Friday, September 9, 2011

If self is not this body, then what is self? If body with the name is not self then what is one’s true Identity which is without the body and name?

It is wrong to say the world arise from the mind.  The mind itself arises from the soul, which is in the form of consciousness.   The man and the world are within the mind. Until one thinks the mind is within the body he will not be able to go beyond duality.  Therefore, there is a need to understand what is mind which appears as whole waking or dream [duality] and disappears as deep sleep [non-duality]. 

When the self is not the body then what is the use of body based practices like tantra.  They speak of tantric sex but when the true self is formless and it has no gender and in the realm of wisdom no second thing exist other then consciousness.  When there is no man & woman and the world in reality how one can get non-dual ecstasy in sexual climax.   The self is always apart from the appearance.   And whatever is happening within the appearance is nothing to do with the true self.  

Consciousness is Pure Awareness; it cannot but be aware of us in totality. The universe is also consciousness –whether we see it as real or as a “waking or dream”. From Creation and Creator are one in essence. From the ultimate standpoint there is neither the creation nor the creator but only the consciousness, which is ultimate truth or Brahman. 

Consciousness has no beginning and it has no end. It is within the universe but it is not of the universe.  The Universe ceases to exist without the consciousness but the consciousness can exist with or without the universe [illustration: - as in deep sleep].

Just as the body and the world in a dream is superimposed and therefore illusory, so is also this body and the world in the waking is superimposed. The birth, life, death and world are part of the waking experience and waking is superimposed, and in the absence of waking, which contains the body and the world there is no room for karma at all.

The ignorance to be verily the material /cause) of the waking/dream just as water is of a cloud. If the ignorance is destroyed, how can the three states subsist?

Just as a person out of confusion perceives only the snake leaving aside the rope, so does an ignorant person experiences the world/dream within the waking without knowing their reality? The real nature of the rope being known, the appearance of the snake no longer persists; so the substratum being known, the waking no longer remains as real.

If one knows the ultimate truth, he will know there is neither cause nor effect. Pursuit of truth is to know, what is real, and base the reasoning on that real.

When reasoning is done on true base, one has the yardstick to know what is truth, and what is untruth, and he will be able to reject the unreal/untruth mentally.  Therefore, one has to make sure whether the true self is body/ego/I, or true self is soul/Ataman, which is in the form of consciousness.

Because of the inherited conditioning an average person cannot accept anything else as truth, other than his inherited truth.  Only the seekers who has intense urge and receptive and sharpness to grasp will be able to reach their inner destination. Rest will remain in the illusion [outer] experiencing the birth, life, death and the world as reality.    

It is necessary to for the seeker of truth to inquire on his own and realize the non-dual truth without any scriptures in this very life time, and make sure of the fact that, the three states are mere mirage created out of consciousness and consciousness alone is real and eternal.     

 Thus by quoting one authority from one scripture, and another authority from another scripture, and trying to prove and realize the truth is like, trying to drain the ocean drop by drop.

Sanskar means conditioning. Conditioned to remain in ignorance of the true self, and perceive the world as person.  As person within the world, one thinks he is an individual separate from the world. And world existed prior to him and he is born in it afterwards. Until this conviction is there, it is very difficult to overcome the sanskaras.    Therefore, self –knowledge is necessary in order to overcome the inherited sankaras.  The sanskara is not the religious or social conditioning of an individual. It is the inherited ignorance of the truth of one’s true existence.  Because of this sanskara the duality is experienced as reality. People limit the sansakr as parental grooming with religious and social order, which is an error.  Thus Sankara means the conditioned to remain in ignorance. 

As one goes deeper in self-search one becomes aware of the fact that the self is neither the waking entity nor the dream entity, therefore one becomes aware of the fact that the self is formless substance and witness of the three states. When one becomes aware of the true self then he becomes aware of the fact that the one, which is born, lives and dies is not the self.  And waking experience is as real as dream.  Thus waking entity or ego is the false entity within the false experience.  Thus our experience of the birth, life and death is part of the false experience.  The soul, which is the formless witness of the waking experience, where the birth, life, death and world experienced, is as false as the dream.  Thus to realize the waking experience is falsehood one has to discover and realize the fact that, the self is not the form [ego] but the self is formless [soul].  The self or soul is in the form of consciousness. 

Self-Knowledge is necessary to know the fact that, the universe, which appears is in the form of mind and disappears as nothingness [formless] is   mere mirage created out of nothingness, which is consciousness.  Thus the consciousness is the source and witness of the universe or mind, which comes and goes.  Thus it is necessary to know the formless witness of the three states in order to know the fact that, the true self is apart and  free from the mirage ,which is in the form of birth, life, death and the universe.  Therefore, it is necessary for the seeker to make sure how the three states are mirage.

The body and the world are reality within the waking experience but the waking experience is mere illusion, same way as the dream body and the dream world were reality within the dream. The dream becomes unreal when the waking takes place; similarly the waking experience becomes unreal when the non-dual wisdom dawns.

Meditation is not wisdom. When self is formless and nature of the self itself is meditation then what is the use of doing meditation as physical body? The self is always apart from   the physical body and the world, because, it witnesses the body as well as the world together.    The self is the formless witness of three states.  Therefore, the main agenda of pursuit of truth is to realize the self is consciousness [formless], and then only it is possible to understand and assimilate the self-knowledge.

Meditation is not the means to acquire   wisdom. There is neither meditation nor meditater, when one becomes aware of the fact that, soul or consciousness is the true self. The meditation is not possible without the physical entity.

In higher realm of pursuit of truth the question of “WHO” does not arise, because one becomes aware of the fact that, the person and his perceived world appears as whole.   

The mind itself arises from the consciousness.   The man and the world are within the mind. Until one thinks the mind is within the body he will not be able to go beyond duality.  Therefore, there is a need to understand what is mind which appears as whole waking or dream [duality] and disappears as deep sleep [non-duality].  

Knowing consciousness as self, mind becomes known.  Knowing consciousness as self nothing else remains to be known. Knowing consciousness as self one attains to immortality that is the beginningless ultimate reality.

A Gnani is fully aware, and sees the consciousness in all beings and in everything, existing equally and deathless in the living and the dying.

Consciousness is present within all the three states but without the three states. Consciousness is present in all the moving and unmoving, incomprehensible, far and near, impartible, sustaining everything in the waking and dream experiences. 

Until one recognizes the source of the mind, one is bound to believe his birth entity as real self and his experience of universe as reality. This body one is so proud of is not the self.  The body and universe exist within the mind. Therefore there is a need to know the source of the mind. The body and the world are within the waking experience.  And the waking experience also will permanently vanish same way as dream, which is called death.   

One has to know that the body and the world are within the mind. And mind is made of consciousness. Thinking the body is   made of five elements one becomes ignorant of the consciousness. By becoming ignorant of consciousness one is conditioned to believe the birth, life and death as reality. By believing the birth, life and death as reality one has strong conviction that the universe in which he is born is real, thus he experiences the illusion as reality. And all his reasoning and judgment is based on physical self, which is the false self within the false experience.  

Mind merges into the source, from where it is originated. Therefore there is a need to mentally trace the source in order to discover the ultimate truth.  

The true self is consciousness and consciousness is  devoid of attributes yet it  existing as if divided in beings, sustaining beings, devouring as well as generating beings within the illusion.  

The consciousness is the light of all lights, beyond all darkness, the goal of knowledge, dwelling and pervading everything and everywhere   in all the three states as their formless substance and witness. Consciousness is the One to be known as ultimate truth. 

These three states are temporary - they will pass away. One should not be so proud, looking at his beautiful body and the beauty of the universe, which are within the waking experience. When the time ceases the waking ceases,    like the snake shedding its skin, the consciousness sheds the three states. 

 The mind is like perishable.  Like   frail and perishable; the paper is limited. When the drop of water falls upon it, the paper crumbles and dissolves instantaneously same way the reality of the mind which appears as waking or dream and disappears as deep sleep dissolves when their unreal nature is exposed through wisdom. 

Even though the self is something other than this material body, the majority of people still identify themselves with it. Why? The main reason people identify the physical body as self, is because of the ignorance of the Real Self, which is consciousness.

Whosoever identifies his-self with this bundle of bones and flesh is ignorant.  Now the question arises: If self is not this body, then what is self? If body with the name is not self then what is one’s true Identity which is without the body and name?

Self is the consciousness and consciousness is ultimate truth.  One has to recognize the consciousness as the true self in order to know the three states are unreal.  

The three states are temporary, while the true self ,which is  consciousness , is the  formless substance and witness of the three states  real  and  Immortal Therefore, this mind is  false and impermanent, and the  Soul or consciousness ,which is  the real Self is True and permanent.

Consciousness is not human, and it is not a demigod. Consciousness is not celibate, or a worshiper. Consciousness is not a Yogi, and it is not a hermit. Consciousness is not a mother or anyone's son because it is formless and one without the second. 

Consciousness dwells in all the three states.  No one can find its limits. Consciousness is not a house-holder, and it is not a renouncer. Consciousness is not a president of the country, and it is not a beggar. Consciousness is neither the guru nor disciple.  Consciousness has no body, no drop of blood. Consciousness is neither a Hindu, nor Christen, nor a Muslim.

Consciousness is not called a man of austere self-discipline, or an orthodox. Consciousness does not live, and it is not seen to die. When the ignorance [Birth, life, death and world] vanishes through wisdom consciousness alone will prevail as non-dual existence. 

Mind is formed of the same essence as the soul, which is in the form of consciousness. Consciousness is stable it like the ink on the news paper which cannot be erased.

The ultimate goal, aim or purpose of human existence is to become linked or re-established in his true identification, the unconditioned consciousness. This is Self-Realization — the realization of man's True Self, the Soul, which is in the form of consciousness. Once one attains this pure awareness within, then he recognizes that "consciousness is the real self, and self is consciousness ". 

Consciousness is Soul, and the mind is in soul or consciousness. This is realized through reflecting constantly on the consciousness which is the formless substance and witness of the three states. .

Seeker has to recognize mentally that "consciousness is self”. He who knows this secret through deeper inquiry, analyses and reasoning become free from experiencing the illusion as reality. 

Consciousness is within the mind, and the mind is within the consciousness but it is without the mind. This is realized through reflecting on this subject.

The consciousness is the formless essence of the mind.  Therefore, the mind and soul are one is essence.

The body is within the world, the world is within the mind

The body is within the world, the world is within the mind. The body and the world are reality within the waking experience.   The waking experience is unreal, and our individual experiences of birth, life and death are happening within waking or dream. When the mind is present then only the waking or dream is present. If mind is absent the waking or dream is absent. When the mind is absent it is deep sleep.  The witness of the three states is formless and real. 

The truth is hidden within the mind, and no mind experiences. Deeper investigation will reveal the truth. 

I as body with the name, is not author of the waking experience, because I as body with the name  exists within the waking experience. The waking experience is parallel dream, and dream is parallel waking experience.    If, one  was Alexander the great in the dream and suffered pain in the dream, the pain of the dream becomes unreal when waking takes place. Similarly, one  experiences of pain and pleasure becomes unreal when wisdom dawns. 

 Within the illusion everyone is effected by pain and pleasure. Therefore, it is necessary for everyone to become consciously aware of the soul /consciousness themselves, and realize its effect themselves.  Since when one becomes soul centric any claim of authorship of any experience makes him egocentric. Whatever is based on Egocentricity is falsehood.    For a Gnani, nothing exits, nothing is ever exited, and nothing is going to exit, other than nothing, which is the soul /consciousness, which is second to none.     

The division into castes and neither stages of life, nor the rules of conduct and duties of the various castes and stages of life apply to the false self within the false experience. Religion meditation or yoga rituals, scriptural studies and follow the spiritual laws are greatest obstacles in realizing the ultimate truth. Since the notions of ‘I’, ‘I Am’ and ‘Me’, ‘mine’ are of the false self within the false experience. If one is able to drop the identification with the ‘I’ or ‘I am’ then, the consciousness [true self] will remain free from experiencing the illusory duality as reality. 

In deep sleep there is neither birth, nor life, nor death, nor world, nor gods, nor is there total void, since consciousness alone   exists as free from experience of waking or dream.

The experience of birth, life, death and the world are based on the false self within the false experience.  On the base of the false self and the false knowledge, the waking experience is experienced as reality. But when that false knowledge is not there, such notions also do not exist, as in the state of deep sleep.

When the wisdom dawns than waking experience cease to be a reality, the dream ceases to be a reality; deep sleep ceases to be reality because there is no division in consciousness, because everything is consciousness. Thus three states are mere mirage created out of consciousness.  Thus consciousness alone is all else is illusion.  

 Neither the religious view, nor the yogic, nor the scientific view, nor the atheistic nor the intellectual view, etc., are tenable. Because of the realization of the part- less consciousness, ultimate truth is absolutely free from diversity. It always remains as the one self, free from all diversities when one is able to view from ultimate standpoint.

Consciousness  has no such thing as upper or lower part, it has no inside or outside, it has no middle or any ‘across’, and it has no eastern or western direction, because it is all-pervading like space or pervades space also. It is one and without parts. It remains as the one self, free from all diversities.

Consciousness is formless and colorless; it is not tiny, nor big. It is neither short nor long. It is not knowable since it is of the nature of effulgence. It remains as the one self, free from dualities.

There is neither teacher nor teaching, neither student nor instruction, neither “Me” nor “you”, nor this universe. The knowledge of real nature of consciousness does not admit of different perceptions. It remains as the one auspicious self, free from all attributes.

Consciousness, which is the true self, does not have the state of waking, nor of dream, nor of deep sleep. These three states are only the products of ignorance. Consciousness is beyond these three states and it remains as the one self, free from all states

Consciousness is all-pervading, is the desired goal, is self-existent, and is not dependent on anything else, while the entire universe which is different from it is unreal. Consciousness remains as the one self-free from all divisions.

 It is not one; how can there be a second different from it? It has neither absoluteness nor non-absoluteness. It is neither void nor non-void since it is devoid of duality.  It cannot be described that which is the formless essence of the all the three states.  

In a moment, all pleasures and suffering of the physical world within the illusion give sense of reality

In a moment, all pleasures and suffering  of the physical world within the illusion give sense of reality   because of which the consciousness is  forgotten and illusion or duality is experienced as reality.

The freedom from experiencing the duality as reality comes from identifying the self with consciousness. Instead, due to our ignorance of the consciousness, which is the true Self, one seeks everlasting happiness in never lasting sense objects.

 If one wants freedom from illusory reality then one has to realize the fact that, the consciousness is the true self. Without identifying the consciousness, which is the formless substance and witness of the mind, it is very difficult to acquire non-dual wisdom.

The belief that material wealth is the source of real security in one's life is reality within the falsehood.  In reality, this entire physical world is false and temporary. It is not possible for an impermanent thing can provide another impermanent thing with a permanent security. 

Due to physical consciousness, one feels secure if he has money. On the contrary, he feels insecure if he does not have money. False ones love falsehood within the falsehood. People struggle to acquire material wealth in order to get security in material life, but they fail to realize the fact that they and their experience of universe is mere mirage.  When physical consciousness disappears then the mirage vanishes and consciousness alone prevails as non-dual existence.

People collect or struggle to collect wealth throughout their lives, but they are unaware of the fact that they and their experience of the universe exist within the falsehood. 

 Deluded by doubts and confusion, they think day and night; and try to search the truth, which fits their physical outfit.  

The feeling of insecurity comes from the fear of the unknown. Amassing of any amount of money cannot remove this fear. To the contrary, the more wealth one has the more fear he has! With more wealth comes the fear of loosing it. Therefore, the sense of true security comes from not procuring money, but from the mental state of fearlessness, which is possible only by identifying the self with consciousness. 

One can become fearless; by realizing the fact that the self is not form but self is formless the fearlessness is the nature of the soul or consciousness, the innermost self.  A Gnani is one who has realized the consciousness as real self. However, without true humility, one cannot attain the true self hood. And without Spiritual Wisdom, one cannot attain humility and Self-Realization.

Therefore, attaining true security is not in amassing material wealth, but by becoming soul-centric.  Consciousness is ultimate truth. The ultimate truth is beyond any mundane wealth, political power, religious scholarships, material education and social success. 

The forgetfulness of the true self which is consciousness -- results experiencing the diversity as reality.

Man has accumulated countless false concepts and theories, he keeps adding new to the already existing ones.  The object of teachings and instructions of all world Masters and the scriptures is for the removal of these false worldly concepts but without realizing the fact that the self is not physical, all these teachings become inadequate and useless.   

The more one abandons this accumulated knowledge, the more he will become awake and aware; consequently, the more he will find truth which is hidden   within. One has to   completely shedding all accumulated dross.  As the consciousness abides within the mind; the self-knowledge helps the mind into its non-dual source.

As seeker goes in deeper verification the truth has to be mentally traced between MIND and NO MIND experiences.

Science considers the object as subject, and its judgment is based on objectified subject.  Thus, it cannot go beyond the object, because it is unaware of the subject which is cause of the object.   Thus in science the object (mind or universe) is considered as subject. 

In non-duality there is no object because the subject and object are one is essence. In duality Subject and object cannot be one. If one is able to observe something than this something is not the subject.

 Science takes the body and the universe as reality. And it holds the ego as its base of investigation. the science,scientists and its scientific investigation is based on the false self or waking entity or ego,which it holds as real self  and false experience(universe or waking) as reality.  thus the ultimate truth ,which cannot be got from laboratory conditions because it has to be got only through individual  investigation through deeper inquiry and self search.  

Beyond object, when truth is realized, the subject and object are one in essence.A conditioned mindset is always out of touch with truth. By realizing the fact that, the self is not physical but it is formless consciousness, one can overcome the hereditary conditioning or samskara  and become free from experiencing the illusion as reality.  thus pursuit of truth is very personal journey. 

All the accumulated knowledge collected to know the ultimate truth is just dross same as the broken egg shell. As seeker goes in  deeper verification  the truth has to be mentally traced between MIND(universe or waking or dream)  and NO MIND(deep sleep experiences.

Deeper investigation reveals the fact that, the individual self is limited to the waking entity or dream entity, is not the self, because the waking experience is also falsehood. Therefore, the self is the formless knower or witness  of the coming and going of the three states.  And also it is the formless substance of the three states. Thus, the soul is in the form of consciousness, is the true self.  

Consciousness is devoid of all qualities and is neither a doer nor an experiencer. In ignorance it appears as waking experience or dream. And in deep sleep it remains in its formless non-dual true nature.  Thus the one that appears as waking or dream and disappears as deep sleep is consciousness. Thus all the three states are consciousness because there is no second thing exists, other than consciousness.   

 In the deep sleep there is neither waking nor dream experience.  The dream is parallel waking and waking is parallel dream. In the deep sleep experience the waking or dream too is dormant and consciousness alone is there. In deep sleep there is only non-dual tranquility and total ignorance of everything, as is proved by the fact that, when a person wakes up from sleep he or she says, “I slept deeply, I did not know anything”. This proves that the soul, which is in the form consciousness, exists in the deep sleep in its formless non-dual true nature. In deep sleep there is nothing but the consciousness. The waking or dream is only a mirage created out of consciousness. Due to ignorance the mirage is experienced as reality by the false self within the false experience. When self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana  arises, this ignorance is destroyed then the self, which is in the form of consciousness alone remains, which can never be negated.