Thursday, December 9, 2010

Many teachers are limited by their own life’s experiences and what they have and what they have not worked out within their own given egos.

Foreign seekers find it an exotic and new cultural experience to visit Indian ashrams. The ashrams supposedly offer the chance of seeing and being helped or healed a living God man, a self-proclaimed avatar or God Incarnate.

 Most of the seekers usually arrive with their minds filled with what most often turn out to be false ideas about 'spirituality'. Many are very enthusiastic at seeing some of the diverse religious beliefs which infest India - seers, fakirs, soothsayers, astrologers, yogis, sadhus, temple priests and swamis. The great majority of them are either naive believer who is practicing a traditional trade-craft under whatever 'spiritual' pretense or else direct but clever frauds.

Many teachers are limited by their own life’s experiences and what they have and what they have not worked out within their own given egos.
Many People just expect mental spoon feeding to know the truth of their true existence. And they never bothered to take trouble and verify on their own. It is very difficult to acquire Self-Knowledge if they do not do their own homework.
 It is impossible to acquire non dual truth without indulging in deeper inquiry analysis and reasoning.
The true self has existing unobserved, unrecognized except by those who are able to discover the fact that, the self is not physical but the self is soul, which is in the form of consciousness.  The consciousness is the substance and witness of the three states.
Consciousness is not limited to the form, but it pervades all the three states as its formless substance and witness. As a person perceiving the world within the waking/dream he is not aware of the fact that ‘I’ is not the self, but the formless substance and witness of the ‘I’ is the true self. Thus it is necessary to realize the fact that ‘I’ is not the self in order to overcome the illusory duality.
 The true self is the soul.  The nature of the soul, which is the true self, formless is non- dual. The soul or self is in the form of consciousness.   The self itself is the guru, which can be known only from the wisdom, and which is beyond the reach of speech and mind.

Self-Knowledge is difficult to obtain, without discrimination between the truth and untruth; therefore, it is necessary to know the truth in order to know what is untruth. Realisation and continuing in a state of identity with consciousness comes next in order. Liberation from experiencing illusion as reality is attained through nondual wisdom.

Ignorance is necessary in pursuit of truth and man and the universe is the product of ignorance. The longing for Liberation, and intense urge to know the truth and courage to accept the truth and reject the untruth, when the truth is revealed through inquiry, analysis and reasoning in necessary in pursuit of truth.

The man who, having, mastery of the scriptures to boot, is foolish enough not to exert himself for self-liberation, dies as ignorant himself by clinging to the illusion, which he believes  as reality. If one believes the illusion as reality it means he has accepted the birth, life, death and the world as reality, which are mere happenings within the illusion. Whatever, happenings within the illusion is bound to be illusion, the formless substance and witness of the illusion [mind] is real and eternal.  

What is the use of mastering the Scriptures? What is the use of quoting the Scriptures? What is the use of worship, rituals   and sacrifice to the gods?  By mastering scriptures knowledge and quoting scriptures and performing rituals and worship the gods, there is no Liberation without the realization of one’s identity with the soul, which is in the form of consciousness.

There is no hope of immortality by means of riches or accumulation of wealth or distribution of it to others. The good deeds are cannot be the cause of Liberation from experiencing the illusion as reality.

The seeker of truth should strive, his best for liberation from illusion, by realizing the fact that, the ego is not self, and accepting the soul as true self and constantly fixing his attention on the consciousness [soul], which is ultimate truth.

Having attained the non-dual tranquility, one should recover one’s-self, immersed in the sea of illusory birth, life, death and world by means of right discrimination.

A Gnani having commenced the practice of the realization of the consciousness becomes aware of the fact that, all the bonds of birth, life death and the world are illusory, because all of it is created out of consciousness. Thus there is no second thing exist other then consciousness. 

Action leads to believe the duality as reality, not to perception of the Reality. The realization of Truth is brought about by discrimination and not in the least by means of acts. Therefore, there is a need to realize the fact that the self is not physical but it is consciousness in order to discriminate the truth which is hidden in the illusion.

By adequate reasoning the conviction of the reality about the consciousness is gained, which puts an end to the great fear and misery caused by the illusion worked up in the deluded mind.

The conviction of the Truth is seen to proceed from deeper reasoning and gaining the wisdom.  The conviction of truth does not arise, neither by bathing in the sacred rivers, nor by donating wealth to the god men, nor by control of the vital force by regulating breath.

Success depends essentially on a qualified aspirant; time, place, circumstances and other such means are but auxiliaries in this regard.

The seeker after truth should take to reasoning, after duly realizing the fact that, the self is not physical but self is consciousness.  

An intelligent and learned man skilled in arguing in favour of the Scriptures and in refuting counter-arguments against them – one who has got the above characteristics is not fit recipient of the knowledge of the self, which is in the form of consciousness.

The man who discriminates between the Real and the unreal, whose mind is turned away from the unreal, who possesses calmness, and who is longing for freedom , is alone considered qualified to inquire after ultimate truth.

The focus of attention to ultimate truth succeeds, and in the absence of which, it fails. Seeker must have enumerated discrimination between the Real and the unreal; and aversion to the illusion, and intense yearning for freedom from illusion.

Seeker must have a firm conviction to the effect that [soul] consciousness is real and the mind [universe] unreal is designated as discrimination between the Real and the unreal.

The mind rests itself in consciousness after becoming aware of the fact that it is mere mirage created out of consciousness.

Acceptance by firm judgment as true of what the inquiry, analysis and reasoning revels, and by that means the Reality is perceived.
Not the mere indulgence in curiosity but the constant concentration of the intellect on the consciousness is self-settledness.

Yearning for Freedom is the desire to free one’s -self, by realising the true nature of the true self, from all bondages of duality caused by Ignorance by realizing the fact that the self is not physical but self is formless consciousness.

Even though mediocre, this yearning for Freedom, through the grace of the self, may being developed by means of renouncing ignorance and developing humility and patience.

In his case, verily, whose are ready to overcome the ignorance through inquiry, analysis and reasoning   and yearning for freedom are intense, calmness and humility will bear fruit.

The inquiry into the truth of one’s own self is devotion. The inquirer about the truth of the soul who is possesses means of attainment should continue reasoning, until he emancipation from bondage from illusion.

A knower of ultimate reality, who has withdrawn himself into ultimate reality; for him there is no bondage, there is no cause and effect for him, because he is aware of the fact that, the self is not physical but it is formless consciousness.

By worshiping that Guru with devotion, and approaching him, when he is pleased with prostration, humility and service, is not the means to self-realization.  This guru-dom is mere religious fable.

The seeker of truth has to realize the fact that, the birth, life and death are reality within the illusion.    The consciousness has neither birth nor death because it is formless and eternal. Whatever is born lives and dies is not the consciousness because it was present prior to birth, and it was present after birth, and it is ever present after the death.  But it is only the formless substance and witness of the birth, life and death. The birth, life and death has nothing to do with it, because it is always apart and unaffected because it is not a physical entity or identity which has birth, life and death.   

A Gnani is always calm and magnanimous, who inspire others as does the spring, and who, having himself crossed this illusory ocean of birth, life, death and world, guides others also to cross the same, without any motive whatsoever.

It is the very nature of the Gnani to move of their own accord towards removing seekers’ obstacles in their pursuit of truth and guiding them towards non-dual destination.

How to cross this ocean of illusory existence?

Which means should one adopt?

How to put an end to the misery of this relative existence?

The one who has intense urge to know the truth and   has courage to accept the truth and reject the untruth, thirsting for freedom, who is ready to drop all the accumulated knowledge of Scriptures and other sources, who has humility to accept the truth, endowed with calmness and receptive to receive knowledge of self, and never argues with others to prove that his accumulated knowledge is truth without verifying the facts, such person is qualified for pursuit of truth.

It is illogical to ask,

1.       How the free became bound?
2.       How did the illusion come?

By analyzing the subject and object analysis helps us to understand and assimilate “What is truth?” and “What is untruth?” and   to accept the truth and reject the truth mentally. 

People have hereditary superstition that, religion is holy, sacred and ancient. In the nature o the soul/self, which is in the form of consciousness there is no such division as internal and external.  

There is a means of crossing this sea of the illusory existence; by realizing the fact that, the beyond is within and beyond is without.

There is a sovereign means which puts an end to the fear of illusory  existence; through that thou wilt cross the sea of duality and attain the nondual existence.

Reasoning on the base of the soul, which is the true self, leads to Self- Knowledge, which is followed by the total annihilation of the misery born of illusory existence.

Seeker, who is aware of the fact that self is not physical but the self is formless consciousness, gets freedom from the bondage of duality/illusion, which is the conjuring of Ignorance.

It is verily through the touch of ignorance that the soul, which is in the form of consciousness, finds itself under the bondage of illusion, and it believes the births, life, death and world as reality. The fire of Self- knowledge, kindled by the discrimination between dual [mind] and non- dual [soul] experiences, burns up the effects of ignorance together with their root.

What is bondage?

Considering the self as physical is bondage. 

 How has it come upon the Self?

Due to ignorance, considering the self as physical the body and world becomes reality.

 How does it continue to exist?

It continues to exist until one becomes aware of the fact that the self is not physical but the self is formless soul, which is in the form of consciousness.

How is one freed from it?

By getting rid of the ignorance through deeper inquiry, analysis and reasoning

What is this false -Self?

Ego or waking entity  is the  false self

Which is the true Self?

The soul is the true self, and it is in the form of consciousness.

How can one discriminate between them?

The ego is based on the form and true self is based on the soul/spirit. One has to discriminate between the experiences based on the form and formless.  Whatever is based on the form is impermanent and whatever is based on the formless is permanent.

Discovering truth is one thing and Understanding and assimilating is another thing and realizing it is yet another thing.

Since people use their accepted truth as yardstick, they will not be able know what we say. They think they have mastered the whole Advaith philosophy or some teaching of great master but they will not be able to realize the non-dual truth.  Such people are like stagnant water collected in the pond, which stinks of their accumulated dross. They block the new knowledge to come in.  Very few like you are fortunate to go to the ultimate end and realize it.  

Discovering truth is one thing and Understanding and assimilating is another thing and realizing it is yet another thing.    

The non-dual truth is very easy but very difficult to assimilate and realize it. The one who realizes the fact that, body and the universe are created out of consciousness, and then there is nothing else to know. By knowing this truth     there is unity in diversity. There is no second thing exists other then consciousness. The diversity is mere mirage created out of consciousness.

Since, they are stuck with the idea that the body is made of flesh, bone and blood and universe is of the matter, they will be unable to accept their birth, life, death and world as illusion.  By accepting the illusion as reality they will remain judging the worldview on the base of birth entity.  Whereas, the true self is not the birth entity but it is the formless substance and witness [consciousness] of the illusory birth, life, death and world.    For one who is aware of the consciousness as self, is also aware of the fact that, birth, life, death and world are mere illusion created out of consciousness.   

 Consciousness can never be destroyed, but it resolves back to its formless non-dual true nature. Nothing is beyond or higher than the consciousness. – Mind and the soul [consciousness] are essentially one, as are the ocean and the waves. As long as illusion exists the separation exists. As long as separation exists duality will prevail as reality. So long the ignorance prevail, the birth, life, death and the world will remain as reality. But when one awaken into reality, all the reality of illusion cease forever.

Neither by Yoga, nor by scriptural studies, nor by action, nor by learning, but only by the realization of one's identity with consciousness freedom is possible, and by no other means.

Lectures consisting of a shower of ornamental words, the skill in expounding the Scriptures or intellectual theories, and likewise erudition - these merely bring on a little personal enjoyment to the scholar, but are no good for freedom.

The study of the Scriptures is useless so long as the highest Truth is unknown, and it is equally useless when the highest Truth has already been known.

The Scriptures consisting of many words are a dense forest which merely causes the mind to ramble. Hence one should earnestly set about knowing the true nature of the Self, which is consciousness.

Most seekers have accepted some philosophy as truth or some teaching as truth. Just by studying teachings of Ramana Maharishi and Nisargadutta Maharaja, but one has to find the obstacles in their teaching, which blocks one from realizing the truth.  The truth is easier without any teaching. Mostly people are sentimentally and emotionally get involved with their teachings and blindly accept whatever said in those teaching and refuse to verify the facts. This sheepish mentality is greatest obstacle in pursuit of truth, because it makes one more and more egocentric, not soul centric.

In the scriptures, it says that the world is both real and unreal. It is real because it is a manifestation of consciousness, but is unreal, in the sense, that it is not absolute and eternal like consciousness itself.

Most of the teachers and thinkers approach was more practical, and they have stuck with the reality of the world, they took it as real.

One has to go beyond traditional Advaita to understand, assimilate and realize the nondual truth.

— Unkown

Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.
-- Albert Einstein

The traditional Advaitin will not accept anything else as proof other then what scriptures says. It is waste of time to convince the people who cannot be convinced, because they have built egoic wall around them.   One has to go beyond  traditional Advaith to understand, assimilate and realize the non-dual truth. 

We have to drop all accumulate dross in order to understand and assimilate non-dual truth.

Even in the Buddhism: - Buddhist teaching has itself become a kind of interactive and self-evolving process, much like its idea of pratityasamutpada. However, the end goal is still Nirvana, which is an experience ultimately beyond all concepts and language, even beyond the Buddhist teachings. In the end even the attachment to the Dharma, the Buddhist teaching, must be dropped like all other attachments. The tradition compares the teaching to a raft upon which one crosses a swift river to get to the other side; once one is on the far shore; there is no longer any need to carry the raft. The far shore is Nirvana, and it is also said that when one arrives, one can see quite clearly that there was never any river at all.

The scriptures and theories and teaching based on the ego are not the yardstick. Using them as yardstick to understand and assimilate the truth will lead one towards pursuit of arguments. Seeker of truth has to discover on his own, the truth of his true existence by inquiring “what is mind?” and “what is substance of the mind?” and move forward.  

The wisdom consists in knowing the truth, that everything (mind or physical existence) is consciousness. Freedom ( ultimate truth ) is always there yet one does not know it.  But to those whose reason is turned away from physicality and who have attained the serenity of the soul (consciousness), the innermost self  are quite near to the ultimate truth. 

To think once own body and his experience of the world is an illusion is difficult matter, unless one realizes the self is not physical but it is formless soul it is difficult to have glimpse of truth.
When one realizes the fact that, the self is not physical but the formless soul, naturally the body and universe becomes illusion.

The mind (universe) is emanating from soul (consciousness) means the mind is being effect from consciousness is not different from it. Deeper analysis shows it. Analysis needs deeper thinking and reasoning. Mind is whole universe thus it has a form. But where is the form in consciousness (soul) because consciousness is like an ocean and mind is like wave.  The universe is same consciousness, as the ocean produces the wave, so the consciousness produces the mind (universe).

The moment one knows the mind (universe) is consciousness, and then there is no ignorance. If one knows consciousness as self then everything is consciousness, the consciousness is second to none.  The mind is consciousness but due to ignorance one mistakes it for something else. One thinks the self is within the body; but the self is without the body and the world.

Mind ceases to exist without the matter. Without the matter mind ceases to exist as mind but it exists as matter- less awareness or consciousness. Without the mind neither the world nor its perceiver can exist.

Without the matter there is no duality. Without duality there is no experience. Without experience it is non dual reality. Therefore whatever prevails without the mind is ultimate reality.

The true nature of the soul (consciousness) is camouflaged by the illusion or duality.  To know the truth one has to discover and realize the formless substance of the mind or illusion. One has to learn to view and judge the worldview on the standpoint the formless soul as self.   Self-Knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana  is the prime goal of the truth seeker. This goal is hidden within the mind as its invisible substance and witness. Therefore, it is necessary inquiry, analyze and reason in to the nature of mind or  duality or illusion in order to unfold the mystery of mind or duality or illusion.

The basic difference between science and spirituality?

There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth:
not going all the way... and not starting.
— Buddha

When the reality appears this ignorance
which one thinks as reality becomes unreal.

Science considers the object as subject, and its judgement is based on objectified subject.  Thus, it cannot go beyond the object, because it is unaware of the subject which is cause of the object.   Thus in science the object (mind) is considered as subject.

In non-duality there is no object because the subject and object are one is essence. In duality Subject and object cannot be one. If one is able to observe something than this something is not the subject.

Beyond object, when truth is realized, the subject and object are one in essence. “A conditioned mindset is always out of touch with truth. By realizing the fact that, the self is not physical but it is formless consciousness, one can overcome the hereditary conditioning or samskaras  and become free from experiencing the illusion as reality. 

The forgetfulness of the innermost self, which is formless soul or consciousness -- results experiencing the diversity as reality.

In a moment, all pleasures of the physical world within the illusion give sense of reality   because of which the consciousness was forgotten.

The freedom from experiencing the duality as reality comes from identifying the self with consciousness. Instead, due to our ignorance of the consciousness, which is the innermost  Self, one seeks everlasting happiness in never lasting sense objects.

 If one wants freedom from illusory reality then one has to realize the fact that, the consciousness is the true self. Without identifying the consciousness, which is the formless substance and witness of the mind, it is very difficult to acquire non-dual wisdom. 

The belief that material wealth is the source of real security in one's life is reality within the falsehood.  In reality, this entire physical world is false and temporary. It is not possible for an impermanent thing can provide another impermanent thing with a permanent security.

Due to physical consciousness, one feels secure if he has money. On the contrary, he feels insecure if he does not have money. False ones love falsehood within the falsehood. People struggle to acquire material wealth in order to get security in material life, but they fail to realize the fact that they and their experience of universe is mere mirage.  When physical consciousness disappears then the mirage vanishes and consciousness alone prevails as non-dual existence.

People collect or struggle to collect wealth throughout their lives, but they are unaware of the fact that they and their experience of the universe exist within the falsehood.

 Deluded by doubts and confusion, they think day and night; and try to search the truth, which fits their physical outfit. 

The feeling of insecurity comes from the fear of the unknown. Amassing of any amount of money cannot remove this fear. To the contrary, the more wealth one has the more fear he has! With more wealth comes the fear of loosing it. Therefore, the sense of true security comes from not procuring money, but from the mental state of fearlessness, which is possible only by identifying the self with consciousness.

One can become fearless; by realizing the fact that the self is not form but self is formless the fearlessness is the nature of the formless soul or  consciousness .  A Gnani is one who has realized the consciousness as real self. However, without true humility, one cannot attain the true self-hood. And without Spiritual Wisdom, one cannot attain humility and Self-realization.

Therefore, attaining true security is not in amassing material wealth, but by becoming soul-centric.  Consciousness is ultimate truth. The ultimate truth is beyond any mundane wealth, political power, religious scholarships, material education and social success.

The forgetfulness of the innermost self, which is formless soul or  consciousness -- results experiencing the diversity as reality.

Man has accumulated countless false concepts and theories, he keeps adding new to the already existing ones.  The object of teachings and instructions of all world Masters and the scriptures is for the removal of these false worldly concepts but without realizing the fact that the self is not physical, all these teachings become inadequate and useless.  

The more one abandons this accumulated knowledge, the more he will become awake and aware; consequently, the more he will find truth which is hidden   within. One has to   completely shedding all accumulated dross.  As the consciousness abides within the mind; the self-knowledge helps the mind into its non-dual source. 

The knower and the known are one in essence

The methods are based on the false self. The Methodists cannot reach the ultimate.   When one becomes aware of the fact that ‘I’ is illusion then there is nothing left other then consciousness, which is  knower of all the known .  When knower is formless the known ceases to exist as real.   

Thus the knower and the known are one in essence.  Therefore, there is no second thing other then consciousness, which is formless.   Thus consciousness is the ultimate truth.
Even the scriptures declare:-

v   Tat tvam asi: -Thou art That (Sam Veda). “Self is  that”
v  Prajnanam Brahma: - Consciousness is ultimate reality (Rig Veda).
v  Ayam Aatma Brahma: -The Self is ultimate truth (Atharva Veda).
v  Aham Brahma Asmi: -Self is ultimate reality (Yajur veda).

The ignorance of the true self is cause of duality. The duality is cause of illusion. The illusion is the cause of experiencing unreality as reality.

Mind is consciousness, and consciousness is mind. The three states are absorbed in the consciousness. 

Even the Vedas indicate that the Self is consciousness:-

v  Tat tvam asi: -Thou art That (Sam Veda). “Self is  that”
v  Prajnanam Brahma: - Consciousness is ultimate reality (Rig Veda).
v  Ayam Aatma Brahma: -The Self is ultimate truth (Atharva Veda).
v  Aham Brahma Asmi: -Self is ultimate reality (Yajur veda).

People have the notion that more and more they gratify their senses for attaining worldly pleasures, the happier they will be is not true at all, because they think the physical self is real self, therefore they are unaware of the fact that the self not physical but formless consciousness. The consciousness can stay with or without the mind or I’.  

It is the illusory sense-pleasure that is responsible for the forgetfulness of the Self, which is in the form of consciousness, which result in one’s sorrows and sufferings.

Suffering is the reminder to search for the remedy to overcome the suffering caused by the ignorance of the true self. Pleasure is the cause of ignorance .but if the real self is realized, and then, illusion will not prevails as reality.   

Why do mortals then become attached to worldly pleasures in the first place?

It is the illusion that allures one to enjoy the mundane objects in a futile effort of satisfying the unceasing demands of his senses within the waking or dream. A person within the illusion becomes intoxicated of lust, greed, anger, attachment, false ego, enviousness, stubborn mindedness, and their numerous variations within the illusion.

 Consequently, the individual self gets caught in the illusory cycle of birth, old age, disease, and death within the illusion. This is illusion, by which the consciousness is forgotten; emotional attachment and love of duality is born.

The ignorance of the true self is cause of duality. The duality is cause of illusion. The illusion is the cause of experiencing unreality as reality. Because of this pluralistic phenomena of illusory -vision, the material happiness appears to be followed by sorrow. If there is laughter, there is a cry; if there is a birth, there is a death; if there is a rich, there is a poor; so on and so forth.

Everything in the waking or dream experience is in the state of constant flux; there can be found no everlasting happiness. The ego is in the control of evil passions, evil intent, and duality.

Everyone wishes for happiness, pleasures, joy, peace, etc. and none asks for suffering, misery, etc. But in the wake of pleasure, there comes suffering. The pleasure and pain co-exists within the illusion. People do not understand this.  Therefore, there is necessary to realize the fact that mind, which appears as waking or dream is mere illusion.

There is a need to know fact that, the ‘I’ is not limited to the physical entity alone but ‘I’ is the mind, which appears and disappears as waking or dream. If there is no ‘I’ then there is neither waking nor dream.  If there is ‘I’ then there is mind. If there is mind then only there is waking or dream. Therefore mind is not limited to the physical entity alone.   Therefore, there is a need to analyze “What is ‘I?”, before indulging in pursuit of truth, in order overcome all the flaws in understanding and assimilating the non-dual truth.   The ‘I’, which appears as mind is impermanent.  The formless substance of the ‘I’ or mind is real and eternal.  

The self- realization is the prime goal. Seeker has to know the Atman or consciousness as self, to have actual realization.

The self- realization is the prime goal. Seeker has to know the Atman or consciousness as self, to have actual realization. Thus seeker has to drop religious, ritual or dogmatic instruction if he has chosen the Gnana Marga or path of wisdom.

Sri, Sankara' gave religious, ritual or dogmatic instruction to the mass but pure philosophy only to the few who could rise to it. Hence the interpretation of his writings by commentators is often confusing because they mix up the two viewpoints. Thus they may assert that ritual is a means of realizing Brahman, which is absurd.

Sri Sankara definitely says that Yoga is not the means of liberation on page 132-133 of his commentary on Brihadaranyakopanishad.

What happens when thoughts are stilled? It is not the Self that is found. It is only mind. Therefore, through yoga, it is not possible to acquire non-dual wisdom.   Therefore the yogi does not know ultimate t truth. Yoga is good to give peace and concentration, but only in order to start reasoning, i.e. thinking again to find truth.

It is not enough to see a mere blank, in meditation. One has to see the body, ego and the universe as consciousness. One is free from ignorance not when he sees nothing at all, as in meditation but only when he sees the entire universe as consciousness. Hence one must know “What is mind, which appeared as universe?” in order to unfold the mystery of the mind.

Yogic Samadhi are not the goal but a means to an end, i.e. wisdom. Yogic Samadhi in itself is useless, because the mind is withdrawn and there is no memory of it until after it is over and one returns to waking state. Yogi who attains mind control: it is only sleep.

When Yogi comes out of Samadhi and immediately duality confronts him again. His peace goes, it was depended Samadhi-sleep. Hence no yogi attains true peace, but he imagines it.  
It is not possible know that a Yogi is self-realized because the yogic Samadhi is not self-realization.  One must first find out that what he has got is Samadhi or wisdom. Only through non-dual wisdom one gets self-realization.  The yogic Samadhi cannot be considered as non-dual wisdom. Therefore there is need to verify the facts.

 If a god men claims “I am god “No one can disapprove. Similarly with all other yogis who assert they know Brahman in Samadhi. There is no possibility of proof or disproof. Hence these yogis assume or imagine they are god and   they cheat themselves or others without knowing what god is in reality.

When one cannot know the world in front of him then how can he know the God? He will only know his imagination of a God. How can he say his God is all-merciful, when the god is formless and cannot be perceivable from physical eyes?

Sanyasins are enjoined not to accept anything or ask for anything in order to get established in Atman. Religion propagates that only Sanyasis can have Atma Gnana, but it is not so, anyone who    trains himself to reason on the base of the true self will be able to acquire non-dual wisdom.  Blessings are religious fable. Only pretenders give blessings. A Gnani neither blesses nor curses.

The yogi fail to see non-duality in Samadhi, because he believes there is bliss to come to him from Samadhi. That shows he does not know truth, but still seeks bliss as something apart from himself.

It is no use seeing God everywhere. One must see Atman, the same consciousness, the same self, everywhere, and then he will be able  to accept all the three states  alike[as consciousness], with sameness.

Inquiry, analysis and reasoning must begin with the mind, which is in the form of universe to inquire into. It will end with unity. The yogi tries to avoid this duality by ignoring the world. Hence he gets a false unity only.

Mundaka Upanishad:= The rituals and the sacrifices described in the Vedas deal with lower knowledge. The sages ignored these rituals and went in search of higher knowledge. ... Such rituals are unsafe rafts for crossing The sea of samsara, of birth and death. Doomed to shipwreck are those who try to cross The sea of samsara on these poor rafts. Ignorant of their own ignorance, yet wise In their own esteem, these deluded men Proud of their vain learning go round and round Like the blind led by the blind.

Kabeer says:-

Kabeer, some buy idols and worship them; In their stubborn- mindedness, they make pilgrimages to sacred shrines. They look at one another, and wear religious robes, but they are deluded and lost.

Kabeer, someone sets up a stone idol and the entire world worships it as the Lord. Those who hold to this belief will be drowned in the river of darkness.

Kabeer, the paper is the prison, and the ink of rituals are the bars on the windows.
The stone idols have drowned the world, and the pundits, the religious scholars, have plundered it on the way.
(Sri Guru Granth Sahib (Shaloks Of Kabeer Jee:, p. 1371.)