Monday, March 26, 2012

He who knows the soul or consciousness as self verily becomes consciousness.

The ultimate truth or Brahman  cannot be attained by one who is without strength or earnestness or without the receptiveness and courage to accept the truth and reject the untruth.  If a serious seeker strives by means of deeper  inquiry, analysis and soul-centric reasoning on the true , he will be able to realize it. 

One who  has the firm conviction that the self is neither waking entity nor the self is the dream entity but the self is the formless soul which  witnesses the coming and going  of the three states. the soul is present in the form of consciousness.  The soul or  consciousness is one and the same thing. The one  who realizes the consciousness as the innermost self,   is free from experiencing the duality(waking)  as reality and he is immersed in non-dual self-awareness in the midst of duality. Such seeker ever devoted to the Self, behold everywhere the consciousness. 

Having well ascertained the Self, the goal of the Self- knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana  and having perfect understanding, the seekers, never relaxing their efforts, enjoy here supreme Immortality and at the time of the great end attain complete freedom in consciousness  because he is fully aware his body and his experience of the world are one in essence.

When one realizes the fact that the causes of all the causes is uncaused; and views and judges the worldview on the base of the uncaused, then  everything of the experience of  duality(waking), becomes one with the highest imperishable consciousness, which is the Self of all. 

As flowing rivers disappear in the sea, losing their names and forms, so one is freed from name and form, attains the Atman(soul) ,which is  Brahman , which is greater than the Great. 

He who knows the soul  or consciousness  as self verily becomes consciousness. He overcomes the experience of duality(waking) ; becomes one with the immortal soul or consciousness.

Consciousness, the One and Undifferentiated, which by the manifold application of its powers produces the dual and non-dual experiences(waking/dream/deep sleep) and, in the end, withdraws the three states into itself, is indeed the self—luminous.

The Maker of all the three states, self—luminous and all—pervading,consciousness dwells always in the three states as its formless clay and witness. Consciousness is revealed by the negative way, discriminative wisdom and the Knowledge of Unity based upon reflection. The one, who know consciousness is the true self, becomes one with the immortal self. 

When there is no ignorance, there is no day or night, neither being nor none—being; the pure consciousness alone exists. That immutable Reality is the meaning of consciousness. From it has proceeded the non-dual wisdom. 

No one can grasp consciousness as separate entity apart from duality because it is the formless clay and the witness of the experience of duality thus it cannot be grasped as above, across, or in the middle. 

Its form is not an object of vision; no one beholds it with the eyes. They who, through pure intellect and the Knowledge of Unity based upon reflection, realize consciousness as the innermost self becomes one with the immortal.

It is consciousness, alone that appears to be born or to move or to take the form of matter. But consciousness is really ever unborn, immovable and free from the traits of materiality; it is all peace and non-dual. 

Thus the innermost self is never subject to birth. All beings, too, are free from birth. Those who know this do not fall into false knowledge.

A substance may be the cause of another substance and a non- substance, the cause of another non-substance. But the innermost self cannot possibly be anything like a substance or a non-substance. 

Thus three states are not caused by the mind, nor is the mind caused by them. As long as a person clings to the belief in causality, he will find cause producing effect. But when this attachment to causality wears away, cause and effect become non-existent. 

Saturday, March 24, 2012

If one becomes aware of the fact that, the duality is mere illusory reality then he sees the self, which is in the form of formless consciousness in everything and everywhere the sameness in the illusory reality.

If one mentally detaches the self from the three states  by realizing the fact that the self is neither the waking entity nor the dream entity than he became free from experiencing the form, time and space as reality

.   If one becomes free from experiencing the form, time and space as reality than he becomes free from experiencing the universe as reality. If one becomes free from experiencing the universe as reality than he becomes free from experiencing the birth, life and death as reality. If one becomes free from experiencing the birth, life and death as reality than he becomes free from experiencing the duality as reality. 

 If one becomes aware of the fact that, the duality is mere illusory reality then he sees the self, which is in the form of formless consciousness in everything and everywhere the sameness in the illusory reality. 

Consciousness is the only one, true existence beyond all thoughts, consciousness is the knower, the witness, the truth, the indivisible, and there is no doubt whatsoever that, the universe is within the self, which is consciousness. Because one hold the ‘I’ as self is the reason for the universe, which is in the form of mind to exist as reality. 

Self is in the form of formless consciousness is one and does not have any parts, the body is not the self and the body is divisible in to various organs, by considering the body as self , one  is in  ignorance, by  thinking that these two are one.

The problem arises because everyone identifies themselves with their body with the name as self within the world, which appear as waking experience but they are unaware of the fact that, the waking experience is perishable.  A Gnani is always aware of the fact that the true self is not the form but formless consciousness the body and the world are mere mirage created out of consciousness, thus they are illusory in their nature. By limiting the consciousness to the waking entity alone is the cause of ignorance, because the consciousness pervades all the three states as their formless substance and witness. 

 The very purpose of pursuit of truth is to break this illusion of experience of birth, life and death and form, time and space by constant drawing attention to the formless substance and witness of the three states by providing seekers of truth with the path which would enable them to be free of experiencing the illusory duality as reality.

For Gnani the “self” shines without the form, name and experience of the universe

For Gnani the “self” shines without the form, name and experience of the universe, because he is fully aware of the fact that, his body, name and his experience of the universe are mere mirage created out of consciousness therefore he treats his body, name and his experience of the universe to be consciousness. Thus for a Gnani consciousness alone is real and any second thing other than consciousness is mere illusion.  

The consciousness is the formless substance and exists within the universe or mind. The universe or mind is an object to the formless subject. Thus holding the object as reality without being aware of the formless subject, which is consciousness is cause of the ignorance.  

The soul or self is in the form of consciousness and the mind or universe is mere mirage created out of consciousness.  Holding the mirage as reality and judging on the base of the body as self and thinking that these two are one is cause of the ignorance.

Consciousness is sentient, mind, which is in the form of universe, is insentient. Therefore all the contents of the universe are insentient. Thus holding the insentient as sentient is cause of ignorance. 

Consciousness is eternal and ever existent, Mind, which is in the form of universe, is transient and nonexistent, it is due to self - ignorance, the duality is experienced as reality.  Only through self-awareness, the self becomes aware of its formless non-dual nature.  Thus it is the self that has to become aware of itself by realizing the fact that the mind or universe is mere mirage.  Thus it is the self that has to become aware of the fact that, it is not the waking entity, which perceives the world to realize the waking experience is mere mirage in the midst of waking experience. 

The ignorant thinks that, the self is the body,and perceives the world without being aware of the fact that, his body, ego and universe are mere illusory experience created out of consciousness.

The ignorant thinks that, the self is the body,and perceives the world without being aware of the fact that, his body, ego and universe are mere illusory experience created out of consciousness. Thus trying to judge the truth on the false entity within the false experience is erroneous. Until one makes sure of the true self, it is erroneous to judge and conclude the ultimate truth on mere speculation and assumption.  Thus one has to make sure of the fact that   the true self is neither the waking entity nor the dream entity but the formless knower of the three states, which comes and goes.    

A Gnani say that the true knowledge is that,“Self” is definitely neither the waking entity nor the dream entity because the waking and dream both are illusory.  The true self is  consciousness and its nature is formless, non-dual peace, and equanimity. Consciousness is    the existence and knowledge. 

Illusion’s "concealing power" merely means that when one looks at an ice block he thinks only of the ice block. But a Gnani will think of the substance of the ice block too.   That is a wise man has the knowledge of the substance plus of the ice block. Similarly a Gnani has the knowledge of the universe and its formless substance also. The consciousness is concealed because of ignorance because as a man one is not aware of the fact that, his body and the world are mere mirage created out of consciousness. When one becomes aware of the mirage then there is no body and no universe there is only the formless consciousness, which is the true self.  

One has to get firm conviction that, the Self is definitely not the waking entity which is an illusion but self is without change, without any form, without any blemish and without any decay, without   disease, beyond all comprehension, beyond any change and consciousness is all pervading.

Self is definitely not the waking entity within the waking experience    which is an illusion but self is without properties and without any activity, self is permanent, forever free and imperishable.

The self is not ‘I’ which an illusion is, but the self is the formless knower or witness of the ‘I’,which is the mind and mind is in the form of universe and universe appears as waking or dream.  The consciousness is without moment and limits, it is pure. It is ageless  because it is formless, birth less and deathless.

A Gnani has the firm conviction that, all the three states are an object to the formless subject.

A Gnani has the firm conviction that,   all the three states are an object to the formless subject.  And the three states are but transient experience. He identifies self with the Formless Witness. Formless witness  is unaffected by the individual experiences happening within the waking or dream because he knows that, the formless soul , the innermost  self, , can never be lost or lose anything in itself. Thus noting is lost or gained because everything is consciousness therefore Gnani sees only consciousness in everything and everywhere in the experience of diversity, thus for him no second thing exists other than consciousness.

Knowing the three states as a part of self, which is consciousness, he no longer considers it as an object such distinction exists only when inquiring. The ignorant man imagines he is related to objects, imagines there is causal relation with them and then imagines his sufferings because of their transiency. He foolishly believes that anything can go away from his self, because he separates his-self from them.

Unity is here and now, always has been and always will be. so long as one is  ignorant of this truth, he will  not see unity only he  sees diversity. 

Even in the Buddhism: - Buddhist teaching has itself become a kind of interactive and self-evolving process, much like its idea of pratityasamutpada. However, the end goal is still Nirvana, which is an experience ultimately beyond all concepts and language, even beyond the Buddhist teachings. In the end even the attachment to the Dharma, the Buddhist teaching, must be dropped like all other attachments. The tradition compares the teaching to a raft upon which one crosses a swift river to get to the other side; once one is on the far shore; there is no longer any need to carry the raft. The far shore is Nirvana, and it is also said that when one arrives, one can see quite clearly that there was never any river at all.

Most of the dualistic sages approach was more practical, and they stuck with the reality of the world, they took it as real.  Whereas Sri, Sankara says: one must first know what is before him. If he cannot know that, what else can he know or understand? If he gives up the external world in his inquiry, he cannot get the whole truth.

[63. Without causing the objective universe to vanish and without knowing the truth of the Self, how is one to achieve Liberation by the mere utterance of the word Brahman? — It would result merely in an effort of speech.[ Sri, Sankara says in Viveka Chudamani ]  

The scriptures and theories and teaching based on the ego are not the yardstick. Using them as yardstick to understand and assimilate the truth will lead one towards pursuit of arguments. Seeker of truth has to discover on his own, the truth of his true existence by inquiring “what is mind?” and “what is substance of the mind?” and move forward.   

The ultimate truth is one without the second, the one is not in the sense half or two, but the one that remain forever One, without the second.  The consciousness is all pervading. There is no place where consciousness is not. 

Consciousness is in everyone, consciousness is in everything .consciousness is one behind many. Consciousness alone is. It means the universe is the visible form of consciousness.

What is the use of doing meditation on the base of waking entity, which is false self within the false experience?  Meditation is not the means to Self –Knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana.

Meditation is not the goal itself. It is an important and useful tool to quiet the body, mind and emotions and allow one to enter a deep and quiet state of mind. Once the turbulent tendencies of the body or waking or dream and emotions are brought into harmony, clarity and renewed strength are available to meet and overcome each life challenge as it presents itself. Meditation will not eliminate our life challenges but can enable us to harmonize our body, mind, emotions and spirit and to focus that energy like a powerful beam of light on the challenges that lie ahead in worldly life.

Consciousness is the very form of existence,though one would find it difficult to understand because of the intoxication of experience of duality,which is present in the form of universe.

People who argue that soul does not exist are not aware of the fact that their own existence is dependent on the soul, which is in the form of consciousness. 

One should not conclude something as ultimate  truth or Brahman  because some great thinker said so or some philosophy says so. Without consciousness the mind, which is in the form of universe ceases to exist. Man ceases to exist without the universe. 

 The soul is in the form of formless consciousness. Formless consciousness is the formless substance and witness of the mind or universe, which appears as waking or dream.

 That is why Buddha said:- 
Do not believe a spiritual teaching just because:-

1. it is repeatedly recited,
2. it is written in a scripture,
3. it was handed from guru to disciple,
4. everyone around you believes it,
5. it has supernatural qualities,
6. it fits my beliefs anyway,
7. it sounds rational to me,
8. it is taught by a respectable person,
9. it was said to be the truth by the teacher,
10. one must defend it or fight for it.

However, only when it agrees with your experience and reason, and when it is conducive to the good and gain of oneself and all others, then one should accept the teachings, and live up to them."

Seeker of truth has to indulge in deeper self-search  by discriminating between the dual (waking or dream) and non-dual (deep sleep) experiences and understand and assimilate this existence of formless witness( consciousness), which is beyond the form time and space. Consciousness is the very form of existence,though one would find it difficult to understand because of the intoxication of experience of duality,which is present in the form of universe. 

This formless non-dual consciousness, which is beyond the mind and it, is never subject to any change by any cause, but the waking is subject to change as deep sleep or dream, and when this is realized than one becomes aware of the fact that, the subject and object are one in essence. 

The difference between mind (universe) and soul (consciousness) is only when one considers the waking entity as self. From the ultimate standpoint there is no second thing exist other than consciousness, because the formless substance and witness of the mind or universe is consciousness.  The mind and soul are one in essence.

Some organized religions follow monotheism where God is the supreme and none except him.

Theism is in traditional sense; it is the belief in at least one God. Monotheism is defined as the belief in only one god and polytheism is defined as belief in many gods.

Some organized religions follow monotheism where God is the supreme and none except him. These god centric faiths follow a particular code of conducts that the ‘believer’ has to follow without questioning. He cannot question those rules, the life of the sage or the ultimate God. The individualized gods God is isolated from the nature and everything is GOD’s. Thus an element of attachment to a name and gender, obstruction to free thinking and free will can be seen in all belief system.

History speaks   that in the past those who questioned the validity of this religious authority were exiled, killed or termed as irreligious and condemned. 

Theism, in this specific sense, conceives of God as personal, present and active in the governance and organization of the world and the universe.

Mundaka Upanishad/3/1/8: Eye cannot see him, nor words reveal him; by the senses, austerity, or works he is not known. When the mind is cleansed by the grace of wisdom, he is seen by contemplation–the One without parts.

Brihad Aranyaka Upanishad/ 3/8/9: It is in truth that Imperishable, O Gargi, who is not seen but is the seer, who is not heard but is the hearer, who is not thought but is the thinker, who is not known but is the knower. There is no other seer but him, no other hearer but him, no other thinker but him, no other knower but him. And it is that Imperishable which is the warp and the woof of space.
Thus, the Vedic scriptures recognize the unity of REALITY without any human intervention or intercession. 

Religion and mysticism is a species of mesmerism affecting weaker or impressionable minds. Thus the panoply of a guru’s religious robes or presence of god men creates unconscious suggestion in weaker minds of a superior power or magical knowledge. Similarly, mass visitors to ashrams are suggested into thinking they experience great peace and their wishes will be fulfilled if they unconditionally surrender to guru or god men.  Since they are unconsciously hypnotized into believing that will happen. However, when a strong mind which is aware of the truth meets a guru or god men are entirely unaffected.  Whatever happening within the waking experience is part of the duality, thus it cannot be part of the reality. 

Brihad Aranyaka Upanishad (/3/7/3 – 22):- 

3. “He who dwells in the earth, yet is other than the earth, whom the earth does not know, whose body is the earth, who controls the earth from within–he is the ‘Atman’ within you, the Inner Controller, the immortal.

4.”He who dwells in the waters, yet is other than the waters, whom the waters do not know, whose body is the waters, who controls the waters from within–he is the ‘Atman’  within you, the Inner Controller, the immortal.

5.”He who dwells in the fire, yet is other than the fire, whom the fire does not know, whose body is the fire, who controls the fire from within–he is the ‘Atman’  within you, the Inner Controller, the immortal.

6″He who dwells in space, yet is other than space, whom space does not know, whose body is space, who controls space from within–he is the ‘Atman’  within you, the Inner Controller, the immortal.

7.”He who dwells in the wind, yet is other than the wind, whom the wind does not know, whose body is the wind, who controls the wind from within–he is the ‘Atman’  within you, the Inner Controller, the immortal.

8.”He who dwells in the sky, yet is other than the sky, whom the sky does not know, whose body is the sky, who controls the sky from within– he is the ‘Atman’  within you, the Inner Controller, the immortal.

9. “He who dwells in the sun, yet is other than the sun, whom the sun does not know, whose body is the sun, who controls the sun from within–he is the ‘Atman’ within you, the Inner Controller, the immortal.

10. “He who dwells in the regions of space, yet is other than the regions of space, whom the regions of space do not know, whose body is the regions of space, who controls the regions of space from within–he is the ‘Atman’  within you, the Inner Controller, the immortal.

11. “He who dwells in the moon and the stars, yet is other than the moon and the stars, whom the moon and the stars do not know, whose body is the moon and stars, who controls the moon and the stars from within–he is the ‘Atman’  within you, the Inner Controller, the immortal.

12. “He who dwells in the atmosphere, yet is other than the atmosphere, whom the atmosphere does not know, whose body is the atmosphere, who controls the atmosphere from within–he is the ‘Atman’ within you, the Inner Controller, the immortal.

13. “He who dwells in the darkness, yet is other than the darkness, whom the darkness does not know, whose body is the darkness, who controls the darkness from within–he is the ‘Atman’ within you, the Inner Controller, the immortal.

14. “He who dwells in the light, yet is other than the light, whom the light does not know, whose body is the light, who controls the light from within–he is the ‘Atman’  within you, the Inner Controller, the immortal.

“So far with reference to the divinities. Now with reference to beings.

15. “He who dwells in all beings, yet is other than all beings, whom all beings do not know, whose body is all beings, who controls all beings from within–he is the ‘Atman’  within you, the Inner Controller, the immortal.

“So far with reference to beings. Now with reference to the body.

16. “He who dwells in the life breath, yet is other than the life breath, whom the life breath does not know, whose body is the life breath, who controls the life breath from within–he is the ‘Atman’  within you, the Inner Controller, the immortal.

18. “He who dwells in the eye, yet is other than the eye, whom the eye does not know, whose body is the eye, who controls the eye from within–he is the ‘Atman’ within you, the Inner Controller, the immortal.

19. “He who dwells in the ear, yet is other than the ear, whom the ear does not know, whose body is the ear, who controls the ear from within–he is the ‘Atman’ within you, the Inner Controller, the immortal.

20. “He who dwells in the mind, yet is other than the mind, whom the mind does not know, whose body is the mind, who controls the mind from within–he is the ‘Atman’ within you, the Inner Controller, the immortal.

21. “He who dwells in the skin, yet is other than the skin, whom the skin does not know, whose body is the skin, who controls the skin from within–he is the ‘Atman’ within you, the Inner Controller, the immortal.

22. “He who dwells in the understanding, yet is other than the understanding, whom the understanding does not know, whose body is the understanding, who controls the understanding from within–he is the ‘Atman’ within you, the Inner Controller, the immortal.

The above verses show that the creator is the life force of living beings and the dynamism of the cosmos. This also shows the dual aspect of REALITY being manifested, yet, unmanifested, known, yet unknown and being inside yet being outside.

These are merely addressing some of the most common criticisms heaped against Hinduism to show how misplaced and abrahamic their understanding of Hinduism is and in fact, going by their own play book, specifically on monotheism, the Vedic discourse itself completely refutes them, for, Vedic metaphysics is not dependent on the need for believing in a human messenger to attain salvation.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

In deep sleep the entire universe disappears as consciousness, that is, it becomes unreal.

In deep sleep the entire universe disappears as consciousness, that is, it  becomes unreal. Therefore, the different states are really relative to each other. In truth when the self  gets the conscious of Reality, there is no distinction between the three states.

The term experience must be used differently from the term illusion. An experience is any passing fancy or any feeling or any desire which comes and goes as waking or dream.

 A mirage is not an experience in the sense however, a sensation of some object which is apparently outside the  soul ,the innermost self. Thus one will form an idea of a car whereas he will have the thought of driving the car from one town to another.

The point to be noted is that the dreamer may imagine himself to be dancing, drinking or flying when in waking life, he never does any of these. Hence his dream ego is entirely a concocted one, fictitious and superimposed on reality. Precisely, the same applies to the waking ego.

 Waking experience includes the others because it is only when one is awake that he knows dream and sleep exists. During dream, he takes it for the time being as though it was waking, and he is unable to know otherwise. The necessary contrast to enable him to distinguish between the states can only be effected whilst awake, when only he can perceive that waking is only a state that comes and goes; he cannot perceive this during dream or sleep. Hence realization can only be effected in the waking experience. Therefore, the seekers  to analyze the three states.
When in a dream, if one is  aware that all the forms, that one see are of the same stuff as the essence of the mind; it is knowledge; the dream ceases to be a dream with its reality, and it comes and goes as simply as mirage.

When mind is present then  at it is waking experience; when it is still as in sleep the waking experience disappears. Therefore, by comparison one can infer and agreement that the existence of the Waking experience is connected with the duality which is mind. 

The attributes however, of the mountain one see in dream i.e. its hardness, sizes form is in the mind. Similarly, in the Waking experience, the attributes however, of the various people and objects, are in the mind. Mind ceases to work in sleep and death However, its basis still continues and must continue.

Everything exists in Deep Sleep, and from it one gets the whole Waking experience and dream.

Many people claim that they spoken to God but they are unaware of the fact that, no conceptual God can exist, apart from formless soul consciousness, the innermost self.

Many people claim that they spoken to God but they are unaware of the fact that, no conceptual God can exist, apart from formless soul  consciousness, the innermost self.

People are not aware of the fact that, there is no individual God can exist, apart from soul, which is in the form of consciousness. Thus the soul or Consciousness is the true self. If there is no consciousness, then there is no body, no ego, no universe, no religion and no conceptual god.

People think that there must be a creator of this universe. If one thinks physical entity or ego as self, then there is a creator, but if one thinks the consciousness or consciousness as the Self, then there is nothing exists other than the consciousness, which is the true self.

If one objectifies and sees a universe, then he is bound to see many things beside himself and postulate a God, the creator. Body, God and world rise and set together from, and into, the soul or consciousness, the innermost self. If God is apart from the ‘Self ‘, then He would be Self-less, that is, outside existence, that is, non-existent.

Atman is Brahman and Brahman is GOD.

Brahman is considered the all-pervading consciousness which is the basis of all the animate and inanimate entities and material. (brahmano hi pratisthaham, Bhagavad Gita 14.27)

In Advaita Vedanta: - Brahman is without attributes and strictly impersonal. It can be best described as infinite Being, infinite Consciousness and infinite Bliss. It is pure knowledge itself, similar to a source of infinite radiance. Since the Advaitins regard Brahman to be the Ultimate Truth, so in comparison to Brahman, every other thing, including the material world, its distinctness, the individuality of the living creatures and even Ishvara (the Supreme Lord) itself are all untrue. Brahman is the effulgent cause of everything that exists and can possibly exist. Since it is beyond human comprehension, it is without any attributes, for assigning attributes to it would be distorting the true nature of Brahman. Advaitins believe in the existence of both Saguna Brahman and Nirguna Brahman; however they consider Nirguna Brahman to be the absolute supreme trut
People make their accumulated knowledge as a yardstick and argue on their own standpoint. Such discussion will not lead anywhere because all the accumulate knowledge are based on the ego and the truth is based on the soul. Thus such discussion will not lead anywhere because they are totally based on different pole. Our reasoning and judgment has to be soul centric not egocentric. It is foolish to accept the truth without verification. 

Only when one becomes aware of that he is in bondage, when he gets the idea of the soul. He tries to know the soul, which is inner most self.   When he becomes aware of the fact that, the inner most self is not the form but it is formless, then only the urge of liberation arises. Once this urge arises then it is impossible to get rid of it. Thus he becomes restless until he becomes aware of the truth he is seeking for.  

The soul, which is the innermost self, is in the form of consciousness. The self is prior to all, bondage and liberation, truth and falsehood. Its existence is self-proved, it cannot be doubted, for it is the essential nature of him who doubts it. 

It is known in immediate perception, prior to all proof. Self is eternal, immutable and complete. Bondage is its association with the three states through ignorance.  The self is neither the waking entity nor the dream entity but it is the formless witness of the waking or dream as the whole. Until one is ignorant he thinks on the base of his waking entity or ego as self and judges on the base of the ego or physical self. This is cause of ignorance and cause of all doubts and confusion. Therefore, his reasoning base has to be rectifies from form to formless in order to know what is truth and what is untruth.   

Soul is the true self. The true self is in the form of consciousness. Consciousness is something other than the physical existence because it cannot be traced as thing or an object. It pervades in everything and everywhere in the whole physical existence.  It is the cause of the physical existence and it itself is uncaused. 

Consciousness persists through all three states. One has to mentally negate all the three states in order to realize the fact that the witness is within the three states and it is without the three states. It is within the three states as their formless substance and it is without the three states as their formless witness. 

The true existence is consciousness without the form, time and space. Therefore the self is nothing other than the consciousness. However, this consciousness is not the flux of states, a stream of consciousness. 

Consciousness is the knower, knowledge, the known. It is infinite, transcendent, the essence of absolute knowledge. And it is also -illumined, free, and real. Thus the consciousness is the knower of all and all else is known other than consciousness. The known is mere illusion created out of the formless knower.  Therefore, the knower and the known are one in essence.   In reality there is neither the knower nor the known but only oneness. 

The various thoughts rise because of ignorance. The ignorance is because of experiencing the illusion as reality. Illusion will prevail until one is remains in the prison of his accumulating knowledge. The accumulated knowledge makes one more and more egoic.  And the egoic attitude will block one from acquiring the non-dual wisdom.  The truth cannot be bought in the spiritual super market, but seeker has to acquire it with his own mental effort by constant inquiry, analysis and reasoning.   Patience, humility and receptiveness are needed in pursuit of truth.