Tuesday, June 15, 2010

As a man, one is ignorant of the true self.

As a man, one is ignorant of the true self. ! Why does one assert the blissful, ever-existent soul [consciousness], which is within the three states as its formless clay and is evidently apart from it, as its formless witness? The three states are absolutely non-existent in the realm of the true self, which is consciousness or soul.

Seeker of truth has to know, with the help of deeper  inquiry, analysis and reasoning on the true base, the true Self, which is different from the three states, not a void but the very form of existence, and very difficult for persons who view and judge the worldview on the base of ‘ego’.

The true self is not sense of “I” /ego,  but the  soul [consciousness], whereas the gross bodies are many. So how can this body be true self, when the body and its experience of the world exist only in  mind[waking/dream]?

True self which is Soul/Spirit is the subject of perception whereas the ego, body and the world are the objects. This is learnt from the fact that, when one speaks of the body, ego he says, “This is mine.” So how can this body and ego be the self?

It is a fact of direct experience of the true self [the “Soul] is without any change, whereas the mind [waking/dream] is always undergoing changes. So how can this body be self, which is present only within the mind [waking/dream]?

Gnanis have ascertained the real nature of the true self [soul] through inquiry, analysis and reasoning on the true base, “There is nothing higher than Soul, the true self,” So how can this body be the self, when the body is present only within the Mind [waking/dream]?

All the three states is verily the consciousness” because they are created out of consciousness. So how can this body be self, when the body exists only within the mind [waking/dream], which is made of consciousness?

The true self is completely unattached” from the three states [mind], because true self is not an entity or identity within the three states [mind]. How can this body be the self, when the body exists only within the waking/dream [mind]?

The nature of the soul /self is like Deep sleep

The nature of the soul /self is like Deep sleep

The waking or dream is the world of objects. And waking and dream is an object to the soul, which is the subject. Without the knowledge of the subject the object will remain as reality. Once one becomes aware of the subject the reality of the object cease to exist as reality.

The knowledge of object [body] as subject is cause of the ignorance. Thus it is necessary to examine the nature of the object in order to realize the fact that the object is not the subject.

The subject is not the form but it is formless. The knower of the object is the subject, which is consciousness. So, the object has no existence without the subject. Therefore it is erroneous view and judge, the truth on the base of object as subject.

Conscious ignorance of all objects [three states] means really the positive knowledge of the soul/ self, which pervades everywhere and everything in the object. Consequently, the ignorance of the ordinary man in deep sleep is really the knowledge of his own self, which is happiness and Consciousness.

One can say about his deep sleep experience only when waking takes place that is in the states of ignorance.

The ignorance of the mind [universe] in deep sleep is nothing but the knowledge of the self, which is nondual peace. Thus the experience in deep sleep, if properly understood, is only one; and that is the soul, which is in the form of consciousness. There is only one there; and hence the ignorance of the many is no experience at all.

All the memories belong to the false self, not to the true self, which is formless.

All the memories belong to the false self, not to the true self, which is formless.

Every mind [universe] merges into Consciousness and remains not as mind, but as Consciousness without the experience. When the consciousness becomes aware of its true nature then there is no duality it nondual existence, which is ultimate reality.

In ignorance or illusion, one first forgets the soul [Consciousness], which is the true self, and views and judges the worldview on the false self/ego. All the memories belong to the false self, not to the true self, which is formless. The false self is dependent on true self for its existence. Therefore, on the standpoint of the true self [soul] the memory is mere illusion because it is based on the false self within the false experience.

Mind appears as the universe.

Mind appears as the universe.

There was no mind is deep sleep. As soon as waking takes place the mind which contains, of a ready-made universe – including all men and creatures appears. The man – confronts universe in waking or dream. The waking or dream appears as a whole and disappears as a whole. To examine it closely, one has to analyze the three states and trace the witness of the three states is formless and apart.

One becomes aware of the fact that, that the universe or mind, which appears and disappears is only form and shape created out of consciousness and nothing else. The consciousness alone is positive proof and on the standpoint of the consciousness or soul as self, one becomes aware of the falsity of this universe or mind which is mere appearance. The one, which appears as mind [universe] and disappears as no mind [soul] is consciousness alone. Therefore, the mind and soul are one in essence.

Mental analysis shows that, the existences of the formless witness, which witnesses the three states coming and going without a break. This, on closer analysis, is found to be that changeless, soul or consciousness itself.

Deep Sleep is a key to understand the Ultimate

Deep Sleep is a key to understand the Ultimate

Deep sleep brings on a sense of nondual peace with it. This experience one gets only in the absence of mind. When one focuses his attention consciously on the formless witness of the three states then which wards of the mind/duality/illusion [waking or dream].

So, one gets to the real nature of the soul or consciousness by focusing the attention on the formless witness, consciously and at the same time by being aware of the body and the universe and no them consciously as consciousness alone.

Once one becomes fully aware of the fact that whatever exists as object [body + universe] with form or shape are also consciousness because they are made of consciousness.

Thus, deep sleep illustration can be utilized the real nature of the soul/consciousness, which is without duality [forms and shapes]. Thus remaining in duality becoming aware of soul/ consciousness is the truth true self is Self-Realization.

Deep sleep is not wisdom

Deep sleep is not wisdom

The absence of mind [experience of duality] which is wrongly called ‘nothingness or emptiness’ – is the true nature of real, unconditioned consciousness. The real nature of the soul [consciousness] is like deep sleep experience. When one consciously becomes aware of the fact that everything in all the three states is consciousness, and then he will realize the fact that, the consciousness alone exists and he becomes free from the burden and bondage of duality, which he was experiencing it as reality?

The absence of the mind in deep sleep or yogic Samadhi is not wisdom, but the formless knower of the presence and absence is the real and eternal.

There neither ignorance nor wisdom in deep sleep. Deep sleep is unconsciousness of real and unreal, therefore it is not wisdom. The wisdom has to be gained in the midst of ignorance by realizing “what is truth?” and “what is untruth?” and accepting truth and rejecting the untruth mentally. Whatever prevails after negating the untruth is ultimate truth.

The ignorance of Truth is the knowledge of physical existence [man universe]. By holding the object as subject means not to know the Truth. Whatever prevails without the object is the formless substance and knower of the object. If the objective awareness is discarded, what remains is consciousness alone, which is the formless subject. The consciousness is the essence and the background of the objective awareness, which is in the form of mind.

The knowledge of any one object may also be said to be the ignorance. In deep sleep unconscious absence of all objects. Thus unconscious absence of object in deep sleep is not wisdom. When one consciously becomes aware of the unreal nature of the objects in the midst of waking experience is wisdom.

Where there is no ignorance there is no burden and bondage of duality/illusion.

Where there is no ignorance there is no burden and bondage of duality/illusion. Most of the people cannot understand this because they are egocentric.

People quote the authorities from the scriptures and famous people to prove their point. The formless soul/self, which is free never, becomes bond. No bondage non liberation from the ultimate point of view.

Only by analyzing the mind and its substance helps to get of bondage or illusion. In the nature of the consciousness there is no division as internal and external.

Seeker has to be steady in the pursuit of truth, and then alone it is possible to understand and assimilate the ultimate truth. Those who accepted the illusion as reality will not be able to understand assimilate the ultimate truth.

The disentangling of cause and effect is huge problem in mental thinking. Reason functions only where there is duality.

What is the first thought of the child? The child does not think until it is three years old. It does not think of ‘I’ or me because the ego is not formed yet. When it starts identifying itself with name then the ego is formed.

The mind is impermanent.

The mind is impermanent. It appears as waking or dream [duality] and disappears as deep sleep [non-duality]. There must be something continuous to register its appearance and disappearance.

Memory is part of the illusion; it has nothing to do with ultimate truth. Memory belongs to individuality, whereas the ultimate truth is universal. The illusion hides the truth, the true identity pervades everywhere and in everything in illusion.

One has to find out what is at the root of it.

Life seems continuous but it is within the waking and dream. The form, time and space are reality within the mind or duality. Ignorance gives this impression of reality within the duality or mind.

The memory, recollection that creates the illusion of time passing is based on the false self. When the self is formless the question of memory, birth, life, death and the world does not arise. The one which knows the mind [universe] which appears and disappears is apart and formless. Thus all the knowledge based on the false self [ego] within the false experience [mind] is mere illusion on the standpoint of the formless witness of the illusion [mind].

Mind becomes one with consciousness in deep sleep.

Mind becomes one with consciousness in deep sleep. Mind has emanated from and in consciousness. The individual experiences are reality within the waking or dream. Individuality ceases to exist without the waking or dream. The one which witnesses the dream is not waking entity and one which witnesses the waking is not dream entity. The one which witness the deep sleep experience is neither dream entity not the waking entity. Then what is it that is aware of these three states, which come and go in succession. It is the consciousness [soul] which is aware of all the three states, which comes and goes in succession. Thus it is the witness of the three states. It is also is the substance of the three states because it pervades in everything and everywhere in all the three states. Thus consciousness is the common essence in dual and nondual experiences. The one, who discovers, understands and assimilates and realizes the essence as ultimate truth becomes free from experiencing the duality as reality. The consciousness exists with or without the duality. The birth, life, death and the world are within the mind or duality. And the consciousness is the formless substance witness of birth, life, death and the world [mind]. Consciousness [soul] is apart from the birth, life, death and the world, because it is not an object within the duality, but the duality [waking or dream] is an object to it. When one becomes aware of the fact that, the formless substance and witness are one in essence, then there is unity in diversity.