Monday, December 26, 2011

Self-knowledge is the key to realize the illusion and reality are one in essence.

Truth realization is a very deep topic.   Self- knowledge is not theoretical knowledge based on the physical self (ego or waking entity) but the knowledge of the ultimate truth on which the physical existence [illusion] is dependent. Self-knowledge is the True Knowledge.

Self - Knowledge is Knowledge of the innermost self. Self-knowledge is required to overcome the ignorance, which the cause of experiencing the illusion as reality. Self-Knowledge or wisdom leads to self-awareness. 

Gnanis have this self - Knowledge. People think there are many sources to acquire the self-knowledge, but fail to acquire it from many sources. Those who are lucky will follow the path of inquiry and reasoning.  It is impossible to acquire Self-knowledge from any other source, other then the path of inquiry and reasoning on the base of the soul as self.

Only those serious seekers of truth do not leave a stone unturned in their quest of ultimate truth, will realize the fact that, only through inquiry, analysis and reasoning on the base of the soul as self, it is possible to acquire nondual wisdom.

There is no other Reality other then realizing the fact that, the soul is the true self. Everything in the experience of diversity is created out of the soul, and sustained by the soul, and finally everything dissolves as soul.  

Seeker has to remember self-knowledge is the Gateway to get unity in diversity. Self-knowledge is the key to realize  the illusion and reality are one in essence.  –FORMLESS PATH

It is erroneous to conclude the truth on the base of religion and God.

Truth cannot be got in universe. The universe is in the form of mind. The mind appears as waking or dream and disappears as deep sleep.   The truth is hidden within the three states as their formless substance and witness.  The formless substance is the soul, which is in the form of consciousness. And the soul or consciousness is the innermost self. 

The formless soul or consciousness is not an entity, or identity within the waking or dream.  But it is the source of the mind or universe (waking or dream) from where the three states erupt and subsides. 

When one is able to view and judge the three states on the standpoint soul as self, then he will realize there is neither the creation, nor the creator, but only non-dual soul or consciousness will prevail as ultimate reality.  Therefore, it is erroneous to conclude the truth on the base of religion and God. 

All religious and yogic practices are based on the `ego or waking entity' as self, which is false identity within the false experience [waking or duality].  The Waking experience is mere illusion, same way as the dream. Hence, it is very much necessary to verify truth of the ‘ego or waking entity’, to realize the fact that ‘waking experience’ itself is mere illusion. ‘I’ is not the self, because it comes and goes as whole waking or dream experience. Absent of ‘I’ absent of waking or dream/mind. Absent of waking/dream is absent of illusion or duality.   The knower of the three states   is formless soul. When one who realizes the soul as the true self, and then he becomes free from experiencing the three states as reality. 

This path of wisdom is very difficult for those who stick to their inherited or accepted truth, but not for the serious seekers who are in search of only non dual truth nothing but non dual truth. –FORMLESS PATH