Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The dream (experience) is unreal in waking, whereas the waking (experience) is absent in dream.

This universe, though an object of our daily experience and serving all practical purposes, is, like the dream world, of the nature of non-existence, inasmuch as it is contradicted the next moment.
The dream (experience) is unreal in waking, whereas the waking (experience) is absent in dream. Both, however, are non-existent in deep sleep which, again, is not experienced in either.
Thus all the three states are unreal inasmuch as they are mere mirage; but their witness (the reality behind them) is, eternal, one, and is Consciousness itself.
When the nondual wisdom dawns  one is no more deluded to see a jar in earth or silver in the nacre, so does one no more see duality  in Consciousness when the latter is realized (as one’s own self).
Just as mud is described as a jar, gold as an ornament, and water as ice, so is Consciousness described as ego.  Just as blueness in the sky, water in the mirage are but illusory, so is the universe in Consciousness.
Just as it is copper   that appears under the name of a vessel, or it is threads that appear under the name of a cloth, so it is Consciousness that appears under the name of the universe. This Consciousness is to be known by negating the forms and names.
People perform all their actions in and through Consciousness, but on account of ignorance they are not aware of that, just as through ignorance persons do not know that, their body with the name and their experience of the universe are nothing but consciousness.  
Just as there ever exist the relation of cause and effect between water and ice , so does the same relation exist between Consciousness and the phenomenal universe; this has been established here on the strength of deeper  reasoning.  

Just as a jar is all earth, so also the three states are all consciousness. The division, therefore, into the Self and non-Self is made by the ignorant to no purpose.

Consciousness, which is the Self of all, is verily Consciousness.

As one becomes aware of the fact that, the self is not the form[body] but the self is formless [consciousness] and rectifies his reasoning base from form to formless in order to realize the ultimate truth.  
Thus the view that the body is the Consciousness has been denounced by the enunciation of the difference between the Consciousness and the mind. As one goes deeper in self-search one becomes the unreality and the difference between self and the mind.
No division in Consciousness is admissible at any time as it is always one and the same. Even the individuality must be known as false, like the mirage.  Consciousness appears in the form of the phenomenal universe without undergoing any change.  There exists no other material cause of this phenomenal universe except consciousness. Hence this whole universe is but consciousness and nothing else.
The whole universe with all its contents is Consciousness”, it follows that the idea of the pervaded and the pervading is illusory. This supreme truth being realized, where is the room for any distinction between the cause and the effect?  
There is no manifoldness in consciousness. The non-dual cause being an established fact, how could the phenomenal universe be different from It?  
Because of the belief in variety in the words, “The person who”, being deceived by illusion, “sees variety in consciousness, experiences the birth, life, death and the world as reality.
Inasmuch as all beings are born of Consciousness, the supreme Consciousness, they must be understood to be verily Consciousness.  The Consciousness alone is the substratum of all varieties of names, forms and actions.
Just as ornaments made of gold ever has the nature of gold, so also a being born of Consciousness has always the nature of Consciousness.
Fear is attributed to the ignorant one who rests after making even the slightest distinction between the ego [form] and the true self [formless].
When duality appears through ignorance, one sees another; but when everything becomes identified with the Consciousness, one does not perceive another even in the least.  In that state when one realizes all as identified with the Consciousness, there arises neither delusion nor sorrow, in consequence of the absence of duality.  Consciousness, which is the Self of all, is verily Consciousness.

Ignorant is unaware of the blissful, ever-existent Consciousness, which resides in the three states

Consciousness is without any attribute or activity, Consciousness is eternal, ever free, and imperishable.
Consciousness is free from all impurity; Consciousness is immovable, unlimited, holy, un-decaying, and immortal.
Ignorant is unaware of the blissful, ever-existent Consciousness, which resides in the three states and is (evidently) different from it, because he thinks ‘I’ as self thus limits the mind to the physical entity. 
Ignorant should try to know, through inquiry, analysis and reasoning, the fact that the true self is not the ‘I’ but the soul. The true Self is, which is different from the body, (not a void but) the very form of existence, and very difficult for ignorants to realize.
The consciousness [self] is one, whereas the gross bodies are many. So this body cannot be the Self.  “I” /ego is well established as the subject of perception whereas the body/world is the object. This is learnt from the fact that when one speaks of the body/world he says, “This is mine.” So this body cannot be the self.  
It is a fact of direct experience that the Consciousness is without any change, whereas the three states are always undergoing changes. Thus, this ‘I’ cannot be Consciousness because ‘I’ exists only in waking/dream.
Gnani have ascertained the real nature of Consciousness through deeper inquiry, analysis and reasoning, “There is nothing higher than consciousness,” thus the ‘I’ cannot be the self.  The three states are verily the consciousness, because their formless substance and witness is consciousness.  
The soul/self is self-illumined”. So how can the three states which is inert (insentient) and illumined by an external agent be the consciousness[self]?
The Karma-theory declares that the Consciousness is different from the body and permanent, as it endures even after the fall of the body and reaps the fruits of actions done in this life. When the body is not the doer/self how it can reap the fruits of action of last life, when it is not doer/self in the next life. When the self/doer is unborn then how can it be reborn? Thus karma theory is based on the false entity, and has accepted the false entity as the self.  
The three states consist of diversity and are impermanent. It is also an object of perception, is changeable, limited and non-existent by nature. Thus it cannot be the consciousness , because the consciousness  is the formless substance and witness of the three states and it is apart from the three states.
 The immutable Consciousness, the substratum of the three states, is thus different from these three states, and is the soul, the Self of all; it is present in everything and everywhere in these three states and yet transcends them all.

What is ‘I’? How these three states are created? Who is its creator? Of what material is these three states are made?

What is ‘I’? How these three states are created? Who is its creator? Of what material is these three states are made? This is the way of that inquiry, analysis and reasoning on the true base.

Consciousness or soul is neither the body, nor the matter, nor is Consciousness an aggregate of the senses; Consciousness is something different from these.
Three states are produced by ignorance, and dissolves in the wake of self-Knowledge. Consciousness is the substance and witness and the true self.
The cause of these three states is the One without a second, subtle and unchanging, just as the earth is the material (cause) of the pot and the like.
As Consciousness is also the One, the formless, the Subtle, the Knower, the Witness, the Ever-Existent, and the Unchanging, so there is no doubt that Consciousness is the true self.
Consciousness/soul is verily one and without parts, whereas the body consists of many parts; and yet the people see (confound) these two as one! What else can be called ignorance but this?
Consciousness/soul is the ruler of the three states and is internal; the three states are the ruled and is external.  Consciousness /soul is all consciousness and pure, the body and the world are diversity is impure.
Consciousness is the supreme Illuminator which gives sentient; the three states is said to be of the nature of insentient. Consciousness is eternal, since it is Existence itself; the three states are transient, as it is nonexistence in essence.
The luminosity of Consciousness consists in the manifestation of all the three states. Its luminosity is not like that of fire or any such thing, for in spite of the presence of such lights darkness prevails at night (at some place or other).  
How strange is it that a person ignorantly rests contented with the idea that he is the body, while he knows it as something belonging to him and therefore apart from him even as a person who sees a universe  knows it as apart from him !  
Consciousness is verily ultimate reality, being equanimous, quiescent, and by nature absolute Existence, Knowledge, and Bliss. Consciousness is not the body which is non-existence itself. This is called true Knowledge by the Gnanis.  
Consciousness is without any change, without any form, free from all blemish and decay.  Consciousness is not subjected to any disease; Consciousness is beyond all comprehension, free from all alternatives and all-pervading. 

The means of attaining to Self-Realization for the acquisition of final liberation, serious seeker should constantly reflect into the nature of the mind/’I’.

Self-knowledge  or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana is the destroyer of ignorance. Self, is in the form of consciousness  is all pervading and the cause of all the three states.  
The means of attaining to Self-Realization for the acquisition of final liberation, serious seeker should constantly reflect into the nature of the mind, which is in the form of universe’.
The indifference with which one treats the excreta of a animal – such an indifference to the three states from the realm of Brahman in view of their impermanent nature, is called pure dispassion.  
Consciousness the formless substance and witness of the three states itself is alone permanent, the three states [seen] are opposed to it that is transient – such a settled conviction is truly known as discrimination.
Turning away the focus of attention completely from the three states to the formless substance and witness of the three states with lots of patient endurance will help the seeking mind to establish in the consciousness,  the true self.
Through self knowledge one can be free from the bonds of this world that is birth, life and deaths. To acquire self-knowledge seeker must have a burning desire.
Only that person who has intense urge and courage to accept the truth and reject the untruth and ready to drop all the pre-conceived ideas derived from the accumulated knowledge, and ready to learn to view and judge the worldview on the base of consciousness as self, without arguing on the base of scriptural authorities, ready to accept only un -contradictable truth, is qualified indulge in pursuit of truth. Seeker of truth should constantly reflect with a view to attaining Knowledge, desiring his own good.  
Self- Knowledge is not brought about by any other means other than inquiry, analysis and reasoning on the true base, just as an object is nowhere perceived (seen) without the help of light.