Monday, August 1, 2011

Who is Creator of the creator of the creation?

All organized religions propagate an external God. All religious gods are mere imaginary. Their argument is that, if there is a watch than there has to be a watch maker, therefore when there is creation there has to be creator. This argument  holds no water from ultimate standpoint. This argument is never ending because who created the creator.  The powerful religious lobby covers all religious fables by saying it is irreligious  to say  something against their belief system,  because of  their vested interests to prevent ordinary mortals from realizing the ultimate truth.

 There is no such entity as God who is working full time to monitor our activities. There is no God who can give us rewards and punishments. Those who are constantly driving this point into the mind of the poor and vulnerable are doing a great disservice to their own selves.

People who are incapable to inquire and reason are tending to follow some philosophy without verification. Therefore the more ignorant they are the easier to get them into a religious fold. Religion is so strong and popular because it makes no demand on the intelligent; it simply requires belief in guru and his teachings. 

It never strikes believer to doubt whether his inherited belief system is true. They never use their reason because they start and conclude that their belief system   alone is true, because they never question the validity of their inherited belief. 

For religion one can interpret texts as he likes, in whatever way that pleases him, he simply imagine away.  The idea of god injected in the past and inherited by people and they refuse to verify the facts, because they think it blasphemy even to question their inherited belief system. 

In pursuit of truth the ultimate truth has to be proved, not assumed. Pundits who take scriptures for granted are not Gnanis. 

Pundits teach that all is your-self, but none of them can show that this is so, none has analyzed it scientifically, and none can prove it. Rational proof is needed, so that one arrive at knowing truth i.e. wisdom; punditry is mere dogma, parrotism, repetition of what they read in scripture. Scriptures are not yardstick and scriptural truth is not proof.   Pundits take Scriptures as authority.   Authoritarianism merely assumes as true what another says, but what has yet to be proved. 

Pundits have to test truth in this world not in the next world.  There is no proof other than blind belief based on the scriptures, belief is not truth.  So, doctrines are not the means to realize the ultimate truth. There is no need to follow them. 

Scholastic or mystic argument leads nowhere. If one says “God is formless “another will say, God has a form. If one says "this scriptures has higher than all other scriptures” another will say, "No, that is lower and there are many scriptures higher than that." It is impossible to get anywhere with such talk because both sides are merely assuming and imagining. 

The soul /spirit dwell in all the three states as their formless substance and witness. People worship only images, thinking that God is there. People do not recognize Spirit /Soul / Self to be the real God, but that they do not realize that god, as the spirit, which pervades in everything and everywhere in all the three states.

The ignorant people are not capable of   discriminate and reason to unfold the mystery of the mind. Therefore, they will not be able to grasp the non-dual truth. It is realization the true self that will free one from bondage of duality.  But the belief system makes them to believe the duality is reality therefore, they cannot think beyond physicality.  

No one has ever seen God; they only heard or read about him. Some may claim they seen him in the vision.  But vision is mere an experience similar to dream. If one takes the visions as real then the dream also be taken as reality.  No one knows god’s capacities, what He can create, and what he cannot create. Therefore any statement one might make about God would only be a lie, because god can exist only when man exists, and believes in the belief of god. If there is no belief then there is no god. Thus god is the religious software in belief system.  If the software is removed then it is only physical existence.  The truth will unfold only when one is able to think beyond physical existence. 

The truth of religion can only be proved by physical strength or by imagination, or power of the weapon or political power, never by reason.  Belief in religious prohibitions arises out of fear of God's punishment.  Seeker of truth has to regard the theosophy in the same way as he regards the idea of God- of religion. 

Religionists place God as the unknown reality. Every religionist has a different idea of God. Every man has a different idea of reality, hence there is need to know the ultimate truth.  The fallacy of religionist’s appeal to scripture lies in the varying and conflicting interpretations of the same scripture which different persons feel entitled to give or hold. 

Therefore, one has overcome all the inherited conditioning of belief system to unfold the mystery of the physical existence/mind. 

The god exists only when the man exists. Man and his experience of the world exist only when the mind exists.  Until and unless one is able to unfold the mystery of the mind, which appears and disappears, he will not be able to know the reality of the true existence. 

Individualized God propagated by the belief system exists only in duality. Deeper inquiry, analysis and reasoning on the true base revels the fact that, the self is not physical but it is the formless spirit. The experience of duality/mind is mere mirage on the standpoint of the true self/spirit. 

Thus, man and his experience of world and his belief of god is part and parcel of the mirage. The mirage is created, sustained by spirit and finally it dissolves as spirit. The formless substance and witness of the mirage is real and eternal. 

Therefore, deeper reasoning is necessary in order to unfold the mystery of the physical existence/mind/universe, to realize the physical existence or universe is mere mirage.

All the penances are external because they are based on the individuality. Investigating the mind, alone leads to self-realization. To know what is mind, profits much rather than searching the truth in external world moving from one ashram to another and one guru to another and one mountain to another.  When one starts investigating the universe that confronts him than he will mentally move inwards and will be able to  reach the ultimate end. And  he will become fully aware “What is truth?”  and “What is untruth?” in his own home or city without disturbing his family life.  and he will be able to  establish in  the truth by realizing what is untruth. 

Man is like caged animal. He cannot get out of the inherited conditioning very easily. Ignorance makes him experience duality as reality. The religion makes him to accept blind belief as truth pushes him in the prison of slavery to belief based ideas or theories. Scriptures and scholars of every belief system differ widely on every point and there is no universality in religion. Thus religion is a useless raft to cross the ocean of ignorance because the religion is based on individuality and it can yield only individual truth. Individuality is falsehood from ultimate standpoint.   

When one is not aware of the fact that that, the true self is not waking entity but the formless knower of the three state than  how Can he  say  he  know the existence of  God which is mere assumption based on the false self within the false experience.  Thus whatever one see, knows, believes and experiences as a person of the world within the waking experience is bound to be false hood.   

Without the knowing the fact that self is not the form but the self is formless it is foolish to argue, judge and conclude on the base of the form [waking entity] , which is not the self. 

Without knowing what is Self, holding ‘I’ or ‘I AM’ as self because they have read it or someone has told them or they think it is ultimate truth without verification through deeper inquiry, analysis and sound reasoning is mere assumption or speculation. Such assumptions and speculation blocks one from realizing the non dual truth fueling the egocentricity.  
No one can honestly say that he knows the ultimate truth unless he is soul centric. Yet mystics’ god men glibly say, "I know God."  And “I AM GOD”. 

If there is Brahman-—prove it. If there is Atman--prove it right here right now. Religious so-called philosophy dogmatically assumes both. 

The god who appears to the mystic in meditation or penance is mere hallucination because whatever is known, seen, believed and experienced as a person within the waking experience is falsehood because waking experience itself is falsehood. From ultimate standpoint there is no value for such claim.   

When one does not know truth, than he can only guess, imagine, hence doubts and questions and discussions arise.

One says God is Light.  Again the light may take different colors, then which color is correct? Some people contend that God is sound and say one hears the Aum sound, sound inside in meditation, still others say God is in the form of fragrant smell and that beautiful scent comes in meditation as the presence of God. All these differences of opinion, they can be endless, show mutual contradiction and general error, i.e. lack of certain truth. Moreover if one sees a light he is seeing a second thing, or duality.  Where there is duality there is no reality. 

God is impotent, incompetent or lacking in intelligence--if he exists! But all god propagated by belief systems are nothing but imaginations.

There is nothing so absurd which men have not worshiped in religion, every imaginable face has been given to God.  If god is creator then it is foolish to worship anything as god from his creation because the creation is apart from the god.  

One has to know ‘What is truth?’ One cannot get rid of it by shutting his eyes to it. It is only by inquiry, analysis and reasoning one becomes aware of ‘what is truth?’ and “what is not truth’.  

Every belief system has its own idea and conviction of god.  Thus every belief system is based on the false self.  Therefore, whatever is based on the false self has to be falsehood? Thus the idea of god of any belief system has is mere assumption and speculation based on the false self.

It is foolish say I know god and he is everywhere because he has read it or heard from someone.  How does he know ‘God’ and how does he know that ‘God’ is everywhere?  Appearances and quotations have nothing to do with ultimate truth. 

The difference between knowledge: - that knowledge will be determined by the nature of the object to be known, whereas meditation will be determined by the nature of the meditator.

Those few who have realized and are convinced about the non-existence of any God that is external to anyone or anything need to have firm conviction that the inner most self, which is in the form of consciousness is  the ultimate truth and ultimate truth is God,   to get rid of the current delusion. Those who are in serious pursuit of truth, the ultimate truth only have to be considered as God.

Self-knowledge has clearly exposes all the existing popular religious theories about God and all that appears to be real.  The organized religions stand completely exposed as a result of the self-search.

The self is self-evident, and no one can deny its existence because it is the basis of all the three states

The mind is in the form of universe. The universe appears as  waking or dream. The waking   is unreal because it is the "Seen", like a dream.  The reality and existence of the soul, which is in the form of consciousness, the most fundamental substance of the mind, which is in the form of universe, cannot be questioned, for this truth is self-evident. The consciousness is the true self.  In fact, the self does not need any proof. 

The self is self-evident, and no one can deny its existence because  it is the basis of all the three states. Everyone is conscious of the existence of his self and never thinks that it is in the form of consciousness.

 To doubt the existence of the self would be a contradiction in terms because then one would doubt the existence of the very doubter who engages in doubt.  The existence of the doubter itself is based on the consciousness. Thus he has to find the reality of his own existence. 
Without the existence of the self, which is in the form of consciousness it is impossible for us to entertain the idea or even to be capable of refutation. Because the knowledge of the self is not established through the so-called means of right knowledge, it is self-established.

Thus, the very existence of understanding and its functions presuppose the intelligence known as the self, that is self-established, different from these functions and on which they depend.

Both the possibility of knowledge and the means of knowledge have relevance if there would be the self that is the source of all knowledge. Therefore, consciousness, which is the true self, is beyond all doubt, "for it is the essential nature of him who denies it. Therefore, it is the nature of the self, not its reality or existence, which is to be proved. The self must seek itself in order to find what it is, not that it is.

 Consciousness pervades all the three states as their formless substance and witness. .  it is formless without any parts, without qualities, spotless, having no abilities like going and coming, etc., devoid of ideas of `me' and `mine' and also of desire, aversion and effort. It possessing no organs like the intellect, etc., free from attributes. It is neither the breath nor the breather.  It is untouched by the individual experiences of birth, life and death, which happens within the universe. The self, pervades all the three states. It is within the three states and it is the apart from the three states. It is apart because it is not and entity of identity within the three states.  
Consciousness is the deathless, birthless, eternal and real substance in all the three states. It is the unchanging reality behind the changing mind, which is in the form of universe. It is pure consciousness and it not affected by time, space and causality. It is limitless and without a second. In order to understand the true nature of consciousness one must discriminate the formless witness from three states.

Mirage is mirage. Existence is existence.

One must be desirous of knowing the ultimate truth. Pursuit of truth is most difficult. But it is not difficult for those serious seekers who want nothing other than the truth.   Receptivity is needed in pursuit of truth. Accumulated knowledge or scriptural mastery or logical conclusions are not yardstick in pursuit of truth.  

One cannot imagine the truth and imagination is not truth. Imagination is possible only when there is duality. Duality is false hood.  All our individual experiences are part and parcel of the duality.  Therefore our individual experiences of birth, life, death and the world are falsehood. To realize it is falsehood one has to realize the fact that, the self is neither the waking entity nor the dream entity but the self is the formless substance and witness of the three states.     

Only when one becomes aware of that he is in bondage, when he gets the idea of the soul. He tries to know the soul, which is inner most self.   When he becomes aware of the fact that, the inner most self is not the form but it is formless, then only the urge of liberation arises. Once this urge arises then it is impossible to get rid of it. Thus he becomes restless until he becomes aware of the truth he is seeking for.  

The soul, which is the innermost self, is in the form of consciousness. The self is prior to all, bondage and liberation, truth and falsehood. Its existence is self-proved, it cannot be doubted, for it is the essential nature of him who doubts it. 

It is known in immediate perception, prior to all proof. Self is eternal, immutable and complete. Bondage is its association with the three states through ignorance.  The self is neither the waking entity nor the dream entity but it is the formless witness of the waking or dream as the whole. Until one is ignorant he thinks on the base of his waking entity or ego as self and judges on the base of the ego or physical self. This is cause of ignorance and cause of all doubts and confusion. Therefore, his reasoning base has to be rectifies from form to formless in order to know what is truth and what is untruth.   

Soul is the true self. The true self is in the form of consciousness. Consciousness is something other than the physical existence because it cannot be traced as thing or an object. It pervades in everything and everywhere in the whole physical existence.  It is the cause of the physical existence and it itself is uncaused. 

Consciousness persists through all three states. One has to mentally negate all the three states in order to realize the fact that the witness is within the three states and it is without the three states. It is within the three states as their formless substance and it is without the three states as their formless witness. 

 The true existence is consciousness without the form, time and space. Therefore the self is nothing other than the consciousness. However, this consciousness is not the flux of states, a stream of consciousness. 

Consciousness is the knower, knowledge, the known. It is infinite, transcendent, the essence of absolute knowledge. And it is also -illumined, free, and real. Thus the consciousness is the knower of all and all else is known other than consciousness. The known is mere illusion created out of the formless knower.  Therefore, the knower and the known are one in essence.   In reality there is neither the knower nor the known but only oneness.

Universe, which is in the form of the Mind,   is the same as the soul, which is in the form of consciousness. Thus mind and soul are one in essence. The essence is consciousness.  Consciousness is the ultimate reality. 

When one becomes aware of the fact that that, the mind and soul are one in essence, then he becomes aware of: - what is oneness of mind and soul."

 It is the individual ego which is the doer, the enjoyer, the sufferer within world.  The world is falsehood, which appears as waking or dream and disappears as deep sleep. Individuality and individual experiences are experienced as reality within the waking experience is falsehood. Thus it is necessary to discover and realize how the universe, which appears as waking, is falsehood.   

 The consciousness or true self in its ignorance of its formless non-dual true nature, enjoys, suffers and acts within the world of duality. And it becomes free from duality when it becomes aware of its formless non-dual true nature by realizing all forms and names experiences are mere mirage created out of itself. There is no duality in its true nature.  Thus it is necessary to realize the self is not the form but self is formless, in order to realize the form based experiences are falsehood. 

Mirage is mirage. Existence is existence. Universe which is in the form of mind is mere mirage. One has to discover how the mirage came in to existence?  Without the form, time and space there is no mirage. When the form is not the self, then the time and space are non-existent. Without the form, time and space there is no mirage. The one which witnesses the form, time and space is formless, timeless and spaceless existence.  Thus form, time and space are created out of single stuff, which is formless consciousness.  

There is illusion because there is Ignorance

If one is seeking truth then it is necessary for him to move beyond narrowly orthodox attitudes of superiority.

Every religion   possesses its own set of virtues and vices.  From the ultimate standpoint, the worldly life means little: an illusion within an illusion! And also the suffering humanity which is part of the illusion does not expect our help, nor does the Gnani sees any service to render to a world which does not exist as reality for him.

One can mentally reduce everything to an entirely homogenous, sole Reality-- Consciousness.  The body, ego, the experience of the world, are nothing but mind, which is mirage. Mind in turn, reducible to pure Consciousness, the only Reality.

 The "direct road" of non-dual wisdom, Knowledge, leads to the realization of this ultimate truth.  The "cosmological path,” that of religion and yoga, also leads to hallucinated reality. And they are more indirect and lengthy road, because they consider the world, the soul, and a personal God as real. 

Seeker must be desirous to knowing the ultimate truth.   The ultimate truth frees the self from experiencing the illusion as reality. It is most difficult to grasp it in the beginning but if the seeker is sincere and serious to take inner journey to know the truth, it will start starts revealing on its own.   

Pursuit of truth is only for those who want to realize ultimate truth.  What one do not like may contain truth?  Thus deeper investigation is necessary to unfold the mystery of one’s existence. 
The wave and the ocean cease to exist without the water. Until we are ignorant of the water we identify it as ocean and its waves. Same way all three states cease to exist without the consciousness. Until we are ignorant of the consciousness we will experience the three states as reality.  Thus, by getting rid of ignorance with sword of Self-knowledge one becomes aware of the fact that, the consciousness alone is real and all the three states are mere mirage created out of consciousness.  All the diversity is part of the mirage. The unity in diversity is possible only when we get rid of the ignorance. 

The consciousness is neither the body, nor the ego nor the universe. In order to attain liberation from experiencing the individual experience along with the universe as reality one has to know the self is not the form but formless consciousness, which is the formless substance and witness of the waking or dream in which man experiences birth, life, death and perceives the world as reality. 

Thus the self is the witness of the three states, which is in the form of consciousness. The mind is in the form of universe, which comes and goes as waking or dream.  

 The thought of the witness comes only when one inquires in to the witnessed [universe].   The consciousness is the one witness of the whole and is really ever free. Because one sees one self as not as a formless seer but see the self as form is the cause of the bondage and bondage is the cause of experiencing the pain and pleasure as reality.   

Self is only one. The word witness is got at by eliminating the witnessed. One has to burn down the ignorance with self –knowledge by realizing the self is not an individual but the self is consciousness that pervades in all the three states.  

If anyone could imagine a consciousness which does not objectify anything but remains in its own native purity, a happiness beyond which it is impossible to go, and a self which is unvaryingly one and the same, he would have the correct idea of the true self.

Every living being is a prisoner within the realm of this illusory duality.  Self-knowledge will releases one from bondage of experiencing the illusory duality as reality.  This can be accomplished if the seeker who aspiring to know the truth of his true existence.  Only by realizing the fact that his individual experiences of birth, life and death within the world are mere mirage created out of consciousness, which he has been unaware. When he becomes aware of the fact that, the self is not the form but the self is formless consciousness then he wakes up in reality to realize his body and his experience of the world are mere mirage created out consciousness, which is his true identity.  Dream becomes unreal when waking takes place, so also the waking becomes unreal when one wakes up with his formless true identity.

Until there is Ignorance the world will prevail as reality. Until the world is considered as real the experience of birth, life and death will prevail as reality.  Ignorance is the cause of experiencing the duality as reality.

 Ignorance keeps one in the grip of the individuality.  Ignorance makes one think he is an individual separate from the world and world existed prior to him and he is born is in afterwards. Until this conviction is there it is very difficult to overcome the duality. Without overcoming the duality it is impossible to know and realize the ultimate reality.

There is illusion because there is Ignorance.  The illusion will prevail as reality until the self –knowledge is acquired.  The freedom from illusory reality is the goal of every truth seeker. But this freedom is only through knowledge.  Without knowledge there is no emancipation. He, who knows the true self is not the form but formless consciousness, overcomes grief of experiencing the illusion as reality. He, who knows that consciousness as self, becomes consciousness. He, who knows consciousness as self, attains the freedom from experiencing the illusion as reality. Freedom is the absence of false knowledge based on the false self [ego] within the false experience [waking].

 The nature of all reality is spiritual.   Until and unless one drops all the accumulated baggage of traditionalism it is impossible to grasp, assimilate and realize the knowledge of the self here and now. 

The religion and spirituality are like oil and water.  Religion is based on blind belief, whereas the spirituality is the truth which is not ascertained yet. Whatever is based on the false self [ego] is not spirituality.  Thus religious ideas are not spiritual.   They cannot be mixed together. One will have to make his choice between them if he wish to progress in his pursuit of truth and not to remain stagnating.

The pursuit of Truth is the highest of aim. The ultimate truth is to be found within our experiences of three states, and not in the world, which is limited to experience, since, Authentic Gnanis to guide towards non-dual destination  are extremely rare. 

From the physical standpoint, that which splits the world into two co-existing realities, consciousness and mind.  The ultimate standpoint annihilates the division of consciousness and mind by uniting both mentally, by realizing they are one in essence.  

Until and unless they makes sure 'I' is not self and world is unreal through deeper self-search they are bound to believe their intellectual accumulated knowledge as wisdom.

When non-dual wisdom dawns, than the universe [duality] becomes mere mirage created out of consciousness.  The duality is present only when the universe is present.  If the universe is mere mirage than the duality also is mere mirage.   Thus all the illusory bonds of duality brakes and the ‘self’ is liberated from the clutches of duality which was experienced as reality. Same way as dream becomes unreal when waking takes place the duality becomes unreal when wisdom dawns.

Many think that it is worthwhile to acquire the miraculous powers through practice of yoga and mystism which in turn help him to create whatever they want wants in practical life. 
When the waking experience itself is an illusion than what is the use of miracles performed within the illusory experience. Whatever is based and performed on the base of ego is bound to be part of the falsehood. Hence miracles are part and parcel of illusion.

Those who are weeded to philosophical and scriptural knowledge will permanently remain in illusion believing their philosophical knowledge as real wealth.

Until and unless they make sure 'I' is not self and world is unreal through deeper self-search they are bound to believe their intellectual accumulated knowledge as wisdom. The wisdom is knowledge of the reality which is beyond the form, time and space. 
Philosophical and scriptural knowledge which are based on ego as self are not useful in pursuit of truth

People indulge in prayers asking god ‘God give me this, give me that, and save me.' They are seeking in prayer is not God, what they are seeking is security and happiness. Ultimately what they want with prayer is their wellbeing not truth; they are not willing to admit it. 
The first step is to know the true self is not ‘I’ but the witness of the ‘I’, which is the formless soul, and then only it is possible to cross the threshold of limitations /duality mind.

If one sincerely looks at his deepest motivation for religion, he will see he has never aspired for the truth/self. His aspiration was never for the ultimate. His aspiration is for comfort, for wealth, for power, pleasure.  Everyone thinks God is a tool to achieve all those things. When he is seeking protection or materialist things, greed and fear have become the basis of his prayer and attachment to the personal god. 

Ordinarily, one thinks prayer is a means to reach God, but what does he really know about God? If we are truthful, he must admit he have no direct experience of God; he is coming from a particular belief system. The danger in using prayer to reach a God, he has no direct experience of, can be illusionary. Thoughts and prayer can open a person but at the same time they can create hallucinations. 

It is time that one to realize the fact that, looking to God will not help until he looks at his own ignorance. God cannot exist without man. Man cannot exist without the soul. Thus man and his belief of god are dependent on the soul.  The personal god can exist only in experience of duality [waking/dream].  When the duality is mere illusion on the standpoint of the soul which is the true self, then whatever experienced as reality within the duality is mere illusion. 

The soul is inherent in everything and everywhere in the three states. Therefore the duality [‘I’/waking/dream] rises and subsides in the soul.  Thus the permanent is the soul/ self and the three states are impermanent. The impermanent is illusion on the standpoint of the soul/self. 

Theory of Creator and creation is religious fable. Idea of creator and creation is possible only in duality. Duality is mere illusion from ultimate standpoint.  In non-dual reality there is neither creation nor creator. Cause and effect theory holds good only when the judgment and reason is based on the base of the false self within the false experience. 

If there is a watch then there has to be a watch maker, therefore if there is creation there has to be a creator.  If this is so, than who is the creator of that creator. It is never ending thought process and it is impossible to find answer and to reach any conclusion and reach ultimate end.  Such dualistic theories are imagined theories holding the false self as real self and false experience as reality. Therefore there is a need to first to make sure whether the self is form or self is formless before accepting any theories. All this religious theories can only satisfy those who are not interested in knowing the truth of their true existence but who are immersed in the practical life by accepting the practical world as reality. Orthodox classes are the prisoners of theoretical teachings and theoretical philosophy who stay like frog in the pond and lock themselves egocentric prison.   

Until they drop all this priest oriented baggage it is impossible to reach the ultimate end of understanding. Without reaching the ultimate end Self–Realization is impossible. By surrendering to any physical guru and indulging in his service, by following his instruction will not lead the seeker to the inner path. The mantra, tantra and yantra are not the means for self-knowledge.  
 The hallucination created by religion such as god, heaven, hell, karma, sin when they start growing; they take on such a big dimension. The cinema is more powerful than real life, given that one can just exaggerate it the way he want it. When the illusory process gets exaggerated, it becomes more powerful than life. That is why seeker of truth stays away from belief system. Inquiry, analysis and reasoning on the base of the soul as self is reliable method to reach the realm of the soul, which is ultimate reality.

From ultimate standpoint there is nothing exist other than consciousness. The universe is mere mirage created out of consciousness; therefore its contents are also consciousness. Thus the individual experience of the birth, life, death and the world are part of the mirage.  Thus the mirage which appears as universe is created out of consciousness. 

People who believe god as creator are deluded because they are unaware of the fact that, the self is not the form but self is formless consciousness. They will not be able to accept anything other than their practical experience in this practical world.  Therefore, people who are deep rooted conviction of their belief system are not qualified for pursuit of truth. And seeker of truth should avoid discussion religious minded people.   

Without knowing the true self is not ‘I’ or ‘I AM’ non dual realization is a distant dream. One who is stuck with his inherited conditioning and accumulated knowledge from what he has heard or read and assimilated and accepted them as truth, is not receptive to assimilate self-knowledge.

Seeker has to verify on every angle through deeper self-search and accept only un-contradicted truth. The spiritual truth cannot be contradicted. Religious truth is not universal.

Idea of God as a creator holds good theoretically. God and guru glorification is not needed but intense urge and receptiveness is needed in pursuit of truth. Seeker has to get rid of all his remove all the doubts and confusion with deeper self-search. 

To acquire self-knowledge, it is very much necessary for the seeker has to be free from all sorts of egocentric knowledge such as religious and yogic or any sort of philosophical knowledge.

The self is neither the waking entity nor it is the dream entity but is the formless substance and witness of the three states. All the three states are mere mirage created out of consciousness. Consciousness is the formless substance and witness of the three states. The substance witness are one in essence, therefore there is no second thing exists other than consciousness.

The dream illustration is best illustration to know the waking experience is also as unreal as dream.

 The dream illustration is best illustration to know the waking experience is also as unreal as dream.  The dream was experienced without the physical apparatus as a whole.  The dream entity and dream world were within the dream.  Dream appeared as whole, and disappeared as a whole.  Deeper self-search revels the fact that, the waking also is also similar to dream. The waking is parallel dream and dream is parallel waking.   The substance and witness of the dream and waking is one and the same. Thus the self is neither the waking entity nor the dream entity but the formless witness of the three states. Therefore it is necessary to make sure the existence of the formless witness which is neither the waking entity nor the dream entity. 

 The waking also is witnessed without the physical apparatus, because the waking is still on. And the waking entity perceives the world as reality within the waking experience.  Thus the waking entity is in ignorance and experiences the illusory duality as reality. Thus the individual experiences of birth life, death and world are experienced as reality within the waking experience. But waking experience itself is mere mirage on the standpoint of the formless witness. 

Only when the waking entity gets rid of the ignorance through deeper self-search than it becomes aware of the fact that the self is neither the waking entity nor dream entity but the formless knower of the three states and realized are mere mirage created out of consciousness. 

If one realize that the mind, which is in the form of universe is mere mirage created out of soul, which is in the form of  consciousness s, that there is absolutely no difference between them than he realizes the fact that his existence as person within the world is mere mirage created out of consciousness. Thus he becomes aware of the fact that, the man and universe is within that mirage. Thus his physical existence along with his experience of the world is falsehood. 

Just as in dream universe appears to exist outside the body, but is inside mind. It appears to be outside because of ignorance and the illusion is experienced as reality. For just as when one wakes up after dream, all the people, towns, mountains and ocean of dream are then known to be inside his mind, it was only ignorance, which placed them outside his-self. 

Whole universe is a created out of consciousness and universe which appears in the form of mind is myth.  The birth, life, death and the world are experienced within the mind. 

People think the mind is confined to be a little thing like one's brain.  Deeper self-search reveals the fact that it is not so. The mind is the whole universe in which man exists and experiences his individual experience of birth, life and death.  The form, tine and space are reality within the illusory universe. Universe appears as waking or dream.  The    three states are mere mirage on ultimate the standpoint. People are unprepared to accept the truth because they are in the grip of ignorance.   Most people will never accept the truth because they have accepted their physical identity as self and practical life within the practical world as reality. 

It is very difficult to trace the source of the universe without understanding what is mind.  One has to know the fact that; the mind and universe appear together and disappear to gather. If mind is there then only the universe is present. If mind is absent than the universe is absent. Thus one has to conclude the mind itself is universe. 

In deeper self-search one becomes aware of the fact that, the mind is not within the body but body and the experience of the universe are within the mind.   Thus it is erroneous to limit the mind to the physical entity and think the mind is within the body. 

If the whole body is scanned only one can see functions of all the organs but it is impossible to trace the mind because the mind is not only the person but also the universe.  Until this truth is assimilated it is impossible to move deeper in pursuit of truth.

In sleep, it is quite blank. Similarly, if one looks into a seed, he does not see the tree there. Nevertheless, both world and tree are developments from ignorance and seed.  Thus ignorance is the seed of the universe. If the truth revels than there is neither ignorance nor the universe. 

The magician does is to put ideas into peoples mind, i.e. he imagines something and makes people see it as real. Similarly, one imagines his own ideas of god and heaven, hell and he sees them as real. Religionists think God create the ideas and puts them in one’s head during dream or takes them away during sleep. 

However, no one has ever seen God doing this: it is supposition. One knows only that the about the three states which comes and goes in succession. 

The dream is parallel waking and waking is parallel dream.   The dream world and dream people were within the dream. Likewise the waking world and waking people are within the waking experience. The dream was witnessed as a whole. The waking also is witnessed as a whole.  The witness of the dream is not the waking entity and the witness of the waking is not the dream entity. Thus it is necessary to know what is it that is aware of the three states which comes and goes in succession.

Truth cannot be got in world because the world is mere illusion from the ultimate standpoint.

Discussing other than their religion and their god is blasphemous in all the religion. Such mind sets are not receptive to self-knowledge. 
If seeker is sincere and serious the guidance will come on its own and guide him.  The duality exists until the mind exists. Absent of mind is absent of duality. Therefore,   by understanding “What is mind?” and “What is the substance of the mind?” "What is the source of the mind? one becomes aware what is reality, and what is illusion.  Only by perfect understanding and realization of the non-dual truth, one will be able to overcome the duality. 

Since we are conditioned to view, judge and conclude the truth on the base of ‘I’, which is the false self, within the false experience, we are unaware what is truth, and what is illusion.  Man and his world exist within the illusion.  Therefore, it is erroneous to view and judge the truth on the base of illusory entity. 

Truth cannot be got in world because the world is mere illusion from the ultimate standpoint. The truth is hidden within the three states as their formless substance and witness.  The formless substance is the soul,which is in the form of consciousness. And the soul or consciousness  is the true self. 

The true self /soul is not an entity, or identity within the waking /dream, but it is the source of the three states, from where the three states erupt and subsides. 

When one is able to view and judge the worldview on the standpoint soul as self, then he will realize there is neither the creation, nor the creator, but only non-dual soul /spirit will prevail as ultimate reality.  Therefore, it is erroneous to conclude the truth on the base of religion and god. 

All religious and yogic practices are based on the `I' as self, which is false identity within the false experience [waking/duality].  The Waking experience is mere illusion, same way as the dream. Hence it is very much necessary to verify truth of the ‘I’, to realize the fact that ‘I’ itself is mere illusion. ‘I’ is not the self, because it comes and goes as waking/dream. Absent of ‘I’ absent of waking/dream/mind. Absent of waking/dream is absent of illusion/duality.   The knower of the ‘I’ is formless soul. When one who realizes the soul as the true self, and then he becomes free from experiencing the duality as reality. 

This formless path is very difficult for those who stick to their inherited or accepted truth, but not for the serious seekers who are in search of only non-dual truth nothing but non dual truth. 

There is nothing as sacred as Self-Knowledge or Knowledge of Brahman.

There is nothing as sacred as Self-Knowledge or Knowledge of Brahman. Realization of true  self, drives way the ignorance. Self-Awareness frees ‘Self’ from the burden and bondage of illusory duality.  It is the self that is in illusion. When it becomes aware of its formless non-dual  true nature the universe is mere mirage to the self which is formless and non-dual in its nature. Thus the thoughts and words are part of the illusory existence. 

Many spiritual masters say that sticking to "I am" is way out from the physical shackles. But that "I am" itself is creates the prison. The one, which expresses itself as 'I', is not 'I' but it is formless consciousness. Therefore the ‘I’ or ‘I AM’ is not the self. Considering the ‘I’ or ‘I AM as self is erroneous.  The self, which is in the form of consciousness   cannot be called anything nor approached because it is prior to anything that exists. When the consciousness is the substance of the whole universe  and its contents thoughts and words  and it is not a thing or entity or identity within the physical existence but it pervades the whole physical existence than it is erroneous to limit the ‘I’ to the physical entity alone. 

The existence of the soul, which is the true self has to be, has to be grasped and assimilated.' I or 'I' am is mere illusory  expression.

The whole physical existence or universe is an illusory  expression. Thus physical existence or universe is mere illusion. The man and his experience of the world and his belief of god are within the illusory expression.  The diversity is created out of single substance and knowing that single substance brings unity in diversity in consciousness. 

Thus experience of duality is mere illusion. That is mind is an illusion. The one that has this illusion is the consciousness, which is the innermost self.

Therefore it is erroneous to seek truth on the base of 'I' because 'I' is not self. It very much necessary to rectify the seeking base by proper understanding  of the fact that ‘I’ or ‘I AM’ is not the  self before indulging in the pursuit of truth.

As long as a person has a firm conviction that 'I' is self, he will not be able to understand ,assimilate and realize the non-dual truth, Because whatever knowledge one assimilate he assimilates as a person, which adds to his existing accumulated information. Therefore, seeker has to discover the fact that 'I' is not the self but 'I' is the whole universe, which appears in the form of mind. Universe is mere mirage.  The duality is experienced only when the universe is present. Thus universe is duality. Consciousness is formless substance and witness of the universe.   Thus consciousness is the true self and cause of the universe but it itself is uncaused because no second thing exist other than it.

It is necessary to have firm conviction 'I' is not self but the formless consciousness is the true self. To understand, assimilate and realize the non-dual truth.

It is no use of finding fault with people. They are conditioned to view and judge the worldview on the base of 'I' as self. They can only understand what they are thought by their upbringing by parents, religion and society and circumstances of life. They cannot think beyond. Thinking there are two ‘I’ is erroneous.  Many think there is big ‘I’ and another small ‘I’. Such ideas will not take anyone to the ultimate end of understanding.   And truth pursuit is not for those who think religion and the yoga are the only means to Self-Realization. Philosophical discussions, intellectual speculations, logical conclusions will not lead one to the ultimate destination.

Most of the saints and sages of the past are mostly social reformers, thus they are more concerned to the humanism rather than the truth. Their contribution is very valuable to live in the practical world.  Thus humanism is limited to practical life within the practical world.    The path of love is path for humanity therefore it is individualized path. Thus path of love is limited to the physical structure, it cannot transport one to ultimate end.  Thus seeker has to understand the fact that the practical life and practical world are part of the mirage from the ultimate standpoint. 

The simple reason is that the average person may have desire for knowledge but when the whole society is immersed in belief system and feeling himself   out of place because of societal fear and surroundings circumstances and he thinks it unfits him to pursue the path of truth. 

The seeker of truth is one who is ready verify and has courage to accept and reject the truth when he finds out what is truth and what is untruth. The meek will stick to their inherited conditioning remain experiencing duality as reality.

Pursuit of truth or spirituality is not suited for religionists and yogis who believe in conceptual god. Because religious idea of god, world, heaven, hell, sin karma ceases to exist as real when one becomes aware of the non-dual truth.

Seekers who are ready to accept only truth have to indulge in the pursuit of truth. And people who are satisfied with their faith and belief and accepted truth must continue without disturbing their present outfit.