Sunday, February 3, 2013

The Upanishad says: ~ The human goal is to acquire Self-Knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana***

Those who tell you that Brahman is unity, that you can get it only by intuition, that you should not reason, you should not question or inquire, are deluding you. Verification must come by thought.

The Upanishad says: ~ The human goal is to acquire Self-Knowledge and they indicate that, belief in the personal Gods, yoga scriptures, worship and rituals are not the means to Self –Knowledge, then why anyone should indulge in it. The religion, concept of individualized god and scriptures are greatest obstacle to realize non-dual truth or Self-realization, because they are based on false Self.  The seeker of truth has to search the ultimate truth without losing himself in the labyrinths of philosophy, through deeper Self-search and assimilate and realize it.

That is why Sage Sri Sankara, indicated in Bhaja Govindam says: ~(Jnana Viheena Sarva Mathena Bajathi na Muktim janma Shatena) ~ one without knowledge does not obtain liberation even in a hundred births, no matter which religious faith he follows.
Thus, the path of the wisdom is the only means. Then it is no use going roundabout way, trace the Brahman which is the formless substance and the witness of the universe (mind).  By tracing the source of the mind or the universe, one will be able to realize the Brahman.

Yoga Vasistha says: ~ Self-knowledge or knowledge of truth is not had by resorting to a Guru (preceptor) nor by the study of scripture, nor by good works: it is attained only by means of enquiry inspired by the company of wise (Gnani). One’s inner light alone is the means, naught else. When this inner light is kept alive, it is not affected by the darkness of inertia. 

The experience and the experiencer are one, in essence.  In reality, there is neither the experience nor the experiencer exist.  Only the essence shines in its fullness. 

All these thought based teachings will not yield Advaitic wisdom because they are only knowledge based on the form, time and space. The Advaitic truth is beyond the form, time and space. 
The thoughts arise only in the domain of the form, time and space. The thoughts come to you because you exist within the domain of the form, time and space. You are the thinker. You are the false self within the false experience. Without you the thoughts will not arise.
In the dream, the thoughts come to the dream entity. The dream entity is a thinker within the dream. The dream becomes unreal when the waking takes place. Similarly, the waking becomes unreal when wisdom dawns. The wisdom dawns when you realize the ‘Self’ is not you, but the ‘Self’ is the Soul, which is present in the form of the consciousness.
If the ‘Self’ is not you then what is the use of asking yourself Some Gurus say simply ask yourself, To whom do these thoughts come? Find out the source of your thoughts?.
The thoughts come to you not to the Soul, the innermost ‘Self’ because the Soul is the ever formless, timeless and spaceless existence.
On the standpoint of the Soul, the innermost Self, the form, time and space are mere an illusion.
If the form, time and space are mere an illusion then you, your thoughts and the world in which you exist is mere an illusion. 

Thus, what is the use of finding out about the thoughts which come to you, not to the Soul, the innermost ‘Self’?
Thus, Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana is necessary to realize the truth, which is beyond the form, time, and space.

Jesus said: ~ Do not throw your pearls before pigs, lest they trample them underfoot and turn to attack you***

Many believe spirituality and religion are considered interconnected, but it is not so. Religion is based on the false Self-(ego or body or you) and it is limited to the false experience (universe), while spirituality transcends race, religion, gender, language and nationality, and universe. Spirituality is based on the Soul the innermost Self. On the standpoint of the Soul the innermost Self, the universe in which we exist is mere an illusion:

Jesus said: ~ Do not throw your pearls before pigs, lest they trample them underfoot and turn to attack you. (Matthew -7:6) 

 He meant Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana (pearls) should not be given to the ignorant populace (pigs)

Jesus really say? To the multitude he said, “God is in heaven; try to go there,” and to reach that end he said to overcome certain temptations and sufferings.

To his followers, he said, “God is everywhere; try to see Him.” and gave explanations to that effect.

To the close circle of apostles he said, “God is in me and in you too,” and actually revealed this to them.

Why did Jesus say different things? Owing to the time and the persons, according to their readiness to listen and understand. What Jesus meant was to leave all and follow him; that means to know him, see him, and experience him.

The teachings that are being followed by Christians are not the real teachings that Christ gave. The priests have altered his words, added to his teachings and spoiled them.

Jesus said: ~ Seek and ye shall find. Knock the doors shall opened to you. 

Gospel Thomas logian 22:- Jesus saw infants being suckled. He said to his disciples, “These infants being suckled are like those who enter the kingdom.”

They said to him, “Shall we then, as children, enter the kingdom?”

Jesus said to them, “When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female is female; and when you fashion eyes in the place of an eye, and a hand in place of a hand, and a foot in place of a foot, and a likeness in place of a likeness; then will you enter the kingdom.”

Santthosh Kumaar: ~ This above passage is Jesus’s version of Nonduality or Advaita. When one realizes mind (matter) and Soul (spirit), the innermost Self, are one, in essence, there is no place for the duality. Without the duality, the universe ceases to exist. Without the universe, your existence within the universe is mere an illusion because there is scope for two because everything is created out of single stuff. That single stuff is the consciousness or Spirit. 

 Till one thinks he is an individual separate from this world he remains in the realm of duality. The duality is the product of ignorance. When the wisdom dawns, then the ignorance vanishes. When the ignorance vanishes, then the duality never remains as a reality. 

God is not physical. God is present in the form of the Spirit. The Spirit is the cause of the world and the Spirit itself is uncaused. 

 On the standpoint of the Spirit, the form, time, space and name are mere an illusion. The spirit alone is real and all else is an illusion. In reality, the spirit (God) matter (the world in which we exist) are one. 

. The Self-realization is God realization. God -realization is real worship***

God is not physical. God is present in the form of the Spirit. The Spirit is the cause of the world and the Spirit itself is uncaused.

On the standpoint of the Spirit, the form, time, space and name are mere an illusion. The spirit alone is real and all else is an illusion.  In reality,  the spirit (God) matter (the world in which we exist) are one.
The Bhagavad Gita: ~ Brahmano hi pratisthaham ~ Brahman (God) is considered the all-pervading consciousness (Spirit) , which is the basis of all the animate and inanimate entities and material. (14.27).
When Bhagavad Gita says, God is considered the all-pervading consciousness (Spirit) which is the basis of all the animate and inanimate entities and material  then  nothing has to be accepted  other than consciousness a God. 

Lord Krishna Says Ch ~V: ~Those who know me in truth.". The last two words (tattvataha) are usually ignored by pundits, but they make all the difference between the ordinary concept of God and the truth about God.

The dualistic worship of "God” is only for the ignorant populace. The God in truth is only Atman, the innermost Self.   In reality there is no dualities, no differentiation. Only Atman exists.

The Vedas confirms God is Atman (spirit), the innermost Self.

Rig Veda: ~ The Atman (Soul or Spirit) is the cause; Atman is the support of all that exists in this universe. May ye never turn away from the Atman the innermost self. May ye never accept another God in place of the Atman nor worship other than the Atman?" (10:48, 5)
Rig-Veda 1-164-46 and Y.V 32-1 clearly mention that God is “One”.

Rig Veda declares God is ‘ONE’ and God is Atman, then why believe and   worship in place of real God.

Brihad Upanishad: ~ “If you think there is another entity, whether man or God there is no truth."

When Upanishad itself declares: ~   Sarvam khalvidam brahma ~ all this (universe) is verily Brahman. By following back all of the relative appearances in the world, we eventually return to that from which it is all manifest – the non-dual reality (Chandogya Upanishad). 

Sage Sri, Sankara’s Supreme Brahman (God) is impersonal, Nirguna (without Gunas or attributes), Nirakara (formless), Nirvisesha (without special characteristics), immutable, eternal and Akarta (non-agent). It is above all needs and desires. It is always the Witnessing Subject. It can never become an object as It is beyond the reach of the senses. Brahman is non-dual, one without a second. It has no other beside it. It is destitute of difference, either external or internal. Brahman cannot be described, because description implies distinction. Brahman cannot be distinguished from any other than It. In Brahman, there is not the distinction of substance and attribute. Sat-Chit-Ananda constitute the very essence or Svarupa of Brahman, and not just Its attributes. The Nirguna Brahman of Sage Sri, Sankara is impersonal.

Sage Sri, Sankara: ~"That which permeates all, which nothing transcends and which, like the universal space around us, fills everything completely from within and without, that Supreme non-dual Brahman  (God)."

Thus, truth realization   is self-realization. The Self-realization is God realization.  God -realization is real worship.