘I’ [illusion], it is kingdom of heaven.  Kingdom of heaven means- it is non-dual existence—Brahman –Buddha’s nature—Christ.
Supernatural are reality within the illusion.  In the realm of Christ /truth, there is no second thing exists other then Christ/ spirit. 
The spiritual side of bible is lost or destroyed or mutilated by the priest craft or the rulers. And the physical side is preserved to help the mass who were immersed in the worldly life, by the church, which was in the grip of the rulers in the past and the same thing passed on from one generation to the next.
There are many spiritual insights of the bible leads one towards non-duality.  But people are stuck up with the physical side of bible and they think love, compassion, grace, blessings, forgiveness is the means of realizing the Christ the ultimate truth. But love, compassion, grace, blessings, forgiveness are good only for living in worldly life in harmony with the others, but they are not the means to follow the path of Christ/truth.
Man, grace, blessings, love, compassion, grace, individual gods and the world,   are reality with illusion. The substance and witness [soul] of the illusion [mind] is spirit [consciousness]. Therefore, the mind and soul are one in essence. The essence is consciousness /Christ/Spirit/Brahman.   
Man is not aware of the fact that, he is an experience within another experience. The mind is an experience, which contains man and the universe. Since one limits the mind to the physical entity, he is ignorant that his body is an experience, within the waking or dream experience. Until and unless one struggles to unfold the truth as an individual, separate from the world, he remains in the ocean of doubts and confusion.
The mind is an object, not a subject. Whatever is with in the mind, that is, the man and his world, bound to be an object. The formless substance of the mind has to be traced. The mind is in the form of waking or dream experience. If there is no mind, then there is no experience. Therefore, it is evident that, the formless knower [subject] of the object [mind], can remain with or without, the object [mind]. For illustration, in deep sleep there is no mind, thus there is no experience. Therefore the knower of the three states is apart and it is aware of the three states, which comes and goes in succession.
When man is not his own experience, he and his experience of the world is within another experience  how can he take authorship of the  experience as his , the knower of the waking experience in which  he  perceives the world, as a person is formless and apart. He cannot take authorship as doer, because his doer ship is reality within the illusion.  Thus he has to trace the formless knower of three states which is within the three states but it is without the three states. Therefore, whatever prevails without the three states is real and eternal.
The whole waking experience along with the world, in which I and you and others exists, is mere illusion, witnessed by the soul/self. Thus the mind is an illusion created out of the soul, which is the true self. When the formless substance and witness of the mind is traced then mind is mere myth.  Thus all the theories and beliefs based on the false self [ego], becomes unreal, when the Christ/ ultimate truth/Brahman is traced and realized.

The soul is and substance and witness of the illusion.

There is a controversy as to the meaning of illusion, in religious Schools. Illusion gives different meaning when one views and judges the worldview on the standpoint of the physical self. One has to view and judge the worldview from the standpoint of the soul, which is the true self, to know the three states are mere illusion.  The soul is and substance and witness of the illusion. This is a simplest way to understand the illusion.

How does one know that the Waking experience is real? When the deep sleep [experience-less] also is as real as the Waking experience, then which of this state is truth? If one bases it on the sayings of religion and sages and saints, granting that they honestly believed in their experiences, there is still the query how do they know that these experiences were the truth? When ‘self ’, is not the physical, but it is formless soul, then it is erroneous to view and judge the three states on the base of physical self. What is ‘waking entity in deep sleep or dream if ‘the waking entity is the true self. The waking entity is within the waking experience alone, because the dream has the dream entity and dream world.  Therefore, the waking entity cannot be. Therefore, all the three state has thoroughly analyzed before accepting anything as truth. The knower of the three states has to be traced in order to unfold the mystery.

 Some Intellectuals, object that the differences between non-dual experience [Deep Sleep] and experience of duality [Waking or dream] are like different parts seen of same single substance. One has to inquire, otherwise how can it prove that it is the same substance, and how to know that each one is seeing the same substance?

 Some claim that mystic experience always gives the same results in peace and bliss. However, they can only assume thus: it is impossible to know whether the experience of one person is the same as of another’s. To know one has to use his reason without it, it is impossible, he can only assume.

Unless one gives up the idea of world, god, religion, scriptures, karma, sin, heaven and hell as real, the ultimate truth is impossible to grasp. Truth has to be proved here and now, within this life. If this cannot be done, then one cannot know the physical existence is mere illusion.

Religion is “the truth within the Waking experience". Man and his world are reality within the Waking experience. The waking experience is mere illusion on the standpoint of the soul, which is the true self.
 The truth is within the three states but it is beyond the three states.   Te beyond is within the three states and beyond is without the three states. This means religionist takes their belief as truth whereas; the seeker of truth has to take reasoned judgment as truth. The ultimate truth will be the same under test everywhere in the universe. Man god and world are reality within the Waking experience. Man, god or the world ceases to exist without the Waking experience. The waking experience is unreal similar way as the dream.

 No one has seen God or world in deep sleep. One does not know gods capacities, what god can do? In addition, what god cannot do in Deep Sleep? Therefore, any statement one might make about God can be made only in the waking experience. Seeker of truth should not accept anything as truth until and unless he verifies and satisfies himself through deeper inquiry, analysis and reasoning. Belief of   the god is the part of the illusion; therefore, God is only a settled fact for believers.  However, for a Gnani gods existence is only part of the illusion. Gnani is fully aware of the fact that, noting other then the consciousness can exists in the realm of truth.  

When the experience itself is illusion, whatever, they experienced on the base of false self within the false experience is bound to be falsehood.  How do the mystics or yogis know they have experienced the whole? There is the proof they have seen it? When they say, "I know from experience" they merely mean, "I think so." in realm of truth the body and the world are mere illusion created out of the soul/consciousness. Moreover, the physical entity is not the witness. The one, which sees the illusion [physical entity and world together] whole, is formless. Thus there is no physical apparatus to experience the bliss or any sort of experience.      If mystics experience bliss, they cannot be egoless, for who is having the bliss? Moreover, if they retain the ego they cannot know the Ultimate truth, the whole. Whatever they experienced as reality only in illusion and illusion is myth.

How the mystic knows, that God who tells about himself in meditation is truthful! He may be telling a lie or he is in hallucination! His claim has to be verified because in reality there is no scope for duality. Since his own existence as a person is part of the illusion. Therefore, without verifying validity of his own existence, what value is there for the claim made on the base of illusory entity within the illusion?

Supposing a mystic has a vision or experience is true, but he must prove that it is really, what it purports to be, and that he is not deluded. For that, one must analyze it on the standpoint of the soul/true self to unfold the truth.  All the vision and experiences is an object to the soul. Appearances and quotations have nothing to do in pursuit of truth.

The mind that appears as waking or dream subsided as deep sleep

The mind that appears as waking or dream subsided as deep sleep; it has become one with the soul, which is in the form of consciousness. One may be a very great personality, one may be a president of a country or a dictator within the Waking experience, but while in deep sleep, one forgets his name, sex, nationality and the whole waking experience. Mind is limited only to Waking and dream and is not the truth; in fact, it is mere mirage. So if this is the situation with everyone, what is the case with the so-called incarnations?

Deep sleep gives the experience-less experience in which the waking or dream [mind] is absent. There is no burden or bondage in deep sleep. However, when in Waking experience and dream the burden and bondage appears. There is sense of gravity. However, in deep sleep there is no physical identification, there is no duality. One has to analyze between the three states through inquiry, analysis and reasoning to understand and assimilate the Self-Knowledge. Only through inquiry, analysis and reasoning one can realize the ultimate truth.

Through deeper inquiry, analysis and reasoning, one realizes the fact that, the self is not physical but self is the soul, which is in the form of consciousness. Whatever rises as mind [Waking or dream] subsides as deep sleep. The rising and subsidence of the mind is like a sunset and sunrise. These three states cannot be real, because the self is not physical but it is the formless spirit; therefore, these three states are mere illusion on the standpoint of the formless self.

The great thinkers, religious scholars, and scientists who expound knowledge believe that the world is first and people were born in it afterwards. So long as this conviction is there, they cannot acquire Self-Knowledge. They do not know better. The mind is present only when there is waking or dream experience. The mind is absent in deep sleep.

 The duality exists only when there is mind. Mind exists only when there is waking or dream. Therefore, mind is waking or dream mind is duality. Mind is the whole physical existence. Mind is illusion.  In deep sleep there is no mind, no illusion, no duality.

Man and his experience of the world are present only when the mind is present. The mind is present only in waking or dream. Prior to appearance of mind, there was neither the person nor the world. Only when the mind appears the man and his experience of the world appears. In deep sleep, there is no mind.  Therefore, one has to take the waking or dream experience as mind and deep sleep as no mind, it becomes easier to understand and assimilate self-knowledge.  The truth is hidden within mind and no mind experiences. The one, which is aware of this mind, and no mind, which come and go in succession, is formless and apart.   The formless knower of the mind and no mind is real and eternal.   The knower is the not physical but it is spirit/soul. 

The three states that   appears and disappears is mirage on the standpoint of the soul.

v  How one knows that he exists?

v  With what one knows that he exists?

It is very much necessary for the one to discover and realize that the fact that, the self is not physical but it is the formless soul, which is in the form of consciousness. When one knows, the self is not physical then he will realize the fact that all the three states are mere illusion created out f the soul, which is the true self.

 The source of the mind is the soul. Knowing the source as self-leads to Self-Realization. Self-realization makes one understand the mind is mere illusion on the standpoint of the true self. Therefore, the birth, life and death, which takes place within the mind is bound to be illusion. Thus, one becomes free from experiencing the duality, as reality.

Prior to the appearance of mind, there was only the soul, which is formless knower. The formless knower witnesses the coming and going of the three states. Man is not the witness of the three states. Man exists within the waking or dream. Therefore, one that is aware of the three states is formless and apart.

 If one were aware about the fact that his identity is   formless, knowingly would he have entered this Waking experience? He did not know he was there prior to the appearance of waking experience. Only after appearance of the Waking experience, he became aware that he exists. Unknowingly the experience of duality becomes non-duality and non-duality becomes experience of duality. The question is, prior to the appearance of the mind, the whole experience of the duality is non-existent.  So, then what is it that becomes experience of duality and then again subsides as non-duality.

 Whenever there is mind , there is individuality, personality or separateness, wants and needs and desire and hope, but when there is no mind  the sense of duality is not there, there is no second thing so there is no needs and wants.  Therefore, the truth is hidden within the dual and non-dual experiences. Thus analyzing the dual and non-dual experiences will help one to unfold the mystery of the mind.  

Pursuit of truth is meant for those who are seriously searching the truth. One need not go in detail about the visible world or the physical self/ego. “When ‘self’ is not the physical” but it is the soul then it is no use of searching truth on the base physical self, which is the false self. Therefore, one should not seek the truth on the false physical   base. One has to understand the fact that mind is not limited to the physical entity alone, but mind is the whole experience of the Waking or dream. Thus, one has to consider self as soul and proceed deeper in search of the truth.  Self is not a man but it is   the soul therefore, it is important to rectify its seeking base from form to formless.

As an individual, one thinks he is separate from the world and he is born in it and the world existed prior to his birth. This conviction is true only on the standpoint of physical self. However, when one becomes aware of the fact that the self is not physical but the soul, then he becomes aware the physical existence is mere mirage.

Only when one is able to view and judge the worldview on the standpoint of the soul he gets a yardstick to know what is real and what is unreal or what truth is and what is untruth.  This yardstick becomes self-examiner, to test one to discover how near to wisdom he has approached, and to know what progress has already been made in this regard, and what still remains to be accomplished. This yardstick sets up criterion of self-judgment.

Seeker has leads an active life without involving himself in religion, god glorification, scriptural studies or practice of yoga. Truth pursuit is only for the serious seekers, who have the intense urge of knowing the truth of their own true existence. It requires the natural capacity to grasp, understand and assimilate. Pursuit of truth is not for those who believe religion and yoga as means to self-Realization.

There is no liberation in next life or next world but right here in this very life, right now in this present experiences itself. Seeker may grasp knowledge about his true existence at anytime, at any age, if he is matured enough to receive it.

Mind is mere illusion, which appears as waking or dream and disappears as deep sleep.  Mind is ever changing with form, shape, color, and active. However, same time it disappears and becomes soul. The truth of this experience which becomes form and formless has to be analyzed to unfold the truth of the existence.

With the knowledge of the formless substance of the mind one becomes aware of the fact that the self is not physical but it is formless spirit. The one thinks himself, as a person perceives the world within the waking or dream. He is ignorant of the fact that the true self is the spirit. This ignorance makes him experience think the duality as reality.  He is unaware of the fact that, soul is formless substance and witness of the three states.  This has to be instilled through constant reflecting on the subject.

 He thinks the world is apart from him.  However, he is unaware of the fact that, he and his experience of the world are within the waking experience.  The birth, life and death are happening within the world, but all the happening are happening within the waking experience.  There is no difference between the waking experience and dream. Both are unreal on the standpoint of the soul, which is the true self. The substance and witness of the waking and dream is the soul.

Because man thinks, the ego is the true self, and views, judges the worldview on the physical point of view, and tries to know the truth as a person. This is the great hurdle in pursuit of truth. When ‘self’ is not the physical but true self is the soul, then it is necessary for the seeking mind to rectify the reasoning base from form to formless seeking before proceeding further in this regard.

The seeker has to burn down the ignorance with the fire of the self - knowledge. The one who becomes aware with the conviction that, the soul is the true self and soul is the formless substance and witness of the here states becomes free from experiencing the illusion as reality.
How one do sees various objects, scenes and persons during its dreams? If the dream was without witness, one can never experience it. Therefore, there must be a witness of the dream. This formless witness is same which witnesses the Waking experience.  When one inquires in to nature of the mind and it will inevitably lead one to the source of the mind.

One has to realize that, the Waking experience is merged into the mental state in the sense that when it is analyzed, it is found to exist inseparably in and as soul/consciousness' alone as its substance and witness. All "spiritual" planes are mental.

It is impossible to prove the existence of God by any reasoning: one can only believes or assume. Religionists see visions of gods and goddesses and adepts according to their own impressions remaining unconsciously in the mind from the inherited conditioning. This entire concept based confusion and doubts are present only until the ignorance is there. Once one discovers the fact that, the self is not physical but it is the soul then there is no scope for duality, which it experienced as reality.

What is the relation between the mind and soul? One should not assert anything for which there is no proof. He should not say the physical body is the doer; he has to inquire whether his idea of being the person is true?  Once he discovers the fact that the self is not physical but it is the soul then he becomes aware of the fact that, the three states unreal and the soul is the true self and it is the eternal identity.

Religionists and Authoritarianism merely assumes as true what another says, but what has yet to be proved. One may believe in a position, but one is required to prove the truth of one's belief. A belief is a feeling truth is knowledge. Blind belief cannot be accepted as god.  If the belief is accepted as god, then god is dependent on man for his existence. Because man has to exist first to believe there is god, then only god can exist.  Therefore, it is necessary to trace the source of man’s existence to realize the truth of Gods existence.  Without knowing man’s existence, it is impossible to blindly accept the god’s existence. 

 Disappointment in yoga, belief system or even science imply error or ignorance. Create the doubt. When the doubts arise then the inquiring and reasoning spirit comes and impels to search elsewhere for truth where it will not be possible even to have doubt.

One has to investigate into the nature of mind. Only in non-duality, there is no mind, no duality.  Therefore, there are no two to argue about views or to have difference of opinion such doubtlessness  is be possible when one realizes the self is not physical but the self is the formless soul. Therefore, it is very much necessary to analyze the three states, which are of experience and experience-less objects of the soul.

When the one discovers and realizes the nature of the mind is in form of feeling. If feeling exists, then the ‘mind’ exists. If the mind exists, then the duality exists. If duality exists, then the waking or dream exists. If waking or dream is present, then the ignorance is present. If the ignorance is present, then the illusion is bound to be there.

 If there is no feeling, there is no mind. Therefore, the feeling is present only in Waking or dream, and absent in deep sleep. Therefore, the one that has the feeling is formless. Tracing that invisible feeler will help one to unfold the truth of the existence.

Psychologists cannot think of consciousness apart from the subject-object relation because they cannot separate subject from object.

Consciousness seems the antithesis of material objects and unable to touch them. Thus, the subject is set up in opposition to the object.
Psychologists cannot think of consciousness apart from the subject-object relation because they cannot separate subject from object. To them mind must have a thought or object related to it.
Unless one goes to the root of the matter and seeks to catch the formless witness, intellection will go on without end, giving one, one thought after another, but only thoughts, speculation or assumption, not truth
The witness is always there, otherwise one would not know when a thing appears or goes; the witness must be present to enable one to know these things.
Does consciousness mean a duality; knowledge, knower and known? Does consciousness mean that which is capable of knowing, wisdom? Is one conscious of anything in sleep? One is conscious of it only when he is in the waking experience. Consciousness there may be with or without object [waking or dream].
Imagination is what is meant by illusion. Imagination is also ultimately consciousness. When there is no duality, how can beginning and end occur? When one has formless witness alone, how can one think of imagination?
The Idea of an object does not prove the object exists. Ego is present along with body and the world.  Ego, body and the world appear together and disappear together.  If there is no ego then there is no body and no world. If there is no body and world then there is no ego. The witness knows its appearance and disappearance – one sees the changes of the ego in dream also. The witnessed appears and disappears; the witness is never known to be appearing and disappearing. That which appears and disappears is not the permanent entity.
There is an internal mental construction, as well as an external objective one. All are mere illusion because they are within the illusion.  
 What is the use of saying negate objects without knowing what is the subject, It is impossible to negate the object within the object, Because man is ignorant of the subject. Man thinks ego is the subject and he tries to negate the object seen by him.   Until he realizes the ego, body and world are an object he will remain experiencing the illusion as reality. 
 The nature of the three states is consciousness. Hence, they are made of the same essence, they are non-different, but appear to change.
Those who do not know the distinction between subject and object in spiritual sense will never understand non-duality. The three states are objects, and never the subject.
Objects also means not-self. The first not-self-idea to be got rid of is the ego, the second is the body, the third is the world.
The Witness is the one which witnesses the waking or dream as a whole.   The ego sees the act of seeing through eyes, and the world within the waking or dream, therefore the ego is not the witness.

Even truth is only an idea to one in illusion.

Three states are only objects, things seen, hence one try to transcend them. Even truth is only an idea to one in illusion. The mind and the meaning is the idea within the illusion. One has to know the subject as well as the object.
Psychologists commit the error of defining consciousness as a duality of Mind plus the object! Unless both are together there is no awareness of experience. They deny that consciousness can exist apart from objects. The illustration of deep sleep is given as a valuable warning against such an erroneous position.
Many philosophy of the world does not go into the question "What is meant by mental?" or what is beyond mind? That is, because it is ignorant of the real subject.  And they also hold object as subject within the object.
Psychology has nothing to do with the formless witness, with that which is aware of all these things and ideas and processes and reactions which psychology discusses. The only certain thing about the body is that it is forever changing; the greatest change of all being death which no one can prevent. In contrast to the body the mind is the only thing of whose unchanging character one can be certain. The one which is aware of all these   tells one about all the changes, remaining itself relatively constant, as a standard of reference for them.
One can never know what the mind really is until one indulges in self search.  Only by analyzing deeply one becomes aware the mind is not limited to physical entity but to the whole physical existence. Most of thinkers limit the mind to the physical entity.  When one limits the mind to the physical entity it is called ego.  People base themselves on ego and trying to understand assimilate the truth, which only leads them to imagination or intellectuality or logical conclusion.

 It is incorrect to base on the ego in pursuit of truth, when one becomes aware of the fact the self is not physical but it is formless soul/spirit.   If one wants to study soul/spirit, he must make the mind as an object ; and if it becomes a object, it is no longer subject, no longer the mind; if he wants the subject[soul] as it really is, then it is absolutely impossible to study it.
The term Witness, Seer, is used in a non-dual sense, without reference to objects witnessed, absolute awareness, not relative.
Thought is present in duality. Duality is mind. Mind is illusion. Thoughts, feelings, will, are all modifications, nothing more. Even if it is of God, it is still in the mind, which is illusion.
Once one really understands that, all imaginations are illusion because they ceases to exist without the mind. One may hope to understand the ultimate truth but without knowing the untruth [illusion] he never will.
 Birth, life and death which happen within the waking experience which comes and goes apply to mind. Therefore birthlessness is the characteristic of soul, which is ultimate truth.
Consciousness means awareness of dual [waking/dream] and non-dual [deep sleep] experiences. People think consciousness implies duality. It is not so.   When the mind is present the thoughts, emotions also are present, then unconsciousness would only mean the absence of duality, not the absence of the capacity to know; unconsciousness does not mean the nonexistence of that which disappears from consciousness, it merely means that mind has ceased its functioning. Finally there must be a kind of awareness which one does not understand and which is still existent when the waking or dream [object, the known, the thoughts] are absent.
Subject [soul] object [three states] analysis gives one a key to analyzing all statements, all revelations, all assertions, and all gods even. For it tells one that anything that can be made known by mind is but an illusion; something imagined, and never reality.

Before the act of thinking there must be the consciousness, the Witness as such by itself. Thought is impossible unless one is aware of it. Psychologists are trying an impossible problem in analyzing thinking and yet leaving out the seer of the thoughts. The truth is hidden within the three states; the intellectuals do not understand it because their understanding is based on the physical self /ego.
In practical application the word “consciousness” usually means a duality, something to be conscious of is implied. Therefore, it is an unsuitable word to indicate the pure objectless awareness which exists prior to waking experience.
The ego, the individual self is not the soul, which is the witness/true self because it often disappears in deep sleep.  The one which is aware of the three states is not the ego but the soul, which is the true self.
It is the illusion that is ever-changing but never the witness of the illusion. The illusion come and goes as waking and dream. When there is no illusion it is deep sleep or death. Consciously being aware of the witness and the illusion, in the midst of the illusion is non-dual wisdom.

Mind appears as waking or dream and disappears and deep sleep, this has to be understood first.

The man and his world are within the mind. And mind appears as waking or dream and disappears and deep sleep, this has to be understood first. 
The mind is known and the soul is that which knows. One has to analyze known (three states) and knower (soul).  Then only one is able to conclude that the three states are only mental. Thereby further analysis one discover that both the three states and soul are only one substance.
Soul is only another name for self. The soul or consciousness, the innermost self does not change; its contents change, and the soul or consciousness, the innermost self knows the changes.
The first step is to distinguish between the knower (soul) and the known (mind). One never sees the three states coming and going.  One is aware of the experiences of the three states in waking experience alone. Therefore, there is only waking experience (mind) from which he has to  analyze.
One never sees the three states coming or going because he is limited to the waking experience alone. But he is only aware of the dream and deep sleep experiences in waking experience. When he becomes aware of the fact that the self is not physical but it is formless spirit and then he becomes aware that the witness of the three states is formless and apart.
 All thoughts come and go to the person within the waking or dream. Waking and dream are noting but mind.  The unitary substance of the Mind is always the soul or spirit. Mountains may multiply in one’s dream, but the soul itself does not therefore increase or gain. The individual experiences of the waking or dream are illusion created out of the soul or consciousness or spirit.

When one regards waking, dream and deep sleep as object, then he must know that there is something which sees or knows them. In this sense only he will be able to think of the formless witness. Hence object (three states) is a necessity in order to point to the existence of the formless witness.
When one does not regard three states as object he loses the knowledge that there is a formless witness.

People cannot think of the Mind without some object, thought etc. contained in it; they cannot believe in consciousness apart from the contents of consciousness. People regard objects only as material, whereas in realm of truth even thoughts and experience also as being objective as material things.  People are ignorant and they have no idea of a subject(soul or consciousness, the innermost self) and hence never seek for it.

Discrimination between real and unreal is separating subject from object.  How does one know he and his experience of the world exist? With what does he know that he exits? It is the witness that gives him the idea of being and he extends it to three states. Apart from the formless witness one never realizes that there is such a thing as soul.

Scientists think only of the world as a whole.  it never strikes to them of the existence of the formless witness of the three states. they think the three states are individual experience and and they are experience of the waking entity. 

They think  world is apart from the physical entity. And they also think that, the birth, life and death takes place within the world. And they have the firm conviction that, the world existed prior to man  and he is born in it. Until all these convictions are there it is impossible to find the ultimate truth because they think the physical entity is true self and the world as reality.       
One has to give up the three states mentally in order get the ultimate truth or Brahman. When one gives up the 'mind ' he gets soul. Detach the soul from  mind mentally by realizing mind is mere illusion created out of the soul, which is in the form of consciousness.  

All intellectuality may seem nearer to truth but they are not truth in themselves.  People think the truth is difficult because, they think they are unable to come out of the grip of the practical  life. But truth can be realized with lesser time and effort, if they are ready to drop their preconceived ideas and conditioning. 
One can only know the illusion when he discriminates between the mind   and the soul or consciousness (formless substance of the mind). Mind was nonexistent when one analyzes and he realizes it is just illusion created out of formless stuff. Just as one knows the sound by its contrast to silence, he will know the diversity by its contrast to unity.

The great thinkers’ investigation into mind is infinite; it will always go on and yet never come to an end. Thinking the mind is within the body they go on and on forming new theories.  But all these remain as theories based on the form, never on the formless. Whatever theories and argument based on the form is not the truth. There is no scope of argument in formless base because there is no doubts and confusion.  Since, people are egocentric they are stuck with their pre-conceived ideas and they are searching for easier truth, to suit their time and lifestyle.  Thus they will remain in discussing the truth with their preconceived and circling the ego.   
Some are beginning to learn, the true nature of the illusion or mind and they will reach their non-dual destination. People who are stuck with their preconceived theories will only discover more theories. Realizing the self is not physical but it is formless spirit; they will have to turn to the formless witness of the three states, in order to realize the truth is beyond the three states.
When one denies the existence of the soul, he denying his own existence; soul is the secret support of his denial.  Therefore, it is necessary to know the soul means the formless substance of the physical existence or mind.  Thus, the meanings of the words are only to understand and assimilate the truth, not reject the words, merely because someone suggests it because it is religious word.

The formless witness alone is permanent, the three states goes. Those who cannot understand and analyze all experience into formless witness (subject) and three states (object) will always have trouble in understanding and assimilating the non-dual truth.

The object (three states) may be imagined, but one cannot speak of them unless he has a subject (formless witness) which is unimagined. It is there always, hence it is impossible to be aware of any three states (object) without the formless witness (subject).

There can be no such thing as an object (three states) unless there is the subject (soul or consciousness). Nobody can see the limitations of the Witness i.e. soul or consciousness, the innermost self. If he sees his limitations, then he is seeking those of the object, not of subject.

Ashtavakra says: - "This is your bondage, that you practice Samadhi meditation.”

When one sits down to meditate, he is thinking first of sitting, i.e. his body; then he tries to have only have the thoughts of getting rid of the thoughts, with the thoughts of getting rid of the thought.  Thus, he is thinking as a person within the world.  Thus he remains as person practicing meditation, thinking the ego alone is illusory rest is reality within the illusion.  He only thinks of the object, within the object, as an object.  But he is never aware of the formless subject.  
Ashtavakra says: - "This is your bondage, that you practice Samadhi meditation.”
When one puts aside the imagination and has the thinker-- what does he get with thinking—he can get only a thoughts. Meditation is only an effort; it is imagination, an idea; the soul or consciousness, the innermost self    remaining the same with or without ideas.
As a person perceiving the world one is unaware of the fact that, he and his experience of the world are within the object.  He as a person is completely unaware of the fact that, he is not the subject at all. The subject is formless and it is apart from the three states.  The subject is not an entity or identity within the three states.   Therefore, judging the truth on the base of the object as self is erroneous.  Such judgement leads to all sorts of speculation, doubts and confusions.  
When one is absorbed in thinking of anything, he is thinking within the object (mind or universe or waking)  that which witnesses all these three states is within but always apart.
As a thinker he gets only thoughts.  The thinker and thoughts are part of the illusion. Whenever there is thoughts and experiences, there is duality (mind or universe or waking) . Where there is duality (mind or universe or waking)  there is always ignorance. Where there is ignorance there is illusion.  The duality, mind and ignorance illusion are one and the same thing and they appear together and disappear.  The ignorance vanishes when the wisdom dawns.
 The knower of the three states is within the three states but it is   formless and apart from the three states.  
The whole universe and people and all its contents are within the mind.  The truth is hidden within the mind but it is without the mind. As a Man one thinks the mind is within the physical body but the truth is the body and the universe are within the mind. Until this mistake is rectified to get the non -dual truth is impossibility.  Man thinks he is an individual separate from the world within the mind which appears as waking or dream and disappears as deep sleep. Therefore, one has to analyze the three states in order to realize the witness of the three states is formless and apart from the three states.   Thus the man is not the witness of the three states. Realizing this fact, it is erroneous to judge the truth on the waking entity.
It is impossible to trace the mind within the physical body, because the physical body and the world are within the mind.  The idea of multiplicity of mind cannot be accepted. The dream appears as a whole with the dream entity, with people and dream world.   The dream is witnessed as whole without the physical apparatus.  The same witness witnesses the waking and deep sleep as a whole.  This truth has to be grasped to realize the fact that, the waking entity is not the witness of the three states. Only when this truth is grasped, then it becomes easier to assimilate the Self-Knowledge. 
Therefore, how the meditation or Samadhi or any other practice can yield the fruit, when the waking entity is not the self and the true self is the witness of the three states, not waking experience  alone. This truth has to be grasped to rectify the mistake, which keeps one in the grip of duality makes him experience the duality as reality.  
Only when become aware of the fact that, the waking entity is not the self, it becomes easier to understand the illusion. The form, time and space are within the mind.  The knower of the form, time and space, is formless, timeless and space less existence. Therefore, when the meditator comes out of meditation, he again confronts the form, time and space.  But for a Gnani without meditation, he is aware of the fact that, the form, time and space as consciousness and he is conscious of consciousness within the realm of form, time and space.  
All the actions and moments are happening within the mind.  In the realm of truth there is neither action nor the moment. When the mind itself is illusion on the standpoint of its formless substance, which is consciousness, then all the contents of the mind is bound to be illusion.
 The idea of multiple souls is unproven hypothesis. To say that each mind is different is unproved because no one has ever seen mind. No one can say where it starts and stops, no one can measure its thickness, and all claims are mere supposition, not proof.
Yoga is practiced on the base of false self(ego or waking entity)  therefore; yoga cannot yield the non-dual truth.  Everything that one practices on the false self is part of the illusion. It yields only relative truth, i.e. true from a particular viewpoint, not ultimate truth.
The ego sees all the objects within the world. The ego, man and his experience of the world is within the mind,   which is passing away every moment, hence unreal. Limiting the mind to the physical entity (waking entity or ego) is the cause of the ignorance. Therefore, one has to realize the mind is not limited the physical entity alone but to the whole waking or dream experiences. 
One has to realize the fact the mind and the matter is one and the same thing. If the mind is there the matter is present. One has to analyze mind and taking away the three states which are ever changing or passing, he gets at soul or consciousness, the innermost self.
When one is able to make the distinction between formless witness and the three states then he will understand that, the formless substance of the three states itself is the witness of the three states.  In this sense only, he will come to understand that, the consciousness is present everywhere in everything in all the three states. And no second thing exist other then consciousness. Hence, it is non-dual. Once this truth is grasped then all the theories speculated or assumed on the false self becomes meaningless.
In all mental operations there are two factors--the knowing capacity (consciousness) and that which is known. The known things (three states) are all passing away and are therefore unreal. Without the knowing capacity i.e. the knower (consciousness) in existence there could have been no such thing as knowing the three states.
Know means: - Knowing implies two factors, the knower or the knowing capacity, or that which becomes aware; and the known. Without these two factors one cannot use the word know.
 One finds the known [the three states] always passes away. When one is distinguishing between knower and known, the word ego is used. When these disappear the word soul is used just to show that there is something which has not disappeared, as thoughts and objects are seen to disappear. No one can see soul appearing or disappearing. One can only say that it must have been there.
It is not the physical body alone that constitutes mind, but body plus world constitutes the mind. Mind is created out of consciousness. This one find from his deeper study on this subject. 
The whole universe which contains everything is within mind. Every thought, feeling, and emotion is only "mind" and mind will pass away; it is only the "known. Deeper analysis shows the contents of mind are passing phenomena and not the knower or witness.
Soul is seeing or knowing the changes not that mind which changes. The word change is not applicable to the soul. Therefore soul is “immortal". Soul is seeing the mortal; in this sense it is called soul immortal. There cannot be two self. It is impossible. Change can have a meaning only when there is more than one. Soul being unchanging must be only One.
The changes occur because of the existence of something unchanging. The changing and the unchanging are always present. Man exists within the mind which changes every moment.  Man is unaware of unchanging because he is part of the changing.
One has to base his analysis on the experience as a whole, not the individual experiences happening with in the waking or dream. Man perceives the world within the waking or dream experience.  Thus, the individual experiences are within the waking or dream experience is noting to with the soul or consciousness, the innermost self.

  Deep sleep also is an experience.   Thus one has to take the three states for his analysis, not what is happening within the three states. Waking entity is noting to with the soul or consciousness, the innermost self.  One has to trace the witness of the three states in order to realize the fact that, the three states or mere illusion. Once the formless witness is mentally traced then it becomes easier to grasp the non-dual truth. Once the formless witness is traced and realized to be the true self, then all the logical and theoretical arguments, based on false self(waking entity or ego), lose their value.   
 One has to value experience because but the three states and its changes, he could not possibly think of the Unchangeable or realize it.  One should not attach the soul or consciousness, the innermost self to all that changes which constitutes the three states.  The very fact that, one is constantly experiencing dream and deep sleep shows that experiences keeps on changing.  But he is unaware of the fact that the self is not physical but it is formless spirit. Therefore, he is taking the authorship of the three states on the physical entity of the waking experience.   Therefore, it is necessary to realize the fact that, the witness of the three states is not the waking entity but the formless soul, which is the true self.  Therefore the meditation or Samadhi practiced on the base of waking entity will not yield wisdom, because it is practiced on the base of false self.  
People are not ready to distinguish between formless witness and three states. If they knew that, their body, world everything is known, even the gods, is only illusion, and then they might perceive truth, not otherwise.
When one thinks of the individuality he is unaware of the fact that the experiences of birth, life and death are illusion. He has to know illusion as consciousness. Then only unity in diversity is possible.

Thought is only an illusion, no matter how exalted it is. Thought never touches the truth, but remains always within the illusion. One foolishly believes that the more he thinks, the more he will get; but it is really an error. It remains only a thought and gives him back only a thought.  Anything known, observed, cannot be the soul, the subject.